"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 August 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

Congress fighting inflation is like the Mafia fighting crime.

Mayor Nutter addresses Mount Carmel Baptist Church | Philly | 08/08/2011


* The Fed Audit - Newsroom: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)


* 266 pg/pdf-(GAO Fed Investigation)FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ; Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Policies and Processes for Managing Emergency Assistance


‪CNN - Situation Room - Sanders: 'Extremely unfair legislation'‏ - YouTube


Video: Last Word: Deficit reduction committee players (MSNBC)


+ 61pg/Accountability;Establishing the Truth of Historical Events by Steve Beckow

Russia Reports Exploding Afghan “Time Well” Killed Elite US Navy Seals

Dec.'10/World Leaders Flock To Afghanistan After Mysterious ‘Time Well’ Discovered | EUTimes.net

Fugitive "Dougherty Gang" reported in Colorado Springs - The Denver Post

Gunfire, Chase With Fugitive Siblings Caught On Cam - News Story - WFTV Orlando

PressTV - Former CIA operative reveals interrogation tactics

Fed’s Sheets Quits as Bernanke’s Chief International Adviser - Bloomberg

'46% in U.S. don't pay taxes' only half the story

Revolutionary Politics : Blatant War Profiteering!

Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul "I'm Gonna Introduce Legislation Tomorrow That Calls For The Resignation Of Tim Geithner"

Revolutionary Politics : The Administration Is Clueless About The Economy - Peter Schiff on FOX Business News 08/08/11

Anti-pornography bill won't protect children, but it could cripple the Internet -- Government Computer News

Entire U.S. Stealth Fighter Fleet Grounded | Danger Room | Wired.com

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Banks, Oil Companies & Financial Institutions Created Riots In London And Around The World (VIDEO)

British Riots: Elites "Shocked" The Poor Are Rising Up Against Brutal Austerity Measures - 12160

The collapse: Celente predicted it would happen. It’s happening!

The Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Debt Downgrade: What It Means

Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America

‪London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out)‏ - YouTube

A "Humanitarian War" on Syria? Military Escalation. Towards a Broader Middle East-Central Asian War?

‪London alienating its citizens?‏ - YouTube

‪UK riots: Fourth night of violence spreads north‏ - YouTube

‪Blackberry phones' role in UK riots‏ - YouTube

London riots: Police were soft on looters because they were 'ordered to stand and observe' | Mail Online

Wisconsin Republicans stave off recall challenge | Reuters


‪55 year old Homeless Man carries 2 Masters Degrees ( Maurice Johnson )‏ - YouTube

‪'We are the Enfield Army': Video of locals chasing rioters in London‏ - YouTube

‪UK fights wars, retreats in riots? London outraged at police fail‏ - YouTube

London descends into anarchy | Melanie Phillips

‪'London needs army to crush thugs - call back Afghan troops'‏ - YouTube

U.S. to call for Bashar Assad to step down - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

London riots: the knives are being sharpened - Telegraph

‪Manchester Riots: Video of shops looted as violence spreads beyond London‏ - YouTube

The Intercept: Condoleezza Rice: "The organization that did 9/11 — that Al Qaeda — I don't think really exists,"

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Max Keiser: "Obama Defaulted On The U.S. Constitution; Christine Lagarde Is A Debt Junkie; Round Up The Bankers And Throw Them In Jail" - Home - The Daily Bail

ABC News Suggests Eating Out of a Dumpster as Viable Alternative to "Spending" - 12160

Freeganism: Dumpster Diving to Buck the Spending Trend - ABC News

Al Gore Lets Loose In Aspen Institute Speech About Bull**** Anti Global-Warming Pseudoscience

Stock Market Manipulation? U.S. Stock Rally Shoots Dow Up 429 Points At Close

Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano:Why We Are Broke

#LondonRiots Investigation: Police Planted Bullet and Lied, Murdered "Man Did Not Open Fire"

CNN Pundits Blame Iran For Attack On American Helicopter In Afghanistan | ThinkProgress

‪Do Not Fuck With Us!‏ - YouTube

‪The Story of Your Enslavement‏ - YouTube

Does Your Congressperson Represent You -- Or Israel? | | AlterNet

Honor Academy, Religious Indoctrination, and Mind Control (video series) | Truth Frequency News

RDR: Johnson calls for ending prohibition to curb border violence

The Intercept: DOJ obstructs murder investigation

Moody's Considers U.S. AAA Cut, McConnell Wants 'Significant Entitlement Reform', S&P Cuts Thousands Of Munis, French CDS Explode Higher, SEC Subpoenas HFT Traders, Barney Frank Goes On Anti-Defense Offensive - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama's S & P speech slammed by economists - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com

‪Should Banks Create Money? Simon Dixon asks a member of the European Parliament‏ - YouTube

Rick Santelli Tees Off On Obama's Failed Leadership: "We Have a Spending Problem, If Not For The Tea Party, The U.S. Would Be Rated Triple-B" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: Secession and Desertion: One Spawns The Other

Wall Street Loses Gains Following Dismal Fed Statement On U.S. Economy

FED speaks: Dow Goes Negative : No Interest Hikes - 12160

‪Libyans under the NATO Onslaught - Aug 9‏ - YouTube

ah, mephistophelis.: TepCo Lessons Learned? Maybe Not.

‪AAA American Apocalypse Armageddon Rigging The Markets - wall st. goldman sachs rigged markets‏ - YouTube

‪JP Morgan Ordered to Pay $35M in Big-Rigging Case‏ - YouTube

Blackberry Website Hacked in Wake of London Riots - FoxNews.com

‪Market crash chart - 2010 sep 01‏ - YouTube


BlackBerry Website Hacked as Company Pledges to Help Cops Find Brit Rioters :

‪The Stock Market is Rigged ~ The Proof Jan. 17th 2011‏ - YouTube

‪Dylan Ratigan Show: Is the stock market rigged?‏ - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: The Government Only Deals With Staged Crisis To Enslave Us,Not to Help Us.Useless Dealing with a Real Crisis

‪Losing gamble to rigged market capitalism: Keiser Report Extra‏ - YouTube

NATO Envoy: Military Planning Against Iran and Syria is Underway :

Iran chides UK over riots - Arab News

Constitutional Money: Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Why 2011 Is Not '2008'

Activist Post: US transfers Libyan embassy to rebels

‪Keiser Report: False Flag Finance (E171)‏ - YouTube

UKIP's Nigel Farage calls for the Army to be used alongside police in keeping a lid on riots. - 12160

Martial Law In London? Growing Calls For Army To Crush “Thugs” | Before It's News

Guardian: The Ignored London Riots Context – 333 Deaths In Police Custody, 0 Convictions :

The Execution Of SEAL Team Six : Federal Jack

Pentagon Caught Lying About SEAL Team 6 Being On a Rescue Mission (08/09/2011) : Federal Jack

US Government Monitoring Facebook for Federal Reserve Protests : Federal Jack

» AMC’s Breaking Bad Depicts Meth Villain as Ron Paul Supporter Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ten Reasons Why America Will Not Recover From this Depression « DumpDC

It Is All Bullshit Until One State Secedes « DumpDC

Stephens: Is Obama Smart? - WSJ.com

Colin Powell offered reward to hear eligibility evidence


The Michael Savage Show 08/08/2011 HR1

The Michael Savage Show 08/08/2011 HR2

The Michael Savage Show 08/08/2011 HR3

The Michael Savage Show 08/09/2011 HR1

The Michael Savage Show 08/09/2011 HR2

The Michael Savage Show 08/09/2011 HR3


Lost Gen Patton Film? | Fellowship of the Minds


‪"I gave up on my species" - George Carlin‏ - YouTube

Dave Wilber Property Listings


‪Rense & Dr David Duke - Zionist Terrorism In Norway‏ - YouTube


Massacre In Norway – Part 1

Massacre In Norway – Part 2

Massacre In Norway – Part 3


'I created Obama's certification of birth'


‪Libyans under the NATO Onslaught - Aug 9‏ - YouTube

‪word of Libyan government in the massacre of NATO against the people of Zliten 09/08/2011‏ - YouTube

Nasa study looking at meteorites claims we could be aliens | Mail Online

BBC News - Social media's role in the riots

Planets can survive a star's supernova by 'being flung out to roam the galaxy' | Mail Online

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Behind every murderous man, you'll find a loyal spouse - Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Commentators - The Independent

How To Protect Yourself From America's 'New' Drinking Water Toxins - Forbes

The Secret Minds of Bees | OnEarth Magazine

Analysis - France and Britain AAA-ratings under scrutiny | Reuters

S&P fights to save reputation as markets hold their breath - Business News, Business - The Independent

Barack Obama says he inherited US debt problems - Telegraph

Did George Soros win 10/1 return on S&P's US credit rating downgrade? | Mail Online

China blasts U.S. over debt problems, calls for dollar oversight | Reuters

Neocon Hawks Push For Iraq-Style Sanctions On Iran

Light speed hurdle to invisibility cloak overcome by undergraduate

BBC News - Smart meters: Privacy warning over personal data

Are The Raw Milk Lawsuits A Worry?

PressTV - Humanitarian agencies facing challenges in Horn of Africa

The Day The Middle Class Died 30 Years Ago Today


* The EAGLE PLAN: an alternative strategy


Why Giant Bugs Once Roamed the Earth

Three Dwarf-Planet Candidates Found at Solar System’s Edge | Wired Science | Wired.com

Pipe-smoking alien crop circle attracts tourists (From This Is Wiltshire)

Potential Mars Water 'A Big Deal,' Scientists Say | Mars Salty Water Slopes | Search for Life on Mars | Space.com

Former New Mexico State Patrol Officer & Cattle Mutilation Investigator, Gabe Valdez Has Passed Away

Nemesis No More? Comet-Hurling 'Death Star' Most Likely a Myth | Nemesis & Nibiru, Asteroid & Comet Impacts | Earth & Mass Extinction | LiveScience

Laser Weapons Might Protect U.S. Copters From Next Attack | Danger Room | Wired.com

** Radiation Dose Chart(http://xkcd.com/radiation/)

** G. Edward Griffin **

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold


Dylan Ratigan Rant Over Political and Economic System Designed to “Extract America” - BlackListedNews.com

Iraq haunts plans for post-Gaddafi Libya | The Australian

Creepy In-Vitro fertilization Could Use Eggs From a Dead Teenager - BlackListedNews.com

‘London riots facial recognition’ group forms on Google - BlackListedNews.com

Pharma Nightmare: Indians sitting ducks as drug trials turn fatal - BlackListedNews.com

Nutters: In Sweden, Sex Change Comes With Forced Sterilisation - BlackListedNews.com

Obama The Pretend Populist: Says He’s Fighting For Jobs … But His Policies Only INCREASE Unemployment - BlackListedNews.com

Greenspan says we can fix debt problems by printing money to the point of hyperinflation - BlackListedNews.com


* SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Police: we'll fight fire with fire - Crime, UK - The Independent

US: Strike kills militants who downed US chopper - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan - msnbc.com

Fed to keep rates low for two years, stocks jump - Yahoo! News

No Media Coverage Allowed As Remains of Elite U.S. Troops Return to U.S. Tuesday | CNSnews.com

Online push for Bert, Ernie to have gay wedding on 'Sesame Street'

US helicopter crashed in Taliban trap: Afghan official - Yahoo!

London riots 2011: Man, 21, arrested over Croydon's House of Reeves arson attack | Mail Online

Morning Examiner: Obama in the headlights | Campaign 2012

Obama plan: Destroy Romney - Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Paul warns of 'next bubble burst'

Obama announces first-ever fuel standards for work trucks, buses, other heavy duty vehicles | StarTribune.com

Blisteringly sexy, she killed Nazis with her bare hands and had a 5 million-franc bounty on her head. As she dies at 98, the extraordinary story of the real Charlotte Gray | Mail Online


‪Philadelphia's Mayor Micheal Nutter on Flash-Mob violence. 8.8.11‏ - YouTube

‪Mayor Nutter Strongly Condemns Mob Attacks‏ - YouTube

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Calls Out Youths, Flash Mobs, and Parents | Video | TheBlaze.com


School bans Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-5, so Vonnegut Library gives copies to students for free

‪Stand Your Ground‏ - YouTube

US Closer to ‘Junk Bond’ Status Than Triple-A: Bove | StratRisks

EPA Proposes Carbon Capture Tech | StratRisks

Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

» Knee Jerk Calls For Army On London Streets To “Shoot Looters On Sight” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Police Were Ordered To Stand Down As London Burned Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» BBC Slanders Activist for Daring to Put Riots in Political Context Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Price Of A Big Mac Meal Is Now $17.19 In Zurich Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

South Korea Military Says Returned Artillery Fire With North Korea Today - Bloomberg

» The Federal Reserve Saves The Stock Market? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gallup: Disapproval of Obama Ties All-Time High | CNSnews.com

Iowa Caucus: Bachmann, Romney and Paul on Top - Rasmussen Reports™

Michael Moore to Obama: 'Show some guts,' arrest S&P head - Washington Times

» Philly Mayor Declares ‘Flash Mob’ Curfew Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» We Want Your Soul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Weaponization of Sound (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Big Pharma's Brazen Crusade to Push Pills on Little Kids | The Fix

China’s New Lucrative Business: Dead Babies Turn into Stamina Booster Pills - International Business Times

Mail Bomb on Mexico Campus Injures 2 Professors - Fox News Latino

Mujahideen-e Khalq: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist Organization

Toronto Hearings | International Living Learning Centre, Ryerson University, 240 Jarvis Street, Toronto, September 8, 9, 10 & 11, 2011

» Top Tier: Ron Paul Polls 3rd In Iowa And Nationally Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Roseanne Conner (Barr) Joins The Infowar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Soros Dumps Gold, Inciting Fear of Plummeting Price

» Freedom to Feudalism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ley Lines : A Harmonic Grid Of Energy | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Moment of Life: LHC | USAHM Conspiracy News

Black Helicopters.. Watching You? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Inception: A True Story About Dreams? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Sun Unleashes Largest Solar Flare in Years - BlackListedNews.com


IMF Chief Economist Goes Public

'01/Greg Palast » The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold



Dylan Ratigan rages against ‘bought’ Congress on MSNBC | Raw Replay

Illinois Tea Partier: ‘The President is like a teenage boy’ | Raw Replay

New CO2 building material 2.5 times stronger than concrete | Raw Replay

Three arrested over fake bomb at Phoenix airport | The Raw Story

U.S. Debt Crisis Sidelines an Emergency Attack on Iran

The Poor Have Become Invisible

Turning Poverty Into an American Crime

Chomsky: Public Education Under Massive Corporate Assault

The US Dictatorship and its White House Servant ‘President’

The Obama Administration's "Secret Law" to Spy on Americans

Dead Men Don’t Talk: US Navy Seals Destroyed to Cover Up Washington’s Bin Laden Execution Hoax?

EXECUTION OF BIN LADEN: “That’s Not Osama”: Neighbor. “It’s all a fake, nothing happened”

Onset of Imperial Decline: Osama Bin Laden and the Aftermath of 9/11

The Mysterious Death of Osama bin Laden: Creating Evidence Where There Is None

Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden’s Death

Barack Obama: The Bizarro FDR

Growing Your Own Food: Permaculture, Integrative Organic Farming and Gardening

Death of the Bees. Genetically Modified Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America

Riots in Britain: Back to the Future

CIA, US Military Operating Inside Mexico’s “Drug War”

Fed's QE3 Is the Drug the Market Craves - TheStreet

‪Marc Faber on QE3 & Bubble in Treasury Market_10_08_11‏ - YouTube

Inside Mujahedin-e Khalq's Massive Lobbying Push

Pentagon Claims to Kill Very Man Who Shot Chinook

Al-Qaeda and Affiliates Remain Determined to Bleed America Dry

Afghanistan: A Failed Strategy On All Fronts

China's first aircraft carrier starts sea trial - Channel NewsAsia

Illegal Immigrant Interns at State Capitol | NBC San Diego

A Disarmed Society is a Violent Society « Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog

US officers oppose releasing names of dead troops - Yahoo! News

DHS Trying to Make New Terrorist “Watchlist Service” Exempt from Privacy Act | Public Intelligence

Fox News pulls Facebook post after death threats aimed at guest | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Obama putts while America burns | IHTM

Review & Outlook: Doubling Down on Zero - WSJ.com

What happened on night of deadly Afghanistan helicopter crash? | Reuters

Hacker Group Anonymous Promises To 'Kill' Facebook Over Privacy

BBC News - 'Super' mouse evolves resistance to most poisons

Why Expand the Drug War? - informationliberation

The Totalitarianism of the Progressive Mindset - informationliberation

The Canadian National Newspaper: Manipulative Extraterrestrial mind control linked to wars says Robert Stanley

Texas, Antarctica Were Once Joined in a Supercontinent: Scientists - International Business Times

Self-assembling micro-robots created, Judgment Day looms | ExtremeTech

Light speed hurdle to invisibility cloak overcome by undergraduate

Freemasons, the Third Temple, and the Antichrist - Douglas Hamp | Douglas Hamp

Did a New Taliban Weapon Kill a Chopper Full of Navy SEALs? | Danger Room | Wired.com


**Linktrack.info - Link Tracker


China's First Aircraft Carrier Begins Sea Trial

Shelling Reported in Disputed Korean Waters

Fmr US Intell Chiefs: Pakistan Must Stop Playing Both Sides

‪Bin Laden is dead again‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Dr. Mary’s Monkey: The Link Between Polio Vaccines, Cancer, and JFK’s Murder

Collecting DNA From Arrestees Is Unconstitutional, California Court Says | Threat Level | Wired.com

Activist Post: Disaster Preparedness for Seniors and the Elderly

After the Hunger Strike: Criminal Justice Activist Discusses the Potential Impact of Prisoners' Action | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Activist Post: Radiation Deception Continues

Homeland Security Today: Privacy Groups Voice Concern Over DHS Watchlist Proposal

Stop Smart Meters! | Fighting for your health, privacy, and safety

Angus Reid Poll: 55 Percent Of Adults Support Legalizing Marijuana | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

Exclusive: "Last Man Out" Makes Shocking 9/11 Disclosure | Before It's News

Video:More Cheap Fed Money Won't Create Jobs

Video:Making Money from Volatility

Video:Massive Jobs Program Only Way Out

European Markets Boosted by US Rate Announcement

UN: More Somalis Seeking Refuge from Famine in Kenya

GOP Wins Wisconsin Recall Battle, Big Victory for Walker

Obama Against Any Kind of Reform

Jobs Becoming Scarce; No Shortage of Worry

Most Muslim-Americans Don't Identify With CAIR

A Palestinian State Will Embolden Hamas

Globalization Has Role - WSJ.com

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

The Rioting Underclass: Product of a Diseased Culture | Old-Thinker News

GMOs failing across America - Farmer to Farmer film reveals disastrous failure

McConnell: Committee Selection 'Like a Job Interview'

Sen. Paul Calls for Geithner No-confidence Vote

Boehner, McConnell Announce Super Panel Picks

CNN Poll: Most Americans Favor Tax Hikes on Wealthy

Jeb Bush Jr. Heads Huntsman Youth Effort

Ron Paul Hopes to Beat '07 Finish in Iowa Straw Poll

Religion Could Give Perry Edge Over Romney

Whitney: Big Banks are ‘Zombie’ Institutions

Sleep Apnea Tied to Dementia Risk

Fetus Gender Test Raises Ethical Concerns

+ The Mystery of Statues and Icons

Breaking: Nine of the 12 Super Committee Members Named | CNSnews.com

Gallup: Muslim Americans Give Obama 80 Percent Approval, Highest of Major Religions | CNSnews.com

Boehner Names GOP Members of 'Super 'Debt Panel | CNSnews.com

Tea Party Senator: Don't Blame Us, It's Obama Who Has Failed | CNSnews.com

Education Secretary Wishes U.S. Parents Were More Like South Koreans | CNSnews.com

Newsweek on ‘Radical’ Bachmann/Tea Party: They Insist ‘Government Actually Shrink’ | CNSnews.com

NATO Not Confirming That U.S. Helicopter in Afghanistan Flew Into Taliban Trap | CNSnews.com

NATO: ‘Standard Procedure’ for Afghan Forces to Accompany Navy SEALs on Missions | CNSnews.com

President Obama Heading Out on 'Economic Bus Tour' | CNSnews.com

Tea Party Blame and Fairy Tales | CNSnews.com

Countries With Worst Religious Freedom Grades Are Mostly Islamic | CNSnews.com

Afghan Reconciliation Chief Blames ‘Foreign Intelligence,’ Not Taliban, for Assassinations | CNSnews.com

Survey: Small Businesses Pessimistic About Business Conditions | CNSnews.com

Texas Billionaire and Republican Benefactor Charles Wyly Dies at 77 | CNSnews.com

Math, Science Focus of New 'Sesame Street' Season | CNSnews.com

Fed to Keep Interest Rate Near Zero for 2 Years | CNSnews.com

Watchdog Says Merit of Polar Bear Paper Questioned | CNSnews.com

AWOL Soldier Indicted in Fort Hood Bomb Plot | CNSnews.com

Cutbacks in Taxpayer Money Blamed for Retreat in War on Meth | CNSnews.com

Mandatory Sex-Ed Returning to NYC Public Schools | CNSnews.com


+ The Truth about Global Warming

+ '09/The Proof - Global Warming = World Government


*Audio:John Denson talks to Lew Rockwell; Five Revisionist Books on War


Day of Reckoning by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The Totalitarianism of the Progressive Mindset by Anthony Gregory

The TSA Exposed for Exposing Us – Again by Becky Akers

Super Congress A Gift to K Street by Ron Paul

Who's Really Downgrading America? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Jim Rogers says US needs to face reality, not QE3 - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

Bears Stomping Cars by Eric Peters

10 Stupid Ideas that led to the Global Economic Meltdown – Telegraph Blogs



International Center for 9/11 Studies(www.ic911studies.org/)

Probert Encyclopaedia - (www.probertencyclopaedia.com/)


+ The Mass From Genesis to Revelation

Jackie O tapes to reveal her and JFK's affairs and who she believed was behind his death | Mail Online

Study: Phytochemical Found in Broccoli Attacks Prostate Cancer Cells | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Kansas returns $31.5M federal grant to set up model health insurance exchange

Boehner : No S&P downgrade if GOP budget had passed

Paul Ryan launches effort to defend budget, GOP presidential field in Iowa

Boston U. professor falsified data in projects supported by two federal grants

'Obama not at point of no return'

Obama greets remains of Americans he ordered to Afghanistan

Obama retakes lead in 2012 generic ballot

Texas congressman: Impeach Obama

Poll: Americans want joint debt panel to compromise

States rush to leave No Child law behind

Special ops community privately criticizes call for SEALs

Accused of helping students cheat, Houston teacher keeps her job

House the Obamas rent on Martha's Vineyard suffers minor fire damage

LAPD called in to handle large group of drunk, unruly bicyclists

Hacking Group Anonymous Vows to 'Kill' Facebook on Nov. 5

U.S. to call for Bashar Assad to step down

Presidential candidate Fred Karger has a message: It's OK to be gay and aim high

Verizon union members say strike worth hardship

Verizon picketer places daughter in front of oncoming truck, video shows

Boy or Girl? Simple Test Raises Ethical Concerns

California medical board fails to discipline 710 troubled doctors

Reports: Man survives 5-story fall onto iron fence

'White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell keeps it all in balance'


SETI Institute's telescopes to go back online, resuming hunt for alien life - latimes.com


SETI Institute(www.seti.org/)


Jackie Kennedy Believed Lyndon B Johnson Killed JFK As Evidence Of Johnson’s Complicity Continues To Mount :

Barack Obama: Commander-in-Thief :


* www.skeptically.org/


Audio:6-2-11/Is there an acceptable level of illegal migration coming into the United States?


Homeland Security Today: Careful DHS Contract Spending Important in Struggling Economy, Senators Say

Homeland Security Today: Privacy Groups Voice Concern Over DHS Watchlist Proposal

Homeland Security Today: Mexican TCOs Literally Leaving Their Mark on American Media

Gadhafi son, reported killed, appears on Libyan TV

Obama marks Ramadan with Iftar dinner

US officers oppose releasing names of dead troops - Yahoo! News

What happened on night of deadly Afghanistan helicopter crash? | Reuters

My Way News - US military probes deadly Afghan helicopter crash

Commandos criticize call for SEALs - Washington Times

Strike Kills Insurgents Who Shot Down Helicopter, U.S. Says - NYTimes.com

New security cameras to keep eye on Muni buses | Joshua Sabatini | Local | San Francisco Examiner

» DHS Funds Real-time Spy Cams on SF Buses Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PhotoBlog - Dramatic rescue: Boy revived after being sucked out to sea

Clerk Mendoza: Get My Staff Out Of Roach-Infest - Flash Player Installation

S.F. gay married couple loses immigration battle

Perry will be in Iowa next week to challenge Obama | Campaign 2012


+ Maurice Strong, the Father of America's Destruction


+ http://www.mauricestrong.net/


International Man of Mystery: Who Is Maurice Strong?


‪41 min/Life and Times: Maurice Strong (Complete)‏ - YouTube


4 Part/Knowledge is Power – Max Igan

Exclusive: "Last Man Out" Makes Shocking 9/11 Disclosure | Before It's News

Bank of America Dies and JP Morgan Calls For $2500 Gold By Year-End | Before It's News

Turning Your Back Yard Into A Food Producing Machine | Before It's News

10 Regular Products That Are More Environmental Friendly than Their So-called Green Counterparts | Before It's News

Fun With Google Translate | Before It's News

Person in Hawaii claims he obtained PAN AM flight logs that show Obama flew with parents from Kenya to Hawaii at 5 months old. | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Obama Admin Under Attack: Rand Paul Files For Key Resignation | Before It's News

Obama Uses Seals' Death for Photo Op | Before It's News

Ring of Power | Before It's News

The US Dictatorship and its White House Servant ‘President’ | Before It's News

6 Creepy New Weapons the Police and Military Use To Subdue Unarmed People | Before It's News

Fugitive siblings caught in Colorado - CBS News

Republicans reveal picks for debt "super committee" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Strike Kills Insurgents Who Shot Down Helicopter, U.S. Says - NYTimes.com

Tiger Woods says he is happy for ex-caddie Williams - USATODAY.com

Walker recall expected to proceed - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

How ready is Rick Perry to run for president? - CSMonitor.com

Jon Huntsman gets Jeb Bush Jr.'s endorsement for 2012 - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com

Does Kendall Jenner, 15 Look Better Fresh-Faced or Glammed-Up? - UsMagazine.com

Launch of hypersonic aircraft pushed back a day by weather - latimes.com

Blood tests to predict baby's gender shown to work: Will abortion rate soar? - HealthPop - CBS News

Breast Implants at 83: Senior Citizens Elect More Plastic Surgery Than Ever Before - ABC News

Red Meat, Processed Meat Linked to Diabetes Risk

The Phantom Menace of Sleep-Deprived Doctors - NYTimes.com

S&P rating downgrade: What you need to know - Aug. 6, 2011

Kevin Warsh and Jeb Bush: A New Strategy for Economic Growth - WSJ.com

London rioting prompts calls for tougher policing - CNN.com

Mistakes in Scientific Studies Surge - WSJ.com

The Enigma of D.B. Cooper - NYTimes.com

Don't look to a third-party candidate - latimes.com

Cheating report confirms teacher's suspicions - CNN.com

The Truth About Taxes - NYTimes.com

AFP: Attacks on health workers affect "millions": Red Cross

Junk food still stars in TV ads seen by kids | Reuters

Blood tests tied to anemia in heart attack patients | Reuters

Fixing U.S. Workforce May Be a Job for ... Health Reform - Road to Reform - California Healthline

Study: A Guy’s Bromances May Help Keep Sex With His Wife Alive – TIME Healthland

Soy isoflavones not associated with reductions in bone loss

Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Bernadine Healy, M.D.: Remembering a Pioneering Health Hero

Breakfasts with protein, fiber start the school year right - USATODAY.com

Parenting: Brown-bag lunches unsafe? | 6abc.com

Pumping Iron Helps Smokers Quit Without Weight Gain: Study - US News and World Report

Large Solar Flare Likely Disrupted Radio Systems in the Mideast - Bob Brewin, NextGov.com - NationalJournal.com

Gigantic Birds Walked the Earth During Dinosaur Age - FoxNews.com

Intelligence is in the genes, researchers report - latimes.com

Baby Gorilla Found in Jail With Poachers : Discovery News

Scientists: Japan’s Tsunami Broke Off Chunks of Antarctica - TIME NewsFeed

NASA Picks 7 Private Spaceships for Trips to Edge of Space | Commercial Space & Private Spaceflight | Reusable Commercial Suborbital Spaceships | Space.com

Rare Polar Dinosaur Tracks Discovered in Victoria, Australia - International Business Times

Perseid Meteor Shower Competes With Full Moon on Friday | Perseid Meteors & Moon Phases | Meteor Shower Skywatching Tips | Space.com

NASA Rover Reaches Rim of Big Martian Crater - ABC News

NASA To Study Cryo Storage In Space | AVIATION WEEK

Gore Flings Barnyard Epithet at 'Organized' Climate Change Critics - NYTimes.com

$200,000 Raised To Resume Search For Alien Life - Jackson News Story - WAPT Jackson

Texas Once Linked to Antarctica, Researchers Say - FoxNews.com

How to Tow a Building-Sized Iceberg | Wired Science | Wired.com

The Associated Press: Satellite images show eruption on Alaska volcano

Endangered butterfly gets emergency federal protection

CBS orders script for new TV take on Bewitched - HitFix.com

Ali Lohan | Modeling Contract | NEXT Model Management | Styleite

Jon Cryer on Charlie Sheen's death | Inside TV | EW.com

‪Ashton Kutcher's First Day On Two and a Half Men Set Revealed‏ - YouTube

AFP: BlackBerry helps Britain's rioters organise

Guy Fawkes Night cyber attack on Facebook threatened in video - latimes.com

Technolog from msnbc.com - Are London looters unloading on Craigslist?

Industry Backs Truck Efficiency Standards | Transport Topics Online | Trucking, Freight Transportation and Logistics News

Mayors Voice Support for AT&T Deal With T-Mobile | PCWorld Business Center

Oil adds to gains on surprise inventories drop - Futures Movers - MarketWatch

Bank of America's back-door TARP - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Global Markets Roiled By Wall Street's Turmoil - Forbes

China Iron Ore Imports Rise on Expectations Prices May Gain - Bloomberg

New Arrest in Phone-Hacking Case - The Daily Beast

Nicki Minaj, Janet Jackson, More Celebrity Wardrobe Malfunction Photos - The Daily Beast

Huckabee to perform for Pawlenty, Cain and Santorum at Iowa straw poll - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Cutbacks force retreat in war on meth, including in Michigan | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Boston police shutting down Brighton streets after one person is shot from Metro Desk

Gang member set to die in Texas for double homicide | Reuters

White House to Push Repeal of Bush-Era Tax Cuts

Who will win downgrade spin? | themichiganview.com | The Michigan View

Santorum: Election about 'family,' 'sanctity of life'

NYC to mandate sex education in public schools - USATODAY.com

Warren Jeffs' niece speaks of relief at his life sentence - GlobalPost

‪Polygamist Leader Gets Life in Prison‏ - YouTube

Mayor Emanuel: Deny Burge city pension, pay for Daley’s defense - Chicago Sun-Times

Judge: Daley can be included as defendant in Burge suits - Chicago Tribune

Lawyer: Man charged in 1957 Sycamore murder will fight charges - Chicago Sun-Times

Man charged with stealing vases valued at $100,000 from cemeteries - Chicago Sun-Times

British PM Declares 'Fightback' Against Rioters, Approves Water Cannons | News | English

UPDATE 1-Rats, dogs and sundry insults fly at Libyan front | News by Country | Reuters

12th Suspect in Hacking Scandal Arrested in London - NYTimes.com

21 militants killed in drone strike - Telegraph

BBC News - Boris Johnson heckled in Enfield over riot fallout

BBC News - England riots: Are brooms the symbol of the resistance?

BBC News - London riots: residents cautioned over 'vigilantism'


*The Alex Jones Show – August 9th, 2011

*Alex Jones Show – August 8th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – 8-7-11

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 9th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 9th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 8th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 8th, 2011


2 Parts/Colonel Sixx: SEAL Team 6 Family Members, Bin Laden Raid Was Staged!! | Dprogram.net

Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic? | Dprogram.net

Pollster: Americans Are “Pre-Revolutionary” | Dprogram.net

‪+ 8/8/11 Full Show - Mattie Corrao: Debt limit "deal" fallout, Anarchy in the UK yet?‏ - YouTube

‪+ 8/9/11 Full show -- London is really burning, Curfews & Flash Mobs, Flotilla to Gaza‏ - YouTube

10 Years from 9/11: Still Important Unanswered Questions | Dprogram.net

Are You Fat Because You are Being Poisoned? | Dprogram.net

‪High Fructose Corn Syrup Causes Cancer & Makes You Die ! - YouTube

Police to carry out on-the-spot fingerprinting in the street in just seconds | Mail Online


+Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 8, 2011 | Dprogram.net

+Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 9, 2011 | Dprogram.net

*Articles:UK Riots 8-9-11 | Dprogram.net

*Articles:Uk Riot News 8-10-11 | Dprogram.net


US lawmaker urges Palestinians to drop UN bid - FRANCE 24

‪NATO Humanitarian Intervention To Support UK Rebels! (SATIRE)‏ - YouTube

‪Reporter Witnesses Racial Attacks in UK‏ - YouTube

Prison Planet.com » Marc Faber: “The Best Thing The Fed Could Do For Markets Wold Be To Collectively Resign”

Prison Planet.com » Fox News: Ron Paul Winning Ames could Scare The Establishment

Ron Paul for getting rid of income taxes, bringing troops home : News : HeartlandConnection.com

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: Tea Party not to blame for Standard & Poor’s downgrade

Prison Planet.com » Ishaqi Again: Another Day, Another Atrocity in the Endless Iraq War

Imogen Thomas shows off the voluptuous figure that netted Ryan Giggs | Mail Online

Gallup: Disapproval of Obama Ties All-Time High | CNSnews.com

‪Paul Watson & Steve Watson: The Poisoned Diseased Culture - Alex Jones Tv 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Paul Watson & Steve Watson: The Poisoned Diseased Culture - Alex Jones Tv 2/2‏ - YouTube

» We Want Your Soul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Weaponization of Sound (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Big Pharma's Brazen Crusade to Push Pills on Little Kids | The Fix

» Shock: China’s Dead Babies Turned into Stamina Booster Pills Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mujahideen-e Khalq: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist Organization

FOX News - Top Stories - 9/11 Attorneys Cash In on Sick Ground Zero Workers

» 9/11, Ten Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 inside job “impossible to conceal,” says Vladimir Putin — RT

» 11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 8 Reasons Raw Foodies Are Dangerous Extremists (Satire) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison Planet.com » More Americans than ever are aware of Congressional malfeasance; disapproval at all-time high

Prison Planet.com » 11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousness

Prison Planet.com » Government to Monitor Social Networks For “Extremist Propaganda”

Prison Planet.com » The Committee of 13

Stephen Colbert: America's Credit Downgrade

Nebraska AG Bruning Compares Welfare Recipients To Scavenging Raccoons

The Daily Show: The Florida Couple Who Foreclosed on Bank of America

John Nichols: Tammy Baldwin Was Right to Ask Justice Department to Investigate Kathy Nickolaus

If the Tea Party Were Liberal

Last Year, British Official Insisted Austerity Cuts Wouldn't Affect Ability To Contain Civil Unrest - Now London Is Burning

Megyn Kelly Defends The Family Medical Leave Act

Huckabee: Hopefully 'They Passed One of Those Great Big Old Hats That One of the Hip-Hop Pals Wore' at Obama BBQ

Wisconsin GOP Official and a FOX News 'Plant,' Crashes Car in Drunken Stupor and Resigns

Union Workers Stand Up to Extreme Demands from Verizon

Rick Perry's Prayer Rally a Fraction of the Size of Back-to-School Event for Houston's Poor

London: The 'Toxic Mix' of Social Deprivation, Unemployment and Austerity

The Weird Things Michele Bachmann Believes

68-Year-Old West Indian Man Schools BBC Anchor on London Riots

Will This Become A Trend? Republican Congressman Recants Anti-Tax Pledge To Grover

Rep. Joe Walsh: U.S. 'Would Have Been Downgraded Months Ago' Without the Tea Party

TYT Now: Rick Perlstein Interview and Rick Warren Tweeting for the Rich

Van Jones and Allies Launch Contract for the American Dream

BillO: Only Far Left Zealots Will Blame Tea Party For Economic Chaos

Wisconsin Democrats King and Shilling Win

Debbie Schlussel:Ann Coulter & HAMAS’ CAIR Network Unite to Support HAMAS Judge

Debbie Schlussel:Anti-Male ABC: Seeking “Affluent Women,” New Netwk Shows Feature “Emasculated Men”

Debbie Schlussel:Anti-Israel Whole Foods “Caves” After Schlussel Ramadan Post, But Not Really

Debbie Schlussel:From the Temple to the Holocaust & Hezbollah: The 9th of Av, a Tragic Day in History

A Leftist Farce Plays in Tel Aviv

The Tragedy in Afghanistan Revisited

Civilization’s End

Was Obama Hope & Change slogan a subliminal message for illegal aliens?

A Depressing Saga About Jobs

30 Really Dumb Lies Foisted on America by Barack Obama and His Minions

Campaign Cashing-In On Dead SEALs

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to take over the government

Pro-Lifers Get a Win in Illinois

Barack Hussein Spicoli

Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?

The Anti-Coopting Business

What Does the Word Freedom Mean To You?

Socialism’s God—Karl Marx: Was He Stupid, Insane…or Possessed?

Chinook tragedy: Taliban acquisition of night vision technology probed

Photos of the Fallen: Americans shot down in Afghanistan

The Liberal Media is Deserting Obama

Chris Mathews: “Newsweek Cover of Bachmann Made Her Look Like Gaddafi”

Meet the UN’s anti-Israel ‘anti-discrimination’ czar, Navi Pillay

Norway’s Jewish problem

Sarah is at it again!

Ron Paul Ames High in Iowa

Brain Dead Obama

Civil Unrest in Olde London Towne


The Sleeping Giant Awakens

Big Media's Big Palin Problem

President Downgrade

The War on Senator Pearce

Will There Be War?

Racial Sensitivity Through the Looking Glass

NY Times peddles revisionist view of Arab Spring as full embrace of Palestinian cause

Daily Kos: Wisconsin a Victory for the Left

China's first carrier begins sea trials

London quiet, but riots spread to other cities

Wisconsin GOP prevails in recall elections

Defending themselves with bats

Desperation grips Team Obama

Fat for the fire

Obama's base losing faith

Harry Reid shows his hand in super committee picks

What took the S&P downgrade so long?

How Stupid is Obama?

Obama as the Dying God

The NAACP's Betrayal of Blacks

'Balanced Compromises' Are Neither

The Continuing Injustice of Obamacare Waivers

The Keynesian Fraud

Hypersonic Test Plane Rips Across the Sky At 13,000 Miles an Hour | Video | TheBlaze.com

Weekly Standard Accuses White House of Removing Jerusalem, Israel From Site | Video | TheBlaze.com

Noam Chomsky Says Christian Right Supports Israel Because They Are Anti-Semitic And Want The Jewish Population to be Exterminated by Armageddon | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jon Stewart Defends Michele Bachmann Over Newsweek Cover | Video | TheBlaze.com

Global Unrest Spreading | TheBlaze.com

Doughherty Siblings Spotted in Colorado | Video | TheBlaze.com

Hackney Woman Stands Up to British Rioters | Video | TheBlaze.com

Van Jones Group Releases Kids Video for ‘Contract for the American Dream’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Military Kills Taliban Inusrgents That Shot Down SEALs | TheBlaze.com

Dmitry Dyatlov Arrested After Senator Joe Lieberman Threatened in Blog | TheBlaze.com

Dead Woman’s Eggs Frozen for Future Baby | TheBlaze.com

Al Sharpton Teleprompter Flub on MSNBC Live TV | Video | TheBlaze.com

New Prenatal Test Raises Ethical Questions | TheBlaze.com

Building Blocks of DNA Found on Meteorites; Rare Flowing Water Seen on Mars | Video | TheBlaze.com

Is Whole Foods Boycotting Ramadan? Is Right Wing Blogger Debbie Schlussel to Blame? | TheBlaze.com

Former PLO Member Calls for Ramadan Intifada | TheBlaze.com

Obama Increased Debt More in 4 Days Than Truman and Eisenhower Did in 10 Years | TheBlaze.com

Paul Krugman and Steve Moore Rail Against S&P Downgrade | TheBlaze.com

Anthony Makk and Bradford Wells Lose Immigration Battle Against Obama Admin | TheBlaze.com

Rush Limbaugh London U.K. Rioters Equivalent of Obama Voters in U.S. | TheBlaze.com

Thin Belt of Antimatter Found Around Earth | TheBlaze.com

Harry Reid to Name Sens John Kerry, Max Baucus, Murray to Powerful ‘Super Committee’ | TheBlaze.com

Joe Scarborough: ‘A President that Cannot Control 45 Backbenchers in the Opposing Party in the House of Representatives is Too Weak to Be President | Video | TheBlaze.com

London Residents Looking to Clean After Riots Turned Away For Health and Safety Concerns | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jim Dement Attacks Obama and Defends Tea Party | Video | TheBlaze.com

Slideshow: London Burning…People’s Perspective | TheBlaze.com

Lesbian Baptist Pastor Nancy Petty Wants Gay Marriage Legalized | TheBlaze.com

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Calls Out Youths, Flash Mobs, and Parents | Video | TheBlaze.com

Are Helicopter Shootdowns Preventable? | TheBlaze.com

Wisconsin Police Release 911 Calls After Race-Motivated State Fair Riot | TheBlaze.com

Nebraska Senate Candidate John Bruning Says Welfare Recipients Like Raccoons | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jesse Owens 75 Years Later | Video | TheBlaze.com

Tea Party Asks McCain For Apology | Video | TheBlaze.com

Plan Spotted Over New York City With S&P Banner | TheBlaze.com

200 Years House Page Program Ends | TheBlaze.com

Some Christian and Evangelical Scientists Embrace Evolution, Reject Creationism | Video | TheBlaze.com

RealClearMarkets - We Can't Even Cut Programs That Don't Work

The Rick Perry that Texans know - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Bachmann "Cautiously Optimistic" About Straw Poll

Cenk Uygur: Obama's Tipping Point

Less political rebellion, more mollycoddled mob | The Australian

The Indecisive President: Obama's Weakness Is a Problem for the Global Economy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Fed Pledges Rates Near Zero for Next 2 Years - NYTimes.com

The left wakes up: Obama is not ‘sort of God’ - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Review & Outlook: Doubling Down on Zero - WSJ.com

Withholder in Chief - NYTimes.com

Morning Jay: The Uses and Abuses of the Tea Party | The Weekly Standard

Republicans smell blood in presidential race - The Fix - The Washington Post

Can Ron Paul win it all in Iowa? - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Sorry, Guys, There Are No More Kings

Since When Is It a Crime to Be Poor? | Mother Jones

A little perspective on S&P’s downgrade - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

The Obama-Is-Dumb Meme | The New Republic

Operation “Kill Romney” | Swampland

2012 is gonna be nasty | Questions and Observations

The Domino Effect of Obama's Regulations | The Weekly Standard

Off the Grid, Where the Living Is Good - NYTimes.com

Breakthrough Journal: Vaclav Smil : THE MANUFACTURING OF DECLINE

Some in Congress ready to Battle EPA | EnergyBiz

Gas Taxes v. CAFE Regulations | The Energy Collective

Why Does "666" Appear In Stock Panics? - Forbes

Spending yourself rich didn't work, after all

RealClearMarkets - Missing Jobs and How We Can Find Them

The Great 9/11 Dust Debate - Reason Magazine

Bug Nuggets - Magazine - The Atlantic

Big Bang early echoes seen in sky survey - Science Fair - USATODAY.com

How to Get to Mars in 5 Totally Conceivable Steps | Space Tourism and Exploration on Mars | Life's Little Mysteries

RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis

Hybrid Solar System Makes Rooftop Hydrogen | Engineering at Duke University, Pratt School

Schizophrenia: genes matter (even though inheritance might not)

A Planet for All Apes - Peter Singer - Project Syndicate

Ancient DNA reveals secrets of human history : Nature News

Intelligence tests highlight importance of genetic differences | Science | The Guardian

Common Virus May Ride Up Nose To Brain - Science News

Energy Storage for Solar Power - Technology Review

How Rick Perry Is Changing the Rules of Politics | Swampland

Whole Foods denies canceling Ramadan promotion – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

RealClearReligion - Atheists Say the Nastiest Things

Weekend Diversion: Opening up about religion and beliefs : Starts With A Bang

Devil’s Bookmark: Doubting God’s Existence, But Angry Nevertheless | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Obamaphiles still longing for Camelot | Gene Healy | Columnists | Washington Examiner

The Cultural Evolution - By Charles Kenny | Foreign Policy

The year we realised our democratically elected leaders can no longer protect us | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

Dashed Hopes: How Obama Disappointed the World - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Danger to China’s Economy | The Diplomat

Commentary: What Does the U.S. Want to Talk to the Brotherhood About? | The National Interest

Kremlin’s Extremist Youth Camp in Russia - The Daily Beast

It's a bear market, but we have time to get used to it | The Australian

What’s behind Britain’s riots - The Washington Post

London riots have no moral compass - The National

Wenzhou Crash Shows the Dangers of China's Nuclear Power Ambitions - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Less political rebellion, more mollycoddled mob | The Australian

Obama admin under attack: Rand Paul files for key resignation


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


'I created Obama's certification of birth'

'OBOTs' admit lying in scheme to punk WND

Court tells Hawaii officials to explain Obama's birth records

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Shell Oil eyes Alaska, 50,000 jobs;Company says plan to expand drilling would boost economy, domestic energy


+Audio:Time to privatize the Postal Service


**Audio:Obama's radical pals planning Chicago riots?


Burgess meets with unhappy Tea Party group | Elections & Politics | News from Fort Worth...

'Satanic Bible' called no different from Old Testament

US: Strike kills militants who downed US chopper - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan - msnbc.com

Commandos criticize call for SEALs - Washington Times

US officers oppose releasing names of dead troops - Yahoo! News

Cameron on riots: ‘We will not put up with this’ - The Washington Post

London and UK riots: live - Telegraph

BBC News - London rioters: 'Showing the rich we do what we want'

London Riot Footage | Mark Stone | London Looting | Mediaite

Baseball bat sales skyrocket in United Kingdom as riots reach fourth day

These riots were about race. Why ignore the fact? – Telegraph Blogs

Reverse Diabetes Solution Kit | Diabetes Natural Cure | Natural Diabetes Treatment

Obama announces first-ever fuel standards for work trucks, buses, other heavy duty vehicles | StarTribune.com

Republicans Prepare for Next Phase of 'Obamacare' Battle - FoxNews.com

Maryland beauty, Robyn Gardner, vanishes in Aruba; raises ghost of unsolved Natalee Holloway mystery

Iran says U.S. 'will be taught the mother of all lessons'

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Odd News :: Thongs ain’t what they used to be as briefs bounce back

You want to see face of 'terrorism'?

Cain: Not able

Interview with an Islamist

Jet tax is useless – and Obama knows it

Why not call me a 'fagophobe'?

For The Record

A government that kills

Time to pay the piper

The truth about Norway's 'anti-Semitism'

Rick Perry's Texas-sized justice

The right's non-reaction to the London riots - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Nero in the White House

Pajamas Media » Help! I’m Surrounded by Intolerant Liberals at Work: A Guide for the Perplexed and the Outnumbered

Colin Powell offered reward to hear eligibility evidence

See what unindicted terrorist co-conspirator is spawning now

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

Narrowing the GOP presidential list

Dog survives brutal stabbing by sick burglars who left knife wedged in her head | Mail Online

Miracle baby born after mother's waters break half way through pregnancy - and she refuses abortion | Mail Online

Salem couple die from hyperthermia, drowning in 110-degree hot tub | OregonLive.com

Menorah 'Sketch' Found - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Jackie O tapes to reveal her and JFK's affairs and who she believed was behind his death | Mail Online

Stockton Woman Says Puppy Killed After She Refused Sex With Boyfriend - KTXL

Pasadena youth pastor accused of filming teen girls in shower | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Russia's raunchy election campaign | Orange UK

JonBenét Ramsey at 21: What would she have looked like today? (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) - Denver News - The Latest Word

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: Groping from men? Women should just deal with it says Jeremy Irons

The 2011 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition - Telegraph

Man says it with dancing carrots | Orange UK

Joan R. Ginther who won lottery 4 times is a Stanford University statistics PhD | Mail Online

Why beauty really is in the eye of the beholder: Scientists say we rate our partners as more attractive than strangers | Mail Online

Remand extended in Rabbi Abuchatzeira stabbing

PM: UN recognition of Palestine will harm future peace

Egypt's Moussa campaigns for president, vows change

'Cameron has lost legitimacy, should go,' Libya says

'More doctor visits reported in years after Sept. 11'

Attias announces free land for student housing

Bank of England: promised land

Kanye West compares himself to Hitler

James Murdoch expected to provide evidence he did not mislead MPs

Taliban who shot down Chinook helicopter killed in US air strike

Innovative company brings light to third world countries

Federal deficit tops $1T for 3rd straight year

FBI: Sibling suspects captured in Colo.

WH says Obama to vacation in Martha's Vineyard

Congresswoman eyes McAfee briefing on cyber attacks

2 plead not guilty in SF Giants fan attack

Jury decides on sentence in Cleveland killings

Mothers exchange blows as Kenya drought deepens

In Israel protests, a surprise Arab-inspired taste

AP Exclusive: US group trains troops in Somalia

Oil prices rise as traders mull demand prospects

German Advice To Brits On Handling Riots? Stop Your ‘Softly-Softly’ Police Tactics

Sorry, Can’t Stop Laughing: Iran Advises British Not To Use Violence Against ‘Protesters’

Nothing Says ‘You’re Fired’ Quite Like Getting Executed

Audio:LTG Jerry Boykin: Our Brave Special Forces Alone Cannot Keep Us Safe

Are The UK Riots Caused By A Drug Shortage?

Seeking Balance – What The World Needs Is Stability

Kid Looters Hit Streets In London: Some As Young As Nine

Norway’s Jewish Problem

Foreign Media Turning On Obama? Obama’s Weakness ‘A Problem For the Entire Global Economy’

If A Race War Broke Out in Britain, Would Anyone Notice?

Could Jimmy McMillan Run In Israel?

Sign In Front Of Brit Shop Says It All

It’s ‘Crazy’ to Ignore Shariah

World Stock Markets Continue Their Dramatic Slide

James O’Keefe Quietly Destroys Mainstream Media

Sound Bite for the Day: ??????

MMFA Propaganda Watch: Hypocrisy, Double Standards, and Senior Fellows

NewsBusted: Has Obama Finally Stopped Blaming Bush?

Al Sharpton’s Greatest Hits

Katy Bar the Door, Rick Perry Prays for the Nation in Public

Bachmann Newsweek Cover Goes for Insult But Gets Criticism in Return - FoxNews.com

CNN's Costello Floats Bill Maher's, Al Gore's Ideas of Liberal Tea Party | NewsBusters.org

Media Matters Redux: Chicago Profs Caught Using School Resources to Help Obama

Higher Education Bubble: Choosing the Right College

Audio:The Media’s Institutional Liberalism

John Kerry, Not John Q. Public, Is to Blame for Our Burning Fiscal House

WI Dems Accuse County Clerk of Tampering with Votes, then Retract Allegation

Big Government Leftists Never Allow Facts to Get in the Way of a Good Beating

Dems Fail to Take Wisconsin Senate

Union Extremists Using Children, Harassing & Menacing Replacement Workers In Verizon Strike

Cartoon:It Happened on Obama’s Watch

Democrats Ramp Up the Politics of Personal Destruction

Reason.tv: Guns, Laws, and Panics-How Fear, Not Fact, Informs the Gun Rights Debate

Sincere Advice for Obamawood: If You Want to Re-Elect Obama, Stop Telling Him to ‘Fight Harder’

Congressional Probe over Net Neutrality

Republican White House hopefuls head to Iowa

Obama car czar Bloom to step down end-August | Reuters

‘Lopez Tonight’ Canceled: Thursday Is Last Show

BREAKING: Rep. Peter King Asks For Probe Into White House’s Role in Bin Laden Movie

Morning Call Sheet: More ‘Bewitched,’ More Alice, Cool Countdowns, and a Dumb Patrick Swayze Question

‘Shame On You’: Jon Stewart Slams Newsweek’s Bachmann Cover

Eastwood Flashback: A Look at ‘The Eiger Sanction’

How Hollywood Would Downgrade Obama if Hollywood Wasn’t, Y’know, Hollywood

‘30 Minutes or Less’: Sony Lying About New Goofball Bromance Based on Grisly Murder?

Good For the Emmys: Organizers to Honor John Walsh

Reader Poll: Sony’s Politicization of the Upcoming Bin Laden Film

The Downgrade On Obama

Morning Call Sheet: Technology Killed the Drama Star, ‘Cube,’ Hitchcock Cameos, and 25 Years Ago…Really?

Film on Bin Laden Raid Sparks GOP Call for Pentagon Probe - Washington Wire - WSJ

Alec Baldwin May Run for New York Mayor, But Not in 2013 - NYTimes.com

Anderson Cooper doesn't love the idea of Chris Brown in a rom-com - latimes.com


*8th/ Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the Economy

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Krugman, Rogoff & Belton on the Economy

Panel on the Latest in Afghanistan


**NEWS VIDEOS:Santelli Slams CNBC Analyst for Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’

MSNBC Delivers Shameful Pep Rally Election Coverage

Walker Vindicated; Big Labor, Dems Suffer Huge Loss in WI Recall Effort

WI Dems Accuse Clerk of Tampering With Votes, Then Retract Allegation

Newsweek’s Tina Brown Offers No Apology, Doubles Down on ‘Crazy’ Bachmann Cover

UK Rioters Blame Their Actions On ‘Conservatives’, ‘Rich People’

Hundreds More Arrested as Riots Spread Across England

9TH/Greatest Al Sharpton Clip, Ever.

10,000 Attend Job Fair in Obama’s Chicago

Howard Fineman: Obama Should Have Spent More Time as an Alderman Than Teaching Law

Striking Verizon Protester Bullies Non-Union Replacement Worker; Places Daughter in Front of Moving Truck

Tea Party ‘Hobbits’ Confront McCain at Town Hall: ‘Are You Going to Apologize?’

Trump: I’ll Run as Independent if GOP Screws Up

White House: No Plan, No Specifics, No Strategy, No Responsibility

NBC News’ Thomas Roberts: GOP Opposition to Govt. Spending an ‘Act of Treason’

DeMint: No American President More Anti-Business Than Obama

Van Jones and MoveOn Use Kids to Push Left-Wing Initiative

Paterno Hospitalized After Practice Collision

NYC Hotel Maid Sues Ex-IMF Boss

Riots Spread in England

NBC News’ Sharpton Reports: Dow Down 630%!

Rush at His Best: ‘Obama Blames…’

8TH/Rick Santelli: ‘If it Wasn’t for the Tea Party…We Would Have Been Rated BBB’

The ‘Best’ of Al Sharpton, August 8th 2011

Gore Flips Out on Warming Skeptics: ‘Bulls**t!’

Rush: Obama Is ‘Debt Man Walking’

Obama Relates Tragic Loss of Troops to Domestic Political Squabbles

‘I’m Back’: Megyn Kelly Returns

Allen West Smacks Back at Dems ‘Tea Party Downgrade’ Meme

World Markets Tumble on US Downgrade

Israeli Stock Exchange Narrowly Avoids Crash

Man with Breast Cancer Denied Medicaid Coverage

ACORN in Court for Voter Registration Scandal

President Obama’s Statement on the S & P Downgrade – Full Speech

Dow Dives

7TH/Car Towed with 5-year-old Boy Still Inside

Liberals on Maher Panel Pine for Hillary Presidency

Disturbing Audio Tape Released in Arizona Honor Killing Case

Perry to Evangelicals: I’m One of You

**10TH/ Markets Video - Has QE Failed?

Markets Video - Dr. Doom Smells Big Trouble Ahead

9TH/ Barton Biggs: Stocks Are Deeply Oversold

Carl Icahn: Selloff Is Overdone

Thrown in the Towel? Where to Park Your Cash

Get Ready for QE3?

8TH/: S&P Is Trying to Resurrect Reputation

ECB To Intervene in European Debt Markets

Gold Explodes Past $1,700

Market Turmoil Puts Fund Managers in Tough Bind

Bill Gross: My Hat Is Off to S&P

**World Video:The Road To 9/11 And The Immediate Aftermath

Boris: 'London Riot Police Did A Good Job'

Video Of Locals Chasing Rioters In London

Cameron: 'We Have A Big Problem With Gangs'

Japan Ignored Own Fukushima Radiation Forecasts

Are Riots Covered By Insurance?

'Shameful' Rioting In Manchester

Libyan TV Airs Khamis Video

Ethnic Violence Flares In Karachi

Koreas In Artillery Fire Incident

Cameron: All Actions 'On The Table' To End Chaos

Looting Continues For Fourth Day In British Cities

What Is At Stake In The South China Sea

What's Fueling The Rioting Raging Across United Kingdom?

9TH/Terrorism In The Post-Bin Laden Era

London Street Battles: Video Of Mad Clashes

UK Riots From Downing Street, London

British PM Condemns Riots: 'Sickening'

Video Of Store Looting

London Police Plan Massive Dragnet

Fresh Violence Erupts In London

European Shares Hit 2 Year Low

Raw Video: Fires Rage As London Riots Continue

Somali Refugees Forced To Outskirts Of Camps

Japan Remembers Nagasaki

Injured Boy Mugged During Riots

Godwin: 'Riot Police Numbers Will Double'

Londoners Lack Confidence In Economy

**Politics Video:Krauthammer: Markets Soared After Obama Wasn't Going To Speak

Carney Defends Obama Vacay To Martha's Vineyard; "No Such Thing As A Presidential Vacation"

Ron Paul: "Gold Is Not A Bubble"

Ratigan Rails Against Financial System: "Reckless, Irresponsible, Stupid"

Spitzer: "This White House Doesn't Know How To Negotiate"

Santelli: Don't Shoot The Messenger; Financing With Fiat Money Can't End Well

Sen. Paul: Blaming Tea Party For Downgrade Like Blaming Fireman When He Puts Out The Fire

Countdown: Kos Wishes Obama Was More Like ... George W. Bush

Dionne: Every Time We Add Private Sector Jobs, We're Losing Public Jobs

Krauthammer: Liberalism Doesn't Have A Good Story To Tell

O'Donnell: Santorum's Position On Marriage Is Anti-Mormon

O'Reilly: Collateral Damage From Economic Chaos

Matthews: What Is Our Mission In Afghanistan?

9TH/"Game Change" Author: Obama Not A "Put It In Their Faces Kind Of President"

Karl Rove: Barack Obama Like James Buchanan

Newsweek Displays Michele Bachmann Photo As "The Queen Of Rage"

Al Gore Launches Tirade Against Climate "Pseudoscientists"

Rangel: Obama Should Call Congress Back To Work

Rush Limbaugh: Obama's Enemies List

Fed To Keep Interest Rates Low For 2 More Years

McCain "Not Sorry" For Saying "Tea Party Hobbits" On Senate Floor

Sen. DeMint: No American President More Anti-Business Than Obama

O'Reilly: Saving The Folks From Economic Hardship

Reich: S&P Didn't Do The Job Then, Isn't Doing The Job Now

Priebus: President's Policies Led To Crisis

O'Donnell: S&P Took An "Unprecedented Political Action"

Pawlenty Ad: Executive Experience Matters

Trump: "What's Going On With The Presidency Is Absolutely Insane"

Dem Rep. Schakowsky: Put People To Work By Taxing The Rich


10-Aug-11 World View

*10 Aug

American Minute for August 10th

August 10 Events in History

Today in History: August 10

August 10th in History

Today in History: August 10

August 10th This Day in History

This Day in History for 10th August

‪Today in History for August 10th‏ - YouTube


Aug. 9, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 9 August 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-09, Tuesday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 9th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 10th

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, August, 09, 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-8-11

Redding News Review 08-09-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-09-11 Hr 3

08/09 The Mark Levin Show

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2


‪The Fed's 'Fictitious' Debt‏ - YouTube

‪O'Reilly - John Stossel - Who is at fault for the economic problems?‏ - YouTube