"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

08 July 2010

8 July

Alex Jones ;Streaming


*audio:Detailed Analysis Of - And Predictions For - The Oil Catastrophe


Morgellons And The CIA's MK/NAOMI Project


The Oil Well From Hell - Part 1

The Oil Well From Hell - Part 2


*audio:Evil Rules The World


The Declaration Of Independence - Part 1

The Declaration Of Independence - Part 2


LDS Church Owned Website Trashes US Constitution


*site:Artificial Structures on Mars


e book:Artifacts on Mars


Examining the Cydonia Region of Mars

The Original Solar System



*site:Museum of Hoaxes


Monkeys use trees to catapault themselves out of Japanese laboratory - Telegraph

Pensioners form high-tech surveillance group to catch criminals - Telegraph

Terror arrest threat for rail passenger who took photos on train to prove overcrowding | Mail Online

CCTV turning schools into 'prisons' - Telegraph

Hobos and welfare for America's Rich – Telegraph Blogs

'Climategate' review clears scientists of dishonesty over data | Environment | guardian.co.uk

China's property market braced for 30pc drop - Telegraph

EU call for 'X Files' archive of UFO sightings - Telegraph

Obama administration to sue Arizona over migrant laws | World news | The Guardian

Patrick Cockburn: American politicians face domestic constraints to talking tough with Israel - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Further restrictions on Iran Air in new EU blacklist - Telegraph

The Case For War - The Iron Mountain Report

CNNMoney.com || Farm workers: Take our jobs, please!

Activist Post: USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street 'Caught Off Guard' by Severity

Popular Music Is The Babylon System « GCN News

There Will Be No Global Currency

savethemales.ca - The G-20 Agreed to Strangle Us With Debt

40 percent of Florida homes sales are foreclosures - Business Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Reuters AlertNet - Plague-infected rats reported in Myanmar's capital

Learn About Israeli Terrorism in this Video «Kawther Salam

The Jews Who Run Congress | Real Zionist News

ALIPAC - Voters Will Rebuke President Obama and Mexico's attack on Democracy in Amer

New Jersey Town Elects Muslim Mayor, Jewish Deputy

Louisiana Gov. Jindal to Feds: No Is Not A Plan, Lead Or Get Out Of The Way | Before It's News

Rabies Exploding Worldwide And In US

The Gulf Oil Disaster Is War On We, The People

Millions Of Migrating Birds Headed Toward Gulf Oil Spill Mess

Big push begins for war on Iran

savethemales.ca - Egyptian/ Hebrew Origin of Masonic Terms

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider: "There is No Escape!"

Inside the Ring - Russian bomber incursions / Washington Times

Reporter’s Question on Obama’s Illegal-Immigration Policy Leaves Gibbs Stammering

Toxic Gulf: Citizen Journos Do What Corporate Media Will Not

Harvard Professor: ‘Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax’

U.S. Program to Detect Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure - WSJ.com

Report: NSA creating spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure | Raw Story

Lieberman’s Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Bill Hits Roadblock

Alex Jones On National Guard Helping Confiscate Guns in New York State

BP aims to fix leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well by 27 July | Business | guardian.co.uk

New York National Guard Units Scan Vehicles For Gun Confiscations

Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona

Climategate Whitewash Complete: Third Inquiry Clears Everyone Involved

Obama’s New Health Care Czar: “We Must Redistribute Wealth”

TSA drops policy blocking 'controversial' sites - Washington Times

Is the ‘bin Laden Hunter’ So Crazy?

Never mind the Climategate whitewash – what about our new £50 billion annual climate bill? – Telegraph Blogs

Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists

Red Flags for the Economy

AFP: Ahmadinejad brands US world's dictator ahead of summit

Recession 2010?

Richard Nixon planned nuclear strike on North Korea - Telegraph

Obama Asks Court to Reinstate Ban on Deepwater Drilling - NYTimes.com

BBC News - US soldier linked to Iraq helicopter video leak charged

Iran says Bushehr nuclear plant to be ready by September - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

It’s about money, not peace: Norman Finkelstein on Netanyahu visit to US

Witness The Recent Gold Market Takedowns

EMU break-up risks global deflation shock that would dwarf Lehman collapse, warns ING - Telegraph

Goldman Tells Clients To Ignore “Controversial” Bad News, Sees 1.6% (Precisely) Recession Chance

Shipping Our Economy, Our Jobs And Our Prosperity To China

Central Banks Dumping Gold At A Torrid Pace

Hundreds Of Fishermen Missing Checks From BP - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans

The Disaster of Government-Run Businesses

Census Director: We May Have Counted Many Homeless People Twice

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing' - Political Punch

CNSNews.com - ICE Releases Memo Showing Agency Has Resources to Remove Only 4% of Illegal Aliens A Year

Before the Obama Justice Dept Dropped Charges Against Him, Black Panther Advocated Killing White Babies

S.F. considers banning sale of pets except fish

School sports day ban for father with no criminal records check | Mail Online

CCTV 'spy cars' rake in £8m in fines after catching nearly 200,000 victims | Mail Online

Documentary Featured on Fox Blames Baby Boomers for Depression

New rule makes violating BP oil spill 'safety zone' criminal

Let Them Drink Starbucks! Mika Brzezinski Wants a Ban on All Sugary Sodas

Nye Delighted About Exoneration From ClimateGate ‘Sham’; Calls Skeptics ‘Irrational’

'Climategate' scientist Phil Jones STILL gets his job back | Mail Online

Busted: Wyeth Used Ghostwriters To Place Over 40 “Scientific” Articles In Medical Journals

Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy – Alex Jones Tv

Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans


United We Fall (Full Film)

YouTube - United We Fall Part 1 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall Part 2 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall Part 3 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall Part 4 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall part 5 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall part 6 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall part 7 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall part 8 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall part 9 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall Part 10 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall part 11 of 12

YouTube - United We Fall part 12 of 12


The Alex Jones Show – July 7th With Paul Craig Roberts

The Alex Jones Show – July 6th With Mike Rivero


Press For Truth interviews the “Father of the Amero

Press For Truth interviews Allan Gotlieb on the North American Union

Dan Dicks on Freedomizer Radio

Alex Jones Tv: Dan Dicks & Charlie Veitch's Final Report from G8/G20 Summit in Toronto


Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona

Obama ignores Senate, makes recess appointments; Health Care appointee wants ‘redistribution of wealth’

Climategate Whitewash Complete: Third Inquiry Clears Everyone Involved

The Cybersecurity Directive Goes Viral

Practice Your Mercury Escape Plan

Harvard Professor: ‘Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax’

Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists

Toxic Gulf: Citizen Journos Do What Corporate Media Will Not


**FORA.tv - Bulding the Obama Brand: The Selling of Obama

*Alex Jones:The Fall of the Republic The Presidency of Barack H. Obama (High Quality) Full



EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

U.S. Missiles Deployed Near China Send a Message - Yahoo! News

BP board game foreshadows Gulf disaster

Hillary Clinton’s Latest Lies


The G-20 Agreed to Strangle Us With Debt


*Tom Fife: Interviewed at Jeff Rense Radio Show, March 2009, 41-minutes

*Tom Fife: Interviewed by J. R. Nyquist (43 minutes)


Global Elite Picked Obama Long Before Voters By Tom Fife


YouTube - Political Scientist Igor Panarin Predicts 2010 would see U.S split into six Pieces


Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press - 1984 1:21:28


G20 Text: Toronto Summit Concluding Declaration | iMarketNews.com

G20 Text: Toronto Summit Concluding Declaration -2- | iMarketNews.com

G20 Text: Toronto Summit Concluding Declaration -3- | iMarketNews.com

G20 Text: Toronto Summit Concluding Declaration -4- | iMarketNews.com


RTÉ Business: Retirement age must be raised, EU says

How China’s New Generation Of Workers Won’t Accept Slave Labor

Tony Blair tipped to take over as chairman of crisit-hit BP - mirror.co.uk

The spies who loved me (and did little else) - World Politics, World - The Independent

Johann Hari: How Goldman gambled on starvation - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

The Ultimate “RED” Herring: The Russians are Back!

IMF presses US to cut debt - Yahoo! News

Ron Paul: More Power for the Fed

Double Dip Recession: Myths Paul Krugman Does Not Want To Talk About | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Strategies - Robert Prechter’s Market Forecast Says ‘Take Cover’ - NYTimes.com

U.S. Missiles Deployed Near China Send a Message - Yahoo! News

Army Drops ‘Psy Ops’ to Erase ‘Nefarious Connotation’

S.F. considers banning sale of pets except fish

Subway Terror Plot Had Global Reach - WSJ.com

Republicrats and Pandora

Facebook to recognize faces, help tag photos - CNN.com

Electric cars must be taxed to pay for more power stations 'or National Grid could fail' - Telegraph

Chemicals found on receipts possible danger to male hormone levels - 680News

Shopping 'makes men impotent' | Mail Online

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’

Health law risks turning away sick - TheHill.com

U.S. Shopping Center Vacancies Approach Record High, Reis Says - BusinessWeek

Americans may be slammed by shocking tax hike - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Democrats Want to Tax Your ATM Withdrawals | RedState

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing' - Political Punch

Obama ignores Senate, makes recess appointments - International Business Times

FOXNews.com - Former Rep. Traficant Disqualified From Comeback Bid for Office

National Guard Troops Invading Neighborhoods to “Fight Drugs”

AFP: Ahmadinejad brands US world's dictator ahead of summit

The Blast:Flashback: Donald Berwick “We Must Redistribute Wealth”


*PRESS FOR TRUTH : United We Fall (Full Film)


YouTube - I Like Mike! White House Shocker!

YouTube - Alex Jones on Israel critics: "weak minded idiots" "mentally ill" "FBI agents" MUST HEAR! 7/6/2010

YouTube - The Real Tea Party Begins Here!


YouTube - 7/7 London Bombings - Ludicrous Diversion - 1/3

YouTube - 7/7 London Bombings - Ludicrous Diversion - 2/3

YouTube - 7/7 London Bombings - Ludicrous Diversion - 3/3


The PentaCon: Eyewitnesses Speak, Conspiracy Revealed (Smoking Gun Version) 1:19:38



*site:Conspiracy Reality TV - Truth Documentaries, Videos and Movies


*Project Camelot Library

Project Camelot ; Whistleblower Radio Show

project Camelot /video-transcripts


ConspiracyCards - Denver Airport


*Search For Truth Films & Documentaries


MichNews.com: Obama's "Fundamental Transformation" means Total Annihilation

Obama endorses Netanyahu as “man of peace”

Rand Paul Is No Longer Leading His Kentucky Senate Race

BP will be next bailout--Nicole Gelinas - NYPOST.com

More Than 12 Percent of Mortgages Nationwide Delinquent or in Foreclosure | Mortgage Rates & Trends: Mortgage Blog

Explorer-Scouts Train in Post-9/11 Law Enforcement Methods - NYTimes.com

Plotting Terrorism by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com

Report: Secret Document Affirms U.S.-Israel Nuclear Partnership | Intifada Palestine

Polish Troops Train To Take On American “Terrorists”

Welcome to smart bombs

Civilian Casualties Create New Enemies, Study Confirms : Political Theatrics

Food Thieves Prove Tough Times are Already Here - 12160.org

Formerly Beloved Technical Analyst For Wall Street Warns Massive Market Crash Coming - The Consumerist

Smoking Mirrors: The World of Most People and the Power of the Unseen.


e book:The Non-Christian Cross

82 pg/The Secret History

The Two Babylons

The Witness of the Stars

259 pg/Earths Forbidden History Part One Searching for the Past

159 pg/The Final Testament Almanac of Evil





Wall Street and the Bolshevil Revolution by Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton

70 Years: Chart Illustrates the Dominance by the CFR, Trilaterals & Bilderbergers

Knights of Malta, Pilgrim Society, etc


117 pg/Nesta Webster/ Secret Societies and Subversive Movements


541 PG/Icke ; The Biggest Secret

The Piso Family and the Story of The Bible

370 PG/13 Illuminat iBloodlines

Manly P. Hall - Lost Keys of Freemasonry


"BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" Milton William Cooper

129 pg/The Book of Enoch



weather modification in the u.s.a.

Blue Planet Project - Alien Technical Research 25

Terra Papers: The Hidden History of Planet Earth

209 pg/Hidden History of the Human Race Michael Cremo

*An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches

Mind Control Language Patterns - Dantalion Jones

224 pg/Trance Formation of America MKULTRA

“There Must Be a Reason”: Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification


Conspiracy Theories

"Dark Minds"

Al Gore’s Carbon Empire: Cashing in on Climate Change

File:Climatic Research Unit emails, data, models, 1996-2009

116 pg/The Regulation of Geoengineering


United States Air Force Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Plan 2009-2047 (Unclassified)

The Electronic Police State

269 pg/Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide

Civilian Inmate Labor Program


(U//FOUO) Domestic Extremism Lexicon

Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World



Cancer Masons: A Cult of Death


**Index of Banned Books**


Federal Bureau of Investigation - Unusual Phenomena Listing

07-07-2010: Department of Homeland Security to take control of spill response website

Goldman Sachs Executive to Advise Head of Canada’s Central Bank, a Former Goldman Sachs Executive

A New Generation: An Elusive American Dream

Ex-Congressman Accused of Ties to Terrorism Pleads Guilty to Obstruction

Obama bypasses Senate for new Medicare chief

The Welfare-Warfare Crackup

NSA building 'massive' spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure; Contractor building it calls it 'Big Brother'

College uses creepy spy tech to stop cheating

Cop At Home Has Persistent Census Worker Arrested

Two Census Bureau managers fired for creating at least 10,000 bogus questionnaires to meet deadlines

Invasion of the Robot Babies

The secret code in U.S. Cyber Command's logo

'Like a war zone': Some NYC residents living behind barricades, checkpoints 9 years after 9/11

New York National Guard Policing Streets And Using Gamma Ray Scaning Machines

Hillary Clinton talks tough with the Kremlin, but Russia has won the geopolitical war

Warning Signs From the Bond Market – Red Flags for the Economy

Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities

Terrorism Policy Flaws 'Increased Risk Of Attacks', Says Former Police Chief

The Charge of the Media Brigade

Censorship and cover-up in the Gulf oil disaster

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

US-Russian Relations: Wooing the West

Obama’s Nuclear Postures: The Nuclear Weapons Complex

Afghanistan : The "Graveyard of Empires" Strikes Back. Coalition Forces are in Retreat

Will China's Oasis Become a Mirage?

Political Assassination: Dr. David Kelly 'Couldn't Have Slit his Wrist as He Was Too Weak'

Costumed Government Goons vs. Children and the Elderly

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing'

Flashback: Obama Medicare Czar Praised British NHS for Not Leaving Health Care in 'The Darkness of Private Enterprise'

Goldman Sees "Disturbing Signs" If Government Does Not Bow Down To Krugman, Reflate Monetary And Fiscal Bubbles

Venezuela slum takes socialism beyond Chavez

India: Maha doctors say no to Swine flu vaccine

Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent

Eminent Domain: We're All Indians Now

Overthrowing the Government: As American as Apple Pie

The crux of our endless War on Terror

Rules of America's rule of law

The Civilian Expeditionary Force: Obama Says 'Burden' Can’t be All on the Military - Political Punch

Senior Ex-KGB Man Claims 400 Russian Spies In U.S. - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 2010

DARPA Plots Supercomputing Future -- Supercomputing -- InformationWeek

Navy’s New Solution to Bombs: Cook Them With Microwaves | Danger Room | Wired.com

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

British scientist uncovers 'secret messages' hidden in Plato's ancient text | Mail Online

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together, Say Physicists

ET Tech: "Could Technology Exist That's Beyond Information & Matter?" (A Galaxy Classic)

At The Extreme Edge Of Artificial Intelligence - Forbes.com

NexGen Space Travel: Uploading the Human Mind

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

U.S. marks 3rd-largest, single-day debt increase - Washington Times

Holder's Justice Is Not Colorblind - IBD - Investors.com

Netanyahu Security Officers' Guns Lost on U.S. Visit - WSJ.com

GOP senators launch broadside against Obamacare | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Crucial independent voters abandoning Obama, now under 40%, lowest ever | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: Kagan: Harvard Law's $476 million dean

San Francisco's Rules for Making Pot Brownies | NBC Bay Area

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: Number of Afghans Gone AWOL in U.S. Reaches 46

Glenn Beck starts online 'university' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Pennsylvania will borrow up to $600 million to pay for pet building projects | PennLive.com

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing' - Political Punch

Obama nominee heralded despite 'honorary' titles - Washington Times

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

CNSNews.com - Obama Science Czar Called for Carbon Tax to Redistribute Wealth from Global 'North' to 'South'

Viagra-popping seniors lead the pack for STDs | Reuters

For a New Generation, an Elusive American Dream - NYTimes.com

'Hitler's Pope saved 200,000 Jews'

Coast Guard dispatching ships and personnel to Costa Rica to threaten Nicaragua

3,000 deaths a day as World Cup parties on in South Africa

Freedom's epithet

Census Director Admits ‘We May Have Duplicates’

Obama's Unconfirmed 'Recess' Appointee to Run Medicare Advocated Rationing, Redistribution of Wealth

House-Passed Financial Overhaul Allows for GM-Style Bailouts of Big Banks

Abbas, Fatah Call Mastermind of Munich Olympics Attack A Hero

Obama Campaigning for Democrats Again in Missouri, Nevada

Congress Requests Dozens of ‘Studies’ Before Regulating the Financial Industry

Three Arrested in Al-Qaida Bomb Plot in Norway

Patching Up Differences Vital for U.S.-Israeli Security and Politics, Experts Say

Arizona Governor Cancels Border Meeting After Boycott

Tax on Large Government Contractors Proposed As Way of Paying for Public Campaign Finance System

Study: Pot Prices Would Plummet If California Legalizes It

Russian-U.S. Spy Swap Expected Soon

CNN Fires Middle Eastern Editor Over Tweet

Border Violence Spills onto Mexican Ranches, Farms

Catholic Church Says Cuba Has Agreed to Free 52 Political Prisoners

Solar Plane Lands After Completing 24-Hour Flight

States Honor Victims of Drunken Driving With Highway Signs

Edwards Mistress Seeks Profits from Tell-All Book

Pennsylvania Begins Selling Wine in Grocery Store Vending Kiosks

CBO Says Climate Bill Would Cut Deficit by $19B

Representation Without Taxation

A True Moderate Muslim And Why Obama Sides Against Him

One Business Filed 37,375 Bad W-2 Forms—and Is Getting Away With It

Open-Borders DOJ vs. America

The Real Sin of Michael Steele

Duck Boat Passenger: Barge Collision 'Surreal'

1st Defendant in NJ Schoolyard Slayings Gets Life

Swedish Hotel Aims to Put You up in the Trees

Giant Skimmer Gets Another Shot at Gulf Oil Spill

Vietnam Memorial Statue of 3 Soldiers Restored

Judge Denies Motion to Release Drew Peterson

Police Shooting Reported Near Maine VA Hospital

Feds Appeal Sentence of Powerful Ex-Pa. Sen. Fumo

Person of Interest in Mo. Girl's Abduction Dies

Officials: Al-Qaida Plotted Bombings in Europe, US

Chrysler Launches Money-Back Guarantee

Prosecutors Question Insanity Case in Smart Kidnap

Russia-US Spy Swap Appears to Be in Motion

Ben Harper Makes Raucous Return to Montreux Fest

German Fans Want Revenge Grilling of Oracle Octopus

Three Britons Found Guilty in Suicide Bomb Plot

Big Roman Coin Hoard Found in Britain

Accused LA Serial Killer Said to Visit Prostitutes

S. California Earthquake Related to Easter Temblor

Coast Guard Investigating Copter Crash off Wash.

Kia Goes Softer With Newest SUV

As India Cracks Down, Maoists Star in Books and Movies

EU Parliament Ratifies Data Sharing Deal With U.S.

Pop Idol Prince Seeks Pied a Terre in France

Climate Scientists Praise Report on Hacked Email Scandal

APNewsBreak: Agents Spoke With Calif Kidnap Victim

U.S. to Review Afghan Troop Surge by End of Year: Obama

Tapes Played at Trial Reveal Shaken Blagojevich

Fire Erupts at Historic NYC Church; 4 Injured

Earthquake Shakes Southcentral Alaska; No Damage

"No English, No Job" for Some Japanese Office Workers

Barge Hits Tourist Duck Boat in Philly; 2 Missing

NY Lawyer: Russian Spy Case Could Be Resolved Soon

'Prolific Provider,' LA Doctor Gets 5 Years

Couple Sought in Child's Death Arrested in Nev.

America's Weird "We-Must-Be-Nice-to-Rich-People" Doctrine

Has the Obama administration "De-Goodlinged" the DOJ or his administration yet?

Rasmussen Polls: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Morning Joe declares Sharron Angle campaign "over"

Conservative sickness: Terry Savage attacks little girls for giving away 'free' lemonade

BP's Oil Cleanup Efforts Falling Short - More Worried About PR and Liability

Fox News runs incendiary video of New Black Panther's racist rant. Here are some other racists they don't show you.

Mitt Romney Doesn't Know Nukes

Rove admits his attack groups rely on Citizens United decision for fundraising

CNN Sacrifices 20-year Employee to Right-Wing Noise

Ruth Marcus needs to read a few history books

Democracy Now: Scientist Working With Government Says BP Restricting Access to Study Gushing Oil Well

President Obama Echoes GOP Talking Points on the Economy

Donald Berwick Appointed Director of CMS Via Recess Appointment

WaPo's Ruth Marcus: It Would Be 'Insane' To Restore Tax Rates For The Rich To Previous Levels

Morning Joe Panel Lauds Palin's Chances as 2012 Presidential Nominee

Sarah Palin's New Web Ad: Pink Elephants


SITE:The Bible UFO Connection


The Daily World:Bigfoot believers

Incredible shrinking proton raises eyebrows - physics-math - 07 July 2010 - New Scientist

On P.T. Barnum's 200th Birthday, the Spirit of the Ringling Bros. Circus Showman Speaks

Asteroid to eclipse a star over Europe


BBC News - Hayabusa capsule particles may be from asteroid

FOXNews.com - Psychic Octopus Shocks Germany with Semi-Final Prediction

Army Intelligence Analyst Charged With Leaking Classified Information | Threat Level | Wired.com

SPACE.com -- Mysterious Moon Light Made by Glowing Dust Fountains

Monkey-eating eagle divebombs BBC filmmaker as he fits nest-cam | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Cryptomundo » Should Bigfoot Be Killed To Prove They Exist?

Horses Understand Humans, Sort Of : Discovery News

America's Masonic Foundations | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

The giant mound builders of Erie

NBC comedian: I love and trust Sarah Palin

Service planned to mourn geese euthanized in Bend | OregonLive.com

Zoo trainer's lungs punctured in elephant attack | ajc.com

FOXNews.com - White House Backs Kenyan Constitution Allowing Abortion

Russian Spy Ring: Anna Chapman Says Ex-Husband is Lying - ABC News

Jaycee Dugard Says Parole Agents Saw Her in Captivity, Did Nothing - ABC News

Possible Mo. Child Abductor a Sex Offender - The Early Show - CBS News

BBC News - China executes top Chongqing official for corruption

The Galveston County Daily News

Turning science into drugs a trial - KansasCity.com

Woman's health insurance coverage threatened by a penny | rosa, carrington, threatened - Nonprofits - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Budget cuts expose mentally ill to run-ins with law in Sacramento County - Medical News - sacbee.com

Joan Ginther: Texas Lottery Winner for Fourth Time - ABC News

Governor Bobby Jindal Signs Guns in Church Bill | The State Column

» Disgraced ‘Historian’ Michael Bellesiles’ Fishy War Story - Big Journalism

Service planned to mourn geese euthanized in Bend | OregonLive.com

Zoo trainer's lungs punctured in elephant attack | ajc.com

FOXNews.com - White House Backs Kenyan Constitution Allowing Abortion

Russian Spy Ring: Anna Chapman Says Ex-Husband is Lying - ABC News

Jaycee Dugard Says Parole Agents Saw Her in Captivity, Did Nothing - ABC News

Possible Mo. Child Abductor a Sex Offender - The Early Show - CBS News

BBC News - China executes top Chongqing official for corruption

The Galveston County Daily News

Turning science into drugs a trial - KansasCity.com

Woman's health insurance coverage threatened by a penny | rosa, carrington, threatened - Nonprofits - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Budget cuts expose mentally ill to run-ins with law in Sacramento County - Medical News - sacbee.com

Joan Ginther: Texas Lottery Winner for Fourth Time - ABC News

Governor Bobby Jindal Signs Guns in Church Bill | The State Column

» Disgraced ‘Historian’ Michael Bellesiles’ Fishy War Story - Big Journalism

Barack Obama: Racist in chief

Obama's unequal justice

BHO: Alien in more ways than 1

Bill Kristol must resign

The last great coverup

Democrats' petty tyrannies

'Controversial opinions' make for bad TSA employees

The Wall Street 'revolt' against Democrats

Courses at Glenn Beck's New U. | Mother Jones

Magic man Obama

Idiots in high places

Google, Microsoft aiding Obama policies?

Obama 'guarantees' no new Jewish construction

CNN editor gone after pro-terrorist comments

Attorney general asked to investigate arrests of Christians

U.S. House plan overturning Obamacare halfway there

Big Sis blowing off ban on 'controversial opinion'

Obama's unequal justice

The war for Arizona – and America

What is Obama talking about?

The last great coverup


VIDEO:Christianity: True faith or tired fable?


**WND TV**


*American Minute for July 8th:William J Federer's American Minute


U.S. Lost Most Jobs Among Rich Countries - ABC News

Iran: Sanctions 'Slowing Down' Nuclear Program

Bin Laden Aide Pleads Guilty in Military Commission

Suicide Bomber Kills ~ 30 Shi'ite Pilgrims in Baghdad

Commander Claims 'Upward Trajectory' in S Afghanistan

2 PART- Video: Wayne Madsen – The Military Occupation of The Gulf Coast States has Begun! « Dprogram.net

t r u t h o u t | Mitigating Annihilation


Federal News Radio 1500 AM: DorobekINSIDER: Throwing elbows over cyber-security legislation

*Bill: S. 3480 - GovTrack.us


4 PART/Video: Paul Craig Roberts – Americans to be Financially Rapped to Fund War with Iran « Dprogram.net

Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles? – David Ray Griffin « Dprogram.net

Video: Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona « Dprogram.net

3 PART/Video: Alex Jones – Fed’s Attack States Rights « Dprogram.net

How the Green Movement Failed Us « Dprogram.net

Celente Says Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm




(Chipless Mark Of The Beast?)Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Humans, Cattle Co. Says | Before It's News

OBAMA goes on the Record now!. .. "I am from Kenya ... not American" . .. (incredible footage!!) | Before It's News

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds | Before It's News

*Total Eclipse Sunday July 11 Will Fall on Easter Island | Before It's News

NASA may now teach terrorists how to build rockets under Obama’s new mandate | Before It's News

Black Hole Blows Hot Gas Bubble 1,000 Light Years Across | Before It's News

Scientists Solve The Mystery Of Sudden Cardiac Death | Before It's News

The Dietary Guidelines 2010 Must Do No Harm Or Be Overhauled. | Before It's News

*Unseen World War II Photos | Before It's News

Arrests Foil Al-Qaida Plot for Bombings in US, Europe

US Officials: Al-Qaida Operative Tied to NY Plot

Officials: Al-Qaida Man to Be Charged in NYC Plot

Report: Afghan Military Trainees AWOL in US

CIA's Panetta: Few Al-Qaida Are in Afghanistan

Al-Qaida Warns of New Attacks Deadlier Than Before

Pope Targets Priests Who Abuse Mentally Impaired

Ariz. Immigration Law Emerges as Model for Others

US: NYC Subway Bomb Plot Linked to British Cell

Pope Toughens Laws on Abusive Priests

Duck Boat Company Suspends Operations Nationwide

Allen: Relief Well Timing Depends On Oil's Spread

Legal Group: Gays Shouldn't Answer Pentagon Survey

SF Has Rules for Medicinal Marijuana Treats

Groups Target 'Political Suicide' Elections Bill

Palin Pushes Tea Party to Exempt Military From Cuts

Boxer's Lead Over Fiorina Shrinks in California

Governor Backs Nov. Vote for Byrd Seat

Whitman Tack Spurs Dead Heat With Brown in Calif.

Petraeus to Review Rules of Engagement

Foiled Norway al-Qaida Plot Had Links to US, UK

Bin Laden's Cook Pleads Guilty in Guantanamo

Govt: Obama Drilling Ban to Cut Supply Sharply

Fannie, Freddie Find New Home Over the Counter

IMF Raises World Growth Forecast but Risks Rising

Fed Could Step Back In as Economy Falters

No Health Coverage? 4 Ways to Cope

Vitamin E Reduces Alzheimer's Risk

Betty White: Calendar Girl

Exclusive: Rubio Backs Contract From America

Palin ‘Mama Grizzlies’ Video Urges Women to Roar

Sarah Palin: A Replacement for Steele?

Tapes Played at Trial Reveal Shaken Blago

Boxer's New Strategy: Go After the 'Bad Hair' Vote

Senators Want UK to Investigate Bomber's Release

CNN Editor Fired for Praising Hezbollah on Twitter

Mideast Analyst Reilly: Radical Islam Blocks Peace

Gregg, Ryan Praise Obama's Deficit Commission

McCain to Oppose Kagan for High Court

Experts: 'Ridiculous' Lawsuit Won't Nix Arizona Law

O'Leary/Zogby: 56% Say Obama Jobs 'Ineffective'

Govt Intrusion Began With Prohibition

Comparing Presidents Obama and Carter

No Place for Freedom of Speech in China

GOP Political Stunts Impede Immigration Reform

Ariz. Immigration Law, Not Jobs or Recession, Tops Obama's Agenda

Obama's Leftward Lurch Erodes His Control of Congress

U.S. Program to Detect Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure - WSJ.com

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - China rules out ‘nuclear option’ on T-bills

Govt curbs stop-and-search terrorism powers

FOXNews.com - Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case

Obama vs. Arizona: The President is fighting a reckless war that will backfire politically

Oklahoma, South Carolina and Utah may follow Arizona's lead on immigration law

UPDATE 1-US 30-yr mortgage rate drops to new record low | Reuters

Full face transplant, with tear ducts, a world first

First humans arrived in Britain 250,000 years earlier than thought | Science | guardian.co.uk

Indian mum 'tries to flush newborn down plane toilet' - Telegraph

Obama bypasses Senate for new Medicare chief - Yahoo! News

Lawyers squabble over profits from John Edwards sex tape | McClatchy

U.S. Tomahawk Missiles Deployed Near China Send Message - Yahoo! News

US throws three billion dollars at Afghan bombs

Oil Drilling Ban: US Government Will Issue New Drilling Ban if Appeal Fails - CNBC

Issuing of new drill ban over BP depends on case - Yahoo! News

BP Oil Spill: Plan Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Supports Draws Criticism from Federal Government and Scientists - ABC News

Georgia claims it has world's oldest person, 130 - Yahoo! News

EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

AFP: Ahmadinejad brands US world's dictator ahead of summit

My Way News - Russia-US spy swap gears up, 1 spy now in Vienna

Russian bomber incursions

CNN Editor Fired for Saying She Has "Respect" for Hezbollah Cleric | The Weekly Standard

Gangster John Franzese, 93, Convicted of Racketeering Conspiracy

LeBronomics: Could High Taxes Influence James' Team Decision?

Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger | Drugs | AlterNet

They Must Be Hiding Something Really Big

Old Black Panther vs. New Black Panther Party | The FOX Nation

Family kept man in coffin for two years | Metro.co.uk

Reflections in a Petri Dish: Wondering What's Going on Behind the Curtain.

Smoking Mirrors: The World of Most People and the Power of the Unseen.

Iran's president: US a global 'dictatorship' - KansasCity.com

Cargill To Introduce Industry-First Healthy Oil Innovation, Clea

Busted: Wyeth Used Ghostwriters To Place Over 40 "Scientific" Articles In Medical Journals

Drug lobby showers money on its hero Harry Reid | Washington Examiner

ISP filtering legislation on the way | The Australian

The Charge of the Media Brigade : ICH - Information Clearing House

Road pricing could become yet another tax - Telegraph

Obama’s “Consequence Management Response Force” Ready To Be Deployed Against Americans In October « Bonfire's Blog

Gulf Cleanup and FEMA Trailers Don't Mix

YouTube - Ghandi's Timeless Speech To The Truthers

Matt Miller - Jobs now, deficits . . . soon!

Grading Elena Kagan: She Sailed Through This Job Interview

Obama Appoints His Rationer-in-Chief - Critical Condition - National Review Online

Ezra Klein - Berwick and the NHS

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Hard Choices for Other People

United States mustn't forfeit role in manned space travel: John Glenn | cleveland.com

RealClearPolitics - A Cynical Budget Maneuver

RealClearPolitics - Government Bureaucracy on Liberal Autopilot

RealClearPolitics - Show Us the Money

Opinion: President Obama’s loose change - Keith Koffler - POLITICO.com

Moving Forward to Protect Seniors' Care | The White House

Obama Gives Up Defending Health Reform--John Podhoretz - NYPOST.com

Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic – Telegraph Blogs

Climategate burned by reality - Environment - Salon.com

RealClearPolitics - The Politics of Arizona's Immigration Law

Afghan turnaround - NYPOST.com

Non-Believer | The New Republic

PostPartisan - NASA: Mission to Mecca?

Op-Ed Contributor - Let Treasury Rescue the States - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Depression Fear Mongers Obscure the True Concerns: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

Is college overrated? - USATODAY.com

Palin's Latest Mama Grizzly - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Field Poll: Boxer 47, Fiorina 44 - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Is immigration lawsuit a joke? - The Denver Post

Clueless in Illinois - chicagotribune.com

Climate change: The science stands | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

EDITORIAL: Kagan: for fruits but not for liberty - Washington Times

Obama heads west to discuss economy, campaign for candidates

Arizona suit imperils Western Dems - Maggie Haberman and Carrie Budoff Brown and Scott Wong - POLITICO.com

Appointee will have big role in health care law - USATODAY.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 07, 2010 - Obama's export goals face hurdles here and abroad

The President’s recess appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick | KeithHennessey.com

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

President Obama Attacks Congress for Delaying His Nominees -- Is He Right? - Political Punch

Will Democratic Backing Carry Crist? - Politics - The Atlantic

neo-neocon » Blog Archive » Brewer’s response to the federal lawsuit

Mind the gap: why the bond markets are signalling a depression - Telegraph

Depression Fear Mongers Obscure the True Concerns: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

If the recovery is on track, why the doom and gloom? - MSN Money

The American Spectator : The Rout of Obamanomics

Matt Miller - Jobs now, deficits . . . soon!

U.S. Crash Looms Without Roadmap Directions: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Gender Quotas In the Financial Sector?

Ian Fletcher: The Myth of the Global Economy

Why a Higher Postal Rate Is Good for the Economy - Newsweek

'Cheap' Mortgages Will Bleed Taxpayers--Stephen B. Meister - NYPOST.com

Both Krugman and Wesbury Get It Wrong

5 Questionable Arguments Against the Double-Dip | Journalist Profile |

Europe presents main threat to global recovery, IMF says

Is Yemen the Next Afghanistan? - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Putting on the Machiavellian Hat

RealClearWorld - Six Degrees of Russian Espionage

Afghanistan and the West: The Difficult Relationship between Democracy and War - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

How the Plane Crash Helped Poland Become Normal - Newsweek

Asian Influence in the Middle East -- Friend or Foe? | The Middle East Channel

'The very existence of Iraq is in danger' | Jordan Times

Central Europe turns blue | Policies | EU governance | Council of Ministers | European Voice

A losing battle against proliferation | The Japan Times Online

RealClearWorld - The Compass Blog

Obama and Netanyahu: All smiles over gritted teeth | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Leading article: An increasingly American war - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Netanyahu's second chance - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


**Transcripts:7TH/Obama Announces President's Export Council

Remarks at a Town Hall With Georgian Women Leaders

6TH/Obama and PM Netanyahu Answer Questions

Interview with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

Senator Kyl on the Arizona Lawsuit

Panel on the DOJ Suit Against Arizona

Interview with DNC Chairman Tim Kaine

Rep. Grijalva & Sheriff Arpaio Debate Immigration

Interview with Israel's Ambassador to the U.S.

5TH/Interview with Rep. Ron Paul

Panel on Iran and Nuclear Weapons

Analysis of the Supreme Court's Term

Secretary Clinton's Press Conf. with President Saakashvili

4TH/Obama's Remarks on Independence Day

Interview with Senator McCain in Afghanistan

Interview with Senator Lieberman in Afghanistan

Interview with Senator Graham in Afghanistan (PDF)

Guests: Amb. Said; Reps. Coffman, Hunter & Boccieri


'Want freedom? Kill some crackers!'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Whistleblower talks voter intimidation with WND

Kupelian to CBN: Churches 'subverted, dumbed down'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Our freedom and our country are at risk'

Abu Hamza, Babar Ahmad, can't be sent to US prisons because human rights would be violated: court

Obama creates 'protected class' of illegals

FOXNews.com - Lawyer Who Defended 'American Taliban' Now Heads DOJ Suit Against Arizona

Arizona crackdown called 'sound and constitutional'

Lawmaker: Suit won’t stop Utah immigration bill | The Salt Lake Tribune

Arizona suit imperils Western Dems - Maggie Haberman and Carrie Budoff Brown and Scott Wong - POLITICO.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Media Matters Smear Machine: We'll Get Rush Limbaugh Soon Enough!

IDF reveals Hizbullah positions

Poland to extradite alleged Mossad agent

Netanyahu: 'Don’t Be So Skeptical…We Can Perform Miracles' - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Netanyahu bodyguard Glocks lost in luggage on American Airlines :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: World

Attorney general asked to investigate arrests of Christians

Look who flip-flopped on 'Audit the Fed' vote

Judges order newspapers to 'unpublish' 5 articles

Big Sis blowing off ban on 'controversial opinion'

Kagan: 'No view on natural rights'

2 Live Crew’s Luther Campbell, aka Uncle Luke, endorses Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court

Kagan: Harvard Law's $476 million dean - Yahoo! News

Corruption in Afghanistan: US Cuts Aid After Millions Siphoned Off to Dubai - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

BP Oil Spill: Plan Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Supports Draws Criticism from Federal Government and Scientists - ABC News

Darrell Issa Emerges as Obama’s Annoyer-in-Chief - NYTimes.com

U.S. House plan overturning Obamacare halfway there

Here he is! Meet the new health-care rationing czar

President Obama Attacks Congress for Delaying His Nominees -- Is He Right? - Political Punch

Recess move draws bipartisan fire - Washington Times

Healthcare: Democrats up ante - TheHill.com

Investigation of 'antiwhite bias' grows

Transgender lobbies for 'rights,' uses law to seek $5 million


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Guess who's covering sensational claim on Obama's birth

Has 'standing' been created in hunt for Obama birth doc?





**8th/Politics VideoRNC Chairman Steele: I'm Not Going Anywhere

Niall Ferguson On The Future Of America's Economy

Palin Promotes "Mama Grizzlies" Running For Office

Malkin On Obama's Recess Appointment, Sagging Poll Numbers

Jon Stewart On NASA Reaching Out To Muslims And Mosque Building

Rep. Bilbray On Controversy Over Canceled Border Conference

Gov. Rendell: Obama Has Done "A Lot" For Small Business

Krauthammer: Democrats Don't Want Health Care Debated Again

Olbermann: GOP Should Like Donald Berwick

Justice Department Refuses To Prosecute Samir Shabazz

Matthews: "There Are People Who Want It All To Go Bad" So Obama Fails

*7th/Netanyahu To Couric: "You Remind Me Of The Israeli Press"

DOJ Whistleblower: Government Keeping Ineligible Voters On Rolls

White House: Obama Has No Plans To Visit Israel This Year

Obama: "The Progress We've Made To Date Isn't Nearly Enough" To Undo Damage

GOP Congresswoman: Steele Should "Step Down"

Arizona Dem Rep: Obama Refuses To Visit Arizona Border

Rep. Rangel Says Ethics Scandals Improve 2010 Re-Election Chances

Arizona Immigration Law Sponsor Blasts Feds Over "Political" Lawsuit

Bolton: "Arab Countries Would Support Attack On Iran"

Jon Stewart Pokes Fun At Unemployment Numbers, Benefits

Netanyahu: No Preconditions To Direct Peace Talks

Barney Frank: Obama Afraid To "Look Weak On Defense"

Krauthammer: Government Will Lose Case Against Arizona

O'Reilly: Arizona Lawsuit A Political "Loser" For Obama

Matthews: Unemployment Rate Will Determine Obama's Fate

Olbermann Knocks Angle For Comparing Herself To Lincoln


07/07 The Mark Levin Show

July 7, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-07, Wednesday


For Lohan, the intense scrutiny is just beginning

Obama makes case for voting Democratic in November

GOP candidate: BP relief program is 'slush fund'

Commercial bridge on US border stays open, for now

SC boy's remains encased in concrete in trash bin

Japan split over maiden names and foreign suffrage

In complex Afghan battle, bombs just one threat

1st defendant in NJ schoolyard slayings gets life

UK envoy pays homage to Fadlallah

'EU pushed Turkey to look elsewhere'

There Are No Replacements For Hollywood’s Aging A-List

Daily Gut: Feelings Before Frontiers

AP: Judge Sends Lindsay Lohan to Jail

THE NEW BLACKLIST: Did a Pro-Afghan War Director Sucker the Sundance Film Festival?

RACISM: Mel Gibson May Rant But Leftist Hollywood Believes…

‘Light-Fry’ Crewmember Claims They Did Nothing Wrong — Let’s Go To the Video Tape!

WE LOVE PIXAR: How Hollywood Cynicism Almost Ruined ‘Toy Story’ (and Pixar)

Enabling Lindsay Lohan: Who Could Survive This?

Daily Gut: Eric Holder Sues Arizona, Forgives Black Panthers

America As Job

FILM REVIEW: ‘Predators’ Delivers

Michael Moore’s New Job: Oscar Board Member

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Obama Nation: Isn’t She Lovely

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Waiting for President Godot

YouTube’s (Biased?) Removal of ‘We Con the World’

The Religious War: Insidious to the Ignorant

Petraeus and the Afghanistan Rules of Engagement

Islam and Marxism From Allah to Alinsky: Introduction

An Islamophobe in Sweden, Part 2

Ronald Reagan and the Diplomacy of Strength

NASA: Oh, How We’ve Fallen

Even as the World Watched II: Tasting the Kool-Aid

Did Russian Spies Unwittingly Kill Arms Control Treaty?

Oil Spill: A National Security Failure on a Grand Scale

Victory! Youtube RESTORES Latma-TV “We Con the World”!

Open thread: Barney Frank and Ron Paul in bed together on Afghanistan

Faisal Shahzad, Jihadi, Explains Terrorism

Heritage Foundation Remembers the Gulf

The Unaccountability of Peter Orszag

Feds Sue Arizona…But, What About Rhode Island?

Social Security Administration Sends in the Clowns

Cowardly Congress Hides Pork Spending Behind the Troops

Breaking: Chicago Democrat Machine Throws Black Female Candidate Off the Ballot

After Facing the Very Worst of Our Healthcare System, I Still Oppose ObamaCare

While Illinois Goes Broke, State Union Employees Get 14% Raises

Thursday Open Thread: Racial Tolerance Edition

FREE TRADE BAN: 90 Days in Jail? Farmers Fight Back

Defeat Socialism: Save America From the Obama-Pelosi Regime…Draft Sarah Palin for RNC Chair

Reason.tv: Hurricane Katrina’s Silver Lining – The school choice revolution in New Orleans

Education Blob’s Dismissal of Competition, Capitalism Will Further Its Demise

WTO Delivers Victory for Boeing, US Trade

Caught on Tape: Racist NAACP Leader Says ‘Kenneth Gladney Not Black Enough,’ an ‘Uncle Tom’

Paging Andrew Sullivan: Levi Johnston Lied About the Palin Family

New York Times Swallows Brady Campaign’s Anti-Gun Rhetoric Whole

Another Republican Woman For the Left To Hate: Sharron Angle

Levi Johnston Publicly Apologizes To The Palins, But Will the MSM Do the Same?

Former FNC Producer Commits Suicide; Left Classless As Usual

Tasteless Gawker Gawks About Suicide of Former Fox News Employee

Fifth Column Alert: CNN ‘Senior Editor for Middle Eastern Affairs’ Out After Indiscreet Tweet Praising Ayatollah Fadlallah

The Ayatollah Bloomberg and the Curious Case Of the Lapdog Media

CNN’s Octavia Nasr Commits Twittercide

A New ‘Declaration’ Of Media Independence: ‘Declaration Entertainment’ Is Born

The Great Wall Of Mexico — Stranger Things Have Happened

Death and Journalism — What Are the Boundaries Of Professionalism?

Shed No Tears for CNN’s Octavia Nasr Or Ayatollah Fadlallah

Keeping the Narrative Moving Along: Left, Right, Left, Right…

The Elite Turn Against Obama - Yahoo! News

L.A. Times Sells King Kong a Mock Editorial Wrap-Around Section | TheWrap.com

Video: Bolton - 'Arab Countries Would Support Attack On Iran' - HUMAN EVENTS

U.A.E. diplomat mulls hit on Iran's nukes - Washington Times

US thanks Germany for taking 2 Guantanamo detainees

White House Defends NASA's Muslim Mission | The FOX Nation

French court hands Noriega 7-year prison term

Van Jones reflects on 'rough exit' - Emily Schultheis - POLITICO.com

Secret donors makes Thomas's wife's group a tea party player - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

US government launches new website on Gulf oil spill

FOXNews.com - Some Democrats Fear Backlash Over Obama's Handling of Immigration

Kagan: Harvard Law's $476 million dean

Breaking: Jenna Lee Named Co-Anchor Of Fox News’ Happening Now | Mediaite

Keith Olbermann Calls for Justice Clarence Thomas to Resign | NewsBusters.org

Readers Slam L.A. Times Fake News Section | TheWrap.com

» After Facing the Very Worst of Our Healthcare System, I Still Oppose ObamaCare - Big Government

Breitbart.tv » Former Justice Official Accuses Obama DOJ of Ignoring Cases Involving Black Defendants and White Victims

Sources: Rolling Stone quotes made by jr. staff - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times


Obama Science Czar John Holdren on Redistribution of Cap & Trade Revenue From U.S. to Global South

FLASHBACK: Americans Cheer ‘USA, USA’ as They Chase Black Panthers Out of Town

O’Reilly Debates Ariz. Illegal Immigration Law With Univision’s Jorge Ramos

Ron Paul Joins Barney Frank in Advocating Virtual Military Retreat

Philadelphia Black Panther Leader Preaches Revolution

Ariz. Dems Flip-Flopping on Immigration?

Reporter’s Question on Obama’s Illegal-Immigration Policy Leaves Gibbs Stammering

San Francisco Leftists Burn Flag on July 4th

Georgia Mosque Set On Fire

Exclusive Interview: Chicago Democrat Machine Throws Black Female Candidate Off the Ballot

At MSNBC It’s Still All About Race

Krista Branch: ‘I Am America’

Jon Stewart Takes on Puppet Michael Steele

Phelim McAleer: Global Warming Debunker

Obama’s New ‘Medicare Czar’ Opposes Free Markets in Health Care

Shabazz: White America ‘Hasn’t Given Me Nothing In America’

See it Here: ‘We Con the World’ Israeli Parody Video Removed by YouTube

The Running of the Bulls

Wild Boar Runs Wild in Hong Kong


CARTOON PAGES:Big Hollywood » Chris Muir

CARTOON PAGES:Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash


School forced to buy computer translator because half of pupils don't speak English | Mail Online

Sex, Spies, and Video Hype

Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay

Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!

Celente Says Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm

Congressman Ron Paul “Suspicious” Of BP, U.S. Government Response To Spill

Tax Dollars Spent Making Redundant Mobile Phone Apps

More Power for the Fed

Fed’s Fisher opposes further Fed easing moves‎

Is America Really Free, If A Privately-Owned Central Bank Controls Our Currency And Runs Our Economy?

We Need Constitutional Sheriffs Now!

Climategate Whitewash Complete: Third Inquiry Clears Everyone Involved

NY National Guard Involved In Mass Arrests Of U.S. Citizens

Obama Science Czar Called For Global Carbon Tax

Police Terror Stop Powers Stripped Following European Court Ruling

CNBC Guest Says Absent Plunge Protection Team Stepping In, Market Would Fall; Wien, Kernan Disgusted

Report: NSA creating spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure | Raw Story

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Revolution and Repression in America

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

Oil found in Gulf food chain, salmon nastiness, Mexico woes, U.N. lauds sustainable ag | Grist

The War That’s Not a War


Debbie Schlussel: Reagan/Bush Used NASA for Muslim Outreach Before Obama

Debbie Schlussel: HILARIOUS: Obama’s Immigration Chief Focuses on “Important Issues”

Debbie Schlussel: Cool Americana Video of the Day

Debbie Schlussel: Long Overdue: CNN Fires Anti-Semitic Hezbollah Chick Octavia Nasr (Used Slur Against Me)

Debbie Schlussel: Despite Hannity & Tea Party Aid, Anti-Semite Traficant Fails Again

Debbie Schlussel: Another Muslim “Hate Crime” Hoax – Who CAIRs?

Debbie Schlussel: 1939 All Over Again: Poland Sends Jew to Germany in Dubai HAMAS Case


Markos gets blacklisted from MSNBC because "Morning Joe" has a hissy fit

Understanding the BP Oil Tragedy: Time Blindness

The Interposition of the Several States

There’s No Recovery, Just More Hard Times Ahead

Michael Steele's 'Gaffe' and What is is

Tell Me Again, Who Can't Film on Federal Property?

The Arab Veil of Deception and the Left

Obama is Strangling Big Oil

Can Freedom Endure Democracy?

The Left's Use and Abuse of Children

Finding the right time for ridicule

Obama's Health Care Rationing Czar

Spies not like us

Filibuster here, filibuster now

Is Obama 'faithfully executing' the laws?

Romney's devastating New-START critique

Live Better...Live Off your Neighbor

The Unionized States of America

What's the question?

Unseemly haste in spy swap

The Death of a Truly Distinctive Patriot

The Dumbest President...EVER!

What America Lost with McChrystal's Resignation

My Black Dad & Obama

China Winning a Victory at Sea

Never-Ending Racial Hostility

What Is Your Breaking Point?


*SITE:Kagan Watch


YouTube - I Spy: Former MI5 officer on 'secret agent swap'

YouTube - First Person: Understanding Norway Terror Arrest

3 al-Qaida Suspects Arrested in Norway, Germany | Europe | English

Russian spy suspects expected to plead guilty at N.Y. hearing

AFP: Brazilian president no desire to see final - media

'Artificial fog’ may have brought down president’s plane - Telegraph

How the Plane Crash Helped Poland Become Normal - Newsweek

Poland to Have Three Acting Presidents Today as Power Shifts - BusinessWeek

The Hindu : Home Page News & Features

The Hindu : News / International : U.S. charges reveal Pakistani origins of terror

China Coal Mine Explosion Kills Six, Injures 34 Others | AHN

3 convicted in third trial in 2006 liquid-bomb plot - CNN.com

Russia says nuclear issue must not dominate Iran Six talks | World | RIA Novosti

The Associated Press: UN chief shuts Sri Lanka office, recalls official

Iraq bombings: Shiite pilgrims are undeterred by bombings in Iraq - latimes.com

Palestinians brace for US pressure after Netanyahu's White House visit - CSMonitor.com

Russian pianist accused of child sex abuse vows to clear name | Russia | RIA Novosti

British soldier killed in Afghanistan is 100th to die in Sangin - Telegraph

YouTube - Footage of British troops ambushed by the Taliban

The Associated Press: Cuba political inmates told to prepare for release

YouTube - Church says Cuba to release political prisoners

Human HIV Neutralizing Antibodies Identified

Easier Path to Benefits for Traumatized Vets - latimes.com

Robert Butler, Aging Expert, Is Dead at 83 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

American Cancer Society Reports Cancer Deaths on the Decline » Tech Jackal

ESPN - Common sense screams for sunscreen

Want Lady Gaga's eyes? YouTube beauty gurus teach how to do it yourself - CNN.com

Low-Income Children Not Getting Adequate Dental Care

Insurance Company Fights Cancer Patient For One Cent - Cancer - FOXNews.com

McDonald's defends Happy Meals - latimes.com

An Argument Against the Obama Global Health Initiative | UN Dispatch

Science closing in on genes that help people live to 100 - San Jose Mercury News

U.S. Planning Solar Power Plants at Former Nuclear Test Site in Nevada

Government Pushes BP to Capitalize on Better Weather - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Drill Close to Well Spewing Gulf Oil

2 Still Missing in Philadelphia ‘Duckboat’ Accident - NYTimes.com

Family's DNA Led Police to 'Grim Sleeper' Serial Killer in Los Angeles Cold Case - ABC News

The Associated Press: Aide says Blago hid in bathroom to avoid staff

First Read - Blago's aversion to working from his Springfield office

Sotomayor's GOP 'yea' votes remain mute on Kagan - USATODAY.com

What Does Obama’s Recess Appointment of Medicare Chief Berwick Mean? - Newsweek

Subway Terror Plot Had Global Reach - WSJ.com

YouTube - US: NY Subway Bomb Plot Linked to British Cell

The Associated Press: Obama makes case for voting Democratic in November

Gen. James Mattis Tapped to Succeed Petraeus - CBS News

'Person of interest' in abduction was sex offender, official says - CNN.com

YouTube - Missouri Police Name Kidnapping Suspect

Zion father in jail despite new DNA :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Patti Blagojevich on tape: "Hold up that f---ing Cubs s---. F--- them." - The Blago Blog

On Tape, Blago Urges Firing Of Editorial Writers - cbs2chicago.com

Chicago Police officer killed with own weapon :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Man left for dead on trampoline :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

I Thought We Were Broke: Raises for state employees | abc7chicago.com

Increased mobile Web demands at the heart of new mobile YouTube | Companies News - Betanews

Cyber Command Secret Cracked - PCWorld

The Associated Press: Get out your decoder ring; but don't get excited

Are Privacy Problems Finally Killing Facebook? - PCWorld

EPA declares L.A. River 'traditional navigable waters' - latimes.com

NASA's Final Frontier: The Muslim World - Hannity - FOXNews.com

'Top Chef' contestants dish up sub par cooking - Entertainment - Reality TV - TODAYshow.com

BBC News - Golden Girl Betty White poses for calendar

Zoe Saldana’s Sexy New Role: Calvin Klein Underwear Model! – Style News - StyleWatch - People.com

Lindsay Lohan "In Distress" and "Staying Inside" - E! Online

Movie About Facebook Will Open the New York Film Festival - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

It's Official: Larry King Calls off Divorce - Nasty Breakups and Divorces, Larry King : People.com

Conan O’Brien’s Emmy Nom Another Win For Host In The Ongoing Late Night War » MTV Newsroom

Leonardo DiCaprio May Reteam With Ridley Scott On Wall Street Movie - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Predators -- Film Review

Paul McCartney Joins Ringo Starr At Radio City Birthday Concert - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News


Inside Lindsay Lohan's Medicine Cabinet - Mental Health | Illness | Disorders - FOXNews.com