"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

05 May 2010


ALIPAC - ALIPAC Activists Help Spread Arizona Law to 12 More States

American hero Jim Traficant files for congressional run as an independent

Celente Predicted Pakistani Terror As A Top Trend For 2010 - More Terror To Come

Dobson: GOP misled me on Paul - Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

savethemales.ca - Anti-Semitism is Zionism's Bread and Butter

New Anti-Obama Billboard in Marshall, Texas…

Journalist Clift - 'Illegal Immigration Is A Happy Invasion'

Pope Benedict says Shroud of Turin authentic burial robe of Jesus - CSMonitor.com

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism1

Totalitarian Collectivism2

Totalitarian Collectivism3

Totalitarian Collectivism4

Totalitarian Collectivism5

Totalitarian Collectivism6

Totalitarian Collectivism7


Pope further damages Church reputation with Shroud claim

Muslim-American NY Bomb Suspect - Deeper Predicament

FOXNews.com - Despite Ariz. Law, Illegals Vow to Keep Coming

Rain-making lasers could trigger downpours on demand | Mail Online

Our fighters are ready to attack America, say Pakistan Taleban - Times Online

US shows its nuclear hand in bid to show sincerity on arms | World news | The Guardian

Barack Obama extends US sanctions against Syria | World news | guardian.co.uk

Japan PM backtracks on Okinawa military base pledge | World news | guardian.co.uk

Chinese city adopts 'shoot to kill' for school attackers - Telegraph

Why are China's children being attacked? – Telegraph Blogs

New York Times Square bomb: three passengers removed from Dubai flight - Telegraph

Faisal Shahzad due in court over Times Square car bomb | World news | guardian.co.uk

Faisal Shahzad: Times Square bomb suspect admits involvement in failed attack - latimes.com

Former Argentine dictator Jorge Videl to face trial - Telegraph

Most people 'would not help a child having an asthma attack' - Telegraph

A little knowledge: How research scientists were caught out by swine flu

How Charles Darwin's family paid the price of inbreeding | Mail Online

Wacky world of micronations unite to demand recognition - Telegraph

Zettabytes overtake petabytes as largest unit of digital measurement - Telegraph


Blackberry 'predicted a century ago' by pioneering physicist Nikola Tesla - Telegraph


Declaring War On The Universe?


savethemales.ca - The Kabbalah- The NWO's Satanic Bible

Obama Takes Direct Aim at Anti-Government Rhetoric - ABC News

Whole Story » Whole Foods Market responds to WJLA


What Real Financial Reform Looks Like

*H. R. 4173




The Oil Mess - The Takedown Of World Economy?

May 4, 2010 Threats Of Civil War Karl Denninger 321gold ...inc ...s

Schumer: I’m on a Mission From God (to Be Israel’s Guardian in Senate)

Girls summit to precede G20 - The Globe and Mail

Engdahl - Who Judges The Judges?

BP to try unprecedented engineering feat to stop oil spill - CNN.com

Nouriel Roubini: forget sub-prime mortgages. It's the sub-prime financial system we need to fix - Telegraph

Goldman Disciplined on Short Sales - WSJ.com

Greeks begin two-day strike as banking system is saved from meltdown - Times Online

Thousand of European Jews denounce Israeli settlements - The Globe and Mail

Violence And Abuse Against Palestinian Detainees

BP vows to clean up Gulf of Mexico oil slick but it could take 3 months to cap leak | Mail Online

Deepwater Horizon oil spill: BP chief faces Washington grilling | Environment | The Guardian

Clinton says it's time for strong Iran penalties | World news | guardian.co.uk

US envoy visits Israel for 'indirect' negotiations - Middle East, World - The Independent

US has more than 5,000 nuclear warheads - Telegraph

Government 'must disclose Guantánamo evidence' - Telegraph

Plans to build 'mega-mosque' scrapped amid furious far-right protests - Telegraph

YouTube - Its All Falling Apart

AfricanCrisis:S.Africa: Nelson Mandela supports Julius Malema & supports: KILL THE BOER. Why was Mandela silent on Mugabe & Matabele Genocide?

YouTube - Ahmadinejad: They're finished, the Zionist regime is finished.

Times Square bomb used non-explosive fertilizer - The Trentonian News: Serving Trenton and surrounding communities. (trentonian.com)

Think Progress » Media Ignore The Fact That Man Who Alerted Police To Failed Times Square Bombing Is A Muslim Immigrant

Gateway Pundit:Suspicious White Powder Sent to AZ Governor Jan Brewer – FBI Called In (Video)

YouTube - Leftist Illegal Immigrant Supporter Sends White Powder to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study

In wake of bomb scare, U.S. may lean on Pakistan to hit harder against militants

SOUTH LEBANON: I Wish My People Would Learn - Of Scuds and Assassinations

On Hill, Geithner Makes Case for a Bank Tax - NYTimes.com


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Sex, Lies and Oil Spills

Michael R. Bloomberg: Terror Suspects Are Buying Guns - and the FBI Can't Stop Them

Doctor sued by Beatles for autograph now sued for treating cancer that didn't exist

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The World Should Now Be Considered in Revolution


*Daily Survival: It’s All Flower Power: Use Your Favorite Plants To Repel Mosquitoes


Porn probe snags S.F. planning officials

Times Square bombing suspect's life had unraveled - Yahoo! News

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Not Much Time Remains for Israel- A Film Review by Gilad Atzmon

Americans Seeking Reward Money Inform IRS on Others (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Sleeping for less than six hours can cause early death, study finds | Society | guardian.co.uk

Exposed: Christian leader caught with male escort says he needed help with his luggage | Raw Story

Refreshing News: Science student's cocaine project leads to forensics breakthrough


*Download: Interview with Professor Francis Boyle [58:18m]:


Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post:The Vanishing Point for the American Empire


YouTube - Col. L Wilkerson on Tyranny.


*Download: Interview with Coleen Rowley [73:05m]:

*Download:Interview with Naomi Wolf [26:29m]:


YouTube - Greg Palast Reports About BP'S Inferno in The Gulf on Alex Jones Tv


Refreshing News: Times Square car bomb: security slip let Faisal Shahzad board plane

Whoops! CO2 has almost nothing to do with global warming, discovers top US meteorologist – Telegraph Blogs

American's Journey: Lieberman: No US citizenship rights for terrorists


54 arrested, 4 shot in Times Square riot - NYPOST.com


Top Media Lies About Iran

Obama’s Military Intentions

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » One for All and All for… Myself – Why you shouldn’t believe OPEC’s reports


*audio:Mike Rivero on the Alex Jones Show

Mike Rivero on The Alex Jones Show- PrisonPlanet.tv - April 6th 2010


EclippTV :: Video :: Keiser Report meets Schiff Report

EclippTV :: Video :: 5/3/10 Ron Paul and Alan Grayson with Dylan Ratigan: Audit the Fed!

What is politics? | Sophrosyne Radical

The Raw Story | NY bomber confesses in terrorism plot: officials

Jeff Gates : Is Pakistan the Next Evil Doer? | My Catbird Seat

Juan Cole : From Waziristan to New York | My Catbird Seat


The Rich Continue To Use Government To Cut Out Their Competition « LewRockwell.com Blog


*Stunning Pictures of Al Gore's New $9 Million Mansion Media Totally Ignored


Hot Air » MS-NBC anchor: I’m so bummed that Shahzad wasn’t a Tea Partier

YouTube - MSNBC's Contessa Brewer - I'm Sorry Times Square Suspect Has Islamic Ties

Daily Kos :: The Times Square bomber will end up being

Cyberattacks: Washington is hyping the threat to justify regulating the Internet - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Zionists named the bogeyman on 9-11

Bloomberg - Car Bomb - Health Care | Mediaite


Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom | Media and Culture | AlterNet

*Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement | Electronic Frontier Foundation


Michael Bloomberg Proves Himself to be a Fool and Should Resign | RedState

More on the CCX Carbon Trading Scandal

Washington's Blog:"BP Says It’ll Pay For This Mess. Baloney." BP Liability Currently Capped at Only $75 MILLION ... Menendez Bill Would Raise Liability to $10 Billion

Cumberland Advisors:Oil Slickonomics

Middle class getting pushed into poverty and working poor status – The cloaked recovery for the middle class. How 30 percent of the poor are unemployed.

The Fed Must Be Audited: The Fraudulent Practices of the Federal Reserve

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Democrats' Worst Fear Is About To Come True

How Is The U.S. Economy Supposed To Succeed When Our Politicians And The Big Banks Are Making Billions Of Dollars Betting Against It?

Greek protesters storm the Acropolis | Business | The Guardian

Congressional Hypocrites Were Betting Against Stocks As Country Collapsed

German troops face pitched battles in Afghanistan as insurgency spreads - Times Online

Rival Iraq Shi’ite Blocs Agree to Form Govt -- News from Antiwar.com

Deepwater Horizon oil spill sparks calls for $10bn levy on BP and drilling ban | Environment | The Guardian

Obama is biggest recipient of BP’s political action cash in the last 20 years | Raw Story

ALIPAC - ALIPAC Activists Help Spread Arizona Law to 12 More States

EclippTV :: Video :: BP Offering 5000 Dollars To Gulf Residents If They Agree Not To Sue!

Viacom's Redstone: All Newspapers Dead In Two Years - The Consumerist

Fisherman have to work 17 times harder to catch fish than they did in the 19th century - Telegraph

SOUTH LEBANON: US, with 5,113 Nuclear Warheads, Claims Iran Peaceful Program Threats the World!

Will Obama support democracy in Kyrgyzstan? - CSMonitor.com

Obama Renews Sanctions on Syria for a Year « Aletho News

Colombia: State Terror in the Name of Peace

The New Prison Industrial-Complex

South Park, the "Four Morons" of Revolution Muslim, and CNN's Epic Fail | loonwatch.com


Debbie Schlussel: Hmmm . . . Luggage From Amsterdam Explodes in America, But No Way It’s Muslim, Right? (Gotta Be a Wiccan Terrorist)

Debbie Schlussel: HipHop Curriculum: Your Day in the DeeKline of PublicK SKoOL EdYOOKayshun

Debbie Schlussel: Boneheaded: Obama/Hillary Reveal Number of U.S. Nukes

Debbie Schlussel: Avoiding Prison for Manslaughter: Tackiest First Lady Memoir Ever

Debbie Schlussel: “Foreclosure” of Times Sq Bomber: Yet Another Islamic Terrorist Commits Mortgage Fraud

Debbie Schlussel: No & No: Since Times Sq Bomber is Muslim, Will Mayor Bloomberg Apologize for Defaming Us? Will NBC Fire Incompetent “Terrorism Expert” Kohlmann?

Debbie Schlussel: Faisal Shahzad – ‘Nother “Moderate” US Muslim: “Not Terrorism” Terror Suspect in NYC Times Sq Bombing is Pakistani-American

Debbie Schlussel: “Feuds I Love” of the Day: Islamic Terrorists v. Islamic “Pirates”

Debbie Schlussel: Christians Bombed: Your Day in Iraq “Democracy,” “Freedom,” & “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

Debbie Schlussel: Your Tax $s @ Work: Palestinian Kiddies’ Laptops Help Modernize HAMAS’ Future

Debbie Schlussel: Lance Horton & Duane Jackson, American Heroes: Alert Vendors Saw NYC Bomb; Don’t Ignore the Cassandras


05-05-2010: NASA official outlines plan for next-generation space robots

NASA: Humanoid robot slated to live on space station - Computerworld

05-04-2010: Secret Erik Prince Tape Exposed

05-04-2010: Heritage Foundation: Congress makes too many vague laws

05-04-2010: Smoking bag found on international flight in Texas

05-04-2010: Russian paper: Nuke the oil geyser

05-04-2010: Rick Perry: Oil Spill May Be An 'Act Of God,' Texas Governor Claims

05-04-2010: Apple: One Million iPads Sold in 28 Days

05-04-2010: 'Smart dust' aims to monitor everything

05-04-2010: Gulf oil leakage could worsen if measures to stop the flow fail, executives say

27APR:Gulf of Mexico oil spill creates environmental and political dilemmas


*Stephen Hawking: Time Travel Will Happen


05-04-2010: Hacked US Treasury websites serve visitors malware

05-04-2010: US deploys 1000s drones in Afghanistan

Former Bush Official Runs Secretive Cockroaches Group

05-04-2010: Euro At 13 Month Low Versus Dollar

*05-04-2010: Goldman Sachs Reveals it Shorted Gulf of Mexico

Calls For More Cameras In New York City

US school for disabled forces students to wear packs that deliver massive electric shocks

New frugality for many may outlive recession

Russian paper: Nuke the oil geyser

Agenda 21 Alert: Global Warming Freeze?

26APR:How Cap And Trade Was 'Trashed' : NPR

White House power grab is too pervasive

Congressional Hypocrites Were Betting Against Stocks As Country Collapsed

Toddler TV Linked to Low Math Scores

The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud

VIDEO: M.I.A. Born Free Black Listed Globally For Depiction Of The Police State

DynCorp Running “Counter-Narcotics” Missions Along Pakistan/Afghanistan Border


*Vera Baker was Obama's mistress: Swiss paper... | Gather


US, Iran Nuclear Punch-up at UN Conference

U.S. Medic Testifies He Found 15 Year Old Chained To Door

War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning

How the US Helps al-Qaida

2001 Anthrax Attack;The CIA, Biowarfare and Terrorism

Christian ‘Doctrine’ Fueled Dehumanization

Bernanke's Biggest Bailout

Somali Pirates Say They Are Subsidiary of Goldman Sachs

What the MSM Will Not Tell You About Ranchers' Murder in Arizona

VIDEO: David Ray Griffin Says Afghan War Illegal

VIDEO: Iranian Leader's Speech to UN on Nuclear Weapons

FCC to Abandon Net Neutrality

NY Bombing Suspect Says He Acted Alone

Five Men Arrested in Pakistan in Connection with Bungled NY Bombing

Justice Department Launches Probe Into Silver Market Manipulation

Goldman Sachs Agrees We Should Break Up Money Trust

White House Working with Fed to Avoid Audit

Feds Say Pilot Could Have Landed Plane at Airport Rather Than River

Oil Company Responsible for Devastating Spill Liable for Only $75 Million in Damages

Did Osama bin Laden Confess to the 9/11 Attacks, and Did He Die, in 2001?

Moscow Calls for Nuclear-Free Middle East

Encroachment of Free Speech on 9/11

The Nuclear Bomb is a Fire against Humanity rather than a Weapon for Defense

Hollywood and The Rigging of Financial Markets

The Criminalization of Wall Street: Will Any Exec at Goldman Sachs Go to Jail?

Who is a Threat to World Peace? The Declared Nuclear Powers, America, Britain and France Defeated by the Power of Reason

NATO and Beyond: The "Wars of the Future"

Covert Economic Agenda Beneath Immigration Reform

GM Biofuels: Another Planned Disaster

Greece: Poverty and Social Implosion in the Wake of the Financial Bailout

Colombia: State Terror in the Name of Peace

The New Prison Industrial-Complex

The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of US Foreign Policy

The Fed Must Be Audited: The Fraudulent Practices of the Federal Reserve

YouTube - PA Tax Amnesty TV ad "We Know Who You Are"

GM Food... Feeding the Hungry or Population Control?

Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay

Socialism vs Corporatism

The Rich Continue To Use Government To Cut Out Their Competition

Organic, small farmers fret over FDA regulation

The Hutaree Case Falls Apart

Want to get rich? Work for feds

YouTube - Jacob Hornberger at NH Liberty Forum, March 2010: Leading Humanity Out of the Darkness

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Drug War vs. Free Society - April 26, 2010

YouTube - WeAreChange Talks To Miami South Beach

If you could get a neural implant that allowed you to access the Internet mentally, anytime, any place, would you? (Reddit sheeple say hell yes!)

YouTube - Seeing is Believing

Poll: 77% Positive For States' Rights

Police Wiretapping Jumps 26 Percent

Obama takes direct aim at anti-government rhetoric

New Video Shows Militarized Police at Obama Event in Illinois

Use accusations of child porn to get the government to start blocking websites, says Anti-Piracy Group Lobby

How Empires Bamboozle the Bourgeoisie

America at the Crossroads and the War on Gold

Toledo Man Streams Foreclosure Occupation Over Internet

Does Anyone Remember 1931? - The Market Ticker

Steve Quayle News Alerts: America's Synergy of Doom

Sheeple: Signs That You Might Be Part Of The Herd… : Neithercorp Press

Sheeple: Why They Are The Way They Are… : Neithercorp Press

Out-of-Control Satellite Threatens Other Nearby Spacecraft - Yahoo! News

Make A History:The T2K Experiment - From Tokai To Kamioka - Where is the anti-matter?


'Smart dust' aims to monitor everything - CNN.com


YouTube - Lieberman Wants To Revoke Citizenship Of Anyone Accused Of Terrorism!


*39 PGS/Star Light Aerial Space Secrets ( 1941 - 2009 )


YouTube - Stewart Rhodes Discusses What Oath Keepers Really Stands for on Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Stewart Rhodes Discusses What Oath Keepers Really Stands for on Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Stewart Rhodes Discusses What Oath Keepers Really Stands for on Alex Jones Tv 3/3


YouTube - DOOMED!

Refreshing News: 12 Animals Threatened by the Oil Spill

YouTube - Dodd Bill: "The Federal Reserve is the Big Winner"

Revealed: NYC car bomb suspect worked at same firm as ‘Catch Me If You Can’ con artist | Raw Story


YouTube - Mike Rivero Reports Time Square Bomber was Manufactured Terror on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Reports Time Square Bomber was Manufactured Terror on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Reports Time Square Bomber was Manufactured Terror on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Reports Time Square Bomber was Manufactured Terror on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Reports Time Square Bomber was Manufactured Terror on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


OpEdNews - Article: Gulf of Mexico worst Case Scenarios-- Listing the Players and Possible Terrorist or Nuke Tie-in

Fed Documents Reveal Secret Lobbying Effort Against Audit Provisions « Dprogram.net

Exclusive: Oath Keepers founder slams conservative media ‘hypocrisy’ « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Greg Palast Tells How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Greg Palast Tells How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - 5/3/10 Marc Faber on Bloomberg: China's Economy May Crash in Next 12 Months

Mexico's illegals laws tougher than Arizona's - Washington Times


**Video: Regime Change by Plane Crash « Dprogram.net


The dangers of growing DNA databases

The "Gentle" Power of Choice Architecture

European Central Bank President Calls for Corrupt BIS to Boss Global Government in CFR Speech

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

VIDEO:Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Federal Government Outpaces Private Sector in Job Creation

Gallup Poll: 9 Out of 10 Americans Say Secure the Border This Year

Airlines Now Required to Check No-Fly List More Often

Pakistan Taliban Wants to Be Seen As Part of Global Jihad

Biden Touts Computerized Health Records, But Critics Have Privacy Concerns

Computer Problems ‘Won’t Stop Us’ From Completing the Census,’ Census Director Says

Most Senators Who Questioned Goldman Sachs Also Took Money From Its PAC and Employees

New Campaign Finance Bill Would Force Private Groups to Publicize Donors in Political Ads

Democratic Senator Supports Oil Drilling Only Where 'Existing, Producing Rigs' Are Operating

Actress Kim Kardashian: Fox News ‘Very Reputable,’ The ‘Only News in the House’

Two Arizona City Councils Vote to Sue Over New Immigration Law

Pakistan Doubts Taliban’s Claim of Responsibility for Times Square Bombing Attempt

Philadelphia Police Chief Backs Officer Who Tasered Fan Who Ran Onto Field

NBC’s Meredith Vieira: ‘Real Shocker To Me’ That Obama Hadn’t Done National Press Conference for 7 Months

Actor and Activist Adrian Grenier: ‘We May Starve To Death,’ ‘Something May Get Us Before Climate Change’

Gulf Oil Spill Is Not Deterring BP Gas Station Customers

Journalists Sue over 2008 GOP Convention Arrests

Largest Lutheran Group Reinstating 2 Homosexual Ministers

Massachusetts Woman with No Arms Preparing for Black Belt

ABC's Sherri Shepherd: ‘I Don’t Care’ About Report on Drugs from Mexico, Arizona Law on Illegal Immigration ‘Very Unfair’

Rough Seas for Obama

Who Bombed Times Square? Must Be the Swedish Grandmother

Dereliction of Duty: Opening Our Border to Drug Smugglers

The Jihadists' Deadly Path to Citizenship

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Greece Debt Overshadows Upbeat US Reports

Militants Launch Deadly Attack on Government Compound in Southern Afghanistan

White House Faces Security Questions Linked to Failed New York Bombing Attempt

Obama Unprepared for Emerging Homegrown Jihadist Threat

Lieberman: Revoke Citizenship of Terrorists

Bombing Suspect Could Escape Military Trial

Bomb Suspect Admits Role, Will Face Terror Charges

Bomber Trained at Pakistan Terror Camp

No Fly List Almost Failed in Capture

Wash. Post Puts Newsweek Up for Sale

Hoekstra: Lone Terrorists New Threat to US

McCain: Shahzad Should Not Have Been Mirandized

Mayor Says NYC Needs More Homeland Money

Bank Bill Could Help Feds Snoop, GOP Warns

Napolitano: Border Could Be 'More Safe'

Senators Attack Obama's Drilling

Elie Wiesel: Tensions With Obama 'Gone'

Obama Interviews Diane Wood for Supreme Court

Small Explosion in Luggage at Houston Airport

Obama Supreme Court Pick Could Come This Week

NY Car Bomb Suspect Cooperates, but Motive Mystery

Bear Stearns Execs Say Firm's Collapse Unavoidable

Ahmadinejad Defiant in Face of New Sanctions

Frenzy to Protect Shores, Islands From Oil Slick

Dome to Contain Gulf Oil the Next Best Solution

Jeb Bush Endorses Marco Rubio in Fla. Senate Race

Obama Touts Support for Lincoln in Ark. Radio Ad

Pa. Poll: Specter's Lead Over Sestak Shrinks

McConnell Endorses Grayson in US Senate Primary

Iran Agrees to Brazilian Nuclear Mediation

NKorea's Kim Appears in Ill Health

US Rounds Up Guatemalans for War Crimes

John Paulson: Housing Prices May Soar 10 Percent

Stiglitz: U.S. Should Abandon Dollar’s Dominant Role

China Advisers: Greece Won't Derail Yuan Reform

CEO: Sears Will Be 'Unrecognizable' in Five Years

Coffee: Drink to Your Health

Fix the 10 Biggest Sleeping Problems

Magnetic Stimulation Lifts Depression

Stomach Cancer Up in Young Adults

Ericsson Sees Strong Growth for Mobile Broadband

'Price Is Right' Goes Beyond TV: Facebook, Wii

NTSB Weighs Lessons From Hudson River Ditching

Archaeologists in Egypt Find Ptolemaic King Statue

Picasso Sells at NYC Auction for Record $106.5M

White House Attacks BP for Political Gain

Student Interns Aren't Being Exploited

Now Is Not the Time for Small Government

Lessons From Times Square Bomb Plot

Obama Deficit Reduction Sends Us to Poorhouse

Tyrrell's 'After the Hangover' Reasserts American Exceptionalism

Obama Reform Will Enable Another Goldman Sachs

Dodd's Financial Reform Violates Privacy

U.S., BP Fight Huge Oil Spill Above and Below Water

Iran Accepts Brazil Mediation to Revive Atom Deal

DNA Tests Vindicate Ohio Man Convicted of Rape

Canadian Pleads Guilty to Running Child Sex Ring

NATO Says Missile Defense Cost Small Price to Pay

Official: 1 Dead in Ala. Army Arsenal Explosion

17 Indicted in Va. Marriage Scam Investigation

Kentucky Man Investigated for Additional Murders

Somali Pirates Hijack China-Bound Oil Tanker

Congressmen Pressure Japan on Custody Rights

Chinese Farmer Imprisoned for Fake Tiger Photos

Indonesia Fails to Sell Shipwreck Treasure at Auction

Hijacked Russian Tanker Carries Unipec Oil: Source

Nuke-Free Mideast Idea Rises on Global Agenda

Sharpton, Mayor to Participate in Arizona Protest

$266 Million Mega Millions Ticket Sold in Calif.

NYC Vendors Are Eyes and Ears on the Street

World's Oldest Person Dies at 114-Guinness Records

NY Man Accused of Make-A-Wish Foundation Theft

Thai Protesters Hold Ground on Bangkok's Streets

Southern Minn. Man Accused of Stabbing 29 Pigs

U.S. Diners Plan to Cut Restaurant Meals Spending

Joe Mackin Mixes 9/11, Plastic Surgery in Debut Novel

Dream of Big-Toe Penis Inspires Author to Write Bestseller

San Francisco Cases at Risk Over Officer Histories

Witness: Slain Klan Recruit Shouted 'I Want Out'

Preparing for the Future - View topic - Sticker Shock - Food price increase

‘Car Bomb’ comes to Broadway

British election becomes a beauty contest

On Iran, the U.S. is painting itself into a political and moral corne

Forty years later, four still dead in Ohio

Derivatives and betting the ponies

The F Word: Corporate bombs demand justice too

Some questions and comments for Doug Henwood and others

Bush’s lame duck eavesdropping on Obama and Emanuel

Laura’s story: Deadly intersections

The Tea Party sideshow

Kevorkian vs. death panels: There is a huge difference

Will the next 9/11 be made in Israel?

The lowdown from Hightower

AFP: New Pakistan inquiry into Bhutto killing after UN report

Iran to hold more war games

Randall Amster: Black Gold -- the Lifeblood of War

The Associated Press: Lee: Warship sinking was no 'simple accident'

Opinion: Why Aren't There More Times Square-Style Terrorist Attacks? - AOL News

Secret Erik Prince Tape Exposed | The Nation

Iran moves to challenge U.S. in Mideast: Gates | Reuters

Louisiana Oil Spill: Feds Gave Safety Prize to Transocean's Deepwater Horizon - ABC News

SAS comes out fighting as details of top-secret missions are exposed - Home News, UK - The Independent

Local company volunteers oil-eating bacteria | HeraldTribune.com

King Wants FBI Probe of Terror Suspect Leaks

The Associated Press: German terrorist suspect killed in Pakistan

Security Lapses Let Bomb Suspect Board Plane - NYTimes.com

Security Network Planned for Midtown - NYTimes.com

Times Square Car Bomb Case Widens With Arrests in Two Countries - NYTimes.com

Times Square suspect is charged over ‘weapon of mass destruction’ - Times Online

Robert Gibbs to FOX News: "You could maybe do some work..."

In Conceding, David Krikorian Tries To Remain A Worst Person In The World

Peggy Noonan Claims Democrats Want to Keep the Border Open to Get Immigration Reform Passed

Eric Cantor booed by Heritage Foundation audience

Shahzad admits involvement in Times Square bomb attempt

"Reasonable Suspicion"

Waaaahmbulance, stat! Glenn Beck whines that 'the press' doesn't take his conspiracy theories seriously

NJ Gov. Christie To Deny Tenure To State's Court's Only African-American Justice

Once They Know Suspect Isn't A Teabagger, Relieved Republicans Go Back To Whipping Up Hysteria

All Hail Steve Nash and the Phoenix Suns for their take on Arizona's SB 1070:"I think the law is very misguided."

McCain: Constitution shouldn't apply to brown US citizens

MLB players begin to speak out against Arizona's police-state immigration law

Taser Use Is Out of Control. A 17-Year-Old Is Tased for Running Onto Phillies Field.

Breitbart shakes down readers on behalf of "SEIU victim" Kenneth Gladney

The Gulf oil spill makes right-wing 'drill baby drill' fans look like idiots. So of course, it's a liberal conspiracy

BP Deepwater Horizon Well Permitted for 18,000 ft. but Drilling as Deep as 25,000 ft.

How about that 'law enforcement approach' to terrorism: NYC bomb suspect caught boarding Dubai flight

FLASHBACK:The Spark That Lit The Match That Started The Fire That . . . The Invasion of Cambodia - April 29, 1970 | Newstalgia

Spanish man, Rafael, who received partial face transplant, makes first public appearance

BBC News - African rocks record ancient magnetic field

Ptolemaic statue and temple gate discovered at Taposiris Magna - News, Archaeology - The Independent

'Pixie Dust' made from pig bladders regrows limbs of wounded soldiers | Mail Online

A Different Perspective: The Ubatuba UFO Sample

Woolly mammoth's survival secret? Antifreeze blood | Science | The Guardian

SPACE.com -- Two Black Holes Found Hard to Kill

‘River Monsters’ tells the reel story of huge freshwater fish - KansasCity.com

BBC News - Pope Benedict views Turin shroud

Hawking: Time travel will happen | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Political Bookworm - Reagan and the occult

American Chronicle | Extraterrestrials in the news, and maybe in America

Making Oil in Minutes, Not Millennia | Autopia | Wired.com

Blind boy learns how to 'see' using dolphin technique - Telegraph

Is Stephen Hawking right about aliens? | Science | The Guardian

Humans Interbred with Neanderthals, Study Suggests | LiveScience

Magnetic Refuge Found on Moon : Discovery News

Why Not Feel Sorry for BP? by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

My Letter to a Smear Artist by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Bernanke Concurs With Ron Paul That Fed Monetizes Debt

Spain, Portugal debt draws weary euro eyes - NYPOST.com

Immigration, Foreign Affairs and the Constitution by Rob Natelson

Guest: Colleges, universities shortchanging students - The Daily Iowan

Is China’s Recovery a Fraud? by Jim Quinn

What’s wrong with price gouging? - The Boston Globe

Parallels Between Stocks and The Titanic - Yahoo! Finance

Beautiful women can be bad for your health, according to scientists - Telegraph

Greenspan Wanted Housing-Bubble Dissent Kept Secret

How to Build Your Wardrobe by Antonio Centeno


*SITE:Paul Davies/(http://cosmos.asu.edu/)

*SITE:The Looting of America ; How Wall Street's Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity, And What We Can Do About It


US Gulf Coast bird colonies at risk from oil spill | Reuters

We’re mastering the oil slick, says BP chief facing flood of lawsuits (contains video)

DSCC capitalizes on oil spill - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Obama biggest recipient of BP cash - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Faisal Shahzad, Times Square Bomb Suspect, Faced Foreclosure - WSJ.com

Washington Times - Bank bill could help feds snoop, GOP warns

Inside the Beltway - Washington Times

FBI: Suspect Used "Barack Obama" Alias - May 4, 2010

Lights, Camera, Police Action | NBC New York

L.A. orders 439 medical marijuana dispensaries to close - latimes.com

Dutch queen in security scare at war memorial | Reuters

Depression treatable by electromagnetic therapy: study

Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races - NYTimes.com

China to force internet users to register real names - Telegraph

Flamingo Land rollercoaster: Thrillseekers left hanging upside down 50ft up | Mail Online

Gibbs gives it to Fox reporter - On Media - POLITICO.com

Breitbart.tv » WH Lays Into Fox News Reporter Over Former FEMA Director’s Comments

Stocks, Euro Tumble on Debt Concern; S&P 500 Pares Losses - Bloomberg.com

Obama administration says Emirates Airlines Dropped the Ball; 9/11 Commission Vice-Chair Says U.S. Govt Is Dropping the Ball - Political Punch

D.C. passes medical marijuana, bill goes to mayor - wtop.com

My Way News - Security slip let suspect on plane, near takeoff

Woodward book on Obama coming in September

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Osama Bin Laden Is in Washington, D.C. - ABC News

TV Ratings: Overnight Nielsen Ratings for Tuesday: Parenthood Ratings, Dancing With The Stars ratings, Lost Ratings, V ratings, American Idol Ratings, Biggest Loser ratings, 90210 ratings, Life Unexpected ratings, NCIS ratings, NCIS:LA ratings, The Good Wife Ratings - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com

U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study

Oil from Gulf spill may even reach Miami-scientist | Reuters

My Way News - Gulf Coast watches, waits for path of oil spill

U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study

Oil cleanup chemicals worry environment watchdogs | Reuters

U.S. Marines boot recruits with Confederate tattoos

Security slip let suspect on plane, near takeoff - Yahoo! News

W.H. woos GOP on immigration - Carol E. Lee and Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

President Obama: GOP Opposition to Stimulus 'Helped to Create the Tea-Baggers' - Political Punch

FOXNews.com - Iranian Leader Questions U.S. Disclosure of Nuclear Arsenal

Venezuelan civilians train to fight for Chavez - Washington Times

PRUDEN: Britain's taste of hopey-changey - Washington Times

White House in P.R. 'panic' over spill - Glenn Thrush and Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

New light shed on Kent State killings - Washington Times

US defense of global religious freedom wanes under Obama, panel says - CSMonitor.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: MSNBC's Brewer: I'm Sorry Terror Suspect Has Islamic Ties

RealClearPolitics - Video - CNN: Foreclosure Brought "Pressure" And "Heartache" On NY Car Bomb Terrorist

The Scavenger : Oakland police chase and gun down 'Bambi'


WEBCommentary - The Prescience of Michael Savage







More Than Just Government

Declaration of Independence as Law

Taking Advantage of an Oil Crisis

Palin and the Leftist Elites

The Dollar's Inevitable Demise

NBA also protesting Arizona immigration law

A fun video on the Declaration of Independence


YouTube - Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration

*SITE:Comparing Governments


Federalism's fair season in Arizona

Federal response to BP oil spill a Tom and Jerry cartoon

A new source of Chicago Way slush monies for Obama's favorite groups

Closing the barn door after the terrorist got away

How close was the Times Sqauare bomber to getting away?

Congress feels your pain - well, sort of

Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation fails audit

Virginia AG investigates possible Climategate fraud

A Pakistani-American on the Times Sq. bomber

Liberals are from Mars, Conservatives are from Earth

Fixing What Ain't Broke, Hiding What Is

The Intellectual Hegemon

In England, A Victory for Freedom

Peace (Not) in Our Time

Pity the British Tories

A Keynes' Beauty of the Beast Contest.

Deport Anchor Babies

Government Must Be Honest, to Solve Problems


Jake Towne on HR 5013, the Dept. of Defense's IMPROVE Act

* H.R. 5013


Jake Towne on HR 5146, the Congressional Pay Freeze and HR 5017 Rural Housing Service Subsidies

Jake Towne's Comments on HR 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009

Can America truly be a Republic?


One Step Closer to the End of the Yellow Brick Road

Financial Regulation and Coercive Currency.

Drug Czar Supports More of the Same

Does the Federal Reserve REALLY Control Interest Rates?

As ‘The Hollywood Reporter’ Chuckles Along, Seth MacFarlane Crudely Trashes Sarah Palin

Simon Cowell Endorses Britain’s Conservative Party

REVIEW: Michael Moriarty’s ‘Hitler Meets Christ’

The Sky is Blue; Hollywood’s List Is Black

Run, Princella, Run!

Film Community Finally Speaks Out For Imprisoned Iranian Filmmaker

‘Family Guy’ Seth MacFarlane Lies About Arizona Immigration Law

TRAILER: George Clooney’s ‘The American’

Crowe’s ‘Robin Hood’ A Disillusioned Vet Returning From War Against Muslims…Not a Tea Partier

Riots Erupt in Athens

Advocates for Limited Government Must Align with Illegal Immigrants

A Spend-and-Borrow Debt Mess

Is President Obama Using Executive Powers To Organize Angry Anti-Capitalist Protests On The Streets Of America?

Your Neighbor May [Heart] Socialism, Progressive Trumps Capitalism

Case Study In The Fallacy Of Obama’s Ethics Pledge

Sebelius Appoints the $600,000 Woman Federal Autism Panel

US Taxpayers Pay for Germany’s Socialized Medicine – and Other Terrible News

Sorry Big Labor: Teaching Kids Union History Propaganda Won’t Make Us More Competitive Against China and India

What Budget Crisis? California Wants to Ban Shopping Bags

Hedge Funds Donate Big to Democrats; Get Exemption from Bank Bill

VIDEO: More Lies Exposed in ‘Phantom N-Word Tale’

The Case of the Mysterious Disappearing Religion

Where the Contract with American Failed, the Freshmen 5o Will Succeed

President Obama Should Be Repealing the Capital Gains Tax, not Making It More Burdensome

Permanent Bailouts Not Enough, Banks Fight For Even More Advantages

Bank Bailout Bill: Is This Why Andy Stern Left SEIU?

In New York for the NPT Conference, King of Unicornia Hails U.S. Nuclear Posture Review

On CBS, Katie Couric Leads Bloomberg To Connect the ‘Homegrown’ Dots

Correction Request: McClatchy

Interview With the Vampires

NewsBusted: What Caused the Oil Spill?

The ‘Hutaree Militia’ Case Starts To Unravel — On First Amendment Grounds

The (Fantasy) World According to Contessa Brewer

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Wishes The Times Square Bomber Were a White Guy

In Times Square Bombing Attempt, Alleged ‘Reporters’ Rush to Judgment, Blame Tea Parties

VIDEO: McClatchy News Fuels ‘Phantom N-Word’ Story With Contradictions and Errors

Forty Years Later, Fresh Revelations About What Really Happened At Kent State

Surprise — Donald Sutherland Hates Conservatives (Even Poor Joe Scarborough)

The ‘New Yorker’ Takes on Clinton Pal Haim Saban, Hollywood Billionaire

Stop Press Item: California Newspapers Get Proposition 14 All Wrong

Breitbart CBN Interview: ‘The Cold War Is Now a New Media War’

Times Square Car Bomb Case Widens With Arrests in Two Countries - NYTimes.com

The American Spectator : Big Government vs. Small Business

RealClearPolitics - The Greek Unions -- And Ours

Robert Reich: The Rebirth of Regulation

Commentary » Blog Archive » Obama Should Heed His Own Advice

RealClearPolitics - Latino Giant to Change U.S. Politics

Arizona Immigration Law May Lead to Consensus - Mary Kate Cary (usnews.com)

What Led Up to the Arrest of a Bombing Suspect - NYTimes.com

Times Square suspect's movements raise questions about holes in antiterror system

RealClearPolitics - The Enemy We Can't Name

Op-Ed Columnist - No Fooling Mother Nature - NYTimes.com

The American Spectator : Keep the Lights On

Does the spate of disasters help the party associated with activist government? - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

The Arizona Immigration Law, the Oil Spill and Government Failure - HUMAN EVENTS

RealClearPolitics - Clueless on Immigration

RealClearPolitics - Call Them What They Are: Illegal Aliens

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Republicans in Resurgence - Ramesh Ponnuru - National Review Online

Which Mitt will show up in 2012? - The Boston Globe

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Times Sq. Arrest Renews Debate on Suspect Rights - NYTimes.com

The smell of our fear - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Behind Mother Russia's Outrage Over Adoption Case

Starting in left field, Keith Olbermann: He's embraced by MLB and the NFL while Limbaugh was shunned

Obama administration owes answers on how it handled Times Square suspect

From Peshawar to Times Square - WSJ.com

Editorial - The Hard Work Ahead on Financial Reform - NYTimes.com

Political chaos in Britain

Pelosi’s jobs talk drowned out - TheHill.com

CQ Politics | Incumbents Look to Amendments for Points

Third-party election spending surges - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Senate’s Auto Safety Bill Includes Stopping-Distance Rule - NYTimes.com


*5MAY:Politics Video/"Does This Look Like A Terrorist?": GOP Candidate Advocates Racial Profiling In Controversial Ads

PA-12: Burns Hits Critz On Not Repealing Health Care

OH-Con: GOP's Schmidt (R) Will Face Yalamanchili (D) In November

CNN: Pakistani Taliban Spokesman Says Group Has No Ties To Shahzad, Warns Of New Attacks

Limbaugh: Faisal Shahzad Arrest Was "Dumb Luck"

Ahmadinejad: Iran Will "Definitely" Continue On Its Current Path

Paul Begala On Oil Spill

Sen. Landrieu On Gulf Oil Spill, Cleanup & Donations From BP

Ahmadinejad: Bin Laden Is In D.C.

IN-Sen: Dan Coats' Primary Victory Speech

NC-Sen: Burr Wins (R) Primary, Dems Headed For Runoff

Matthews: Shahzad Arrest Shows Government Can Do The Job

O'Reilly: Tools Opposed By Left Crucial In Catching Shahzad

Olbermann: BP A Bad Actor

Krauthammer: Why Did The Obama Admin Mirandize Shahzad?

*4MAY:KY-Sen: McConnell Endorses Grayson In Ad

Murdoch: Criticism Of FOX News Is "Good For Ratings"

Bloomberg: "We Will Not Be Intimidated"

IL-Sen: Kirk Opposes BP In New Ad

MSNBC's Matthews Speculates About "Right-Wing" Domestic Terrorism In NY Bomb Scare

Analysts, Politician Blame "Right-Wing" Domestic Terrorist For NY Bomb Car Scare

Obama's New "Foundation": Government Promotes Innovation "That No Business Is Going To Provide On Their Own"

Cantor To Questioner: Obama Is Not A "Domestic Enemy"

IL-Gov: Scott Lee Cohen Back In The Race

Media Narrative Changes: First They Blame The "Right-Wing" Now They Fear "Racism"

Lieberman: No US Citizenship Rights For Those Affiliated With Terrorist Groups

Photo Of NY Car Bomb Suspect Faisal Shahzad Released

Sen. Leahy: Bush "Dropped The Ball" And "9/11 Could Have Been Avoided"

MSNBC Analyst: Terror Attack Will Strengthen Tea Party

Dems Use Same "Worker" In 2010 Ohio Gubernatorial Ad & 2008 Anti-McCain Ad

NBA's Phoenix Suns To Protest Immigration Law By Wearing "Los Suns" Jerseys

WH's Gibbs Assails FOX News Reporter For Former FEMA Director's Criticism Of Obama

MSNBC Anchor Hoped NY Bomber Had No Ties To Islamic Country

Cantor Blasts Obama: "Conservatives Must Win In November"

Sen. Cardin: "We Can't Drill Our Way Out Of The Problem"

McCain: "Serious Mistake" If Faisal Shahzad Was Mirandized

Obama: NY Terror Plot "Another Sobering Reminder Of The Times In Which We Live"

Ann Coulter On AZ Immigration Law Misconceptions

Gibbs: We Will Keep "Our Boot On The Throat Of BP"

Holder "Considering" Changing Location Of KSM, Terror Trials

Krauthammer: "Guantanamo Has Just Gotten An Extra Year Or Two Of Life"

Shahzad's Former Neighbor: He Liked To Jog At Night, Claimed He Worked On Wall St.

Rangel Gets Combative Over Ethics Violations Claim: Not "One Scintilla" Of Evidence

Glenn Beck Defends Mirandizing Suspected Times Square Car Bomber

Rep. Gutierrez On Immigration Reform

Times Square Car Bomb Suspect Arrested AT JFK Airport

O'Reilly: Media "Dishonest" And Politicans "Cowardly" On Immigration

Holder: Suspect In Custody In Attempted NYC Attack

Matthews: Oil Companies Shirk Responsibility

Sen. Kaufman On Getting Tough On Big Banks


*4MAY/Transcripts:Holder, Napolitano Briefing on the NYC Suspect

*3MAY:Panel on Obama's Times Square Response

Greenpeace and API Debate Offshore Drilling

Gov. Haley Barbour on the BP Oil Spill

Gov. David Paterson on the Times Square Plot

Pinal County Sheriff Babeu on Arizona's New Law

Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Arizona's Immigration Law

Secretary Clinton Takes Questions at the U.N.

Geithner's Testimony on the Financial Reform Tax


On Cinco De Mayo, Our Favorite People Named ‘Cinco’ » MTV Newsroom

'American Idol': On the scene for Top 5 performance night | EW.com

Moraes on TV - Harry Connick Jr. steals 'American Idol' Sinatra night

FOXNews.com - Behind the Science of Iron Man 2

Celebrity News - As Lost Comes to An End, So Do the Lives of its Characters

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Laughs Off Walk of Fame Star Misspelling

Miley Cyrus's New Music Video Shows off Her Sexier Side - Music News, Miley Cyrus : People.com

Charlie Sheen Surrenders Custody of Daughters - CBS News

Lindsay Lohan to play Linda Lovelace, producer says: Smart move for her? | EW.com

Ex-Producer in Letterman Plot Heads to Jail - NYTimes.com

'Lost' series finale will expand to two-and-a-half hours | EW.com

FOXNews.com - Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron Rumored to Be Dating

The Associated Press: Joe the Plumber is elected to party office in Ohio

Kansas Senate fails to revive vetoed abortion bill - KansasCity.com

The Associated Press: Sen. DeMint endorses Paul in US Senate race in Ky.

The Associated Press: Redstone Arsenal: 2 injured in Army base explosion

National Day of Prayer highlights faith debate | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Capitol Watch Blog - Connecticut Politics, Political News and Legislation

Oakland City Council passes Arizona boycott - San Jose Mercury News

Missouri Casino Gaming License Drawing Much Interest

The Fix - Why Pennsylvania's special election matters more

Ex-FEMA chief: Obama using oil spill to his advantage - CNN.com

Planned Parenthood helps prevent teen pregnancies - Salt Lake Tribune

Senior House Democrat to announce retirement - CNN.com

Reid Blasts G.O.P. Over Stalled Financial Votes - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Wal-Mart's zoning vote postponed as labor, retailer talk | Crain's Chicago Business

Bring Walmart, jobs to Black community

Book: Obama Calls Tea Party 'Tea-Bagger'

State Supreme Court rules against Pawlenty | StarTribune.com

YouTube - Pawlenty:Drain Trust Fund, Recycle Budget Cuts

Times Square Bomb Suspect Waives Rapid Court Hearing - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Muslims react to Times Square arrest

SE Asia Stocks-Fall, finmin resignation hits Jakarta | Reuters

Shanghai architecture Expo: an empty experience? | Art and design | guardian.co.uk

BBC News - Somali pirates hijack Russian China-bound oil tanker

Kim Jong-il is in China? We have no information on that. - CSMonitor.com

Japanese PM's Reversal on US Base May Have Political Cost | Asia | English

Kyrgyzstan investigating firms that sold fuel supplied to U.S. air base

AFP: At least 24 dead in South African bus crash

Palestinian Authority bans work in settlements | Reuters

Iraq's Shia parties agree coalition - Telegraph

BBC News - US envoy Mitchell meets Israel PM Netanyahu

UPDATE 1-Spain agrees with opposition to speed bank reform | Reuters

Woman dies in Taleban suicide bombing of Afghan government offices - Times Online

The Associated Press: Iran begins new military maneuvers in Persian Gulf

Al Jazeera English - Americas - Kirchner to head Americas bloc

Muslim woman fined for wearing burqa in northern Italy | World news | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Nestor Kirchner elected head of South American grouping

YouTube - Reconciliation at last between the Thai Government and Red Shirts

U.S. and other big powers back Mideast nuclear arms ban | Reuters

YouTube - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Iran-US relations

BBC News - New ash cloud closes Isle of Man Airport

YouTube - Flights grounded as volcanic ash cloud returns

Greek Economic Crisis Sparks Riots, Slide in Euro | Europe | English

YouTube - Athens protests: deadly bank fire amidst violent clashes

Marina Hyde: How Nick Clegg transformed the election | Politics | The Guardian

YouTube - Party leaders in a final push for votes


PROMO:See which media stars diss book exposing Obama unread


*VIDEO:Exposing Obama's Radical Past - Video - FoxNews.com


*Extreme book here - NYPOST.com

*WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive EMP attack 'catastrophic' for U.S


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Race to 'stop the flow' of leaking oil

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'He's going to be treated like an American'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'It will take months to recover'


School sued after teachers hide in closets to pray

Immigration debate: To boycott ... or not

Arizona's immigration law spreads

W.H. woos GOP on immigration - Carol E. Lee and Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

IBD/TIPP Poll: 60% Favor New Arizona Immigration Law - IBD - Investors.com

WorldNetDaily Commentary

Report: Congress makes too many vague laws - Yahoo! News

'Scheme' to 'peddle abortions' investigated

Christian question: 'Interfaith dialogue' or 'useful idiots'?

President Obama: GOP Opposition to Stimulus 'Helped to Create the Tea-Baggers' - Political Punch

Robert Gibbs Spars with Les Kinsolving About Obama Press Conferences | Mediaite

Michelle Malkin » Lester Kinsolving: White House press corps pit bull

'Kooky' Les Kinsolving gets bio - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

Gibbs' stand-up comedy deflects reporter's questioning

Washington Post shifts leftward online - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Rush scorches Obama for slow oil-spill response

U.S. exempted BP rig from impact study - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Despite plan, not a single fire boom on hand on Gulf Coast at time of oil spill | al.com

White House in P.R. 'panic' over spill - Glenn Thrush and Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

US defense of global religious freedom wanes under Obama, panel says - CSMonitor.com

Google Invests in Firm That Tries to Predict the Future - NYTimes.com

Total Time Of Investigation: 53 Hours, 20 Minutes - wcbstv.com

Times Square suspect's movements raise questions about holes in antiterror system

TSA tightens rules on no-fly list notification - Security- msnbc.com

Faisal Shahzad, Times Square Bomb Suspect, Faced Foreclosure - WSJ.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: MSNBC's Brewer: I'm Sorry Terror Suspect Has Islamic Ties

Some 500 EU cities pledge to cut CO2 emissions | Reuters

Whoops! CO2 has almost nothing to do with global warming, discovers top US meteorologist – Telegraph Blogs

Hoyer: Dems more successful at fighting terrorists than GOP - TheHill.com

Who's to blame for this terror?

Now I'm labeled a 'terrorist'!

'Scheme' to 'peddle abortions' investigated

New 'safety plan' would control what you eat

President Declares Nashville A Disaster Area; Federal Funds On Their Way

Abu Ghraib-style brutality Maliki’s secret detention site in Baghdad

At Long Last, Tehran Gets Its Alliance and the Clock Is Turned Back to 2005 in Iraq

British army to be sued for war crimes over its role in Fallujah attacks Parents of children with birth defects say Britain knew of US chemical weapons use

Warmongers of the world, unite

Devenez supplétifs du FBI, obtenez le droit de « tirer pour tuer » [Voltaire]

Kent State Killings Triggered by FBI Agent Provocateur « LewRockwell.com Blog

9/11 FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero (200 Pics) | Crack Two

Obama’s Military Intentions

SOUTH LEBANON: UN Has 'No Evidence' of Presence of Scud Missiles in Lebanon

New IDF Weapon Defends Soldiers against Psychological Warfare - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

US, UK, France, Italy walk out of UN nuclear conference in war propaganda theater to attack Iran

SOUTH LEBANON: On Iran, the U.S. is Painting Itself into a Political and Moral Corner

VA AG Cuccinelli to invoke VATA over Climategate? | RedState


Colombia: State Terror in the Name of Peace

The New Prison Industrial-Complex

It's OK to call a cop a pr--k, rules magistrate Robbie Williams | Herald Sun

God's Commandments: 9 out of 10 isn't bad, right?

Latest Noah's Ark 'just wood planted on Ararat'

World's biggest beaver dam can be seen from space - Telegraph

'Idol' viewership down as Cowell nears finale

What Flavor is Internet Ice Cream? You Tell Us - San Francisco Restaurants and Dining - SFoodie

Tongue piercing ruptures vein leaving schoolgirl needing surgery | Mail Online

Brit Nick Bond marries American Alex Gabrielson in Las Vegas quickie wedding | Mail Online

Is Facebook a deal with the devil?

Prom Dress Made From Juice Packets - Video - WFTV Orlando

Not going down without a fight on his prosthetic leg

German pensioner fined €14,000 for cannonball dives at public pool - Telegraph

Man eats 1,500 lightbulbs | Metro.co.uk

6 days at the beginning of time


VIDEO:A man of great faith ... in atheism


Sumner Redstone Says Murdoch’s Newspapers Will Fail (Update3) - BusinessWeek

Let's try capitalism for a change!

Who's to blame for this terror?

Pro-abort women lament dearth of vocal pro-abort men

Shakira gets schooled

English: The glue of our nation

Willow Creek's delusion about 'social justice'

Unpaid interns are exploited?

Blacks' disregard for personal liberty

Black parents 'have to save your own children'

Scheme to add another Democratic state

In Vietnamese: 35 years after fall of Saigon

35 years after fall of Saigon

Dismiss the Tea Parties at Your Peril -- They're a Force to Be Reckoned With | News & Politics | AlterNet

State-run media's latest clean-up job

Race and achievement resentment

Christianity and Cultural Survival | FrontPage Magazine

Report: No spying in Pa. school laptops case - Yahoo! News

Local News | Eye in sky finds illegal Pierce County buildings | Seattle Times Newspaper

'Robin Hood' bandit gives away cash after Short North bank robbery | The Columbus Dispatch

Grandmother facing battery charges after slapping granddaughter for mouthing off | Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota | WTSP.com 10 Connects

UVA lacrosse player George Huguely admits fight, hiding Yeardley Love's computer after death: docs

TV producer sentenced in Letterman blackmail plot

Palin Headed to NRA Convention - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

Naked man atop Fort Worth billboard descends as storm approaches | Crime and Safety | Ne...

Naperville man charged for 101 in a 45 :: Naperville Sun :: Local News

Tax-exempt church splits North County community - STLtoday.com

Birth defect risk from insect bites received by mother during pregnancy

Ernie Harwell, longtime voice of Detroit Tigers, dies at 92 - USATODAY.com

For High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Sweet Talk Gets Harder - NYTimes.com


*SITE:Arnold Exposed


*American Minute for May 5th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

'Love and a birth certificate'

'New eligibility strategy working'


Rioting Greeks throw petrol bombs at police - Telegraph

Washington's Blog:America Is Losing Its Imperial Status, And Global Institutions Such As The IMF, G20 And BIS Are Filling The Void IMF As Grim Reaper of Austerity?



*E BOOK:Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Tue May 04, 2010

May 4, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

05/04 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-May-04, Tuesday


YouTube - Michelle Obama: Barack Obama is a Kenyan and America is too mean

Michelle Obama: Barack Obama Is “Kenyan”


Sheriff Scott at scene of NYC car bomb; SUV's registered owner sold it

Bloomberg: "No Evidence" Anyone Else Involved - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Russian paper suggests ‘nuclear explosion’ could cap gulf oil geyser

Fed Documents Reveal Secret Lobbying Effort Against Audit Provisions

McCain: 'Serious mistake' if car bombing suspect was Mirandized - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

US school for disabled forces students to wear packs that deliver massive electric shocks

Bloomberg Smears Anti-Obamacare Activists As Terrorists

Forgotten Facts of American Labor History

Exclusive: Oath Keepers founder slams conservative media ‘hypocrisy’


*Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook

YouTube - FaceBook In Reality - idiotsofants.com and BBC'sThe Wall


YouTube - Senator Bennett Views Porn

Internet Police: London Signs Warn Against Accessing “Extremist” Material

Effort to expand audits of Fed picks up steam in Senate

No citizen rights for NY terror suspect

Couple Arrested At U.S. Border For Asking Questions

Times Square Eyewitness: Bomb Scare Looked Like Drill

Overpopulation is a Myth

Obama administration says Emirates Airlines Dropped the Ball; 9/11 Commission Vice-Chair Says U.S. Govt Is Dropping the Ball - Political Punch

Why a Criminal Case Against Goldman Sachs Matters and Why Charges Could Stick

North Korea masses 50,000 troops on border - Telegraph

Deepwater Horizon oil spill sparks calls for $10bn levy on BP and drilling ban | Environment | The Guardian

Faisal Shahzad, Times Square Bomb Suspect, Faced Foreclosure - WSJ.com

In the Tea Party Movement, Possibilities - and Challenges - ABC News

Americans Seeking Reward Money Inform IRS on Others (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Police forces must merge to fight terrorism and organised crime, says RUSI report - Telegraph

Ahmadine-who? Iranian leader not as scary as Times Square car bomb scare

YouTube censors video interview with Jeffrey Smith about GMOs

Whoops! CO2 has almost nothing to do with global warming, discovers top US meteorologist – Telegraph Blogs


YouTube - Obama home country is Kenya


*(7 PART VIDEO)Is the War in Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?


*Illinois Senator Wants to Imprison Gun Owners(ARTICLE LINKS)


YouTube - CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise


Pasadena Weekly - The Count - (war deaths)

*Faces of the Fallen: Iraq and Afghanistan Casualties | washingtonpost.com


Republicans Relent, Allow Debate On Financial Overhaul To Begin

Obama’s drone strike joke shows the reality of political leadership in the American Empire | America 20XY

The ACTA Copyright Treaty and Why You Should Care

Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom | Media and Culture | AlterNet

Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering - NYTimes.com

The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America

Security Network Planned for Midtown - NYTimes.com

2 Day Drill Will Simulate WMD Attack On Sioux Falls | KSFY.com - Your Source for News, Sports, and Weather - Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104 | Local News

Illegal Immigrants cost feds more than $10 billion a year

Exclusive: Oath Keepers founder slams conservative media ‘hypocrisy’

Iraq Shi'ite blocs to join forces in parliament | Reuters

Army captain sentenced for stealing Iraq war funds

CIA Officer Explains New World Order’s Demise


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 4th With Stewart Rhodes

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 3rd With Greg Palast


#video:Ahmadinejad: Osama Bin Laden Likely in D.C.

GOP House Candidate Dan Fanelli Airs Edgy Ads

GOP House Candidate Runs TV Ad Calling for Racial Profiling

AZ Immigration Law Author: Obama Is ‘Trying to Stir Up Racial Anxiety for Political Gain’

‘Baby John’: Notorious Remains of Mummified Infant Are Missing From NH Cemetery

Uncovered Video: Key Obama Ally Joel Rogers Explains Why American Capitalism Is ‘Monstrous’

Actress Kim Kardashian: Fox News is ‘Very Reputable’

Redskins Apologize for Threatening to Fire Cheerleader in Media Flap

Sen. Leahy Says Bush Dropped Ball: 9-11 ‘Could Have Been Avoided’

‘Exposing Obama’s Radical Past’: New Book Examines President’s Associations

Laura Bush Tells Oprah the ‘Jim Beam or Me’ Quip Never Happened

CNN: Rev. Franklin Graham Accuses Obama Administration of Hostility Toward Christians

Is New Mexico ‘Party Bus’ Appropriate for Prom Crowd?

Chris Matthews To Michael Brown: Your Oil Rig Theories Sound ‘Insane’

MSNBC Analyst Worries That Another Terror Attack Might Strengthen Tea Parties

Rev. Jim Wallis vs. Bishop E.W. Jackson on Arizona’s Immigration law

GOP Rep: Terrorist Groups That Feared Bush Now Think Obama Might Apologize to Them

Stossel: Obama Is an Arrogant Interventionist

Update: PA Tax Amnesty Radio Ad Matches Creepiness of TV Version

CNN Anchor Empathizes With Times Square Bomber’s Home Foreclosure

‘Ex-PLO Terrorist’ Turned Israeli Sympathizer: Obama Is Culturally a Muslim

London Flash Mob Stages Mock Newspaper Swordfight to Protest Media Coverage of General Election

NY Congressman Calls for Arrest of Iranian President

The B-Cast: Is Obama Ally Joel Rogers the ‘Wizard of Emerald Cities?’

Obama and the Awkward Pause: Attempted Attack ‘Has Been…Failed’

Transportation Secretary Explains ‘Sea Change’ He Envisions for U.S. Transportation

AUDIO: Air Traffic Controller Orders Plane Carrying Times Square Bomber Back to Gate

Sen. McCain Says Giving Shahzad Miranda Rights Would Be a ‘Serious Mistake’

MSNBC Anchor Is ‘Frustrated’ That Bomb Suspect Has Islamic Ties

NYC Bomb Suspect Will Face Terror Charges

Will Mayor Bloomberg Apologize for Speculation About Bomber Being Anti-ObamaCare?

Who Is Faisal Shahzad?

Police: UVA Men’s Lacrosse Player Murdered Player on Women’s Team

Tourist Captures Chaotic Moments as Fireworks Ignite Inside NYC Bomb Car

Agents Arrest US Citizen From Pakistan in Times Square Car Bomb Case

Hidden Camera Captures Video of Armed Drug Smugglers Near Shooting Scene

Costly Coffee Goes for $12 a Cup at Brooklyn Shop

Porn Stars Make PSA Denouncing Video Piracy

Politico Montage Proves Leno Recycled Old Material for ‘Lame’ DC Dinner Routine

Limbaugh Unloads on MSM: Not Even Cronkite Was This Far Gone

‘The View’ Co-Host: Arizona Law on Illegal Immigration ‘Very Unfair’

Dobson Accuses ‘Senior Members of GOP’ of Misleading Him on Pro-Life Rand Paul

British Cop Arrests Street Preacher for Saying Homsexuality Is a Sin

The B-Cast B-Side: Critics Knock Obama for Slow Response to Oil Spill

The B-Cast: MSM Ignores May Day Rally Violence

Video: Rancher: I'm Not Going To Be The Good Guy Anymore

Video: Police: Woman Raped By Home Invasion Suspects

Video: Deputy: I'm Still Part Of This Investigation

Video: Phone Calls Made By Injured Deputy Released

Sen. Leahy Says Bush Dropped Ball: 9-11 'Could Have Been Avoided'

Video: ShowBiz Minute: Haim, Michaels, Letterman

Video: Be careful what you tweet

Police clash with protesters in Athens

UK election race tightens

Video: Idol's Dewyze has Stong Ga. Following

Video: Police nab alleged rapist