"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

01 June 2010

Mon 31st,Tues 1st

YouTube - Monty Python - Self-Defense Against Fruit

American Jews and Israel

Of Semites and Semantics

Pax Israeli

Wise Guys: The End of Free-Market Capitalism

Blumenthal, Reagan, and the Big Lie

Obama's Charm Offensive Masks Israel Policy Change

How the Liberal Mind Works

A Hole in the Fence of Immigration Reform

The Unwarranted Castigation of Israel

Obama and Media Minions Inspire Violence

An Ode to Citizen Journalists

The Agitator-in-Chief

Sarah Palin and the Multitude of Dummies

The Smallest President

German President tells the truth; forced to resign

Support for Capital Punishment in the U.S. is Higher than Surveys Indicate

Iran has enough fuel to make two bombs: IAEA

'Owning' the oil spill, White House tries to run away

Global Warming Theory Challenged by Top UK Scientific Body

The unconstitutional census

The emergence of 'propaganda kamikazes'

Turks should look to their own brutality against Kurds before condemning others

ABC Bashes Bush on Memorial Day

24 hrs on: Where is the President of the United States?

Remembering the Forgotten

Never Give Up Your Weapons

When Masculine Virtues Go Out of Fashion

Standing with Heroes

What Memorial Day Means to a Veteran

The death of the myth of Obama's competence?

Smoke and mirrors in the new 'jobs' bill

Kagan's Disdain For Constitutional Law

ACORN insider lays out the 'stealth socialism' strategy

Recalling a Bush Memorial Day address at Arlington

On taxes, Hillary should put her money where her mouth is

Obama's line-item veto gambit is a reach for more power

Our IRS overlords in the lap of tax-payer funded luxury

Truth-telling on offshore oil development

The Gaza Flotilla Op

NYT Beats Drums Against Israel, Whitewashes Militants Aboard Flotilla Ship

Al Qaeda's #3 leader killed in Afghanistan

"Yes, We Can Push Out BP "

Mullen criticizes gay ban repeal vote

Jindal Faults Feds On Cleanup, Says There Could Have Been 'More Urgency'. Meanwhile, Louisiana Remains In Pocket of Big Oil

Nuking the Well: A Gulf-Saver?

Sad Milestone On Memorial Weekend: 1000 GIs Dead In Afghanistan Invasion

Where's the oil? Right Wing pundits dismissed spill.

Ed Markey: 'I Have no Confidence Whatsoever in BP' - Actions Would Qualify as Criminal

Corexit ® : Safer than dish soap

Justice Department may step into the fray against Arizona's hateful SB 1070

Review: Documentary "Casino Jack and The United States of Money" Examines The Gospel Of Ka-Ching

Israeli commandos open fire on Gaza aid ship, at least 16 reported killed

George Will on Obama and the Oil Spill: 'He's being unfairly blamed, and it sort of serves him right.'

A Modest Proposal: Why Not The Death Penalty For Egregious, Reckless and Widespread Corporate Pollution?

Slavery in the 21st Century: Over 1000 freed since 1997

Liz Cheney: 'We've Got a President Now Who Thinks That Saying Something Makes it So'

Mike Lux: Deficit Hawks Think Punishing Us Is A Peachy Way to Shrink The Deficit. Of Course They Do!

Heart and Soul: Marcy Winograd!

The Right is slowly making casual talk about violence against 'the Other' acceptable

Dems Refuse to Face War Realities

Conservatives advance meme that spill is Obama's Iranian hostage crisis

In Memphis, unemployment and housing gaps set minorities back 20 years

For The Love of The Game: Softball Team Forfeits Game To Teach Neophyte Opponents How To Play

New Conservative UK Government Begins Textbook Rewrite

Liz Cheney Wants Independent Investigation of Sestak Offer

Robert Reich: Time To Put BP In Receivership, Take Charge Of The Cleanup

Impact Fees

Second Amendment , guns are they for the masses or militia?

Right Libs Silent About Oil Disaster.

Most Agree, Under Obama the Country is Headed in the Wrong Direction

Convention USA: Confronting Unconstitutional Inaction by Congress

NAACP Changed Priorities From Politics to Party

Document says number of attempted attacks on U.S. is at all-time high - CNN.com

EDITORIAL: Climate alarmists on the run - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Photo Op-inion: Honoring the Fallen On Memorial Day

Faces of War: The Fallen Marine « Liveshots

NYPD cop blasts state's 'shoot to wound' bill - NYPOST.com

David Laws resigns over expenses claim - Telegraph

The sweet stench of $uccess - NYPOST.com

Issa seeks probe of White House talks with Sestak - Washington Times

Californians split on Arizona's illegal immigration crackdown - latimes.com

Muslim hate preacher is let into Britain despite Tories' pledge to keep out radicals | Mail Online

McChrystal: Evidence is 'clear' Iran aids Taliban - Washington Times

Israel recoils as US backs nuclear move

Relief well best hope for sealing oil leak - Gulf oil spill- msnbc.com

Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran - Times Online

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Israel storms Gaza 'aid' boat; 9 killed, protests sparked - NYPOST.com

Flotilla activists 'tried to lynch Israeli soldiers'

Thunder, lightning stop Obama Memorial Day speech - Yahoo! News

U.S. believes it has killed al Qaeda's No. 3 man - Washington Times

IAEA: Iran has over 2 tons enriched uranium -2 bombs' worth

Our World: Ending Israel's losing streak

Israeli raid triggers global backlash - Washington Times

YouTube - Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship

flashback:Memorial Day - 1950 | Newstalgia

Thunder, lightning stop Obama Memorial Day speech - Yahoo! News

IAEA: Iran has over 2 tons enriched uranium -2 bombs' worth

Syria conducted nuclear experiments: IAEA document

Sarah Ferguson to Oprah on sting: I was drinking - Yahoo! News

Lauren Rosenberg sues Google, blames faulty Google Maps directions after being hit by car in Utah

My Way News - Poll finds debt-dogged Americans stressed out

U.S. Military Forces Leave Haiti - WSJ.com

Privacy fears 'should not hamper airport security'

Tropical Storm Agatha blows a hole in Guatemala City | World news | The Guardian

Central America floods, mudslides kill 142 - Weather- msnbc.com

Chinese Edge Closer to Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com

CNSNews.com - Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, 'The Word Made Flesh'

Cuba trains Venezuela in military, communications - Yahoo! Finance

US chief takes over Brit troops | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News

Travelers Face Summer of Full Flights and High Fares - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Europe - Economic woes bring Russia and Europe closer

Greece urged to give up euro - Times Online

My Way News - Euro hits new 4-year low against dollar

Reuters AlertNet - Saudi youths in trouble over MTV reality show

True Life | Resist the Power! Saudi Arabia | MTV

BP shares plunge as company struggles to plug leak | Reuters

AFP: Gulf of Mexico fishing ban extended

Dozens of fish species in danger in US oil leak: expert

My Way News - Senators await Kagan papers from Clinton library

My Way News - Glitch shows how much US military relies on GPS

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Monday Morning Federal Newscast - June 1st

Opinion : Wasilla fence fascinating for national media outlets - Frontiersman

My Way News - Palin biographer: I didn't move next door to spy

West Hawaii Today - from archives > Local > Police arrest Census taker

My Way News - Activists send new boat to challenge Gaza blockade

Egypt lifts Gaza blockade

Turkey's PM says Israel should be punished - Yahoo! News

PM visits wounded commandos

'Next time we'll use more force'

'Israeli commandos are wild dogs'

Iran wants Netanyahu to face trial for Gaza raid

Six Navy commandos still hospitalized after flotilla raid

UN calls for impartial probe of Israeli raid

Mossad chief: Iran fuel deal is a distraction maneuver

China condemns IDF raid, but stays quiet on Koreas

YouTube - Gulf Oil Spill?

Bin Laden Says He’s ‘Professionally Envious’ of BP « Borowitz Report

Why Is F/M Being Treated As A Terrible Disease?

Is our demand for cheap food putting our health at risk? - Herald Scotland | News | Health

The Net Worth of the U.S. Presidents: Washington to Obama - Business - The Atlantic

Muslim preacher of hate is let into Britain - Times Online

Watch closely, ‘Star Wars’ hologram TV is coming - Times Online

Google Street View secretly took your wi-fi details... and will use the data to target ads at mobile phones | Mail Online

The Royal Society: too little, too late – Telegraph Blogs

10 million face famine in West Africa - Africa, World - The Independent

Inside the mind of North Korea's Kim Jong-il - Telegraph

Shrewd leader or malignant narcissist? | Peter Beaumont | From the Observer | The Observer

Roy Tov – On Suma Qhana and a Bad Pastor

Red Dawn is being remade, but China ousts Russia as America's new enemy | World news | The Observer

Forces of fear: US as bad as Taliban, refugees claim - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Hebrew Culture for Dummies by Gilad Atzmon

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Predictions for the Near Future

Kevin MacDonald: Elena Kagan and the Decline of WASP America « The Occidental Observer Blog

What was Halliburton's role in US oil spill? - Americas, World - The Independent

Oil spill creates huge undersea 'dead zones' - Americas, World - The Independent

Psychopaths United For Israel « Revolt of the Plebs

savethemales.ca - Cocaine Funds NWO Takeover in S. America

Rothschilds-Rockefellers Prep US, EU For China Conquest

A Nation Of Complete Idiotic, Brain-Dead, Cowardly Sheep

Phoenix-area hospitals fight highly toxic 'supergerm'

Jim Marrs - The Theory JFK's Driver Shot Him

The Royal Society: too little, too late – Telegraph Blogs

Thousands of UN Vehicles and Tons of Equipment Masking At Florida Airbase? UPDATE :

A disgrace of historic proportions - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Mike Mullen On DADT Repeal: Joint Chief Chairman Critical Of Gay Ban Vote

The Associated Press: Radioactive fish near Vt. nuke plant deemed common

US House votes quadrupling of per-barrel oil tax

The Korean Crisis - Cui Bono?

Andy Borowitz: Goldman Sachs Reveals it Shorted Gulf of Mexico

Turkey vents fury at Israeli armed action - Middle East, World - The Independent

Turkey withdraws ambassador to Israel over deaths | World news | guardian.co.uk

World reaction to Israel's predawn raid - CNN.com

Israel criticized over Gaza aid flotilla raid - latimes.com

Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue On Iran : Information Clearing House - ICH

Brave Israeli Commandos Slaughter Aid Activists

Insurgents in Kandahar's undergrowth drag Nato forces into 'green hell' - Asia, World - The Independent

Terror link alleged as Saudi millions flow into Afghanistan war zone - Times Online

Chinese premier calls for calm in Korean row | World news | The Guardian

China shields North Korea at crisis summit - Asia, World - The Independent

The U.S. Economic Collapse Top 20 Countdown

Oil rises above $74 as hurricane season looms - Yahoo! Finance

Devvy -- Memorial Day: Don't forget those slaughtered on the U.S.S. Liberty -- 05/31/10

Flotilla Massacre is a Reply to the Turkish-Iranian Relations «Kawther Salam

savethemales.ca - Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust

What If Iran Had Carried Out The Gaza Carnage?

Direct Bias Shown on BBC on Flotilla Crime «Kawther Salam

Wall Street Operative Geithner Rebuffed in Berlin on Mission to Make World Safe for Derivatives « TARPLEY.net

Presence of world leaders 'paralysed' climate summit, UN letter claims | Environment | The Guardian

'Mini skirt meteorology' used to predict weather - Telegraph

Gary McKinnon extradition can be stopped, says LibDem QC Lord Carlile | Mail Online

Beijing in a sweat as China's economy overheats - Telegraph

‘Welcome To Obama’s Jewish America’ | Real Zionist News

Blaming Everything On Zionists By Semantics

French admit they are racist - Telegraph

Holy Sweet Lord, Turkey has announced they will send another flotilla to Gaza—escorted by the Turkish Navy! | Ian Welsh

Israeli Flotilla Hit Part Of Broader Military Agenda

Debbie Schlussel:UPDATED VIDEO: Yup, Looks Like a “Peaceful” Convoy/Flotilla To Me, Too

Debbie Schlussel:More Memorial Day: MUST READ – Touching Memories of American Soldier Who Gave His Life

Debbie Schlussel:Memorial Day: They Gave Their Lives–& Their Lives Were Taken From Them–So We Could Be Free

Debbie Schlussel:Scary VIDEO: Gaza Terror Flotilla & Animal Life Imitates “Art” in Turkey: Barbarians Attack Israeli Embassy

Debbie Schlussel:Memorial Day?: PBS’ Twice a Year “Patriotism” Concerts

Latest developments: Israeli raid on flotilla – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs


*article links:Weekly Southern African Report


YouTube - Gaza Flotilla Attacked: Israeli troops storm aid ships, up to 20 killed

YouTube - Israeli troops storm Gaza flotilla

YouTube - Freedom Flotilla under attack in International waters

YouTube - IDF Raid on Peace Flotilla

Mavi Marmara VIDEO: Footage From Israeli Raid On Gaza Flotilla

YouTube - 'Israel is a Lunatic State' - Finkelstein on Gaza Flotilla Attack

YouTube - Walter E Williams - Discrimination and Liberty

YouTube - Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

YouTube - Former CIA Officer: Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media

YouTube - Freedom Flotilla Invasion - Footage the Mainstream Media Censors by Ommission

allAfrica.com: Somalia: Nato Commanders Meet Puntland Officials Off Bossaso

JAMES PETRAS : Israeli’s Nuclear Policy: From South Africa to Iran | My Catbird Seat

SOUTH LEBANON: Does Israel Rule the World?

The U.S.S. Liberty and the culture of impunity - Israel - Salon.com

The New Stuermer 2006 Editions

Israel Is The New North Korea, And The Latest Crisis Could Affect The Korean One

Did Activists Attack Israeli Soldiers In Self-Defense?

'Rachel Corrie' solidarity ship resumes sailing after 48 hours delay

U.S. blocks Security Council criticism of Israeli raid - Salt Lake Tribune

Nearly 300 Congress members declare commitment to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2010 Congressional Candidates

Robert Naiman: Rachel Corrie Continues Towards Gaza: Will Obama Let Israel Attack?

AFP: Israel planning massive attack on Gaza: Ahmadinejad

Immigration: Slightly Different Take by Fred Reed

Still Think Israel Doesn’t Control the United States? « LewRockwell.com Blog

Former Boise Woman Unaccounted for in Humanitarian Ship Raid - KIVITV.COM | Boise. News, Breaking News, Weather and Sports-

‘Israel is a Lunatic State’ – Finkelstein on Gaza Flotilla Attack | My Catbird Seat

media monarchy: worldwide condemnation of israel attack on gaza aid ship

un[redacted] news: Turkish Sources - Israeli Advance Target Assassination List Found on Flotilla

MESS Report / After Monday's ocean bloodbath, Israel must work fast to prevent third intifada - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Pakistan condemns Israel over 'inhuman' flotilla siege

Turkey threatens action; Israel on alert - World - ibnlive

BBC News - Deaths as Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ship

Barack Obama's credibility hits rock bottom after oil spill and Sestak scandal - Telegraph

Powell: Sanctions Not Sufficient to End Iran’s Nuclear Program -- News from Antiwar.com

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Israel claims the flotilla had Al qaeda!

The Raw Story | US House votes quadrupling of per-barrel oil tax

Israel: IDF Troops Who Murdered Innocent People Are ‘Brave Heroes’

The U.S. Economic Collapse Top 20 Countdown

International activists cause their own deaths by attacking nonconfrontational Israeli commandos :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]

Freegaza - As American as Apple Pie

Israel Attacks Unarmed Americans in International Waters - Salem-News.Com

Sheikh Raed Salah shot in head, critical :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord and Corporate Shill :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Children behind Israeli bars :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Welcome to Obama’s Jewish America | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Scientists warn of unseen deepwater oil disaster - Yahoo! News

The Problem With Powerful People [COMICS] | Cracked.com

henrymakow.com - exposing feminism and the new world order

American's Journey: Don't wait for America: Send another flotilla- This time escorted

Turkey to Assume UN Security Council Presidency in June | Asbarez Armenian News

ALAN HART : The Gaza Flotilla – Your Move, Mr. President | My Catbird Seat

Anti-Neocons • View topic - How the MSM is reporting the attack on Gaza aid ships

Fury and despair as BP admits oil could leak for months | Environment | The Guardian

Gaza aid convoy killings: “Those responsible must be held criminally accountable” | My Catbird Seat

Controversy Over Afghanistan Remarks: German President Horst Köhler Resigns - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Green Party Watch » Blog Archive » Cynthia McKinney condemns Israeli massacre of activists - America’s #1 Source for Green Party News & Views

Netanyahu: I regret Gaza flotilla deaths, but Israeli troops had right to self-defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

In Good Faith: White House party to celebrate Jewish culture - A blog for news and discussion on matters of faith - baltimoresun.com

Pentagon Officials Stress Long War Going Forward in Afghanistan -- News from Antiwar.com

Medvedev: Israel Strike on Iran Could Mean Nuclear War : Infowars Ireland

The Alternative Information Center - Israel Commits Massacre, Piracy in International Waters against Freedom Flotilla

Taliban Training In Iran: McChrystal Says 'Clear Evidence' Of Inappropriate Iranian Activity

Derrick Crowe: The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Mutilated Our Economy

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Freedom Watch – Who Owns the Gold in Ft. Knox? – May 28, 2010

AFP: S.Korea holds war games near tense border

FOXNews.com - Israeli Officials Claim Aid Flotilla Had Ties to Al Qaeda, PM Gives Military 'Full Support'

The Hindu : News / International : Greece cancels military exercises with Israel over flotilla attack

Arab world condemns Gaza aid attack

Turkey recalls envoy over Gaza flotilla deaths, accuses Israel of 'state terrorism' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Ahmadinejad slams Israel convoy attack



Why Are We Unable to Resist?

Shine the Light on Israel: Will Israel Murder or Jail Humanitarian Peace Activists? - Pravda.Ru

SOUTH LEBANON: Massive Condemnation in Lebanon of Israel’s Crime

Frills, not jobs, filling posh IRS digs - BostonHerald.com

BP: ‘We’re not blaming anyone yet’ | Raw Story

The Rand Paul Kerfuffle: It’s Not About Racism - Bretigne - Open Salon

BBC News - Should you store treasured data on disks?

The Best Brands of CD-R Discs for Long-Term Data Storage

Netanyahu to ask Obama to block measures over Israel's nuclear program - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

National Briefing - Washington - Another Blow to Guantánamo Plan - NYTimes.com


Obama's letter to Lula exposes US dishonesty with Iran | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

t r u t h o u t | Election-Year Politics Derail Bid to Save Teachers' Jobs

Oil spill threatens 'total destruction'

"Perfectly Safe: It Just Kills Plants ... " Agent Orange and the Third Generation :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

NATO general in Afghanistan: Taliban train in Iran - Yahoo! News

Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists | NOLA.com

4um: Oilpocalypse Now Take I

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Marc Faber: Bloomberg Interview May 25, 2010

Renowned Marine Biologist Carl Safina on the BP Oil Spill's Ecological Impact on the Gulf Coast and Worldwide

BP, Obama face clamor to halt oil spill crime | Reuters

Islamophobia and hate crimes > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Manorama Online | UN asks India, Pak, Israel to join NPT, CTBT

Obama administration blocked efforts to stop BP oil drilling before explosion

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The FTC's Plan to Bailout the Dinosaur Newspaper Industry and Suffocate Blogs

Texas radio owner calls for terrorism; bombing of mosque at ground Zero - 12160.org

Freegaza - Israel's Disinformation Campaign Against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla


** Bill: H.R. 1955 [110th] - Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

Obama Administration Unveils Security Strategy | USA | English

Barack Obama highlights threat posed by homegrown terrorism - Times Online

Homegrown terrorist threat to be part of National Security Strategy - CNN.com

Philip Giraldi: The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act


Breitbart.tv » Reporter Reveals: Gibbs Privately Scolded Press for Asking Too Many BP Questions

Press Freedom, Sure. But No Questions. - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


Was Elizabeth Birnbaum Fired? Don't Ask Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

BP clashes with scientists over deep sea oil pollution | Environment | The Guardian

US military rejects calls to take control of oil spill - Telegraph

Hewlett-Packard to Cut 9K Jobs in Services Unit - ABC News

NOAA hurricane forecast alarming - USATODAY.com

UN Names Countries, Groups Using Child Soldiers | Asia | English

*Census workers can enter your apartment in your absence | The Barr Code

video:Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11, May 8 - Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 http://enlightenedfillms.com mystered on UST...

2010 Top Ten Anti-Israel Lies | Simon Wiesenthal Center



Time for law-abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 1 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 2 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 3 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 4 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 5 of 13


UFODC-Obama adviser says documented UFO/ET landings on U.S. Capitol “could destabilize society”

UFO files: MoD documents record mystery illnesses and alien residue - Telegraph

The UFO Iconoclast(s): Saucers, Spying & Secret Files by Nick Redfern

Stephen Hawking partly in line with Denver UFO initiative

Hawking's Alien Warnings Divide UFOlogists - AOL News

They do know how to shut up – De Void - Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Sarasota, FL - Archive

Did General Omar Bradley See Dead, Alien Bodies? - UFO Casebook Files

Why the Search for Alien Life Matters - Newsweek

State UFO experts say give peace a chance - JSOnline

Carl Sagan Knew UFOs Are Real, Confidant Reveals

Open Minds Production Presents “Dawn of a New Age,” – the Philip Corso Manuscript Unedited for the First Time in the U.S. - PR.com


**Cuban Submarine Megaliths


06-01-2010: Bank Of International Settlements Warns To Ignore Banker "Doomsday Scenario" Fearmongering And Racketeering

05-31-2010: White House Says New Operation Could Increase Flow Of BP Oil Spill By 20 Percent

05-31-2010: Navy’s Drone Death Ray Takes Out Targets at Sea

05-31-2010: Watch closely, ‘Star Wars’ hologram TV is coming

05-31-2010: Off-duty cop pretended to be terrorist gunman in hospital’s unannounced ’safety’ drill

05-31-2010: Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill. The US and Europe ignore it

05-31-2010: Detonating Nuclear Bomb at BP Oil Spill Site… Might Produce a Bad Result

05-31-2010: Obama Can Take Your Guns With UN Treaty

05-31-2010: States passing budget cuts onto local governments

05-31-2010: Europe’s debt crisis poses emerging threat to world economic stability

05-30-2010: US Constitution May Be Suspended: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government”

05-30-2010: Darpa’s Beady-Eyed Camera Spots the ‘Non-Cooperative’

05-30-2010: Israel Submarines Headed for Persian Gulf

05-30-2010: Energy expert: Nuking oil leak ‘only thing we can do’

05-30-2010: Analysts question Korea torpedo incident

05-30-2010: Crop Circle Season Arrives With A Mathmetical Message

Dollar Primed For Collapse By End Of June

05-30-2010: Cyber Command Claims They Don't Want To Have To Take Over Civilian Internet Security But That They Might Just Have To

05-30-2010: What If We Are All Holograms?

After 40 years, NASA Claims Spacecraft Solves Martian Ice Caps Mystery

05-30-2010: Government Wants to Monitor Networks of All Critical Infrastructure Providers

Japan Unveils Plans For Moon-Based HDTV Station

05-30-2010: Proposed Bill Would Require IDs For Prepaid Cell Phones

05-30-2010: Agenda 21 Alert: Science and Sewage

05-30-2010: Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked

05-30-2010: U.S. Department of Defense Wants Autonomous Robot Army by 2034

05-28-2010: Privacy fears mount as “Minority Report” ad targeting grows

05-28-2010: Bloggers Beware — They’re Coming After You!

The Prepper Movement -- a Growing Network Preparing for the World's End

05-27-2010: President told aliens are on earth

05-27-2010: The Worst Money Supply Plunge Since The Depression Means A Double Dip Is Now A ‘Virtual Certainty’

Free trade zone for China, S.Korea, Japan to produce hefty benefits, thorough exploration needed

‘UN should be strengthened’

FCC asked to monitor "hate speech," "misinformation" online

The taste of tiny: Putting nanofoods on the menu

Scientists breed goats that produce spider silk

Bank Of International Settlements Warns To Ignore Banker "Doomsday Scenario" Fearmongering And Racketeering

The Korean Crisis: Cui Bono?

Mexican pirates terrorize popular Texas border lake

Gangsterism 2.0: Global Government Gone Wild At G20 in Toronto

Predators, Warriors and Ravens: the CIA Drones Wage War

Michigan Considers Law to License Journalists

China Government Requests Censorship On Foxconn News

Microsoft’s Orwellian tracking system goes public


How the Exxon Valdez Spill Created the Credit Default Swap

Will The USD Be Replaced By The SDR Or The CNY As The Next Reserve Currency?

Normal human problems are turned into medical conditions, spiking healthcare costs

Volcanic Ash Receiving Electric Charge; “Atmospheric Electricity and Normal Weather Activity” Probably Not the Source

Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology

Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the Tide of Economic Unrest?

FLASH Laser Leads to Discovery of New State of Matter

Censorship of the Internet courtesy of Eircom

U.S. Cyber Command: Waging War In World’s Fifth Battlespace

In Spite of State Law, Maryland Law Enforcement Officials Still Arresting, Charging People for Recording Cops

The Prettification of War

Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists

Funny PR Propaganda: "Parish President: President Obama 'Chewed Me Out'"


*33:44/The Eternal Struggle Between Liberty and Power [Hans-Hermann Hoppe]


*28:39/Is Limited Government an Oxymoron? | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.


*54:19/ Environmental Problems, Libertarian Solutions [Walter Block]


Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the Autism Vaccine Controversy

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Gitmo Suicides Were Actually Homicides? - May 28, 2010

The U.N. gun grabber: Global Small Arms Treaty threatens your right to self defense


Ron Paul Introduces the Private Option Health Care Act (HR 5444)


YouTube - Newsnight 26th May 2010: Hugh Hendry: "I Would Recommend You Panic"

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy

Anti-drugs campaigner Barbara Harris brings crusade to sterilise addicts to UK

YouTube - Glenn Beck - Bilderberg, Global Government

The Impossibility of "Going Green"

Bush argued in 2004 that the best way to grow the U.S. economy was by waging war, says former Argentine PM Néstor Kirchner

A disgrace of historic proportions

YouTube - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, When is the Next AIG to Fall? | Marc Faber

DOJ Declares War on Doctors

Marc Faber: 'The Banks Are Gone'

'Civil Rights' and Total War

As Harvard Law Dean, Kagan Did Not Require Study of U.S. Constitutional Law But Did Require Study of International and Foreign Law

'I'm a Marxist:' Dalai Lama

Fluoridation and obfuscation

Greenwald: Who are the real "crazies" in our political culture?

Capitalist Rothschilds

Ron Paul: Inside Sources Told Me Fed Is Panicking At Mass Awakening


*NUCLEAR ATTACK on AMERICA : A. A. Allen vision regarding the fall of America, received on July 4, 1954


Killing unarmed civilians

An Irish perspective on the Freedom Flotilla massacre

Netanyahu in Canada, the New Republican stronghold

Oily politics led to environmental disaster

The only answer for counteracting the Gulf oil gusher

Israeli butchery at sea

Hebrew Culture for Dummies

America’s worst man-made catastrophe

America’s war . . . in America

Israel sold billions in arms to apartheid South Africa

Afghanistan: Reading between the lines

video:John Taylor Gatto: Fighting Back

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

'G-20 agenda should touch on education'

80% Favor Auditing the Federal Reserve

CBS Propaganda Placement: Conspiracy Theorists Are Anti-American, Domestic Terrorists

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”


YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the Dark Side of Camelot - Part 1: CIA Assassination (1997)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the Dark Side of Camelot - Part 2: Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam War (1997)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the Dark Side of Camelot - Part 3: JFK and Organized Crime (1997)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the Dark Side of Camelot - Part 4: Vietnam Phoenix Program (1997)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the Dark Side of Camelot - Part 5: The CIA Helped to Elect JFK (1997)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the Dark Side of Camelot - Part 6: JFK and the Mafia (1997)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the Dark Side of Camelot - Part 7: Who Killed JFK and RFK? (1997)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on White House News Media Coverage and Ronald Reagan (1987)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on Henry Kissinger, Vietnam War News Coverage and the New York Times (1987)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on Responsibility in Journalism (1987)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on the CIA Assassination Team in Beirut, Lebanon (1987)

YouTube - Seymour Hersh on George H. W. Bush (1987)


Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

BP Cited ‘Well Control Situation’ Six Weeks Before Blowout - BusinessWeek

Barack Obama and BP warn of risks in oil spill 'open heart surgery' | Environment | The Guardian

CBC News - Health - H1N1 pandemic status reviewed


Princess Diana 'was killed for planning to expose senior Brits involved in the land mine trade' | Mail Online


NATO chopper crashes in Afghanistan

Cessna violates restricted airspace near Obama residence in Chicago - CNN.com

International Activists Cause Their Own Deaths

State official: Obama Provided Israel With Historic Guarantees

Gaza Flotilla Drives Israel Into a Sea of Stupidity

Rebalancing The World

Dollar Primed for Collapse by End June: Charts

U.S. Defence Spending Far Outpaces Rest of the World

Celebrating Militarism and the Weapons of War

VIDEO: Israeli Terrorists Attack Innocent Humanitarian Flotilla and Kill 20 and Wound over Fifity

VIDEO: Millions of Displaced Colombians Demand US Respect Human Life, Not Money

Japan Minister Fired Over US Airbase

America Says No to War Spending

Towards a New Cold War? Russia Ses no Justification for Deploying Patriots in Poland

Who Sank the South Korean Warship Cheonan? Destabilization of the Korean Peninsula

America's "War On Terror" Morphs into a Diabolical Assault on Civil Rights

Wall Street Criminals Are Given The "Green Light": Obama's Financial Reforms Are Watered Down

False Findings Intent Upon Triggering Confrontation between North and South Korea

Jamaica State of Siege: Scores Dead, Hundreds Detained

Immigration: Don't Let "Reform "Be an Excuse for Increased Repression

Convention USA : Confronting Unconstitutional Inaction by Congress

Terrorism - Causes and Consequences

Why Isn't BP Under Criminal Investigation?

The European and U.S. Economies: Falling Dominoes

Ten Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill

VIDEO: The US rather than North Korea is a Threat to Global Security

Predators, Warriors and Ravens: the CIA Drones Wage War

"Operation Justified Vengeance": Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of a Broader Military Agenda

Did an American Mine Sink the South Korean Ship?

A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order

Is Mexico a Narco-State?

As U.S. Steps-Up Drone Attacks, the Pentagon Goes on a Shopping Spree

Beijing Suspects False Flag Attack on South Korean Corvette

Why BP Refuses To Stop Using Chemical Dispersants

Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Policy: From South Africa to Iran

America's Complicity in Evil

The Wonders of the American Way of War: How Bush's Wars Became Obama's

Video: Israelis Fired on Activists Before Boarding Ship

Israel the Rogue State

Dead: 19. Injured: 60. This is Israel. Appeal of the BRussells Tribunal.




Senate Approves $60 Billion for Only Six Months of More Wars

US Is Going the Way of the Roman Empire

Detriot Mayor's Solution to City's Woes: Bulldoze City Blocks


House Votes to End 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

* Roll Call: Vote on DADT


Wall Street Gang Getting Everyone Drunk on Kool Aid

Dozen Worst Fruits Doused in Pesticides

Obama, Democrats Push Controversial 'Disclose' Campaign Finance Bill

Rasmussen: U.S. Divided over Global Warming

Illegals Used to Raise Census Millions for Cities

Lamar Smith: FBI Must Probe Sestak Matter

Sen. Schumer Calls for Repeal of Liability Limits

Colin Powell Chides Obama on Gulf Oil Spill

Romanoff Won't Answer Questions on W.H. Job

Palin Biographer: I Didn't Move Next Door to Spy

Napolitano: Privacy Must Not Trump Security

Kagan: No Need for Court Review of Rogue Juror

Mullen: Industry Has Better Tech for Oil Spill

Blagojevich Faces Fight of His Life

Jindal: Obama Lacked Urgency in Spill Response

Report Says DOJ Not Fully Prepared for WMD Attack

Netanyahu: Flotilla Raid Was Self Defense

Scientists Warn of Unseen Deepwater Oil Disaster

Court: Suspects Must Say They Want to Be Silent

Amtrak 'Misled' Congress on Finances

Ft. Hood Shooting Suspect to Appear in Court

Americans May Give Health Care Law a Chance

Sarah Ferguson Tells Winfrey She Had Been Drinking

Ted Koppel's Son, 40, Found Dead in NYC Apartment

Chinese Supercomputer Challenges US

Milk From Grass-Fed Cows Healthier

Study: Obesity and Asthma Linked

Fed's Evans: US Didn't Do Enough to Stop Crisis

Krugman: Unemployment to Haunt US for Decade

Report: Private Investors Buying Failed Banks

IL Senate Hopeful Kirk Amends Bio to Correct Award

GOP Upbeat About Gubernatorial Prospects, Midwest

Obama's Line-Item Veto Bid Paves Way for Stimulus III

Voters Can Block Immigration Reform

Cato Institute Follows Forefathers' Example

Euro in Crisis

Rand Paul Sticks to His Principles

John Boehner: Republicans Getting Ready for November

Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, 'The Word Made Flesh'

Armed Activists Attacked Our Troops, Says Israel Amid World Outrage

Cuba-Venezuela Ties Deepen with Military Training

2010 On Track to Be Deadliest Year for U.S. Forces in Almost Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War

Two Christian Aid Groups Suspended in Afghanistan Over Proselytizing Claims

As Harvard Law Dean, Kagan Did Not Require Study of U.S. Constitutional Law But Did Require Study of International and Foreign Law

Afghans to Discuss Peace at National Conclave

‘Synthetic’ Cell Research Isn’t Frankenstein Science, but Raises Troubling Questions, Analysts Say

Kagan Wants to Impose Her Values on Your Speech

Minimum Wage Cruelty: An Update

NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus

The Non-Violent Murder of Jews

When “Peace Activists” Attack

Ending Israel’s losing streak

James Hansen and Climate Change; NASA’s Disgrace

Hu Knows Wen?

Danger of Imminent Execution of Kurdish Activists-Silence of the International Media

Eleven More Mental Mistakes of Obamatons

Franken Science Finale

Obama’s War(s)

Transparency or Translucence

Experts to FDA: Time to Update Fish Recommendations

EPA Jackboot Tactics and the Obama Agenda

US Military’s Biggest Threat not Terrorists, but Straw Men

The Sestak-Clinton Smoke Screen

How to prevent a “dust bowl” Africa

Constituting America a path to helps us take our country Back

West Poised for Worst Grasshopper Outbreak in 30 Years - Yahoo! News

A war for world’s future - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Inside the Air Force’s Secret PsyOps Plane | Danger Room | Wired.com

Darpa’s Beady-Eyed Camera Spots the ‘Non-Cooperative’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

savethemales.ca - Von Braun: Illuminati Plan For E.T. Deception

Big Brother’s Lock On Your Money Is Complete | Logistics Monster

Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

Ex-CounterTerrorism Czar: Next terrorist threat will be from those resisting technology - BlackListed News

Darpa’s Super Sniper Scopes in Shooters’ Hands by 2011 | Danger Room | Wired.com

Creation of Earth's 1st Synthetic Life: Could There be Unintended Consequences?

David Vitter Compares Gulf Oil Spill to Airplane Crash

Democrat Homeland Security Panel Chairman: ‘I Want To See A Little More Than 1,200’ National Guard Troops at Border


*2:20:38/Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length


President Sarkozy urges revamped trade ties at Africa-France Summit - CSMonitor.com

The Associated Press: New German president to be elected June 30

Kyodo News - Story

EU Urges Russia to Modernize Economy - WSJ.com

France urges rapid adoption of Iran sanctions | Reuters

Hay festival: 'Climate change is a long struggle' | John Harris | Books | The Guardian

Fatal Shooting at Chinese Courthouse - NYTimes.com

Kenya and Sudan in the Spotlight as ICC Conference Opens in Uganda | Africa | English

BBC News - Iraq headed for wide coalition government

Italian FM tells Lieberman 6 Italian nationals were on flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Associated Press: Australia sues Japan over controversial whaling

Dozens Killed By Taliban in Pakistan Attacks on Mosques – IndyPosted

Catholic.net - Catholics on the net

AFP: Israel releases crime writer Mankell after boat raid: report

Tropical Storm Agatha floods kill 150, cause giant sinkhole in Guatemala City - CSMonitor.com

FOXNews.com - Iran Sanctions, Peace Talks Thrown Into Doubt After Israeli Raid

YouTube - Raw Video: DC Groups Protest Over Israeli Raid

Egypt Opens Border With Gaza Strip to Allow Humanitarian Aid | Middle East | English

YouTube - Drama off the Gaza Coast


*Black boxes in Polish crash reveal pilots warned | ajc.com

Polish Crash Transcript Shows Kaczynski Was Consulted - New Europe - WSJ


Miley Cyrus' Sexed-Up Stage Look: Do You Like? - E! Online

BBC News - Homer Simpson named greatest TV character

Slain Wife's Kin: TV Producer Hasn't Reached Out - The Early Show - CBS News

YouTube - Arrest Warrant Issued for 'Survivor' Producer

Dennis Hopper Remembered By Friends, Fans - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Lady Gaga Discusses Michael Jackson, Lupus With Larry King - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

BBC News - Louise Bourgeois' impact on Modern Art

The Associated Press: Ferguson: Access offer began as way to help friend

YouTube - Duchess 'was drinking' during tabloid sting

Hasan hearing delayed for four months

Conservative Filmmaker James O'Keefe Targets Census Bureau to Expose Alleged Waste - ABC News

Supreme Court: no immunity for ex-Somali official | Reuters

Obama's day: A world of trouble - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

NY GOP Kicks Off Convention - WNYC

Sestak Job Offer Grounds for Impeachment? - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Crime Scene - Potomac River search for woman, girl resumes Tuesday

Los Angeles County considers Arizona boycott - San Jose Mercury News

YouTube - Obama Memorial Day Talk Delayed by Rain

The Fix - Alabama, Mississippi and New Mexico primaries: What to Watch For

The Associated Press: Report says DOJ not fully prepared for WMD attack

Obama's rainy Memorial Day - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Supreme Court Says Suspects Must Disclose Intent to Remain Silent - WSJ.com

Al and Tipper Gore are separating - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Arizona immigration law prompts Mexico to extend repatriation aid program - CSMonitor.com

Third-Ranking al-Qaida Leader Killed in Pakistan | USA | English

YouTube - Al-Qaeda third-in-command 'killed'

BP lays out new, riskier move to cut oil flow | Reuters

YouTube - The Buzz: Oil spill, are they doing enough?

Google phases out Microsoft Windows use: report | Reuters

Travelers Face Summer of Full Flights and High Fares - NYTimes.com

Obama Vows Justice If Laws Broken in Oil Spill - ABC News

Ft. Hood Shooting Suspect Solemn, Quiet in Hearing - ABC News

Fallen Bridges, Roads Hamper Guatemala Storm Rescue - ABC News

Kagan's Early Influences Demanding, Activist - ABC News

Poet of Post-Stalin Thaw Voznesensky Dies at 77 - ABC News

Senators Await Kagan Papers From Clinton Library - ABC News

Tate Modern Takes Sneak Peek Through Camera Lens - ABC News

Three Tips for Giving the Boss Feedback - ABC News

Stock Futures Fall After Euro Hits New 4-Year Low - ABC News

UN Calls for Impartial Probe of Israeli Raid - ABC News

Handling of Rape Claim at Brown Raises Questions - ABC News

Detained Immigrants May Help Bring in Census Money - ABC News

Hiker Missing 3 Days Is Found Hurt in Maine Park - ABC News

1 Dead, 7 Hospitalized After California Concert - ABC News

After Rain-out, Obama Delivers Speech Back Home - ABC News

B-17 Drops Flowers in NY to Honor CIA Casualties - ABC News

Conn. Pregnant Girlfriend, Grandmother Found Dead - ABC News

Utah Chemical Depot Finishes Mortar Disposal - ABC News

Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the Autism/Vaccine Controversy and His Ongoing Professional Persecution


Top 10: Fictional TV Bars and Over-21 Establishments by Jessica Ritz


*How to Make Waterproof Matches


Political Bookworm - Reagan and the occult

2012 may bring the “perfect storm” – solar flares, systems collapse

Thin hair...You could be anaemic, stressed or just hungry | Mail Online


*The Insider | Why U.S. Government uses occult symbols in Great Seal printed on dollar bills?


The Making of CAPRICORN ONE - Mania.com

Politics -- Latest News -- Wall Street's War -- RollingStone.com

North Korea Strikes Back by Eric Margolis

Who Will Watch the Watchers? by Bill Sardi

Guarding Your Money from Government Onslaughts by Richard Daughty

The Freedom of Association by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Rees Lloyd -- New Developments Against ACLU to Save Veterans Memorials


Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Statue of Liberty: Part 1

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Statue of Liberty: Part 2

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Statue of Liberty: Part 3


Campaign For Liberty — Left and Right Try to Stop the Rand Paul Revolution | by Jack Hunter

Listen :Doomed by Democracy?


Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord, and Corporate Shill

Meat claimed as invention by Monsanto


*7 pt/Video: Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Gerald Celente on Goldseek Radio 29 May 2010

YouTube - Keiser Report № 46: Social Fury builds up!

IBM wants traffic lights to stop your car

Video: US Constitution May Be Suspended – War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government” – Peter Dale Scott « Dprogram.net

The WTC Leaseholder and His Associates That Cheated Death on 9/11: Was it Coincidence or Foreknowledge? « Dprogram.net

Bilderberger Praises Medicare Rationing Advocate

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is now turning into a catastrophe - Telegraph

Obama administration moves to distance itself from BP on oil spill response

Op-Ed Columnist - Our Epic Foolishness - NYTimes.com

Turkish (blood)bath - NYPOST.com

Israel Flotilla Disaster: Gaza Embargo, U.S. Supporters to Blame - The Daily Beast

Flotillas and Falsehoods - Mona Charen - National Review Online

In a welfare state, how much is 'enough'? - USATODAY.com

Does Washington care about unemployment? - The Week

RealClearMarkets - Barack Obama Channels His Inner Gerry Ford

The Case Against Keynes (With Some Questions For Krugman, Too) | The New Republic

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

David Souter's Harvard Graduation Speech: One for the Books

O Goes 'Washington' - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Adm. Cool in a Very Hot Seat

Bonnie S. Berkowitz - In Louisiana, damage from the oil spill can be deceiving

White House can't get its Sestak story straight | Washington Examiner

Editorial - Backward at Bagram - NYTimes.com

Fannie, Freddie still pose threat to U.S. finances

CQ Politics | Reid: ‘They All Scare Me’

GOP sees a way to revive old debate - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Poll: Plurality say GOP should not push to repeal any part of healthcare reform - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Political ads are tough sell for image-conscious corporations

Commentary » Blog Archive » You Can Take the Pol Out of Chicago. . .

RealClearPolitics - Should Biden Get a Pass?

Fair Game - 3,000 Pages of Financial Reform, but Still Not Enough - NYTimes.com

Giannoulias win? Can't take that to the bank :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Laura Washington

An exceptional woman's rejection of Islam - Telegraph

Dennis Hopper: the rebel without a cause | Wendy Ide - Times Online

Transcripts :Sun/Guests: Browner, Dudley; Rep. Gutierrez & Hayworth

Governor Rendell and Rep. Issa Debate Sestak Offer

Guests: Carol Browner, Rep. Markey and BP's Dudley


MAY27/Transcript of Obama's Press Conference

27TH/Panel on Obama's Press Conference


Politics Video:6-1/Anti-Palin Author: I Didn't Move Next Door To Spy

Flashback: Gores Share Long Kiss At 2000 Democratic Convention

Obama Introduces Oil Commission: BP "To Pay Economic Injury Claims"

Al & Tipper Gore Split After 40 Years Of Marriage

Video Shows Timeline Of Obama Response To Oil Spill

VA Gov. McDonnell On Jobs, Education

Zev Chafets Discusses Book On Rush Limbaugh

WH Energy Adviser Browner On Oil Spill: "We've Always Been In Charge"

NBC Reporter Confuses "Obama" With "Osama"

Al Qaeda's Number 3 Killed

*5-31/Close-Up Footage Of Flotilla Passengers Attacking Israeli Soldiers

AZ-Sen: Immigration Becomes Focus Of GOP Primary

Karl Rove On Joe Sestak Controversy, Oil Spill Response

Turkish Foreign Minister On Israel: "Murder Conducted By A State"

Obama Rained Out Of Memorial Day Ceremony In IL

Israel's Ehud Barak On Confrontation With Aid Ship

Israeli Commandos Attacked With Knives, Clubs & Gunfire By Aid Ship

Pelosi Declares: "Democrats Will Be The Majority" After The Mid-Terms


*Yellowstone Eruption Days Away? | Before It's News


TLP: “Help Wanted”: It’s Not Just for Job-Seekers Anymore | Phil’s Stock World

Toolkit: A Look at the Gear That Experts Use to Spy on Spies | Magazine

A pope with a problem - Los Angeles Times

Bank Of International Settlements Warns To Ignore Banker "Doomsday Scenario" Fearmongering And Racketeering | zero hedge


*Real or Fake Gold: How to Tell the Difference | Before It's News


Matthew Stein: The Perfect Storm: Six Trends Converging on Collapse

Ron Paul, using the Commerce Clause to repeal Obamacare :: Liberty Maven

Selective solemnity

Nobody's in charge

Declining value of college

Proof! Federal spending depresses economy

Greatest obstacle to border enforcement , Part 3

Stop blaming Obama!

We will remember

Embarrassed by Obama and his goons

The Divided States of America

Author: European Antichrist looking more and more unlikely


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Author: Memorial Day not about mattress sale

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Last surviving World War I vet profiled

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive WW II expert says 'measureless peril' threatened victory


Israeli footage shows activists' attacks

Hot Air » New video: Flotilla passengers attack Israeli troops

FOXNews.com - U.N. Condemns 'Acts' in Israeli Flotilla Raid

Yikes! China paying U.S. unemployment checks

U.S. debt soars to 90% of GDP

Was economic collapse a planned power grab?

Standoff! Nation of Islam confronts Secret Service

Look who else is tied to Nation of Islam ...

Promoting atheism OK, but not 'leaving Islam'

Libs offended by words from Justice Earl Warren

Thunder, lightning stop Obama Memorial Day speech - Yahoo! News

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran - Times Online

Israel recoils as US backs nuclear move

China, South Korea to Deepen Ties Amid North Tension (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Gulf oil spill threat widens | Reuters

Polls Show Paul Still Leads in Ky. - Washington Wire - WSJ

Court accused of covering for Obama in 'Walpingate'

Think America 'protected' against EU crisis?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records

Master of mendacity: Obama and the birthers


Real public service

Impeach the stonewalling Obama

Obama's disrespect for fallen heroes

A soldier's response to 'gays' in the military

The theology of 'Lost'

Obama's favorites reduced from 13 to 11

Men in dresses

Israel reveals its true face | Ahdaf Soueif | Comment is free | The Guardian

Declining value of college

Dancing With Devils | FrontPage Magazine


AUDIO PAGE:Eagle Forum Blog: Brian Sussman — Climategate


Head of Marxist-led institute joins Obama team

Gaza flotilla activists chanted anti-Jewish battle cries

All aboard! Obama pals back violent Gaza flotilla

Flotilla activists 'tried to lynch Israeli soldiers'

Gaza flotilla activists wanted to be 'martyrs'

The Divided States of America

Promoting atheism OK, but not 'leaving Islam'

Border-law opponents want international fix in Arizona

Explanation of White House 'job offer' energizes doubters

Wake up, you so-called Christians!


*American Minute for May 31st:William J Federer's American Minute

*American Minute for June 1st:William J Federer's American Minute


Has the real Atlantis finally been found... under a modern holiday paradise? | Mail Online

Great Wall of China's strength 'comes from sticky rice' - Telegraph

Hilarious web addresses revealed in new book - Telegraph

'Congratulations on losing your virginity': Council spends £25k on fake shopfront crammed with bad taste products | Mail Online

At NYC sci fest, asking 'What if we're holograms?'

That’s not the afterlife – it’s a brainstorm - Times Online

Crop circle season arrives with a mathematical message - This Britain, UK - The Independent

Magic numbers: A meeting of mathemagical tricksters - physics-math - 24 May 2010 - New Scientist


VIDEO:Heaven, hell more important than 'whatever, dude'

VIDEO:Supreme Court: More faithful than the church?


Free birth control under health care? - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News

US cage fighter Jarrod Wyatt 'rips out training partner Taylor Powell's heart' | Mail Online

Man who secretly taped stepdaughter enters guilty plea - Kingman Daily Miner - Kingman, Arizona

Colorado Girl Lexie Archuleta Survives Lightning Strike Without a Scratch - AOL News

Miracle escape for Nicholas Blossom who fell from balcony and impaled his head on a fence | Mail Online

Lawyers oppose Naomi Campbell diamond testimony

Some states walk away from 'Race to Top' millions

Zoo in fear of potato poisoner after death of camel and elephant - Times Online

Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers - The Globe and Mail

Tropical storm leaves at least 115 dead in Central America - CNN.com

Ancient mayor's 'lost tomb' found south of Cairo - Telegraph

Answers as elusive as evidence on topic of alien abductions - The Boston Globe

The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: What happens when three men who identify as Jesus are forced to live together? - By Vaughan Bell - Slate Magazine

Japan plans to build robot moon base by 2020

Watch Out! Injuries Common on Memorial Day | LiveScience

Lair of the Beasts: The Bodalog Monster - Mania.com

From butterflies' wings to bank notes -- how nature's colors could cut bank fraud

Cryptomundo » Lions On The Lamb?

BBC News - Asteroid probe 'on home straight'

Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked | The Corbett Report

BBC News - Snail 'meth' experiment yields drug addiction clue

Airport security: Could the blink of an eye or a tiny muscle spasm ID a terrorist? - latimes.com

Pigeon Held in India on Suspicion of Spying for Pakistan

Please Put Bigfoot on the Endangered Species List | Field & Stream

SPACE.com -- Pale Blue Crescent: Earth Photographed from Deep Space

Space junk threatens to cause 'chain reaction' that could wipe out communications on Earth | Mail Online


*BLOG SITE:A Different Perspective

*SITE:Alcohol Can Be a Gas


*SITE:Mind Motivations

- Free Positive Priming Excersize MP3


*SITE PAGE: Neil deGrasse Tyson


Mavi Marmara Incident Sabotages Peace Process

Did Activists Attack Israeli Soldiers In Self-Defense?

Owners Stop Paying Mortgage ... And Stop Fretting About It - Yahoo! Finance

Neithercorp Press » Blog Archive » Warning Signs Of Full Spectrum Collapse Are Everywhere

Israel: The Pariah of the International Community - Pravda.Ru

Geithner offers China vow of greater fiscal discipline | Reuters

BCSO's party patrol nets another bust | Albuquerque, N.M. | KRQE News 13

YouTube - Preparation: Long Term Survival Supplies For Your Home

George W. Bush: ‘Starting Wars In Middle East Good For The Economy’

YouTube - CrossTalk on 9/11: Whodunit?

Kagan Nomination Advances Obama Totalitarian Agenda


Is BP trying to cap the Gulf oil well, or keep it flowing?

Shot by sniper in Iraq, billed for $3K by military in U.S.

Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord, and Corporate Shill

BP Commands Government to Strangle Off Media Coverage of Oil Gusher

Israeli Knesset Member: Israel Wanted High Number Of Fatalities

Witnesses deny that any of aid protesters were armed

Mavi Marmara Incident Sabotages Peace Process

Three Killed In Gaza Airstrike As Mossad Chief Says Israel “Risks Becoming A Burden On The US”

Israeli Gaza aid flotilla raid: British families face anxious wait for news | Mail Online

Israel jails 480 Gaza aid activists

Paris: Demonstrators tried to break into the Israeli embassy

Gold To $10,000?

Another Blatant EUR Intervention Leads To 150 pip EURUSD Move In Seconds

George W. Bush: ‘Starting Wars In Middle East Good For The Economy’

The New Deal: Walk Away From Your Mortgage…But Stay In Your House!

Free-Market Health Care and the Poor

West Hawaii Today - from archives > Local > Police arrest Census taker

Turkish Sources – Israeli Advance Target Assassination List Found on Flotilla

Red Light WARning! – Ireland Sprints Towards Speed Camera Big Brother State

30,000 quit Facebook in protest

Chinese Edge Closer to Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com

Ted Turner: If We Don’t Prepare For Global Warming We’ll Be Extinct

Copenhagen climate failure blamed on 'Danish text' | Environment | guardian.co.uk

The Backlash Against Climate Scientists - Newsweek

Near-death experiences 'explained': Scientists believe it's the last gasp of a dying brain | Mail Online

Gulf Oil Spill Setting Off Thousands Of Lawsuits, Citing Array Of Legal Issues

Gore associates: No affair involved in separation

US stops refueling tanker planes at key base

Terror suspect's extradition to US to be appealed

Dieting for dollars? More US employees trying it

Jamaican drug king's father found fertile ground in Miami

480 activists held in Israeli jails

UN: Impartial probe of flotilla raid

Dhimmi MSM Stenographers Get Talking Points from Hamas-Linked CAIR

ABC In Junk-Science Proxy Dogfight With NBC

O’Keefe’s Lawyer Speaks: ‘There’s Been Tremendous Misinformation Out There’

Citing Conflict Of Interest, O’Keefe’s Lawyer Asked Dept. Of Justice For Recusal

Gulp! The Washington Post Swallows The White House Sestak Memo, Whole

What Part of ‘No Law’ Doesn’t Michigan Understand?

In the Middle Eastern Fog Of War, Truth Is Likely the First and the Last Casualty

The Jihad Flotilla and the Media War Against Israel

Ten Questions About ‘The Grand Jihad’ For Author Andrew McCarthy

MSM Trots Out Usual ‘Peace Activists’ Meme To Characterize Today’s IDF-Palestinian Clash

Why Didn’t the FBI Arrest James O’Keefe for Sex Trafficking?

O’Keefe to Launch New Census Video Sting on ABC NEWS’ Good Morning America

Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift Wrestles with Her Inner Girlfriend

Your Tax Dollars At Work: James O’Keefe Goes Undercover At the Census

Israel, the Truth and the Asymmetric Warfare Of Embedded Journalism

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: A Profile in Media Courage

Economic Troubles and the Growth of Government

Unions Protesting Churches in California

Reason.tv: Is Hillary Clinton Right to Say The Rich Don’t Pay ‘Their Fair Share’ of Taxes?

Obama’s Plentiful Golf Rounds Make Him Perfect Candidate to Plug the Hole in the Gulf

Mayor Bloomberg Submits, Sanctions 911 Mega Mosque

Fair Share, Robert Reich v. Kudlow, Moore and America

My Flag Will Be Flying at Half-Staff, Will Yours?

Being a Political Conservative, Is it Good for the Jews?

The Obama Doctrine: Marching that Long Gray Line into a Gray Fog

Republican Roots of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

O’Keefe Speaks to Reporters on Courthouse Steps in New Orleans

Western Media Forgets to Mention That ‘Gaza Flotilla’ Is a Terror-Linked Organization (Video)

O’Keefe to Launch New Census Video Sting on ABC NEWS’ Good Morning America

Undercover Census Fraud Investigation – New Jersey

Bureaucrats vs. Taxpayers

Flashback: Census Bureau Dumped Unreliable ACORN After Videos Exposed Corruption

Full Report: Breitbart and O’Keefe on ABC’s Good Morning America

Census Workers Blow Whistle on Hiring Fraud

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: A Profile in Media Courage

Simon Cowell: TV’s Most Conservative Personality Says Goodbye

How Bill Maher Sees Black People

MEMORIAL DAY TOP 5: Great WWII Films You Might Have Missed

The Error of Rand Paul

ZoNation: America Loves Immigrants, It’s the ‘Illegal’ Part We Take Issue With

O’Keefe to Launch New Census Video Sting on ABC NEWS’ Good Morning America

THE INTERVIEW: Greg Gutfeld On His New Book, MSNBC, Unicorns, Media Matters, ‘Red Eye’ and What the ‘Six Million Dollar Man’ Was Really About

IFC’s Vadim Rizov Trashes Big Hollywood For Supporting Filmmaker Jafar Panahi

Bill Maher: Post-Racial Racist?

» Undercover Census Fraud Investigation – New Jersey - Big Government

Sex and the Sharia - NYPOST.com

Rampage Jackson brings a bad attitude to 'A-Team': 'Acting is kind of gay' | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times

Hackman Continues Tributes To Hopper

SEIU adopts protest-by-intimidation | Washington Examiner

Obama back to pre-healthcare vote favorability ratings - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Psst, buddy, want a (legally murky, not at all a bribe, oh so innocent) job? - NYPOST.com

Can GOP stir up public to dig into Sestak affair? | Washington Examiner

Ranking member on Judiciary considering options to probe Sestak offer details - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model | Reuters

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Poverty Measure Misleads

Breitbart.tv » National Guard Soldier Shot by Sniper in Iraq Later Billed $3K by Military


Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Obama Nation: Crisis/Response

CARTOON PAGE:Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » The Pits

CARTOON PAGE:Big Hollywood » Chris Muir


‘Global Cooling’: Al & Tipper Gore Separate After 40 Years of Marriage

‘The Word’: Pelosi Sees Her Duty as Pursuing Policies ‘With the Values’ of Jesus

Writer Living Next to Palin Calls Her Attacks ‘Ugly Innuendo’

School Bus Driver Lectures Girl on Gay Rights

States Line Up Against Marine Funeral Hecklers in Supreme Court Brief

Search Is On For Suspects Who Torched 25 American Flags on Memorial Day

Obama Gives Memorial Day Speech Back In Maryland

Upside-Down Flag Stirs Controversy in Florida Neighborhood

Reason.tv: Is Clinton Right That the Rich Don’t Pay Their ‘Fair Share’ of Taxes?

Weather KO’s Obama’s Memorial Day Remarks

Time’s Klein: Oil Spill is ‘More Bush’s Second Katrina Than Obama’s First’

Ground View: Spectators Get Memorial Day Scare as Osprey Blows Down Tree

‘The Gratitude Campaign’ Urges Americans to Say Thank You to U.S. Servicemembers

Caught on Tape: Spectators Injured by Falling Tree During Marine Helicopter Demo

Netanyahu Cancels Planned White House Visit

Restaurant Workers Fired for Missing Work to Protest AZ Immigration Law

NPR’s Williams: Obama ‘Hasn’t Conveyed That He Really Cares’ About Oil Spill

BP: ‘We Failed to Wrestle the Beast to the Ground’

Brendan Marrocco Is the Only Soldier to Survive the Loss of All Four Limbs

Cops in Kazakhstan Arrest Drunken Man Found Driving BMW in Ice Skates

Saudi Youths Face Trouble for Participation in MTV Reality Show

McDonald’s Launches Gay-Friendly Ad Campaign in France

Israeli Defense Minister Defends Flotilla Raid

Playlist: Videos Track Attacks on Israeli Soldiers Boarding Flotilla Ship

Israeli Military Releases Video Showing Violent Attacks on Soldiers Boarding Flotilla Ship

‘Anarcho-Surrealism’: Iceland’s Top Comic Leads ‘Best Party’ to Victory in Reykjavik Elections

10 Dead as Israeli Forces Storm Gaza Aid Convoy

Protesters Try to Storm Israeli Consulate in Turkey

Champion In-Line Skater Lands Record Jump off Eiffel Tower

Obama on ‘Top Kill’ Failure: ‘As Enraging As It Is Heartbreaking’

WA Beer Hoarders Stock Up Before New June 1 ‘Sin Tax’

Thousands Turn Out in Phoenix to Protest Arizona Law

PA Gov on Sestak Scandal: ‘I Did the Same Thing in 2006′

Update: Attorney Fired for Tea Party Speech Says Her Boss Led Democratic Group

Florida Prosecutor Loses Job Over Speech to Tea Party Rally

Caught on Video: LAPD Investigates Scuffle Between Officers and BP Protestors

Louisiana Gov. Jindal to Obama: Give Us More Power on Oil Spill

911 Call From BP Understated Oil Spill

Surveillance Video: Kidnappers Grab Teen at Virginia Target Store

BP Denies Staging Beach Clean-Up Effort for Obama Visit

Group Deems Monday ‘Quit Facebook Day’


The Michael Savage Show Podcast/May 31, 2010. 04:20 PM

05/31 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-May-31, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-May-30, Sunday

May 31, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


CNSNews.com - Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare

Today's College Students Lack Empathy - Yahoo! News

Why Generation-Y Can’t Read Nonverbal Cues - WSJ.com

The Lima Declaration - Foundation Of Globalisation | UK Column

Google Street View secretly took your wi-fi details... and will use the data to target ads at mobile phones | Mail Online

Microsoft's orwellian tracking system goes public - The Inquirer

Microsoft Hohm Lets Users Compare Energy Use with Neighbors | Buildings | GreenBiz.com