"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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01 November 2008

Sat - 1 Nov

Obama aunt from Kenya living in US illegally
Olbermann crashes SNL set - Politico.com
site - Anti-CAIR - Defending America from the Council on American-Islamic Relations
'Anyone who suggests a linkage with editorial endorsements is just plain wrong'
'Consumption can drop like a rock when an actual credit squeeze is going on'
'Dear Mr. Obama' has been viewed more than 11 million times
'Doonesbury' cartoonist distributes Obama victory strip
'Even if I was behind what they were asking for, it's just too much to ask right now'
'Governator' Schwarzenegger mocks 'skinny' Obama - Yahoo! News
'He lived a very long, full, satisfying though sometimes impetuous life'
'He needs to do something about those skinny legs. I'm going to make him do some squats'
'He sits on a nice bistro chair, by the way. He's not hanging from a tree'
'I love rich people! I want all of you to be rich. Go for it'
'Iceman' Mummy Has No Modern Kin
'If you watch the evening news, you'd think you should vote for Obama'
'It was so open-ended ... they can basicallydo whatever they want to with the money'
'It's by far the most broad-based fare sale we've tracked in at least 18 months'
'It's considered a delicacy, and they used to roast it like a chicken'
'It's not going to be easy. But it can be done'
'John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this socialistic'
'One Day at a Time' star Mackenzie Phillips busted, sent to rehab ...
'People will have a good idea where we're going with this very early'
'Right-wing conspiracy' leader pushes congressman who called constituents racists
'Scandal of mammoth proportions' 1-3 of bank's value surrendered in agreement
'She was an up and comer with a brilliant future'
'Shouldn't be snooping for private records on Ohioans who are thrust into public eye'
'SNL' earned its best ratings in 14 years when Palin was guest
'So open-ended ... they can basically do whatever they want to with the money'
'So there's not a vast mood swing from exhilaration and euphoria to despair'
'The banks are cheating us'
'The Third Jihad' will make Cultural Islamists Squirm
'There was a river of ice coming down the street. It was a total freak of nature'
'This was a really big deal that has not received much attention'
'Thought reform' dropped in 2008, but 3 times proposed for 2009
'We are about to set a course that will affect our country for generations'
'We may simply be going through another natural cycle of warmer and colder times'
'We need someone with his judgment, his temperament and his knowledge'
'We reward people violating our laws, and we penalize people here legally'
'We think it's a truthful attack. People can take it anyway they want'
'You don't get the mileage criticizing a church that has more clout'
'You mention that impeachment ... again and I'm taking you out permanently'
'You'll go backstage at the big event. You'll have a front row seat to history'
1 million flee Congo fighting, UN says
10 Reasons Why McCain Might Win
17 failures so far this year compare with 3 for all of 2007
2 years ago it seemed choice for president would hinge on Iraq
2008-10-29 - Reality Check ,The Cost Of Obama's Pledges
23andMe named best 2008 invention
4 lanes of interstate tied up during rush hour due to leaper's death
56-year-old residing in Boston slum ignored judge's order 4 years ago
59-year-old department store chain liquidating, closing remaining 149 stores
60 Still A Longshot For Democrats
8th-grader told his costume was offensive, distracting
A campaign odyssey that felt like forever
A McCain Surge
A Middle East Vote
A new agenda for transatlantic relations
A New Declaration of Independence
A Nixon-esque Move From Team Obama
A Perilous Transition
A Rescue Hindered By Politics
A scary Halloween with Sarah Palin
A Second 9-11 An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine
A Third Palestinian Intifada in the Making
A Tyranny That Goes Straight to the Soul
ABC News - US Sigh of Relief; Attack Plotter Dead
ABJ Press - Declaring Political War on the New World Order Oligarchy
Actors Union Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Ban
afghanistan Not My Grandfather's Country
African Union Condemns Violence in Congo
Air Force Nuke missile silo fire went undetected
Al Gore campaigns for Obama in Florida
Al-Qaeda propaganda chief killed in Pakistan strike officials
Alex Jones' Infowars There's a war on for your mind!
ALIPAC - Illegal Immigration Issue Brings Over 170 Endorsements
Allegedly expressed concern about rise in cancer diagnoses, performed 'exam'
Almost Half of Women Have Sexual Problems
America Doesn't Get Us and Vice Versa
America's demonization next step in New World Order
America's Perilous Transition
America's Right - State Lawmaker Joins Quest for Information on Obama
American Companies Head East For Growth
American Politics as American Idol
Amid Economic Crisis, Wind Power Spins More Slowly
Amid the Turmoil, Don't Forget the Poor
Amy Menefee The Three R's of McCain's Health Tax Credit - Townhall.com
An Enigmatic Country Goes to Vote
An improbable journey
An Interview with Senator John McCain
An Obama Presidency Won't Bring Global Unity
Analyzing Future Complex National Security Challenges within the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Environment
ANC dissidents meet to prepare new South African party
Another Disaster in Congo
Another Lost Decade for Japan
Anthrax hoax suspect is free on bail despite strong protest
Anticipations of The New Republic The Vision of H.G. Wells
Anticipatory Conformity Will the Growing Surveillance Panopticon Cause us to Self-censor
Anxious Eyes on Calif. Measure Over Gay Marriage
AP poll shows Obama backers gleeful, McCain's glum
Apple rivals wield anti-compete lawsuits to fight executive flight
Apple says no to iPhone Opera Browser
Applying money to pay, pensions for executives will be criminal offense
Arabs Have No Archives for Their History
Arc of Darkness
archived - RAHM EMANUEL Who is the man Obama may tap to be his chief of staff -- chicagotribune.com
Asks 5-year-olds to promise to defend transgender, bisexual students
AUDIO - Oct 28, 2008 - MARK LEVIN SHOW
AUDIO - Oct 29, 2008 - MARK LEVIN SHOW
AUDIO - Oct 30, 2008 - MARK LEVIN SHOW
AUDIO - Oct 31, 2008 - MARK LEVIN SHOW
Audit - 'Rebuilding Afghanistan Will be Difficult' - Fox
August memo shows Democrat strategy involved using 72nd birthday against him
australia Debt Driven Globalism
Bank Says Meatpacking Plant Defaulted on $35M Loan
Barack Obama & Richard Nixon Soulmates
Barack Obama lays plans to deaden expectation after election victory - Times Online
Barack Obama Red Diaper Baby
Barack Obama speaks with Rachel Maddow - Crooks and Liars
Barack Obama's 'Auntie Zeituni' made illegal contributions to his campaign - Times Online
Barclays Shows the Right Kind of Risk
Bat Disease Fungus Identified
Behind the Scenes with Rush Limbaugh
Being 'All You Can Be' Didn't List 'Torturer'
Bernanke Says the US Needs to Maintain a Role in Mortgage Securities
Better Off Since Bush Took Office
Biden Mentions New World Order
Big cat escapes from cage in cargo hold, airline summons help from zoo
Big voter turnout could test election system in NJ
Bill Ayers worked with Cuba says FBI report
Bill Clinton - Obama Got Lots of Help on Economic Crisis Response - Fox
Billionaires Push Pet Projects on California Ballot
Black Panthers. Targeting Dissent The San Francisco Eight
Boeing Hit With Penalty in Suit Over Satellites
bolivia Unprecedented Alliance Defeats Right-Wing Assault
Border Raid
Boss directed her to write e-mail stating computer check was legitimate inquiry
Boston Housing Authority ‘flabbergastered’ Barack Obama’s aunt living in Southie - BostonHerald.com
Both campaigns deploy attorneys to watch for voting problems
Both candidates vow to aid ailing auto industry - AP
Brazil inks deal to hunt for, produce oil in Cuba - Jerusalem Post
Breitbart.tv - ‘95 Flashback Obama Says Rev. Wright Represents ‘Best’ Black Church Has to Offer
Bridging China-India Gap
Bush , New democracies watch US election
Bush Missing Iraq WMD has Been Found in Iraq and One Million U.S. Soldiers are its Victims
Camera IDs bomb inside backpack
Campaign '08 nears its cliffhanger conclusion
Canada judge to issue British terror plot verdict
Canadian bomb plotter convicted
Cape woman shoots, kills rapist in her home
Cash Was King - Now Gold Is God
cbs2chicago.com - Obama 'Raffles' Chance To Join Him Election Night
Charges opponent attended fundraiser, took money from atheist group
china Feed makers defied rule in adding chemical
china Their Own Worst Enemy
China to issue RFID embedded ID cards
Closing Arguments Reflect the Candidates
CNN Beams Star Wars Technology for Election Night
Colombia killings cast doubt on war against insurgents - International Herald Tribune
Combined Therapy Is Reported to Ease Anxiety in Children
Concerns raised over Rome's ability to finance budget deficit as repayment falls due
Congolese Massacred By Their Own Soldiers
Conservationists Warn of Ecological Credit Crunch
Conservatism's blonde moment
Constitutional crisis feared over Obama's 'qualifications'
Countdown Campaign Comment On Rank Hypocrisy and Rashid Khalidi - Crooks and Liars
Counting Islamists
Court Limits Ex-Tyco Exec Kozlowski Property Sales
Court Tells CIA It Can Keep Torture Evidence Secret - Crooks and Liars
Critics bellow over orchestra reviewer losing beat
Crude Oil Is Poised for Record Monthly Drop as Demand Declines - Bloomberg
Cyber Security Questions Persist at World Bank - Fox
Dallas Morning News taken off Barack Obama's plane
Daniel Boone - The Man Versus The Myth
Daniel J. Flynn previews ballot measure bringing state in line with New Hampshire
DARPA building search engine for video surveillance footage
DARPA Engineering New “Home Invasion” Technologies
De Menezes Cops 'Were Just Having A Laugh'
Death of 'DC Madam' Confirmed as Suicide
Defense Secretary demands funds for new generation of nukes
Delta names CFO, new leadership team
Democrat candidate offers driver's licenses, Social Security benefits to non-citizens
Democrat told radio station of difficulties for blacks in America
Democrats See Path to 60 in Senate Campaign Notebook
Democrats Seek to Exploit Stevens
Democrats Should Fear the 'Brady Effect'
Dems Shouldn't Overinterpret a Victory Mandate
Dewey-Obama Defeating Truman-McCain
Do-It-Yourself Fact-Checking
Doctors Dishing out Antidepressants for PMS Quick Fix
Does Google Know Too Much
Does Palin's maverick label still stick
Dollar Flat After Japan's Cut
Don't Call It A Comeback. Really. Don't.
Downing Memo Shows How Blair Aided Murdoch
Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis
Driver lit cigarette, LPG fuel exploded – 'looked like a hand grenade had gone off'
Duberstein Abandons McCain - washingtonpost.com
Duplicity in Damascus - The complicated relationship between Syria and al Qaeda - David Schenker
Duplicity in Damascus
Editors offered replacement if they 'don't want to go out on that limb'
Election 2008 and Beyond
endgame The Rabbit Hole Doesn't End Here
Epic fail Team McCain won't name Obama's 'anti-Semitic' pals - Crooks and Liars
Epoch Times - Beginning of Hyperinflation
Equipment picks Ralph Nader when John McCain is chosen
Erica Jong - Bloody 'Second Civil War' If Obama Loses
EU Set to Move 'Internet of Things' Closer to Reality
Eugenics and Environmentalism From quality control to quantity control
Evidence of sunspot involvement in climate change compelling
Evita Peron Obama
Exclusive - Gerald Christian Nordskog urges a 'yes' vote on Proposition 8 in California
Exclusive - Stephen B. Johnston sees final-battle pieces falling into place by 2030
Exclusive.. David Kupelian shows how senator uses envy and guilt to make believers of millions
Exclusive.. Ellis Washington reports on campus debate in which he played John McCain
Exclusive.. George Austin cites blackout of constitutional candidates among activist groups
Exclusive.. Greg Laurie explains difference between hypocrites and everyday sinners
Exclusive.. Henry Lamb warns if Obama should lose, 'look out for flying debris'
Exclusive.. Jack Cashill adds yet more evidence to media-ignored Obama scam
Exclusive.. Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Kushner say action meant to divert from security issue
Exclusive.. Joel Barbee draws latest relative to be found living in slum
Exclusive.. Joseph Farah belatedly discovers perfect title for his election book
Exclusive.. Melanie Morgan notes Pa. voters can choose either a war hero or a gasbag
Exclusive.. Pat Boone sees America on cusp of choosing capitulation over freedom
Exclusive.. Patrice Lewis combats transformationof citizens into dogs obeying government masters
Excuse Me, That Gas Lowers My Blood Pressure
Executions, Torture in North Korea 'Worse Than Animal Slaughter'
Experts say FDA findings on compound misleading
Facing fraud investigations, prosecutions, over aggressive 'voter registration' drives
Facts don't get in the way of Web political rumors
Father, brother also injured by blast from inside house
FCC Probe Shows How Obama Will Crush Dissent
FDA and the Delusions of Tyrants
FDA Caught Running Extortion Racket
FDA Faulted for Stance on Chemical in Plastics
FDIC Plan Tests Limits of Leniency - WSJ.com
FEC records show Kenyan gave 5 times to nephew's campaign
Federal Judge Puts Brakes on NYC Hybrid Taxi Mandate
Feds find cash, semi-automatic guns under seats of former mafia limo
Fifth Third Bancorp Takes Over Assets in 17th Bank Failure
Fighting with photons The most famous weapon of science fiction is rapidly becoming fact
Final Weekend Push Starts in the Midwest
Fire rips through building on Detroit's east side
First Time FBI Calls Case and Honor Killing
FL GOP Chair Sends Out Racist E-mail Beware Of The Car Loads Of Blacks - Crooks and Liars
FLASHBACK - Exclusive.. David Kupelian explains the growing fascination with all things 'magick'
Flip to a bold new beginning
For the Candidates, a Last Weekend to Make Their Case to Americans
Former author talks about dangers of modified foods
Former Italian President Suggests State Use Violence Against Protesters
Found at site archaeologists believe was King David's front line fortress
Foundation for the Future A Planetary Symbiotic Civilization
Four Minutes to a More Fit and Healthy Body
Fox Cancels ‘King of the Hill’
Free Nationwide Wi-Fi Network To Censor Political Websites
Fruits are Loaded with Nutrients
Fugitive walked into classroom with gun, held 11 students until surrendering
Gadhafi hails energy cooperation with Moscow - Jerusalem Post
Gary Bauer - GOP dropped the ball on Obama's past associations
Gates Skeptical NATO Will Boost Afghan Force
Gateway Pundit - Obama's Plans For Civilian Security Force Rings Marxist Bell
Gen. David Petraeus sworn in as head of US Central Command
Generation Engage The We Are Change of the Establishment
Getting the 'Ayers Issue' Straight
Globalist think tank seeks North American Consciousness
Glock 9 mm found in purse along with illegal drugs
GOP reprogramming Eagleburger now says he loves Palin - Crooks and Liars
Gov. Richardson hot on campaign trail for Obama
Govt Defends Right to Hold Accused Enemy Combatant
Green-Lipped Mussels Omega-3 Oils Join Moxxor, NaturalNews
Guess Who Came To The Palin Rally - Crooks and Liars
Gunman Arrested After Maine Students Held Hostage
H.G. Wells Subdue yourselves to the federation of the world, or else
Hamas warns Israel against conducting rescue op for Schalit
Hannity - Ayers Dedicated Book to RFK Assassin and Other 'Political Prisoners' NewsBusters.org
Harvard Refuses To Open In-Copyright Books To Google
Has Obama Overplayed the Race Card
Has spent 'savings' several times over, across several different promises
Hawaiian officials admit withholding Obama's original BC - Israel Insider
Hazards of China's Unfree Press
Health Department director says she has personally verified document is original
Helen Jones-Kellly Lied About Why She Ordered the Check on Joe The Plumber
Hell Houses
Hewlett-Packard to introduce Linux-based mini-laptop at retail for mere $379
Hidden book by Obama mentor now available at wikileaks
History Repeating Itself
HOAX - Michelle 'API Rage Tape' Said A Fraud
Home equity is gone for many mortgage holders
Home-Stretch Spin
Honor Killings and the Struggle of Moderate Islam
Hopes are 'worst October' signals worst is past
Hot Air And Grasping At Straws - Crooks and Liars
How Low Can It Go Richardson Pegs Middle Class as Those Making Under $120,000 - FOXNews.com
How the Government Spies on and Prosecutes Peace Activists
How the Mortage Crisis Happened
Huff Po Needs Election Reporter, Pronto
I Am Crying For Argentina's Economy
I cannot return home, exiled former PM Thaksin tells 90000-crowd
If Elected ... Hopefuls Differ as They Reject Gay Marriage
Illegal Immigration Off the National Radar
IMF to visit Romania, no assistance talks planned
In US economic decline, worst is yet to come
Indian PM to review security, visit bomb victims during Assam visit
Indonesia Says Bali Bombers' Execution Imminent
INTERNET CENSORSHIP Australia to implement mandatory internet censorship
Investor Daily Currency headwinds about to hit U.S. multinationals
Investors betting 2 Internet companies will walk away from deal to jointly sell advertising
Investors muster gains at end of one of worst months in Wall Street history
IP6 Shines Brightly as an Alternative Cancer Treatment and Preventive
Iran opens new naval base at mouth of Persian Gulf
Iraq Says to Show U.S. Troops Pact to Neighbors
Iraq War Vet's McCain Endorsement Rockets to Top of YouTube - Viewed More Than 11 Million Times - Fox
Iraqi Billionaire Threatens Reporters Investigating Rezko Affair
Is the U.S. Dollar Back
Islamists Attempt to Impose Their Agenda on Kuwaiti Society; Reformists Fight Back
Israel sides with US on Cuba embargo - Ynet
Ivory from 10,000 elephants on sale amid fears of new slaughter - Times Online
Japan Fires General Who Said a U.S. ‘Trap’ Led to the Pearl Harbor Attack - NYTimes.com
Joe Biden sticks to script in crucial final days
Joe Lieberman must go - Crooks and Liars
Joint SCO efforts urged to beat financial woes
Jonathan Falwell shares father's words about Reagan as exhortation for voters
Kay Hagan Sues Elizabeth Dole Over Despicable Ad - Crooks and Liars
Khalidi Refuses to Answer Questions About Obama
Kicked Off the Obama Plane Join Up With Joe!
Kim's Absence Fuels More Speculation
Kissinger, Perry Likely to Visit NK to End Nuclear Stalemate
LaRouche - Obama Assassination UK's Next Move
Last-minute appeals on radio by Obama, McCain
Latinos and the election The racial X Factor becomes a turning point - Crooks and Liars
Lawsuit accuses state of giving $9 million to abortionists, despite ban
lawyer Men 'Extremely Sorry' for Ky. Effigy Prank
Lebanon - 12 Israeli jets flew over country - Ynet
Left Academics Buck 'Noble Savage' Consensus
Lehman Brothers Obama’s Rezko-Auchi conflict of interest
Libelous allegations of 'fifth column conspiracies' from prominent progressives (updated)
Libya 'ready to host Russian naval base'
Limbaugh Predicts McCain Victory - NewsMax
Livni - No Syria talks before elections - J'lem Post
Livni criticizes Olmert's intention to continue Syria talks
Livni Syria must cut Iran, terror ties before we give it what it wants - Haaretz
Lobbyist for Saddam gave $40,000 to Republican Senate and House Campaign Committees - Crooks and Liars
Local Fire Departments Check Batteries When Falling Back
Low-income Users Latch on to IPhone
Ma Goes Too Far, Too Fast for Taiwan
Mad About The One
Magistrate rejects argument secretary of state should confirm birthplace or remove from ballot
Man jumps off Spaghetti Bowl - El Paso Times
Mandatory Public Schooling Is it a tool for Education and Enlightenment
Many hospitals fail to please survey
Mass. Senator Charged With Bribery Ends Campaign
Massive Effort to Save Mortgages
McCain barely on top in MO, tied with Obama in NC
McCain Camp Sees Gap Tightening in Battlegrounds
McCain campaign predicts greatest comeback ever - of all time even
McCain insists he can catch Obama
McCain looks to defend Va. for GOP
McCain's End Game
McCain's veep choice sailed into a holy gale
McCain, Obama dash across Bush states
McCain, Obama Hit Full Stride in the Homestretch - FOXNews.com Elections
McCain, Obama sweep battleground states
McCain-Palin Focus on Ohio and Pennsylvania
Medicare drug plan spending drops $6B in 2008
Merger between two automakers appears to be off until after the election
Michelle Obama softens image for US first lady role
Microsoft sets up ad kiosk outside UK Apple store
Military Investigates Amnesia Beams
Minor Quakes Hit Dallas Area; No Damage, Injuries
Monitor says terrorists wants Democrat to pull troops so they can 'claim victory'
More Proof Of Electric Comets
More than a Recession - Competing visions of how the economy should be organized - Irwin M. Stelzer
Mother, 3 Young Children Found Dead in Fla. Home
Motorola Prepares New Business Plan, Android Phone
MSA Chapter Official Don't Vote; Destroy
Murdoch says Obama win could worsen financial crisis report
My Way News - SC boy shot, killed trick-or-treating; 2 injured
Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
Nation already battling backlash from melamine found in milk, eggs
Navy's Blue Angels Lose Jet After 2 Members Removed for Inappropriate Relationship
Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak
Neil Armstrong Donating His Papers to Purdue
Nelson - How About A Bailout For America’s Family Farms
Netanyahu Told The Holocaust Is Over
New poll shows voters who oppose ban slightly ahead going into election
New Tact with the Taliban
New visitors center will document religious heritage
New Zeal Obama file 47 - The Paid Soviet Agent Behind Axelrod and Obama
Next President Must Understand Challenge of Radical Islam, Former Senator Says
Nicaragua to fix ties with S.Ossetia, Abkhazia at later date
No Charges But US May Never Release Chinese
No charges have been filed in 4 other cases that have made national headlines
No Police Warning Before Killng De Menezes
No Way to Hide Truth Cell Phone Does Cause Tumor
Notes from a battleground state
Now Banks Are Asking for Credit Card Debt Forgiveness
Obama & the End of the Bubba Jinx
Obama and the Runaway Train
Obama approaches lawmaker about White House post
Obama bound for huge Electoral College win
Obama challenge rejected
Obama Forgot to Spread His Own Wealth
Obama gets testy with media while walking down Chicago street
Obama has testy moment with the media
Obama Heads For The Goal Line
Obama in 2-D by Mark Steyn
obama Iowa 'Vindicated' His Faith in Americans
Obama lays plans to kill expectations ......
Obama on being a beneficiary of racial preferences
Obama Redefines Christianity and Socialism As Election Nears -Bill Wilson
Obama Remains an Enigma
Obama runs against Clinton prosperity by attacking deregulation
Obama Says He Didn't Know Aunt's Illegal Status - NYTimes.com
Obama Seeking Votes in Republican-Rich Soil
Obama Staff - Mass Brainwashing, Mind Control
Obama supporter shoved senior into fire hydrant during argument over election
Obama tech advisor sounds cautious notes at one-man debate
Obama the Justifier
Obama to Critics Just Shut Up
Obama to Press Welcome to the new America
Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations
Obama unveils ads in Arizona as McCain works Ohio
Obama Win May Be Bad for Whole Foods
Obama's a Better Symbol Than President
Obama's Agenda Is Radically Gay
Obama's Aunt ALSO Living Illegally In US
Obama's change promises a continued path towards world government
Obama's colleague saw Robert Kennedy's assassin as 'political prisoner'
Obama's ever changing definition of who is rich
Obama's New Attack on Those Who Don't Want Higher Taxes ‘Selfishness’ - ABC News
Obama's press plane ejection fits in pattern - Washington Times
Obama's Smoking Audio
Obama, the videotape and informing the public
Obama...'Change' You Can Believe In NOT!
Obama...Possession Is 9-10 Of The Law
Obama’s “Sex Rebel” Communist Mentor ,The Naked Truth About Frank Marshall Davis
October Auto Sales May Have Hit Two-Decade Low
Officer recognizes vehicle coming at him ... as his own
Oil slump spells end for boom – protesters demand ruler stop stocks from plunging
One In Five US Mortgages Now Underwater
Only Racism Could Explain an Obama Loss
Oprah Almost Has Heart Attack When Machine Doesn't Count Her Vote - NewsBusters.org
Oregano Shown to be the Most Powerful Culinary Herb
Organization sued to have roadside crosses banished
Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society
Otzi, the prehistoric 'iceman,' probably has no modern descendants
Our Electric Solar System
Out of the ashes a New World Order
Owner in fight with sheriff over roadblocks set to catch departing patrons
Painless Workout For Fibro & Couch-Potatoes
Pajamas Media » Barack Obama’s War on Black America
Pajamas Media » Price of Apology Clinton, Obama, and the Hawaiian Quid Pro Quo
Pakistan quake relief efforts focus on bitter winter
Palin Martyr Syndrome
Palin says McCain will protect Social Security
palin “Government Is The Problem, Doggone It!”
Pan-American Community Part of Greater America Vision
Parents told teen would pose burden on taxpayers for medical care, education, services
Pathologist Still Has Copy of Lost Shepard Autopsy
Paulson's Swindle Revealed - Largest Theft In History
Pentagon Advisors Warn Of Coming International Crisis
Pentagon official , Iran will soon have ability to attack Europe -Jerusalem Post
PETA Wants Proposed Homosexual High School to Have ‘Vegan’ Cafeteria
Petitioners seek help from justice secretary
Pets feeling hard times, too
Phoenix spacecraft on Mars is unlikely to rise
Pigs with Mouse Genes How GM Animals May Be Entering the Food Chain without Labeling
Planet Mercury Covered With Strange Blue Substance - Fox
Plugged-In Volunteers Blaze New Campaign Trail
Podcasts at Natural News
Pointing the US Surveillance Apparatus at the American People
police Gun Found in Lot Used in Hudson Slayings
Police release report on suicide of 'DC Madam'
Police threaten criminal trespass after delivery of anti-Dem letter
Political Storm Finds a Columbia Professor
poll California gay marriage campaign tightens
Poll Shows Right Wing Winning Early Elections in Israel
Pomegranate Juice Delivers More Antioxidant Benefits than Red Wine
Poor Marlise Her Old Allies Are Now Attacking the Tribunal and Even Portraying the Serbs as Victims
Population Control The Eugenics Connection
President's Radio Address - 1 Nov 08
Presidential candidate makes final pitch to Ohio voters
Pro Obama US Media Fails The American Public
Pro-choice Obama repels evangelicals - Julia Dunn
Professor friend has long history with Arafat's PLO
Psych Ward Workers Ignore Dying Woman, Falsify Patient Records to Bury Incident
Purple GMO Tomato Inferior to Nature's Offerings
PVC Shower Curtains Emit Fumes of Toxic Chemicals
Questions Michelle biographer about concerns candidate's wife might have
Questions Over Obama's Aunt
RAND Lobbies Pentagon Start War To Save U.S. Economy
Rare Aftershocks Persist in North Texas
Rare Flash of Anger From Obama on Halloween Night
Rate of Diabetes Cases Doubles in 10 Years CDC
Raw Foodists Arrested, Interrogated over Chocolate!
Referendum on Trickle-Down
Report - Lebanon uncovers espionage ring working for Israel - Ynet
Republicans Moving to Rebuilding Mode
review A no-holds-barred weepathon - Times Online
Review Reignites Questions Over BPA
Revolution in Military Affairs From Computer Generated Insurgents to Bioelectric Implants
Richardson says Obama to cut taxes for those making less than $120,000
Rips mask off thug – 'Heroes like that don't think twice about these things
Rockefeller and the New World Religion
Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow Show
Russia humiliating EU over Georgia Lithuanian president
Russians Divided Over How Election Outcome Could Affect Bilateral Ties
Saddam Hussein’s body was stabbed in the back, says guard - Times Online
Salem 'may be hotspot for Halloween, but it's not Constitution-free'
Sarah Palin The time for choosin's comin' real soon
Sarah Palin thinks her 1st amendment rights are being attacked if the press calls her comments 'negative' - Crooks and Liars
Says government will need to back mortgage loans going forward regardless of what happens
School Clams Up on 'Gay' Pledge Cards Given to Kindergartners
Schoolteacher Fired for Recommending Students Eat Plant-Based Diet
Scientists Spot 4 New Alzheimer's Genes
Scottish sailor was marooned on small tropical island in Pacific for more than 4 years
Scramble for food as concerns grow over Congo - One million flee fighting - CNN
Sealed containers of powdery substance believed to be nuclear- or chemical-weapons agents
Search for Migrants Missing From Boat in Fla. Ends
Selected Free Republic McCain vs Obama promo videos
Sen. John McCain 'We're Coming Back Strong'
Senator Obama in IA Where has the old McCain gone - Crooks and Liars
Senator Obama's Four Tax Increases for People Earning Under $250k
Senator Predicts “Revolution” If Banks Don’t Lend
Senator Stealth by Stanley Kurtz
Settlers rebuild demolished structure, attack Palestinians - Ynet
Shops asking voters to revoke breaks for shopping malls that invite competition from big chains
Six Good Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot
Solar Dish Collects, Concentrates Solar Energy by Factor of 1,000
Some Tight Senate Races -- Democrats Could Gain 60-Seat Majority
Something Doesn't Compute
Sony Recalls More Laptop Batteries
Soros MoveOn Rolls Out Customized Smear Video
Soros-backed Think Tank Readying Obama
South Dakota proposal bans procedure with narrow exceptions
Sowell - Obama Win Would Be Historic Tragedy
Space Station Trash Plunging to Earth - MSNBC
Specter of Deflation Lurks as Global Demand Drops - NY Times
Speech billed as highlight of Democrat's July trip to Europe
Spinning the Truth About the Halted NCI Prostate Cancer Study
Spokeswoman says president won't respond to Waters' allegations
Spotting the Camouflaged Candidate
Spreading the Wealth and Killing the Goose
Sprint Cuts Off 'Net to Cogent Sites
Star Parker warns of past times when people put trust in 'messianic-sounding demagogues'
Star Surrogates Headed to Florida
Stubborn wedge of people still making up their minds about who should be president
Student suspended for publishing conservative website (updated)
Studs Terkel, Listener to Americans, Dies at 96
Studs Terkel, writer and radio personality, dies at 96
Study ,Media coverage has favored Obama campaign
Study Finds Grapes Offer a Bunch of Ways to Help Hearts
Study shows 3rd-quarter e-commerce grew 1-2 as fast as in prior quarter
Study Shows Blueberries Lower Cholesterol in Pigs
Study Shows Grape Seed Extract (GSE) May Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
Study Shows Turmeric May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Study Shows Vitamin D Reduces Mortality
Suicide blast rocks ministry in Kabul
Taliban's New Super-Bombs Take Larger Toll
Ten Facts on Breast Cancer You're Not Supposed to Know
Texas oilman's project hit by financial crisis, drop in price of natural gas
The American Spectator AmSpecBlog - Excellent Take on Obama's Associations
The Anti-Semantic Joe Klein
The Associated Press Suspected US missile strikes kill 27 in Pakistan
The Best Campaign I've Ever Covered
The Betrayal » Video Proof Barack Obama was born in Kenia
The Dual Covenant Heresy More End-Time Deception - Jan Markell
The Elections and the Responsibility of the Intellectual to Speak Truth to Power
The End Of Prosperity
The Fifth 'Pivot Point' Election
The first wiki president Obama advisor votes 'yea'
The Frank Marshall Davis Network in Hawaii
The great John McCain story you've probably forgotten. - By Michael Lewis
The Great Obama Swindle Of 2008
The Hedonists' Reckoning
The Left Keeps Hate Alive
The New World Order Always Knew We Would Resist
The North American Consciousness and European Integration
The NY Times Covers for Obama on Khalidi
The Real Crisis
The Reece Committee Social Science as a Tool for Control
The Repugnance of Socialism
The Right Wing Freak Out - Crooks and Liars
The Satanist Banker Conspiracy
The Scottish Contribution to Freedom in Revolutionary America
The Six Imams- Civil Liberties at core
The Tax Foundation - News To Obama The OECD Says The United States Has The Most Progressive Tax System
The TiVo Box Is Dead. Long Live TiVo.
The Truth About South Ossetia
The Unfought War on Islamism
The Venezuela Connection
The World in 2025, According to the National Intelligence Council
The World's Largest O'Douls Party
The World's Top Five Superfoods for Silky Smooth Skin
They Made a Killing The Use of Knowledge of Covert Operations in the Stock Market
Thousands turn out in Pa. for John McCain's running mate
Time for a Gut Check, America
toledoblade.com -- Media in the tank for Obama
Top McCain surrogate slams Palin Of course [I'm] not comfortable with her as VP - Crooks and Liars
Transcripts..Mike Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts..Obama in The Situation Room
Transcripts..Panel on the Democrats' Senate Prospects
Transcripts..Shields & Brooks on the Campaign's Defining Moments
Treasury Should Not Hold Bank Stocks Permanently, Says Schumer
Trends to a New World Order Part 2
Trends to a New World Order
Trick-or-treat boy killed in US
True believers in McCain flock to Pennsylvania
Turning your clock back Sunday may help your heart
U.S. Border Police Arrest Mexican Troops
U.S. Doctors Should Prescribe Vitamins Rather Than Placebos
U.S. Government’s Borrowing Needs “Unprecedented”
U.S. Urges Nations to Provide North Korea Energy Assistance, Under Aid-For-Disarmament Deal - Fox
Ubiquitous Computing Big Brother's All-Seeing Eye
UK culture secretary proposes remedy to maintaining buildings with declining congregations
UK Policy Angers Tibet Ahead of Beijing Talks
Ukraine parliament approves IMF package
UK Uses Anti-Terror Laws On 'Trash Can Crimes'
Ultrasound shown to exert remote control of brain circuits
UN Alliance of Civilizations Psychophysiological manipulation
UN Condemns Bombings in India's Assam; Death Toll 75
Undeniable Proof the FDA Allows Pet Food to Break the Law
Upset of the Century
US air force inks 'tactical' space-war deal
US Deaths in Iraq Plunge in October
US defense secretary expands pre-emptive war doctrine to include nuclear strikes
US justifies Syria, Pakistan raids - US security chief We have right to attack countries that harbor terror threat - Reuters
US Military Deaths in Afghanistan Region at 554
US War - Millions Of Afghans Face Starvation
Using Hypnotherapy to Treat Children with Functional Abdominal Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Venezuela condemns deadly bomb attacks in India
VeraSun Near Bankruptcy Restructure Agreement
Verdict Reached but Not Read at Guantanamo
Victor Davis Hanson Sometime in 2008, advocacy media took over
video - Bad Astronomy vs Good Science
video - Best Stunt Pilot Ever
video - CNBC Analyst Blames 'Illuminati' For Crisis
video - How Intl Bankers Gained Control Of America
video - If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing
video - New Documentary 'Indoctrinate U'
video - Obama Wants To Redistribute Your Wealth
video - On Obama's Radical Influences
video - Philly Cops Control Happy Fans - Next Tuesday
video - The Complete Idiot's Guide To The NWO
VIDEO --- Ads in North Carolina Senate Race
VIDEO --- Biden Speaks at Alma Mater
VIDEO --- Ditka Campaigns with Palin
VIDEO --- Gore Urges Floridians to Get Out and Vote
VIDEO --- McCain Campaigns in Defiance, Ohio
VIDEO --- McCain on Good Morning America
VIDEO --- McCain Reflects on Service, Asks Voters to Join Him
VIDEO --- New Ad Has Obama Praising McCain
VIDEO --- New Ads in Oregon Senate Race
VIDEO --- Obama Campaigns in Des Moines
VIDEO --- Obama Interview with Rachel Maddow
VIDEO --- Obama on The Daily Show
VIDEO --- Obama Talks to Brian Williams
VIDEO --- Obama's Television Special
VIDEO --- Palin on Good Morning America
VIDEO --- Schwarzenegger Rallies Support for McCain in Ohio
VIDEO --- Sen. Warner Cuts Radio Ad for McCain
VIDEO --- Three More Ads for Franken
video 9-11 and the War On Terror Questioned In Japan`s Parliament
video FOX NEWS We Need Another 9-11
Video Gallery Topics at canada.com
Video Game Dispute Underscores Muslim Divide
Vitamin C Shown to Preserve Bone Density in Older Men
Volcker Would Be Good for Treasury
Vote for National Survival
Vote might widen divide between children, parents
Waffen-WWF Death Planet Report - The UK Column
Wal-Mart Women Won't Save McCain
Wall Street Smiles Mean But One Thing
War's Drone AI Will Come Home To Roost
Was world created 6,011 years ago – last Monday
Wealthy Texas trial lawyer acknowledged sending money to candidate's former mistress
Welcome to the Brave New World
What If It Had Been More Than an Infomercial
What is The Impact of Obama Candidacy - MSNBC
What's the Big Economic Solution
What's wrong with Alaska polticians - Crooks and Liars
When it comes to Islamism, the DNC still doesn't get it
While Mickey Cohen dodges bullets, the squad seeks revenge on gossip columnist Florabel Muir - Los Angeles Times
White House Defends Using Bailout Funds to Pay Bank Shareholders
Who Enforces the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen Clause
WHTI, Another Link in the Control and Surveillance Grid
Why Marriage Matters - Crooks and Liars
Will 7 Be Windows' Lucky Number
Will Democrats Bring Back the Fairness Doctrine
Will the Obama Circle Be Unbroken
Will There Be Any Surprises on Election Day
Win or Lose, Many See Palin as Future of Party
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Expanding NAFTA
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
World Government Agenda Binds Frontrunners
World Tribune — 16 pirates died after handling substance on captured Iranian ship
Xcel, EDF to develop wind power in Minn. & ND
Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate - David Kupelian
YOU could be Funding the Obama Campaign
Young Americans prefer Obama to McCain Poll
Young voters may hold key to White House -- if they show up
Your vote is extremely important - William Koenig
YouTube - Peggy Joseph Thinks She Won't Need To Worry About Paying For Her Gas And Mortgage Under Barack Obama
YouTube - Reagan 1984 Ad - Its morning in america again
YouTube - Ronald Reagan TV Ad Foreign Policy
YouTube - Shut up and eat your clones
YouTube - U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.
Zambia Opposition Leader Sata's Lead Narrows as Vote Count Continues
1000's Of Lawyers For Obama Head To FL
87 Percent Chance Obama Will Become Next US President
Archaeologist says he found oldest Hebrew writing
Barack Obama gaining grey hair as election campaign draws to close - Telegraph
BBC NEWS Americas US Elections 2008 Obama 'makes chief-of-staff move'
Bill Kristol’s Weekly Standard Attacks 9-11 Truth
Censorship Of The Internet Is Coming Closer To Home-Australia Is Putting Their Toe In The Water
City of Ember by Peter Sipes
DARPA building search engine for video surveillance footage
Dead People Voting Throughout Florida
Do We Need More of Keynes Now by Frank Shostak
Don't Forget To Vtoe! by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
Eugenics A plan has been unfolding for centuries to direct human breeding
Eugenics Quotes Social Control in their own words
Eureka! How Archimedes and his 2,000-year-old invention will help provide green energy Mail Online
Fallujah's Sewer To Nowhere
Gates - US Needs To Resume Nuke Testing
Lunar Entreprenuers Contract For Help From NASA
Microsoft Patents Censorship Bot
Most Presidents Ignore the Constitution - WSJ.com
Naomi Wolf I have 9-11 questions, like any thoughtful citizen does
Nasa defends rocket to Moon that could shake astronauts to death - Times Online
NASA Regains Contact With Mars Lander
New Bio Lab on a Texas Island Worries Environmentalists and Locals - NYTimes.com
NWO Books on Tape World Government, Eugenics, Scientific Technique & Power
Obama's Contempt For Our Constitution
On the Bus With Willie ‘Hell yeah there’s a reason to investigate 9-11'
Palestinians Camps - Sewage & Mud
Parents to be fingerprinted by nursery schools - Telegraph
Pentagon Wants Packs Of Robots To Detect “Non-cooperative Humans”
Phoenicians Live on in People's Genes Discovery News
PPT Anti-Gravity Machine Works On Dow
President Bush's Famous Family Tree
Putin - We Must End Monopoly In World Finance
Putin We Must End Monopoly In World Finance
Ruling to come on Obama birth case Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati.Com
Sarah Palin Supports New 9-11 Investigation
SPACE.com -- Meteor Shower Could Spur Bright Fireballs
Talking Security Cameras Installed In LA Area
TG Daily - MIT scientists baffled by global warming theory, contradicts scientific data
The Associated Press McCain Obama's economic policies swing far left
The Bringing Down of Liz Holtzman by Murray N. Rothbard
The Bush-Obama-McCain Administration
The Federal Is Inflating At 341% Per Annum
The Next New Deal by Karen Kwiatkowski
This Question Must Be Answered
This Too Shall Pass by Bill Butler
Ukraine Takes Russian TV Channels Off Air
US air force inks 'tactical' space-war deal • The Register
video - Proof Obama Born In Kenyan Village
Voting Is Immoral by Rick Dunaway
Walter Block versus Brian Caplan on Fractional Reserve Banking by Walter Block
Willie Rodriguez Seven years of political fear since 9-11
World Bank director claims Federal Reserve is 'part of government already'
World Faces Growing Risk Of War