"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

30 June 2010

30 June '10


*l Elena Kagan Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing | C-SPAN

Kagan Confirmation Hearing, Day 2

YouTube - Kagan Deploys Humor and the Artful Dodge

Kagan Advocates Consensus, Refuses to Criticize Court - BusinessWeek

The Associated Press: Day 3: Nominee Kagan won't criticize Roberts court

Kagan: As judge, 'only master is the rule of law'

Day Two of Kagan's Grilling: Low Temps - Crossroads - CBS News

Kagan Defends Against Republican Criticism, Wall Street Reform Reformed and More in Capital Eye Opener: June 30 - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Cornyn: GOP Will Grill Kagan on Military Recruitment Issue Today « The Washington Independent

YouTube - Specter asks Kagan about TV cameras in the Supreme Court

Obama looks forward to seeing Supreme Court Justice Kagan - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Kagan Follows Precedent by Offering Few Opinions - NYTimes.com

Kagan videos show nominee praising Obama - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - A Vote for Kagan Is a Vote to Take Away Your Guns

Ten Republican Questions For Kagan | The Jewish Week

Recalling a Union Brother Who Is Kagan’s Brother - NYTimes.com

Dana Milbank - The dodgy Miss Kagan

Kagan: Foreign law can provide 'good ideas' - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Kagan Displays Legal Knowledge, But No Legal Views | Cato @ Liberty

Fox Nation falsely claims Kagan says "Constitution changes with times" | Media Matters for America

Kagan's Grand Theory of Constitutional Interpretation - HUMAN EVENTS

Kagan explains criticism of confirmation process


Stunning development: Possiblity of two Illinois Senate elections on Nov. 2 - Lynn Sweet

Illinois Doesn't Know How Many Senate Elections It'll Have This Year - The Eye (CQ Politics)

Illinois Senate: Roland Burris Could Leave Office Before End Of Term

The Obama seat and the rights of the voters - Chicago Tribune


*USA, NDIL, US v. Blagojevich

*Chicago Sun-Times: Gov. Blagojevich Archive

*Rod Blagojevich : Rod Blagojevich News and Photos - chicagotribune.com

Blagojevich on Trial | Chicago Tribune | Blog

Blago Trial: Daily Journal 6/30 | NBC Chicago

Rod Blagojevich Trial | Jurors Hear 'F***ing Golden' Tape as Scofield Continues Testimony

Rod Blagojevich Trial | FBI Audio Recordings and Transcripts | Listen | Nov. 12, 2008

Faced With The Blagojevich Scandal, Did Barack Obama Tell The Whole Truth? - Swampland - TIME.com

Blagojevich on Carol Marin: 'I hate her' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Obama’s Circle and the Blagojevich Trial « Liveshots

Jury hears Blagojevich's 'golden' comment | News-Gazette.com

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » US District Judge James Zagel Stops Blagojevich’s Lawyer From Asking Any Questions Meant To Drag Obama Into The Fray



savethemales.ca - Has the Ark of the Covenant Been Found?

The Fed Has Lost It; Publishes Essay Bashing Bloggers, Tells General Public To Broadly Ignore Those Without An Econ PhD | zero hedge

Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible | Washington Examiner

FDA: Antibiotics in Livestock Affects Human Health

Graft fears as massive cash sums fly out of Kabul: WSJ - The West Australian

Leading politician Rodolfo Torre Cantú murdered in Mexico | World news | The Guardian

Blackwater deal in Afghanistan questioned by Congress | World news | The Guardian

Kim Jong-Il's son secretly appointed to parliament - Telegraph

Russia demands explanation from United States over 'secret agent' arrests - Telegraph

Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information

Sacking McChrystal - Testimony To A Lost War

Russian Proves 'Peak Oil' Is A Misleading Scam

Astonishing Amount Of Oil And Gas Off Louisiana

Costner cleanup device gets high marks from BP - Yahoo! News

Lloyd Marcus -- It's The Media, Stupid

RBS tells clients to prepare for 'monster' money-printing by the Federal Reserve - Telegraph

Medically-Caused Deaths In America

BP controls access to medical care for Gulf Oil clean-up workers. | The BP Compensation Blog

Treachery In The Gulf

A New Capture of a Mossad Agent in Lebanon «Kawther Salam

Federal Judges Sitting On Critical Cases Is Inexcusable

Whites in state 'below the replacement' level

Who Will Pay - Wall Street Or Main Street?

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

The Associated Press: Americans are treated, and overtreated, to death

CIA director: US has not had good intelligence on Osama bin Laden in years - Telegraph

The New Merchants Of Death - McChrystal And Petraeus | Real Zionist News

CIA chief defends Blackwater contract - Telegraph

Barack Obama's immigration gamble | Stewart J Lawrence | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Are Twitter and Facebook affecting how we think? - Telegraph

Giant salmon will be first GM animal available for eating - Telegraph

'Frankenfish' won't feed the world – Telegraph Blogs

Humans Are An Intentional Design

Is Petraeus McChrystal's Replacement Or Obama's

savethemales.ca - The Hindenberg Was Sabotaged

Internet pornography to get its own red light district as .xxx name approved | Technology | The Guardian

Sirhan Sirhan: In His Own Words


The Devil and Bill Marriott

The Devil and Bill Marriott: Part 2

The Devil, Bill Marriott, and the Council on Foreign Relations

The Devil, Bill Marriott, and Bilderberg


William "Bill" Cooper

How the Illuminati Use Sex and Blackmail


Who Owns Harry Reid?

Who Owns Harry Reid? (Part 2)


savethemales.ca - Japanese Children's Cartoon Lifts the Spirit

Who is behind child abduction? | Thetruthisfreedom's Blog

Op-Ed Contributor - No Sex Please, We’re Middle Class - NYTimes.com

YouTube - U.S. GOV can kill ANYONE including YOU without trial COVERTLY !!

Oops! Reporters caught on tape mocking Sarah Palin speech | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Kagan explains Barak remarks | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Anna Chapman: One of the alleged Russian spies arrested by the FBI

Family caught up in spy drama wants answers - Yahoo! Canada News

Guess Who Wants to Kill the Internet? | Intifada Palestine

poor richard's blog: Kagan Declines To Say Gov't Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat


At trial, Noriega claims Panama drug money a US-run ‘imaginary banking scheme’ | Raw Story

U.S. Accepts International Assistance For Gulf Oil Spill

US & China play 'chicken' in the Yellow Sea

UN Denies Bringing Heavy Weapons Into Korean DMZ | Asia | English

Economist to bloggers: Shut up, fools - How the World Works - Salon.com

Islamic Times - Islamic finance moves into mainstream as investors seek ethical alternatives

President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil - WSJ.com

RBS: Equity Investors Are The "Worst Cult In History," Prepare For The "Cliff Edge"

The Raw Story | Russia furious over Cold War-style US spy arrests

The Raw Story | Obama to meet Saudi King Abdullah at White House

Russia angry as U.S. seeks to limit spy fallout | Reuters

China military denies exercise aimed at U.S | Reuters

Mullen: Omar could be part of Afghan settlement - Washington Times

14 Scary Facts About The The US Real Estate Nightmare

New Big Screen Documentary Exposes Pat Tillman Cover-Up

kenny's sideshow: Spying is OK, Everybody Does It

Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal - Bloomberg

Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 times higher than first thought | Mail Online

Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

Pre-Crime? Try Pre-Diagnose and Pre-Drug: Psychiatrists target infants as mental patients « CCHR International

kenny's sideshow: Will the 2010 elections be fixed?

kenny's sideshow: The Ultimate Gulf Conspiracy?

06-29-2010: Scrap dollar as sole reserve currency: U.N. report

06-29-2010: Top Republican: Raise Social Security's retirement age to 70

06-29-2010: UK: Doctors call for total NHS ban on homoeopathy

06-29-2010: Kagan: Its Fine if The Law Bans Books Because Government Won't Really Enforce It

06-28-2010: New Boeing Spaceship Targets Commercial Missions


*Audio: G20 Detention center conditions


YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 1/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 2/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 3/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 4/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 5/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 6/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 7/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 8/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 9/10

YouTube - Opie and Anthony interview ALEX JONES Part 10/10


YouTube - George Carlin and Bill Hicks tell it like it is

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #51 - Flushing the G20

Chuck Baldwin Live - The Internet Must Remain Free


video/audio links:John Pilger: There Is a War on Journalism


Czech Military to Help National Guard Establish “Chemical Warfare Unit” in Texas « Dprogram.net

‘Dozens’ of US citizens on assassination list, White House adviser hints | Raw Story


YouTube - Birgitta Jónsdóttir: Obama's "Death Squad" Hunting for Wikileaks Founder! 1/4

YouTube - Birgitta Jónsdóttir: Obama's "Death Squad" Hunting for Wikileaks Founder! 2/4

YouTube - Birgitta Jónsdóttir: Obama's "Death Squad" Hunting for Wikileaks Founder! 3/4

YouTube - Birgitta Jónsdóttir: Obama's "Death Squad" Hunting for Wikileaks Founder! 4/4


YouTube - Larry Becraft: Elena Kagan's Secret Mission is to Totally Socialize The 1st Amendment 1/4

YouTube - Larry Becraft: Elena Kagan's Secret Mission is to Totally Socialize The 1st Amendment 2/4

YouTube - Larry Becraft: Elena Kagan's Secret Mission is to Totally Socialize The 1st Amendment 3/4

YouTube - Larry Becraft: Elena Kagan's Secret Mission is to Totally Socialize The 1st Amendment 4/4


YouTube - REAL ID in AZ Immigration Bill - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - Biometrics Exemption Bill - Reality Report Special Interview

YouTube - Zibgniew Brzezinski Denounces Global Awakening - NEWS ALERT

YouTube - Kissinger's Trilateral Commission Connection - Reality Report

YouTube - Microchip society - Are you ready to say no ? You better be

And Now We Give You… The Death Panel Propaganda! « iQuestionAuthority.com


YouTube - Congress Mocking the Obama Birth Certificate


Monsanto, Big Brother of the New World Agricultural Order: An Interview With Marie-Monique Robin « Orwell's Dreams

White House creating a centralized Web Accounts « TechDrifts

The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names « Whaler News


George Orwell: Politics and the English Language


*George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four

*George Orwell: 'Animal Farm: A Fairy Story'


Ending the Monopoly of Ideas: Compulsory Licensing in Intellectual Property

Holding America's Soldiers Accountable

Iraq: The Hidden War

A Final Warning

The Mystery of the Stock Market Flash Crash

Senate Democrats Plot 'Impenetrable' Path to Victory for Unwritten Climate Bill - NYTimes.com





VIDEO: Methane Release From the Gulf Oil Spill: What Does It Mean? How Bad Could It Get?

G20: Demonizing Democracy. Canada's Police State.

Gulf of Mexico Presents Unprecedented Toxicity Problems

Revolution and Repression in America

On the Destructive Nature of the Global Economic System

The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: Damning New Evidence Points to a Cover-up by Tony Blair's Government

Clinton In Azerbaijan: Testing Waters For Attack On Iran


AllGov- Supreme Court Rejects Vatican Immunity in Pedophilia Cases

AllGov - Pentagon to Spend $1 Billion on Psychological Operations; 40% to Contractors

AllGov - $119 Million in Mass Transit Funding Never Spent, No Longer Available


Report: Russian Spies are "Goldbugs" Who May be Plotting to "Destroy the Value of the U.S. Dollar"

A 'Kill Switch' for the State

The Long Forgotten Obligation to Resist the State on Behalf of Others

The New Ideological Divide

Krugman and the “Long Depression” Myth

Krugman Prophesies Doom As a Result of Government Spending Cuts and Archaic Notions of Sound Fiscal Policy

Scrap dollar as sole reserve currency: U.N. report

The link between BP, geoengineering and GM

Geoengineering: Whitening clouds could fight global warming

Global warming 'solution' could backfire

Columbia University: Body Scanners Increase Risk Of Skin Cancer

Task force to counter fluoridation discontent

Fun and games with the "terrorism" label

The universality of war propaganda

The Fed Has Lost It; Publishes Essay Bashing Bloggers, Tells General Public To Broadly Ignore Those Without An Econ PhD

The Anatomy of the State

Bush's Lies Should Never Be Forgotten

White House Ducks Afghanistan Exit | CommonDreams.org

The GOP's Genetic Link to Big Oil | CommonDreams.org

Food Sovereignty Chronicles | CommonDreams.org

Questions for Supreme Court Nominee Kagan | CommonDreams.org

The Land Where Theories of Warfare Go to Die | CommonDreams.org

Time to shut down the US Federal Reserve? – Telegraph Blogs

Suiting Up for a Post-Dollar World | John Browne | Safehaven.com

UN calls for scraping dollar

New Evidence Suggests the Oil Spill in the Gulf Could only be the Beginning | News 4 Us

The Spy Next Door: Tri-Staters Charged as Russian Agents | NBC New York

Reject Elena Kagan

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine

Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 1)




Transgenics: Forbidden Technologies of an Ancient Sin? – Catalyst

Tainting textbooks, abolishing academic freedom, and maligning gay Americans: Tales from the Texas GOP

High court rejects Iraq case against Halliburton

Supreme Court upholds political party money limits

IRS is probing casino payouts IRS agents are investigating whether Miccosukee Tribe members receive large cash payouts -- from tribal casino profits -- without paying required federal income taxes.

The Price of Secrecy: Billions

FDA Says Antibiotics In Meat A "Serious Public Health Threat"

Supreme Court sides with school over Christian group ban

Supreme Court Rules That Gun Rights Apply to Local Laws

Justices Uphold Sarbanes-Oxley Act

The Birds and the Bees

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

The Hard Reich in the Republican Party Shows their True Stripes

The Pentagon's Threat to the Republic

The Mystery of Obama's Relationship with Power

Frustrations Mount Over Kagan's Evasions in Senate Hearings

Justice Project: 'No' to Kagan

Kagan On Guns: Court Precedents Are 'Settled Law'

Gun Law Challenges Likely After High Court Ruling

Courts Need $40M for Border Plan

Republicans Challenge Kagan on Military at Harvard

Democrats Add Teacher Money to War Funding Bill

Top US Prosecutor in Kabul to Discuss Corruption

Oil Prices Plummet On Concerns About US Demand

US Intercepts Ballistic Missile in Test off Hawaii

House Rejects Extension of Unemployment Benefits

State Department Plays Down Fallout From Spy Case

Petraeus Vows Long-Term Commitment in Afghan War

Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Gay Marriage Ban

Brown Remains Uncommitted After Fix to Bank Bill

Kirk Apologizes for Mistakes About Accomplishments

GOP Makes Good on Cutting Pork

Fidel Warns of Imminent Nuclear Catastrophe

Berlusconi Pushes Controversial Wiretap Law

US Denies It Was Behind Honduras Coup

Mexico Says End to Swine Flu Scare

SKorea's Military Wants Budget Rise

Evans-Pritchard: Shut the Out-of-Touch Fed

RBS Warns: Global Stocks, Commodities to Crash

Shiller: Jobs Are the Key to Housing Recovery

Saliva Test Spots Hard-To-Detect Cancers

9 in 10 Docs Overtest for Protection

Egypt Finds Evidence of Unfinished Ancient Tomb

Supporters Tout Broadband Network for Researchers

Yahoo to Expand Customer Service to More Languages

Oprah Tops Forbes Celebrity 'Power List'

Nominee Kagan Won't Criticize Roberts Court

Obama, Clinton Face Off in Colorado Race

W.Va. Gov: Byrd Seat to Remain Vacant for Now

Blago's 'Golden' Comment Makes Appearance

Palin: Obamacare 'Hefty Tax Hike' for Special Needs

Dick Morris: Kagan's Views Threat to Free Speech

CNN's King Says He's Ending Show After 25 Years

Obama, Hispanic Lawmakers Discuss Immigration

Farrakhan Charges Jews With 'Anti-Black' Behavior

John Kerry: GOP, Rand Paul 'Dangerously Radical'

Bill Clinton Backs Romanoff Over Obama Pick

Elizabeth Edwards: It Was Not Easy to Leave John

Senate Panel Endorses Petraeus

Maggie's Notebook: Jeremiah Wright Martin Luther King was Wrong: Wright says Blacks Born in the Oven of America

Satanic UFOs? | Before It's News

Alien Signals Were Overlooked By Astronomers. | Before It's News

Lack of Truck Parking Causing Highway Safety Risk for General Public | Before It's News

Science Historian Cracks The 'Plato Code', Secret Messages Hidden In The Great Philosopher's Writings | Before It's News

Sexual Repression Doesn't Work for Parish, Priest, or Pope | Before It's News

Sandia Labs Reports First Monolithic Terahertz Solid-State Transceiver | Before It's News

Scientists develop the iPhone app to tell you what prescription glasses you need | Mail Online

Nanotek Graphene Platelets Provide Improved Anode Compositions for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries | Before It's News

Illegal immigration: Tapeworm brain infection spreads to border states Video

The Coming Depression: Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP oil spill?

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Kagan Demanded Sex-Change Operations and Transvestite Bathroom Access as ‘Equal Rights’ at Harvard…

Kagan’s Own Words: It’s Fine If The Law Bans Books Because Government Won’t Really Enforce It | Before It's News

Is Elena Kagan in the Mainstream of Legal Thought?

Kagan Fares Well in Confirmation Charade

Entrepreneurship Helps Make America Great

Gulf Spill Response Worsened by Obama's Lack of Experience

Texas, Arizona call Obama border response inadequate

Mothers of Jailed Americans Appeal to Iran Leader

Report: Harvard Scholar's Arrest at Home Avoidable

Google Faces Pressure as China to Decide on License

Second Coyote Attack on Kids in NY Suburb

No Murder Charge for Man Arrested in SF Shooting

Official: NJ Fire Kills 2, Leaves up to 4 Missing

NY Suspect Dubbed Femme Fatale of Russian Spy Case

Former Israeli Spy Faces US Deportation Hearing

50 Va Inmates in Segregation Over Grooming Policy

Employer Says Va. Spy Suspect Clumsy, yet Smart

Spill Relief Well Weeks Away as Hurricane Hinders Cleanup

Senate Panel Votes to End Oil Spill Liability Cap

DA: Disabled Pa. Torture Victim Was Also Raped

Colorado Is Home to Best Mid-Sized Cities: Study

Math, Reading Gap Among Native American Students

U.S. Fines BP $5 Million for Reports on Tribal Lands

Elizabeth Edwards Wants Her Children to Love John

Tony Blair Named 2010 Liberty Medal Winner

Men "Less Engaged in Work Than Women"

Researchers Seek Little Miss Muffets for Fear Study

Suspect in Tampa Officers' Death Has Arrest Record

Lock of Napoleon's Hair Sells at Auction for $13,000

Special Report: BP Oil Spill a Gusher for Lawyers

Geese Behind Plane's NY River Landing Still Around

No Condoms for Grade Schoolers, Mass. Schools Say

Scottish Ghosts of Boer War Roam South African Plain

South Korean Star Park Yong Ha Found Dead in His Home

U.S. Attorney General in Kabul for Graft Talks

Some 70,000 Turtle Eggs to Be Whisked Far From Oil

Britney Spears Designs Fashion Line for School Girls

Of Irish Origin? Get the Proof and Earn Discounts

Worst Driving Commutes in the World

Japan Urges More Dads to Swap Desks for Diapers

50th Parish to Close in Huge Cleveland Downsizing

Granny Shocked by Police Stun Gun in Bed Sues

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Statement on Partial-Birth Abortion Included 'Suggested' Text Found in Kagan's White House Files

Congresswoman Proposes Ban on Corporal Punishment in U.S. Schools as Some Schools Move to Reinstate It

FEMA Workers Ran Up $247,100 in 'Improper Purchases' on Government Credit Cards--Including $4,318 in 'Happy Birthday' Cards

Gun-Rights Groups Ready for Battle Against ‘Restrictive’ Regulations

Islamic and Arab States Should Have Security Council Seats, Says Pakistan

Pakistan’s Web Censorship Guidelines to Go Beyond ‘Blasphemy’

U.S. Has Paid $1.44 Million for Project That is Studying the 'Social Milieu' of Male Prostitutes in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi

Chairman Leahy: Supreme Court Nominee Kagan’s Standard on Recusal ‘Appropriate’

Attorney General Eric Holder Helping Afghanistan Fight Corruption, Improve Its Justice System

U.S. Can’t Continue As Engine That Drives the Global Economy, Obama and Geithner Say

Obama Administration Plays Down Fallout From Spy Case

Mortgage Applications Rise 9 Percent After Rates Fall

EU Says Member Nations That Flout Economic Rules Must Be Fined

White House: McChrystal to Retire with 4 Stars

This Vodka Tastes Like Bacon

California NAACP Supports Legalizing Marijuana

Obama’s Coffee House Loophole

The ‘Elusive’ Truth About Elena Kagan

Gore: 'Come On, Baby, Release My Chakra'

A Return to Enlightenment

Welfare That Works


MP3:The Chilling Effect of Campaign Subsidies Aimed at Equalizing Speech 6.15.10 (5:00 min) By jacob sullum

MP3:Obama vs. Freedom of the Press 6.15.10 (5:00 min) By dick morris and eileen mcgann

MP3:Obama and Economics: Intellectually Clueless 6.9.10 (5:00 min) By larry elder

MP3:Economic Myths, Fallacies and Stupidity 6.14.10 (5:00 min) By walter williams

Listen :The G. Gordon Liddy Show Jun 29, 2010 | G. Gordon Liddy /Colonel Howard

Listen:Where in Hawaii was Obama born?

Listen:Paying President’s ‘Price On Carbon’ 6.29.10

Spies Like Us 6.29.10

Listen :The Perils of Progress: What about all the beautiful things that new technologies will take away from us? 6.29.10


Jeff Sessions indulges hysterical attacks on Elena Kagan during his opening arguments

GOP Chooses Tax Cuts for Billionaires Over Jobless Benefits for the Unemployed

'Over the Cliff,' the WaPo's centrists, and the fallacy of the middle

Rep. Lowey Strips Afghanistan Aid Bill Of $3.9 Billion In Response To Corruption Reports

The Confederate Yankee Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

If Only It Were True

Rumsfeld - Buried with Praise

Rachel Maddow: BP Has Not Bothered to Fund Any Research on Oil Spill Cleanup

Gates Tells Defense Contractors To Increase Efficiency, Cut Costs

Jeff Sessions Admits He Was 'Being Nice to a Republican President' With Miers Nod for SCOTUS

Boehner: We Can't Have the War AND Social Security - So We Need To Cut Social Security!

States' Fiscal Disaster Threatens U.S. Recovery

Bill O'Reilly attacks McChrystal: You live by the liberal sword you die by the liberal sword." Calls Hastings a weasel

How bailing out the rich created the Depression

Joe Scarborough Mocks Republicans for Attacking Thurgood Marshall

Habitat for Humanity's 'Musicians Village' Homes In NOLA Were Made With Defective Chinese Drywall

Rick Santelli melts down on CNBC again because tax cuts don't pay for themselves

Why Do Republicans Hate Our Military Veterans?

Democrats add teacher money to war funding bill - Yahoo! News

Ball Hits Cell User in Face at Yankees Game - CBS News Video

Venezuela govt to nationalize 11 US-owned oil rigs

VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV - CNN.com

NEW EVIDENCE REVEALED: GORE SEX SCANDAL VICTIM TELLS ALL!! - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Lawmaker sees panel voting to end Cuba travel ban | Reuters

FBI: Spies Hid Secret Messages on Public Websites | Danger Room | Wired.com

Oil spill visits get partisan - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Tom Balanoff: Obama called day before election about Jarrett appointment - The Blago Blog

Witness: Giannoulias at meeting with union leader and Valerie Jarrett - The Blago Blog

Judge halts questioning on Obama - Blagojevich on Trial

Gay soldiers subpoena Obama - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Reuters AlertNet - Afghan security situation "tenuous", US general says

YouTube - Kagan Declines To Say Gov't Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat

'Vapid'? 'Hollow'? Kagan nailed it - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Dana Milbank - The dodgy Miss Kagan

Constitution Is Endangered If Kagan OK'd - IBD - Investors.com

Morphing cars and planes closer as Pentagon develops shape-shifting robot - Telegraph

White House aide failed to disclose $40K payout - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Philadelphia to bar immigration agents from arrest data | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/28/2010

Kagan’s Abortion Distortion - Shannen W. Coffin - National Review Online

My Way News - Primer on senators judging would-be Justice Kagan

Obama's race-rant Rev. rages on - NYPOST.com

Chinese companies 'rent' white foreigners - CNN.com

Robert Byrd's condition was closely guarded - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Innocent couple killed after their house was fire-bombed in 'bungled honour killing' | Mail Online

Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible | Washington Examiner

CNSNews.com - U.S. Has Paid $1.44 Million for Project That is Studying the 'Social Milieu' of Male Prostitutes in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi

Video: Pentagon’s Shape-Shifting Bot Folds Into Boat, Plane | Danger Room | Wired.com


Management Tip of the Day: 3 Tips for Acing an Interview - ABC News


Debbie Schlussel: Spy vs. Spy VIDEO of the Day: Iranian Nuke Scientist is CIA Spy

Debbie Schlussel: Party Like It’s 1939: More Anti-Semitic Violence by German Muslims

Debbie Schlussel: MTV Casts Anti-Israel Muslima on “Real World” – “The Real World, Hezbollah”

Debbie Schlussel: “Vermonster,” “Luther Burger”: What’s the Grossest, Most Calorie-Laden Item You’ve Ever Eaten?

Debbie Schlussel: Fascinating Spy VIDEO of the Day: Yes, Muslims Are Doing This, Too

Social Security... or Insecurity?


Ron Paul: Gary Johnson is best alternative for 2012

The Nightmare Financial Regulatory Scheme

How Did the New Deal Work Out?

Keynes: The End of a Bad Idea

The Perfect Society: A Land without Wealth?

Obama's Wonderland Is No Fairy Tale

The Democrats' Five Stages

Who Betrays Us?

Kagan's 'smoking gun' abortion document

The Russian Mata Hari

SEIU official under oath indicates Obama lied

What the Robert Byrd obits missed

Kagan can't answer, Do we have the power to tell people what to eat?

Russian Spies? Maybe Not.

Censors In, Liberty Out

Stood Up Again by Barry

Red Onion Rings Trump Red Spy Rings

Dems will 'deem' a budget resolution into existence

Elena Kagan: No Respect for Science

Desperately Seeking Liberals

Barack Obama's Attention Deficit Disorder

Reporter, Consultant, Housewife, Spy

Leviathan's Loot

Border Wars

Why Islam Will Never Accept the State of Israel

Obama's G-20 Summit Setback


**WND TV**


Goodbye, America – it was nice knowing you!

Exposed! Kagan's partial-birth abortion scheme

Washington Post shocked about Weigel

Where best to be poor

McChrystal's brilliance

Has the LSD caught up to Paul McCartney?

Entrepreneurship helps make America great

Supremes in contempt of 1st Amendment

After 41 Years, A Belated Victory for Butter -- In These Times

Precisely why did Al and Tipper split?

The U.S. Department of Illegal Alien Labor | FrontPage Magazine




Washington Post shocked about Weigel

Media out to get Bachmann

The value of fearless reporting

Obama at war

PROOF! Private insurance targeted for annihilation

'Obama harder on Israel than Arab states'

White House scholar funded Ayers group

Obama scholar linked to 'Ground Zero' imam

Kagan in her own words

State's 'emergency' gun ban in lawsuit bull's-eye

Alito: Supremes endorse 'viewpoint discrimination'

What a sack of sacrosanct


*American Minute for June 30th:William J Federer's American Minute


video:It's the gospel, not a pacifier


BBC News - Countries clash in Lincolnshire egg throwing contest

Flying car gets helpful road-kit weight exemption from feds • The Register

Obama: US economy 'strengthening' despite weak data - Yahoo! News

Op-Ed Columnist - The Third Depression - NYTimes.com

New Calendar Rules Could Create Chaos

Kagan, the Fair Weather Originalist

Petraeus Locks Obama into Afghanistan

Why Obama's Economic Policies Aren't Working

Bet on Private Sector Could Prove Risky

Financial Overhaul Is Politics in Worst Sense

Cutting Stimulus Puts Recovery at Risk

Spend, Baby, Spend

Obama's Big Oil Spill Bungle

A Split-Screen Tale of Two Generals

The Conflict Obama Must Resolve

Kagan's Charm Shines Through

Attack Kagan's Thin Resume Already!

Obama Ignores the Dangers of Radical Islam

The Myth of Modern Jihad

James Madison & Mainstream Legal Thought

Gun Shy: 4 Justices Take on Constitutional Rights

After the Fall, John Edwards Parties On

The Press & the "Journolist" Scandal

Dems Alter Wall Street Reform Bill In Dash For Votes

Enough Debt, Already

Who Will Fight For Unemployed?

The Confirmation Process is Broken

SCOTUS Gun Ruling on Target

High Court Reaffirms Soft Money Ban

Roberts Led Court Through Assertive Term

War-Funding Puzzle Stumps Democrats

CBO Says Debt Will Reach 62% of GDP By Year's End

RealClearMarkets - A Doctor's Take On Health Care


Video - Jon Stewart To Axlerod: Has Government Proven Itself "Competent"?



'Russian spies' bungle was epic | David Hearst | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Good riddance to gun ban that wasn't working :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Richard Roeper

Kagan Defends Approach To Military Recruiting : NPR

How David Vitter got away with it - David Vitter - Salon.com

Robert Byrd's Death: End of Pork Barrel Politics? - ABC News


*29th/Transcripts:Obama's Remarks with Chairman Bernanke

28th/Senators Cardin & Sessions on the Kagan Hearing

Panel on the Supreme Court's Gun Ruling

Analysts on Supreme Court's Gun Ruling

Interview with Senate Candidate Marco Rubio

27th/Interview with CIA Director Leon Panetta

Guests: Sens. Reed, Menendez, Cornyn & Chambliss

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Senators Leahy, Levin and Sessions (PDF)


Woman Denied DL Over Missing Marriage License - County By County News Story - WFTV Orlando

Facebook is divorce lawyers' new best friend - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - msnbc.com

BBC News - Pregnant drinking 'affects sperm'

'Bad surgeon' guilty of killing three patients - World news - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

Geoffrey McDonald, heir to McDonald's fortune, beaten, robbed at home in south of France

FOXNews.com - Utah Mom Accused of Doctoring Photo to Show Girl, 13, Having Sex With Dog

Cops looking for lady robber who knocked off shoe store in cat mask - NYPOST.com

Police: Toilet lid became weapon in Pasco motel fight - St. Petersburg Times

Man with machete arrested after chase around taco stand in NE Salem | statesmanjournal.com | Statesman Journal

Carrie Prejean and Oakland Raiders quarterback Kyle Boller to get married on Friday in San Diego

Quincy official says: Expose library porn watchers - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger

Vampire Car Crash: Colorado woman blames vampire for crashing car - KDVR

Why 'bimbos' like the late Anna Nicole Smith are cleverer than they seem | Mail Online

Don't mention the mockingbird! Meet Harper Lee the reclusive novelist who wrote the classic novel that mesmerised 40 million readers | Mail Online

Larry King: 'Time to Hang Up My Suspenders' - ABC News

From Lady Gaga To Chris Brown, Top Larry King Moments - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Wonder Woman gets a new costume. We're unsure about the jacket. | EW.com

Eminem's Recovery Dominates Billboard 200 - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

FOXNews.com - Shoe Store Suing Lindsay Lohan for $16,880.63 in Unpaid Shoe Bills

Britney Spears, Madonna's Daughter Lourdes Launch Fashion Lines - ABC News

Reliable Source - Elizabeth Edwards gives new interview on "Today", airs new disappointments with John (video)

The Associated Press: Naomi Campbell to testify at Charles Taylor trial

Britney Spears To Design Clothing For Candie's - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Jennifer Hudson speaks out about family slayings - chicagotribune.com

Oprah is all powerful - People - MiamiHerald.com


Official Site of Zecharia Sitchin(www.sitchin.com/)


*site:Two Powers in Heaven

UFO Religions(http://michaelsheiser.com/UFOReligions/)

The Naked Bible(http://michaelsheiser.com/TheNakedBible/)


Institute for Paranormal, Preternatural & Parapsychological Studies (IPPPS)

Ancient Near Eastern Languages(http://www.anelanguages.com/)

The Divine Council



Findings - Discovering the Virtues of a Wandering Mind - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Difficult rebirth for Russian space science

Desperate measures: The lure of an autism cure - health - 29 June 2010 - New Scientist

Don't Be Subtle, Nuke That Asteroid : Discovery News

Tori Spelling: Farrah's Ghost Talked to Me | NBC Miami

Drone alone: how airliners may lose their pilots - tech - 28 June 2010 - New Scientist

University student, 21, eats every 15mins but weighs the same as an eight-year-old | Mail Online

BBC News - Four-leaf clover found on impaled crash survivor's back

JAXA Team Starts to Pry Open Hayabusa Asteroid-Sample Capsule, Finds Whiff of Gas | Popular Science

New 'fix' for cosmic clocks could help uncover ripples in space-time

Amelia Earhart May Have Survived Months as Castaway : Discovery News

Why We Dream | Solving Problems While We Sleep | LiveScience

Strange creature on the prowl in East Texas neighborhood - KTRE.com Lufkin and Nacogdoches

Ancient sun festival still draws thousands -- rain or shine

6 killed at amusement park in China - CNN.com

Benigno Aquino inaugurated as Philippines president - CSMonitor.com

NATO Forces Repel Taliban Attack on Airbase | Asia | English

DRC marks 50 years of independence - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Embattled Nepalese prime minister resigns - CNN.com

Soldier passed info to Hezbollah, Israeli army says | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Negotiation with Afghan Taliban not easy, even with Pakistan's help

Medvedev calls for development of charity in Russia | Russia | RIA Novosti

The Associated Press: Kyrgyz humanitarian crisis enters new phase

Israel may expand flotilla inquiry - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Alleged Russian spy ring members led typical American lives - Los Angeles Times

Anna Chapman: Barclays reveals alleged spy was London employee | World news | guardian.co.uk

‘Illegals’ Network Famed in Russian Spying Lore - NYTimes.com

Senate confirms Gen. Petraeus as new Afghan war commander

YouTube - Petraeus sees 'progress' but tough fight in Afghanistan

PostPartisan - Elena Kagan: the great comedienne

Elena Kagan Wants TV in The SCOTUS. Scalia Says TV “Misinforms” – IndyPosted

Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. running mate: Ehrlich will make running mate announcement tonight on Facebook - baltimoresun.com

The Truth About Ehrlich and Big Oil - Southern Maryland Headline News

Lawmaker calls for full survey of Arlington National Cemetery graves

Army: Checking each Arlington grave must wait - MarineCorpsTimes.com

DPS superintendent's future still uncertain | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Harvard professor, officer 'missed opportunities' to ease clash - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Brown remains uncommitted after fix to bank bill

Harvard Professor’s Arrest ‘Avoidable,’ Review Says - BusinessWeek

Hurricane Alex Disrupts Gulf Oil Spill Response Efforts - NYTimes.com

Kagan videos show nominee praising Obama - CNN.com

Hatch: 'Bothered' By Kagan's Role on Partial Birth Abortion in Clinton White House

Kagan: As judge, 'only master is the rule of law'

FOXNews.com - Obama Blasts Boehner for Likening Bank Overhaul Bill to Nuking an 'Ant'

The Plum Line - How long can White House keep Boehner's "ant" crack alive?

The Psychological Value of Gun Ownership - Mental Health | Illness | Disorders - FOXNews.com

Why gun ruling is a teachable moment - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Lawmakers seek to speed efforts to stop Asian carp

Complaining about ‘demigod’ Obama - Blagojevich on Trial

National Briefing - Midwest - Illinois - A Go-Between Testifies About Talk of an Obama Successor - NYTimes.com

Witness Claims Blagojevich Role - WSJ.com

Sharron Angle grilled on Social Security, Medicare and 'taking Harry Reid out'

Stepmom of missing Oregon boy barred from kids - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

Obama to talk economy in Wisconsin | abc7chicago.com

Mark Kirk Goes on the Offensive Against Alexi Giannoulias - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Police 'tightening the loop' on suspect in officers' deaths - CNN.com

YouTube - Convict Sought in Deaths of 2 Tampa Officers

On day 3, Kagan testifies cautiously - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Kagan Deploys Humor and the Artful Dodge


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Banning ice cream trucks in Brooklyn'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Captured by the Taliban: 'Convert to Islam or die'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Repeal this abomination called Obamacare'


YouTube - Breitbart 100K Reward


PROOF! Private insurance targeted for annihilation

Republicans seek to resurrect repeal of health care reform - Jennifer Haberkorn - POLITICO.com

W.H. quiet on Obama-Blago link - Glenn Thrush and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

State's 'emergency' gun ban in lawsuit bull's-eye

How Kagan plotted for partial-birth abortion

Exposed! Kagan's partial-birth abortion scheme

Kagan in her own words

NRA holding its fire on Kagan, puzzling other on right - Washington Times

Kagan's half-answer on eat-your-veggies law - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

FOXNews.com - Sen. Al Franken Naps, Draws Cartoons During Kagan Hearings

Kagan: Pentagon recruiters had Harvard access - Washington Times

Myrick suspects terrorists crossing U.S.-Mexico border - CharlotteObserver.com

Russian spy suspects lived like all-Americans - U.S. news - Washington Post - msnbc.com

Presidential spokesman links amnesty to 'heck of a fine'

FOXNews.com - Rep. Stark Mocks Border Security Advocates: Who Are You Going to Kill Today?

FOXNews.com - Cities Discovering an Arizona Boycott May Do More Harm Than Good

CNN broadcasting legend Larry King to step down - CNN.com

The Associated Press: US accepts international assistance for Gulf spill

BP worker found dead of natural causes | causes, dead, destin - Oil - Northwest Florida Daily News

Obama’s good for GOP, Boehner says - BostonHerald.com

Breitbart.tv » Sen. Claire McCaskill Aide Calls Tea Party Protesters ‘Brown Shirts’

Sheryl Crow: Tea Partiers Are Too ‘Uneducated’ to ‘Understand What’s Happening on Wall Street’ | NewsBusters.org

Green Movement Calls Fireworks 'Eco-Hazards,' Sues to Ban July 4th Display in California | NewsBusters.org

FOXNews.com - School Officials in Mass. Town Won't Let Students Recite Pledge of Allegiance

FOXNews.com - Connecticut Marines Fight for 'Don't Tread on Me' Flag Display

States' responses to health law mixed - Jennifer Haberkorn - POLITICO.com

Ad: Health care is 'slavery' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com


**Politics Video:3oth/Kagan Agrees With Judicial Philosophies Of Scalia, Roberts

Boehner On Wall Street Reform: This Is Killing An Ant With A Nuke

Oliver Stone: Sarah Palin Is Sexier Than Eva Peron

WATCH LIVE: Day Three Of Elena Kagan Confirmation Hearing

Jon Stewart Defends Blaming Bush For Oil Spill

CNN Exposes Elena Kagan Unplugged In "Feisty" Clips

Rove: Obama Administration Is "Thin-Skinned" And "Arrogant"

Sen. Sessions: Kagan Should Be "More Accurate And Forthcoming"

O'Reilly: Success In Afghanistan Will Require "Quasi-Miracle"

Matthews: Stop Listening To Europe, Conservatives On Economy

"Special Report" Panel On Gen. Petraeus' Testimony

Maddow: Boehner Fails Politics 101

29th/Larry King Announces He Will Be Ending Show In Fall Of 2010

Kagan: TV Cameras Should Allowed Be In Supreme Court

Kagan Declines To Say Government Has No Power To Tell Americans What To Eat

NBC's Brokaw Refers To Western Governor, "A Democrat From Our Party"

FNC On "Direction Of Country" Poll

Rep. Joe Wilson Ad: "Joe Means Jobs"

Dem Congressman Threatens Dow Will Drop 1,000-2,000 Points If Financial Reform Fails

Kagan: I Am A "Democrat" And A "Progressive"

Dem Congressman: "Our Borders Are Quite Secure"

Kagan Refuses To Say If She Is A "Legal Progressive"

Sen. Sessions Questions Kagan On "Progressive" Views

Kagan: "Certain Phrases" In Constitution Meant To Be Applied To New "Circumstances"

Gov. Chris Christie On Passing Budget In NJ

Gen. Petraeus: Obama's Afghan Withdrawal Timeline Does Not Mean Turning Out The "Lights"

Sen. Hatch On Liberals And Kagan For The Little People: "Give Me A Break"

Gov. Brewer "Disappointed" Obama Not Running The Border

Kagan: Citizens United Campaign Finance Ruling Is "Settled Law"

Kagan: Constitution Was Meant To Be "Interpreted Over Time"

Ingraham On Confirming Petraeus And Axelrod Blaming Bush

Sen. Klobuchar: Elena Kagan Will Bring "Real World Experience"

"Special Report" Panel On Supreme Court Ruling And Kagan

O'Reilly: "There's No Confidence In Progressive Economics"

Chris Matthews Praises Byrd's Opposition To The Iraq War

Olbermann: GOP Takes No Pity On The Unemployed


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Not even 4 in 10 believe Obama birth story

Appeals panel considers whether Obama is even American


‘Twilight’ Obsession Ruining Some Fans’ Lives

Ball Hits Fan in Face at Yankees Game

Larry King Announces He’s Leaving His Show

Dozens Protest AZ Law in San Antonio

Protesters Disrupt Petraeus Hearings

Fox Business: Breitbart on Russian Spies, Palin and the $100K Reward for ‘Journolist’

Bret Baier’s ‘Grapevine’ Segment Features Many Breitbart Items

Grandpa Dances to Lady Gaga

Senator Oprah? Blago Considered!


Russian Spy Ring Exposed

70 Days of Dawdling

Oil-soaked Dolphin Carried to Shore and Dies

Gore’s Alleged Victim Kept Quiet to Protect Planet?

Kagan Stumped on Constitutionality of Congress Regulating Americans’ Diet

Petraeus: Military Not Involved in Afghan Troop Deadline Decision

CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee Responds to Breitbart’s $100,000 ‘N-Word’ Challenge

Rep. Pete Stark Shows Open Contempt for Citizens Asking About Secure Borders

Greek Versions of SEIU / AFL-CIO Stage National Strikes


Sheryl Crow Says Tea Partiers ‘Haven’t Educated Themselves’

Softballs: WaPo Can’t Be Bothered To Challenge Oliver Stone’s Outrageous Statements

Daily Gut: One Man’s Terrorist Is WaPo’s ‘Protester’

NEW TRAILER: ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’

TRAILER: ‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ Opens Everywhere Tomorrow

Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert Challenges Americans to Do Jobs Illegals Won’t

Dim Bulb: Someone Tell Sheryl Crow Her Planet-Killing Light Bulbs Are Showing

‘Standing for Our Soldiers’: 3rd Annual Troopathon–Watch it Here Live, Thursday, July 1st

KURT LODER: ‘Eclipse’ Best of ‘Twilight’ Films; Still Not Very Good

Catholics vs. Communists

Interview with the NRA on the DISCLOSE Act

The ‘Rahn Curve’ Shows Government Is Far too Big

Non-Violent Rioting In Toronto: A Brief Round-Up

One Mom Fights the Chicago Machine to Stay On the Ballot

The Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, and Guns

Busted. Proof That Far Left Media Hacks Are Colluding to Spin National News at JournoList

Why Obamanomics Has Failed

Cleaning Up Obama’s Mess in the Gulf

Study: Net Neutrality to Cost 600,000 Jobs, Shrink GDP $80 Billion

What the MSM Won’t Tell You: Communist Penetration of White House, American Institutions, Nothing New

Why We Should Care About the Arrests Of the Russian ‘Illegals’

Your Tax Dollars At Work, Sneering Contempt Divison

Larry King, the Pride of Brooklyn, Hangs ‘Em Up At CNN

In Gore ‘Sex Poodle’ Case, National Enquirer Calls Former VP Gore ‘Pervert and Sexual Predator’

NewsBusted: How Will CNN Pay Eliot Spitzer?

‘Standing for Our Soldiers’: 3rd Annual Troopathon–Watch it Here Live, Thursday, July 1st

Busted… Proof That Far Left Media Hacks Are Colluding to Spin National News at JournoList

When It Comes To Cyberspace, Clueless GOP Had Better Wise Up

Just how did Adam Sandler's 'Grown Ups' become a hit? | 24 Frames | Los Angeles Times

Oliver Stone: Misstatements and Factual Errors: New York Times Gets it Wrong in Review of My Film

I squandered my chances, says Woody Allen | The Australian

Zack de la Rocha Ups the Rage Against Arizona Immigration Law | Billboard.com

You’re Smarter Than Hollywood Thinks - Screen Rant

Clinton friend was spy's target - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Sky News: Obama knew of spies before Medvedev talk

Democrats add teacher money to war funding bill

House, Senate Democrats drop fee from bank bill

Derivatives laws could cost companies $1 trillion: ISDA | Reuters

Accused Spies Blended In, but Seemed Short on Secrets - NYTimes.com

'Russian spy' Anna Chapman's British links: Agent seized in FBI swoop lived in London | Mail Online

Who Will Replace Larry King? | TheWrap.com

Matthew Yglesias » After “JournoList”

Radio Business Report/Television Business Report - Voice of the Broadcasting Industry

On tape, Blagojevich angry over no reward for seat

Kagan: Ruling on gov't seizure of homes limited

Report: Harvard scholar's arrest at home avoidable

Judiciary Committee chairman: Kagan will be confirmed to Supreme Court.

British defense chief urges resolve with Taliban

Leahy predicts Kagan approval; hearings near end

Police 'recorded deal to drop guilty man's case' - Crime, UK - The Independent


*4 pg/State of Texas Deploys Special Needs Evacuation Tracking System


Wise Up Journal - » Fox News / AP: Pentagon Spending Billions on PR to Sway World Opinion

Military Mulls New Name for Psychological Operations: MISO | Before It's News

CBC News - Politics - Some politicians under foreign sway: CSIS

Russia says genetically modified foods are harmful: Voice of Russia

Unemployment insurance running out for millions - International Business Times

Fire and explosion at Total's Lindsey oil refinery - Yahoo! News UK

BBC News - Egg screening test 'predicts genetic problems'

NHS chiefs advertise for 'cost-cutting' adviser... at £1000 a day | Mail Online

Kagan pushes back on GOP questioning - Yahoo! News

RealClearPolitics - Video - Kagan: Constitution Was Meant To Be "Interpreted Over Time"

Kagan Follows Precedent by Offering Few Opinions - NYTimes.com

Patterico's Pontifications » Feinstein on Judicial Inexperience, Then and Now

Breitbart.tv » Kagan’s Own Words: It’s Fine If The Law Bans Books Because Government Won’t Really Enforce It

Vice president announces Gulf food safety plan - CNN.com

Red tape keeps prized oil-fighting skimmers from Gulf, coastline | NOLA.com

U.S. Espionage Claims Recall Cold War `Spy Mania,' Russia Says - Bloomberg

YouTube - Kagan Declines To Say Gov't Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat

Debts, deficits and defense | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

How About an Honest Discussion on Global Economics

It’s Clouds Illusions That I Recall

The United Nations Continues To Push its Wealth Redistribution Agenda

Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Instead of Propaganda, we all need a Little Good News Today

Blame Nancy Pelosi for Russian spies hiding in America

Bryd, Blago and Barack

The American ideal has no caboose to kick

A Socialist Government is One that Distrusts its Citizens

G.O.P.: Use Kagan to Practice Your Filibuster skills this week. You’re going to need them late

Sources of American Federalism: Founders, Reformers & Ancient Hebrews

They Loved BP and Enron: Climate Alarmism as the Great Environmental Distraction

BP And Obama Benefit From Oil Leak Continuing

“Carbon Tax” – signpost to the new dark age

Broadcast Evening Newscasts Lose More than 1 Million Viewers in Past Year

The Tree of Zionism

What About the Constitutional Right to Air Conditioning?

Open Borders, Open Pit

Brewer: Obama giving twice the money to Mexico than Arizona for Nat. Guard

Obama obsession with ideological goals dooms U.S. economy to sluggish growth

It is time for President Obama to take a big hike

Kagan lied to Supreme Court in 9/11 case; should be disbarred

In Ordinary Lives, U.S. Sees the Work of Russian Agents

US blacklists Mugabe

Thomas Sowell: Gun Control Laws


YouTube - THE BORDERS ARE QUITE SECURE. Congressman Pete Stark's Town hall meeting in Fremont CA



*site: Restore Our Constitution



The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Tue June 29, 2010. 04:20 PM

Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-29, Tuesday

06/29 The Mark Levin Show

June 29, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


*site:Cooking Tips(http://www.e-cookbooks.net/tips.htm)


Food Network

Recipes / Copy Cat Recipes / Desserts at CDKitchen

RecipeSource: Your Source for Recipes on the Internet

Chef 2 Chef

Cooks Recipes - A recipes and cooking site resource for thousands of free recipes.


Live Chat: Blue America Welcomes Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Arizona

Will The Next Obama Administration Czar Be Barack Obama?

Charlie Veitch Detained at Toronto International Airport

FEC Attempts to Shut Down Campaign for Liberty

Why are Police Abusing Elderly?

Activist Arrested On Bogus Charge To Cover For Illegal Conduct Of Toronto Police

Volcker Rule May Give Goldman, Citigroup Until 2022 to Comply - Bloomberg

Real Tyranny: Was Canada ever the Country we thought it was?

Press For Truth Video Report About The G20 Summit Weekend

Police admit no five-metre rule existed on security fence law - The Globe and Mail

CTV Toronto - Police actions questioned following G20 weekend - CTV News

‘No extra powers’ granted to police during G20 summit: Liberals - thestar.com

CATEGORY 5 ALERT! Katrina-Trained FEMA Planning Forced Evacuations

Obama Can Kill American Citizens Anywhere in the World

CIA director: US has not had good intelligence on Osama bin Laden in years - Telegraph

Democrats to Scale Back Climate and Energy Proposal - WSJ.com

Palin Goes Rogue Against Tea Party Candidates - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama Wants The Oil Spill Crisis To Get Worse

Will G20 Police Succeed In Covering Up Reports of Rape and Torture?

Police Lied About Law Demanding G20 Protesters Show ID

G20 public inquiry momentum grows

David Cameron will back down in fight with EU, say officials - Telegraph

Venezuela govt to nationalize 11 US-owned oil rigs

U.S. GOV can kill ANYONE including YOU without trial COVERTLY

Cops Dressed As Anarchists At G20 In Toronto

Afghanistan: Enough is enough

Rationing us to Death: The Real Green Agenda!

CLEAR Water Tests Positive for Oil, Officials “Only Doing Visual Assessments”, “What You Can’t See May Be More Dangerous”

7 Potential Economic Effects Of A War With Iran

In U.S. Bailout of A.I.G., Forgiveness for Big Banks - NYTimes.com

Jobs Market Barely Budges in June as Hiring Stays Weak - CNBC

Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal - Bloomberg

25 Signs That Almost Everyone Is Expecting An Economic Collapse In 2010

Time to shut down the US Federal Reserve? – Telegraph Blogs

Scrap dollar as sole reserve currency: U.N. report | Reuters

Tom Balanoff: Obama called day before election about Jarrett appointment - The Blago Blog

At trial, Noriega claims Panama drug money a US-run ‘imaginary banking scheme’ | Raw Story

Rep. Pete Stark Shows Open Contempt for Citizens Asking About Secure Borders

Conyers throws in with Grayson, co-sponsors ‘War is Making You Poor Act’

CNSNews.com - Gun-Rights Groups Ready for Battle Against ‘Restrictive’ Regulations

Supreme Court ruling: British soldiers abroad 'not protected by human rights laws' - Telegraph

Kagan Declines To Say Gov’t Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat

Kagan: Constitution Meant to be ‘Interpreted Over Time’

Kangaroos being poisoned by fluoride

Roos victims of factory fluoride

Morphing cars and planes closer as Pentagon develops shape-shifting robot - Telegraph

Laugh Riot: 190-year climate ‘tipping point’ issued — Despite fact that UN began 10-Year ‘Climate Tipping Point’ in 1989!

Antarctic ice is at a record high and growing at the ’steepest slope ever’

Michael Mann says hockey stick should not have become 'climate change icon' - Telegraph

If the DHS Is Serving Malware, Should It Be Our Internet Cop? | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

American Physicist Joins Attack on Global Warming Theory

G20 summit drops clean-energy pledge | Earth Times News


10 part video:Opie And Anthony Interview Alex Jones


The Alex Jones Show – June 29th With Birgitta Jonsdottir

The Alex Jones Show – June 28th With Charlie Veitch


FBI Indicts Ten as Alleged Russian Spies; Timing of Case and Nature of Charges are Highly Suspect « TARPLEY.net

Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan? | My Catbird Seat


*Fake Al Qaeda


AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill - When Companies Place Profit Before People.

Accused Spies Blended In, but Seemed Short on Secrets - NYTimes.com

Israeli indicted in U.S. for smuggling arms to Somalia - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

President Obama's Secret: Only 100 al Qaeda Now in Afghanistan - ABC News

Who Will Pay - Wall Street Or Main Street?

Top scientist: Only one ship testing methane levels in Gulf, NOAA hiding results; Amount is “just startlingly high” | Florida Oil Spill Law

Russian 'spy ring' labelled nutty and feckless by former CIA agents - Telegraph


In U.S. Bailout of A.I.G., Forgiveness for Big Banks - NYTimes.com