Obama Weekly Address: 2013 Can Be A Year Of Solid Economic Growth
Maher: Conservative "Con Men" Beck & Limbaugh Are "Separating Rubes From Their Money"
Ezra Klein: The Case For Immigration Reform As Economic Policy
Senior Obama Adviser Dan Pfeiffer: White House Sometimes "Too Insular"
Karl Rove: Government Has Kept Us From Growing And Prospering
Rep. Susan Brooks Gives GOP Weekly Address: "Pass A Budget Or You Don't Get Paid"
Totenberg: "Conservatives Want To Take A Knife" To Hillary's Throat
David Brooks: Hagel Did "A Very Poor Job," "Projected Weakness" At Hearing
Bernstein: Cutting Government Spending Reason Why Economy Shrunk
The McLaughlin Group 2/1/13
Geraldo Rivera Says He's "Seriously Considering" Running For Senate
"Real Time" Panelists Debate The Effectiveness Of Gun Control
Maddow: Conservatives Don't Argue In An "Evidence-Based World"
Steve Wynn: "Suck It Up" If You Don't Agree With Obama
Chris Matthews: John McCain Had Vietnam Flashback During Hagel HearingCarney Refuses To Deny Kerry Claim He Was Offered State Job Before Rice Withdrew
Fluke: Contraception Mandate Opponents Have "Very Extreme Ideas About Religious Freedom"
Bob Schieffer: Hagel's Nomination "May Be In Trouble"
Sen. Rand Paul On Failure To Ban Transfer Of F-16s From U.S. To Egypt
O'Reilly: Sen. Robert Menendez Is In Trouble
Alter: Democrats Have "An Uphill Fight" To Win Back The House
Fineman: Paul Ryan Made "Big Mistake" Talking About Takers & Makers
Maddow: In 2000, McCain Thought Hagel Would Be A Good Defense Secretary
Matthews On Hagel Hearing: "The Boiling Hatred Of The American Right Poured Over"
- …Breaking news! Defendant Barack Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al. Notice of Default filed | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
- Top Stories - For First Time, Most Americans Believe Federal Government Threatens Personal Freedoms - AllGov - News
- PressTV - Shocking numbers show media lying to you about unemployment
- "Y"
- "Y-2"
- Iran's Legal Right To Enrich Uranium Challenged
- FLUORIDEGATE An American Tragedy | Farm Wars
- Wal Thornhill & David Talbott | EU 2013 Off-Stage - YouTube
- Spooky Number Of Americans Believe In Ghosts
- For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
- GUN BAN COVER-UP: If the semi-auto firearm has anything to grip it by, it is banned... | by Alan Korwin | RedFlagNews.com
- Duke of Edinburgh invites climate change heretic David Bellamy to Buckingham Palace - Telegraph
- Adverts for Elm guest house included a coded invitation to perverts - Mirror Online
- Prosecutor Determining if Lanza Mental Health Documents Can Be Released | NBC Connecticut
- Sandy Hook Gene Rosen 2008 at Fema Camp - YouTube
- Gun Control: Joe Biden Unchained - YouTube
- Sixty mayors to gang up on gun companies unless they stop defending their rights « Bob Owens
- A Single Intelligence Network for a New World Order | ZenHaven
- OpEdNews - Article: Have We Lost Our Humanity?
- The 12 Worst Supermarkets in America
- Garth Lenz: The true cost of oil | Video on TED.com
- Crude Behavior: The Tarnished Legacy of the Tar Sands Industry – EcoWatch: Uniting the Voice of the Grassroots Environmental Movement
- OpEdNews - Article: Do You Have a Social Media Burial Plan?
- Convicted murderer mistakenly released in Chicago - CNN.com
- Stanton Friedman Reveals UFO MJ-12 Secrets | VIDEO | INTERVIEW
- "Retired Penn State President [Eric Walker] (1956-70) was Rumored to Have Attended Discussions at Wright-Patterson AFB Concerning Debris-Recovery Revelations from the Alleged 1947 Roswell, N.M., Crash"
- Big brother to log your drinking habits and waist size | Mail Online
- Activist Post: Wal-Mart, Pepsi and 20 Major Food Companies Consider Lobbying for GMO Labeling?
- Suicidal Sensors: Darpa Wants Next-Gen Spy Hardware to Literally Dissolve | Danger Room | Wired.com
- The Black Hornet - tiny spy drone that can follow enemy targets all the way home | Mail Online
- DARPA To Test Planes With Lasers by 2014
- Activist Post: INDECT: Big Brother's Full Spectrum Surveillance Project
- High Ranking US Major General Exposes September 11 High - YouTube
- Conspiracy Theory W/ Jesse Ventura: Manchurian Candidate [Season 1, Episode 6] (Full Length • HD) - YouTube
- Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of our Lives - YouTube
- Monsanto Company Formally Joins Global Agenda 21 Front Group (NYSE:MON) | Market Daily News
- Exposed: How Whole Foods and the Biggest Organic Foods Distributor Are Screwing Workers | Alternet
- The College Conspiracy - YouTube
- Proof the US Government Is A Criminal Enterprise Organization | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
- The Highest Court In OUTLAW Country
- The Real Truth About Winning A Civil War
- Signs of life discovered in sub-glacial lake buried half a mile beneath the snowy wastes of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet | Mail Online
- Mail Online | Error
- European Space Agency unveils plans for mankind's first habitable MOON BASE | Mail Online
- 15 Signs That You Better Get Prepared For The Obama Recession Of 2013
- PressTV - Iran used 144 times in Hagel hearing, Israel 166 times
- All 6 Former Israeli Security Chiefs Slam Occupation of Palestine - Washington's Blog
- Ban Ki-moon Fails To Condemn Israeli Aggression
- The Dark Side of Chocolate - Child Slavery - YouTube
- The Internet in 1969 - YouTube
- Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering – The Invisible Elephant in the Room « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
- Scientists infuse 'life' into inanimate compounds - latimes.com
- Rotten Egg Gas May Be Key to Human Longevity | Medicine | Sci-News.com
- The 3% Solution
- Will Deep-sea Mining Yield an Underwater Gold Rush?
- Supreme Court to Review Case on Obama’s Forged Documents | The Liberty Beacon
- Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home | Mail Online
- The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook | Veterans Today
- The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi - YouTube
- Activist Post: 2014: Too Late to Leave The United States?
- Social Inequality In America
- A spin doctor, a Hollywood player and a Harvard don: meet the fabulous Emanuel Boys - Americas - World - The Independent
- 9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) (Part One of Two) - YouTube
- 9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) (Part Two of Two) - YouTube
- Hollywood Hologram - Programming in the Stars: ENTIRE HOLLYWOOD MK DECEPTION SERIES
- HIPPIES - full doc - YouTube
- For First Time, Most Americans Believe Federal Government Threatens Personal Freedoms - BlackListedNews.com
- A Summary of the U.S. Senate's Draconian Gun Control Proposals - BlackListedNews.com
- Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle fatally shot at Texas shooting range | Fox News
- Government Protects Criminals by Attacking Whistleblowers - BlackListedNews.com
- Retirement Savings Accounts Draw U.S. Consumer Bureau Attention - Bloomberg
- The Putrid Smell Suddenly Emanating From European Banks - BlackListedNews.com
- How The Fed’s Latest QE Is Just Another European Bailout - BlackListedNews.com
- Qatar’s Agenda in Syria: Global stature and a pipeline through Syria. - BlackListedNews.com
- The New National Identification System Is Coming - BlackListedNews.com
- Hillary Clinton: International Order | New World Order - BlackListedNews.com
- A Century of Income Taxation: Vastly More Revenue, Even Vaster Debt - BlackListedNews.com
- Big brother to log your drinking habits and waist size | Mail Online
- Obama Gun Ban Models That of Hitler | Dprogram.net
- Rev. Jesse Jackson Says Gun Supporters Are Domestic Terrorists | Dprogram.net
- Blood for Oil: A Pipeline in Pakistan | Dprogram.net
- The REAL Reason the U.S. Wants to Invade Pakistan | Dprogram.net
- The volatility of Gas, Geo-Politics and the Greater Middle East. An Interview with Major Agha H. Amin | Dprogram.net
- Mitch McConnell comes out for legal hemp after discussions with Rand Paul | Dprogram.net
- McCain and Schumer Move to Force Americans to Use Biometric ID for Employment | Dprogram.net
- Military Terror Hits US Cities As Veterans Banned From Owning Guns
- Obama Plan For World War III Stuns Russia
- Obama Plan To Massacre Americans Chills Russia
- Please, President Obama. Not another ‘national conversation.’ - The Washington Post
- On Immigration, What Obama Can Learn From Bush's Failed Efforts - NationalJournal.com
- Pro-Choice and Pro-Life - Avik Roy - National Review Online
- The Virtual Middle Class Rises - NYTimes.com
- Jackson falls from progressives' favor | TribLIVE
- The Mirage of the Arab Spring | Foreign Affairs
- Pay No Attention to That Anemic Economy - NationalJournal.com
- Banks, at Least, Had a Friend in Geithner - NYTimes.com
- Worldview: Hillary Clinton was loyal soldier but no great shakes at policy
- Obama, build a lasting urban legacy - NY Daily News
- Gun control: Dems never waste a good tragedy | guns, obama, gun - Opinion - The Orange County Register
- An America cramped by defensiveness - The Washington Post
- DN Editorial: WALL ST. WEAK - Philly.com
- Why Obama Is Giving Up on Right-Leaning Whites - NationalJournal.com
- Premature Reports of GOP Death | RealClearPolitics
- 10 Ways Liberal Education Fails Students -- and Society | RealClearPolitics
- Hillary: Secretary of empowerment - CNN.com
- Rosa Parks, Revisited - NYTimes.com
- RealClearPolicy - Immigration Policy Is No Longer About Mexico
- Affordable Housing
- The Federal-State Crack-up - Mario Loyola - The American Interest Magazine
- Jay Starkman: Many Unhappy Returns—Millions of Them - WSJ.com
- Amnesty's Not Enough | New Republic
- The New National Identification System Is Coming
- America’s maritime infrastructure: Crying out for dollars | The Economist
- Can Big Data Save American Schools? Bill Gates Is Betting on Yes - Dana Goldstein - The Atlantic
- Will the GOP Surrender on Immigration? | The American Conservative
- Who’s afraid of ‘the Israel Lobby’? | Full Comment | National Post
- I'd like to thank the Senate Armed Services Committee | Stephen M. Walt
- Chuck Hagel Israel Questioning Shows Sway Of Conventional Thinking In Congress
- The Virtual Middle Class Rises - NYTimes.com
- Although splintered, al-Qaeda still poses threat to U.S. interests - The Washington Post
- New Old Libya - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
- The Myths of America's Shadow War - Loch K. Johnson - The Atlantic
- Boston Review — Pedro Salazar Ugarte: Taking Off (Mexico)
- Income Taxes: How a Century of Taxes Can Clarify Today's Debate | TIME.com
- Super Bowl: NFL money still on top - Feb. 1, 2013
- GDP: Gov’t Domestic Product - NYPOST.com
- Is Your Mind for Sale? Inside the Allure of Digital Sweatshops | Collective Intelligence | Big Think
- Mind-meld brain power is best for steering spaceships - tech - 01 February 2013 - New Scientist
- Owl Mystery Unraveled: Scientists Explain How Bird Can Rotate Its Head Without Cutting Off Blood Supply to Brain - 01/31/2013
- Flies of the World Embrace Vegetarianism | UANews
- CBS Bans SodaStream Ad. Where's The Outrage? - Forbes
- The End of the Web, Search, and Computer as We Know It | Wired Opinion | Wired.com
- The Origins of 'Big Data': An Etymological Detective Story - NYTimes.com
- Yes, U.S. authorities can spy on EU cloud data. Here's how | ZDNet
- 10 Greatest Super Bowl Tech Ads of All Time
- Top 7 Most In-Demand Tech Skills For 2013 – ReadWrite
- Tools for the paranoid: 5 free security tools to protect your data | PCWorld
- BBC - Future - Technology - When smart is not so smart
- Can You Be Trusted With Google's Driverless Car? - Forbes
- The Digital Self: What happens when your phone knows you better than you do? | Digital Trends
- Are Your Children Circumventing Internet Filters?
- RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis
- Limited War: Afghanistan
- The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Scandal - Top 10 Leaks - TIME
- Unconditional Surrender: Questioning FDR's Prerequisite for Peace | WWII | Command Posts
- Open-mike night for self-published authors - The Washington Post
- Rushdie banished from Calcutta
- Senator Marco Rubio surrendered strategic ground on immigration!
- The Fundamental Law of Sovereignty
- Absorbing Immigrants - Play the Principle, Not Votebank
- Homeland Security’s Napolitano, Morton Livin’ It Up @ SuperBowl; ICE . . . We Keep You Safe From T-Shirts!
- Coke Caves to HAMAS/Hezbo Arabs, Now Gays Upset @ Arab in Coke Superbowl Ad
- Remembering Ed Koch, Proud Jew, Briefly Conservative, Of Blessed Memory
- Senate plan would give Napolitano the final say on border security - The Hill
- Top Donors to Republicans Seek More Say in Senate Races - NYTimes.com
- Obama mocked for releasing skeet shoot photo during gun-control debate - NYPOST.com
- Ahmadinejad unveils Iran's newest combat jet | Fox News
- Iran threatens to knock Israel 'comatose' for Syria strike | The Times of Israel
- Obama defends spending, blames slowing economy on ‘bad decisions in Washington’ - Washington Times
- Hillary: We 'Welcome China's Rise' | The Weekly Standard
- China the world's 'most sophisticated' hacker, says Google's Eric Schmidt - Telegraph
- My Way News - China poised to control strategic Pakistani port
- Energy Secretary Chu steps down after Solyndra scandal - NYPOST.com
- Ted Cruz shows that Hagel slandered both Israel and the U.S. | Power Line
- US Embassy bomber reportedly had terror conviction | Fox News
- Schumer: Border security should not block legalizing illegals | The Daily Caller
- The Global Leadership Vacuum: Europe Incapable, America Unwilling - SPIEGEL ONLINE
- The PJ Tatler » Obama Recovery Going So Well That Two-Thirds Are Delaying Retirement
- Etch A Sketch inventor Andre Cassagnes dies aged 86 - Telegraph
- Illegal Guns and Bullet Casings Used to Make… Jewelry? Check Out the ‘Caliber Collection’
- These Five Children Have Had 20 Collective Surgeries and the Eldest Is Only 8 Years Old
- What Does Turkey Attack Say About U.S. Image in Muslim World?
- Obama’s New Contraceptive Plan: Religiously-Affiliated Groups Can Opt-Out of Birth Control Mandate, But…
- Scott Brown Won’t Be Seeking John Kerry’s Old Senate Seat
- Does This Video Show Marines Standing Guard in Their Boxers After Turkey Terror Attack?
- Radio DJ Suspended After Mocking Woman With Downs Syndrome Who Accidentally Called the Show — Hear What Was Said
- ‘Gay’ Dog Abandoned by His Owner Over His Alleged Sexuality Was About to Be Euthanized — but Narrowly Escapes Death
- What Does the Sequester Mean to National Security?
- Who Is Newsweek’s ‘Most Powerful Woman in American History’?
- Heartbreaking Details a Decade Later: NASA Brass Asked Prophetic Hypothetical Question Regarding Space Shuttle’s Demise
- Al Gore: Fox News & Talk Radio ‘Propaganda’ Has Created a ‘Hostile Environment’ for Progressives
- ‘NBC Is Pravda’: Do Deceptively Edited Videos Further Corrode America’s Trust in the Media?
- Secret Service Chief to Step Down This Month
- Survey: 17 Percent of Male Marines, 4 Percent of Females Likely to Leave Service If Women Put Into Combat Roles
- UPDATED: Military Vet Ordered to Remove Tiny American Flag From Patio: ‘I Saw the Flag Flying in Afghanistan, It’d Be Nice to See It Flying Here, Too’
- RIP Barney Bush: Former President’s Dog Dies at Age 12
- This Incredible ‘Moonrise’ Video Is NOT a Time-Lapse
- Ten of the Strangest Mailboxes You’ve Ever Seen
- Israeli President Asks Netanyahu to Form Next Government
- ‘We Were Heartbroken’: Wounded Warrior Project Reportedly Refused to Take Church’s ‘Religious in Nature’ Donation
- Biden: We’re Prepared to Hold Direct Talks With Iran — But Only if They Take it Seriously
- Horror: Turkish Authorities Find Body of Missing American Woman in Istanbul
- Chris Matthews: John McCain’s an ‘Angry’ Vietnam Vet Who’s Having ‘Flashbacks’
- Congressional Black Caucus Member: Obama Disrespects Blacks
- Israel Hints for the First Time it Was Behind Syria Airstrike — as Assad Vows to ‘Confront Any Aggression’
- George Soros Says He Donated to Pro-Obama Super PAC With ‘Great Reluctance’
- Are Postal Workers Immune to Traffic Regulations? One Lawyer Thinks So
- Jesse Jackson Wants Homeland Security to Patrol Streets of Chicago
- Jesse Jackson Repeats Claim That Semi-Autos Can ‘Shoot Down Airplanes’ — Now They Can Also ‘Blow Up Railroads’
- Panetta Justifies Benghazi Response Time: ‘You Cannot Simply Call and Expect Within 2 Minutes to Have a Team in Place’
- Soros: Obama Trying to ‘Split the Republican Party’ & Push the Tea Party ‘Out Into the Wilderness’
- Sandy Hook Choir Gives Unforgettable Performance of ‘America the Beautiful’ at Super Bowl
- Oregon Baker Faces State Investigation After Refusing to Make Same-Sex Couple’s Wedding Cake
- Feminist Icon Gloria Steinem Calls on Texans to ‘Dis-Elect’ ‘Authoritarian…Dictatorial, Unacceptable American’ Rick Perry
- How Much Truth Was There in President Obama’s Pre-Super Bowl Interview?
- Wayne LaPierre: Obama Trying to Take Away Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns and Create a Universal Gun Registry
- Saudi Cleric Confesses to Murdering 5-Year-Old Daughter Over Virginity Concerns — Gets a Fine & Brief Jail Time
- Uh Oh: Power Goes Out at the Super Bowl
- Former Soldier Charged With Capital Murder in the Death of Chris Kyle
- White House Dared People To Photoshop Obama’s Gun Picture…And Did They Ever
- In Case You Missed It The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
- No Place To Hide Americans Are Living in an Orwellian State.
- Containing China by “Fighting Al-Qaeda” in Africa
- Criminal Insanity of Clinton’s Double-think
- Tel Aviv Historian Uncovers "Land of Israel" Myths
- “The Invention of the Jewish People"
- The Extermination Of Truth In Amerika Law No Longer Exists
- Meet the Contractors Turning America's Police Into a Paramilitary Force
- An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism
- +Working for Ron Paul;Jeff Deist talks to Lew Rockwell
- Download: Working for Ron Paul;Jeff Deist talks to Lew Rockwell
- “Prometheus”: A Movie About Alien Nephilim and Esoteric Enlightenment
- The 2013 Mercedes Super Bowl Commercial and its Occult Message
- ARGUS: The Technology that Takes Video Surveillance to Another Level (video)
- Major Hollywood Talent Agency Throws a Lewd Mind Control-Themed Party at Sundance Festival
- Jimmy Savile Was Part of Satanic Ring; Other BBC Star Stuart Hall Charged with Sexual Abuse on Children
- Four Days after Sandy Hook Tragedy: Live Shooter Drill Hoax in East Harlem, on Nation’s “Most Vulnerable” School Children
- Illegal Invasions, “Rogue States”, Forgotten Victims and a Shaming Plea
- Recession, Depression or Jobless Recovery? Long-Term Unemployment under “Neoliberal Capitalism”
- Hip-Hop and the Politics of Social Engineering: Lupe Fiasco, Jay-Z and Barack Obama’s Inauguration
- Week in Review: Cyber-Warriors, the 9/11 Plan and Neo-Nazism
- Our Understanding of the Effects of Fluoride Is Like Our Understanding of Lead in the 1970s
- Drone Warfare: US Covert Actions in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
- CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture”
- Crimes against Humanity: Stealing Palestine’s Water Resources
- Illegal Hoax Drill School Shooting on 300 Students in East Harlem
- Wars That Aren’t Meant to Be Won
- Deadly Impacts of US Sponsored Sanctions on Iran
- Obama II Pentagon Committed to “Global War on Terrorism”: US Defense Nominee Hagel Recants “Iran Threat”, Support to Israel
- Obama’s Geopolitical China ‘Pivot’: The Pentagon Targets China
- Iranian Oops: Has Washington Broken its Own Sanctions by Buying Oil from the Islamic Republic?
- American Drones Over Africa: New US Military Bases in West Africa
- The Post War II New World Order Map: A Proposal to Re-arrange the World after an Allied Victory
- What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
- The US Economy in Crisis: Recovery is an Illusion
- Secret Space War: America’s Former Nazi Scientists Dream of Ruling the World
- “Extermination of The Truth”: In America Law No Longer Exists
- “Smart Cards” in a Surveillance Society: The Implanted Radio-Frequency Identification Chip
- “Recession is Good for Business”: Dismal Jobs Report Sparks Wall Street Surge
- Must Watch Video- Operation Gladio Part I: From Neo-Fascists to Mujahedeen (aka Al Qaeda)
- Gladio Revisited (video)
- Episode 256 - Gladio Revisited
- Government By Crisis - James Corbett on Wide Awake News
- Interview 595 - Sibel Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running
- Super Bowl City Leads on Energy Efficient Forefront | Department of Energy
- Obama must face the rise of the robots - FT.com
- Mini Drones: Army Deploys Tiny Helicopters
- “Burkas for babies”: Saudi cleric’s new fatwa causes controversy
- 2nd Oval Office Readied in White House Rehab Project | RealClearPolitics
- Iran: President Ahmadinejad unve... JPost - Iranian Threat - News
- Biden: Obama 'Doesn’t Want to Go' to Iraq and Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard
- My Way News - Iraq vet charged in fatal shooting of ex-SEAL
- Exclusive: Google's Eric Schmidt Unloads on China in New Book - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ
- Brazen Military Drills to Tour America in 2013 - YouTube
- 'Gun Violence': The 'National Conversation' We Won't Have by William Norman Grigg
- What the Neocons Really Want by Paul Gottfried
- Now Obama wants your 401(k)
- » Government Protects Criminals by Attacking Whistleblowers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- A True Survival Story: Taking Their Possessions and Some Seeds, They Had Retreated Ever Deeper Into the Forest
- Personal Prepping- Psychiatric Drugs-Dr. Peter Breggin
- Conservative Groups Mock Crossroads' Initiative
- Clinton To Cut Short Overseas Trip to Speak at Koch's Funeral
- The Ed Koch I Knew: A Remembrance
- Obama: Boy Scouts Should Allow Gays as Members
- Gov. Perry: Boy Scouts Should Keep No-Gay Policy
- NRA Likens Universal Checks to Gun Registry
- DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight
- Documents: Pius XII Helped Win WW II
- Schumer: Border Status Not an Immigration Dealbreaker
- FDR Book Authors: Obama ‘Trying to Emulate’ Roosevelt
- Coulter Hits Rubio on 'Amnesty'
- Vigilantes in Mexico Create Gang-Free Zone
- Dick Morris: Obama Causing Double Dip Recession
- Beyond the Super Bowl Hype: Can NFL Players Be Saved From Brain Damage
- Someone's Wrong: CIA and State Dept. Accounts of Benghazi Contradict Gen. Dempsey’s Explanation for Why DOD Sent No Help | CNS News
- White House to Illegals: No Obamacare with Legal Status | CNS News
- Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals in 47 Out of 50 States | CNS News
- Graham to Hagel: ‘Give Me One Example of the Dumb Things’ the ‘Jewish Lobby’ Makes Us Do | CNS News
- Only 5.2% of Highway Funds Used to Build New Roads | CNS News
- Clinton out, Kerry in as secretary of state | CNS News
- Gallup: 61% of Small Business ‘Worried’ Over Healthcare Costs -- 30% Not Hiring, Fear Going Out of Business | CNS News
- Conservative Groups Mock Crossroads' Initiative
- Clinton To Cut Short Overseas Trip to Speak at Koch's Funeral
- The Ed Koch I Knew: A Remembrance
- Obama: Boy Scouts Should Allow Gays as Members
- Gov. Perry: Boy Scouts Should Keep No-Gay Policy
- NRA Likens Universal Checks to Gun Registry
- DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight
- Documents: Pius XII Helped Win WW II
- Schumer: Border Status Not an Immigration Dealbreaker
- FDR Book Authors: Obama ‘Trying to Emulate’ Roosevelt
- Coulter Hits Rubio on 'Amnesty'
- Vigilantes in Mexico Create Gang-Free Zone
- Dick Morris: Obama Causing Double Dip Recession
- Beyond the Super Bowl Hype: Can NFL Players Be Saved From Brain Damage
- Someone's Wrong: CIA and State Dept. Accounts of Benghazi Contradict Gen. Dempsey’s Explanation for Why DOD Sent No Help | CNS News
- White House to Illegals: No Obamacare with Legal Status | CNS News
- Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals in 47 Out of 50 States | CNS News
- Graham to Hagel: ‘Give Me One Example of the Dumb Things’ the ‘Jewish Lobby’ Makes Us Do | CNS News
- Only 5.2% of Highway Funds Used to Build New Roads | CNS News
- Clinton out, Kerry in as secretary of state | CNS News
- Gallup: 61% of Small Business ‘Worried’ Over Healthcare Costs -- 30% Not Hiring, Fear Going Out of Business | CNS News
- The Virtue of Being Industrious
- Is "Gray State" a Psy-Op? Filmmaker says “No”
- The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent
- Faceoff: Is OSHA a Bureaucratic Nightmare, or Necessary Gov't Oversight to Save Lives?
- Washington OK's Israeli Aggression on Syria
- Plenty of Taxpayer Dollars for Super Bowl Sunday, While Hurricane Katrina Victims Still Suffer
- Super Bowl XLVII to Receive Enhanced Security Including NORAD
- Genetic Roulette: Free Screening Until Feb 3rd, Vote For Best Awareness Film
- PA Senator: Legalizing Marijuana Could Bring in Millions
- Georgia police acquired $200 million worth of military-grade vehicles and weapons through DoD
- Shocking Numbers That Show The Media Is Lying To You About Unemployment In America
- Panetta: U.S. has to maintain open-ended drone war to prevent a terror attack on America
- DHS Tips for Surviving Mass Shootings: Run, Hide, or Arm Yourself with Scissors
- The Truth Left Behind - YouTube
- Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception - YouTube
- Callers React to No Pre-Trib Rapture Claim - YouTube
- Alex Details The Draconian Agenda 21 Plan for America - YouTube
- Dark Side of The Precious Metals Industry: Special Report - YouTube
- We've Crossed The Rubicon Into Psychological Tyranny - YouTube
- Jesse Jackson Says Gun Owners Are Terrorists - YouTube
- G.I. Jane 2013 - YouTube
- Author Rosa Koire Breaks Down The Social Engineering of Humanity - YouTube
- Our Foreign Policy Establishment: Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places
- Media Matters Pushes Flawed Spending Study
- The Argument that Wins the 'Assault Weapon' Debate
- Fights Worth Having
- Madison's Republic
- A Second Bill of Rights, or just another Bill of Goods?
- The Israeli Election Winner is... William F. Buckley!
- Lance and Barack: the Content of their Characters
- The American Appetite for Deception
- Saving Us from Our Degenerate Selves
- Harry Reid to guarantee government shutdown by insisting on more 'revenue' in budget talks
- Ann Romney for Senate?
- Broke pension funds divesting themselves of hugely profitable gun maker stocks
- And the Sunspots Came
- Seven Reasons Why it's a Photoshop
- President Obama wants immigration reform to fail so that he can blame the GOP
- Decorated SEAL and author, Chris Kyle, shot dead at Texas gun range
- ACLU, Unions Sue Michigan Over Right to Work Law
- The Target Explains It
- Do we really need a 'policy intervention' to prevent cats from chasing mice?
- Grumblings from Colin Powell Republicans
- Ag Department rules would ban most foods kids like from school
- Bill Clinton is an Unusually Good Liar and Hillary is No Slouch
- » Sniper Who Defamed Jesse Ventura Killed in Texas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- » DARPA Shows Off 1.8-gigapixel Surveillance Drone, Can Spot A Terrorist from 20,000 Feet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- » 3D Printing of Guns at Home Making Gun Grabbers Nervous Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- » Imprinted: Kids’ Brains “Branded” with Fast-Food Logos Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- » DHS revamping immigrant welcome materials, set to include Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- DHS giving new immigrant welcome materials a makeover | The Daily Caller
- Video: 'Active Shooter Training Video' from US Homeland Security: How to Protect Yourself During a Mass-Shooting -- Use SCISSORS?
- Video: The Worst 80 Seconds of Chuck Hagel's Hearing
- Video: Carney Grilled About Obama Ditching White House Jobs Council (Which Was Ignored for Years)
- Prison Planet.com » It’s Coming: The Government Wants to “Help Manage” Retirement Accounts
- Obama green light for Israel to strike Iranian-Syrian-Hizballah military links
- Prison Planet.com » Communist Cuban Tyrant Raul Castro to Lead Latin American Bloc
- Prison Planet.com » Enter The House Of The Temple
- Prison Planet.com » Rosa Koire Breaks Down The Social Engineering of Humanity
- Prison Planet.com » Rise Of The Preppers: 50 Of The Best Prepper Websites And Blogs On The Internet
- Prison Planet.com » Hundreds of thousands of Master’s degree holders, PhDs on food stamps
- Prison Planet.com » The Panopticon Prison System
- Prison Planet.com » South Carolina Bill Exempts Unorganized Militia From Federal Gun Grab
- Prison Planet.com » Sitting All Day is Killing You – It’s Time to Stand Up for Health
- Prison Planet.com » GSK Swine Flu Shot Sparks Another Case of Life-Threatening Narcolepsy
- Blog: Phil comes through: Expect an early spring
- Police: 3 men face charges in slaying of Aurora woman
- Semi-automatic handgun used to kill ‘American Sniper’ author Chris Kyle at Texas gun range: official - NY Daily News
- 'American Sniper' Allegedly Gunned Down by Fellow Veteran - YouTube
- Tax Loopholes May Be Next, Obama Says
- John Kerry Had a Busy First Weekend as Secretary of State
- As gun-ban prospects fade, NRA takes aim elsewhere
- President Obama Shooting A Gun?! Whoa, What's Going on Here?
- Boy Scouts should grant full equality
- Does NRA's single voice have most influence in gun debate?
- Panetta says decisions to use unmanned drone strikes don't come lightly
- Israeli airstrike in Syria targeted a shipment of weapons, 2 US officials say
- SKorea, US begin drills amid NKorea nuclear threat
- Iran hedges on nuclear talks with six powers or US
- Dozens Die in Attack on Police in Iraqi City
- Fidel Castro votes in Cuba election
- Silvio Berlusconi pledges property tax repeal
- Another 2 Bodies Found in Mexico Oil Company Blast
- Missing mom from Staten Island found dead in Turkey: Report
- As international troops draw down in Afghanistan, peace talks with Taliban flounder | Fox News
- Yen Declines Versus Majors on Growth Optimism for U.S., Europe
- Do you need to fear rising interest rates?
- United States and Mexico Reach Tomato Deal, Averting a Trade War
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- Forget the Super Bowl. Critical Java patch released; update now
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- Russia-launched satellite, rocket plunges into Pacific Ocean [Video]
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- Schoolgirl Shot by the Taliban Is Progressing
- Super Bowl Ads Speak to a Generation. But Which One?
2 February
- William J Federer's American Minute for February 2nd
- What Happened on February 2nd This Day in History
- This Day in History for 2nd February | HistoryOrb.com
- February 2 Events in History
- Today in History: February 2
- Today in History: February 2
- Today in History for Wednesday, February 2nd - YouTube