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Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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21 October 2008

tues news

Attribute the true moral offense to Barack Obama
'Powell Will Be One Of My Advisers'
10 Truths About Christians And Politics
911 Tapes Law Firm Bomber Stormed Office With Gas
A Blueprint For Bretton Woods II
After Attacks on Palin, Biden Given a Pass by Media for Not Holding Press Conferences Stop The ACLU
All You Need Know About Credit Default Swaps
AmEx Profit Falls - Cardholders Struggle
Associations matter
Austrians Praise Murdered Haider
Barack Obama has Little History of ‘Reaching Out Across the Aisle’ Stop The ACLU
Barky's Forced Socialst Army Of World Servers
Bernanke Wants Second 'Stimulus' Package
Biden Takes Prophecy Show To The Emerald City
Big Brother Database Threatens Freedom
Britain's Hidden Debt
Bush Guilty Of First Degree Murder
Bush Has Made Mideast A Better Place Says Condi
Car Damaged After Chunk of Metal Falls From Sky
China Reactors For Pak Due To US-India N-Deal
Depleted Uranium - Iraq's Nuclear Nightmare
DNC Admits Fed Suit Charges - Obama Should Quit
Dreamer Bush Says Economic 'Panic' Easing
Drug Raid Nets Exotic Animals in Private Backyard Zoo
Dumb Dems Thrilled By Bernake Stimulus Call
Economic Trends and Projecting the Outcome of McCain vs. Obama - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
Enraged Girl, 13, Goes on Knife Rampage at Mall
Father Jonathan Should Bishops Stay Out of Politics
Fed Takes New Steps to Unclog Credit Market
Former Child Actor Found Guilty in Yacht Killings
Four Severed Heads Sent to Police Station
FOX 411 Mel Gibson's Church Worth $42 Million
Freddie Mac Tried to Kill GOP Regulatory Bill in 2005
Golly, Maybe We Should Use The Words Jihad And Islamist Stop The ACLU
Governors in a Tough Position With Shrinking Revenue - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
gutfeld No One Likes the Fairness Doctrine
Haider Murder - Mossad Assassination In Austria
Hawaii Rejects Barky's Net Site 'Birth Certificate'
Hawaii Wants Obama's Birth Records
How’s That Voter Fraud In Ohio Looking Stop The ACLU
Iceland Agrees To $6B Deal With IMF
If Palin Made the Gaffe Biden Did It Would Be Front Page News Stop The ACLU
If The Next President Gives 20 Million Amnesty
Illegal Alien Rapist, SCOTUS To Hear Identity Theft Case Stop The ACLU
In CIA-Speak 'Tickling' Means Death By Drone
In the Fine Print by David Freddoso on National Review Online
India's Moon Shot May Launch Lunar Landgrab
Israeli Mossad Chief Killed In Jordan
Israelis Killed 68 Kids In Gaza In Year
Jailed In UK Toben Awaits Extradiction Verdict
Japanese Team Claims Evidence Of Yeti Find
John Avlon It's Not About Race
John Bolton Weighs in on Joe Biden's Forecast for a Barack Obama Presidency
John Lott, Sonya Jones How Felons Can Tip an Election
Jury Convicts Southern California Man in Yacht Killings Case
Kerkorian Dumps 2-3 Of Ford Stock
Krauthammer on Joe the Plumber and Taxes Stop The ACLU
Lanny Davis Why I'm for Obama Now
Late-Night Comics Attack Republicans By 7 to 1 Ratio Stop The ACLU
Little Sarko's Plans For The World
Lockerbie Bomber Al Megrahi Has 'Timely' Cancer
Man Arrested on Cross-Country Trip to 'Meet Beyonce'
Man Kills Sister to Cleanse His Family's Honor
Markets Soar As LIBOR Starts To Fall
Michelle Obama - African Press Update 10-20-08 Stop The ACLU
Michelle Obama Tirade At African Press
More Proof Of Alexa Ratings Scam
Murtha to Constituents Sorry About Calling You Racists, I Meant To Say Rednecks Stop The ACLU
Neglect Charges for Caylee's Mom Dropped
NeoCons For Obama - Do The Math
New Book Mobsters, Unions, and Feds - The Mafia and the American Labor Movement Stop The ACLU
News Hounds - Unrepentant Bigot Sean Hannity Distorts Obama's Past In Order To Stoke Racial Fears About Him
No China Cash Bailout For Pak - Next Stop IMF
Obama and Ayers Shared an Office for Three Years Stop The ACLU
Obama Blames FoxNews for Drop in His Poll Numbers Stop The ACLU
Obama Builds Army Of Attys For Election
Obama Camp Dismisses Jackson's Israel Remarks
Obama's Powell Stands By His War Crimes
Obama, Unchecked by David Freddoso National Review Online
OPEC Pushing to Cut Production, Drive Up Prices
Orange Revolution Finished - Ukraine In Despair
Plans Unveiled For A NatGas OPEC
Prosecutors Scoff Stevens' Defense 'Nonsense'
Putin - Russia Well Prepared To Survive Crisis
Radley Balko Why the GOP Must Be Defeated
RealClearPolitics Polls and Pols
Roberts - A Government Of Thieves
Sarko Wants Halt To Foreign Ownership
School Bus Flips After Crash With Pickup Truck
Second Arrest Made in Abduction of Las Vegas Boy
SITE - SEARCH - Contact your Congressperson in the U.S. House of Representatives.
SITE - SEARCH - U.S. Senate Senators Home
So you think you can trust snopes.com Stop The ACLU
Stop covering Palin until she gives a press conference. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Student Found Shot to Death in High School Bathroom
Supreme Court to Take Case on Identity Theft by...
Sweden Launches Financial Rescue Package
Teen's Explicit Cell Phone Pic Gets Students Suspended
The Bulletin - The Unmasking Of Socialist, Radical Obama
The Rising Body Count On Main Street
The Rosett Report - First They Came for Joe the Plumber…
The Rosett Report - Obama Is Just Powell’s Latest Mistake
The Spreading Worldwide Storm
The Universe Electric - No Big Bang
Thomas Sowell on ‘The Real Obama’
Tommy DeSeno Powell Seeks a Hug From the Left
Top Pentagon Brass Divided Over McCain
Treasury Names Accounting Firms to Help Manage $700B ...
UK Manufacturers Mood 'Simply Terrible'
US Homeless Numbers 'Alarming'
VIDEO - Wake Up, USA
Voter fraud and America's courts - DailyBulletin.com
Washington Times - BLACKWELL Voter fraud
Whose Pigeons Spying On Iran Nuke Site