"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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28 October 2008

Tues News

80 Yr History Of Brutal Gold Stock Corrections
ACLU Demands Info On Military Domestic Ops
Americans Seek Self-Protection - Guns Sales Soar
Anger at 222% Christmas credit card
BoE - Cost Of Crash $2.8T So Far
BP Profits Skyrocket - Up 148%
Cancer Rates Grow Around Cell Phone Towers
CIA Accused Of Causing Thames Collision
Criminal Action By Bernanke & FED Stooges
Customer Panic And Bank Run In Kuwait
Dahr Jamail - The Cost Of Slumber
De Menezes Cop 'Grossly Exaggerated' Evidence
Deflation Accelerating
Did Obama Have An Affair With Vera Baker
Dr. Cantwell On H5N1 DNA And Flu Vaccine
Dubai Fears Real Estate Crash
Evidence Of H5N1 Move From Asia To N America
FDA's Natural Supplement Extortion Racket
Feds Disrupt 'Skinhead' Plot To 'Kill Obama'
First Banks, Then Firms, Now Entire Countries
Food Is A National Security Issue
Georgian Soldiers Were Doped To Kill Civilians
GM Wants Taxpayer $ To Merge w- Chrysler
Got Lots Of Money Then Don't Pay Any Tax
Help Force Release Of Obama Birth Documents
Hillary Backers Rage Over Huge Obama Vote Fraud
How Intl Bankers Gained Control Of America
Human Species 'May Split In Two'
If The World Could Vote
IMF May 'Print Money' As Crisis Spreads
In UK 'Wrong' Color House Painting Is A Fine
Infant Clothing Recall - 400 Babies Get Rashes
Is Sarah Palin the GOP's Great White Hope
Kucinich Denounces US Mil Op In Syria
LA Times Hides Obama - Radical Muslim Tape
Late Show Like Palin, BillO clueless about the Bush Doctrine
Latest GM Propaganda - 'Anti-Cancer' Tomato
Lieberman Leans Towards Obama
London And Asian Markets Rebound
Madness Rules! - Insurers-Pensions Pile Into Derivs
Makow - The Satanist Banker Conspiracy
McCain phone bankers quit after refusing to peddle low-brow Obama smears
Military Defense Lawyer, Client, Boycott Gitmo Trial
More Proof Of Electric Comets
My Mother's Birth Certificate - And Obama's
N Korea Threatens To Turn South Into 'Debris'
New Wild Cat Species In Ecuador
NYT Trashes Russia
Obama & The Predicted World Crisis
Obama - Another Trilateral Stooge
Obama - The Teflon President
Obama Advisers Will Make Russia Miss Bush Days
Obama Birth - What Means Anything Anymore
Obama Counterhypnosis
Obama Didn't Write 'Dreams From My Father'
Obama Offers DLs & SS Benefits To Illegals
Obama Spokesman 1, FOX News 0
Obama Targets Second Amendment For Death
Obama Wants 12M Illegals To Get Citizenship
Obama's Affair With Staffer Baker Detailed
Obama's Useful Idiots
Obama, Ayers And Sidley Austin LLP
Olmert Indictment Could Be Filed Within Days
Our Electric Solar System
Plans Drawn For Russia To China Oil Pipeline
Pound In Free Fall - No Way To Stop It
Public Enemy Number One
Putin Tells Medvedev - Cancel Annual Speech
Rat Infestation Threatens UK
Russia Determined To Finish Bushehr Plant
Russia-China To Strengthen Financial Ties
Saakashvili Sacks PM - For Probing S.O. Conflict
So Who Did Buy Those $150,000 Worth Of Clothes Watch Out For The Circular Firing Squad!
Teenagers Less Intelligent Than Last Generation
The Fate Of The World
The Final Act
UK - 1.2 Million Face Neg Eq As Property Dives
UK Economy Now Smaller Than France
US Admits Raiding Syria To Kill 'Terror' Leader
US Attack On Syria 'Terrorist Aggression'
US Pulls Plug On The World
US Threatens Iraq Over Troop Accord
video - - Biden on TV Interview, Lies About Obama
video - - McCain Ad Compares with Obama on Taxes, Spending
video - - McCain on Barack the Redistributor
video - - NRSC Attacks Landrieu for Voting with Obama
video - - Obama Ad on What Biden Really Said
video - CNBC Analyst Blames 'Illuminati' For Crisis
video - Corsi On Obama's Radical Influences
video - Dr. Laibow - H5N1 DNA In Flu Vaccine
video - Halloween Candy Melamine-Tainted
video - Hear The Truth - Reverse Speech Blind Test
video - Obama Wants To Redistribute Your Wealth
video - The Real Truth About Alaskan Oil
Wall St Renews Once In Lifetime Sucker Buying
Who Is Vera Baker And Why Is She In Martinique