"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

03 July 2010

2nd , 3rd -July

Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover – Fourth of July

Israel Suspected in Bogus Claim Iran Developing Nuclear Trigger

Ron Paul: Audit The Fed Bill Fails After Former Co-Sponsors Flip-Flop

Scientists Admit Chemtrails Are Creating Artificial Clouds

Popular Music Is The Babylon System

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback

European Court Of Human Rights Rules Police Terror Stops Illegal

Rumored Google Social Network May Destroy Privacy

Toronto Police Chief Lies Again To Frame Protesters

Obama Calls for Pentagon “Civilian Component”

Pete Stark brazenly mocks constituents at town hall meeting

Obama Wants The Oil Spill Crisis To Get Worse

Middle class families face a triple whammy - Telegraph

Fed Made Taxpayers Unwitting Junk-Bond Buyers - Bloomberg

Russia's Security Service Could Gain Powers Formerly Associated With Soviet KGB | Europe | English

Anti-terrorism chief: U.S.-born cleric had major role in airline bombing try - CNN.com

Chicago City Council enacts gun control measures - chicagotribune.com

Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes | Politics and Law - CNET News

Miami, Florida Keys Face Up to 80% Chance of BP Oil, U.S. Says - Bloomberg

Attack of the vapours ¿ how jet trails block out the sunshine | Mail Online

Obama Stresses Need for Carbon Pricing

Health law risks turning away sick - TheHill.com

Banned Trailers Return for Latest Gulf Disaster - NYTimes.com

New study documents media's servitude to government - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

War With Iran? Paul Craig Roberts on The Corbett Report

The Destruction of U.S. Border States

Israel Suspected in Bogus Claim Iran Developing Nuclear Trigger

CNSNews.com - A Majority of U.S. Combat Casualties in Nine-Year-Long Afghanistan War Have Occurred in Less Than Year-and-a-Half of Obama Presidency

Iran moves radar to Syria: US official

Weather clears for a US strike on Iran

‘Stability’ Mission In Iraq Won’t Mean End of Fighting - NYTimes.com

Special Report: Should BP nuke its leaking well? | Reuters

Do you feel independent on Independence Day?

Should We Nuke the Oil Well?

Tyranny of the Merchant Class

Not So Fast: Maybe SCOTUS’ Chicago Gun Ban Ruling Shouldn’t Be Celebrated

50 Random Facts That Make You Wonder What In The World Has Happened To America

‘Jobless Recovery’ Myth as Banksters RAPE and ENSLAVE the Public! GET OFF YOUR KNEES!

Study: US media redefined torture after US started practicing it

A Visual Look At How BP Could Bring Down Large Parts Of The Economy

Will Austerity Be The Catalyst For War?

Report: US banks laundering money for Mexican drug war

Ron Paul: 114 Flip Flop on Audit The Fed Causing Bill to Fail 229 – 198

The Future of Audit the Fed

Ditch the Buck! Dollar demise ‘a matter of months’

"a gigantic ponzi scheme lies and fraud" howard davidowitz on wall street: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Shell-Shocked Americans Still Aren’t Buying Anything

Mortgage Horror Stories: The U.S. Housing Industry Will Never Recover If Qualified People Can’t Get A Home Loan

Struggling and Faltering to Manage Economic Recovery

Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home

Banned Trailers Return for Latest Gulf Disaster - NYTimes.com

Obama’s Immigration Speech Gives MSNBC Anchor ‘Chills’– Twice

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to President Barack Obama on illegal immigration: 'Do your job!'

Military plans hummingbird-sized spies - Technology & science - Innovation - msnbc.com

School crossing ladies with cameras in their lollipops | Mail Online

Winning banned in two thirds of schools as teachers reward ALL students | Mail Online

Google's Eric Schmidt: You can trust us with your data - Telegraph

US lawmaker: Oil spill costs may run trillions of dollars | Raw Story

Allegations Emerge BP Is Dumping Sand To Cover Oil

German man facing jail for having Hitler speech as his mobile ringtone

July snow falls on Mt. Washington - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

New Zealand’s Prime Minister: Climate Change bill a “load of rubbish” and “hoax”

Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO — all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null

Are Climate Alarmists Losing the BBC?


The Alex Jones Show – July 2nd With Bill Still

The Alex Jones Show – July 1st With Ron Paul

The Alex Jones Show – June 30th With Chuck Baldwin


Alex Jones: The Meaning of Life

YouTube - CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise

YouTube - Kagan Declines To Say Gov't Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat

YouTube - Gerald Celente: Doom of Currencies!

YouTube - GM China Sales Surpass U.S.; Google to Buy ITA Software: Video

*For Liberty: A Ron Paul Revolution (Full Movie HQ) - 12160.org

YouTube - How Many Millionaires In The World?

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Are the Russians Really Coming? by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Wall Street is a Crime Scene, Not a Financial "Cyclical Aberration" | BuzzFlash.org

SOUTH LEBANON: The political whores of Washington

FEC Launches Attack on Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty - 12160.org

50 Random Facts That Make You Wonder What In The World Has Happened To America

Why I Won’t Back Down on Climate Change - By John Kerry | Foreign Policy

Chinese Edge Closer to Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com

BP Plc : Who, Where, How Much?

no third solution » Are the Russian Spies a Pretext for the Internet Kill Switch?

Army drops 'psy ops' name for influence operations - Yahoo! News

Jefferson changed 'subjects' to 'citizens' in Declaration of Independence

New Study Documents Media's Servitude to Government : ICH - Information Clearing House

Stephen Kinzer on the History of BP/British Petroleum and Its Role in the 1953 Iran Coup - 12160.org

The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa (Book Review) | Intifada Palestine

Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons | World news | The Guardian

Pope launches team to 're-evangelise' the West - Telegraph

U.S. has not developed a plan to keep bomb materials from crossing border

"Deficit Terrorism" and Economic Warfare

Lawmakers Want State Money To Ship Out Homeless - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

The Corruptive Influence of Power « PEACE BY TRUTH

Did Right-Wing Militarists Sabotage Gary Powers U-2 Plane?

Russian spies: US case could derail Medvedev, boost Putin - Yahoo! News

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history | Raw Story

All in the Family; The Globalist Kagans of Brooklyn « American Everyman

40 Articles That Explain Credit Card Interest Rates | BestCreditCards.net

Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger | Drugs | AlterNet

Senate Panel Moves to Lift Cap on Oil Spill Damages - BusinessWeek

The Coming American Revolution

Study finds body's potential universal flu defense | Reuters

British taxpayers spent £1.2bn on the swine flu pandemic that never was | Mail Online

The Devil and Bill Marriott:

The Devil and Bill Marriott (Part 2):

The Devil, Bill Marriott and the Council on Foreign Relations

The Devil, Bill Marriott and Bilderberg

The Marriott Foundation and the NWO

Hatch, Romney, Kagan and the "Federalist Society"

Chris Bollyn - Our Fraudulent Elections

Lower IQs found in disease-rife countries, scientists claim | Science | The Guardian

BP = 'Beyond Petrolium' or 'Beyond Ponzi'

savethemales.ca - Occult Undertone Casts Doubt on Anime Genius

Tony Blair to be awarded medal | Politics | The Guardian

Anna Chapman: Diplomat's daughter who partied with billionaires | World news | The Guardian

Russian spy ring: Hunt for Canadian who skipped bail in Cyprus | World news | The Guardian

UAE moves on illegal nuclear and weapons trade - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider: "There is No Escape!"

OpEdNews - Article: McChrystal Trying to Tell Us Something? "We're F%^*king Losing This Thing"

In letter, Farrakhan accuses Jews of hurting blacks | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

ALIPAC - Obama's Speech Misleads Americans on Illegal Immigration & Amnesty

A sitting with Mashallah Shakri: The Ambassador of Iran | Opinion Maker

Slavorade G8 Powerthirst | FKN Newz

Pat Buchanan: America has become a tower of Babel.

Scientists discover what makes us live longer - Science, News - The Independent

The truth about the porn industry | Life and style | The Guardian

Al-Qaida puts celebrities and bombs online with Inspire magazine | World news | The Guardian

Barack Obama calls for immigration reform - Telegraph

Roy Tov – Meir Dagan is Satan’s Servant

US Afghan War - Illegal And Unwinnable

American World Order: The Beginning Of The End | Opinion Maker

Living Outside the Dialectic

Constitution Is Endangered If Kagan OK'd - IBD - Investors.com

FOXNews.com - Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

07-01-2010: Big Companies Allowed to Monitor Their Own Compliance with Bailout Rules

07-01-2010: Future U.S.-Canada Joint Arctic Security and Control

07-01-2010: Obama: ‘Civilian expeditionary force’ can aid wearied troops

07-01-2010: Obama: Being American is 'not a matter of blood or birth'

07-02-2010: Al-CIAda puts celebrities and bombs online with Inspire magazine

07-02-2010: Army drops 'psy ops' name for influence operations

07-02-2010: America is sinking under Obama’s towering debt

Inmates adjust to new Ky. prison after sex scandal

Clinton juggles diplomacy, wedding prep demands

Gen. Petraeus: US civilian-military team must mesh

Federal judge tries to streamline oil spill suits

Giant oil skimmer being tested in Gulf of Mexico

City where drive-through eating began is full

US plans grant to preserve Auschwitz death camp

Biden visits Iraq amid election deadlock

Paris Hilton's companion ordered to leave SAfrica

Ahmadinejad: New sanctions 'pathetic'

Big currency swings undesirable - China c.banker

'Proximity talks are going nowhere'

Kyrgyzstan swears in caretaker president

Petraeus calls for unity in Afghanistan

DIXIE CHICK FLASHBACK: Why Does Sheryl Crow Insult Her Country Music Fans?

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘South of the Border’ Confirms Oliver Stone Is a Right-Wing Plant

Watch Oliver Stone Endorse the Congressman Who Called Cheney a Vampire

The Wrap: Actress Alonso to Lead Oliver Stone Protest Tomorrow in Santa Monica

Daily Gut: Arizona Leads, Obama Follows

PBS Station Caves To Leftist Donor, Cancels Discussion Panel of ‘Surge’ Film With Liz Cheney

Wonder Woman Reboot: Strident Feminism Is the Problem, Not the Costume

More Anti-Christian Propaganda From ‘Law & Order’

Thugs From Jimmy Kimmel Show ‘Torture’ Pro-Life Activist With Hot Spotlight

FILM REVIEW: ‘Cropsey’ Effectively Documents the Neighborhood Boogeyman

FILM REVIEW: ‘Knight and Day’ Wastes a Terrific Tom Cruise

FILM REVIEW: So Far, ‘Cyrus’ Is the Best of This Year

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 1

Kimmel Producers Promise Not to Hire ‘Light-Torture’ Crew Again; Entertainment Media Reluctantly Covers the Story

Will The Next Obama Administration Czar Be Barack Obama?

Will Kagan Do A Sotomayor on Gun Rights?

Iran, Russia, and the Real World Obama Cannot ‘Change’

Will Oil Drilling Become a Pipe Dream?

The SEIU Smoking Gun: Did Obama lie about Blago seat?

President Obama Addresses Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Legal or Just Illegal?

BP and the Obama Agenda

Does Sunlight Need to be Disinfected?

Former DOJ Official Charges Racism Drove DOJ to Kill Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case

Reason.tv: Citizenship and The Pursuit of Happiness

Kagan’s Testimony Reveals A Weak Constitution

Judges, Guns and Money: Part I

Thanks to Tax Competition, Corporate Tax Rates Continue to Fall in Europe (While Obama Makes America’s Tax System More Onerous)

Honoring SSG Sal Giunta, Likely First Living Medal of Honor Recipient Since the Vietnam War

How Many Sheep Does It Take To Clean Up An Oil Spill?

Executive Temperament: Principles Matter

Chicago Machine Is Afraid of a… Mom!

Barack Obama Is Making Me Laugh

How the AMA Sold Out Doctors, Patients for Obamacare

Shameless Pelosi: Pushing Union Boss Demands on Backs of Troops

Change to Win Coalition an SEIU ‘Mouthpiece’ and a Cover for ACORN Donations

Rep. McCotter Wants to Eliminate His Leadership Position

Union Bosses Deny 11,000 Employees a Vote on Labor Contract

Baghdad and Kabul? No – The Most Dangerous Place in the World is Between the Teachers Unions and the Public Trough

Reading the Tea Leaves on Byrd’s Replacement: Senator Coal

Jerry Brown Promises NOT to Do The Job – Literally

audio page:Independence Weekend Edition: Jobs and Deficits

Reason.tv: 3 Reasons The New Financial Regs Won’t Fix Anything

The Fourth of July: What We Should Be Celebrating

The Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of Fiscal Policy

Mr. Beck, Meet Mr. Chambers

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Andrew Sullivan

Important Question for the Media: When Did This Meeting Between Obama and Blagojevich Take Place?

Name That Party: Another Journo Turned Politico Turned Journo Again

The Spy Who Loved Us and Whom We Love: Meet Anna Chapman

Last Night On Larry King Live: Feeling Some Heat, Al Gore Reverses Course, Now Warns Of Global Cooling

Raising Arizona: Milwaukee Supervisors Need a Map To Learn It’s a Border State

The AP Doesn’t Care About Black People

El Paso City Hall Takes Cross-Border Fire, MSM Yawns

‘War Hero’ John Kerry Not Exactly a Profile In Courage About ‘Climate Change’

UK Telegraph Tries its Hand At Anti-Israel Fauxtography

Politico Misleads on NJ Gov. Christie’s Immigration Position

Klavan On the Culture: Democrat Embarrassment

The Arrogance Of Power: Fortney Hillman Stark (D, Calif.) Shows His Contempt For Constituents; MSM Lapdogs Barely Woof


*cartoon:Useful Idiots: A Plant


In protest against 'The Last Airbender,' fans find empowerment | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times

'The Agony And The Ecstasy Of Phil Spector': Crippled Inside, By Kurt Loder - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Adam Sandler, Chris Rock Talk Richard Pryor Biopic - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Breitbart.tv » Clinton Not Only Justifies Byrd’s KKK Past, He Lies While Doing It

Tea Party Supporters Overlap Republican Base

Gulf Spill Update: WH Admits Missed Oil Containment Deadline Missed | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Oil spills boost arsenic levels in ocean: study

Debbie Schlussel-Must-Watch Moron VIDEO of the Day: Why Women Shouldn’t Be U.S. Senators

Debbie Schlussel-The Marketplace Decides: Miley Cyrus’ Slut Turn Fails

Debbie Schlussel-Who is Eskender Mafarani & Why Did “Canadian” Smuggle $2 Milln Into US?

Debbie Schlussel-Harry Potter Actress Learns Real Prob Ain’t Sorcery; It’s Islam

Debbie Schlussel-But Some Are More Equal Than Others – Mel Gibson’s Latest Bigoted Rant

Debbie Schlussel-British Judge & Jury: Crime is Okay . . . If It’s Against the JOOOOS

Debbie Schlussel-Take a Cool Sip of Summer on Independence Day

US Economy Stuck in Misery

How to spot a statist

State nullification trumps federal supremacy

Social Security... or Insecurity?


Transcripts:7-2/Obama's Remarks on the Monthly Employment Numbers

July 2 State Department Briefing

7-1/The Case for Comprehensive for Immigration Refrom

Panel on Obama's Immigration Speech

Analysts on Obama's Immigration Plan

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Rep. Edward Markey on the Oil Spill

Interview with Admiral Thad Allen


Democrats shaping battle plan against Republicans for November

What is the Tea Party? A growing state of mind - USATODAY.com

Andy Grove: How America Can Create Jobs - BusinessWeek

President Obama can learn from Bill Clinton - Jul. 1, 2010

Obama Needs to Hit GOP Harder: Eric Alterman on 2010 Campaign - The Daily Beast

Straight talk is alien to prez - NYPOST.com

How Washington Lobbyists Shaped the Financial Reform Bill - TIME

RealClearPolitics - The Polarization of the Supreme Court

The American Spectator : Hot Dog, Anyone?

Jobs and government “help.” A bad combination and bleak prognosis - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - GOP Minority is Blocking Progress

Your Freedom: Britain's liberty is at stake - it is time to have your say - Telegraph

Coburn and Kagan on Natural Rights - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Anger, frustration on rise in Gulf disaster - CNN.com

Belmont Club » And Justice For All

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Republicans Outraise Democrats For Governor's Races

The Obama Tax Trap - WSJ.com

Editorial - Mr. Obama’s Immigration Promise - NYTimes.com

The odd responses of the attorney general to the oil spill

The Last Refuge Of The Incompetent - IBD - Investors.com

House Passes $80 Billion War Spending Bill - NYTimes.com

Sen. Feinstein blames Pelosi for intel block - TheHill.com

White House discloses wide-ranging staff salaries

U.S. House Approves Restrictions on Deals Between Drugmakers - Bloomberg


**3rd/Politics Video:Sen. Saxby Chambliss Gives GOP Address On July 4th & National Debt

Obama Announces Plan To Spend $2 Billion For 5,100 Energy Jobs

Dr. Krauthammer Warns Of Years Of Chronic Unemployment

Olbermann: Steele Attempts To Rewrite Afghan War History

Glenn Beck On Women Of The American Revolution

Rendell: Obama Doing As Much As Possible On Oil Spill

2nd/DOJ Whistleblower: Handling of Black Panther Case "Constitutes Corruption"

Bill Clinton Receives Larger Applause Than Obama At Byrd Memorial

Bloomberg: U.S. In Trouble Without Immigration Reform

Rove: Obama "Not Serious" About Immigration Reform

Olbermann Names "Asshat" Drudge "Worst" In The World

Boehner Responds To Obama: "Mr. President, What About The Country?"

Dem Congressman Says No To Town Halls That Have "Nuts" With Cameras

Clinton Defends Byrd's KKK Ties: "He Was Trying To Get Elected"

Obama: Government Will Spend $795 Million To Create 5,000 Rural Jobs

Obama On KKK Past: Byrd Regrets "Things He Said And Did"

RNC Chair Steele: Afghanistan "A War Of Obama's Choosing"

Fiorina On Immigration: Obama Focused On "Politics"

Eugene Robinson Defends Obama: At Least He's Doing Something

Jon Stewart On Elena Kagan Confirmation Hearings

Rep. Hoekstra On Russian Spy Rings: "They Are Not Our Friends"

AZ Gov. Brewer: I Was "Disappointed" By Obama's "Helpless" Speech

Glenn Beck On Banishing God From Our Classrooms

Maddow: Republicans Turn To Fringe For Kagan Opposition

Matthews: Illegal Hiring Is The Root Of The Immigration Problem

Krauthammer: Immigration Speech An Attempt To Appeal To Base

1st/Does Obama Give Boehner The Middle Finger?

MO-Sen: Karl Rove Praises Roy Blunt In Campaign Message

Gibbs: Lack Of Immigration Reform Progress Due To Republicans

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Serve As "Job Creator"

Gov. Richardson Admits New Mexico Gives Licenses, College Scholarships To Illegals

Obama: Being An American Not A Matter Of "Blood Or Birth"

Rep. Lewis On Unemployment Benefits: Republicans Have No Hearts

Boehner: Obama "Failing To Lead" And Uses "Childish Partisanship"

Sen. Hatch: Obama Immigration Speech Was "Pandering" To Hispanics

MSNBC Anchor: I Got "Chills" Listening To Obama On Immigration

NBC Reporter Praises "Professor Obama" For Immigration Speech

Dylan Ratingan: Geithner "Should Be Jailed For Life"

FL GOP Senator To Obama: "Failure" Is Washing Up On Our Beaches

John Fund: Where Are All the Stimulus Jobs?

Olbermann: GOP Introduces "Screw You" Economics

Chris Matthews Pays Tribute To Larry King

Laura Ingraham On The "Unrecovery Summer"

Krauthammer: Obama "Doesn't Engage On The Issues"


Economy lags as job growth remains weak

RealClearPolitics - Business-Power Neglect

Opinion: We Need to Continue Working to Create Jobs

Obama: GOP 'Playing The Same Old Washington Games' - Political Punch

Blame game could 'boomerang' on Obama, strategist says - CNN.com

America's Battle for Economic Independence - BusinessWeek

Payback Time - Budget in the Red, Illinois Has Stopped Paying Bills - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Bill Clinton's revealing Byrd eulogy - War Room - Salon.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Such, Such Are His Joys - NYTimes.com

A plan to end stalemate on immigration

RealClearPolitics - What Jefferson Wrought

Unemployment in America: Labour without force | The Economist

The New Jersey Bellwether - WSJ.com

Extend jobless benefits, and not by trimming stimulus - The Boston Globe

EDITORIAL: Media blackout for Black Panthers - Washington Times

Last chance for Republicans

After November

Will Obama Summon the Solicitor General?

Gearing up for Obamacare repeal

Obama silent as Louis Farrakhan spews hatred

Continents Apart in Economic Ideology

Municipal death spiral

Every right can be misused

Too brilliant to fail?

Rep. Pete Stark: the Borders are Secure and we are all idiots

Racial sensitivity police caught napping

Why does a 1st class stamp cost so much?

Obama Policies Unfocused, Ineffective Say a Plurality of Voters

Progress in the Gulf?

Thailand's Ticking Political Time Bomb

Turkey: America's New Armorer?

Our Troops Need You! Yes, you.

The Southern Border Could Get Much Worse

Will the Dems Get the Blame for Iranian Nukes?

No One's Capital Is Safe in Obama's America

Are Democrats the New Whigs?

Wealth, Jobs, the Fishing Industry, and Obama

Al's Masseuse and the Feminists

Obama Let the Immediate Drive Out the Important in the McChrystal Affair

Hearst's Modified Limited Hangout

Why Kagan Is Unqualified -- and Dangerous

Teaching the Pig to Dance

Good news and bad news about wasted vaccine

Harry Potter and Sharia Law?

Aren't We Supposed to Laugh at Clowns?

The decreasing relevancy of Obama's presidency

Pelosi: Unemployment benefits create jobs?

California welfare ATM cards work at strip clubs too!

Obama one of the best presidents evah!

More unintended consequences from Obamacare

Unemployment rate down to 9.5% but few private sector jobs created

White House Salaries Made Public

A Dem losing faith in Obama's Iran policy?

Pelosi discovers the fastest way to create jobs

A silver platter of GOP talking points for November

Longer waits, crowding coming to an ER near you

Health Care Camaraderie Centers

The latest from the People's Republic of Chicago

WH salary list leaves out some czars

Fox Sports pitches high and inside

Noted pollster warns Dems of 'GOP Hurricane'

Calls for Steele's resignation grow louder

President Clarabelle

New Taiwanese Video on Al Gore

Civil Rights of My Fathers

If You Want to Immigrate Here

Shooting Hoops with Kagan

Thanks to Otis McDonald and the Supremes

Repeal the 20th Century?

Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?

Why Cloward-Piven Will Eat Itself

NASA = No Americans in Space Anymore?

Vampire Car Crash: Colorado woman blames vampire for crashing car - KDVR

That genetic test that predicts if you can live to 100: Scientists pinpoint 19 markers that show you will have a long life | Mail Online

Ghost of Jim Morrison of The Doors Said to Haunt Mexican Restaurant in Los Angeles

Woman wins millions from Texas lottery for 4th time

'Horse Boy' reappears on Google Street View in Aberdeen - Telegraph

Cleopatra Killed by Drug Cocktail? : Discovery News

SPACE.com -- Vacations In Zero Gravity Come of Age

Indonesia's last glacier will melt within years

Scientific evidence of poltergeist knocking? | Society for Psychical Research

Beautiful New Image of a Rare Blue Nebula | Wired Science | Wired.com

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: The 1968 "Night Visitor"

Bouncy Titanic goes down badly | Quirky News | Orange UK

Two-Headed Hognose Snake Is Venice Beach Freakshow's Newest Star

Findings - Discovering the Virtues of a Wandering Mind - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Difficult rebirth for Russian space science

Desperate measures: The lure of an autism cure - health - 29 June 2010 - New Scientist

Don't Be Subtle, Nuke That Asteroid : Discovery News

Janet Jackson performs S&M scene live onstage in eye-popping basque | Mail Online

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback

New rules bring online piracy fight to US campuses - Yahoo! News

Analysis: Google's private data grab means big legal trouble | Reuters

Six Months to Go Until
The Largest Tax Hikes in History

Venezuela seizes oil rigs owned by US company - Yahoo! News

Leno’s ‘Tonight Show’ Has Lowest Rated Quarter Since Letterman Went To CBS – Deadline.com

Russian cargo vessel spins away from space station: report - Yahoo! News

Health law risks turning away sick - TheHill.com

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Mel Gibson's Racist Rant Caught On Tape - Tells Oksana She Would Get 'Raped By N***ers' | RadarOnline.com

Military officials will need OK before interviews - Yahoo! News

Barack Obama's 'politics as usual' revealed by Rod Blagojevich trial - Telegraph

Freeway Flag UPDATE: Governor Criticizes Removal - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes | Politics and Law - CNET News

SMITH: The cost of declaring our independence - Washington Times

My Way News - Mexican murder suspect: US consulate infiltrated

My Way News - Planner of Munich Olympics attack dies in Syria

EDITORIAL: Media blackout for Black Panthers - Washington Times

The Associated Press: Hatch says he'll vote against Kagan's nomination

PRUDEN: A vague, vapid mystery for the Supreme Court - Washington Times

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding - Yahoo! News

21 die in Mexican gang gunbattle near Ariz. border - World news - Americas - msnbc.com

Fla. School Sued for Banning Bible Distribution | Christianpost.com

Michael Steele: Afghanistan is "War of Obama's Choosing" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

CNSNews.com - U.S. Spent $550,496 on Study That Did 'Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews' To Learn About the Sex Lives of Truck Drivers

Death by stoning imminent for Iranian woman, attorney says - CNN.com

Most students fail in fitness; looser gym rules raise concern | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Obama trumps Reagan, academics say in survey - Washington Times

India gal a 'slave' worker - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Clinton Defends Byrd's KKK Ties: "He Was Trying To Get Elected"


*site page:Free Resources & Articles - Mind Motivations


Did Buying Your Gaming Console Help Fund War Atrocities in the Congo?

USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street 'Caught Off Guard' by Severity

G-20 is Relying on China To Drive the World Economy … But China Isn’t Looking So Hot

The Civilian Expeditionary Force:

Iranian Defector: I've Escaped from CIA

Doubts Grow In Whistle-blower "Suicide"

Why The Greater Depression Still Lies Ahead

Unmanned Drones - Targeted Killing vs. "Collateral Murder"

Court's Dual Standards on Free Speech

The GOP's Genetic Link to Big Oil

Global Elites Struggle to Keep EU, Euro Intact

Senate Democrats Seek to Exploit Oil Spill to Ramrod Climate Bill


Remains of 7 Servicemen From WWII Are Identified

Maine Suspect Planned to Live With Victim's Child

Fuel Tanker Explosion Kills Over 220 in Congo

Roxy Music Return to Montreux Festival After 37 Years

Inmates Adjust to New Ky. Prison After Sex Scandal

Old Technology Foils Schwarzenegger's Wage Order

Ship in Boston Harbor Runs Aground, Is Evacuated

Fla. Cop Killing Suspect Surrenders

Clinton Sees "Steel Vice" Squeezing Civil Liberties

Man Charged in Boat Crash Near Statue of Liberty

New Satellite Will Monitor Debris in Earth Orbit

Ahmadinejad Calls Sanctions Against Iran Pathetic

Lawyer: NY Spy Suspect's Dad Told Her to See Cops

General Petraeus in Afghanistan Warns of Tough Mission

Officials: Arrest Linked to Hemet Police Attacks

Moynihan, as Nixon Aide, Warned of Global Warming

Wash. County: Records Show Tonya Harding Marriage

Nepal's "Living Goddess" Passes School Leaving Exam

Climber Missing Near Mount Rainier Summit

Suspect in Killing of 2 Fla. Officers Surrenders

Lawyer: NY Spy Suspect's Dad Told Her to See Cops

Calif. Woman in Child-Custody Battle With Ohio Man

BLM Officials Revise Estimates of Moapa Wildfire

Lawsuit: Indian Official Made Teen Work for No Pay

Jurors Deliberate California Transit Shooting Case

CA Man Held in Molest of Niece After Wife's Death

Coast Guard to Test Jet Boat for Arctic Ocean

Bail Set for Maine Man Held in Times Square Probe

Dig Revives 21-Year-Old Minnesota Abduction Case

Case of Mom Accused in Underage Affair Dropped

LA Toy Company Accused of Laundering Drug Money

Tug Company Involved in Mississippi Crash Charged

Tea Party's Next Wave Rising from Alaska to Colorado

Beck Defies Critics as He Revels in Success

Tea Party Groups Slam Obama BP 'Shakedown'

Enraged to Engaged: Tea Party Backers Explain Why

Verdict's in: Obama's $1 Trillion Stimulus Is a Bust

Sen. Candidate Paul Raises Over $1M Since April 1

Clinton Hopes Russia Accepts US Missile Defense

Gates Tightens Interview Rules

Thomas Jefferson Made Slip in Declaration

UN Official: Taliban Know They Can't Win

10 Years Later, Elian Not Angry at Miami Relatives

Jeb Bush: Welcome Legal Immigrants Better

Sen. Cantwell Now Supports Wall St. Overhaul

3 GOP Senators Line up Against Kagan

Presidents Obama, Clinton Honor Byrd at Memorial

GOP's Steele: Afghan 'War of Obama's Choosing'

Obama, Others Arrive for Byrd Memorial in W.Va.

Hatch Says He'll Vote Against Kagan's Nomination

Bloomberg Seeks to Ease US Immigration Policies

Military Vets Condemn Nominee Elena Kagan

Boehner: Obama Is 'Whining'

American Indians Ask for Voice On Federal Court

Sen. Byrd Viewing in WV Goes Into Wee Hours

Palin Center Stage in Politics, but What of 2012?

NRA Keeping Score on Who Votes for Kagan

Limbaugh Heads Fundraising Rally in 'Troopathon'

State and Local Gov't Workers' Job Security Fades

Obama Announces $2 Billion for Solar Power

Calif. State Workers Brace for Minimum Wage

Wis. DA Says He Won't Prosecute Some Gun Laws

Brown Invites Rival Whitman to House for Tea

Daily Kos Sues Polling Firm

Minnesota Watchdog Group Alleges Felon Vote Fraud

Parties Aim Fireworks at Each Other for July 4

Saudi King: Israel, Iran Don't Deserve to Exist

FBI Watched Russian Spy Suspects for Years

Warren Buffett Donates $1.93 Billion to Charities

Fish Oil Combats Mild Depression

Best Test to Spot Alzheimer's Identified

Ancient Hunting Tool Found Near Yellowstone Park

Farmers Defend Way of Life With Facebook, Twitter

Florida Tests Inventors' Sand-Cleaning Ideas

Group to Show Car That Can Be Driven by the Blind

Paris Hilton Marijuana Charges Dropped in S. Africa

Kelsey Grammer, Wife, Ending 13-Year Marriage

Obama Administration Oozes Arrogance

New York Is the Ultimate Nanny State

Climate Alarmist Michael Mann Vindicated by University

Dems Keep Quiet on Petraeus Appt Despite 2007 Slam

Afghanistan, Kagan, Gulf Spill Dominate Summer for Obama

Kagan Confirmation Will Be Tough to Stop

A Perspective on My Cousin Barack Obama

Obama Spoils for Immigration Fight

Clemency for Wall Street Criminals, Prison for the Powerless

The administration defends its assassination program

Washington Post fails to disclose blogger's ties to White House

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools

Public School Educators: Most Are a Sorry Lot

Police secretly plant GPS on man's truck without warrant to catch him poaching

Americans Not Sure on Financial Reform Bill, But Don’t Think Some Banks are Too Big to Fail

29% Say Stimulus Plan Helped the Economy, 43% Say It Hurt

Flashback: The Swine Flu Conspiracy

'Hot News' Doctrine Could Stifle Online Commentary and Criticism

Scroogle's future in doubt: Google shimmies again to avoid privacy proxy

For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty

Fire Safe Cigarettes - Or - Smokers as Lab Experiments

Scientists Admit Chemtrails Are Creating Artificial Clouds

Tan Tax Worries Businesses

Colleges to act as DMCA police kicking students off the internet for "illegal" file sharing

Supposed 'Grass Roots' Site Pushing For Canadian DMCA Admits That It's Funded By The Recording Industry

Obama's fiscal fantasyland

Sweden ends compulsory military service after 109 years

62% Say Constitution Should Be Left Alone

Banks, Analysts Warn of Massive Money Printing Ahead

Random Acts of Government

Financial Reform Bill to use TARP Money

Kagan Not a Fan of Limited Government, Natural Rights, or Even the Declaration of Independence

Obama Calls for Pentagon “Civilian Component”

Overwhelmed by Oil and Toxic Pollutants: The Destuction of an Entire Coastline

Declare Your Independence! Independent Media, Independent Political Movements, Independent Electoral Activity

Lying and Spying: The Economy is Sinking. The Coming Depression

The US Economy is Stuck in Misery

21st Century Socialism in Venezuela

Future U.S.-Canada Joint Arctic Security and Control

Do you feel independent on Independence Day?

How do other nations balance their trade? Try Germany

Can “emergency” new nuke loans be stopped despite cover of war?

Dad buries Turkish teen alive to keep her away from boyfriends

How many Americans are targeted for assassination?

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Obama: U.S. Borders Cannot Be Secured With Fences and Border Patrols

Administrator of $20 Billion Compensation Fund for Gulf Oil Spill Will Verify Social Security Numbers to Make Sure Funds Are Not Distributed to Illegal Aliens

Petraeus: Military Didn't Recommend Obama’s July 2011 Date for Beginning Withdrawal from Afghanistan

New $3.5-Million Web Site ‘Healthcare.gov’ Is ‘Informational’ and ‘Factually Correct,’ Says HHS Secretary

Kagan Dodges Question On Whether Catholic Recruiters Would Be Banned from Harvard

Sen. Specter: 'Appropriate' for Kagan to Recuse Herself From Cases on Which She Took 'Formal Position’ As Solicitor General

Kagan: ‘I Had No Agenda’ on Partial-Birth Abortion in Clinton White House

Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

Yemen’s Secessionist Conflict Seen As Benefiting Al-Qaeda

Hard Rocker Ozzy Osbourne Wants His DNA Mapped To Find Out Why He's Still Alive

Police Explain Reasons for Reopening Al Gore Case

Federal Debt Could Reach 100% of America’s GDP by 2025, Says Congressional Budget Office

Administrator of $20 Billion Compensation Fund for Gulf Oil Spill Will Not Make Payments to Illegal Aliens

As Obama Calls Out Republicans on Campaign Trail, Republican Leader Blasts President's 'Childish Partisanship'

U.S. Envoy Concerned About Fraying Commercial Ties With Venezuela

No More ‘Psy Ops’ for Army

Location of 211 Grave Sites in Question at Arlington National Cemetery

Obama: Economy Still Headed in Right Direction

Irish Bookmaker Says Odds Are Hayward Will Be Booted from BP

Groups Fill NRA Void in Gun Rights Movement

The Failing Fourth Estate

Obama Concedes Loss of the U.S. House

Yankee Utopians in a Chinese Century

Assimilation and the Founding Fathers

Oliver Stone’s Ugly America

Mary Landrieu (D-Big Oil) gives thumbs down on Gulf oil spill commission

Michele Bachmann squeals: "Our economy may be in the same situation as Zimbabwe soon"

Sean Hannity Praises Gov. Chris Christie For His Draconian Budget Cuts in New Jersey

BP Plans to Get Rid of Safety Watchdog

Al Franken Demolishes GOP’s Anti-Thurgood Marshall Campaign

Double Dip? Housing Weak, Unemployment Claims Up. Why Would You Call It A Recovery Without Jobs?

Glenn Beck Uses Military Charity To Fund His Book Launch - Tax Free

Karl Rove says lots of Tea Partiers tell him they miss President Bush. You betcha

The Elites Have Deficit Fever And Social Security Is The Target. Don't Count On Obama To Protect It.

Steele Says, Get Out of Afghanistan

Al Sharpton is right: Beck's followers are the antithesis of what Martin Luther King was about

How Many People Are Dumb Enough To Pay Glenn Beck's 'University' Their Hard-Earned Cash?

Republicans Turn to Fringe Groups to Oppose Elena Kagan

There's a reason the ACLU issued a travel warning for Arizona: Non-resident citizens could face arrest there

Is St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa a Teabagger?

'1776' Revisited: The Conservatives Are Still 'Cool, Cool Considerate Men'

Drudge falsely claims Biden compared GOP to Nazis

Signs Of Contamination From BP Oil Catastrophe Showing Up In Gulf Crabs

Yup, Marge, that Michael Steele feller shore looks like roadkill

Allegations emerge BP is dumping sand to cover oil


*Newstalgia Reference Room - Immigration Reform: An Overview. Part One | Newstalgia


Risk-Taking at BP Extends to Energy Markets - NYTimes.com

Senior Ex-KGB Man Claims 400 Russian Spies In U.S. - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010

The Civilian Expeditionary Force: Obama Says 'Burden' Can’t be All on the Military - Political Punch

Biden Claims a GOP 'Blitzkrieg' (Updated)

Giant blobs of magma rippling Earth's surface - CSMonitor.com

Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news and business from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam

Billions Missing, Lies Mounting | CommonDreams.org

Neithercorp Press » Blog Archive » What Would Life Be Like Under Martial Law?

DARPA Plots Supercomputing Future -- Supercomputing -- InformationWeek

Russian intelligence found gold market info 'very valuable,' FBI says

British scientist uncovers 'secret messages' hidden in Plato's ancient text | Mail Online

Works and Days » Where Did the Tea-Party Anger Come From?

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together, Say Physicists

ET Tech: "Could Technology Exist That's Beyond Information & Matter?" (A Galaxy Classic)

Happy Secession Day by Thomas DiLorenzo

Federal Power Grabs and How to Combat Them by John Seiler

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Congratulations on Getting that Masters Degree, Now What Are You Going To Do?

Gerald Celente The Crash is underway before 2011 everybody will know that we are in the Greatest Depression | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

ATM Salvation by George F. Smith

The Spy Scare by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

BOOK REVIEW: 'How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes' - Washington Times

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » VICTORY IN McDONALD

10 Real-Life Reasons Why the Primal Blueprint Works for Me | Mark's Daily Apple


* Declaration of Independence*

Video: Obama Calls for Pentagon “Civilian Component” « Dprogram.net


*12 part/Film: United We Fall « Dprogram.net


Water Fluoridation May Be Harmful to Your Health

Video: Ron Paul – Washington D.C. Out of Touch with The American People « Dprogram.net

Food Dyes Linked to Allergies, ADHD and Cancer: Group Calls on US to Outlaw Their Use - - CBS News

Lead In Fruit Juices, Fruit Snacks, and Children's Drinks

Video: Alex Jones Tv – Is Al Gore a “Crazed Sex Poodle?” « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy - Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy - Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy - Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy - Alex Jones Tv 4/4


School of Terror John Pilger

Activist Post: USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street 'Caught Off Guard' by Severity

Greatest Movie Predators - Movies Feature at IGN

Activist Post: Madhouse Medical Tyranny: When Health Becomes Sickness

Video: Gerald Celente – We’re Going into The Greatest Depression and WW 3 – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

House Approves Martial Law Rule? « Fellowship of the Minds

Video: Bob Chapman – Global Governance is A Corporate Takeover by The illuminati – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

Video: Max Keiser – Goldman Sachs – The Real Pirates behind America’s Economic Implosion « Dprogram.net

Men’s Fashion Guide: How to Dress in the Summer (Part 1) | The Art of Manliness


07/02 The Mark Levin Show

07/01 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-02, Friday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-01, Thursday

July 2, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

July 1, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Fri July 02, 2010. 04:20 PM

Download :The Michael Savage Show 07/01/2010


VIDEO: ObamaCare’s Negative Impact on Doctors

WE LOVE PIXAR: How ‘Ratatouille,’ and ‘The Incredibles’ Turned Me Right

National Public Radio: Choosing Sides and Controlling the Terms Of the Debate With Our Money

Flipping the Media COIN To Defeat the Anti-American Insurgency Behind the Headlines

‘We’re Not the Enemy Here’ — When You’ve Lost Anderson Cooper and CNN… Maybe the MSM Is Finally Beginning To Sober Up

NewsBusted: Can National Guard Fight Crime In Chicago?

Vicky Pelaez, One Of the Accused Russian Spies, Has Close Ties To Fidel

‘Cry Wolf,’ the ‘JournoList,’ and Now This: One Of WaPo’s Bloggers Outed As Obama White House Operative. Is Anybody Surprised?

As Gore Keeps Changing Stories, the Evolution Of a ‘Crazed Sex Poodle’ Denial

Kagan, the ‘JournoList,’ Media Matters and the Meaning Of Transparency

Tonight At Eleven! News Promos That Kill!


Iraq Vet Slams Kagan’s Treatment of Military at Harvard

4th of July Special: Former Marine ‘Stuns Crowd’ at Georgia Tea Party Event

NBC Continues to Attack Palin

Thugs From Jimmy Kimmel Show ‘Torture’ Pro-Life Activist With Hot Spotlight

Obama Ties Bible to Sen. Byrd’s Legacy

Empty Holster: Gun Debate Censored on College Campus

Newly Uncovered Video: Jeremiah Wright Calls America ‘Land of the Greed and Home of the Slave’

Video of McCain with Ponzi Schemer Uncovered

Exclusive: Sarah Silverman Moderates Global Warming Debate

Obama to Illegals: Learn English

Liza Barely Coherent on Home Shopping Network

Oliver Stone Supports Congressman Who Called Cheney a Vampire

Klavan: Limp Economy? Flaccid Philosophy? Diagnosis: Electile Dysfunction


7/7 victims still awaiting compensation - Telegraph

Suicide bombers kill dozens at Pakistan shrine | World news | The Guardian

'Horse Boy' reappears on Google Street View in Aberdeen - Telegraph

Mexico drug gangs in deadly border gunfight | World news | The Guardian

'Sadistic' Catholic priest jailed for abusing boys in Australia - Telegraph

Russian spy scandal: You wouldn't catch the Chinese messing around like this – Telegraph Blogs

The latest threat to the global recovery - state capitalism - Telegraph

Google founder Sergey Brin to use search engine to find cure for Parkinson's - Telegraph

`Big Brother’ school lunchbox scheme abandoned - Telegraph

U.S. Chicken McNuggets 'contain Silly Putty chemical and more calories and fat' than in Britain | Mail Online

Black Slavery « What Do You Believe?

Living Outside the Dialectic

Constitution Is Endangered If Kagan OK'd - IBD - Investors.com

American World Order: The Beginning Of The End | Opinion Maker

Obama Promotes Clean Energy Economy in Weekly Address | News | English

Thomas Jefferson a closet royalist? Hardly. - CSMonitor.com

Elena Kagan Would Impose Gay Marriage, Tony Perkins Warns | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel

'This Week' in History: Remembering Senator Byrd - ABC News

Obama's immigration speech gets smacked by GOP pols, conservative pundits

Gates Tightens Rules for Military and the Press - NYTimes.com

Obama on jobs: 'We are headed in the right direction' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Obama Announces $800 Million to Expand Broadband - NYTimes.com

Fisher: What is Jaycee Dugard going to do with $20 million? - San Jose Mercury News

Joe Moore: A Reluctant Vote for Walmart -- A Report From the Chicago City Council

Blagojevich swipes at Obama, other Illinois Democrats in courtroom audio - chicagotribune.com

Muslim group holds annual convention in Illinois - chicagotribune.com

Hundreds killed, scores injured in Congo oil tanker explosion - CNN.com

Afghanistan: Petraeus, Eikenberry stress unity in Afghanistan - latimes.com

Future uncertain for children of accused Russian agents - CNN.com

Russian spy 'not some Mata Hari' - Telegraph

BBC News - South Korea airport bus crash near Seoul kills 12

Carrie Prejean Marries NFL Player - Weddings : - Flash Player Installation

Lady Gaga clocks up a record breaking 10 million fans on Facebook | News | NME.COM

Arts, Briefly - New ‘Spider-Man’ Finds Its New Spider-Man - NYTimes.com

Janet Jackson jumps back in at Essence Music Festival - Live From: Live Event and Entertainment Coverage - USATODAY.com

Part two of Mel Gibson's racist, sexist tirade against Oksana Grigorieva

Movie madams - latimes.com

New study of centenarians links certain genetic variations to a long lifespan

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'The people like getting stuff'

Court: Regulation of free speech stops here!

Ex–DoJ lawyer: Holder won't prosecute blacks

Holder’s Black Panther Shame | FrontPage Magazine

Is Sharpton 'race-mongering' in Indiana?

Yet another terrorist tie to Obama White House

Elena Kagan Hearings: Were They Worthwhile? - ABC News

Want to know secrets of hookers? You already pay for them ...

Schwarzenegger sorry over 9/11 mural cover-up - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com

Indonesia sought as NASA's new mission partner?

Chief: Cops enforcing SB 1070 are sure to be accused of profiling

Soldiers: Obama ordered us to lobby for 'gay' rights

Lindsey Graham, This Year’s Maverick - NYTimes.com

Mexico under siege: Man held in U.S. consulate worker's killing in Ciudad Juarez - latimes.com

Gunfire hitting City Hall prompts Texas AG to ask for more troops on border - El Paso Times

Mexican authorities: Federal agents could have fired bullets that struck City Hall - El Paso Times

Russian spy ring may be last straw for Obama nuclear arms treaty - TheHill.com

Alleged spy was devoted to her KGB dad, ex-husband says - Yahoo! News

Google's Eric Schmidt: You can trust us with your data - Telegraph

News Article Details

Indonesian Muslims Call for Halt to ‘Christianization’

FOXNews.com - Controversy Surrounds Construction of Mosques Across U.S.

Independence Day never meant more

Let's redeclare our independence

When our leaders used to call us to prayer and fasting

Obama's national suicide via amnesty

Pastors as props

And another underground business is born

Get government out of the market

Courage vs. cowardice, Part 2

Character: A long habit continued

Americans still held captive by "zombie" lies - Tea Parties | Tea Party Movement, Tax Day Tea Party - Salon.com

Why Obama socialists love Sweden, hate the Constitution

The Rutherford Institute - Commentary

Yet another terrorist tie to Obama White House

Memorializing George Tiller's evil

Independence Day never meant more

Doesn't pay to be friend of U.S.

Is America's root problem economic?

American Minute

*American Minute for July 2nd:William J Federer's American Minute

*American Minute for July 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute

*American Minute for July 4th:William J Federer's American Minute


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Appeals panel considers whether Obama is even American