"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

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children will wake up homeless on the continent
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29 May 2010

29 MAY '10

Serbs are becoming couch potatoes: survey

Naked Swiss rambler acquitted

Pigeon held in India on suspicion of spying

Daredevil crosses Channel under cluster of balloons

Police in Alaska puzzled by 26 headless chickens - Boston.com

Tony Blair to earn millions as climate change adviser | News

Kagan Helped Shield Saudis From 9/11 Lawsuits

China will not protect those who sank South Korean warship - Telegraph

Royal Society 'to re-examine climate message' - Telegraph

Carbon 'burp' from deep ocean kick-started global warming at end of last Ice Age - Telegraph

Sinclair Gets Cease & Desist Letter Over Book

Technology Review: Mobile Data: A Gold Mine for Telcos

ALIPAC - How Americans Can Win The War Against Illegal Immigration

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Canada: Is Universal Healthcare Killing Dissent?

BBC News - RFID chip implanted into man gets computer virus

Dana Milbank - Obama's oil spill response: Too much culpability, too much passivity

Science and Sewage

savethemales.ca - Tribunal Halts Zionist Complaint Vs Henry Makow

The Great Lie

F.D.A. Considers Further Penalties in Drug Recall - NYTimes.com

Report: US weighs military option in Pakistan EarthLink - Top News

Ronnie Cummins: Monsanto's Poison Pills for Haiti

Inventors of Evil Things


**March on Washington | ObamaCrimes.com


YouTube - OBAMA EXPOSED -- FOX NEWS ARCHIVES! :: Charles Krauthammer HAMMERS Liberal Propaganda Press!!


YouTube - Alien President Obama forged his birth certificate


*AUDIO: Left attacks Obama because he failed nature religion


Power Line - Obama Revises History

New Palestinian National Army « Liveshots

CNSNews.com - As Harvard Law Dean, Kagan Did Not Require Study of U.S. Constitutional Law But Did Require Study of International and Foreign Law

Head of Marxist-led institute joins Obama team

FOXNews.com - White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race

FOXNews.com - Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

FOXNews.com - Michigan Considers Law to License Journalists

Senate says no to 6,000 border troops - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - Senate Considers Union Pension Bailout

Fighting Violent Gangs in Newburgh, NY « Liveshots

80 killed in terror attacks in Lahore

Detroit transit sued for nixing 'Leaving Islam?' ad - Washington Times

PJTV - Did Ground Zero Mosque Founder Lie to NYC? Is Real Goal Sharia Not "Religious Dialogue"? - Mpg

Sailing for Hamas

Tiny bottle worth almost a million | The Sun |News

Skin color affects ability to empathize with pain - CNN.com

Zombie » The Stench of Elitism Hung Heavy in the Air

FOXNews.com - Counterterror Adviser Defends Jihad as 'Legitimate Tenet of Islam'

Document says number of attempted attacks on U.S. is at all-time high - CNN.com

Most Agree, Under Obama the Country is Headed in the Wrong Direction

Convention USA: Confronting Unconstitutional Inaction by Congress

The Greek Quagmire and Forced Currencies.

Rand Paul - The Republitarian


Debbie Schlussel:Should These Islamic Terrorists Really Have Been Deported?

Debbie Schlussel:Whatchoo Talkin’ Bout, Willis?: Gary Coleman, RIP

Debbie Schlussel:John Finn, RIP: WWII Hero Dies Just Ahead of Memorial Day

Debbie Schlussel:Nielsen Ratings: Muslim Arab Miss Hezbo USA Was a Bust; Beaten by Univision, Simpsons

Debbie Schlussel:Islamic Terrorist Writes Me: Will Ibrahim Parlak Finally be Deported?

Debbie Schlussel:Do You Give to Red Cross? You’re Funding Taliban/Qaeda


The Endgame of Class Warfare

Trillion-Dollar Deficits and the Press

Has the SEC Charged the Right People with Securities Fraud?

The New Cleaning Ladies of Leftism

Israel and America's Jews

Obama the Abject

When Professor Obama Meets Dirty Reality

Obama's new national security strategy a recipe for disaster

Does Obama Hate Black People?

Serving those who lost loved ones in military service

Jamaica's violence part of American plot to kill black people, says Jamaican columnist

Obama presser: holding other people's feet to the fire

California has an immigration law too

As anti-Israel aid convoy nears Gaza, the government responds

Sestak cover story starts to unravel

The real problem with counterterror advisor Brennan's worldview

The End of Democratic Socialism

Enemy of the States

How Did We Get There?

How to Cripple the Free Economy

The Euro: This Marriage Can't Be Saved

Don't Speak for Me

Louisiana Falling, Rising, Falling

The Liberal Trilemma

Coast Guard Grounds Ships Involved in Oil Cleanup After 7 Fall Ill; BP Reportedly Preventing Fishermen from Wearing Respirators

California health insurers squeeze small business owners with double-digit rate increases

Ha! Sarah Palin's Neighbors Sought Out McGinniss, Rented Him House Because Palin Stiffed Them.

Major Garrett pushes the phony Sestak scandal the right wing is promoting during Obama's BP/Gulf spill presser

Sorry, 99ers, Your Economic Survival Only Gets In The Way of Their Political Survival

White House Used Bill Clinton to Offer Sestak Unpaid Advisory Board Position

Memo to right-wingers: Gulf spill isn't an 'excuse' to suspend drilling permits -- it's a reason.

Glenn Beck leaves no child behind. Or unmocked.

Rand Paul's 'cafeteria constitutionalism': He advocates denial of birthright citizenship to immigrant children

Crazy Rhetoric Ramps Up From Anti-Gay Groups as Repeal of DADT Finally Moves Through Congress

Will Issa Cry Again Over Sestak Non-Scandal?

In Philadelphia, Microsoft 'School of The Future' Is A Disaster For The Kids. Why The Rush To Privatize?

The air seeps out of Fox News' hyperinflated 'Sestak scandal' balloon

Andy Card Claims Obama Hasn't Visited Gulf Since Oil Spill Began; Makes Excuses for Bush Not Going After Katrina

Melanie Sloan: Darrell Issa Playing Politics to 'Dirty Up' Sestak

It's Not Working. The Gulf Is Dying. Now What?

BP oil spill is the anti-Katrina and does expose conservative ideology to criticism

The Economy in Pictures


flashback:The Sound Of Muckraking In 1953 - Drew Pearson's Last Network Broadcast | Newstalgia


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YouTube - Martial Law coming? UN Vehicles in America? Stored or ready for action?

YouTube - Police State: Cops Shut Down 7 Yr.Old's Lemonade Stand

YouTube - TOP KILL Fails - Gulf oil spill BOP Blown A Huge Hole

NASA Satellite Spots Oil at Mississippi Delta Mouth - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

YouTube - Rep. Michele Bachmann blasts Democrats for voting to allow another federal pay raise

Building What? How SCADs Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight

Washington's Blog:Third Giant Underwater Oil Plume Discovered

YONHAP NEWS:S. Korea's military reviewing further measures against North

Washington's Blog:Rumor: Secretary of the Navy Wants to Sink a Battleship On Top of the Oil Spill A

Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s Afghan Opium Cultivation

PHILIP GIRALDI : The Strategic Ally Myth | My Catbird Seat

Ahmedinejad Blasts Medvedev over UNSC Sanctions; Brazil still Reaching out to Obama on Nuclear Deal | My Catbird Seat

Who Runs the Obama White House?

Silvio Berlusconi compares himself to Mussolini - Telegraph

Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship? - New America Media

Rothschild plan would see privatization of Britain’s massive public motorway | Raw Story

Is China’s Currency Manipulation About to Explode? | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

US admits deadly attack on Afghan civilians - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

North Korea Warns UN to Be Wary of False Evidence of Sinking - BusinessWeek

MINA Breaking News - Who is staging a War between North and South Korea?

Bond Giant: Volatile US Stocks to Crash Again

un[redacted] news: Insider Trading Is Perfectly Legal – But Only For Members Of The U.S. Congress

FOXNews.com - Despite Soaring National Debt, Congress Goes on Spending Spree

Mali | Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

cyber/space\war: word of a soldier's death leaks on facebook

BP used cheaper casing on oil well to save money, Congress papers show - Times Online

truthjihad.com blog: Jonathan Kay's mendacious propaganda: Is this the only "argument" the anti-truthers have?

North Korea 'is exporting nuclear technology' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Repower America | What BP does not want you to see

food world order: 5/27 binge & purge: bpa & pbr




DPRK Holds 1st Press Briefing on "Cheonan" Incident

Homeless Iraqis Prompt Fears of Social Crisis Half a Million Displaced Iraqis Face Grim Future In Squalid Squatter Camps :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Phishing attack uses tricky 'tabnapping' - ZDNet

First Amendment in Arizona » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Democrats and the McCarthyite attack on detainee lawyers :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

America's "War On Terror" Morphs into a Diabolical Assault on Civil Rights

Christopher Bollyn:E BOOK

*265 pgs/Solving 9-11-The Deception That Changed The World

Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2001

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2002

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2003

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2004

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2005

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2006

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2007

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2008

Christopher Bollyn:9-11 Archive 2009

Christopher Bollyn:Depleted Uranium

Christopher Bollyn:Political Assassinations

Christopher Bollyn:The Middle East

Christopher Bollyn:The Cure for Disinfo

Christopher Bollyn:Who is Barack Obama?

Christopher Bollyn:The Fraudulent War on Terror

Christopher Bollyn:The Zionist Criminal Network


*site:Christopher Bollyn(www.bollyn.com/solving-9-11-the-book)


The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9-11

The Shanksville Deception of 9-11


*The CIA: America's Premier International Terrorist Organization






Time for law-abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 1 of 13

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YouTube - Money As Debt (1 of 5)

YouTube - Money As Debt (2 of 5)

YouTube - Money As Debt (3 of 5)

YouTube - Money As Debt (4 of 5)

YouTube - Money As Debt (5 of 5)




*(www.wanttoknow.info/financialbankingcoverup)Banking,Federa Reservel,FinanciaCover-up


**U.S. National Debt: 13 Trillion & Clicking


*Web of Debt - Articles

Ellen Brown: US economic reform creates full-employment, renewed infrastructure, zero national debt


*site:ImageShack: Online Media Hosting


80% Favor Auditing the Federal Reserve: Rasmussen Reports

The Wall Street Journal's War On Gold by Gary North

Marc Faber: 'The Banks Are Gone'

Defending the Miser by Walter Block

Census workers can enter your apartment in your absence | The Barr Code

'Civil Rights' and Total War by William Norman Grigg

TRAGEDY: Gary Coleman Dead at 42

TRAILER: The Mighty George Romero’s ‘Survival of the Dead’ Opens Today

‘Lost’ Finale: Best Show in Television History Comes to ‘The End’

Meeting a Horror Legend: The Mighty George A. Romero

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 1

DC Bank Protest: ‘Showdown In America’ Motives #3 And #4

ObamaCare: Death Panels Are a Real Concern After All

Obama Votes ‘Present’ on Arizona Boycott, but Not on Tea Parties

ShoreBank and the ‘Weatherization Underground’

The Gulf Spill: Seizing a Crisis to Grab Your Power

Court Document Reveals Government’s Admission That It Lacked Evidence O’Keefe, Others Intended to Commit Felony At Landrieu’s Office

Unions: Getting The Munchies After Smoking A Bowl

Los Angeles Not Content With Bankrupting Itself

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: Screenshots of the Government’s Admission That James O’Keefe Did Not Attempt to Tamper With Landrieu’s Phones

Insider Patenting: How Fannie Mae Chief Got the Patent for Cap and Trade in 2006

Higher Corporate Taxes Undermine American Competitiveness and Hurt Workers, Consumers, and Shareholders

Greek Disease in the House

Retracto Recap: We Haven’t Forgotten About These Corrections Owed to James O’Keefe

Correction Request: CBS News Tampering with the Truth

NewsBusted: Will Democrats Read Arizona’s Cockfighting Law?

Tar balls and promises: Obama visits Gulf Coast

Oil spill culprits run deep | obama, oil, deep - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - Memorial Day 2010

Breitbart.tv » Bachmann Blasts House Dems for Voting to Allow Another Federal Pay Raise

DOJ, Arizona officials meet over immigration law

Breitbart.tv » Clinton: Rich ‘Not Paying Their Fair Share’ in Taxes

GOP: White House Sestak story not believable | Washington Examiner

Breitbart.tv » Sestak: ‘There’s Nothing Wrong That Was Done’

Sestak: Clinton offered 'presidential board,' maybe intelligence or defense - TheHill.com

WH had Clinton try to ease Sestak out of Pa. race

A frustrated White House press corps bites the hand that feeds it | McClatchy

Chris Matthews Blasts Obama: “The Gulf Of Mexico Is More Important Than A Presidency” | Mediaite

White House Failure: On Markets, Corruption, and the Oil Spill

2nd Iceland volcano issues ominous warning - Science- msnbc.com

On Food Allergies, Supplements, and Getting Well at Last


# Michael Tomasky: Friday quiz: At the hop


How to Build your Wardrobe – Part 1

How to Build Your Wardrobe: Part II-Men’s Clothing Specifics

How to Build Your Wardrobe: Part III-Men’s Hats, Watches, and Other Accessories


*Banned Classics


'America's unhealthiest drink' — and my delicious recipe for a heart attack in a glass – Telegraph Blogs

Space junk threatens to cause 'chain reaction' that could wipe out communications on Earth | Mail Online

Some Schizophrenia Symptoms Caused by Virus

What Deep-Voiced Men Think of You

Non-controversial Stem Cells Can Repair Heart Damage

Creeping Crawling Caterpillar...Robots?

Why Is the Length of the Indy 500 Set at 500?

Air France crash: The truth behind the disaster that killed 228 people

Meet our oldest human ancestor ... the cannibal: How earliest species was toothy little devil

Radio transmitters used to track tropical bees on their travels

Discovered: The dinosaur that flew back when the Sahara was a lush and green paradise

Facebook bows to user pressure with privacy control shake-up... BUT falls short of EU demands

New BBC iPlayer will integrate with Facebook, Twitter and other channels

Climate change making Everest more dangerous to climb, says record-breaking Sherpa

The unbreakable umbrella and the intelligent plant pot are designs of the future

Ever wondered why the music in horror films scares us? The harsh sounds tap into instinctive fears

The dramatic moment a comet crashed into the Sun

Mars Phoenix lander that found water on the red planet will not rise again, says Nasa

How a walk in the countryside could improve your brainpower

Life on other Earth-like planets could be unpredictable

Saving for a rainy day? It depends on which side of your brain you think with

Hubble reveals our galaxy's hottest planet is being gobbled up by its sun

Why women love the TV more than their husbands

Bat plague: The mystery disease that threatens to wipe them out and why we depend on their survival

Survey reveals that many of the UK's most at-risk species are still in serious decline despite Government attempts to protect them


*site:Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder



audio:Raising your vibrational frequency

audio:Chakra Tones Meditation


Video: The Government Can


University disciplines scientist for showing paper on bat sex - Times Online


audio page:Neil deGrasse Tyson

video:Speech: On Intelligent Design

video:Speech: The Cosmic Perspective

video:Question: Scientific Findings from Prayer Studies

video:Panel: Tyson Rebukes Dawkins

articles: Neil deGrasse Tyson

video:A Discussion and Tour of the Hayden Planetarium

video:A Discussion About NASA's Extraterrestrial Life Program

video:A Conversation About NASA's Mars Expedition

video:Swami Levitation

video:Full Moon Effects

video:Fear of Numbers

video:Bible in the Science Classroom?


video:UFO Sightings

video:Will 2012 Be the End?

video:Science and Religion

video:The Great Planet Debate

video:The World Will Not End in 2012


FOIA Documents List(/www.abovetopsecret.com)


GOP Senate hopes ride with tea party activists

Malawi's president pardons, releases gay couple

Immigration rallies drawing crowds to Phoenix

US drone crew blamed for Afghan civilian deaths

Death toll in India derailment rises to 114+

Back home in Chicago, Obama hits hardwood floor

Indian police hunt Maoists after deadly train crash

BP moves to plug oil well leak with junk

How he did it

'Madoff for celebrities' charged

Man arrested over Loyalist's murder

80 killed in terror attacks in Lahore

Obama: Singling out Israel wrong

Obama takes responsibility for coping with spill

WRAPUP 2-No end in sight as Gulf oil spill hits Day 40 | Reuters

Pelosi blames Bush administration for BP oil spill. | Washington Examiner

Parish President: President Obama 'Chewed Me Out' - Political Punch

BP Buses In 400 Workers During Obama's Visit - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans

The Fix - How the Sestak job offer became a big deal

My Way News - Immigration rallies drawing crowds to Phoenix

My Way News - Pirates threaten boats on US-Mexico border lake

Communists Could Gain in Czech Vote - NYTimes.com

Flotilla set for final leg of Gaza blockade-busting bid - Yahoo! News

NY's revamped Coney Island takes flight - Yahoo! News

Frozen human embryos 'not life forms': S.Korean court

The Associated Press: Stone: Film an intro to Chavez and his movement

FOXNews.com - Calif. College Offers Scholarship to Illegal Immigrants

Concern over growing number of aircraft near-misses

China, South Korea to Deepen Ties Amid North Tension (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Breitbart.tv » Lousiana Congressman Breaks Down During Hearing About Oil Spill

Options studied for a possible Pakistan strike

Phoenix-area hospitals fight highly toxic 'supergerm'

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel - Yahoo! News Photos

Israeli Heckler Calls Rahm Emanuel "Anti-Semite" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

New Home Sales Set to Plunge in Former Bubble Markets (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Berkshire confirms Buffett subpoenaed to testify | Reuters

Cambodian 'jungle woman' flees back to wild - Telegraph

Steve Wynn Takes on Washington, Vegas & EBITDA - CNBC

Oakland Pot Club Says Union, Yes! | NBC Bay Area

My Way News - Oakland to license, tax indoor marijuana growers

Poll finds anger over country's leaders - USATODAY.com

White House admits effort to keep Sestak out of Senate race - CNN.com

The Plum Line - Obama showed he grasps depths of global challenge

RealClearPolitics - Refusing the Entitlement Lollipop

A New Vision of School Reform | The Nation

Obama says he's doing everything he can to control the Gulf spill. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Oil Stain

The National Interest:Obama’s Security Strategy is Clueless

Effort to Plug Well Hangs in Balance - WSJ.com

Obama, the Thin-Skinned President

Obama's national security strategy: A little George Bush, lots of Bill Clinton

How Joe Sestak and Barack Obama Are Needlessly Fueling a Feeding Frenzy - The Daily Beast

Bill Clinton has evolved into Obama's Mr. Fix-It

RealClearPolitics - Politics - May 29, 2010 - Analysis: Politics as usual for Obama

More Anti-Democrat than Anti-Incumbent — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Western conservatives and Southern conservatives battle for the soul of the Republican Party. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

Congressional Memo - Currently in Vogue - Ringing the Deficit Alarm - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Obama: America's chief confessor | NewsOK.com

Op-Ed Columnist - An Unnatural Disaster - NYTimes.com

Don't blame BP – Gulf of Mexico oil spill is America's fault - Telegraph

NUGENT: Every day is Memorial Day - Washington Times

How Obama Baffles on Bipartisanship - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Oil regulators and Obama fall short: editorial | - Opinions, Editorials, Letters and Columns from The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com

Editorial - Unintelligent Design of Mr. Sestak’s Job Offer - NYTimes.com

Rahm to Bill to Joe - WSJ.com

Historic votes are cast, but hurdles remain for ending 'don't ask, don't tell'

Congressional Democrats downshift on spending, cut provisions to jobs bill

House Approves Bill Ending Hedge Funds’ Tax Break - NYTimes.com

House passes defense policy bill - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Critics cheer missed deadline on campaign finance legislation - TheHill.com

The National Interest:Why America Needs Allies

Thurs.;27th/Transcripts:Panel on Obama's Press Conference

Transcript of Obama's Press Conference

Interview with Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen

Analysts Discuss the Gulf Oil Spill

Secretary Clinton on the National Security Strategy


YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts Reveals How The Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts Reveals How The Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts Reveals How The Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts Reveals How The Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts Reveals How The Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


Steve Wynn Takes On Washington

We Are Change welcome Obama to San Francisco, challenge MSM media

Israeli war game rehearses ‘Iran attack’

Administration opposes Arizona law that penalizes hiring of illegal immigrants

An Ominous Drilling Sign for the Truth

Homeless Iraqis Prompt Fears of Social Crisis - IWPR Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Arizona’s Immigration Law — a good thing?

Surprise: New U.S. border troops won’t be used to stop illegal aliens

Reading labels: What is in your mouth?

Herbal Supplements Often Have Contaminants, Study Finds - NYTimes.com

BBC News - MMR doctor struck from register

» Bloggers Beware – They’re Coming After You! - Big Government

Ron Paul: The Founding Fathers Were Libertarians

The Constitution Applies to Terrorists

The Continuing Erosion of the Bill of Rights | NowPublic News Coverage

Supplanting the United States Constitution: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of Government”

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Homegrown terrorist threat to be part of National Security Strategy « - Blogs from CNN.com

US appoints first cyber warfare general | World news | The Observer

Former Utah Congressman, current Senate Candidate Merrill Cook Questions WTC7

GOP: U.S. can't afford to fund health 'entitlement program' for 9/11 rescue workers

Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition

Rudy Giuliani Confronted by We Are Change Idaho

Democrat to Miller: ‘Time to move on’ « The Benicia Herald

Possibly the best evidence of a bomb explosion before the first plane hit

Lost Sense of Smell Noted Among Ground Zero Workers Post-9/11

Study Finds More Male Babies Miscarried in Aftermath of 9/11 Terror Attacks - AOL News

Children as young as 4 'to be fingerprinted to borrow school books' - Telegraph

Will Beck join the biggest dot?

‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The TSA's mini 'Watch List' - The Complete Las Vegan - ReviewJournal.com

Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship? - New America Media

Beijing suspects false flag attack on South Korean corvette

Who Sank the South Korean Warship Cheonan? A New Stage in the US-Korean War and US-China Relations

The sinking of the Cheonan: Another Gulf of Tonkin incident

PsyOps Against North Korea

YouTube - Preparation: Long Term Survival Supplies For Your Home

The Prepper Movement -- a Growing Network Preparing for the World's End - Asylum.com

U.S. Stocks, Oil, Euro Tumble; Dow Ends Worst May Since 1940 - Bloomberg.com

UPDATE 1-IMF calls for gradual rise in Japan sales tax | Reuters

Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the Tide of Economic Unrest?

Bilderberger Praises Medicare Rationing Advocate

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy

Agenda 21 Alert: Science and Sewage

Pro Libertate: "Civil Rights" and Total War

Next Rand Paul Slam: Anchor Babies

“Rise Of The New Right” MSNBC Documentary Cites Alex Jones, Rand Paul As “Extremists”

Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology

The Fix - How the Sestak job offer became a big deal

Previous Daily Kos Poll On Rand Paul Was Woefully Inaccurate

The New Black Panthers “Prepare For War” With The Tea Party

D. Kos poll: Paul’s narrow lead remains after civil rights gaffe? | Washington Examiner

Sestak admits he exaggerated about the ‘job offer’ | Washington Examiner

WH: We didn’t offer Sestak a job. But if we did, it wouldn’t have been unethical | Washington Examiner

White House or Sestak — someone is lying | Washington Examiner

Reid looks stronger in new poll, but still posts anemic numbers | Washington Examiner

Latest climate climbdown: the Royal Society reviews its statements on global warming – Telegraph Blogs


*28 pg/Euro They Said It

Europe: A Continent Of Lies And Broken Promises; How The EU Elite Got It Wrong On The Euro


*World Gold Council Q1

World Gold Council Sees Ever Greater Demand For Gold, As “Consumers Become Accustomed To Higher Prices”


Tarpley: “A casino economy of globalization”

One Out Of Every Ten U.S. Banks Is Now On The FDIC’s Problem List – Do You Know If Your Bank Is Safe?

BILDERBERG: Global cabal pushes agenda before meeting in Sitges, Spain

Their cure will kill us! Michel Chossudovsky on State of Financial Emergency

Too Many Wars Waged

US acknowledges mistaken attack on Afghan civilians - Asia, World - The Independent

Most Guantanamo detainees low-level fighters, task force report says

Options studied for a possible Pakistan strike

The “International Community” Pushes for “Global Coordination”

English Defence League: Inside the violent world of Britain's new far right | UK news | The Guardian

Republican candidate opposes citizenship for US-born children of illegal immigrants - Telegraph

“Rise Of The New Right” MSNBC Documentary Cites Alex Jones, Rand Paul As “Extremists”

Next Rand Paul Slam: Anchor Babies


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 28th With Alan Hart

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 27th With Miss Oklahoma

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 26th With Ron Paul

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 25th With Dr. Andrew Wakefield

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 24th With Christopher C. Horner


*29th/Politics Video:Krauthammer: WH Statement On Sestak "Lawyerly" And "Deceptive"

Obama Weekly Address On Honoring The Fallen

Olbermann: This Isn't Obama's Katrina

GOP Weekly Address On America Speaking Out

Grand Isle Mayor On Meeting With President

*28th/Issa Watches As Sestak Gives Presser On White House Job Offer

Friends: Crist Pats Obama On Back After Gulf Coast Presser

NBC "Nightly News": Clinton Did "Political Job" For Obama Admin.

CBS' "Evening News": WH Made "Embarassing Admission Today"

ABC's "World News": Clinton Tried To "Keep Sestak Out Of The Race"

Obama: "There Is Nobody Here Who Can't Get In Touch With Me Directly"

New NRSC Ad: "Never Again": Obama and the BP Oil Spill

Gates: Nothing Changing Immediately On "Don't Ask" Policy

BP Buses In 400 Workers For Obama's Visit

Sestak: Conversation With Clinton Was Not "Inappropriate," Lasted 60 Seconds

New MSNBC Documentary: "Rise Of The New Right"

Obama Picks Up, Gives Reporters Lesson On Tar Balls

Report: White House Asked Clinton To Talk To Sestak

Clinton Refuses To Comment On Sestak Offer

Sen. LeMieux: Oil Drilling Should Be Far Offshore

Obama On Oil Spill: "We're In This Together"

Hatch: "Many People Believe The President's Responsible For The Destruction Of Our Country"

Tapper On Obama Owning The Gulf Crisis

CA College Offers Scholarship For Illegal Immigrants

Krauthammer: If "Top Kill" Fails, This Will Be Obama's Katrina

Rand Paul: US Should Not Grant Citizenship To Children Of Illegal Immigrants

Limbaugh On Clinton's Involvement With Sestak Job Offer

O'Reilly And Beck On Criticism Of Obama

Matthews: More Questions On The Gulf Oil Spill


05-28-2010: Privacy fears mount as “Minority Report” ad targeting grows

05-28-2010: More Cities on Brink of Bankruptcy

05-28-2010: Kyrgyzstan’s "Rose Revolution": Washington, Moscow, Beijing and the Geopolitics of Central Asia

05-28-2010: Homegrown terrorist threat to be part of National Security Strategy

05-28-2010: Geithner upbeat on 'global regulation' plan

05-27-2010: President told aliens are on earth

Head of Marxist-led institute joins Obama team

Hamas gains ground as Obama brokers talks

Explanation of White House 'job offer' energizes doubters

It's tea party vs. establishment in fight to remove senator

White House says Sestak 'job offer' just fine

President turns back on opportunity to explain Sestak claim

Sestak-gate: You can affect possible impeachment

How Obama got into Harvard

Modern civil rights: Cockfighting and same-sex proms

Letting Rand Paul twist in the wind

Pulitzer biography is a real prize

Biden time in Brussels

What did the president know?

God's definition of happiness

Minimum-wage cruelty: The beat goes on

The Liberal-Fascist Axis

Artistic parasites

Pulitzer biography is a real prize

Hey, this Cato Institute is doing something!

'Earn this!'

Obamacare taking on water | Washington Examiner

Campaign 2010: Where to Put Blame -- In These Times

Glenn Beck's departure from Fox News, Part 2

Play a fiddle, watch 'em burn (OneNewsNow.com)

Barack Obama's new world order

The Obama race card

Public sentiment: Become American again

Normal human problems are turned into medical conditions, spiking healthcare costs

Russia’s War Games Preparing for Conflict with the East

Canada to spend $1 billion for G20 security

FLASH Laser Leads to Discovery of New State of Matter

Nets slung around Apple factories to deter suicidal employees

UK Identity cards scheme will be axed 'within 100 days'

More Than 100 Census Takers Have Been Assaulted Or Attacked This Month

The Worst Money Supply Plunge Since The Depression Means A Double Dip Is Now A ‘Virtual Certainty’

Censorship of the Internet courtesy of Eircom

The Real Reason Germany And The Rest Of Europe Are Doomed To Crisis After Crisis

Millions were in germ war tests

Airport body scanners raise radiation concerns

U.S. Cyber Command: Waging War In World’s Fifth Battlespace

Creation of Earth's 1st Synthetic Life: Could There be Unintended Consequences?

US money supply plunges at 1930s pace as Obama eyes fresh stimulus

Are We About To Witness The Greatest Banking Consolidation In U.S. History?

Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes Forked Tongue On Iran

video:Noam Chomsky Interview

Analysts Question Korea Torpedo Incident

The Oil Catastrophe

Shadowy Schemers Converge on Spain

10 Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill | Environment | AlterNet

US State Department Says "Conspiracy Theories Exist In The Realm Of Myth"

The Hard Truth About Residential Real Estate

VIDEO: Ukraine: NATO Membership is Off the Agenda: "A New Strategic Partnership with Russia,”

China Signs $23 Billion Oil Deal With Nigeria

Russian Navy Has Own Theory on S. Korean Ship Sinking

VIDEO: The US rather than North Korea is a Threat to Global Security

Immigration: Don't Let "Reform "Be an Excuse for Increased Repression

Jamaica State of Siege: Scores Dead, Hundreds Detained

False Findings Intent Upon Triggering Confrontation between North and South Korea

Wall Street Criminals Are Given The "Green Light": Obama's Financial Reforms Are Watered Down

The Impossibility of "Going Green"

Bush argued in 2004 that the best way to grow the U.S. economy was by waging war, says former Argentine PM Néstor Kirchner

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, When is the Next AIG to Fall? | Marc Faber

DOJ Declares War on Doctors

Presidential power grab: the line-item veto

Marc Faber: 'The Banks Are Gone'

'Civil Rights' and Total War

As Harvard Law Dean, Kagan Did Not Require Study of U.S. Constitutional Law But Did Require Study of International and Foreign Law

'I'm a Marxist:' Dalai Lama

Greenwald: Who are the real "crazies" in our political culture?

Fluoridation and obfuscation

Warner Bros. Sued for Pirating Anti-Piracy Technology

Capitalist Rothschilds

Rothschilds Engineer Fire Sale Of UK Infrastructure To Offshore Corporations

The Greek Bailout's Two Secret Exit Clauses: Why Europe Is Now Cheering For Its Own Demise

Ron Paul: Inside Sources Told Me Fed Is Panicking At Mass Awakening

Poll: 46% Oppose More Government Regulation of Financial System, 37% Favor

Insider Trading Is Perfectly Legal – But Only For Members Of The U.S. Congress

The death of the welfare state in Europe? U.S. think tank labels over-generosity 'unaffordable' as it warns of day of reckoning | Mail Online

Inside the Air Force’s Secret PsyOps Plane | Danger Room | Wired.com

Darpa’s Beady-Eyed Camera Spots the ‘Non-Cooperative’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

savethemales.ca - Von Braun: Illuminati Plan For E.T. Deception

Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

New Bin Laden "Confession" Tape: Fake Like The Rest?

Darpa’s Super Sniper Scopes in Shooters’ Hands by 2011 | Danger Room | Wired.com

Israel sold billions in arms to apartheid South Africa

Technology Updates: Inheritable Genetic Modification

'G-20 agenda should touch on education'

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy


*Videos on Demand/Free Speech TV

*GRITtv with Laura Flanders /Free Speech TV


Immigrants R Us | CommonDreams.org

Is The SEC Still Working For Wall Street? | CommonDreams.org

Is The President The Kind of Leader Chairman Mao Warned Us About? | CommonDreams.org

The Health Care Reform Action Moves to the States | CommonDreams.org

Stopping Orwell's Nightmare | CommonDreams.org

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Hollywood hellraiser Dennis Hopper dead at 74

A Nation Mesmerized: Can BP Plug the Gulf Gusher?

In Oil Spill Saga, Mysteries of the Deep Persist

Oil Spill Cam Becomes Internet Sensation

New Drilling Rules' Impact Goes Beyond Big Oil

Scientists Find 22-Mile Oil Plume Under Gulf Surface

Gates to Troops: No Gay Ban Repeal Imminent

Rep. McCarthy: GOP Effort Gives Voice to Citizens

Sestak: Clinton Chat Lasted Less Than a Minute

White House Lawyer: No Impropriety in Sestak Case

Paul Opposes Citizenship for Babies of Illegals

Obama Used Bill Clinton in Sestak Gambit

Dick Morris: Obama Shouldn't Blame Bush for Spill

Times: W.H. Asked Bill Clinton to Approach Sestak

Noonan: Obama Incompetent

Candidate: GOP Chances to Oust Reid Slipping

Sestak Says Brother Spoke to W.H. on Allegations

Gregg: Obama Freezes Out GOP on Finance Reform

Hillary: $13T US Debt is National Security Threat

Club for Growth: Reid Opponent Donated Money to Him

Obama Asks Americans to Observe Memorial Day

Report: 2 Dozen Terror Leaders Among Detainees

Lawyers Offer to Reduce Fees in 9/11 Health Case

GOP Senate Hopes Ride With Tea Party Activists

US Weighs Military Retaliation Option in Pakistan

House Approves Pared-Back Tax and Spending Bill

Buffett Subpoenaed to Testify Before Crisis Panel

Report: Goldman Seeks to Avoid Fraud in Settlement

Bud Conrad: Dollar to Crash to Zero, Gold Will Surge

Food Makers Drop the Fat

Violent Video Games Touted As Learning Tool

FAA: Planes Must Have GPS-Based Equipment

One Laptop Per Child's Next Move: the $100 Tablet

James Bond Comes Back for More in New Novel

Biden’s Prediction: Obama Failed the 'Test'

Gulf Spill, Immigration, Markets Drag Obama Down in Polls

'Extenders Package' Bill Raises Some Capital Gains Taxes 157 Percent

Congress Wants Quadruple Tax on Oil, Taxpayers to Absorb Cost

BP Spill Pales in Comparison to Govt Spending Mess

Obama Presidency on Lifesupport

California Dream Meets Fiscal Nightmare

Senate Financial Bill Wrong for Main Street

2010 On Track to Be Deadliest Year for U.S. Forces in Almost Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War

Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare

Homeland Security Subcommittee Chairman: ‘I Want To See A Little More Than 1,200’ National Guard Troops at Border

National Security Strategy Coy About Darfur Crisis

Nations to Consider Adding ‘Aggression’ to Int’l Court Crimes

Japan Joins Effort to Punish North Korea, China’s Position Awaited

Emergency Bill to Close Tax ‘Loopholes’ Includes $46 Million Tax Loophole for Hollywood Movie Makers

Palin Makes Good on Fence Threat

‘Synthetic’ Cell Research Isn’t Frankenstein Science, but Raises Troubling Questions, Analysts Say

Kagan Wants to Impose Her Values on Your Speech

Barack Obama in Crisis: Zzzz

Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » The Human Cost of Mandatory Minimums

Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Reviving the Fourth Amendment and American Privacy

Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Remembering Dr. Tiller

Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » In Memory of Dr. George Tiller

FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » The BP Spill Is Not as Complicated as David Brooks Wants You to Think

FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Managed News From the Gulf of Mexico

FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Obama's War on the Press Continues

Kirchner: Bush angrily said War would Grow US Economy | Informed Comment

Why Pakistan needs the Separation of Religion and State; Atrocities by Taliban against Ahmadis | Informed Comment

80 Dead in Twin Ahmadi Mosque Bombings | Informed Comment

Taliban Commander Maulvi Fazlullah Said Killed in Nuristan | Informed Comment

Petraeus Memo Widens scope of US Military Covert Operations in ME | Informed Comment

Planned Muslim Cultural Center Near Ground Zero Prompts Massive Right-Wing Freakout | TPMMuckraker

Sestak Defends Himself: 'There's Nothing Wrong That Was Done' (VIDEO) | TPMDC

Former 'Family Values' CA Legislator Ashburn Comes Out In Favor Of Gay Rights (VIDEO) | TPMMuckraker

The Crawford Tapes: IN-05 Right-Wing Dem Implodes At Heated Meeting (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire

On Financial Reform, White House Frustrates Wall Street And Progressives | TPMDC

Steve King Blames Muslims For DOJ Challenging AZ Immigration Law | TPM LiveWire

Obama Offers 'Solemn Pledge' To Gulf Residents: 'You Will Not Be Abandoned' | TPM LiveWire

Global Spirit - Forgiveness and Healing | Alliance for a New Humanity

Global Spirit - Earth Widsom | Alliance for a New Humanity


*Free 9/11 Documentaries & Videos / 911docs.net


Honoring Our Heroes

Ask the Expert: Sima Gandhi on Oil Company Subsidies

Revealing Hidden Inequities in School Districts

Creepy Pennsylvania Ads Threaten Tax Evaders | Center for Media and Democracy

Banksters Create New Fake "Consumer" Group | Center for Media and Democracy


*site:Marijuana Policy Project.

*site:Constitution Project

*site:Center for Defense Information

*site:Foreign Policy In Focus

*site:Institute for Policy Studies


BP Oil Spill Confirmed as Worst in US History; Environmental Groups Challenge Continued Oil Operations in Gulf Excluded from New Moratorium

SpyTalk - Analysts question Korea torpedo incident

US Senate passes $349 million aid for Pakistan

"Hope-and-Change," A Hoax | Citizens for Legitimate Government

With Approval Ratings In The 60s, Hillary Clinton Is Our Most Popular Living Politician.

Oil Industry Flack Rayola Dougher Calls Delays on New Oil Wells 'Great Concern' to the Industry

Worshippers slaughtered in deadly 'final warning' - Asia, World - The Independent

Nintendo to investigate Foxconn deaths - Times Online

David Laws: Treasury's new axeman and £40k expenses for secret gay partner | Mail Online

Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology

Volcanoes cause chaos in Guatemala and Ecuador - Times Online

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: fresh questions raised about chemicals - Telegraph

Oil spill threatens 'total destruction'

Video Gone From Phone Activist Used in La. Caper

High Hopes for Business Folk Planning NJ Pot Sales

SF Mayor Wants to Create College Accounts for Kids

True Past of Ore. Man Emerging From Federal Probe

Police: SoCal Man Beheaded Neighbor, Killed Friend

US-German Flying Observatory Sees 'First Light'

Parole Revoked for Convicted Killer in Montana

Authorities: Child Porn Ring, Weak as Weakest Link

Mother, Stepfather Charged in Boy's Death in Utah

Parolee Pleads Guilty to Slaying of LA Teen

Obama Administration Extends Roadless Moratorium

Parties Agree to Extension in Indian Lawsuit

Police: 3 Locked Demented Woman in Room for Months


video:Obama’s Faith Advisor Says It’s Wrong to Question Faith But Then Rants ‘Is Libertarianism Christian?’

MSNBC’s Matthews Compliments Limbaugh’s ‘Lampooning’ of Bill Clinton

Laura Bush Leads a Tour of George W’s Childhood Home

The B-Cast: Who Believes White House Account of Sestak Saga?

Krauthammer Names the Big Winner & Loser in Oil Spill Fallout

Cummings on Sestak Scandal: ‘People Do it All the Time’

Bill Clinton Ignores Blogger’s Questions About Sestak Offer During Little Rock Event

White House: Bill Clinton Approached Rep. Sestak With Offer of Unpaid Job

Was He Joking? Fox News Host Calls Himself Wrong Name Twice

ABC News Reporter Upsets Author Living Next to Palin by Knocking on His Door

TX Dem: ‘I Want To See A Little More Than 1,200′ Nat’l Guard Troops at Border

Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare

Limbaugh: 10 Questions I Would Have Asked Obama

Guardian Angels Founder Mocks ‘King’ Cuomo

Florida Teacher Hands Out Porn to 2nd-Grader

Automobile Reporter’s Teen Son Crashes $180,000 Porsche

Israeli Heckler Calls Rahm Emanuel ‘Anti-Semite’

BP Denies Staging Beach Clean-Up Effort for Obama Visit

The B-Cast: Is Libertarianism ‘Un-Christian’ as Obama Adviser Says?

The B-Cast: Obama Finally Holds a News Conference

Tavis Smiley: Many More Examples of Christians Than Muslims Blowing People Up in U.S.

13-Story Mosque to Be Built Near Ground Zero

The B-Cast Interviews Guns & Gear Expert ‘Nutnfancy’ (Reviewer of ‘Dangerous Things’)


**site:Jazz FM

*Listen:Jazz Fm*


Ten Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill

Oil spill hearings: BP didn't test mud prior to critical pipeline procedure, driller testifies | NOLA.com

North Korea: We're Heading To 'The Brink Of War'

Deficit Eclipses Jobs In Congress: 'Nickel-And-Diming The Most Fragile People'

The Raw Story | US Fed schedules tests on deposit facility

Campaign For Liberty — The "International Community" Pushes for "Global Coordination"

Poisoned Water -- Signs of the Times News

Timeline of Events in BP Oil Spill: Day by Day, April 20 to May 26 | Before It's News

New World Order University Forum » Obama begins war against states

YouTube - CNN: Democrats Cringed at Obama

HotAirPundit: CNN Dana Bash: Democrats Cringed At Obama Not Knowing the Details of the Resignation of the Head of MMS

Psychedelic symbol in Botticelli's Venus and Mars - Boing Boing

Botticelli’s painting Venus and Mars may allude to sex and drugs - Times Online

Indicted New York City Politician Andrew Stein Was Behind Controversial License For Gay Bar | Before It's News

The Book of Revelation: Bad News for Those Waiting for End Times | Before It's News

SPACE.com -- Jupiter Moon's Ice-Covered Ocean Is Rich in Oxygen

Ground Zero Mosque Just the Beginning. | Before It's News

Sexual Repression Doesn't Work for Parish, Priest, or Pope | Before It's News

7 Ways Computer Glitches Can, And Have, Ruined Your Day - Weird Worm

‘Tattoo’ may help diabetics track their blood sugar

Bone Marrow Transplants Shown to Cure Mentally Ill Mice, Linking Immune Issues to Psychiatric Disorders | Popular Science

YouTube - World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes

CBC News - Politics - Summit costs hit $1.1B

John Prescott becomes a peer in Brown's resignation honours | Mail Online

Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation - Times Online

Trying to blind us with 'Science' - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog

CBC News - Canada - Newfoundland UFOs still a mystery

Crimes and Criminal Procedure - 18 USC Section 600 - US Code

The Joe Sestak “Question” – Anatomy Of An Interview That Spread Like Wildfire at The Larry Kane Report

Clinton: 'The rich are not paying their fair share' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Hatch: "Many People Believe The President's Responsible For The Destruction Of Our Country"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi Blames Bush For Lax Offshore Drilling Oversight

CNN's Henry Sees Obama Moment that Would've Driven Media Mockery of Bush | NewsBusters.org

The New Media Journal | Just Say “You’re Welcome” by David Jeffers

Critics say plan to cut Coast Guard personnel will harm readiness for crises

Obama, the Thin-Skinned President


*Sestak Memorandum


**DR. FRED BAUGHMAN / ADHD: Fraud and the Chemical Holocaust Against a Generation of Children


The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Fri May 28, 2010. 04:20 PM

Alex Jones - 2010-May-28, Friday

May 28, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

05/28 The Mark Levin Show


Dennis Hopper dead at 74; maverick actor directed "Easy Rider" - latimes.com

Gary Coleman Keeps His Address on ‘Avenue Q’ - NYTimes.com

Is Mariah Carey pregnant? Hub not telling | St. Louis Globe-Democrat

The Associated Press: Clinton-Blair years focus of HBO's 'Relationship'

FOXNews.com - Disaster in the Gulf: 40 Days and Counting ...

FOXNews.com - Clinton's Role in Sestak Controversy Stirs Questions About His and White House Motives

Protesters rally against Arizona immigration law | Reuters

The Associated Press: Obama: Memorial Day is time to honor fallen troops

The Associated Press: Paul opposes citizenship for babies of illegals

Economy, immigration drive California governor race | Reuters

Obama outlines security strategy in new report - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Amber Alert for California Girl Taken by Mom

Elena Kagan and the University of Chicago snub - chicagotribune.com

Gun rights could pose problem for Kagan - Los Angeles Times

Editorial: Questions for Elena Kagan | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Opinion: Editorials

Obama, Democrats spar over intelligence oversight | Reuters

The Hindu : News / International : Israel to stop aid ships

Militants Attack Tiny Pakistani Sect - WSJ.com

Hunt for Jamaican drug suspect to resume - CNN.com

Czech SocDem leader quits after poor election result | Reuters

BBC News - Night trains suspended after deadly India crash

Taliban Push Afghan Police Out of Valley - NYTimes.com

U.K. Coalition Faces Test on Official's Expenses - WSJ.com

allAfrica.com: Africa: Victims of Rights Violations Turn Their Eyes to Kampala (Page 1 of 2)

‘Crossbow cannibal’ case: police find more body parts - Times Online

BBC News - US balloon daredevil floats across English Channel

'Fake' encounter: Antony says guilty will not be spared

The Associated Press: German leader Merkel goes from glories to disgrace

YouTube - Emergency ALERT (Must See) Relocation ? NWO


YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Bob Chapman's Friday 5/28/2010 Economic Report on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


YouTube - Former BBC Reporter Alan Hart Reveals 'Mossad' Involved in 9/11 on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Former BBC Reporter Alan Hart Reveals 'Mossad' Involved in 9/11 on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Former BBC Reporter Alan Hart Reveals 'Mossad' Involved in 9/11 on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Former BBC Reporter Alan Hart Reveals 'Mossad' Involved in 9/11 on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Former BBC Reporter Alan Hart Reveals 'Mossad' Involved in 9/11 on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


YouTube - Kokesh: 'Obama continuing Bush security policies '

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Security Cameras - May 26, 2010


*Cop Watch- These Streets Are Watching / 53:15


Bottled water contains more bacteria than tap water - Telegraph

*American Minute for May 29th:William J Federer's American Minute


Geometry teacher who used Obama assassination to teach angles suspended 10 days without pay | al.com

National Briefing - Health - Doctors Reverse Stand on Circumcision - NYTimes.com

Blagojevich Legal Fund Dwindling Before Trial Even Starts / Chicago News Cooperative

It's tea party vs. establishment in fight to remove senator

Court accused of covering for Obama in 'Walpingate'

flashback:Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must 'kiss my ass' for his support - Telegraph

Now We Know Why Clinton and Obama Had Lunch on Thursday

Explanation of White House 'job offer' energizes doubters

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Nightmare for small-business owners

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama's 'head fake' on oil drilling

Facebook grooming: How pervert postman used site to groom hundreds of children | Mail Online

Barack Obama declares the 'War on Terror' is over - Telegraph

U.S. trying to deport 'Son of Hamas'

Human-animal hybrids in life vs. death struggle

Pot calling the kettle black

Think America 'protected' against EU crisis?

Democrats to border states: Drop dead

Fortunes fade on tax break - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

GOP moves to repeal healthcare law - TheHill.com

Senate Committee OKs Amdt to Allow Abortions at US Military Hospitals

Mary Landrieu: President Obama will pay politically for spill - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

BP CEO gives "top kill" 48 hours in Gulf spill: Scientific American

Stuart's Snyder wants state to consider Arizona-style crackdown on illegal immigration » TCPalm.com

Performers to Stay Away From Arizona in Protest of Law - NYTimes.com

Citizenship-By-Birth Faces Challenges : NPR

FOXNews.com - Calif. College Offers Scholarship to Illegal Immigrants