"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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23 October 2008


'There's probably no God' slogan to be carried on City buses Mail Online
Accusations against Wilber were no secret The Republican-American
Afghan journalism student sentenced to 20 years for insulting Islam - Times Online
AP presidential poll All even in the homestretch
Aurora woman who starved dogs gets jail time - The Denver Post
BARACK & THE JEWS - New York Post
Breitbart.tv » Ayers Declares ‘Very Open’ Marxist Leanings Week Before Event With Obama
Freddie Mac Money Trail Catches Up With McCain Newsweek Periscope Newsweek.com
Lauer to Obama How Will You 'Manage Expectations' of Being 'Messiah' NewsBusters.org
Mother faces long prison term after kids die in hot car - The Denver Post
Newsmax.com – U.S. Headed for Capitalism-Socialism Hybrid
Obama 'admits' Kenyan birth
Palo Alto to ICE Don't trample immigrants' rights - San Jose Mercury News
Should Obama Take Nicotine Pledge - TierneyLab Blog - NYTimes.com
Can 'Plumber' Pipe Votes to McCain Tax Play May Be McCain's Last
Letter Threatens Chase Bank CEO, 'You Will Be Killed'
video - CNN - He's No Maverick
video - Shatner Mr. Sulu Has a 'Sickness'
Videos - Ensign, Schumer on Senate Prospects
Videos - McConnell Ad Attacks Schumer
'Anytime we become vulnerable, our risk of a terrorist attacks increases'
'As we enter the final quarter of the year, October sales trends remain strong'
'Even though we know American policy will not change that much'
'Few civilian deaths' in S Lanka
'From the Beirut Bombing to 9-11'
'Global economic environment has deteriorated significantly over the past couple of months'
'I delivered a firm, lawful command to the suspect to drop the object'
'I gave out free copies. I was just so proud of my daughter for writing it'
'I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax'
'It is believed some of his clothes came off as a result of him struggling to get out'
'Let's hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of cards falters'
'Maybe it really wasn't as lifeless as we think'
'Prophet Muhammad wrote verses of the Holy Quran just for his own benefit'
'Seek His wisdom and guidance in putting this nation back on the right track'
'Special Report' Panel on Whether McCain Still Has a Chance; Why the Negative Public Reaction to Palin and Joe the Plumber
'Stick together or sink together' European Commission president
'They told me to vote for Obama, I said no I wanted to vote for McCain'
'This is the lowest form of sub-tabloid journalism'
'US missiles' hit Pakistan school
'We are in dire need of dollars so the situation is that we have no choice'
'We have a very good chance of beating the 64% turnout in the 1960 election'
'We may apply for Homeland Security money to pay for police and fire costs'
'We will have more officers on the street in anticipation that things may go south'
11 die as bomb targets Iraqi convoy
2nd Stimulus May Throw Caution to the Wind
4 Rescued After Boat Disappears Off Alaska
5 dead after fishing boat sinks
5 dead when fishing boat sinks off Alaska
5 men accused of planning attack on New Jersey Army base
58-year-old woman accosted on stage attempting 'citizen's arrest for treason'
7 hidden risks for lead exposure
A New Media Motif Vote Obama & Avoid Race Riots
A Pakistani Awakening
A Senate Leader’s Pork-Barrel Punch
AAA SITE - Universcale
AC-DC Making Of 'Rock 'N Roll Train' Video - Oct. 23, 2008
Accuse agents of relying on 'fear and coercion' to apprehend suspects
Ad guru Jim Whelan 'No wonder that people who don't eat any processed food lose weight'
Adult Smokers Need Pneumococcal Vaccine
Advice for McCain from The Economist
Afghan Bombing Kills 3 Coalition Troops
Afghans to Karzai You've Failed Us
After billions in taxpayers' dollars, ethanol now eats up nearly 25% U.S. corn crop
Agreement with Muslims pledged to protect terrorists, throttle Christians, impose Shariah
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - US forces hand over Iraqi province
Al Qaeda and the Election
Al Qaeda Endorsement Highlights McCain's Hypocrisy on Hamas
Al-Qaeda Hails Financial Crisis
All the One's Men
Amazon Posts Profit Jump and Offers Fuzzy Forecast
American Family Association launches daily segments of new feature
American Travelers Grilled on U.S. Politics
An Obamanomics Preview
Analyst calculates private programs will be underfunded $219 billion by year end
analysts Powell endorsement more a rejection of GOP, McCain - Scott J. Anderson
Analysts see same-sex marriage, Fairness Doctrine on horizon
ANC rebels want to save South Africa from warlords
And Now...The Manchurian Microchip
And You Thought Bill Gates had Retired
Andy Martin Hawaii lawsuit #1 Complaint - Contrarian Commentary
Andy Martin Hawaii lawsuit #2 Emergency Motion - Contrarian Commentary
Angry online divorcee 'kills' virtual ex-hubby
Another Communist in Obama’s Orb by Andrew C. McCarthy National Review Online
Applying for the Presidency
Are Fat Injections Safe For Breasts
Are Universities Above the Law - For the sake of liberal education they shouldn't be - Peter Berkowitz
Are you a victim of 'clickjacking'
Argentina To Nationalise Private Pensions
ARM Cortex-based Netbooks due soon
As doubts grow, African Press insists recordings to be released before Nov. 4
asia Beware Temptation to Gloat
Asian, Euro leaders trade ideas on financial woes on eve of Beijing summit
At least 10% of its workforce during next 2 months to cope with crumbling economy
At least 25 killed in India fireworks blast
AT&T Customers to Enter a 'Bold' New Wireless World
AT&T, Ericsson Lead Telecoms In Mixed Action
Atheists Plan Anti-God Ad Campaign on Buses
audio - Oct 22, 2008 - Mark Levin Show
Author rips senator's universal mortgage credit as socialist 'welfare'
ayers Radical loon when Obama was only 47
Banks to face small firm showdown
Barack O'Bonaparte, Man of Destiny
Barack Obama's Campaign of the Lie
Barbarians at the Gate, Two Decades Later
Barkey's Support Of Unrepentant Terrorist
Barky Will Seek Advice Of Clinton, Bush 41 ('Change'!)
Battle of the 'robo-calls' Obama answers McCain with his own
Battleground Virginia
Beauty Queen Dethroned After Arrest for Skipping on Bill
Beetle invasion threatens New England trees
Ben Shapiro offers test to identify those with that certain air of superiority
Biden Urges McCain to Stop Bashing
Biden's Bungles A Blatant Bias
Biden's Chilling Remarks At Fundraiser
Biden’s “rhetorical flourishes” lead to Palin-like seclusion
Big Donors Drive Obama's Money Edge
Biggest quarterly loss for any bank since financial crisis began
Bill Gates Has Started a New Company, bgC3
Bill Gates' Mystery Startup bgC3
Bird-Like Dinosaur Sported Bizarre Tail Feathers
Black church, researchers join up to fend off cognitive decline
BlackBerry Bold to Finally Go On Sale Nov. 4
Blast hits Iraqi minister's convoy
Blue Europe and Red Asia
Bobo the Yorkshire terrier burned by his owner, dies
Bomb Attack on Iraqi Official Kills 11
Bomber Targets Iraq's Labor Secretary
Both Parties Should Lose in This Election
Bringing Keynes Back To Life
Bristol and Lilly top analyst targets, shares rise
Broadband users reach their limit
Brunswick swings to loss on charges
Bush Guilty Of First Degree Murder
Calif. brings back music-making asphalt
Calif. fight on gay marriage turns to schools
Campaign doesn't respond to claims in lawsuit over birth certificate
Canadian Election A Warning To Americans
Case against IVF doctor collapses
Cheap Wines
China breaks up male prostitution ring
China to get U.S. training on handling outbreaks
China welcomes Japanese, Indian PMs attending ASEM7
China, an Engine of Growth, Faces a Global Slump
Chinese dissident wins EU human rights prize
Chinese Melamine Poison Spreads Around World
Chinese surfers see red over Microsoft black-outs
Chrysler cutting 1,825 jobs; GM will cut 401(k) match
Chrysler Speeds Up Factory Closure, Cuts Shift
Citizen's arrest attempted on Rove
CNN Lies - Smears Palin With False Quote
College Board Will Offer a New Test Next Fall
College Locked Down After False Reports of Gunshots
Columbo Questions Obama
Comcast Speeds Up--But Keeps Download Cap in Place
Comments mark significant shift from rhetoric to more presidential tone
Company agrees to stop any payments under former CEOs $19 million package
Comparing Candidates' Health Care Plans
Complete Dinosaur Skeleton Unearthed
Computer heart model recalls da Vinci's sketches
Container marked 'sensitive' originally thought to be for hospital
Cosmic Ray Guns
countdown McCain's Voter Registration Fraud
Country looks into waste and finds waste
Court says EU illegally froze Iran group's funds
CQ Politics CQ Transcript - McCain and Palin on NBC’s “Nightly News”
Craig thinks Obama would make a good 007
Crude rises before OPEC meets to consider cuts
Cuba Pushes For Open Trade With U.S.
Daily Show Flashback McCain is a socialist, too!
David Duchovny sues Daily Mail over cheating story
Death threats against dissident ANC members in South Africa
Debt Slavery Is Real Reason Behind The 'Bailout'
Demand slows, supplies rise OPEC sees 'about a 50% drop in their income since last summer'
Democrat exudes confidence on campaign trail in Virginia
Democrat senator thinks America 'well-served' by Fairness Doctrine
Democrats candidate plans to force environmental agenda
Democrats Could Dominate Congress After the Elections
Depressed Pregnant Women Face Higher Risk of Early Delivery
Destroying The Village 'To Save It'
Diamond Offshore Dividend Boost Draws Praise
Dinosaur Graveyard Yields Fossil Bounty
Disney movies on tap at TiVo
Dissident Hu wins human rights prize
Does McCain blame Palin for his swirling toilet of a campaign
Dollar soars against the shekel - Jerusalem Post
Don't Forget the Undecided Voters
Dot Earth Segway Inventor Turns Focuses on Poor
Dow Chemical net up 6%, warns of global recession
Drug may reverse MS brain damage
Drugstore refuses to stock birth control, cigarettes, pornography, condoms
Dubai Radio Station Fires DJ for Impersonating God
Early voting trickle quickly becoming a torrent - Fox
Early voting trickle quickly becoming a torrent
eBay's Ivory Ban Why It Happened and What It Means
Economic Crisis Through a Billionaire's Eyes
egypt Muslim Brotherhood members detained over Gaza siege protests - Ynet
Electric-Car Company Seeks to Expand to Australia
Eliminating 25 million Americans
Enough is Enough on Stimulus Package
EU blocks airport 'virtual strip search'
EU MPs concerned by airport full-body scanners
EU warns sink or swim in financial meltdown
EU Wrongly Blacklisted Iranian Group, Court Says
EU's Solana says Europe's commitment to the peace process is total - J'lem Post
Europe markets follow Asia lower - Jerusalem Post
European Parliament defies the Dragon by honoring Hu
Even AT&T Is Startled by Cost of iPhone Partnership
Even Chefs Can Mix-Up Poisonous Foods
Evidence Mounts Ayers Co-Wrote Obama's Dreams
Ex-Mayor Voice of McCain Robo-Call
exclusive Craige McMillan looks askance at campaign's refusal to cough up document
exclusive Erik Rush drubs establishment media for failure to expose Barack facts
exclusive Ernest Istook spotlights campaign's efforts to squash FBI probe of vote fraud
exclusive Jack Cashill provides update on latest evidence pointing to ghostwriting of book
exclusive Joseph Farah challengescandidate's statements about faith
exclusive Les Kinsolving quotes from his 1962 sermon about emasculated pastors
exclusive Matt Sanchez shares why fighting men, women steer clear of Obama
exclusive Phil Elmore warns how new OnStar® technology can be used by government
exclusive Phil Elmore warns of hackers stealing information via your Web browser
exclusive Roger Simmermaker warns about Chinese products
FDA Extortion Threatens Natural Supplement Co's
FDIC May Guarantee Mortgages
Fed Tries To Prevent 'Great Depression II'
Feds OK controversial nuke waste storage plan
Feeling Blue
fitness Workout Regimens You Can Live With
Flawed Thinking from Pro-Life Obama Backers
Flying Syringes and Other Bold Ideas
Foods That Trick You Into Feeling Full
For some, the Great Depression seems like yesterday
Forbids T-shirts containing 'offensive' phrases in English such as 'church'
Foreclosure activity rises 70 percent
Foreclosure Crisis Hits Veterans Hard
Foreclosures up 21 percent from year ago
Fort Dix Plot Jurors Shown Violent Videos
Four types of TV guys to avoid
France 'captures Somali pirates'
Freddie Mac Fixed-rate Mortgages Fall In Latest Survey
Full name, DOB needed to book airline flights
Georgia Says Russia Has 7000 Troops in South Ossetia
Georgia, Russia accuse each other of dangerous troop movements
Gird Your Loins, Folks, An Int'l Crisis Looms
Glenn Beck leaves CNN. Goes to FOX News
Global Economy Needs Reforms, Not Reinvention
Global recession fears remain positive for greenback
GM suspending benefits; buyouts 'well received'
GM suspends payments into 401K plans
Goldman Sachs to cut 3,260 jobs
Goldman Sachs to slash work force
Good health helps poor borrowers repay loans
GOP Fear Obama's 'Scary' Ground Game
GOP fundraising committee pulls plug on Bachmann
GOP's America vs. Reality
Got unhappy STD news Break it with an e-card
Government-rescue for troubled borrowers launched, but number of actual workouts unclear
greenspan Financial crisis is ‘credit tsunami'
Greenspan shocked at credit system breakdown
Greenspan to Face House Panel - Washington Times
Group of Undecided Voters Leans Toward Obama
Guns N' Roses to Finally Release 'Chinese Democracy'
Guns N' Roses' “Chinese Democracy” To Finally Reach American Ground
Guns, Abortion and the Supreme Court
Hackers' mind-set They've done nothing wrong
Haider 'was the man of my life'
Halloween goes political this season
Hamas lawmakers call for executing security chiefs for liaison with Israel
Hard Times For Humans, Harder...Times For Pets
hardball Matthews Hammers Pfotenhauer Over Palin
Hate Charge Against Illinois Teen Dropped
He Predicted This Economic Crisis
Health 2.0 Rules of Engagement
Hedge Funds, Politics, and the Market Crash
Hey Joe -- About That License Thing
Hezbollah Chief Poisoned - Iran Docs Save Him
Hospital bills woman who never saw doctor
How Capitalism Will Save Us
How Do Exit Polls Work Find Out Here
How Downsizing Is Bad for Your Health
How Financial Crisis is Changing China
How Low Will Asia Go
How Obama Could Lose
How Obama Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the R-Bomb
How The Financial Crisis Is Changing China
How to Catch Evolution in the Act
How to Fix Our Financial Architecture
Huge Meteor Crater Found Underneath Martian Ice
Hugo Chavez's Expansion Plans
Human error stubborn snag in airline safety
Hunt Is on for Missouri Teens Who Vanished at Game
I tried to clip Hannity last night, but he's a friend with an unrepentant Neo Nazi named Hal Turner
I-880 open after fiery crash through Oakland
In CIA-Speak 'Tickling' Means Death By Drone
In Political Coverage, Nothing Succeeds Like Success
In Praise of ... Hawaii
In red-state tour, Obama rebuts McCain on tax plan
In Sadr City, a Repressed but Growing Rage
In South Dakota Race, Gauging the Impact of a Senator’s Health
India's only gorilla lonely without companion
Indian Farmer Suicides Over Monsanto BT Cotton
Intel shows off new laptop platform
Investors contend with string of disappointing earnings reports, fears about global recession
Investors Flee as Hedge Fund Woes Deepen
Iran calls for deep OPEC cut
Iran urges Iraqis to shun U.S. security
Iranian group wins EU court case
Is Drudge Losing His Influence
Is Israel's High-Tech Industry Mossad
Is the MacBook Overpriced
israel Have we become Sodom Israel Harel
israel Remedia, Health Ministry execs indicted for negligent homicide - Ynet
Israel Stocks Market slips; chemicals firms rise; Nice expands Japan pact
Israel to become ultimate swing state - Jerusalem Post
Israel's Peace Paradox
Israeli Mossad Chief Killed In Jordan
James Simpson on the air
John McCain hopes for 1 last New Hampshire upset victory
Joy Behar 'You heard it here, ladies and gentlemen'
Just One Thing - Tankless Water Heaters
Kentucky emerges as surprise Senate battleground
Keyboard sniffers to steal data
kuntar Zionist entity must disappear - Ynet
Labor minister survives bombing in Baghdad
Lala whistles a happy, DRM-free tune
Larry Elder deals with issues of William Ayers, Iraq war, financial crisis
Latin America, Asia aid Ecolab's profit gain
Layoffs A New Generation of Jobless
Lebanon's Bloody Sunday
Lee Ann Womack Music Is A Family Business
Leukemia drug gives hopes to MS sufferers
Life Expectancy Drops To 69.3 Years In The US
LinkedIn unveils Surveys business for researchers
Listen to pastor questioning author Joe Kovacs about best-selling 'Shocked by the Bible'
Live Blog $10,000 Crooks And Liars Matching Fund For Debbie Cook
livni Israel's Version of Obama
london Atheists Plan Anti-God Ad Campaign on Buses - Fox
Long Lines Persist at Early Polling Sites
Loose Lips Lead to Trouble for British Tories
Lung tumours reveal more genetic mutations
Man brandishes BB gun after stealing deodorant (AP)
Man charged with exposing himself to toll worker (AP)
Man may be reimbursed for money mutilated by mice (AP)
Man sues Oprah over extortion arrest
Many people who signed up for winter's supply June or July regretting prices they agreed to
Margin shrinks in defeat of gay marriage ban
Massive Secret Uranium Shipment Revealed
Matthew Dowd Strategy, Insight & Analysis from a Man in the Middle
Mayor’s Tactics Are Alienating Some Big Allies
MBA projects negative economic growth until mid-2009, another hit to housing
McCain & Palin Deliver Anti-Tax Message
mccain 'Don't Give Up Hope'
McCain Battles Palin Backlash
McCain closes gap among likely voters in final stretch
McCain Drops in
McCain Drowning in Obama's Money
McCain Even With Obama After Debate In AP Poll
McCain Hits Obama on Experience, Taxes
McCain holds slight edge over Obama, 46 to 45
McCain insists he can pull an upset; Obama discusses national security
McCain says Obama will 'say anything' to win
McCain Sharply Criticizes Bush's Policies as 'Abuse of Power'
McCain storms Florida on 'Joe the Plumber' tour
McCain takes 'Joe the Plumber'bus tour - Jerusalem Post
McCain to Pennsylvanians I couldn't agree more with Murtha that you're all racists!
McCain Tries to Push Past Palin Backlash
McCain Uses Biden's 'Crisis' Prediction to Question Obama - Fox
McCain's Perverted Idea of Fairness
Media Polls Pimping for Obama
Media survey McCain gets more negative coverage than Obama
Meet Nancy Nichols First Time Homebuyer
Meeting could lead to far-reaching overhaul of rules governing global financial markets
Megaretailer posts profit, sales gain, but shares dive on forecast
Mercedes Misery Hits Daimler
Metals Stocks Gold tumbles to below $700 as fund liquidation continues
Mich. lawmakers want federal help on car loans
Michele Bachmann fundraises on flap
Michelle Bachmann Behind the Taut Canvas
Microsoft blacks out pirated desktops; Chinese bloggers fume
Middle-Age Suicide Rate Rising
Miss Teen Louisiana loses her crown after arrest
Mohamed al Fayed questioned by police - International Herald Tribune
Mohamed Al Fayed Questioned for Alleged Assault Against Teen
MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers
More Euro Banks May Fail Says IMF
More Gay Sex Allegations Involving Obama
More Proof Of Alexa Ratings Scam
Moronic Oligarchs
Move to block City Council term limits vote fails
MSNBC hits bottom - keeps digging
Murtha Remarks Helping McCain in Pa.
Mystery Tomb Uncovered
mythbusters Ten Misconceptions on Autism
N.Y. regulator urges more support for homeowners
Nathaniel Rothschild Defends Flunky Mandelson
NATO Ships Head to Somalia for Anti-Piracy Operations
NeoCons For Obama - Do The Math
Nepal ex-king hit with $1 million power bill
Netflix, Samsung in streaming partnership
New AC-DC album rocks with ‘bombastic glory of the past’
New Anti-Obesity Drug Twice the Effect
New gene mutation linked to cancer drugs' success
New test judges college skills in 8th grade
New York Times Considers Cutting Dividend After Reporting Loss
News blogger detained in Nigeria
NHS makes good progress on waits
Noonan's Slipped a Peg
NY governor orders background checks of his staff
O'Reilly re-signs with Fox for $10 million a year
O'Reilly reups at Fox News for $10 million a year
Obama and Dohrn and Ayers
Obama as a War President
Obama Builds Army Of Attys For Election
Obama Camp Dismisses Jackson's Israel Remarks
Obama Can't Imagine Using McCain Tactics
Obama gaining, but must sway voters to defeat McCain
Obama Lies For His Wall Street Handlers
Obama Looks To Flip Virginia
Obama meets with key national security advisers
Obama Pledges Tax Cut for 'Joe'
Obama rebuffs tax policy attack
Obama says he doesn't want to be too late to see ailing relative again
Obama takes campaign break to visit ill grandmother
Obama Tells Virginia Supporters of 'Righteous Wind At Our Backs' -ABC
Obama the 'Light-Worker'
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance - Daniel Pipes
Obama's Big Lie in the Last Debate
Obama's campaign built on lies
Obama's Candidacy Boosts Number of Democrats
Obama's Culture of Death and the Catholic Vote
Obama's Liberal America
Obama's Plans Are Giving Voters Pause
Obama's Powell Stands By His War Crimes
Obama's Radical RevolutionIts Alinsky Root and Global Vision
Obama's Religious Ruse 'I've Always Been a Christian'
Obama's Religious Ruse His 'Conversion'
Obama's Religious Ruse The Cult of the Marxist Messiah
Obama's Three Strikes
Obama, living American dream, well ahead in China poll
Obama, McCain beer generates election buzz
Obama-Pelosi-Reid Is Trio Markets Won't Like
Officers Seeking Fare Evaders Often Find Worse Crimes
Ohio State Prof Obama Denies Writing Dreams From My Father
Oil rises to $67 as OPEC prepares to cut output
Oil Sinks To 16 Month Low
Ominous Harbinger More New Jobless Claims
On Bill Ayers and small 'c' communists
On Health Plans, the Numbers Fly
Onion News Network has international appeal
Orson Scott Card to newspapers 'Do you even know what honesty means'
Our Next President & The Perfect Economic Storm
Owner must also receive mental-health counseling
Pacino Represents N.Y. At Rome Film Fest
Pakistan Applies For IMF Bailout
Pakistan parliament stresses talks to end militancy
Pakistan will give arms to tribal militias
Palestinian Stabs 2 Israelis Near Jerusalem
Palin Charged State of Alaska For Children's Travel Expenses
Palin Drove Stake Into Centrist Hearts
Palin lied about global warming record
Palin says election result rests in God's hands
palin The 'right thing' for America will happen Nov. 4
Palin's People Power
Panics and Politics
Parents, 2 children found dead in Hod Hasharon - Ynet
Pat Buchanan's epic fail in defense of Palin
Paulson Hides Key Parts Of Bailout Contracts
Paulson Struggled to Keep Up as Crisis Raged
Pennsylvania governor 'We want to nail this thing down'
Peres to be knighted - Ynet
Picking Up Good Vibrations (With Limitations)
Pirates threaten to kill MV Faina crew
Planetary President Obama
Points set wrongly before Cumbria train crash
Police arrest naked burglary suspect
Police fingerprint digit, transport it to hospital for comparison
Political spending races toward record $5.3 billion - USA Today
politico RNC spent $150k on Palin's clothes
poll Obama widens lead in Ohio
Porton Down Scientists Deployed 'Several Times'
Pound Tumbles As BoE Admits Recession
Powell - 'There's Going To Be A Crisis'
Pregnancy depression linked to preterm delivery
Prepaid cell plans for Web, e-mail proliferate
Prescription drug injuries and deaths reach record levels
Prison blames cell phones for escapes
Prostate Tissue Grown From Adult Stem Cell By Scientists
Pulls weapon on store manager, turns out to be BB gun
Q&A with Country Joe McDonald
R.I.P. Reagan Revolution
Rationalizing bias
Really old money
Rebirth of Iraq-Kuwait Diplomacy
Rebranding the U.S. With Obama
Rebutting the Rabbi
Red Army's Rape of Germany
Regulators See Some Thaw In Credit Freeze
Remember the China Lesson
Rep. Randy Kuhl (R-NY) Democrats 'want the American people to suffer and to hurt'
report Children on their own for 3 hours in 123-degree vehicle
report Hezbollah chief poisoned; Iranian doctors saved his life - Haaretz
Reportedly performing for male customers, donned shirt by time police arrived
Reports of serious drug reactions set a record
Repudiate the 'National' Debt
Retail sales see September fall
Retirees Running Out of Time in Their 401Ks
Rev. Barry Lynn insults WND in defending curriculum featuring senator
review T-Mobile's 'Google Phone' Is a Solid Start
Rice Visits Mexico for a Meeting About Its Drug War
rim No open-source phone for you
Rise Seen in Food Allergies in Children
Rivals Split on U.S. Power, but Ideas Defy Easy Labels - David E. Sanger
RNC uses disgraced Hannity show staring the anti-Semite Andy Martin in latest robo calls.
Roberts - A Government Of Thieves
Roberts - Where Inflation Came From
Rock legend salutes his heroes
Rocket car aims at 1,000-mph speed record
Russia Backs Keeping U.S. Force in Iraq
Safety slip in Madrid crash also seen in U.S.
Sarah Palin My Wedding Hope for Bristol
Sarah Palin to release medical records
Sarah Palin's RNC-funded makeover a fashion do or don't
Says Obama 'hiding his real agenda of redistributing your hard-earned money'
School holds surprise 'Gay' Day for kindergartners
Scientists seek foods that suppress appetite
Scientists try to stop hunger with retooled foods
Scotch tape's surprising power X-rays
Secret of Obama tax plan revealed
Several major institutions may spend portionof rescue money to buy other financial firms
Sex abuse victims get garden from Catholics
Sex Offender Begs City for 2nd Chance
Shadow Behind India's Dazzling Success
shas Livni's associates misleading public - Ynet
Shatner rips 'Star Trek' co-star
Shocking Footage of Palin Praying with 'Witch Hunter'
Shop at a shelter for your new best friend
Sick economy has patients skimping on meds
Site - GrizzlyBay.org, - The Truth About Sarah Palin
SITE - The REAL John McCain
Small business owner blasts officials for stealth taxes they 'dream up'
Small Businesses & Jobs Not Safe From Obama Tax
Small orangutan, big problem
Somali pirate Food running low on hijacked ship
Somalia 'world's piracy hot spot'
Spa owner '1 old lady said it was soothing, like a cold compress'
Spokeswoman offers 'no comment' to prostitution plan
State of the Union... Not Good
Steal Back Your Vote!
Stealing the Presidency An Obama-ACORN Primer
Stocks Battered...Down 514 - Oil Slumps
Stopping A Nuclear Tehran
Strange Defiance of Iraqi Ministers
Student pushed homosexual who got 'in his face'
Students pick Obama
study 3 Cups of Coffee a Day May Shrink Breasts
Suicide car bomber hits Iraq convoy, 11 killed
SunTrust Slips as It Considers Federal Money After Profit Fall
Swanson - 'A McCain Win Will Be Theft' - Rebuttal
Syrian envoy Onus for peace on Israel - J'lem Post
T-Rex Ancestor Unearthed
Taiwan Democracy's Low-Water Mark
Teachers learn from zero-gravity ride
Technology News Gaming New MMO A Longer Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away ...
Testing to Begin on 50 Missouri Teens Exposed to HIV
Texas agents arrest sex offenders in Halloween sweep
The 'Crisis' Question
The Abuse & Cheap Shots Aimed at Sarah Palin
The anatomy of the first video game
The Bail-Out Threat to Free Markets
The Basic Speed Law for Market Returns
The Battle for Obama's Economic Soul
The BRAD BLOG Colbert Video GOP's ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Hoax Now Officially a National Joke...
The BRAD BLOG ES&S Touch-Screens in SC Omit Candidates, Races on Final Voter Review Screen
The Bush Doctrine in Ruins
The Buying of the Presidency 2008
The Dangers of Liberal Bias
The False Death of Trickle-Down Economics
The forgotten Ayers manifesto
The Holy Grail
The Joe-the-Plumber vote is bigger than you think
The Last Two Years
The Left has destroyed anti-nuclear proliferation
The Man Who Never Was
The Mendacity of Hope
The Note - Plumber Can’t Unclog Race for McCain
The NWO A Zionist Bid for Global Domination
The Obama Enigma
The Pro-Life Scam
The Psychology Of Political Ads
The Reckoning Struggling to Keep Up as the Crisis Raced On
The Second Coming of Jimmy Carter
The Surprisingly Serious Tale of Comedian Groucho Marx and His Lifelong Quest to Master Guitar
The Universe Electric - No Big Bang
The View From Ohio
This Time Is Different
Three Places To Shop For Android Apps How Confusing!
tidbits Shatner feels ‘nothing but pity' for Takei
Time To Fasten Seatbelts For New World Order
Tina Fey glues ears down to look like Sarah Palin
Top Model Picks Six
Top officials reportedly look to protect Tehran's atomic reactors
Top Ten Android Launch Apps
Toronto's poorest die earlier, suffer more health problems report
Transcripts - Interview with Barack Obama
Transcripts - Fmr. Senators George Allen & Bob Graham
Transcripts - Interview with Gov. Schwarzenegger
Transcripts - Interview with John McCain
Transcripts - Interview with Rep. Murtha's Challenger
Transcripts - Interview with Sarah Palin
Transcripts - Interview with Tom Brokaw & Bob Schieffer
Transcripts - Joe the Plumber on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts - McCain's Speech in Goffstown, New Hampshire
Transcripts - Obama's Speech on Economic Competitiveness
Transcripts - Obama's Statement on National Security
Transcripts - October 21 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts - Panel on Obama and International Tests
Transcripts - Panel on the State of the Race
Transcripts - President Bush on International Development
Transcripts - Roundtable on Race in the Campaign
Transcripts - Roundtable on the Candidates' Tax Plans
Truth Seeps Into Mainstream Media
Two Top Ten Lists
U.K. releases UFO files, dispels some mysteries
U.S. Home Prices Down 5.9% In Past Year, FHFA Says
U.S. hostage in Afghanistan freed
U.S. in midst of 'credit tsunami,' Greenspan says
U.S. Mulls $40B Plan to Curb Foreclosures
U.S. panel urges more cancer research funding
U.S. Stocks Waver After Drops Overseas
U.S. Warns Iraq to Accept Security Deal - Fox
U.S. Warns Iraq to Accept Security Deal
Understanding Derivatives
Undertaker under influence harasses in hearse
United States turns over control of 12th Iraqi province
Uranium Should Be the New Gold
uribe Colombian police fired on protesters
US Airways, AirTran and JetBlue report sharp losses
US election Judge rules against closing early voting sites in Indiana
US FDA expands approval for J&J HIV drug
us Female immigrants must get cancer vaccine
US Presses Iraq to Accept Draft Forces Agreement
US transfers $150 million to Palestinians
US, Iraq will get security pact 'worked out,' Rice says
US-Iraq troops deal mostly donesays White House - AFP
Va. Pharmacy No Candy, Coke Or Condoms
video - Asian Space Wars Are On!
video - Kimmel McCain Kicks It Old School
video - The Candidates' Health Plans
video - Attempted Citizen's Arrest Of Karl Rove
video - Dueling Political Puppets
video - Fuhrer Obama Youth - Hitler Nazi Youth
video - Highlights from the '08 Cycle
VIDEO - Karl Rove Escapes Handcuffs
video - Obama = Hitler
video - Wake Up, USA
video - Why Bailout Could Not, Will Never Work
Videos - Gov. Rendell on Murtha's Comments
Videos - DSCC Takes on McConnell, Coleman with New Ads
Videos - Ensign, Schumer on Senate Prospects
Videos - Interview with McCain and Palin
Videos - McCain Ad Attacks Obama on Taxes
Videos - McCain's Interview with Wolf Blitzer
Videos - New Obama Ad Calls McCain Erratic
Videos - NRSC Says Martin Raised Taxes
Videos - Obama in Miami
Videos - Obama on Economic Competitiveness
Videos - Obama on Leaving the Trail, Biden's Tested Comment
Videos - Obama Says McCain is for Joe the CEO
Videos - Palin Challenges Media on Biden, Apologizes for America Comments
Videos - RNC Rolls Out Rezko Web Video
Videos - Schaffer Says Udall is Bought by Special Interests
Videos - Udall Stresses Unity in New Ad
VOA News - Baghdad Car Bombing Kills 11
VOA News - McCain Hopes Appeal to Working Class Will Help Him Overtake Obama
Volvo cuts 850 more jobs at construction unit
Voter Registration Lawsuit Against Brunner is Dropped
Wachovia In $23.9 Billion 3rd Quarter Loss
Waiting for the doctor. and waiting and waiting
Walid Phares explains al-Qaeda 'endorsement' of McCain
Warren Buffett, Government Propagandist
Was Attack On Anchorwoman Really Random
Was driving by when he spotted set through window
Wave of 'political' West Bank arrests
Wealth on Move - to the Rich
Weekly jobless claims rise 15000 to 478000
Well, Excuuuuuse Me!
Well, it's better than The dog ate my IRS return
West Bank land prices skyrocket
WFMU's Beware of the Blog - John Cage on a TV Game Show in 1960 (video)
What an Obama Administration Might Look Like
What If All the Pundits Are (Gasp!) Wrong
What Investors Believed Only Six Months Ago
What men want in the bedroom and beyond
What the Stevens Jury is Mulling
What's the Difference Between the Candidates' Health Care Plans
When has WV or NC ever been considered a Battleground State
When he assumed Senate seat, he said he didn't know enough
When Inflation Erupts, Gold Will Take Off
Which Candidate is Al Qaeda's Choice
White-powder letters hit more banks and N.Y. Times
Who Is the Greatest Bond Ever
Why Barack Obama Is Winning
Why I Voted For The Bailout
Why McCain Has Lost Our Vote
Why Obama's socialism matters
Why the Republicans Must Lose
Wildfire Breaks Out in Los Angeles, Shuts Down 405 Freeway
Will an angry electorate hand the election to Obama
Will GOP Heartland Beat for Obama
Will record labels control digital-music lockers
William Shatner lashes out at George Takei
Willie Sutton Goes to Harvard
With $605 million already, Obama asks only $10 more from each of us
Woman gets into tussle with an aggressive deer (AP)
Wooing Virginia, Before Heading to Hawaii
World Recession Likely Says Brown
X-rays detected from Scotch tape
YouTube - Flo and Eddie - SEARCH PAGE
YouTube - Brutal Sarah Palin's Record on Aerial Wolf Hunting
YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare
YouTube - Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck -SEARCH PAGE
YouTube - The Wizard of Oz (1933)
‘Mistaken Identity’ Cited in 9 Afghan Deaths

part 2

Left Wing Media Attacks on Michael Savage from Media Matters
rense - 20th Sinclair Interview
VIDEO - Media bias in election coverage
video - Zeitgeist - The Addendum
A Healthy Schism in South Africa
A Taste for Blood - NYTimes.com
AIPAC Influence On Talk Radio Host Town Hall
Al-Jazeera for Obama
Analog's Twilight Slowly, Digital Trumps Physical LiveScience
Army Can't Retry Watada For Iraq War Refusal
Asteroid Exploded in Earth's Atmosphere LiveScience
Astronomers on Verge of Finding Earth's Twin LiveScience
Berg - DNC Admits Fed Suit Charges - Obama Should Quit
Biden's Chilling Remarks At Fundraiser
Black Holes All Eat the Same Way LiveScience
Britain’s Prime Minister Argues for Global Governance
CNN Lies - Smears Palin With False Quote
Demand For Gold Soars As Price Tumbles
Democracy Now! Does Obama's Record-Setting Fundraising Mark the End of Public Campaign Financing
Democracy Now! John Nichols on the GOP's New McCarthyism and the 2008 Congressional Races
Democracy Now! Weeks After Prosecutor's Resignation, US Drops Charges Against 5 Gitmo Prisoners -- But Won't Release Them
Democracy Now! Barack Obama Accepts Endorsement of Colin Powell Despite the Ex-General's Role in Making the Case for Iraq War
Democracy Now! Eugene Jarecki on The American Way of War Guided Missiles, Misguided Men, and a Republic in Peril
Democracy Now! Iraqis Protest Proposed Deal to Allow US Troops to Stay in Iraq Until 2011
Democracy Now! Trailing in Polls, McCain Campaign Intensifies Attacks on Obama
Democracy Now! Early Voting Sees Reports of Voter Intimidation, Machine Malfunctions
Democracy Now! Ignoring Evidence, Mexican Authorities Charge Activists with 2006 Murder of Independent Journalist Brad Will
Dismissing fundraiser and ignoring McCain's appearances on radio show....
Dollar Roars Back As Global Debts Called
Don't Expand NATO
Electric Space Weather Baffles Scientists
Financial Catastrophe - They Did It On Purpose
First UK Town To Ban Fixed Speed Cams
Fiscal Policy Report Card on America's Governors 2008
Focus Shifts to Stimulus Package
For Better or Worse, Sex in Space Is Inevitable LiveScience
Global Bank Lending Sinks To 30 Yr Low
Hezbollah Chief Poisoned - Iran Docs Save Him
Huge Mountain Range Should Not Be There LiveScience
In Defense Of Liberty
Indian Farmer Suicides Over Monsanto BT Cotton
Inhman Animal Testing - It Simply Has To Stop
Is the Bailout Constitutional
Magnet device aims to treat depression patients - Yahoo! News
McCain Even With Obama After Debate In AP Poll
Media Goes Negative on McCain
Media Matters - Cunningham guest Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson - Most black people today are racist
Media Matters - Drudge unplugged How his campaign influence has collapsed
Media Matters - Hannity again denounces Obama for comments later echoed by Defense Secretary Gates
Media Matters - Hannity falsely claimed Obama said he is going to ... cut tens of billions of dollars in our military
Media Matters - Quinn Originally, if you didn't have land, you didn't vote, and there was a good reason for it
Media Matters - Sowell compared Obama to Hitler, Mao, other dictators, and Jim Jones
Media Matters - WND again cites dubious emails to advance claim that Obama campaigned for Odinga
Media Must Pay to Cover Obama on Election Night
MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers
Mysterious 'dead water' effect caught on film - 21 October 2008 - New Scientist
Mysterious Mars Moon a Pile of Rubble LiveScience
Nathaniel Rothschild - Financier Reverts To Type
Never Say Die Why We Can't Imagine Death Scientific American
Not Death Of Capitalism, Birth Of A New Order
NRA News on firearms and the 2008 election
NY Times, AP again ignored their own reporting on.......
On Matters of October Surprises and Media Malpractice
Organic Farming 'Could Feed Africa'
Osborne Warned - 'Stop Rubbishing' Rothschild
Pakistan's Hidden War
Pakistan Stares Into Abyss
Pedophilia Thriving In Judaism's Right Wing
Pirates to kill crew on arms ship if NATO ships attack - CNN.com
Plus and Minus Disposable vs. Rechargeable Batteries LiveScience
Protecting Against the Terrorist Threat Continuing the Fight and Confronting the Challenges Ahead
Questions and Answers About Obama's Health Plan
Reporting on McCain health-care plan, USA Today left out projection that .....
Review - Barack H. Obama The Unauthorized Biography
Robotic ants building homes on Mars
Rothschild Threatens To 'Destroy' Osborne
Savage on Powell endorsement - The only people who don't seem to vote based on race....
Sharing the Poverty
SITE - International Institute for Strategic Studies
SITE - Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
Socialism Comes to America
Study Suggests It Rained on Ancient Mars LiveScience
Suit targets Obama document The Honolulu Advertiser
The God That Failed
The Haunting Specter of Derivatives — Part I
The NWO A Zionist Bid for Global Domination
The Rothschilds 200 Yrs Of Political Influence
The True Costs of Renewable Energy LiveScience
This Tax Credit Pays
Treasury's Bank Capital Purchase Program Avoiding a Dangerous Legacy
UK In Massive Sterling Sell-Off
UnCommon Crisis
US Spends Trillions On Corrupt Banking System
video - Ahmadinedjad A Mason Real Name Saborjhian
video - Rev Manning Rips 'Tarzan' Obama
video - Soldout To Marxist-Communist-Demoralization
video - Wake Up, USA
Visa Waiver Reform Ready for Next Step
Volcanoes May Be Original Womb of Life LiveScience
Vote Debacle Predicted For November 4
Was a Communist Obama’s Sex Teacher
Wash. Times uncritically reported McCain slammed Obama for supporting higher taxes.....
Wealth Gap Creating Social Time Bomb
What Makes Earth Special Compared to Other Planets LiveScience
Who Is Barack Obama
World Gives $4.5 B To Georgia
World Markets On Edge