"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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*Alex Jones Show
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

08 June 2010

8 Jun '10

Alex Jones:Stream


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 1 of 4 Bilderberg Update

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 2 of 4 Bilderberg Update

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 3 of 4 Bilderberg Update

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 4 of 4 Bilderberg Update


YouTube - Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Reports Former Nato General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The State of Oppression 1/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The State of Oppression 2/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The State of Oppression 3/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The State of Oppression 4/4


The New World Order and Our Current Administration



Obama: Helen Thomas' Comments on Israel 'Out of Line' - AOL News

Join The Cult! Facebook Hoodie With Mysterious Insignia Found On eBay

The changing face of human rights | UK news | The Guardian

Every Google search to be logged and saved for 2 years under Euro MP plan | Mail Online

I've long thought that Dr Kelly's 'suicide' was questionable. Now, at last, we may get some answers | Mail Online

S Korea's Ship Sinking - Another False Flag?

Daily Kos: State of the Nation

War Likely Between North and South Korea, Americans Say | Vision Critical

Who Owns Harry Reid?

The Daily Life of Kawther Salam «Kawther Salam

savethemales.ca - Flying Saucers are Based on Tesla Technology

Pentagon hacked 6 million times daily

Another Morgellons Patient Dies

Official: Van der Sloot confesses to Peru slaying - MSNBC Articles

Plant It Forward “As for Years” at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog

In Memory of the USS LIBERTY « Mantiq al-Tayr

Like a scene out of Dallas, Big Oil and officialdom go hand in hand - Times Online

Earth and Moon formed after massive collision between two planets '120 million years later than previously thought' | Mail Online

Hacker turns in US soldier over WikiLeaks Iraq video | World news | The Guardian

Mexico uncovers 55 bodies dumped in mass grave - Telegraph

Lost Hollywood films from 1920s discovered in New Zealand vault - Telegraph

Prisoners convert to Islam for jail perks - Times Online

Three killed in Texas gas pipe explosion - Telegraph

Muslim prisoners 'treated as potential terrorists' | Society | The Guardian

GM public consultation has 'no credibility' - say campaigners - Telegraph

Russian PM: gas pipeline unlikely to go to Israel | World news | guardian.co.uk

Israeli president visits SKorea amid Gaza uproar | World news | guardian.co.uk

Israel accuses former US Marine on aid mission of terrorist links - Times Online

Roy Greenslade: Why did US speaking agency dump Helen Thomas? | Media | guardian.co.uk

IPhone 4 Makes Video Call, How About Voice?: Rich Jaroslovsky - BusinessWeek

North Korea border guard shoots dead three in China - Telegraph

IMF's unpalatable truth – euro must 'reform or die' | Business | The Guardian

'F— my victims. I carried them for 20 years': New York magazine profiles Bernie Madoff's life inside – Telegraph Blogs

Gold price hits new record as it breaks through $1,250 - Telegraph

America's $13trillion debt 'set to overtake GDP' | Mail Online

BP suffers $1bn setback in Siberia - Times Online

President Obama on BP chief Tony Hayward: 'He wouldn't be working for me after saying those things' | Mail Online

Police protection for family of BP boss Tony Hayward - Telegraph

BP oil spill: Barack Obama seeking 'ass to kick' over disaster - Telegraph

Jan Crawford: White House Doing Kagan a Disservice by Trying to Portray Her as Something Other Than What She Is

Liz Cheney Acknowledges Bush's Catastrophe in Gaza

Democrats Are Obsessed With Trying To Out-Republican The Republicans On The Deficit. It Won't Win Them Votes.

Fox News Power Players Includes Segment from Glenn Beck's Commencement Address

Sharyl Attkisson: Government Estimates on Oil Release Low-Balled

Where Helen Thomas' 57-year career is tossed under the bus alongside her apology--UPDATED

Elton John Proves Once Again That He's Willing To Betray Gay Community For A Price

Paul Krugman: Lost Decade, Here We Come

How George Bush, Joe Barton, Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay Caused the Gulf Oil Spill and Made Sure BP Will Never Be Held Accountable

'Woman of the People' Blanche Lincoln Complains About Unions Doing Bill Halter's 'Dirty Work'

Report: Bush Administration Experimented on Detainees In Order To Rewrite Torture Guidelines

As Employers Push Contract Employment, Say Goodbye to Full-Time Jobs With Benefits.

Afghanistan Reaches New Milestone: Now The Longest Military Action In US History

Jack Abramoff due to be released from prison

President Obama: "I want to know whose ass to kick"

Coulter vs. Thomas: That was then; this is now

Oil Industry Expert Simmons on Worst Case Scenario for BP Rig: Open Hole Spewing 100-150,000 Barrels a Day


YouTube - Michael Savage - Nazi Hag Helen Thomas Attacks Jews - (Sound Clip From June 4, 2010)


YouTube - Truth about Israel's last war

YouTube - TODAY IN HISTORY: USS Liberty (June 8th 1967)

YouTube - The Urban Survival Handbook: Severe Cutting Back With Food

YouTube - USS Liberty Veteran Seized by IDF on Gaza Aid Flotilla - June 4, 2010

YouTube - Man survives two Israeli attacks

“What I Saw That Day…Israel’s June 8th, 1967 Holocaust of US Servicemen Aboard the USS LIBERTY and its Aftermath” « The Ugly Truth

OpEdNews - Article: Obama Looking for "Whose Ass To Kick" Tip: Start Looking at Your Own Appointees

Obama to reopen waters for shallow water drilling | Raw Story

No letup in Marine attempted suicides - USATODAY.com

UN warns climate change could trigger ‘mega-disasters’ « Dprogram.net


The Associated Press: Army plans $100 millon Afghanistan special ops HQ

BP Buys Search Engine Phrases Redirecting Users - ABC News

GM lobby helped draw up crucial report on Britain's food supplies | Environment | The Observer

Helen Thomas resigned? Nothing surprising here | My Catbird Seat

Local News | Scientists study wind-farm risks to birds | Seattle Times Newspaper

The Cover-up: BP's Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster | Oil Price.com

AP Enterprise: Sub attack was near US-SKorea drill - Yahoo! News

Investment Banker: It’s Going To Get Nasty – Buy Land, Barbed Wire And Guns

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla?

New Director of National Intelligence: Overseeing Aggression Abroad, Repression at Home

whatreallyhappened.com: The New McCarthyism

Ice at the North Pole in 1958 and 1959 – not so thick | Watts Up With That?

Jewish ideology and psychosis – a danger to world peace > Zionism > Redress Information & Analysis

Doctors used to 'test and refine waterboarding techniques' for terror suspects | Mail Online

Yet Another Government Conspiracy Theory « LewRockwell.com Blog

Refreshing News: 18 Biggest Problems with Modern Medicine

Social Crisis in America. Coming Soon: Corporate Town Halls Against Social Security

ah, mephistophelis.: Yahoo Slipped, Fell, Landed Your Email Contact List On Social Network Lap

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jewish Ideology and World Peace by Gilad Atzmon

Same As Nazis « Fourth Reich… Israel


President Obama Caused Gulf Coast Oil Disaster Due to Failed Leadership

Banks Profit from Near-zero Interest Rates: Another Reason for States to Own Their Own Banks

Child spotted apparently drinking beer at U.S. baseball game

Artist Antony Gormley unveils spectacular glowing artwork that viewers can walk through

Which Lunch Is The Healthiest?

What NOAA Wants Us To Believe About Hurricanes And The Oil 'Spill"

Opt-Out Required to Prevent Your Yahoo! Mail Contacts From Being Used for Social Network

A failure of economic and environmental regulation : The New Yorker

Obama's economic policies: a failure from the past - The Daily Beast

Financial Reform or Financial Dementia? - Richard Fisher Speeches, 6-3-10 - News & Events - FRB Dallas

Political Memo - Democrats Skip Town Halls to Avoid Voter Rage - NYTimes.com

Commentary » Blog Archive » You Don’t Want Him in a Foxhole with You

Selling Health Care Reform Until 2012—and Beyond | Mother Jones

Glenn Reynolds: Higher education's bubble is about to burst | Washington Examiner

Mexico’s drug cartels: Is Canada next? - World - Macleans.ca

Helen Thomas Retires in the Wake of Uproar Over Comments about Jews, Israel - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Massive new entitlement?

Health Care by Obama...

Tyrany means suppression of free choice

Op-Ed Columnist - ‘A Very Deep Hole’ on Jobs - NYTimes.com

Where are the jobs? - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Blaming Obama for Not Being a God

Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience | Washington Examiner

Frustration Index: Poll Shows Anger at Government at New Highs - ABC News

RealClearPolitics - Regardless of Who Wins GOP Primary, Reid's in Trouble

Rethinking our oil-drenched lifestyles - The Boston Globe

Daniel Klein: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? - WSJ.com

Opposing view on borrowing, spending: This is an emergency - USATODAY.com

Basic lessons of cash grab - BostonHerald.com

RealClearPolitics - Mickey Kaus's Boxer Rebellion

Leonard Pitts: Even Palin deserves some privacy | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

The ‘Costs’ of Free Speech - Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - What Helen Thomas Missed

Was Hearst Right to Force Helen Thomas to Retire?

Our hard-core, adversarial press corps - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Barack '8 Years of Failed Bush Policies' Obama tells high school grads: 'Don't make excuses' | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Super Tuesday's Under-the-Radar Races

Helen Thomas: Bizarre end to a long career - The Boston Globe

The Doctor Will See You Later - IBD - Investors.com

'Islamic terrorism' and the Obama administration - latimes.com

Shamed: Hodes, Shea-Porter in hiding - Tuesday, Jun. 8, 2010

White House is directing agencies to cut budgets

The immigration factor in McCain's reelection fight - latimes.com

CQ Politics | OFA Looks to Boost Democratic Candidates in Midterms

New members Critz, Djou start off in campaign mode - The Hill's Ballot Box

audio:SAVAGE: Rush hiring Elton John
to sing at his wedding is like . . .

Michael Savage

AUDIO: Savage calls for peace

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Anatomy of the Helen Thomas story; began with Drudge/Michael Savage Show


CNSNews.com - 6.2 Million Mexicans Want to Move to U.S., Gallup Poll Says

RealClearPolitics - Video - Rabbi Who Filmed Helen Thomas Discusses Incident

Stalin statue in Virginia a huge bust | The Cable

FOXNews.com - Separated at Birth? More Celebrity Lookalikes!

BEISNER: Move over, global warming - Washington Times

Joseph C. Phillips : The Sestak Affair Will Not Go Away - Townhall.com

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

NY passes students who get wrong answers on tests - NYPOST.com

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather - NASA Science

» DNC, Obama Now Astroturfing Talk Radio - Big Journalism

Suspected New Jersey terrorists set their sights on American troops, authorities say

Obama is abandoning Israel--John Bolton - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - America's Election HQ: Primary Races in 11 States Make for Busy Election Day Across Nation

CNSNews.com - U.S. Will be Like Greece in ‘Seven to 10 Years,’ Say Congressmen, Experts


**Bilderberg Participants 2010**


David Frum on Bilderberg: International group of mystery | Full Comment | National Post

Bilderberg 2010: Help us identify the delegates | World news | guardian.co.uk


The Associated Press: Blagojevich judge seats jury for corruption trial

Blagojevich Lawyers Seek Dismissal of Case - Washington Wire - WSJ

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Opening statements to begin in Blagojevich case « - CNN.com Blogs

Legendary Journalist Jimmy Breslin Joins Blago - cbs2chicago.com

Law-School Loser?: Blago's Curious Comment - Felsenthal Files - June 2010

Is the Blagojevich trial ‘Kafka-esque?’ Only if you think he’s a huge, slimy insect. | San Francisco Examiner


INVESTIGATION TIMELINE - chicagotribune.com


*Rod Blagojevich : Rod Blagojevich News and Photos - chicagotribune.com


* GovernorRod.com


*site:Kagan Watch


CitizenLink: Clinton Library Documents Offer Hints About Supreme Court Pick

YouTube - Sean Carter "Elena Kagan Confirmation"

Cowardly Progressives

Corporate Premonitions: How a Few People are Making Billions from The Largest Environmental Disaster in Our Country’s History

Glenn Beck, the Moon and Woodstock

Libertarianism: Left and Right

Crony Capitalism Strikes Again

Brave New Scams

Obama and Hamas

Shouldn't We All Be Israelis Now?

Charge the Real War Criminals

Obama Fails the Test of Office

The hits keep coming: Hillary dissed by the President of Peru

Is there any way to avoid the coming economic calamity?

Barry Butches Up

Public employee unions have the pedal to the metal on campaign spending

Stephen Hawking just doesn't get it

So much for Obama the master orator

The Turkey-Iranian diversion

Thomas is a symptom

10 states go to the polls today

Rahm Emanuel lived rent free in BP flack's apartment

How to Fight Back against Public Unions: A Primer

Nuking Our Defense: America Exposed

Does Abbas' Support for Black Genocide Offend Obama?

Barack Obama's Day Off

Rushing to Climate Change Conclusions

The Rand Paul Gaffe and Liberal Injustice


*6-6/Transcripts:Guests: Admiral Allen and Senator Bill Nelson

Guests: Admiral Allen; Senators Kerry & Cornyn

Interview with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist


'God bless' to be banned in schools?

Muslims want privacy in public cemetery

The U.S. and the Stockdale Paradox

State to license journalists?

Misdemeanors – or crimes?

The U.S. and the Stockdale Paradox

'Christians' for the separation of church and state?

Whacked-out neighbors: Israel and the Palins

D-Day heroes weep for America

Black journalists: Shills for far-left orthodoxy

The best and worst of Helen Thomas

If Israel is not evil, the world's in big trouble

The golden age of ignorance in power

Another round of Obamacare Obamaganda

Chris Hedges: The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Was that 'gulf' or 'golf'?

Jerry Brown: Reason for California's failure

Pre-paid cell phones may be outlawed | The Barr Code

Helen Thomas Should Not Be Fired — the Real Problem Lies Elsewhere

Helen Thomas — the Face of the MSM

Not Such Strange Bedfellows: A Review Of Andy McCarthy’s ‘The Grand Jihad’

After Flap Over Israel Remarks, Helen Thomas Announces Her Retirement

Helen Thomas Shouldn’t Have Been Forced Out, Even If Hamas Did Rush To Her Defense

Good Night, Good Luck, Goodbye and Good Riddance

In Oil Spill, Obama as Alfred E. Newman: ‘What, Me Worry?’

Farewell to Helen Thomas: Ding, Dong… You Know the Rest

What Was So Bad About Helen Thomas? The MSM Does the Same Thing Every Day

Something’s Amiss In the Hallowed Halls of Academe

Overnight Thread: You Are Getting Very Sleepy…

In Praise of Capitalism: How the ‘Social Justice’ Left Uses Economic Incentives to Create Academic Propaganda

‘Go For Journalism — You’ll Never Regret It’

The Oil Leak and the Blame Game: Déjà vu All Over Again

British Petroleum and Walmart Want You to Pay their Bills

Obama’s Stunning Achievement

Organizing for America and the DNC: ACORN 2.0

States Illogically Looking to Cigarette Taxes as Deficit Panacea

audio page:Obamacare Isn’t Medicine for Deficit

Reason.tv: Madam Turned NY Gov. Candidate Kristin Davis’s Platform is No joke

The Census Bureau: Our Nation’s Hall Monitors

Crisis and Leviathan: Current Observations on the Rise of Big Government

Senate to Consider Job-killing ‘Carried Interest Tax’ Within Days

Mosque and State: The Greater Implications of the 9/11 Islamic Center

Today’s Under-the-Radar Primaries

How Obama Reduced Crime Rates Last Year

Census Bureau Fails to Report Training Hours and Part-time Jobs

In Praise of Capitalism: How the ‘Social Justice’ Left Uses Economic Incentives to Create Academic Propaganda

Bill Maher Loses Religion-Bashing Battle With S.E. Cupp and History’s Inconvenient Truths

The Deal With Tax Credits For Filmmakers

Duh, McCartney: Bush’s Wife Was a ‘Librarian’

‘The Lottery’: New Documentary Dares to Question ACORN/Labor Union Infestation of Public Schools

Sandra Bullock Makes Surprise Appearance To Thank ‘Our Extraordinary Troops’

Sestak Affair Will Not Go Quietly

Joe Francis Goes Pimping on Mark Cuban’s HDNET

Superheroes Reflect Their Times

Obama: Thomas remarks 'offensive'

'We must break Gaza blockade'

Ayalon denies saying raid was mistake

'Our right to self-defense under attack'

Rioters attack police in Bet El

Peres working visit in South Korea

UNSC chair: Iran sanction vote this week

Honda hit by new strike at Chinese supplier

Blagojevich judge seats jury for corruption trial

Obama defends health bill to seniors

Voters choose fall matchups, decide Lincoln's fate

Amish man accused of sex crimes with children

GM recalls 1.5 million vehicles on fire risk

Obama pitching seniors on health bill

Overtreated: Surgery too often fails for back pain

Fickle oil spill scatters threats throughout Gulf

Gates: UN will approve Iran sanctions soon

Stars band together to protest Arizona law

Why Would Elton John Sing at Rush Limbaugh's Wedding? - Elton John, Rush Limbaugh : People.com

Obama Wastes Millions of Taxpayer Dollars on Personal Entertainment

CANOE -- JAM! Movies: Mr. T blasts A-Team movie

Obama to high school grads: 'Don't make excuses'

Obama defends his Gulf spill response

Oil spill shows need for new US energy policy: lawmaker

Cavuto: The Census Bureau's Job Scam - FOXBusiness.com

Reid, Pelosi head for climate clash - TheHill.com

Progressives criticize White House, Democrats

Poynter Online - Top Stories


Capital Flight | American Journalism Review

Ct Assistant Attorney General Says Blumenthal Lied To Him About Vietnam Service | Connecticut Watchdog

50 Fancy Words - Times Topics Blog - NYTimes.com

cartoon:Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Killers

cartoon:Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Obama Nation: BO+BC=BS

06-07-2010: US cluster bombs 'killed 35 women and children'

06-07-2010: CIA Fight Against Communism Bolsters Radical Islam

06-07-2010: In New Space Race, Enter the Entrepreneurs

06-07-2010: Ahmadinejad Stresses Need For New World Order

06-07-2010: Green Police To Search Trash, Fine Offenders

06-07-2010: China's 'cancer villages' reveal dark side of economic boom

06-07-2010: Afghan Warlords Gain U.S. Funding by Rebranding as “Private Security Companies”

06-06-2010: Animal-Human Hybrids Banned in Some States

06-06-2010: G-20 Coordination Fails as Global policy makers start to clash

06-06-2010: 30 Shocking Quotes About The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill That Reveal The Soul-Crushing Horror This Disaster Is Causing

06-06-2010: Why Banks Try to Make Borrowers Feel Like Sinners When They Can’t Pay off Their Mortgages

06-06-2010: Replicators: Builders of the Final Machine

06-06-2010: Space, the final frontier of Chinese news manipulation

06-06-2010: Companies Now Requiring Job Applicants to Already Have a Job

06-05-2010: The Mystery Of Mars Moon Phobos Continues

The Dominant Force In World Financial Markets In 2010 Is Fear

Investment Banker: It’s Going To Get Nasty – Buy Land, Barbed Wire And Guns

‘US funding terrorist group against Iran’

America today: Medicated drivers, toxic foods and counterfeit money supply

Senator confirms reports that wellbore is pierced; oil seeping from seabed in multiple places

Goldman Sachs subpoenaed for failing to cooperate with finance probe

Afghan war overtakes Vietnam to become the longest conflict in U.S. history

Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price

Afghan Warlords Gain U.S. Funding by Rebranding as “Private Security Companies”

Drugs for Europe: Protected by Powerful Western Interests, Afghanistan Heroin Transits Through Kosovo

FTC floats Drudge tax

Long-Term Unemployed Now 46 Percent Of Unemployed, Highest Percentage On Record

Pre-paid cell phones might be outlawed

Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.?

The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger

Contaminated Cocaine Can Rot Flesh

McCain and the POW Cover-up

Paul Craig Robert: America's Complicity in Evil

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Al Qaeda

Erdogan; The New Hero of the Muslim World

Lawyers Who Reveal the Truth: The Arrest and Threats to the Life of Attorney Professor Peter Erlinder

VIDEO: Splitting the Sky Punished while Bush Walks Free

A Week of Tragedies. Britain's New Tory Government and the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

The IAEA: From UN Nuclear Watchdog to US Lapdog

The Empire and Lies

New Director of National Intelligence: Overseeing Aggression Abroad, Repression at Home

WHO Scandal Exposed: Advisors Received Kickbacks From H1N1 Vaccine Manufacturers

Wall Street is Winning---and, on the Verge, of Neutering Reform: Call to Act Now: Save and Strengthen Financial Reform

Banks Profit from Near-zero Interest Rates: Another Reason for States to Own Their Banks

BP Chief Tony Hayward Sold Shares Weeks Before Oil Spill

British Petroleum in Colombia: Colombian Army Attacks Striking BP Workers

NY passes students who get wrong answers on tests

The FTC Confuses Newspapers With Journalism as it Seeks New Media Tax

FTC Memo Threatens Free Press

U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe

Military Hero Arrested

Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model

58% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law

Police And Courts Regularly Abusing Wiretapping Laws To Arrest People For Filming Cops Misbehaving In Public Places

For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at Home

India Shining: Passages to and from my country

Michigan senator introduces bill to register journalists

A guide through Israel's No-One Land

For a more ethical civilization

A plague upon the world: The USA is a ‘failed state’

Former Nato Secretary-General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Stop the New START

Misdemeanors—or Crimes?

The Summer of Corruption Plot Thickens

IAEA Chief Calls Iran's Nuclear Program A Special Case

Trained Noses to Sniff Out Gulf Seafood for Oil

CIA Goes 14 Months Without Internal Watchdog

Lightning Kills Tennessee Woman Before Fiance Proposed

Video Shows Tot with Beer Bottle at Phillies Game

Syria Strengthens Its Ties With North Korea

Obama, Who Planned to Engage Southeast Asia, Once Again Cancels Trip to Indonesia, and Australia

Yemen Will Not Extradite Radical American Cleric

Pennsylvania Halts Drilling by Company after Gas Accident

Obama, Who Often Blames Bush Administration, Tells High School Grads, 'Don't Make Excuses'

Andy Stern, A Member of Obama’s Fiscal Responsibility Commission, Says ‘Worshipping the Market’ Has Failed America

CIA Lifts Secret Cover of Those Killed in Bombing

Job Openings Rise to Highest Level in 16 Months

Helen Thomas Retirement Prompts WH Correspondents Board to Evaluate Seating Rules for Opinion Journalists

Tea Party Activists Are Out-Lobbying Liberals, Liberal Leader Says

Obama Administration Says Most of $787 Billion Stimulus Funds ‘Spoken For,’ But only 50% Spent So Far To ‘Jolt’ Economy

Voters Picking Senate Challengers for Reid, Boxer in Tuesday’s Primaries

Liberals Criticize Obama White House, Congressional Democrats

US Supreme Court Blocks Arizona Campaign Finance Law

On Anniversary of Cairo Speech, Obama Has Yet to Connect with American Muslims, Some Say

DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, Which Did Not Prosecute New Black Panthers, Is ‘Conscience’ of Nation, Holder Says

Billboard Puts Obama on $100,000,000,000,000 Bill, Asks: 'But Who Will Pay the Piper?'

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

The USS Liberty, a Flubbed-up False Flag

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

Tea Party Rides Anti-Incumbent Wave as 11 States Pick Candidates

GOP Poised for Surge in California

Could the Spill Restore Jindal As a GOP Whiz Kid?

Tea Party Split Benefits Whitman in Calif. Primary

Dems Try to Manage Nevada GOP Field for Reid

Lawmakers Got Fed Funds for Fancy Frontage

US Ranked 85th in Global Peace Index

Mexican Prez Slams Death of Migrant at US Border

Star Attorney to Take Stage at Blagojevich Trial

Rangel: Obama Too Much Like Bush, Cheney

Scalia Lends Some Italian Help to Sotomayor

Rand Paul: Debt Could Consume Entire Budget

Rand Paul Breaks Silence With Talk Show Interview

Obama Says US Will Bounce Back From Oil Crisis

BP Plans to Replace Containment Cap Next Month

Steve Jobs Unveils iPhone 4 with Video Calling

Stocks Edge Higher After Bernanke Comments

Iran: No Plans to Swap US Prisoners for Scientist

3 Dead After Natural Gas Line Explodes in Texas

Ga. Governor Heads Trade Mission to Cuba

Small Businesses Slowly Become More Optimistic

Obama Seeks to Slash Domestic Programs

Report Says FDA Struggles to Keep Food Safe

Confident Fiorina Looks Past Primary to Boxer

SC Democrats' Hopes Ride on Nasty GOP Fight

'Democracy Hijacked' as California Goes to Polls

Ark. Democrats Vie for Black Voters in Senate Race

Guns Could Be a Tough Topic for Texas Candidate

Poll: 49% of Americans Blame Flotilla Activists

Hillary Demands OAS Readmit Honduras

Netanyahu To Commandos: 'I Salute You'

Cuba Plans To Split Havana Province

Scientology Takes Hold in India

Krugman: It's Way Too Soon to Raise Rates

Bernanke: Europe Committed to Euro's Survival

Experts Fear European Deflation as Deadly Threat

Hussman: Technical Dangers Swarm Stocks

Geithner: World Can't Rely on US Consumer

Melanoma Breakthrough: Drug Boosts Survival

More Medical Care Isn't Always Better

New Docs Make More Fatal Errors

At Nevada Lab, US Prepares Response to Nuke Terror

Lawmakers Crack Down On Prepaid Cells, Cite Terror

China Says Will Keep Blocking Online Content

Google Denies Use of Private Data for Mapping

Next iPhone Has Clearer Screen, Coming out June 24

Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers - Times Online

America’s War in Afghanistan Now Officially Longer than Vietnam | VF Daily | Vanity Fair


*Bilderberg Meeting Attendees: Sitges, Spain 3-6 June 2010


Primary Results Will Push GOP to the Right

More Obamacare Propaganda Is Coming

Job Creation Falls Short of Expectations

Rush Limbaugh Movie Not So Promising

UN Hopes New Climate Talks Compensate for Copenhagen

Helen Thomas Rant Shows Her True Colors

A Healthcare Horror Story From Canada

Tide of Anti-Semitism Follows Flotilla Incident


The Truth Behind the Bilderberg Group

AllGov - Afghan Warlords Gain U.S. Funding by Rebranding as “Private Security Companies”

Rule of the Gun - With U.S. Aid, Warlord Builds Afghan Empire - NYTimes.com

Americans' Acceptance of Gay Relations Crosses 50% Threshold

Clinton says she expects Iran to 'pull some stunt'

AllGov - BP, Halliburton and Transocean Lawyer Up

BP, Halliburton, Transocean Build Legal Teams - NYTimes.com

Think Progress » BP And Halliburton Build Legal Teams, Attempt To Buy Off Government Officials


Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 1

Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 2

Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 3

Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 4

Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 5

Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 6

Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 7


Chuck Baldwin -- America's Bread And Circus Society

Fox News Military Analyst, Major General Paul Vallely Calls for the Resignation of Obama aka Soetoro, and New Elections, Got Orange Revolution!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Chaotic Courts and 'Unconstitutional' Justice in the United States


Fars News Agency :: Commander: UAV Battalions to Be Formed in All Air Force Bases

Frosty Wooldridge -- American Politicians Serving Foreign Constituents

Military’s Mystery Ray Gun to Blast Bombs, ‘Change the Face of This War’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

savethemales.ca - Illuminati's Biggest Crime? Suppressing Tesla Technology


*12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American


*Leaked Attendee List of the Bilderberg Conference


NY Teen Charged in Plot on His Old High School

Crewman Aboard Fishing Boat Exposed to Mustard Gas

Police: Autism Was Motive in Colo. Child's Killing

New Japan PM Launches Cabinet, Vows to Tackle Debt

Vintage Plane Flips at DC Airport, Runway Reopens

School: NJ Terror Suspect Was Dangerous as Student

After Memoir, Hitchens to Tangle Once More With God

Blagojevich Judge Seats Jury for Corruption Trial

BP Say Capturing More Oil From Blown-out Well

Iran Summons Envoy Over U.S. "Abduction" of Scientist

Amish Man Accused of Sex Crimes With Children

Sanctions Against Iran Agreed: Russian Official

Hungarian PM Vows Tax Cuts, Targets Banks, FX Loans

Border Patrol Seeks Text on Suspicious Activity

Jury Selection Begins in CA Train Shooting Trial

Missing Ala. Teen's Mom Opens Center for Missing

Bahraini Sex Shop Thrives in Conservative Gulf

Officials: Border Agent Shoots Suspect at Bridge

Key Quotes From New Japan PM and His Ministers

Militia Members Seeking Release to Go Before Court

Bush Lawyer Posts Bail on Attempted Murder Count

Galileo Lost Tooth, Fingers Go on Show in Florence

World Chefs: English Takes Lessons From European Markets

Relatives of Missing Oregon Boy Urge Optimism

London Partygoers Reliving Spirit of the Blitz

Police: Aborted Fetus Buried After Pa. Teen Raped

CAPITAL CULTURE: Marshall's Legacy Takes Stage

Missing Teen's Father Urges Suspect to Tell All

Denver Power Substation Explosion Causes Blackouts

Ohio Tornado Believed to Have Winds up to 175 Mph

Liz Taylor Work by Warhol Leads Christie's Art Sale

London Jewellery Week Launches, Defies Austere Mood

Bubble War: Is It Champagne or Sparkling Wine?

Author Child Goes Underground in 14th Reacher Book

Thais Appoint Violence Investigator but Opposition Wary

Jupiter got smacked. Again. - CSMonitor.com

Americans sleepier than Europeans

South Korea to attempt first space launch Wednesday

It turns out Walt Whitman was right about those giant meteors

NASA searching for what's left of 60 lb. meteor that streaked across Alabama sky

CNBC Host Says Obama Sullied Office With 'Ass to Kick' Line - US News and World Report

Obama fires up Democrats: 'I want you to argue with them and get in their face'

Student Falls Asleep at Commencement Speech: Kalamazoo Student Drifts Off During Obama's Speech - latimes.com

Analysis: U.N. rebukes of Israel permitted in U.S. policy shift | Reuters

Chef In Gay Extort Bust - June 7, 2010

Cross Used To Beat Elderly Woman To Death In Church - WREG

Counting on Medicaid Money, States Face Shortfalls - NYTimes.com

Wheat Ridge cemetery seeks to liven up with art, concerts - The Denver Post

Entrepreneurs Enter the Commercial Space Race - NYTimes.com

Closing Time for Medical Pot Dispensaries | NBC Los Angeles

Union Plans to Sue CPS | NBC Chicago

Voters' support for members of Congress is at an all-time low, poll finds

Guide to Biggest Primary Day of the Year (So Far) - NYTimes.com

74% Oppose Taxing Internet News Sites To Help Newspapers - Rasmussen Reports™

44 - Video: Pelosi heckled at progressive conference

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi Heckled At DC Event Over Lack Of Federal Funding

Two more Palestinians killed by Israel wash ashore

DuPont wins USDA approval for new soybean trait that could broaden uses | Markets | Market News | Canadian Business Online

Oil Wars: DuPont and Monsanto Compete to Create GM Soybeans | Sustainable Food | Change.org

Paper industry tests genetically altered trees - BusinessWeek

Jury In Place For Rod Blagojevich's Trial, But His Attorneys Seek To Throw Out Case - cbs2chicago.com

Google new target of Turkish censors - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

UPDATE 3-Connecticut asks Google if it collected Wi-Fi data | Reuters

Google denies use of private data for mapping - Yahoo! News

Fickle oil spill scatters its threats across Gulf - Yahoo! News

Another Gulf oil spill: Well near Deepwater Horizon has leaked since at least April 30 | al.com

Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience | Washington Examiner

Democrats propose further tax hike on offshore oil - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Peter Schiff on Fox Business News 06/07/10

YouTube - Israel owns the USA - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


YouTube - Exclusive Interview The man that shoed Bush!

YouTube - Pt.2: The man that "shoed" Bush


UN warns climate change could trigger 'mega-disasters' - Yahoo! News

America today: Medicated drivers, toxic foods and counterfeit money supply

Formaldehyde causes cancer, EPA declares - NOLA.com


Video: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? Part 1

Video: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? Part 2

VIDEO: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? - Part 3

Video: Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? - Part 4


Leader: Zionist regime bound to collapse

No Cell Phones on Planes « Norcaltruth

A New Study of the Seismic Signals on September 11, 2001 in New York -- Signs of the Times News

Video: Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility « Dprogram.net

Former Nato Secretary-General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy « Dprogram.net

Halliburton campaign donations spike - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Glenn Beck crosses the far-right Rubicon, defends his promotion of Nazi sympathizer

Who Owns Harry Reid? (Part 2)

BP well may be spewing 100,000 barrels a day, scientist says | McClatchy

Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres - WREG

Palestine- An Israeli dumping ground for radioactive/toxic waste

Lady Gaga's 'Alejandro' Video: German Expressionism With A Beat! - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Fast Track: A sex tape for 'Real Housewife' Danielle Staub? - latimes.com

Marvin Isley, Bassist in Isley Brothers, Is Dead at 56 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

Christina Aguilera sings for 'Today' show: Watch here | EW.com

News - Gary Coleman's Ex-Agent "Appalled" Ex-Wife Took Photos of Him Dying - Celebrity

Oil Still Leaking From Well - latimes.com

Fund-Manager Profits Tax Proposed at 33% - WSJ.com

Obama Pivots from Oil Spill Back to Health Care Reform - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Orszag: Government can improve efficiency with technology upgrade

White releases tax returns for years he was mayor | AP Texas Politics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Obama looking for something 'to kick' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Mitt Romney's childhood Detroit home demolished | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Physicians group accuses CIA of testing torture techniques on detainees - latimes.com

Reid Seeks To Restore Medicaid Assistance to 'Extenders' Bill - California Healthline

Whoomp, there he is? Obama look-alike in '90s music video - CNN.com


www.WHEC.com - Was President Obama in a popular music video from the 90's?


The Associated Press: Crewman aboard fishing boat exposed to mustard gas

Officials ID man killed in Johnson County gas line explosion | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas

Border Patrol shoots someone on Mexican side of border, FBI says - CNN.com

Oil spill clouds World Oceans Day - Green

Washington Insider: Obama Member of Chicago Gay Man’s Club « Fellowship of the Minds

Do you really think $1BN of cocaine seized will be destroyed? | FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL

Congressman Ron Paul - Why Governments Hate Gold - Texas Straight Talk

Field trial of 'Frankenstein' crops goes ahead at secret location to anger of anti-GM campaigners | Mail Online

Environmentalists Didn't Cause The Gulf Oil Spill ... Peak Oil Did

BP is Lying About Gulf Air Quality « Fellowship of the Minds


Who Gave Him The Water Gun?! [PIC]


videos:How PBS and Chevron got together to kill the alternative fuel movement


An Ancient Secret Revealed: Switch to Turn Off Tumor Growth Found by Tel Aviv University Researchers | Before It's News

5 Day Buddhist Monk Diet Finds Dramatic Results in the Reduction of Toxic Chemicals in the Body | Before It's News

Militia Movement Infiltrates Six Nations - Part 1 | Before It's News

Militia Movement Camel's Eye Treaty Hoax - Part 2 | Before It's News

Ground Zero imam tied to anti-Israel Gaza blockade runners - NYPOST.com















Ancient candy bars waiting to be rediscovered

BBC News - Bhopal case still open for ex-chief Warren Anderson

YouTube - Bhopal gas verdict, an instance of delayed justice: Moily

Dutch concern over van der Sloot 'show trial' - CNN.com

YouTube - The Buzz: Van Der Sloot's Confession

Helen Thomas and the Perils of Overstaying Your Washington Welcome | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

YouTube - Helen Thomas resigns: Anti-Israel opinion sinks US press legend

Second non-crew member in cockpit of Polish plane identified | Russia | RIA Novosti

Russian Soldiers Charged in Polish Crash Thefts - NYTimes.com

Analysis: France, Germany still out of synch on euro | Reuters

Turkey's Gul: Israel isolated, will suffer consequences - Israel News, Ynetnews

Philippine Congress Counts Aquino as Winner - NYTimes.com

Sri Lankan President meets with Tamil leaders - CNN.com

Putin Backs U.N. Probe of Flotilla Raid - WSJ.com

Kerviel Tells Paris Court He Hid Nothing From Societe Generale - BusinessWeek

BBC News - London mayor in fox control plea after Hackney attack

Former British Foreign Secretary Urges Israel to Lift Gaza Blockade | Europe | English

Trade, human rights seen aiding UN climate deal | Top News | Reuters

North Korea: What does Kim Jong-il's heir apparent look like? - CSMonitor.com

China Backing Kim Jong Il Means Party Ties Still Drive Policy - Bloomberg.com

BBC News - Kandahar: Your stories of life in a Taliban stronghold

AFP: Regional countries condemn Israel over deadly ship raid

Death by Obamacare

New Film, ‘The Lottery’: Unions Destroying American Education

The Game of Freedom

Kyoto - Cap and Trade: Destructive Policies Like WW I Reparations

Time Travel Tremors

Light-Years Ahead of His Time

Islamist conspiracy to kill Weekly Blitz

The Phony Flu: Just the Facts, M’am; Just the Facts

A Liberal Writer Blasts Obama for Interfering With Voter’s Rights

Great Highlights in Marxist “Leadership”: Or, When Change Turns Malignant

The EPA Runs Amuck

Why Americans Should Love Partisanship

Government jobs do not create Wealth

Attorney General Lacks WMD Response Plans

Inhofe Comments on EPA’s Air Quality Standard for Sulfur Dioxide

Tracking HSUS’s Shocking Snubbing of Local Shelters

Washington Insider: Obama Member of Chicago Gay Mans Club | Before It's News

The Phantom Recovery by Peter Schiff

The Taboo Against Truth by Ralph Raico

The Principles of ’98 or the Partisanship of ’10? by Jeff Taylor

The Best Introduction to Economics in Print

Misdemeanors – or Crimes? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Living Freedom » Blog Archive » So, what exactly is a Freedom Outlaw?

Everest: abandon hope all ye who climb it - Telegraph

Rothbard's Legacy by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE: Whoopi Goldberg Defends Helen tHAMAS’ Anti-Semitic Remarks

Debbie Schlussel:Buh-Bye, “Saw” Puppet Look-alike Helen tHAMAS; Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya . . .

Debbie Schlussel:You Stay Classy, MTV

Debbie Schlussel:Who Was @ the Pro-Israel Rally . . . & Who Wasn’t: Palin’s Fiorina, Campbell, Issa’s Whitman Absent, Silent


Robert Kennedy Assassination

Rep. King Goes After Obama, Introduces Resolution Forcing President To Accept Blockade Policy - wcbstv.com

Queen Rania of Jordan: Hardliners are now the face of Israel - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Israel Is Fueling Anti-Americanism among US Allies

Mutant cows die in GM trial - National - NZ Herald News

The Associated Press: Army plans $100 millon Afghanistan special ops HQ

More than 5,000 Palestinians cross newly opened Gaza-Egypt border - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama looking for 'whose ass to kick' - CNN.com


Download :6-6-10- Aaron Klein


Pelosi delivers speech over screams of health-care activists

Obama to Medicare recipients: Your benefits won't change - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency


Politics Video:8th/NOAA: Underwater Oil Plumes As Far As 142 Nautical Miles Away From Spill

Clarence Thomas' Wife: "We Are In A Fight For Our Country’s Life"

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell: WH Staffers Having Nightmares Over Oil Spill

CA-Gov: Meg Whitman Defends Voting Record

NV-Sen: Lowden: "We're Cranking It Out"

Day 50: Ingraham On Obama's Handling Of Oil Spill

AR-Sen: Bill Halter On "Misleading" Ad Against Lincoln

Dee Dee Myers: Opposition To Obama Has "Racial Implications"

CNBC Host: Obama's Use Of "Ass" Is Not Presidential

Rep. King: US Should Not Support Investigation Of Flotilla Raid

Barney Frank To Young Democrats: "Give Us More Authority"

AR-Sen: Blanche Lincoln On Opponent, Runoff Election

Karl Rove On Helen Thomas, Sestak & Romanoff

Hardball: Is Oil Spill Cheney's Katrina?

O'Reilly: Obama Losing "Regular Folks"

Incumbent In Dogfight In Arkansas

Krauthammer: Real Political "Civil War" Is On The Left

*7th/Student Sitting Behind Obama Falls Asleep During Commencement Address

Glenn Beck Uses Drudge Report To Discuss GDP

NBC's "Nightly News" Covers Helen Thomas Resignation

CBS' "Evening News" Reports On Retirement Of WH "Fixture" Helen Thomas

ABC's "World News": Helen Thomas Was A "Bona Fide Icon"

Obama Addressing High School Graduates With Teleprompters

Obama Seeking "Ass To Kick" Over Oil Spill

CNN: Bush's Attitude Toward Turkey Is Cause Of Israeli Flotilla Raid

Obama To High School Grads: Don't Play The Blame Game

ABC's "World News": Helen Thomas Retired Because Of "Age And Outrage"

Fleckenstein On Economy, "Too Big To Fail"

Gibbs: Helen Thomas' Remarks Were "Offensive and Reprehensible"

Obama On Oil Leak: "This Will Be Contained"

Andrea Mitchell: "Sad" Way For Helen Thomas' Career To End

AR-Sen: Clinton Accuses Unions For "Manipulating" Votes In Ad For Blanche Lincoln

Dem Rep. Grayson: Put Those Who Said "Drill, Baby, Drill" In Prison

Rep. Weiner: Anyone From BP With A "British Accent" Is Lying

Sen. Schumer On Oil Leak: "This Spill Will Be Contained"

South Carolina Gubernatorial Primary Heats Up

Fleischer On Helen Thomas' Comment: Could You Imagine If She Was Talking About Blacks?

CBS Chief Legal Correspondent: White House Trying To Hide Kagan's Liberalism


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Democrats prefer '1-arm embrace' of Obama

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Democrats hiding red ink with budget gimmicks

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Iran 'provoking' confrontation with Israel

Betty White Credits Snickers for Golden Opportunities - Advertising Age - News

Is Google becoming new Big Brother?

Exclusive: Lost Charlie Chaplin film discovered in Michigan antique sale

Signs of Amelia Earhart's Final Days? : Discovery News

Beachcomber stumbles upon historic shipwreck - CNN.com

Oyster shells confirm drought in Jamestown - latimes.com

American Minute

*American Minute for June 8th:William J Federer's American Minute


THIRD of children have seen online porn by the time they are 10, shocking study reveals | Mail Online

55 bodies recovered from old silver mine in Mexico - Americas- msnbc.com

Sea World orca death: Killer whale dies while giving brith - OrlandoSentinel.com

Elephant causes traffic jam | Quirky News | Orange UK

*CNSNews.com - Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Lawsuit Involving Clinton’s Eligibility to Be Secretary of State

news video

Scam-wow! CNN Infomercial Style Report on Oil Spill Product

Nancy Pelosi Heckled at Washington Event

Throw The Bums Out? Primary Challenges for Many Incumbents Today

Thrill is Gone? Obama’s Speech Lulls Student to Sleep

US Envoy George Mitchell Meets With Palestinian Leaders

55 Bodies Found in Mexico Air Shaft – Drug Gangs Suspected

Bizarre: Gamblers Smoke Dried Bird Brains for Special Powers

Joran Van der Sloot Confesses

Weiner: Anyone Speaking for BP Who Has British Accent Is Lying

Audio: The Greg Gutfeld Interview

WH Reporter Helen Thomas Retiring After Remarks

Miley Cyrus’ Risqué European Tour Turns Heads in Madrid

RE-BOOT: iPhone Crashes During Steve Jobs Demo

Tea Party Favorite Leads Race to Challenge Harry Reid

Ari Fleischer: ‘It’s Time For Helen Thomas To Be Let Go’

Obama Looking to Kick Some Ass Over Oil Spill

Soldier Detained for Leaking Classified Video to Press

2 Bodies Found Shot Dead Near Arizona Illegal Border Crossing

Three Dead in Texas Gas Line Explosion

Helen Thomas High School Speech Canceled After Israel Comments

Hallmark Yanks Graduation Card After NAACP Charges Racism


Group vows to sue federal government: ‘3000 good Americans didn’t die in vain’ - WND.com « Daily Religious

Glenn Beck under fire for touting Nazi author's book

GOP bad dream: Birther on ticket - Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

Bill strips al-Qaida cleric's citizenship

'God bless' to be banned in schools?

Senate Amendment Reverses Military Abortion Ban on Procedure Overseas

Republicans put health reform on ballot in push to turn out conservatives - TheHill.com

Obama: I would've fired BP chief by now - TODAY

I Want My Effin’ MTV

Congress.org - : Letter to Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska): Constitutional Eligibility: Obama May be Native Born but Not Natural Born

Former CIA Star Agent Andrew Warren Pleads Guilty To Sexual Assault - ABC News

Spill reveals Obama's lack of executive experience | Washington Examiner

Hecklers disrupt Nancy Pelosi speech - Simmi Aujla - POLITICO.com

irther Articles

*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


'10,000' throng to stop Ground Zero mosque

Florida Senate Adds Amendment to Health Bill for Ultrasound Before Abortion

President’s Propaganda Doesn’t Match Reality – More Than 9 in 10 Seniors Won’t Receive A Rebate Check | House Committee on Ways & Means - Republican


Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-07, Monday

June 7, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

06/07 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Mon June 07, 2010. 04:20 PM


The master of green socialism | FP Comment | Financial Post

Should This Be the Last Generation? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

Britain's Unofficial One Child Policy | only_child | demography | singletons | Family Affairs | Sky News Blogs

EPA and the “National Contingency Plan” « Climate Audit

Memo to Congress: 74% think UI+COBRA more important than deficit reduction

Gulf Oil Leak: Carlton Banks to the Rescue!

Public’s Debt Fear Is Palpable

Dear Paul, You’re Not Half The Man You Used To Be


Kinsey's Paedophiles Watch this video on video.google.co.uk 45:24


The Kinsey Syndrome 1/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 2/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 3/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 4/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 5/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 6/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 7/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 8/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 9/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 10/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 11/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 12/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 13/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 14/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 15/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 16/17

The Kinsey Syndrome 17/17


Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag

Food and Depopulation: Rockefeller Family

Poll Reveals Most Americans Believe War Likely to Erupt in Korea Within a Year

Media Thought Police Crucify Helen Thomas

Former Nato Secretary-General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy

Oblivious to Oil in Mississippi, Possible Troops in Louisiana

Bilderberg 2010: Delegate Flashes Victory Sign

Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility

Obama Warns Oil Spill Will Substantially Impact Economy | USA | English

Arthur Laffer: Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse - WSJ.com

Erdogan, Putin: Israel won’t get our gas

CBC News - World - NORAD leader pledges support for G8, G20

Israel’s Crude Forgery of Tape Backfires

G8/G20 security costs could reach $900-million! | Sovereign Independent

US says North Korean defiance is obstacle to effective sanctions - Monsters and Critics

IDF Retracts Claim al-Qaeda was on Flotilla, Corporate Media Silent

Another 9/11? Strange Events In the Gulf

Kucinich: ‘We may be funding our own killers in Afghanistan’ | Raw Story

Legislature mulls monthly limit on gun purchases - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

Obama’s Lawyer May Recommend Executive Privilege to Block Kagan Papers

AFP: WHO probe to examine handling of flu pandemic

WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers

WHO and the pandemic flu "conspiracies" -- Cohen and Carter 340: c2912 -- BMJ

All-Clear Given at Evacuated Downtown Atlanta Building

Poll: Criminaly prosecution of BP for oil spill

U.S. Soldier Arrested in Wikileaks Inquiry After Tip From Former Hacker - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com

Al-Qaida in Iraq broken, Odierno says - UPI.com

BP Among the Companies Vying for Iraq's Oil - TIME

American Thinker: Barack Obama's Day Off

Halliburton campaign donations spike - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Passengers grabbed Israeli weapons to stop the killing

Helen Thomas Retires After “Go Back to Poland” Comment

Ahmadinejad Stresses Need for New World Order

IAEA Chief: Iran's Nuclear Program is 'Special Case' | Middle East | English


Gulf Spill: Obama Wants to Know 'Whose A** to Kick' Over Spill - CNBC

Feds arrest analyst who allegedly exposed US Army killing of civilians

CNSNews.com - Poll: 60 Percent of Americans Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

Doctors are addicted to “every drug under the sun”

Global Warming Cultists Harassing Skeptics

The Bigger Picture Behind Allegation that the Bush Administration Allowed Illegal Medical Experiments on Prisoners

Warming in Last 50 Years Predicted by Natural Climate Cycles

Russian Flying Cars to beat Traffic Jams

Michael Savage Covers Bilderberg Meeting and New World Order

Voters' support for members of Congress is at an all-time low, poll finds

Bilderberg 2010: Help us identify the delegates

Bilderberg 2010: Who are the delegates? | World news | guardian.co.uk

Campbell mingles with world elite at private meeting

REMEMBER: In 1930, They Didn’t Know It Was “The Great Depression” Yet

People sign “I am a moron” petition without reading headline

Food and Depopulation: Rockefeller Family

America today: Medicated drivers, toxic foods and counterfeit money supply

‘Forbes on Fox’ Panel Argues for Detonating Nukes to Plug Oil Spill

Israeli military intel site – Bin Laden hiding in Iran

‘US funding terrorist group against Iran’

Bernanke Says Unemployment Unlikely to Fall Quickly (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Alex Jones Show

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 7th With Charlie Skelton

Audio Search

The Alex Jones Show Archive: June, 2010

The Alex Jones Show Archive: May, 2010

The Alex Jones Show Audio Archive

The Alex Jones Show Archive: March, 2010

The Alex Jones Show Archive: February, 2010

The Alex Jones Show Archive: January, 2010

The Alex Jones Show Archive: December, 2009

The Alex Jones Show Archive: November, 2009

The Alex Jones Show Archive: October, 2009

The Alex Jones Show Archive: September, 2009

The Alex Jones Show Archive: August, 2009

The Alex Jones Show Archive: July, 2009

2 Years Audio :List

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 1

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 2

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 3

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 4

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 5

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 6

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 7

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 8

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 9

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 10

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 11

Alex Jones' Prison Planet.com - Part 12