"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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14 September 2010

14 Sept'10

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U.S. Government Telephone and E-mail Directories: USA.gov

*Unclesam - Google Search




USA Blue Pages


Big Sis To Get Expanded Role In Policing Internet

Gold and Silver Explode as Banksters Abandon Market Manipulation

Allegation: Americans Flooded Out Millions in Pakistan to Protect U.S. Drone Military Base

IMF fears 'social explosion' from world jobs crisis - Telegraph

On More Stimulus Spending


Now Comes a Topper: Obama's Newest Giveaway to the Banks

Carbon offsets: Green project offends Indian farmers who lose land to windmills - CSMonitor.com

Photographers are now terrorists according to TSA

Israeli art student activity reported at federal officials’ homes

Big Sis Iris Scanners: The Prison Without Bars

AFP: In power to 120 years old: Putin, Berlusconi joke at summit

Blair’s Journey: US medal for ‘war criminal’?

Tony Blair awarded Liberty Medal by Bill Clinton | Mail Online

Barack Obama to authorise record $60bn Saudi arms sale | World news | guardian.co.uk

Zionists are behind Quran desecration: Iran FM

Greek Default: Why It’s Only A Matter Of Time

Google damages users' brains, author claims - Telegraph

The Government Can’t Create Jobs

The Developing Diversity Scam

Bill O’Reilly uses Ground Zero ‘mosque’ controversy as front for attack on 9/11 Truth

The backlash begins against the world landgrab

NSA/Pentagon Want to Suppress Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer’s Book “Operation Dark Heart”

Animal, Vegetable, or E. O. Wilson

The Warped Mission of the American Military: “Out-Terrorize the Terrorists”

Charlie Veitch – Every End is a New Beginning

The Love Police – Kill Babies

Delaware Senate Race: A Kamikaze Republican and the Tea Party - ABC News

Mosque Move? Imam Says ‘Everything is on the Table’

John Williams Sees The Onset Of Hyperinflation In As Little As 6 To 9 Months As Fed “Tap Dances On A Land Mine”

Will the Basel III Bank Regulations Change Anything?

Three Powerful Trends Will Push Gold Prices To $1600

Obama tax will kill energy jobs--Joseph R. Mason - NYPOST.com

Economic Docs Find Remedy Amid Bubble Rubble: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

World Panel Backs Rules to Avert Banking Crises - CNBC

Swimming in chlorinated pools can lead to cancer: study

UN IPCC lead author rips IPCC’s claims as ‘outright false’

*Our Sun Will Eventually Turn Into a Multi-Trillion Ton Diamond

A Windmill Story at Bedtime

YouTube - Bill Gates Death Panels, " They're The Deciders!!" - The Alex Jones Show


YouTube - Marc Morano: Carbon Taxing Your Family into Non-Existence - The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Marc Morano: Carbon Taxing Your Family into Non-Existence - The Alex Jones Show 2/2


YouTube - Alex Jones - Don Adams - JFK Assassination - part 1/3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Don Adams - JFK Assassination - Alex Jones - part 2 OF 3

YouTube - Alex Jones - Don Adams - JFK Assassination - part 3/3


Gold and Silver Explode as Banksters Abandon Market Manipulation

Soros Front Group Exploits Teenage Celebrity to Get Out Vote for War Party

Expanding U.S.-Canada Security and Economic Partnership

Cuba to cut 500,000 state workers, reform salaries | San Francisco Examiner

Fourteen killed in Koran protests across Indian Kashmir | Reuters

The Deschooling and Unschooling Movement Is Growing

Yen hits 15-year high vs dollar - Yahoo! News UK

Six in 10 live pay to pay - The Globe and Mail

Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground

National Security Used As Pretext to Confiscate Samples and Notes On Dispersant

Should Science Take Sides In The Gulf? : NPR

MPD's "Heat Mapping" Aims to Predict Where Crime Will Happen|myEyewitnessNews.com, Memphis News, Entertainment, Videos, Business Search and Shopping

Police Cuts: Derek Barnett Of Police Superintendents' Association Warns Of Disorder On Streets | UK News | Sky News

Group offers $100,000 for ‘information leading to the arrest and conviction of Karl Rove’ | Raw Story

Veterans sue CIA, Army for experiments at Detrick, Edgewood - The Frederick News-Post Online

U.S. urges Arab states to drop Israel nuclear treaty demand - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Tightened muzzle on scientists is 'Orwellian'

No link found between vaccine mercury and autism - Yahoo! News

Portland group burns ’9/11 commission report’ at anniversary gathering

Veterans Agency Made Secret Deal Over Benefits - Bloomberg

Drill Held to Detainee's Head: Ex-CIA Agents Confirm Torture at Polish Black Site - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

'Underpants bomber' fires his lawyers and wants to plead guilty - Telegraph

Military police investigate claims British troops in Afghanistan are involved in heroin trafficking | Mail Online

Napolitano: Changes to color-coded security threat system under review - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

No, you don't own it: Court upholds EULAs, threatens digital resale

Vaccine-Autism Court Award of $1.5M to Poling Family

U.S. shifts approach to deporting illegal immigrants - USATODAY.com

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Getting Rebranded as Corn Sugar | LiveScience Etc.

County Sues Farmer, Cites Too Many Crops - News Story - WSB Atlanta

Grim expectations for report on poverty in United States

The Raw Story | Thousands held without trial in Iraq: Amnesty

More Post-Combat U.S. Gunfire in Iraq - NYTimes.com

The American Conservative » Taming the Tea Parties

The WikiLeaks Hoax | Before It's News

YouTube - Teenage Kicks - are they hooked on porn?

Are teenagers hooked on porn? « Psychologies

BBC News - Rare Roman helmet goes to auction

Should Science Take Sides In The Gulf?


savethemales.ca - Did Lady Gaga Have Rival Murdered?

This Is America, The Beacon Of Freedom

States Rights - Not Necessary To Reinvent The Wheel

Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque | The New York Observer

Europe to cut power of vacuum cleaners to save energy - Telegraph

Charlie Brooker | Google Instant is trying to kill me | Comment is free | The Guardian

Woman obsessed with computer game left children to eat cold baked beans - Telegraph

Measles vaccination plan fails to win over Chinese public | World news | The Guardian

Film-makers arrested on site of Donald Trump's Scottish golf resort | World news | The Guardian

'Administration problems' blamed for Pope Benedict's ticket slump - Home News, UK - The Independent

History 'disappearing from schools' - Telegraph

Probe into troop heroin allegations | UK news | guardian.co.uk

The TUN - a true representative council

Pandora's Box:Special Report – New World Order Ploy

Thousands gather for Tea Party rallies as organisers promise surge in conservative voters | Mail Online

Sarah Palin's Iowa trip points to 2012 presidential run | World news | The Guardian

Obama's people think Americans are spoiled brats – Telegraph Blogs

The US Is Adopting Codex Alimentarius

Mexican police capture drug kingpin - Telegraph


Roy Tov – Shin Beth's Most Famous Prisoner

Drilling war boils over in New York - Sep. 13, 2010

Cuba to lay off 500,000 in 6 months, allow private jobs - CNN.com

U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

Smoking Mirrors: Monsanto must go into Saddam Hussein's Shredder.

40 Million Americans Now Subsisting On Foodstamps

2nd Witness: Utah Woman Accuses Mormon Prophet of Attempted Rape

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Tyne | Stroke gives woman foreign accent

savethemales.ca - Freemasonry -- Racketeering Run Amok

New drug-resistant superbugs found in 3 states - Yahoo! News

Many hopeful about Russian scientist’s anti-aging drug - RT Top Stories

Battle for beauty in operating room and in court - RT Top Stories

YouTube - BBC Bias: Panorama Programme Exposed

Masons Rally Behind Porn Queen Judge


The JFK Deception 2010 - 1 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 2 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 3 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 4 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 5 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 6 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 7 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 8 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 9 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 10 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 11 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13

The JFK Deception 2010 - 12 of 12 - Alex Jones 2010-09-13


YouTube - Family Awarded $1.5M In Vaccine-Autism Claim

YouTube - Get New Customers Fast - MagicYellowFlyer.com

YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano : Safety vs. Patient Privacy!

YouTube - Stimulus #2: A Bailout for the Public Sector?

Dems To Lose In November?

Ground Zero Mosque Controversy: A CIA Orchestrated Event

The Excavator

Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground

Dick Gregory Announces Hunger Strike for 9/11 Truth

Why It’s Time To Dump Most US Stocks

Gold Rising, Silver Ready To Take Off?

Big Sis Iris Scanners: The Prison Without Bars

Ron Paul On More Stimulus Spending

The Government Can’t Create Jobs

Rockefeller Foundation Conceptualized “Anti-Hormone” Vaccine in the 1920s and 30s, Reports Reveals

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate

Rockefeller Foundation and WHO Continue Collaboration on Sterilizing Vaccines, Implantables

09-13-2010: U.S. troops still in danger in Iraq

09-13-2010: Video: WTC-7 Before Collapse

09-13-2010: Biased Government Study Claims Vaccines Don't Cause Autism

09-13-2010: Thousands Held In Iraq Without Trial

09-13-2010: Record Increase In Number Of Americans In Poverty

09-12-2010: Napolitano: U.S. will never be 'totally immune' from terrorism

*Veteran Character Actor Harold Gould Dead at 86

*Kevin McCarthy Dead at Age 96

Jane Fonda: Once a Traitor, Always a Traitor

The Dark Shadows of ‘True Blood’: Let’s Share Some Blood Among Friends

Lady Gaga: Servant to Stale Conformity of the PC Establishment

CNN’s New Parker-Spitzer Promo

Bootstrap Christian Film Community Does it Without Hollywood

Redford Using His Lincoln Assassination Film to Bash America?

Democrats Use Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ Tickets to Raise Money

TNT’s ‘The Closer’ Jumps Back on Political Hobbyhorse | The American Culture

Casino Jack shines light on disgraced Abramoff | Reuters

Bill Clinton Visiting 'The Daily Show' on Thursday - NYTimes.com

Did politics kill ‘Machete’ at the box office?



The Anti-American President?

9/11 Aftermath: Quiet Patriots of Wall Street Should Not be Today’s Political Casualties

What Does the Constitution Constitute?

What We Saw at The 9/12 Tea Party Rally

The Real Special Interest: Government Lobbying Government

Recycling the Big Green Lie

Regime Uncertainty: Behind the Reports of Economic Doom

Obamacare’s Brave New World

Obama: Let’s Cut Carbon (And Jobs)

The Fleeting Nature of Congressional Majorities

Press Secretaries Who Work in Lobbyist Houses Should Not Throw Stones

The War Between SEIU and NUHW: What it Tells Us About Card Check

Confidential Report: Does New York Institutionalize Disabled Just for Federal Cash?

Government School Caught Overspending Attacks Critics Instead of Fixing the Problem

Senate Republicans say they'll block tax increase

Democrats challenge Nancy Pelosi on taxes - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Pelosi has pocketed nearly twice as much lobbyist cash as Boehner | San Francisco Examiner

Vulnerable Democrats duck public events - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Federal Government Hires New Orleans Man to Appraise Gulf Oil Spill Media Coverage of Obama Administration - Big Journalism

How Obama Thinks - Forbes.com

DOJ's Internal Watchdog Announces Investigation Into Civil Rights Enforcement | Foxnews.com

House lawmakers urge action on China currency | Reuters

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Sucker Punch Squad: NBC’s ‘The Event’ Pilot Script a Bush Haters’ Dream Show

On Cusp of Another WikiLeaks Document Dump, Questions About the Role Played by the Administration and the New York Times

Andrew Breitbart Speaks In D.C. at 9/12 Rally: ‘We’re Going to Take This Country Back’

When Discussing Islam, Liberal Media Can Only Reach for ‘Bigotry’ Card

In Search of People of Color at the Tea Parties

The Fishy Finances of the MSM Favorite, FairTest

Great Moments in Media Buys: San Francisco’s John Dennis

Countering the Lies of the MSM: The Ground Zero Mosque War in the Information Battlespace

Dancing to Dems’ Tune, Corrupt New York Times Dutifully Pulls Hatchet Job on John Boehner

MSNBC’s Matthews Scolds His Guest for Chuckling

Annals of Journalism: Martha Gellhorn, War Correspondent

Obama’s On-Again, Off-Limits-Again Personal Biography

On ‘Hallowed Ground,’ and Imam Rauf’s Misunderstanding of It

Faiz Khan, associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes 9/11 was "inside job" - NYPOST.com

If We Don’t Build It, They Will Kill You? - Claudia Rosett - tk - Forbes

Fox News Audience Grows Among Republicans And Independents; CNN And MSNBC Down In All Categories | Mediaite

Liberal despair: Age of irrationality - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Obama's Book for Kids, 'Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters,' Due in November

Obama's kids are so off-limits they're on the cover of his new book | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Gingrich, Unhinged on Obama

Fineman: What Went Wrong for Obama and the Dems - Newsweek

Townhall - Sociopathic Intellectuals on 9/11

The Constitution Trumps Islamic Law

Never Forget : 9/11/01 Through One Man’s Eyes

Food Prices Soar Around the World, Creating Instability

Meet Imane Boudlal, the Muslim Woman Battling Disney Over Hijab

Qur’ans, Bibles, and U.S. Flags

Why I Don’t Write About 9/11

Lord Cromer, ‘Islamic Revival,’ and Imam Fesial Rauf

Stakelbeck on Terror : Inside al Qaeda with Former Terrorist, bin Laden Associate Noman Benotman.

American Rancher X – Part 1

Our Massive Debt Is a Threat to National Security—or, How the End May Come

Armageddon or Peace?

Wapo: Big Terrorist Attack Coming?

Justice Stephen Breyer: Koran Burning May Not Be Protected Under the First Amendment

Iran Ayatollahs Issue Fatwas Against Koran-Burners - BusinessWeek

US Senate could green-light end to gay ban

FOXNews.com - Pentagon: No Plans to Change 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy After Court Ruling

Tensions Still High Over Mosque Plan - WSJ.com

Imam says NYC mosque site is not 'hallowed ground'

OPEC chief says oil prices 'comfortable'

Senate fails to cut tax provision in health law

Dollar at 15-year low vs yen; tumbles against euro

Small business credit measure clears Senate hurdle

Small business lending measure sought by President Obama clears Senate GOP filibuster.

Top Democrat Reid struggling in Nevada: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Dodd warns on recess appointment of Warren

Chrysler shows new mid-size sedan to its dealers

Detained Americans' families relieved, heartbroken

ADL starts interfaith coalition to help US Muslims

Trial in death of Angels' Nick Adenhart gets underway

Gang jailed for plot to sell virginity

Dueling proposals to alter tax-reporting mandate fail in Senate

UN: Number of hungry people declines

It's primary election day, and the political stakes are high

Minister apologises over Loyalist's prison murder

Seven hurt as coffee machine explodes

Boxing host loses claim over Fat Duck illness

George Michael jailed for eight weeks

Following talks, Mitchell says negotiations progressing

Legal view sought on phone hacks 'contempt'

'Serious failings' at Loyalist murder prison

Cartoon:Chain of Command - Big Government

Cartoon: You Want Fries with That? - Big Government

WND.com - Video - Long lost peoples

Enough's enough: Obama has conceded ineligibility

If not Islam, who is the enemy?

Growing list of Muslim atrocities

Islam and the moral divide in America

Obama's tiresome tolerance lectures

Arthur Brooks and Paul Ryan: The Size of Government and the Choice This Fall - WSJ.com

Recovery November- And Beyond | The Weekly Standard

Time for race baiters to give account

Scammed by spin on 'social justice'

American Thinker: Obama Flunks the Leadership Test

Andy Ostroy: An Open Letter From God

How Obama Thinks - Forbes.com

Who needs voters, legislators?

Obama-tied group: Mosque opponents 'intolerant'

Building crews plan mosque site boycott

Jihad ban on killing elderly, children 'doesn't apply to Israel'

Report: Abortionist tried to remove woman's bowel

U.S. soldiers to be subjected to 'mind control'

Breitbart to release 'interesting' audio of Capitol Hill politician - Washington Times

MERS, the Hidden Link of the Housing Crisis.

Debbie Schlussel:Questions About Released Far-Left Activist “Hiker” Sarah Shourd

Debbie Schlussel:Blockade?: Israel, US Helped Gaza Economy Grow 16% in First Half of ’10; “West Bank,” Too

Debbie Schlussel:Pete Rose, 25 Years Later: In or Out of Hall?

Debbie Schlussel:Tim Gunn & the Diarrhea of TMI

Debbie Schlussel:Funny Governator Back to School VIDEO

Debbie Schlussel:Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress & Why We’re Losing Against Islam

Media's Self-Defeating Attacks on Palin

Pax Americana (1949-2010)

Retirement Fund Trillions Lure Government Grabbers

Reaping the Whirlwind

November Is Just the Beginning

General Petraeus' Mistake

Citizen, Unleashed

Obama's empathy gap

Another opening, another tragicomedy at the UN

Administration hails 'back door Islamist coup' in Turkey

Tax dollars used to gauge media reaction to administration oil spill efforts

Michelle the Menu Maven

The Next Big Eco-Scare

A Party of 'No' Means 'Yes' to Liberty

Look who is accepting lobbyist money

DOJ's IG dong a Programmatic Review of the Civil Rights Division

Win or lose, Christine O'Donnell's no Barack Obama

We Are the Ones Who'll Show You the Door

ObamaCare's Fatal Flaw?

Economic Lunacy

Tax Me More: A Modest Proposal

Sharia Degradation of Women

Wasting Clean, Cheap Power

Imam Rauf's goodwill tour part II

Townhall - Gangster Government Stifles Criticism of Obamacare

Left-Wing Terrorism Surges In Europe, As Governments Dismantle Social Safety Net

The public hates almost everything Congress has done | Washington Examiner

The Associated Press: Senate opens impeachment trial against judge

PERO: George Soros vs. judicial elections - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: Obama's cure for malaise: More of the same - Washington Times

Obama Urged to Confront Islamic States on Religious Freedom | CNSnews.com

Steven J. Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky finally going on trial for 2007 killing of Connecticut's Petit family - NYPOST.com

CNBC's Fast Money : Outlook Gloomy at Secret Billionaire Meeting - CNBC

A Blind Eye to Campus Anti-Semitism?

Kurtz calls out Hannity for his 'deceptive' editing of Obama's speech -- but that's nothing new for Fox

Austan Goolsbee Calls Out Chris Wallace for the Small Business Tax Lie

Reza Aslan: If You Are Painting 1.5 Billion People with the Same Brush as al Qaeda, 'You're a Bigot'

Bob Schieffer Calls Boehner Out on Small-Business Tax Lie -- Then Lets Him Punt

California PUC To Order PG&E To Inspect All Natural Gas Lines

CNN: Koch Brothers Fund the Tea Party

Newt Gingrich on the economy: Is there any politician more congenitally dishonest than this cretin?

World Regulators Agree To Raise Capital Requirements To Strengthen Banking Industry

Skateboarder Stops Wingnut Christian Extremist from Burning Quran at Protest in Amarillo Texas

It's time to get tough with China

Gibbs accuses Gingrich of appealing to birther 'fringe'

Refinancing Boom Is Going Into Savings, Not Spending

John Boehner: The Man with the Tan

Will Arizona give neo-Nazi border vigilantes an official blessing?

Thatcher Biographer Berlinski Shines a Light on the Right Wing's Extremist Views on the Economy

Tea Party's Christine O'Donnell says 'Hillary Democrats' back her

Former Giuliani Staffer Thinks We Need to Tone Down Partisan Rhetoric Over Islamic Center

After Winning For 30 Years, Republicans Are Suddenly Concerned About America's Class Warfare

The "tax and spend Dems" GOP loves to bash just reduced the deficit by 13%

Big Shocker: White Male Republicans Dominate Sunday Shows

WND.com - Video - Christians left defenseless in evolution debate

Law on fashion knockoffs not needed say experts | Reuters

People should fear liberals offering help

As Obama's popularity drops, so do sales of his merchandise

Police evacuate parts of Capitol - Yahoo! News

Oprah Winfrey shocks audience with free trip | Reuters

Bob Marley family loses case over hit records | Reuters

Anna Chapman's former lovers still long for the Russian spy's touch - NYPOST.com

Coast man saves trapped women Local Gold Coast News | goldcoast.com.au | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Mayor David Dinkins tells voters: Hispanic candidate 'looks more like us' - NYPOST.com

'I got stabbed - and people just stared!' Waitress' bloody tale after West Side subway attack

Midstate man's cereal find prompts federal lawsuit - Crime & Courts - Macon.com

Commissioner Mal Hyde admits murder bungle | News.com.au

Neighbor, Bank Employees Testify As Cheshire Trial Opens; 3 Jurors Excused - CTnow


*American Minute for September 14th:William J Federer's American Minute


**News Video:Bill Maher Slams Religion and Palin; Tea Parties are ‘Nativist Bedwetters’ Who Fear Obama’s ‘Negro Army’

Report: Imam Linked With Truther

Woody Allen Comes Clean on Carla Bruni Rumors

BP Oil Found at Bottom of Gulf

Underwear Bomber Ready to Plead

Taiwan Protesters Burn Japanese Flag, Throw Fish at Police

Krauthammer: Voting for O’Donnell is ‘Self-Indulgent and Irresponsible’

La Rouche Supporters Infiltrate Tea Party Event with Obama/Hitler Signs

Napolitano Urges Latinos to Get Out the Vote

The Stage Right Show – Late Night Conservative Talk

Imam: Mosque Location Not ‘Hallowed Ground’

MSNBC’s Matthews Scolds His Guest for Chuckling Too Much

Mosque Move? Imam Says ‘Everything is on the Table’

Eric Holder is CBS News’ Hero

YouTube Launches Live Streaming; Yahoo Mail Gets ‘Minty’

Pelosi’s Opponent in San Francisco Depicts Her as Wicked Witch

Gingrich: Obama Spoke Out Against Koran Burning, He Should Speak Out Against Mosque

Alan Colmes Wants to Stop Commemorating 9/11

Destroying the ‘Predominantly White’ Myth About the Tea Party

ABC’s Amanpour: Ground Zero Mosque Opponents Believe Al Qaeda is Building Mosque

Schieffer Grandstands on Smoking Issue With Boehner; Never Confronted Smoker-In-Chief

Rather Lectures Matthews Panel on Media Responsibility in Koran Burning Story

Protesters Rally Against Orthodox Jews’ Chicken Sacrifice

Creative Signs Adorn Portable Toilets at 912 DC Rally

Man Screams Profanity Laced Tirade Against Muslims at Ground Zero Mosque Protest

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate

Andrew Breitbart at 912 Rally: ‘I Want to Save the Country With You!’

GZM Imam Won’t Move Mosque Because Muslims Around World Will Take it the Wrong Way

Meet the Press Panelist: Ground Zero Mosque Protest ‘Vile, Racist Bigotry’

Pro-Mosque Protesters Chant and March at Ground Zero

Your 9/11 Remembrances – Special Guest: Andrew Breitbart


275 Wilderness Bug Out Locations For Your Family by Scott Williams

The Money of Fools by Thomas Sowell

Why It's Time To Dump Most US Stocks by Peter Schiff

What's the Right Thing To Do? by David Gordon

Patriotism as a Threat to Capitalism by Kel Kelly

Gunning for Islam by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Why you can't trust robots - Telegraph

Cancer's Favorite Food – Found in Everything You Eat? by Joseph Mercola


*John Taylor Gatto - Challenging the Myths of Modern Schooling

*The Crunch by John Taylor Gatto


**The Book /The Underground History of American Education - John Taylor Gatto


**e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics

*COSMOS ;Supercomputer

*Connecting Mathematics

Plus magazine!(plus.maths.org)

Mathematics Enrichment (nrich.maths.org)

*Stephen W. Hawking / Glossary

*Pictures of the Universe - WebCrawler

The Physical Universe; explained step-by-step

*The Numbers Guy - WSJ

*Seth’s blog





AFP: Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground

Cockroach Brains May Hold New Antibiotics?

BBC News - Sensitive touch for 'robot skin'

Nobel physicist: Building Hubble's heir in deep space - opinion - 13 September 2010 - New Scientist

Soldiers' helmets could control brain activity with ultrasound


*Music Downloads( Kazaa.com)


How Much 'Success' Can Afghans Stand? by Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse

States' suit on Obama health plan may go to trial - Yahoo! News

Cuba announces mass layoffs in bid to spur private sector | Reuters

Obama’s Insults Mask Fear of Boehner: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg

Justice IG probing Black Panther case - Washington Times

Steve Jobs Stopped at Japan Airport Over Ninja Stars, SPA! Magazine Says - Bloomberg

BBC presenter avoids jail for false AIDS killing claim

DETNEWS | Weblogs | The Watercooler

Insurgents Vex GOP Mainstream in Northeast - WSJ.com

Next, Michelle Obama's health reform plan for the nation's restaurant menus and families dining out | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Do Herbal Supplements Work? Botanical Supplements Face New Scrutiny - WSJ.com

IMF fears 'social explosion' from world jobs crisis - Telegraph

Report: Woman eating pig's feet in bed cuts friend - CharlotteObserver.com

Muslims Protest Moment of Silence | NBC Connecticut

Aussie marathon man to run from North to South poles - Yahoo! News

Doctor Branded Woman's Uterus After Surgery | The Smoking Gun

Penn Valley dean’s throat slashed minutes before governor’s talk - KansasCity.com

Cops destroy suspected explosive device near body - Chicago Breaking News

Lab Tech's Suicide Raises Terror Concerns Over Easy Access to Cyanide

Big Sis To Get Expanded Role In Policing Internet

Napolitano to Disillusioned Latinos: 'Your Voice is Your Vote, Man' - Political Punch

The Associated Press: Tuberculosis scare patient seeks to sue CDC

Reuters AlertNet - Simple blood test may detect Alzheimer's - study

Jerry Brown apologizes to Clinton over comment - Yahoo! News

SkyRider: new 'saddle' seat allows airlines to 'cram' more passengers - Telegraph

American leaves Iran after prison release - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran - msnbc.com

Now John 3:15, Quran get smoked like joints


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama sets tax 'trap' for GOP

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive $113 billion spent each year to support illegals

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Great Lakes part of Obama's latest power grab


Lookout! Government peering at you with X-rays on highway

Obama-tied group: Mosque opponents 'intolerant'

Faiz Khan, associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes 9/11 was "inside job" - NYPOST.com

Delaware Senate Race: A Kamikaze Republican and the Tea Party - ABC News

'Don't ask, don't tell' policy facing a Senate vote next week - Federal Eye -

New weapon to survive everything bad: NRA's top gun

FOXNews.com - 20 States Prepare for Day in Court Against Health Care Law

Dems plan for a future without Pelosi - Richard E. Cohen - POLITICO.com

Ebonics DEA: DEA steps into Ebonics controversy - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Jon Voight Slams Time Magazine as Anti-Semitic for Its ‘Why Israel Doesn’t Care About Peace’ Cover | NewsBusters.org

Orszag: 'Obama is not a socialist' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

White House Assails Gingrich for Saying President is 'Kenyan, Anti-Colonial' Thinker - Political Punch


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


RealClearWorld - Elections and Obama's Foreign Policy Choices

New START: What’s the Hurry? - Article - National Review Online

Did US Soldiers Target Afghan Civilians?: War Crime Allegations Threaten to Harm America's Image - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Cuba trade, travel opening - chicagotribune.com

Wall Street Banking on Republicans to Push Legislative Goals - BusinessWeek

Reagan, Obama, Summers All Wrong on Tax Credit: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Orszag Is Half Right On the Fiscal Gap


**Markets Video:14TH/Cramer: Four Bullish Signs

Is It Time to Dump the Penny?

Pernod Ricard CEO: We See Recovery

Treasury Yields: Back to the Future?

How Malkiel Diversifies In China

+ 13TH/Basel III: New Rules for World's Biggest Banks

Mike Mayo vs. Citi

How Much Will Tax Cuts Cost?

Austan Goolsbee Talks Economy & Elections

O'Brien: Markets Stall in Trading Range

**World Video:14TH/Japan's Big Corporate Failure

Is Tel Aviv The New Miami?

The U.S. and Iraq

Clinton in Egypt Ahead of Peace Talks

EU Growth Forecast Revised Upward

EU Contemplates Legal Action Against France

Pope Prepares to Visit Britain

U.S. Hiker Could Be Freed From Iran

Taiwan Protesters Burn Japanese Flag

Passengers Survive Venezuela Plane Crash

India's Self-employed Face Grim Pension Future

+ 13TH/Belgian Church To Focus On Abuse Victims

Remote Valley Devastated By Floods

Turkish PM Celebrates Reform Victory

Deadly Plane Crash In Venezuela

An American Death In Afghanistan

Greeks Protest PM Economy Speech

Berlusconi Vows To Stay Amid Controversy

Newborn Found On Philippine-bound Plane

Haiti's Earthquake Rubble Remains

Guineans Clash Ahead Of Vote


Dick Gregory/ Global Watch (http://dickgregory.com/)

Alan Keyes ; Loyal to Liberty(http://loyaltoliberty.com/)


O'Donnell: Mike Castle Is "Hanging Himself"

State of the Race: What the Latest Polls Told Us

Bill Clinton Stumps for Sestak

GOP Outsiders Make Final Push in DE, NH Primaries

Signs of a Democratic Rebound?

Islam must turn other cheek | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Health-care reform: Why I'm suing to get back my freedom - CSMonitor.com

RealClearPolitics - Can't Take the Heat?

SHIRLEY: Rebranding conservatism - Washington Times

David Axelrod: Reform will get more popular - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Op-Ed Columnist - A Recovery’s Long Odds - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Why I Stand With Pastor Jones

Obama’s Delusions of Competence - Article - National Review Online

Public Sector Workers Are the New Privileged Elite Class - US News and World Report

As go the unions, so goes the nation: End the assault on public sector salaries and benefits

George Will: Earth Doesn't Care What Is Done to It - Newsweek

How Will Obama Manage If Rahm Emanuel Leaves and Democrats Lose the House? -- New York Magazine

Economic Docs Find Remedy Amid Bubble Rubble: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

Op-Ed Contributors - Foreign Stimulus - NYTimes.com

Editorial - Republicans and the Middle Class - NYTimes.com

Health insurance premiums: Obamacare and health insurance premiums - chicagotribune.com

Suits could be stake in heart of Obamacare | health, obamacare, government - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Tax-reporting law: White House backs bill to alter law - latimes.com

Groups' Spending to Elect Republicans on the Rise - WSJ.com


**14TH/Politics Video:Florida Challenging Health Care Reform In Court

MA-Gov: Patrick Ad: "We Want To Keep Moving Forward"

SD-AL: Noem Ad: "Give South Dakota A Voice Again"

DNC Ad: "Boehner Land"

O'Reilly: Evidence Imam Associated With Radical Muslim

Matthews: Boehner Faces Scrutiny Over Smoking

Krauthammer: "Have To Vote Yes" On Middle Class Tax Cuts

Maddow: GOP Stands Up For More Money For Rich People

+ 13TH/Ground Zero Imam "Disappointed" By "Misinformation And Harmful Stereotypes"

VA-5: NRCC Ad: "Phony Tom Perriello"

VA-5: Perriello Ad: Robert Hurt Is "Lobbyists' Best Friend"

IA-3: Boswell Ad Hits Zaun On Biofuel Jobs

WI-Sen: Feingold Ad: Ron Johnson "In His Own Words"

Michael Moore: "Build Mosque Right On Ground Zero"

Cavuto: Is Our President Petty?

FL-Sen: Crist Against Drawing "Party Lines" In The Sand

Napolitano To Latinos: "Your Voice Is Your Vote, Man"

Young Dems Use Justin Bieber To Get Out The Vote

Frum: GOP Should Stay On Message Of Big Spending Dems

DE-Sen: Castle On Impact Of Tea Party Express Endorsement

Scarborough: MSM Will Parrot Obama's Tax Cut Plan

Rep. Cummings: Democrats Should Just Be Democrats

Gibbs: Gingrich Trying To Appeal To Birthers

Imam Rauf: Ground Zero Is Not "Hallowed Ground"

Sen. Lieberman: Extend All Bush Tax Cuts

CA-8: Dennis (R) Makes Pelosi Wicked Witch In New Ad

IA-3: Zaun Ad: "Boswell-Pelosi Path Leads to More Spending"

NV-Sen: Reid Ad: "Angle Sided With The Abuser, Not The Abused"


**SUNDAY;Transcripts/Interview with Secretary Napolitano & Leader Hoyer

Guests: Minority Leader Boehner & Rep. Ellison (PDF)

Guests: David Axelrod & Rudy Giuliani

Interview with Austan Goolsbe

Guests: Austan Goolsbee & Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

SEPT 11:President Obama at the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial


Obama the Neoconservative

'Goldman Conspiracy' helps China defeat U.S.

Stocks, Treasuries, Gold Gain on Fed Bond-Purchase Speculation

The 1099 Insurrection

Gallup poll shows Americans are still not spending like it’s 2008 again

Trial starting in Va. for 2 former Blackwater contractors accused of killing Afghan nationals

Expanding U.S.-Canada Security and Economic Partnership

‘There’s a joke among executives whose livelihoods depend on Foxconn: In 20 years, there will be only two companies. Everything will be made by Foxconn and sold by Wal-Mart.’

The Warped Mission of the American Military: “Out-Terrorize the Terrorists”

Wisdom facing forward: What it means to have heightened future consciousness

Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City

Clinton Talks World Government at the Council On Foreign Relations

Orwellian DoubleThink: Rights are Privileges

A People's History of the Human Genome

Tony Blair and the Great Islamic Threat

Blair to Receive Human Rights Award

Nine Years After 9/11, Has al-Qaeda Finally Won?

Quran Burning and US Inconsistency

If That 'Mosque' ISN'T Built, This Is No Longer America

The Hyperinflation Mirage

Obama Has Discovered People Can't Eat Hope

The Trickledown Revolution

Massive Recycling of Middle East Oil Revenues Toward US Weapons Producers

Right-wing paramilitaries, the heirs of the infamous death squads, have started to re-emerge in Colombia

September 11: Thousands March Against Racism and Anti-Muslim Bigotry

One in seven Americans now living in poverty

Expanding U.S.-Canada Security and Economic Partnership

Evidence Mounts of BP Spraying Toxic Dispersants

Who was Behind the Rwandan Genocide? The Rwandan Patriotic Front's Bloody Record and the History of UN Cover-Ups

War Criminals Rewarded for their Contribution to World Peace: Only in America Can Tony Blair Go Out in Public

9/11 Truth and America's "Global War on Terrorism": The Pretext to Wage War is Totally Fabricated

Hugo Chavez, the Fifth International, and the Shadow of Trotsky

The Bizarre Background of the ‘911’ New York Mosque

Double standards: The United States and its allies should look at their own nuclear policy before criticizing Iran

Artificial People: End Corporate Personhood. "Corporations are not People"

Wall Street's Mercenaries Ride Donkeys

Why does the US government think burning Qurans is less civilised than drone attacks on civilians

The BP Oil Disaster: Blaming Individual Consumers for Capitalist Destruction

Business as Usual in Iraq: The War Operation has been Downsized and Re-branded.

The Bizarre Connection Between the Son of an Original Gold Coin Dealer and the Ground Zero Mosque

Senator: Obama, Congress 'Intentionally' Spending to Force Value-Added Tax Implementation

Separation of Church and State? How about Separation of Economy and State!

50 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Our Founding Fathers Never Would Have Believed

Dick Gregory Announces Hunger Strike for 9/11 Truth

More families are deciding that school’s out -- forever

51% Favor Extending Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy

Carbon offsets: Green project offends Indian farmers who lose land to windmills

Blowback, Provocation, and Perpetual War

50 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Our Founding Fathers Never Would Have Believed

Monkeys, Men and Mind Control «

Religion and democracy are incompatible, this is why we learn history

Obama’s failing Middle East policy

Is Fidel Castro the new Fletcher Prouty?

Giuliani, Ground Zero and the new Gott Mit Uns movement

Saudi Arabia's juggling act on homosexuality

Tax-Funded Richmond Visitors Bureau Promotes Campaign to Attract Homosexuals to Virginia’s Capital

First Lady Calls for Kids’ Menus With Healthy Choices; Says French Fries Should Be Special ‘Request’

U.S. Eyes Criminal Charges for Yemeni Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki

One in Four Democrats Disapprove of Dems' Performance in Congress, Quinnipiac Poll Finds

U.S. Faces Growing Terror Threat from ‘Indigenous Muslims,’ Experts Find

Tea Party Must Stand Up to Liberal Smear Tactics, Conservative Activist Says

Markets Welcome New Global Banking Rules

It’s the Republican Establishment vs. the Tea Party As 7 States and D.C. Hold Primaries

New Rules Slow Gulf Drilling in Shallow Water

Government Spending Millions of Dollars on Public Health Training Centers

Conservative Leaders Call for Repeal Of Obamacare

Hillary Clinton Sees 'A Certain Momentum' in Mideast Peace Talks As She Heads to Region

Mike Pence: 'Enough is Enough. We Are Tired of Borrowing and Spending'

Obama Sees Areas for Compromise with GOP

Survey: Cost of Health Insurance Claims to Rise

Blagojevich Asks Judge to Nullify Conviction

Federal Judge to Hear Arguments in Lawsuit Challenging Health Care Mandate

Judge to Hear Legal Arguments of Obama Health Plan

Hospital, Private Clinics in Georgia Offer Dialysis Treatment to Illegal Immigrants

Ex-Chilean President to Head UN Agency

Market Volatility Makes Investors Wary of Stock Trading, Poll Finds

Filmmaker Calls for Ban on Heterosexual Divorce

Treasury Lawyer Tapped to Replace Feinberg

Obama Says His Policies Have Stabilized Economy

Who Is the Enemy?

Preserve, Protect and Defend

Trivializing Truth Planned Parenthood-Style

Voters Head to Polls to Set Stage for Fall Elections

Indiana Gov. Daniels Hints at Presidential Run

Sen. John Kerry Flip-Flops on Tax Cuts for Rich

Dems Already Planning for Future Without Pelosi

Tea Party Unveils Website to Target 50 Key Races

Rasmussen: Tancredo Gives Dems lead in Colo.

McCain: GOP Can Gain Control of Senate

Obama May Use Interim Ploy to Push Warren

Tea Party: Defunding Healthcare First Priority

GOP Fends Off More Tea Party Challengers

US Considers Terror Charges for Cleric Al-Awlaki

Americans Spend More Time Reading News: Study

New Drug-resistant Superbugs Found in 3 States

Jobless Straining Social Security Disability

FBI Says Violent Crime Fell again Last Year

7 States Holding Primaries as Season Wraps up

Fidel Castro Says Nicolas Sarkozy is "Going Crazy"

Taliban Eyes Role in Afghan Politics

Krugman: Slap Trade Tariffs on China Now

Protect Yourself From Bedbugs Naturally

We’re Washing Hands More Often

Bill Clinton Makes Appearance on 'Jeopardy'

Bill Maher Says Atheism Stands in Way of an Emmy

'Sextuplets Take New York' off to Heavy Start

Al Sharpton to Launch Sunday-Morning Show

Tax Cuts Should Be Across the Board

Ground Zero Mosque Group Includes 9/11 Denier

Obama's 'Tolerance' a Risky Bet

Federal Figures on Illegal Aliens Misleading

Religious Tolerance Must Be a Two-Way Street


Sept. 13, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-13, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-12, Sunday

091310 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091310 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

G. Gordon Liddy Podcast 13th h1

G. Gordon Liddy Podcast 13th h2

G. Gordon Liddy Podcast 13th h2

Paul Drockton Show 9-13

Devvy Kidd Show 9-13

09/13 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 09/13/2010


YouTube - The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!

YouTube - 911 was An ISRAELI ZIONIST FALSE FLAG ATTACK, Ken O'keefe.

YouTube - David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 Cell Phone Calls: Exclusive CBC Interview

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #60 - Obama's Iraq Bushism

LINDA HEARD: US should allow impartial 9/11 probe | My Catbird Seat

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : James David Manning Officially Joining the 911 Truth Movement

Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informer - NYTimes.com


Activist Post: 4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

40 Million Americans Now Subsisting On Foodstamps

9/11 Was An Inside Job, Who Did It and How? :

The True Story of Christianity

Dr David Kelly's body 'had obviously been moved': Paramedic at death scene reveals concerns over Hutton Inquiry | Mail Online


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 9/11 Truth: The Project For The New American Century

Conspiracy Theory? Zionist Connection to Organized Islamophobia | loonwatch.com

Waiter, There's BPA in My Soup | Mother Jones

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 9/11 Hijackers ALIVE!

poorrichard's blog: AE911Truth shines 3rd Beam into NYC skyline for WTC 7


YouTube - Marc Morano: Carbon Taxing Your Family into Non-Existence - The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Marc Morano: Carbon Taxing Your Family into Non-Existence - The Alex Jones Show 2/2

9/11 Truth and America’s “Global War on Terrorism”: The Pretext to Wage War is Totally Fabricated – Michel Chossudovsky

Illegal Sperm Donor Agency Busted in UK: No More Special Deliveries? - Health Blog - CBS News

YouTube - 'Privatized' Wars: Democracy 'cannot be exported'

*24 Part Video: Jordan Maxwell – The Law

*3 Part Video: Bathing You in Tyranny! – The Alex Jones Show

*3 Part Video: Ex-FBI Agent Don Adams – Bombshell Account of JFK’s Last Days and Why He was Killed

YouTube - Keiser Report №77: Global Debt Collapse

*7 Part Video: The Awakening – Max Igan

The Bizarre Background of the ‘911’ New York Mosque – F William Engdahl

Why psychology is evil, Part 1

Why psychology is evil, Part 2

China to Be The World’s Largest Market Sooner Than You Think

911 reasons why 9/11 was (probably) an inside job | Top Stories | RT

Sheldon Richman: Obama the Neoconservative

Jupiter to Serve as Real-Time Lab for Potential Asteroid Impacts on Earth

Alien Ocean's Glint Could Reveal Earth's Twin

Illuminati And Freemason Symbols In Cartoons | Before It's News

Lucas Smith: New Obama Eligibility Website; Illegal President? Demand Congress Fully Investigate Obama's Eligibility. | Before It's News


*site:Was Obama Born in Kenya(www.wasobamaborninkenya.com/)



The Vatic Project: Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed CEO Admitted In His Deathbed Confession

We are respectable negroes: Newt Gingrich's Voodoo Politics: Barack Obama Ruled By Absent, Dead Father's Ghost

Nano Patents and Innovations: Implant Blood Test Made From Shape Memory Alloy, Grown on Cell Scaffold

Five largest Israeli settlements: who lives there, and why - Ariel - CSMonitor.com

World Bank Vows To Invest More Resources to Help African Countries Meet Millennium Development Goals | West Africa | English

BBC News - Catholic Church says high anticipation for Pope visit

The Associated Press: 30 insurgents killed in Afghanistan ahead of vote

Why $60 billion in US arms to Saudi Arabia isn't causing an outcry - CSMonitor.com

15 die as 36 survive Venezuela air crash - The Boston Globe

China reaffirms commitments to nuclear security at IAEA meeting

Hungry Population Falls but Remains Large, U.N. Says - NYTimes.com

China, Japan fishing boat standoff deepens amid delayed talks - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - Obama e-mail teenager gets US ban

Sex trafficking gang offered to sell young virgins to wealthy Arabs | Society | The Guardian

Decapitated body, apparent bomb found in Evanston park :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Valerie Jarrett not interested in running for Chicago mayor - Lynn Sweet

Boy dies after he and brother find shotgun - Chicago Tribune

Daley Lauded As Gary Comer College Prep School Dedicates New Building - cbs2chicago.com

White House eyes Elizabeth Warren for Wall Street consumer watchdog post

Lady Gaga, Harry Reid Tweet Over Don't Ask Don't Tell - The Note

Gates starts outlining cuts to save $100 billion for defense

Obama vs. Kids - WSJ.com

Jerry Brown Apologizes to Bill Clinton for Monica Lewinsky Jab - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Bill to Aid Small Businesses Advances in Senate - NYTimes.com

Rangel, Powell Take Gloves off in Harlem Congressional Primary Race - ABC News

Martin Luther King friend and photographer was FBI informant | World news | The Guardian

Blagojevich wants lone guilty verdict thrown out - CNN.com

Blago Lawyers Push To Get Conviction Tossed - MyStateLine.com

Christine O'Donnell: How she and other Sarah Palin endorsees are faring - Delaware senate - CSMonitor.com

Released American hiker arrives in Oman - CNN.com

What Obama told America's school kids - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

YouTube - Obama back-to-school speech

John Mayer quits Twitter, says goodbye to his 3.7 million followers

Joaquin Phoenix is still here (and may be available for film roles) - latimes.com

Character Actor Harold Gould Has Died

John Lennon 70th Tribute Concert to Be Held in NY - ABC News

Spike Lee - Lee To Shoot Legend And The Roots Live In Concert - Contactmusic News

Robert Plant Plays Intimate Club Gig | Rolling Stone Music

Ed Schultz Reminds Brian Kilmeade That Most Americans Don't Make Anywhere Near $250K a Year

Elizabeth Warren: Rumors indicate an interim appointment to CFPB Director slot

Buffett's Dairy Queen loses frozen yogurt ruling

Lawsuit on Obama health plan likely going to trial

Lehman Brothers: the terrible twos

DNC Plans ‘Major’ Announcement on the ‘Future of the Democratic Party’

Want to Put Your House Up For Sale? Better Ask the Government First

‘Do We Cower in the Face of Terror? Or Do We Lead in the Face of Terror?’

Carving a Swastika into the Forehead of Free Speech

video:CNN Helps Dems Attack Boehner

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Welcome to Sodom

savethemales.ca - Masons shamelessly flaunt their power

Another UFO Shuts Down Another Airport in China

The Raw Story | Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground

When Israelis Burned Bibles - Christian Were Silent

Young Israelis are moving to Berlin in droves

Gilad Atzmon - Page Not Found

PressTV - Analysis: How UK armed Saddam in 80s

Barack Obama in about turn on Afghanistan corruption - Telegraph

Sarkozy accused of using Watergate-style tricks to muzzle the French press - Europe, World - The Independent

Silvio Berlusconi: tells young women to go for older 'loaded' men - Telegraph

Russian official sacked for making boys kiss his feet | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pentagon tries to buy entire print run of US spy expose Operation Dark Heart | World news | The Guardian

Bizarre Background Of The '911' NY Mosque

Visible Origami: Moonwalking into the Dimensional Shift.

Cannabis should be licensed and sold in shops, expert says | Science | The Guardian

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Britain needs to pull out of the EU say 47% of voters

Ofsted: schools exaggerating special needs to hide poor teaching - Telegraph

Canadian scientists claim 'muzzling' - UPI.com

Being lonely 'can kill you', research shows - Telegraph

Organic farms have better soil - Telegraph

Response: Adopting a vegan diet will improve our health – and the planet's | Comment is free | The Guardian

Adults as young as 25 could be screened for dementia - Telegraph

Scientists investigate massive walrus haul-out in Alaska | Environment | guardian.co.uk