"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

15 August 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

It seems the only thing that hasn’t increased in cost is free advice.



Why the center-left is fed up with Obama | Wichita Eagle

Obama Tries to Reclaim Momentum With Midwest Bus Tour - NYTimes.com

Obama's Gallup numbers show 12 states in play in 2012 - latimes.com

Is Obama Leaking Details of Bin Laden Killing to Boost His Approval Ratings? - FoxNews.com

How Much Is Obama Really to Blame for the Economy? - Michael Hirsh - Politics - The Atlantic

Perry: The military doesn't respect Obama - 2012 Elections - Salon.com

Obama says political divide is hurting economy | Reuters

Obama Shifts Gears From Coaxing G.O.P. to Swaying the Public - NYTimes.com

Michael Moore urges Matt Damon to run against Obama | Irish News | IrishCentral

Obama’s new man in China hopes to smooth things over - The Globe and Mail

Rubin Reports » The Left’s Very Anti-PC Strategy: Hate, Fear, Stereotype, and Treat Diversity as Evil


IMF must not ask a gov't to commit suicide - BlackListedNews.com


IMF (www.imf.org)

World Bank Group(www.worldbank.org/)


"The Wasteland" - How Central Planning Broke All Markets... And What We Can Do To Fix Them - BlackListedNews.com



ECB: European Central Bank(www.ecb.int/)


10 Signs That Economic Riots And Civil Unrest Inside The United States Are Now More Likely Than Ever - BlackListedNews.com


The Day the Dollar Died - YouTube



The Day the Dollar Died

American Hangover (The Day the Dollar Died, Part II)

“I Have Been to the Fields of Gettysburg” (The Day the Dollar Died Part III)

Arrogance of the Gods (The Day the Dollar Died Part IV)

A New Day of Economic Justice for All (The Day the Dollar Died Part V)

Pass Me the Butter and Blueberry Syrup, Please (The Day the Dollar Died Part VI)

Security for Liberty for All (The Day The Dollar Died Part VII)

“CQ, CQ, is Anybody out there?” (The Day the Dollar Died Part VIII)

There’s Two “T’s” in Ottumwa (The Day the Dollar Died IX)

Chapter X: The Dented Crown and Worthless Pound

Chapter XI: Dawn Over Amerika

Chapter XII: Keep My Change?

Chapter XIII: Paper, Plastic, Paper, Plastic

Chapter XIV: Wendy’s Shining Moment

Chapter XV: Truckin’ for God and Country

Chapter XVI: Where Shopping is a Pleasure

Chapter XVII: Black Ice

Chapter XVIII: The Boxankle Adventure

Chapter XIX: No Sharing Allowed

Chapter XX: Help Wanted or Else

Chapter XXI: Burning Fields of Cotton

Chapter XXII: Your Application Needs Revision

Chapter XXIII: Birdsong

Chapter XXIV: Sunday Service

Chapter XXV: Extinction


Gold Standard: Forty Years Gone -- And Good Riddance - MarketBeat - WSJ

Bernanke Pledges To Screw Your Grandmother For At Least Two More Years - BlackListedNews.com


+ Michio Kaku and Paul Krugman agree, we need the aliens to save the world - BlackListedNews.com


Woman becomes face of eugenics case - BlackListedNews.com

Google+ users will be forced to identify themselves.. or leave the site | Mail Online

Autonomous Robot Truck Will Debut in Afghanistan This Year | Singularity Hub

If We’re Turning Off Social Media, I Want News Channels Shut Down, Too - BlackListedNews.com

What's Up Western? - Walled Lake Western High School - Death of Osama bin Laden

3 Videos:Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: The Fed Leads By Deception Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Repressing the Internet, Western-Style - WSJ.com




+ 7 pg/DollarDeath.

Utøya shootings: Breivik accompanies police on eight-hour reconstruction | World news | The Guardian


*United States Constitution(www.constitutionfacts.com/)

The Bill of Rights Institute(www.billofrightsinstitute.org/)

First Amendment Center(www.firstamendmentcenter.org/)


+ New Pictures of Apple Spaceship Headquarters - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD


Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance - YouTube


9-27-10/Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots - Telegraph

4-11-11/The memo that 'proves aliens landed at Roswell'... released online by the FBI | Mail Online

4-11-11/FBI releases Roswell memo about ‘three bodies of human shape’ - BlogPost - The Washington Post

4-10-11/FBI Opens Secret Document ‘Vault’ — Does it Prove Aliens Landed in Roswell? | TheBlaze.com

4-11-11/FBI memo: Roswell saucers were real | Adelaide Now

4-11-11/FBI destroyed thousands of UFO reports, 1949 memo reveals | World news | The Guardian


+The Roswell UFO Incident :Synopsis of Balloon Research Findings ; 1st Lt James McAndrew

Discussion Forum - Aliens UFOs wikileaks community


De-Classified Goverment Documents(http://www.niternat.com/)


Hoax Alien Invasion Planned - Bill Cooper - YouTube


CNN And Politico Admit Ron Paul Media Conspiracy ! - YouTube

SR 24 The Fed's Secret Loans - YouTube

Why Does Mainstream Media Disrespect Ron Paul? | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

6 Companies That Rigged The Game (And Changed the World) | Cracked.com

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post:Answers in Absolute for ‘Why 9/11?’


Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades: Part II

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades- Part III


U.S. Government Accountability Office (www.gao.gov/)


+ Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution - YouTube


Youtube Busted Censoring - YouTube

9/11 Coloring Book Tells Kids 'Truth' About Terrorism | Common Dreams

Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: Google Trends : Michele Bachman vs Ron Paul


The Bankers Manifesto of 1892


*Act of 1871*


WTC 7 Explosion - YouTube

Facing Ninth Deployment, Army Ranger Kills Himself. 'No Way' That God Would Forgive Him For What He'd Seen, Done, He Told Wife | Crooks and Liars

FOCUS: Michele Bachmann, Inspired by My Dad

Obama's Vineyard Vacation Will Cost Taxpayers Millions - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

savethemales.ca - Confessions of a Cancer Industry Insider

Stuffed Suits - Tea Party Fraud Rick Perry is Political Herpes

Shocking Video - 4 dead, 46 injured As Huge Concert Stage Collapses On Fans At Indiana State Fair

Rick Perry, the “hawk internationalist” | The Cable

A Voice In The Wilderness: Government is a Death Cult

US troubled by rising anti-Americanism in Egypt - WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 -

Obama Hits NEW LOW In Latest Gallup Poll, White House Staff Gets Big Pay Raises, Germany & France Say NO To Eurobonds, Soros Calls For EU To Dump Greece & Portugal - Home - The Daily Bail

Jewish Current Issues: Rep. Michele Bachmann at the RJC

The Existentialist Cowboy: Tell Rick Perry that there was NO 'Texas Miracle'

BBC News - Fast Track - When does airport security become physical assault?

Google's Motorola Deal Will Spur Antitrust Regulators to Action - Arik Hesseldahl - Mobile - AllThingsD

Motoogle: The Phone Business Just Got Completely Blown Up - Kara Swisher - Mobile - AllThingsD

Defense Spending: Google Arms Itself With Moto Patents - John Paczkowski - News - AllThingsD




Movie Reviews(HomeVideos.com)


Conspiracy Reality TV(http://conspiracyrealitytv.com/)

Documentaries - (www.niternat.com)

Videos (http://www.niternat.com)




60 Minutes: New Corporate Tax Havens - Home - The Daily Bail

Old text, new wrinkles: Did Butch Cassidy survive? - Yahoo! News

DHS says Terror Watchlist is exempt from Privacy Act : Federal Jack

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

Natural News publishes names of government agents who masterminded Rawesome Foods raid : Federal Jack

Bin Laden Meets With The CIA at an American Hospital In Dubai July 2001 : Federal Jack

Dennis Kucinich "It's A Fake Crisis, Social Security Did NOT Create The Deficit! It Will Be Able To Pay 100% Of Benefits Through 2037!" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

RealClearMarkets - August 15, 1971: President Nixon's Golden Error

Herschel Telescope Detects Oxygen Molecules in Space - Aliens UFOs wikileaks community

Project Bluebeam Imminent? Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance :

U.S. thinks Pakistan let China see secret chopper - USATODAY.com

Budget Buster: Pentagon Unable to Account for “Trillions,” Glain Says | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

DHS says Terror Watchlist is exempt from Privacy Act | The Informant

Open Your Eyes News » Interview with whistleblower: John Perkins, ‘Economic Hitman’

Special interests gave millions to budget panel - Yahoo! News

Air Force Staff Sergeant Refusing Orders Until Obama's Eligibility Dealt With | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

The Pentagon's new China war plan - China - Salon.com

U.S. To Deny Taiwan New F-16 Fighters - Defense News

Wake Up 1776: Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn Tries to Hide Ron Pauls' Strong Iowa Straw Poll Showing

+ Ron Paul was right! 1998-2002 predictions - YouTube

Bachmann Wins Ames Straw Poll With 29% Of Vote, Ron Paul Takes Second With 28% | ZeroHedge

Shadowy Internet group 'Anonymous' attacks BART website | Ari Burack | Crime | San Francisco Examiner

*Open Your Eyes News » Smart Skin Provides ‘Huge Breakthrough’

The rich are different — and not in a good way, studies suggest - Health - Behavior - msnbc.com

Going Organic Cuts Poultry Farms’ “Superbug” Bacteria in Single Generation | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network


Open Rights Group(www.openrightsgroup.org)

Human Rights Watch(www.hrw.org/)

Amnesty International(www.amnesty.org/)

American Civil Liberties Union(www.aclu.org/)

Southern Poverty Law Center(www.splcenter.org/)



Prison Planet.com » U.S. and NATO Arming Syrian Opposition, Plan Military Strike

Representation, Secession and Taxation

I’m So Proud. I Shot Down Navy Seals’ Chinook

Lebanon Intercepts Covert Arms Shipments bound for Syria

‘Karl Marx Was Right’

The Armed Gangs Controversy

BBC News - World Bank chief Zoellick says markets in danger zone

Chinese space lab set to soar - USATODAY.com

Perry welcomed Chinese firm despite security concern - The Washington Post

Illinois Expanding Ban On Military Funeral Protests

New bacteria linked to tattoo infections - USATODAY.com

'Serial killer' confesses to police but officers find three of his 'victims' alive and well | Mail Online

Bad Hair Bandit strikes again! Woman is wanted for 19 bank robberies | Mail Online

NATO’s Puppet Regime in Libya Falls Apart

The Empire's Favorite Latin American Dictators

Shattered Illusions of Economic Recovery: Capitalism's New Era

The Berlin Wall, Fifty Years Ago: Disturbed By Lack of Warning, JFK Asked Intelligence Advisers to Review CIA Performance

Foodborne Illnesses in America

The World's Money Is Draining Away ... Where's It Going?

What Can You Do When You Don't Approve of Police Actions? - informationliberation

Twisted web of lies in Godboldo Case: Big Pharma, multiple agencies, judge, DHS all profit from child abduction

Fallen Angels Get Bold: Elenin, Immortals, 9/11 In Movies? Antichrist foretold? - YouTube

Gold Standard or Nixon Standard by Gary North

A Libertarian’s Take on the First Ever Ancestral Health Symposium In by Karen De Coster

The Fix Is In by Peter Schiff

Safety Inspections by Eric Peters

Too Much of a Good Thing Is Not a Good Thing by David Galland

Glenn Beck Is No Ron Paul by Aaron David Ward

Head Lie: CNN Says Insiders On Stock Buying Spree by Mac Slavo

If David Starkey is racist then so is everybody – Telegraph Blogs

Complete Guide to Scotch Whisky | The Art of Manliness

Video:CFTC Commissioner: "A Hair Trigger Away from Economic Calamity"

Video:How Wall St Speculation Drives Up Gas Prices

Video:Fault Lines: The Top 1%

New Drug Could Cure Nearly Any Viral Infection - Truth is Treason

Land Destroyer: Reuters Edits Iowa Poll Reality According to Globalist Agenda

Land Destroyer: Color Revolutions 101

Land Destroyer: Forget the Hoax, Ron Paul is a Presidential Front Runner

Fact: You Have Rights Because Government Says So...Or Not - Choose Red - TruthOffering.com

Diet Myths THEY Don’t Want You To Know - Choose Red - TruthOffering.com


* Activist Post: 21 Books The Ruling Elite Doesn't Want You to Read


Activist Post: What is a Coronal Mass Ejection and Why Should You Care?

Riots, wild markets: Did space storms drive us mad? | Reuters

Breaking The Silver Manipulation Barrier

Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone - YouTube

China Pledges $55 Million in Famine Aid for Horn of Africa

Obama to Launch Three-State Counteroffensive to Republicans

Perry, Bachmann Blast Obama in Iowa 'Shootout'

Gallup: Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low of 39%

DNC's Ed Rendell: It’s Hillary in 2016

RGA Chooses McDonnell as Chairman

Is Al Gore Off His Rocker?

Bachmann Narrowly Defeats Paul to Win Iowa

Perry-Bachmann Showdown Finally Begins

Google Buys Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion

Sales of Gold up on eBay Amid Stock Market Turmoil

World Bank Head: Global Markets in Danger Zone

Soros Suggests Greece, Portugal Quit Euro Zone

Perry Wooed China Firm Despite Security Flags

Allen West: Ron Paul Wrong Man for White House

Republicans Who May Take on Obama in 2012

Soros: Germany Must Defend the Euro

Virus May Cause High Blood Pressure

George Will Slights Bachmann’s Fitness to ‘Control' Nukes--Just as He Slighted Palin's

Pawlenty Withdraws, Newcomer Perry Seeks His Endorsement

Obama Chasing Voters at Series of Town Hall Meetings in the Midwest | CNSnews.com

White House Attacks GOP Candidates' Vow to Nix Any Tax Hike Deal

Flashback: Pelosi on Obamacare's Constitutionality: ‘Are You Serious?'

Flashback: Leahy on Obamacare's Constitutionality: 'Nobody Questions' Our Authority

Gingrich: Deficit Super Committee ‘As Dumb an Idea as Washington Has Come Up With’

Obama Adviser Questions Perry's Economic Successes

Paris Hilton Loses Cellphones on Plane to Manila

Hundreds of Tons of Oil Leaked in North Sea Spill

Broken Bolt May Have Caused Fence to Topple From Overpass

Protest in Calif. After Indian Remains Unearthed

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell takes to national stage

Obama's vision problem

Editorial: Obama should send a jobs plan to Congress that has popular appeal

Obama rejects calls for Eric Holder to resign over botched gun sting

Cases lining up to ask Supreme Court to clarify Second Amendment rights

Federal agents checking for illegal immigrants on public transportation

Casey Anthony must serve one year of probation, judge says

Tea party members accuse Rep. Allen West of chickening out

Pakistan Granted China Access to U.S.'s Top-Secret Bin Laden Raid Chopper

Liberty Must Survive At All Cost :

The Next Inside Job: A Nuclear 9/11 :

Real Domestic Terror As Microwave Weapons Used On Populace :

Think Tank Calls For Selling U.N. Votes In Move To Stop Palestinians From Obtaining Statehood :

Ron Paul Vs. Military Industrial Complex Establishment Shills :

The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA’s Role :

China's First Carrier Completes Initial Sea Trials

Afghan Suicide Bombers Attack Governor's Compound

Pakistan & Case of Kidnapped American

Mitt Romney Dubs Obama's Trip the 'Magical Misery Bus Tour' - The Note

Google to Buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion - Bloomberg

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion | AmpedStatus

Did J.P. Morgan Sink the Titanic!? - Conspiracy - TruthOffering.com

Chemtrails: Scars in the Sky - Conspiracy - TruthOffering.com

The Mainstream Media: In the Pocket of the Global Elite - Conspiracy - TruthOffering.com

Our Diet Is Killing Our DNA! - Nutrition - TruthOffering.com

Sonia Gandhi’s Mysterious Illness Raises Questions - NYTimes.com

Sonia Gandhi recovering after surgery

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Cyber recruits key part of NSA hiring blitz

Pat Buchanan Challenges Warren Buffett: 'Set an Example and Send a Check for $5 Billion to the Federal Government' | NewsBusters.org

Stop Coddling the Super-Rich - NYTimes.com


Great Speech by Louis Farrakhan during Millions March in Harlem On Libya (August 13, 2011) - YouTube


Ahmadinejad to RT: Europe & US need freedom most of all (Exclusive Interview) - YouTube


Audit the Fed(www.auditthefed.com/)

Despite Economic Woes, Obama Fundraising With Hollywood Elites

Democrats Eye Fundraising Over Economic Crisis

Appeals Court Slams Obamacare as Unconstitutional

Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to the Planet | Before It's News

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA New, Stealth Dirty Trick To Take Your Supplements - YouTube

Seven Foods That Feed Your Metabolism | Before It's News

Concrete House That Looks Like a Fortress | Before It's News

Origin of the New World Order in India | Before It's News

George Stephanopoulos Endorses White House Strategy That Perry Is a 'Carbon Copy' of Bush | NewsBusters.org

American Idol's Ryan Seacrest to Replace Matt Lauer at Today Show? | NewsBusters.org

Daily Beast/Newsweek: Michele Bachmann Has 'Christian Plot' for 'Domination' | NewsBusters.org

Redon files: New Transmission Concept for Wind Turbines: Higher Energy Yield With Torque Vectoring Gears.....

Immigration: Importing poverty into America | Before It's News

ALIPAC - Presidential Candidates: Enforcement Vs. Amnesty

ALIPAC - Undocumented Immigrants Face Checks on Amtrak, Greyhound

Illegal immigrants do not have a "right to work" in USA | Before It's News

Iowa fairgoer to Todd Palin: Your wife ‘sold out’ | Raw Replay

Ron Paul rebukes Romney: Corporations are not people | Raw Replay

RNC attack on Obama’s bus tour ignores Bush’s political travel costs | The Raw Story

Perry: ‘I didn’t do my research’ on mandate for HPV vaccine | The Raw Story

Current TV president: MSNBC only ‘trots out’ liberal viewpoints at night | Raw Replay

Will the Gas Tax be the New Tea Party Fight?

Laura Ingraham Repeats Right-Wing Distortion that the President No Longer Gets Daily Briefing on the Economy

Matt Dowd: Rick Perry Could Have Trouble in a General Election Because He Sounds a Lot Like George Bush

Democrats Tell Obama It's Time To Get Aggressive About Jobs

The Profiteers Club: Congressman Darrell Issa

Grassley Rails About President Obama for Not Taking Responsibility for His Policies - Too Bad He's Not Willing to do the Same

Pawlenty Drops Out of Presidential Race

Debt-Panel Faces Pressure From Lawmakers’ Backers. What A Shame If They Can't Agree On Cutting Social Security And Medicare!

Bachmann on Gays: 'I Don't Judge Them'

Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-NY) Dodges Questions About Verizon Strike and Free Trade Agreements

Rep. Steve King Claims the Stock Market Would go Up if Obama Embraced the Policies of Milton Friedman

Iowa Republican Chair Tells Palin To "Get To Work" If She's Looking To Be A Candidate

Michele Bachmann, Government Leech, Wins Iowa Poll. Claims She Knows All About 'Job Creation'

Bachmann: No One Would Take 10-1 Deal During Debate Because the Cuts Were 'Fake'

Cain: 5th Place in Straw Poll Is 'a Great Position'

Fareed Zakaria: Grow Up, Liberals!

Bill Press on the 'Super Congress' | Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Why do talk radio hosts hate illegal immigrants?: 'Vanguard' Extra // Current

Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action

Prison Planet.com » As America’s Economy Collapses, “New Normal” Police State Takes Shape

Rick Perry Worked For Al Gore And Other Facts! - YouTube

Fascism Fears Ron Paul! - YouTube

Prison Planet.com » Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?

Prison Planet.com » The Rest Of The World Is Calling Even Louder For A New Global Currency

Charlie Brooker: How to prevent more riots | Comment is free | The Guardian

Prison Planet.com » Building 7 Was An Inside Job

Prison Planet.com » Hormone Hitler: MI5 plot to feminize Führer

Now we're losing our 60 watt light bulbs as they are outlawed by the European Union | Mail Online

Households may be powered off remotely by power companies | thetelegraph.com.au

Breivik Called Police at Least 10 times to Surrender

TSA backscatter radiation safety tests were rigged

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research

Ron Paul Speaking to 2011 Ames Straw Poll Supporters - YouTube

Incarceration For Profit Is Happening Nationwide! Judge Gets 28 Years For Taking Bribes From Prisons - YouTube

Keiser Report: Reverse Nixon Golden Dream (E172) - YouTube

Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System - YouTube

» Bachmann Rigged Iowa Poll by Buying “At Least” 4000 Votes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Under Scrutiny, Perry Walks Back HPV Decision — Rick Perry | The Texas Tribune

» Tell Rick Perry that there was NO ‘Texas Miracle’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MI6, under pressure from Blair and Campbell, produced bogus Iraq war evidence | Mail Online

Proposed rule on farms called ‘absurd’

PC inventor says that its time has passed - It's going the way of the typewriter | TechEye

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status | CNSnews.com

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout

Morning Call Sheet: ‘Austin Powers 4,’ ‘The Lone Ranger’ and Breaking ‘Breaking Bad’ News

‘Suck My C***’: Director Eli Roth Jumps on Conservative Woman-Hating Bandwagon

Game On: Lawmaker Seeks to End Use of Taxpayer Funds to Help Bin Laden Movie

Bert and Ernie: Yes They Can!

A Modest Economic Proposal: Eat Hollywood

Why don’t conservatives support conservative films?

Appeals Court Rules Fannie/Freddie Docs Can be Kept Secret

Audio:Warren Buffet Wants to Pay More Taxes

Can You Smell Them Now? Striking Union Agrees Not To Drop, Spread Or Throw Feces…

Voting Early and Often in NC: Four Charged with Crime the Left Says Doesn’t Exist

Governor Quinn Illegally Stacking Boards in Illinois

Funeral Pyres for the British Welfare State

Girl Power Not Evident On Super Committee: WHY?

From Iowa: Pawlenty Out, Santorum Staying In

Agenda 21: Obama Administration Racing Towards Rio + 20

U.S. Military: Protectors of the Selfish Class?

Cartoon:ObamaNation: Solutions

Credit Where It’s Due: KTVI Fox 2 Covers Black Conservative Conference

Another Example of How the NYTimes Warps Truth

Conservative “Terrorism” Wins in Iowa

Denver Media Outlets Fail to Cover Multitude of Juicy Stories Behind Recent Rabbit Farm Raid

NewsBusted: Are You on Food Stamps Yet?

RNC dubs Obama's Midwest trip the 'Debt-End Bus Tour' in new campaign

The perils of AA-rated America [VIDEO]

Conference aims to normalize pedophilia

Giuliani endorses Bob Turner in special election to replace Anthony Weiner

Candidate Rick Perry's inaugural 2012 video

Women's Magazine Pounds Megyn Kelly About Fox News Bias, Palin's Offenses Against 'Free Speech' | NewsBusters.org

AP Headline: 'One-child policy a surprising boon for China girls' | NewsBusters.org

CNN's John Avlon Huffs: 'Are Republicans At War With Reality?' | NewsBusters.org

Good News From Iowa

Pakistan Shares US Stealth Technology With China: Did That Bring Down The Chinook With SEALs?

US Diplomat To Kids In India: I’m Dark and Dirty Like You

Ron Paul: The GOP’s Henry Wallace

Libya Opposition Forces Make ‘Red Neck’ Tank

Where Do The U.S., EU, And UN Encourage Restrictive Housing Covenants?

‘GIs Of Comedy’ Serving America….Jokes

Ronald Reagan’s Soul: Still Point In A Turning World

Bachmann would reinstate US gay troops ban

Norway gunman 'showed no remorse' at massacre site

BART ready for renewed protests after cyber attack

More homeowners refinancing into shorter loans-survey

AP Enterprise: Cheating scandal hits US submarine

Police: La. man decapitated disabled son, 7

Shell: 54,600 gallons of oil spilled in North Sea

US jails Iranian over missile component plot

US committed to Taiwan: White House

Hollywood studio partners with China moviemakers

Experts say transit agency website an easy target

Germany urges UN Security Council action on Syria

PM: We must help middle class, while safeguarding economy

Students, 'experts' hold social justice press conferences

Ariel Sharon's family to pay part of his medical costs

Tibetan monk burns himself to death in call for return of Dalai Lama

Netanyahu: Israelis have difficulties finishing the month

Israel go-ahead for West Bank settler homes dents peace hopes

Judge postpones Mubarak hearing, cancels TV coverage

'Allied spies sought to bring out Hitler's feminine side'

Pfizer wins 'generic' Viagra patent case

James Cameron gives Hollywood 3D advice: try harder


+15-Aug-11 World View


Savage and the fall of the U.K.

David Cameron on UK riots: It's time for a zero tolerance approach to street crime - Telegraph

Mexico Uncovers Possible Drug Smuggling Tunnel Beneath U.S. Border - FoxNews.com

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Against Obama's Health Care Law - FoxNews.com

Tank, navy attack on Syria's Latakia kills 26: witnesses | Reuters

Bernard Madoff ditched by his wife of 52 years as she seeks reconciliation with son | Mail Online

Your imagination is not playing tricks on you - children really are becoming less creative, study shows | Mail Online

Keefe, Bruyette & Woods CEO John Duffy lavished gifts on mistresses in three countries: wife - NYPOST.com

Fareed Zakaria Defends Obama | Video | TheBlaze.com

Is the Broadband Internet a Civil Right for All Americans? | Video | TheBlaze.com

Photos from the Perseid Meteor Shower | Video | TheBlaze.com

Suspicious Packages Exploded Outside John Boehner’s Ohio Office | Video | TheBlaze.com

Pat Buchanan Responds to Warren Buffett’s Tax Policy Op-ed | Video | TheBlaze.com

Warren Buffet Wants Taxes Raised on America’s Super Wealthy | Video | TheBlaze.com

Lillian Bernhagen Finds Kettle One Vodka Blimp Crashed in Backyard | Video | TheBlaze.com

Syrian Government Continues Violent Crackdown Against Citizens | Video | TheBlaze.com

Ann Coulter Still Holding Out For Christie | Video | TheBlaze.com

Rick Perry In Iowa | TheBlaze.com

Facebook Includes Phone Numbers | TheBlaze.com

Allen West: Ron Paul ‘Not the Kind of Guy You Need to Be Sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Gloria Steinem | | Video | TheBlaze.com

Herman Cain Tells CNN | Video | TheBlaze.com

Dogs Rescued From Being Eaten in Thailand | Video | TheBlaze.com

FCC Moves Forward Toward Accepting 911 Texts, Video | TheBlaze.com

Kentucky Women Sue for Social Security Numbers | Raechel & Stephanie Schultz | TheBlaze.com

Chinese Military Leader Visits Israel | TheBlaze.com

Strong Straw Poll for Ron Paul After Emphasizing Social Issues | Video | TheBlaze.com

Santorum Boosted With Fourth Place Finish | Video | TheBlaze.com

Nancy Pelosi | Sheila Jackson Lee | GOP Complicated Debt Debate Because Obama Is Black | Video | TheBlaze.com

It Begins: Bachmann, Perry at Same Iowa Event | TheBlaze.com

If Soros Betted On Downgrade This is How He Did It | TheBlaze.com

Boy Scout Found Alive in Utah | TheBlaze.com

Mubarak-Like Tactics? Officials Jam Cellphone Signals in San Francisco to Block Protests | Video | TheBlaze.com

Is Palin Definitely Not Running for President? | Video | TheBlaze.com

Burying Obama

Why the Left Elites Are Criticizing Obama

Perry's Problematic Pals

Obama Steps on Fallen Heroes' Dead Bodies for Personal Gain

Will Obama Run for Re-election?

Strange Friends of the New EPA Trucking Regulations

Obama is a Calculating, Not Stupid Individual

CNN Pushes Palinization Of Tea Party Nation

Did American Military Overinvolvement Hasten Europe's Cultural Decay?

Foxman: Wrong on Sharia, Too

The Idle Poor and Sturdy Rogues

Safety recall of 1.8 million CFL's

Which Candidate Has the Guts to Refuse to Play the Left's Religion Game?

One More Chance for the House to Save the Economy

A New Role for Baby Boomers

Making Good on the American Dream

Best Opportunity for America in 50 Years

The Wasted Valor of the Navy SEALs

Obama/Hillary Coming Soon to a Primary Near You?

A National American Language

Un-College Funds

The More We're Connected, the Less We're Connected

Debate's Biggest Loser? Chris Wallace and Fox

Obama's Vision and the Constitution

They Who Live by the Race Card Die by the Race Card

Dems' Risky Tea Party Smear Strategy

The Democrats' Big Lie

Imposing Shariah Law in London


Debbie Schlussel:HAMAS’ CAIR Netwk In Love With Rick Perry (& It’s Mutual)

The most destructive war in American history

Ames Straw Poll: Bachmann 1st, Paul 2nd...An Analysis


Gold Standard Would Ruin Us


1945: Allied nations celebrate VJ Day

+Victory over Japan Day - Wikipedia


Canada Free Press: Online conservative newspaper, News, Politics, Editorials

The Silence that Shatters America

An Anatomy of Law Enforcement Impotence

Media Hype, or McCain Redux

Bodies “Shoved Under Bus” to Stall Obama’s Campaign Junket?

Chicago’s Rosary in the Sky

Billionaire Warren Buffett Tells Congress To Raise Taxes On Wealthy - ABC News

Obama begins bus tour in one-light town

Has Rick Perry proved he's a better campaigner than Michele Bachmann? - CSMonitor.com

Top Libyan official arrives in Egypt in apparent defection - The Washington Post

Mubarak trial: judge bans TV cameras | World news | The Guardian

Rick Perry Gets Backing Of 'Walmart County' - US News and World Report

President Obama, want to save your approval rating? Eliminate tax breaks - The Washington Post

Fish Increased 460% in Nature Park | Care2 Healthy Living

Astronaut Snaps Spectacular Meteor Photo From Space | Shooting Stars & Meteor Showers | Skywatching Tips & Amateur Astronomy | Space.com


Obama: 'What's broken is our politics'

Two men almost drown by taking elevator into flooded basement

If Corporations Were People... CIO.com

Police: Doc found covered in blood confessed to murder | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Two dead, four injured in small plane crash in Alaska | Reuters

Florida megachurch pastor found dead in New York hotel room – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Daily Dunklin Democrat: Local News: More details in Senath missing youth case revealed (08/15/11)

DOJ: Pennsylvania Man Pleads Guilty To Part In $17 Million Ponzi Scheme - WSJ.com

Sarah Palin Bus Tour drops by Reagan’s Hometown on Midwest Road Trip - International Business Times

Bomb squad called to John Boehner's office | Cincinnati.com | cincinnati.com

Rick Perry grilled on WHO radio in Iowa - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

Wave of Attacks in Iraq Leaves at Least 68 Dead - NYTimes.com

Norway Massacre: Anders Breivik Reenacts Shooting For Police - ABC News

China Pledges $55 Million in Famine Aid for Horn of Africa | East Africa | English

The return of the Maoists in Nepal? - The Times of India

SKorean president calls for cooperation with North - Boston.com

Palestinian leadership mulls the way forward in United Nations bid for statehood and what comes after - Global Spin - TIME.com

Google-Motorola Mobility deal: What do HTC, LG, Samsung think? - latimes.com

Bing Beats Google On Search Effectiveness -- InformationWeekBing Beats Google On Search Effectiveness - windows Blog

Is Disney Interested in ‘Angry Birds’? - Techland - TIME.com

Facebook Ownership Case Documents Can't Be Kept Confidential, Judge Rules - Bloomberg

Americans and Their Cell Phones | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

Conn. doctor pleads guilty in NYC securities case - Boston.com

In Texas, Governor Rick Perry Rides an Energy Boom - NYTimes.com

Pipeline leaks NGL into Missouri River in Iowa | Reuters

Social Security for Couples: Yours, Mine and Ours - FoxBusiness.com

Butterflies flip switch to look deadly › News in Science (ABC Science)

What ancient secrets are hidden in this Martian crater?

On endless ice, searching for clues to our future - seattlepi.com

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times - IBTimes.com

Amazing Pictures of Perseid Meteor Shower 2011

NASA Forms Office for Deep Space Exploration - International Business Times

Humans to blame for half of Arctic sea ice melt, says study

Colliding Galaxies Form Exclamation Point in Space | Colliding & Merging Galaxies | Supermassive Black Holes & Star Formation | Space.com

2 NASA Space Shuttles Meet Nose-to-Nose | NASA's Space Shuttles Museum Retirement | Space.com

Those Darn Dirty Apes Again - Movies & Theatre - Arts & Entertainment - Catholic Online

MIT Researchers Discover New Drug That May Cure Nearly All Viral Infection

Futurity.org – It’s electric: Wireless ‘tattoo’ sticks to skin

13 States Get Federal Insurance Exchange Grants

Somalia Ravaged by Cholera Epidemic, U.N. Says - NYTimes.com

Mayor: $5 million for Chicago school principals’ merit pay - Chicago Sun-Times

Mauro: Food star - chicagotribune.com

Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity and Disease - YouTube

Anarchy and Austerity: Why London Won't Be the Last City to Burn - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Background For Anonymous Demonstration On Monday

Michele Bachmann the IRS Attorney | Revolutionary

6 pg/Why I will never vote for Michelle Bachmann by Devvy August 11, 2011

Activist Post: Confirmed: Thailand's "Pro-Democracy" Movement Working for US

Activist Post: Italy joins the austerity bandwagon at the behest of the ECB

Bachmann Rigged Iowa Poll by Buying At Least 4000 Votes - News - Domas Jefferson

Judicial misconduct - The one "Catch All"

*G. Edward Griffin*

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report


**News Videos:NBC News’ Gregory: Washington Pols Know More than American People

Romney’s Pre-emptive Strike on Obama’s ‘Magical Misery Bus Tour’

Rick Perry’s 1st Ad Hits Hard: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Bomb Squad Called to Boehner’s Office

14TH/Allen West on Wasserman-Schultz: ‘Debbie Is Not Smart’

Obama Calls on Voters to Complain to Congress

Allen West: Ron Paul ‘Not the Guy’ to be President

Toomey Delivers GOP Message: ‘The Policies Of This Administration Are Not Working’

Pawlenty Out

Paul Krugman Recommends Military Build-up to Fight Alien Invasion as Remedy for Economy

Terrifying Video of Indiana State Fair Stage Collapse

Bachmann Takes First in Iowa Straw Poll

13TH/Killer Wind: Stage Collapses at Indiana State Fair, Kills at Least 4

Don’t Mess with Texas

Perry Declares; Breitbart.tv Exclusive Report from Charleston

Palin to Hannity: ‘Still Considering’ Presidential Run

12th/Sarah Palin’s Day at the Fair

WaPo Columnist Agrees with Romney: Corporations Are People

Pro-Walker WI Blogger Ann Althouse Attacked by Protester

CNN’s Lemon Asks Herman Cain If He ‘Stands a Chance’ with ‘Mostly-White Party In a Mostly-White State’

Postal Service Looking to Downsize 120 Thousand Workers

NBC’s Scarborough Goes on Tirade Against Bachmann, Iowa

Corey Feldman: ‘No. 1 Problem in Hollywood Was and Is and Always Will Be Pedophilia’

Conservative Reporter Crashes Durbin Presser

Appeals Court: Obamacare Unconstitutional

Pawlenty Will Cook You Dinner If You Can Find Obama’s Entitlement Reform Plan

Romney Hammers Obama: ‘In Order to Create Jobs, It’s Helpful to Have Had a Job’

Ron Paul: CIA Tells Me Iran Not Working on Nuclear Weapon

Bachmann Answers ‘Submissive Wives’ Question

11th/Dennis Miller: ‘Mean Girl’ Tina Brown Helped Bachmann with Newsweek Cover

Sharpton’s Radio Listeners Heckle Him Over IRS Troubles

Fox News Warrior Jesse Watters Confronts Cynthia McKinney Over America Bashing International Tour

Obama: Celebrating Ramadan at White House ‘Quintessentially American Tradition’

10th/NBC News’ Matthews Cribs Media Matters for Unfair Attack on Rush

NBC News’ Matthews Attacks Rick Perry as ‘Profoundly Ignorant’

Sharpton Reveals: Bachmann Requested Funds from Environmental Projection Agency

Sharpton Responds: ‘I Used One Word Rather Than Another’

9th/Trump: I’ll Run as Independent if GOP Screws Up

NBC News’ Sharpton Reports: Dow Down 630%!

Rush at His Best: ‘Obama Blames…’

8th/The ‘Best’ of Al Sharpton, August 8th 2011


Coloured contact lenses increase risk of eye infection and can lead to blindness | Mail Online

Yosemite deaths: Americans may have lost respect for nature's risks - Outbound - sacbee.com

Embyro inside prehistoric reptile fossil | News.com.au

Lewis E. Lehrman: The Nixon Shock Heard 'Round the World - WSJ.com

August 15, 1971: A Date Which Has Lived In Infamy - Forbes

Abandoning the gold standard was a seminal moment, and one we're now all paying for - Telegraph

The Real U.S. Crisis Is Not a Debt Downgrade: Simon Johnson - Bloomberg

Stop Coddling the Super-Rich - NYTimes.com

Column: The Reagan stimulus vs. the Obama one - USATODAY.com

New Rasmussen Poll Sends Al Gore Into Meltdown - Forbes

How the Federal Reserve boxed itself in - The Washington Post

'Made in China' makes money for the U.S.A. - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

China Faces Its Own Fiscal Problems - The Daily Beast

Nina Khrushcheva: Berlin Wall story shows people are key to democracy - The Scotsman

The Americas, Not the Middle East, Will Be the World Capital of Energy - By Amy Myers Jaffe | Foreign Policy

TheRecord - Biomass is the next obvious source of energy

Why I’m Happy to Pay More for Green Power at Oil Price

RealClearReligion - Rep. Bachmann Should Submit a Different Answer

The Hodge Hill Prophecy | Big Questions Online

Quran-burning pastor plans 9/11 visit to Ground Zero | The Christian Century

Salmonella stays deadly with a 'beta' version of cell behavior

Pursuing the Grail of an Earthquake Predictor, but Facing Skeptics - NYTimes.com

Researchers don't mean to exaggerate, but lots of things can distort findings | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian

Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Out of Touch with Typing - Technology Review

How your childhood is written in your face - Telegraph

The Ultimate Symbiosis: Mealybugs have bacteria living inside their bacteria

What Color Is An Orange ?

How The New York Times Paywall Is Working | Epicenter | Wired.com

How to Survive a Falling Elevator | How to Survive Disasters | Life's Little Mysteries

Caltech Researchers Find That Disorder Is Key to Nanotube Mystery - Caltech Media Relations

Electron bunches keep their shape - physicsworld.com

Teratomas be gone: Discovery may eliminate lethal side effect of stem cell therapy | Science Codex

Jodie Foster helps in search for alien civilizations - CSMonitor.com

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Pyramids and "Ancient Astronauts"

Best of Summer: Search for the storied serpent | Posted | National Post

Superman's memory crystals may become reality in computers - Telegraph

Our Universe May Be a 'Multiverse,' Scientists Say | Multiverse & Multiple Universes Test | Theory of Eternal Inflation | LiveScience

Terror of the Evil Little Man -- Part One

Terror of the Evil Little Man -- Part Two

Kansas City Fed President Defies Conventional Wisdom - NYTimes.com

Political Animal - White House ponders next step on economy

The Obamacare Court Fight is About Liberty Itself | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Rick Perry: A Candidate Who Will Do Anything to Beat Romney and Obama - The Daily Beast

Rick Perry Announces—and the Boogeyman Is Back « Commentary Magazine

Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Obama's cheap 'shot' - NYPOST.com

Did computers give the market motion sickness? - Aug. 12, 2011

Perry's in the race: He aims to find out if nation ready for another Texas president | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

A Jobs Agenda, Anyone? - NYTimes.com

Obama’s poll numbers plunge in New York -- Editorial - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012

The Texas Unmiracle - NYTimes.com

Pawlenty realizes he wasn’t what GOP voters were looking for - The Washington Post

Columnists | Tax the rich while we still can | The Detroit News

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Rural Bus Tour: Who's There and Why He Needs Them

Obama Shifts Gears From Coaxing G.O.P. to Swaying the Public - NYTimes.com

Why Rick Perry Won't Win | Mother Jones

Perry: The GOP Front-Runner - Josh Kraushaar - NationalJournal.com

RealClearPolitics - At 39 Percent, Obama's Reminded the Worst Could Lie Ahead

A new day in GOP 2012 race-- Michael A. Walsh - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Is the Fighting Obama Back?


**World Video:Macrowikinomics

Pakistan's 'Meltdown'

How Australia Regained its AAA Rating

Why China Needs U.S.

Syrian Military Pound Coastal City

Japan Sees Economic Improvements

Suu Kyi Addresses Supporters

Amateur Video Of Syrian Violence

Raw Video: Suicide Attack In Afghanistan

Violence Returns To Algeria

Somali Abuses Blamed On All Sides

Japan Marks WWII Anniversary

Norway Massacre Re-enacted By Confessed Killer

Larry Korb On The Battle For Libya

**Politics Video:Perry In Waterloo, Iowa: "When I'm In, I'm In All The Way"

Perry: Bachmann "A Ball Of Fire"

Mitt Romney Ad: Minnesotans Slam Obama Economy

14th/Bachmann: "I Don't Compromise My Core Set Of Principles"

"Chris Matthews Show" Panel Agrees: Obama Needs A Vacation

Tim Pawlenty Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Rick Perry Ad: "It's Time To Get America Working Again"

George Will: Fed Doesn't Believe Recovery In The Future

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Obama In "Good Shape"

Bachmann On Rick Perry: "I've Been On The Front Lines"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Viable Top Tier Candidates

"FOX News Sunday" On Ames Straw Poll And Sarah Palin

"This Week" Roundtable On Iowa, GOP & Rick Perry

Paul Krugman: We Could Use Some Inflation

"This Week" Roundtable On Economic Politics

**Markets Video:World Repeating Japan's 1997 Mistake?


Obama and coalition insult American troops

Savage and the fall of the U.K.

Oh-bummer for Obamacare!

10 questions Rick Perry must answer

Rick Perry's dangerous Muslim compromise

Corporations are not people

California's crazy and proud of it

Inside the debate: Missed opportunity for voters

New episode of 'I Love Barry'

Has God Said to Not Pray for America? - Douglas Hamp | Douglas Hamp

How America can stay the greatest nation

Change is coming in 2012!

The plan to force farmers off their land

Genuflecting to the Tea Party - NYTimes.com

Republican race could be Rick Perry versus Mitt Romney - latimes.com

Christians provide rope to hang culture

Is this Obama's next 'Soros-funded' war?

Obama's radical pal: U.K. riots coming to America

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

The cookie crumbles: American girls abandoning Girl Scouts


Vice President Mike Huckabee? « Klein Online

Privatize United States Postal Services? And other ideas to curbe govt. waste « Klein Online

Obama’s radical pals planning Chicago riots? « Klein Online

Shocking expose on U.S. Military Muslim chaplain program « Klein Online

John Bolton on collapse of U.S. superpower status « Klein Online

Jihadist infiltration of U.S. military? « Klein Online

Are Obama critics ‘racist’? Aaron argues with caller « Klein Online


Tax fraud suspected in Obama land deal

Obama's radical pal: U.K. riots coming to America

Articles: Perry's Problematic Pals

Perry: Running Texas gives me the goods | Politics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Cain: I wake up saying I can win – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Bachmann and Perry - a beautiful 2012 rivalry - Yahoo! News

Obama begins political counteroffensive this week - Yahoo! News

Supporter: Ron Paul ‘slayed the straw poll’ | Iowa Caucuses

Ed Rendell: Hillary Clinton can't resist White House run - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Woman trying to track down personal items belonging to KIA husband | items, yard, old - Jacksonville Daily News

Analyst calls for removal of U.S. attorney over 'Fast and Furious'

Obama Social Security Number to become issue in 2012 race?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Sales of gold up on eBay amid stock market turmoil - Yahoo! News


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*15 Aug

American Minute for August 15th

August 15th in History

August 15th This Day in History

August 15 Events in History

Today in History: August 15

Today in History: August 15

This Day in History for 15th August

Today in History for August 15th - YouTube