"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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20 April 2010


Industrial Wind and the Wall Street Cap and Trade Fraud

Devvy -- Southern Poverty Law Center: Liars Ca$hing in -- 04/19/10

What Do Ted Kennedy, Palin & McCain Enjoy In Common?

YouTube - Tea Party Hijacked by Neocons as Ron Paul Foreign Policy is Pushed Aside

What You Can Do About Overpopulation In The US, World

savethemales.ca - Canadian Serial Killer Linked to Elite Satanists?

The Associated Press: Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans don't trust Washington

Hollywood goes back to the future with 80s remakes - Telegraph

Air Force Looks for ‘Core Algorithms’ of Human Thought | Danger Room | Wired.com

Neoconned again | JAMES EDWARDS

Synthetic marijuana a growing trend among teens, authorities say - CNN.com

Atzmon - Symbolic Identifiers And Jewish Stereotypes

Google backs Yahoo in privacy fight with DOJ | Politics and Law - CNET News

Howling Wind: The Unrepented Genocide

savethemales.ca - You're a "Fascist" if...

Teaching Congress Shit from Shinola « Mantiq al-Tayr

Allegations No.10 was bugged by MI5 ‘removed’ from official history - Times Online

Politics, Finance, and Your Health


9 Ingredients to avoid in processed foods - Healthy Living on Shine


Were Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot atheists?


YouTube - Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection

YouTube - Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 1 of 2)

YouTube - Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 2 of 2)

YouTube - There's lots of evidence for Jesus!

YouTube - Sun of God?

Source of Bible Covenant with God discovered?

YouTube - Myth of Religion; The Solar Messiahs God's Sun Christ Horus

YouTube - Christ in Egypt: Table of Contents

YouTube - Krishna = Buddha = Christ?

YouTube - Krishna and Jesus were names of same God in different tongue

YouTube - The Face of God

YouTube - Was Horus Crucified?

YouTube - Jesus is Hórus

YouTube - Mary and Isis

YouTube - I am Isis, Ruler of Every Land

YouTube - Christianity is a Egyptian Myth - Horus, Isis, Mary, Jesus, God, Osiris

YouTube - Jesus and the Story of Horus

YouTube - Real Proof that Jesus was NOT real

YouTube - "Christian" faith is a Fraud

YouTube - Jesus is the Antichrist!!!!!!

YouTube - Jesus is the Devil - Jesus Cell #666 666 6666

YouTube - The symbol of the DEVIL, now known 666, beware and watch !

YouTube - Secret Symbols & Mysterious Signs



YouTube - Kabbalah and the founding of America

YouTube - What is the U.S. Government doing in Ancient Babylon?

YouTube - Jesus is the Antichrist!

YouTube - The Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis - Information Short

YouTube - Who was Isis? The Aretalogy of Aset (Isis)

YouTube - Heaven and Helena

YouTube - Hell - The Acceptable Holocaust


The Fix - Why people dislike government (and why it matters for 2010)

Obama repaying his masters at Goldman Sachs

Tobacco 'candy' could poison kids: study | Reuters

Citizens For Legitimate Government

Smoking Mirrors: Ride the Apocalypse on the New Ship of Seeing.

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Russian Communism

British Ban Israeli Tourism Western Wall Images

Fabrice Tourre email is key to SEC's evidence - Telegraph

Goldman Sachs prosecution threatens to open the floodgates on Wall Street | Business | The Guardian

Goldman Sachs fraud charges could herald the beginning of years of legal action | Mail Online

Gordon Brown and Angela Merkel attack Goldman Sachs | Business | The Guardian

Goldman Sachs: the bank that thought it ruled the world - Telegraph

At war with Washington | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Pentagon chief raises threat of attack as Iran taunts US with missile display - Times Online

Harmful Effects Of Prolonged Isolated Confinement

Nato invites Russia to help with missile defence shield - Europe, World - The Independent

Metal hip replacements could cause tumours, doctors warn - Telegraph

Clinically dead boy 'saw grandmother in Heaven' | Mail Online

Former allies of Hugo Chavez blow the whistle on 'corrupt' dynasty - Telegraph

Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm - Americas, World - The Independent

New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Space Junk Is a Growing Problem, Scientists Say - AOL News

YouTube - Chossudovsky: Obama, not Osama, is threat No.1 to global security

YouTube - Hide the Decline - Original Version

YouTube - Giant Scanner Sees Whats In Your Car


McVeigh's Second Trial:Index


*YouTube - Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage


YouTube - 4409 -- Timothy McVeigh Tapes: MSNBC Documentary Confessions of an American Terrorist.


Waco The F.L.I.R. Project - Part 1/3 DepartmentofWacoJustice.com 14:49

Waco The F.L.I.R. Project - Part 2/3 DepartmentofWacoJustice.com 14:48

Waco The F.L.I.R. Project - Part 3/3 DepartmentofWacoJustice.com 04:12


Day 51 - The True Story of Waco 57:53


WACO - Who Shot First?

*The Oklahoma City Bombing; PROOF there were additional explosive charges

OK City: The Ryder Truck On The Army Base

The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing


YouTube - Bill Hicks Talking Outside Waco with Kevin Booth


31 Questions and Answers about the IRS, Revision 3.4


Real History, and a Radical's Diary

The Strange, Mysterious Eternal Allure Of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler Quotes

The Occult History of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler 54:20

The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler - 52:45

Banking With Hitler 44:14

WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER: Stan Monteith interviews Anthony Sutton 53:33


04-19-2010: Willie Nelson Questions Official 9/11 Story On Larry King

Mysterious New Object Discovered in Space

04-19-2010: Gov. Perry warns tea partiers to watch their backs

US to launch secret ’space warplane’

Sherman: Dodd Bill Contains Unlimited Bailout Authority

High-tech speed cameras using satellites to track motorists secretly tested in Britain

Janet Tavakoli: Did Goldman Sachs Commit Fraud?

One third of Americans say own govt a threat: Poll

State-sponsored assassinations: A time to KILL

Pentagon's Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure a "Legitimate" Target

High Frequency Trading High-tech Highway Robbery

Goldman Lawyers Advised Lehman

Goldman Sachs fraud charges ‘just the tip of the iceberg’: prof

Goldman Sachs Said to Have Been Warned of SEC Suit

Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama

Chip Implanter PositiveID Aims To Clean Up A PR Mess

Study: Insurance Companies Hold Billions In Fast Food Stock

'Third World' concepts no longer relevant - Zoellick

President Bill Clinton to Address Globalization, Progress at PMI(R) Global Congress 2010—North America

Your Bionic Brain: The Merging of Brain and Machine

Obama administration subpoenaed in Fort Hood probe

Secret Prison Revealed in Baghdad

The Pentagon's Fantasy Numbers on Afghan Civilian Deaths

Noam Chomsky Has ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’

The Populism of the Privileged

The Return of Christian Terrorism

Goldman Sachs: Too Big To Obey The Law

The Financial Terrorists Who Destroyed Our Economy Will Pay Zero in Taxes -- and Get $33 Billion in Refunds




The Weaponization of Space: US to Launch Secret 'Space Warplane'

Kucinich on Assassinations and Upcoming War Funding Vote

Modern-Day Post-9/11 McCarthyism in Media

VIDEO: Obama, not Osama, is Threat No.1 to Global Security

Decline in Bank Lending: Business Investment in America is almost at a Standstill

Pope Benedict and the Roman Catholic Church: Worst Credibility Crisis Since Reformation

VIDEO: The BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons

Iraq Election Sets Off New Political Tussle

Guantánamo: Exposing Torture, Misconceptions and Government Incompetence

Canada's Big Pharma Drug War

Tehran Responds to US-NATO-Israeli Threats

The Criminalization of Wall Street: Lynching Bankers is not the Solution

Cyber-Warfare Chief's Deception

The Offshore Outsourcing of American Jobs: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism

"High Frequency" Financial Trading, High-tech Highway Robbery on Wall Street

The Pentagon's Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure is a "Legitimate" Target

The Pentagon Papers Are Public This Time

From Vietnam to Afghanistan: America and the Dictators

VIDEO: Be Nice to America. Or We'll Bring Democracy to Your Country!

Nation of Laws and Lawlessness: America is Policing Itself and the World

Alex Jones' State of the Union: Alex Calls on All Patriots to Expose the Fascist Police State

Cop kills two young girls, gets probation

Police: Let us sedate suspects

Shocker: Obama Budget Proposal Likely to Decrease Charitable Contribution by Billions

Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Alarmists


YouTube - What Do We Do About It? Part 1

YouTube - What Do We Do About It? Part 2


Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

The Entertainment Industry’s Dystopia of the Future

video:Alexis de Tocqueville - Despotism in America

Facebook under privacy microscope

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help

DHS Global Biometric Plan, Facial Recognition Billboards

Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Democrats who insisted on minimum-wage laws refuse to pay interns


Infowars Journalist Arrested, Held for Asking Karl Rove a Question During UT Appearance

Family calls police to help their devoted father of three who was suicidal because he couldn't find work – Police respond by killing him instead

NOPD asks FBI to investigate fatal shooting of man by police

Waco and the New Brown Scare

Obama Administration Officials Drafting Secret Indefinite Detention Policy

McCain Proposes Indefinite Detention Without Trial for Citizens

Free Markets, Deregulation, and Blame

If The U.S. Economy Goes Into The Toilet Will It Result In A Complete And Total Collapse Of Society?

YouTube - iPad Tortured to Death in Mass Social Experiment


YouTube - Lew Rockwell on Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton 4/17/10


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 1 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 2 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 3 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 4 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 5 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 6 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 7 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 8 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 9 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 10 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 11 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 12 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 13 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 14 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 15 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Earth Changes UFO's Iceland Volcano Sky News V-Shape UFO Formation 18/04/10


TOTALINVESTOR: Fraud, It’s Much Bigger Than Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs fraud case stunning in its indictment of Wall Street culture | Jay Bookman

America’s Economic Recovery Is a Rotten Sham :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

John Stanton: Human Terrain Systems and Military Intelligence

Transhumanism, Psychological Warfare and B.E.P.'s "Imma Be" | The Vigilant Citizen

Jim R. Schwiesow -- Red Skies Over the Republic

Human genes to be injected into goats, cows, and sheep - National - NZ Herald News

Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control


Sinister Sites – Illuminati Pyramid in Blagnac, France

Mystical Sites – U.S. Capitol

Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court

Sinister Sites – Temple Square, Utah

Sinister Sites – The Manitoba Legislative Building

Sinister Sites – Astana, Khazakhstan

Sinister Sites – Rockefeller Center

Sinister Sites – St. John The Divine Cathedral

Sinister Sites – The EU Parliament

Sinister Sites – The Denver International Airport

The Hidden Hand that Shaped History

The Occult Roots of The Wizard of Oz

How Hollywood Spreads Disinformation About Secret Societies

Top 5 Most Sinister Corporate Logos

Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye – Their Occult Meaning and Use in Corporate Logos

Occult Symbolism : Saturn Worship

Occult Symbols in Corporate Logos | The Vigilant Citizen


YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 2 of 2


YouTube - Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined (Full)


YouTube - Alliance of Civilizations: Extremism & New Religion

YouTube - Radical Or Right? Growing Anger Against The U.S. Government

YouTube - The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!

NH Gun Shop Break-in Caught on Surveillance Camera

Dorothy Height, Civil Rights Activist, Dies at 98

Pot Smokers out, Proud for 4/20 High Holiday

Ohio Executes Man Who Strangled Teen Girl in 1988

FBI File on Accused Museum Shooter Dates to 1963

Supreme Court Strikes Down Animal Cruelty Law

"Socialist" Snacks Nourish Chavez Fans in Venezuela

Police: Teen in Mass. Bullying Case Drove Drunk

AP-CNBC Poll: Most in US Against Legalizing Pot

Pirates Take 3 Thai Ships With 77 Crew

Man Kills Woman, Self Outside Tenn. Hospital

Facebook? Twitter? Microsoft Tops Social Media Use

Sex-Crimes Unit Head Charged in Pa. Sex Assault

Iraqis Say Qaeda Deaths Will Not Improve Their Lives

Learn How to Make Do-It-Yourself Wine

2 NYC Men Face Trial in Ecuadorean Immigrant Death

Palin Set to Take Stand in Tenn. Hacking Trial

NJ Man Who Called 911 From Roadblock Settles Suit

East Sudan Parties Concede Defeat, Cry Fraud

Britons Ponder Whether to Pay Organ Donors

China's "Robot Dad" Aims to Show Inventions to World

North Korea Readying for 3rd Nuclear Test: Report

Native Care Blends Modern Doctoring, Medicine Men

Third of U.S. Teens With Phones Text 100 Times a Day

Mexican Drug Boss Sentenced in Ore.

China to Mourn Quake Dead as Toll Passes 2,000

Okla. Lawmakers Approve Several Abortion Bills

Jackson Fans to Get Peek at Memorabilia in Japan Exhibit

Ignoring GOP Pressure, Florida's Crist Mulls Independent Run for Senate

GOP Leader: 'Zero Chance' Crist Runs As Republican

Romney: Crist Should Stay in GOP Or Back Rubio

Poll: Majority Wants Smaller Gov't, Fewer Services

Bill Clinton: Too Much Infighting in U.S.

Cantor Endorsing Rubio for Senate

Glenn Beck: Zero Evidence of Sedition

Goldman Sachs Hires Ex Obama Counsel

Rahm Emanuel Wants to Be Chicago's Mayor

McCain: 3,000 More Troops Needed on Border

Senate Demands Fort Hood Documents

Defendent Worries Palin Will Dazzle Jurors

Obama Says Boxer Could Lose If Dems Don't Work

Tea Partyers Split in Support of Palin, Paul

Ex-Iranian Spy: Iran Will Use Its Nukes

Poll: Legalizing Pot Won't Boost Economy

Lieberman OKs Subpoenas for Fort Hood Records

Court Voids Law Aimed at Animal Cruelty Videos

FDA Should Regulate Salt, Panel Says

FDIC Head Says U.S. Needs Better Lending Standards

Democrats Look at Goldman to Spur New Regs

SEC's Probe of Goldman Could Widen to Other Banks

Census: Women Equal to Men in Advanced Degrees

Gun-Toting Activists Rally Against U.S.

Cardinal Mahony Blasts Arizona Immigration

Ill Putin Talks Russia Economic Health

Activist Charges N. Korea Sunk Warship

Bove: Goldman Saga May Fuel New Collapse

Gabelli: Stocks to Reward 'Mindless Investors'

Green Tea’s 10 Healthy Benefits

Pa. District Took 56,000 Images On Student Laptops

10 Nations Tell Google of Privacy Concern On Buzz

Password System Lost in Google Theft

Low-Power Version of Bluetooth Coming for Watches

Work On James Bond Film Suspended

Michael Douglas Asks Judge for Mercy for Son

Kelsey Grammar Backs Right-Wing TV Network

Gang Starr's Guru Dead At 43 - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Kim Kardashian's Cat-astrophic Kitty Photo - ABC News

Simon Cowell on Larry King - latimes.com

Ryan Seacrest: 'American Idol's' Big Problem? - ABC News

SNEAK PEEK: Inside the American Idol Rehearsals - PEOPLE TV Watch

FOXNews.com - Kelly LeBrock Not Surprised by Sex Abuse Claims Against Steven Seagal

Mel Gibson’s ex is mysterious | The Blemish

MediaPost Publications Comedy Tonight: Colbert, Stewart Re-Up Through 2012 04/20/2010

Oprah Winfrey responds to 'so-called biography' - CNN.com

'420 Day': Events Around The Annual Unofficial Celebration - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

420 Meaning: 'Weed Day' Observed Worldwide

Cameron Douglas Faces Sentencing Today | NBC New York

Family of Monica Beresford-Redman, Murdered Wife of 'Survivor' Producer, Travel to Mexico to Demand Arrest - ABC News

Atheist Group Calls on Obama to Endorse ‘National Day of Reason' Instead of 'National Day of Prayer'

Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins Call for U.S. Troops at Border

White House: Obama Not Proposing or Considering Value Added Tax

Senate GOP Unites in Opposition to ‘Endless Taxpayer Bailouts’ in New Financial Regs Bill


*Twenty Democrats Targeted for Defeat in November Based on Their Vote for Health Care Bill


Arizona Legislature Sends Tough New Immigration Bill to Governor

Sen. Lieberman ‘Startled’ by Pentagon’s Failure to Mention ‘Islamist Terrorism’ In Report on Ft. Hood Massacre

Probe of Alleged White House ‘Quid-Pro-Quo’ Won’t End After Pa. Senate Primary, Issa Says

Price Controls Expected to Slow Drug Sales in 2010

Lebanese PM Says Scud Missile Accusations Are Comparable to Claims About Iraq’s WMD

No Legislation on Giving DC Vote in Congress

U.K. Election Campaign Enlivened by Come-From-Behind Politician Who Wants A ‘Rebalanced’ Transatlantic Relationship

Anti-Homosexuality Sign in Man’s Yard Can Stay, Officials Say

Supreme Court Splits Sharply on Campus Christian Argument

‘One-Child’ Planet – an Asinine Argument

Making the Number Who Hire Go Higher

New Tribe Rising?

Why the Catholic Church is Credible

*17 pg./ "TV's Tea Party Travesty"




*site:Contract FROM America


archived:Republican Contract with America


Darryl Durr's Allergy Claim Fails to Delay His Execution - ABC News

US Mint unveils quarter featuring Hot Springs National Park; 1st in series of new quarters - latimes.com

Supreme Court voids law aimed at banning animal cruelty videos

Cuomo: state senate leader looted $14 mln | Reuters

Obama aide Emanuel: I'd like to be mayor of Chicago - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Rahm Emanuel Wants to Run for Mayor of Chicago - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama Heckled by Gay Rights Protesters (Video) - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Senators unveil border security plan - FederalTimes.com

GOP establishment moving toward 'Tea Party' candidate in Florida - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Specter, Sestak Air Dueling Ads - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

I'm testifying before Congress about WMATA - Greater Greater Washington

Has-beens look to ride GOP tide to comebacks - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

BBC News - Volcanic ash chaos 'a lesson for Europe'

Obama feels the heat on Iran's threat | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | The Guardian

China declares national mourning for Yushu quake victims | World news | The Guardian

Kyrgyz Ex-President Bakiyev Arrives in Belarus - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: High-ranking al-Qaida in Iraq leader killed

Lieberman: Jerusalem is our eternal capital, it will never be divided - Haaretz - Israel News

BBC News - Election 2010: Parties battle over who offers 'change'

BBC News - In pictures: Bangkok stand-off

U.S. slams irregularities in Sudan election | Reuters

Seoul: No talks if North behind ship blast - UPI.com

Hariri Rejects Israeli Accusations About Scuds - NYTimes.com

Putin, looking ill, trumpets Russia's economic health | World | Reuters

Reaction to tragedy showcases changes in Polish-Jewish relations | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

The Georgian Times on the Web: Comprehensive news site, daily international, national and local news coverage , breaking news updates, sports, reviews.

The Associated Press: Azerbaijan puts off joint military drills with US

Frost Illustrated: Catholic Church's response to sex abuse allegations murky

Somali pirates seize Thai vessels

NATO troops fire on vehicle, kill 4 unarmed Afghans

Fugitive wanted in St. Petersburg killing captured in Miami - Miami-Dade Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com




SEC Board Was Split Along Party Lines On Goldman Sachs Charges. Guess Which Side Defended Goldman Sachs?

Comcast says they will have nothing to do with RightNetwork

Video: Sarah Palin's speech to Women of Joy reveals church-state separation denier, adherent of radical 'Prayer Warriors'

Sen. Bob Corker: "I have never used those Frank Luntz Talking Points"

Republicans Pretending to Act Like Adults

Blue Dog Jane Harman Wins CDP Endorsement Over Marcy Winograd amid floor vote Hackery

Susan Collins will filibuster financial reform, but Olympia Snowe says she's OK with being the lone Republican

Deja Vu From Mitch McConnell on Finance Reform: Let's Go Back to the Drawing Board

Dispatch From Guntopia

Msg to Lieberman - Find Something Important to Do

Comcast denies involvement in RightNetwork

Clay Greene Vs Sonoma County

Scott Brown goes Palin on Face The Nation, but does say he'll filibuster financial reform bill: UPDATED

Karl Rove angry at FOX & Friends and calls them "pathetic" for bringing up Code Pink trying to arrest him

McConnell: How Dare You Stop Us From Reforming Wall Street? Welcome To Bizarro World!

Bill Kristol: Republicans Should Think About Breaking up the Banks

SEC To Look Into Similar Wall St. Mortgage Deals

Teabagger Mark Williams Unloads on Geraldo -- Claims It's Impossible for Tea Partiers to Be Racists

President Clinton: I Was Wrong To Listen To Rubin and Summers On Derivatives

Kathleen Parker and Joe Klein: Tea Party fringe groups are a national security threat; FOX and the Becks are acting seditiously

Fox News Defends Over The Top Rhetoric From Tea Party

Ed Rendell Says The Media Has Been Over-Hyping The Tea Parties

McCain: "Pull the Trigger" on Iran

Bill Clinton: Look beyond judges for Supreme Court nomination

President Obama Calls Out Mitch McConnell in His Weekly Address for Running to Wall Street

Clinton: Rush Limbaugh 'Doesn't Make Any Sense.'

Koch Industries denies funding tea parties, but official filings say otherwise

Bill Moyers Journal: Simon Johnson and James Kwak on Real Financial Reform

Who funds RightNetwork? Looks like the usual suspects.

U.S. Military Report Warns of 'Serious' Oil Shortages By 2015. Will We Go To War For Oil?




'Dehumanization' Part of Training for US Military

Tea partiers in two camps: Palin vs. Paul - POLITICO.com Print View

The National Biometric ID Card: The Mark of the Beast? by John W. Whitehead

Minimum Wage Cruelty By Walter Williams

Witch Medicine in Mexico by Fred Reed

We Refuse! by Michael Boldin

Populism, Left and Right by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Data Don’t Bleed | The Beacon

Economic Ignorance and Liberal Hypocrisy at DailyKos.com by Jacob G. Hornberger

End the Mandate by Ron Paul(w/audio)

Climategate: a scandal that won’t go away - Telegraph

The FDA Shuts Down Common Infant Vaccine After Startling Discovery by Joseph Mercola

Poland: Triumph and Tragedy by Eric Margolis

Bomb Probe Turns Up Vibrator - April 19, 2010

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Chavez hosts Latin American allies for summit - Yahoo! News

Tom Shales - Tom Shales on TV: Is Larry King's CNN reign nearing its end?

Sex-crimes unit head charged in Pa. sex assault - Yahoo! News

Gene makes people fat, raises Alzheimer's risk - Yahoo! News

CNSNews.com - Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins Call for U.S. Troops at Border

The Associated Press: Sheriff: 282 arrested in San Diego County sweep

Gay rights protesters interrupt Obama speech at fundraiser - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pro-Gay Hecklers Repeatedly Interrupt Obama At DNC Fundraiser

Stephen G. Smith: In defense of Obama's golfing adventures | Washington Examiner

Justices get personal over texting privacy - STLtoday.com

CNSNews.com - EPA Contest Seeks Videos Promoting Government Regulations

Cyberattack on Google Said to Hit Password System - NYTimes.com

Google Attackers Gained Access to Computer Code - WSJ.com

Uncontrolled Immigration Fails

Al-Qaida Beheaded in Iraq?

Obama Calculates VAT Tax

Obama Policies Diminishing Our Liberties

Obama, Senate Should Heed Meese on Court

Prominent Jews Express Obama Outrage

Republican Congress Needed to Save Economy

Iranian Threat Grows Daily

Wall St. Bailouts Would Be Invited, Not Prevented, Under Dodd's Bill - IBD - Investors.com

Financial Reform and American Politics | Mother Jones

RealClearPolitics - Video - Sen. Dodd: Financial Reform Bill Ends "Too Big To Fail"

What?! Americans don’t trust Washington? Who knew? - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Does The World Like America Again? | The Plum Line

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - The GOP's 2012 Problem?

RealClearPolitics - Big Government and Its Discontents

RealClearPolitics - The Eradication of Trust

Dealbook - When Deals on Wall St. Resemble a Casino Wager - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Break Up the Wall Street Banks. Now

Gates Iran-Strategy Memo: Controversial but Correct - TIME

Obama’s summit on nuclear weapons : The New Yorker

The Energy Policy Morass | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - A Ron Paul Moment

Justice Stevens, maverick of the Supreme Court, won't be easily replaced - latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Using the Oklahoma City Bombing

Message to parties: the slogan isn’t working | Ben Macintyre - Times Online

Russia's New Push for Power - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Obama, Don't Forget Jerusalem

Leonard Pitts: The death of a politician's integrity | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Wallison: Fannie and Freddie Amnesia - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - GOP Loaded With Self-Funding Candidates

Editorial - Iran, Sanctions and Mr. Gates’s Memo - NYTimes.com

Confused on Iran

The state pension follies - SignOnSanDiego.com

Bill Clinton’s complaint - BostonHerald.com

Republicans Split Over How to Win in Fall - WSJ.com

GOP senators avoid co-sponsoring campaign finance reform bill - TheHill.com

Democrats race for cash -- for 2012 - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Bill would help smooth presidential transitions

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Ash piling up red ink for airlines

Airline losses from ash spiral over $1 billion

Airlines, scientists split over impact of ash | Reuters

Satirical whizzes bringing Book of Mormon to Broadway - Salt Lake Tribune

Mali | Bible translated into Dogon language

Higher fines could curb excessive drunkenness, council president says - baltimoresun.com

The Associated Press: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

City wants to nip tobacco use in the butt

Man stabs five of his kin, torches house, after Net access row | The Japan Times Online

Israel aims to reverse Sea of Galilee fish decline | Reuters

Teen pleads guilty to killing sex assault suspect | girl, hazard, accused - Public Safety - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Local News | Query on fame draws answers that inflame: Controversial comments get student newspaper edition destroyed | Seattle Times Newspaper

Laptop Falls From Helicopter, Just Misses Boy - wcco.com

Man hit by spear while riding scooter- Local Cairns News | cairns.com.au

Harsh Amazon reviewer unmasked as author's wife

Wind energy decision carries political impact - Washington Times

Safety checks after New Zealand man gets genitals caught in flying fox | Herald Sun

No hooking up, no sex for some coeds - CNN.com

A primer on Islamo-fascism

'South Park' creators must 'fear for their lives'

Giving president more regulatory power?

Guess who's back to help with Supreme Court pick

Biometrics a worry? They're already here ...

[Folder Name]

America's 'bad relationship' with Obama

Obama, Israel and the Genesis prediction

New tribe rising?

What's next? Transgender showers for kids

'When are you atheists going to grow up?'

Standing in the gap for America

The limits of power

The Republicans' 2012 problem - Republican Party - Salon.com

Preying on the National Day of Prayer

What?! Americans don’t trust Washington? Who knew? - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register


video:How Christianity is being redefined

video:Santa Claus was a Mormon?


*American Minute for April 20th:William J Federer's American Minute


Locust swarm inspires new pizza topping - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Sherpa team plans to clean Everest's death zone

From the Sky, Detroit Looks Like Sarajevo - Nbc - Gawker.TV

Exhibit offers look inside colon, its illnesses | VIDEO » Evansville Courier & Press

Man found his wife on Google Street View – 43 TIMES | The Sun |News

Another underage child star in sex movie

Bid for 'Stonehenge' in Esperance | Perth Now

Dog-Sized Dinosaur Had Thick, Head-Butting Skull | LiveScience

3D printer could build moon bases

An Alcoholic’s Savior - Was It God, Belladonna or Both? - NYTimes.com

Major Revisions to Psychiatric Definitions Stir Debate | LiveScience

SPACE.com -- Meteor Fragment From Wisconsin Fireball Discovered by Farmer

UFO picks up Laconia, NH car with teens and drops 180 feet away

A brain-recording device that melts into place


*site:Legendary Times - Come Search with Us


*Politics Video:4/20-Is Washington Bankrupting America?

George Will On Colbert Report

Bernie Goldberg: You're Right Jon Stewart, I Was Wrong

Dick Morris: Clinton Had To Reappoint Janet Reno Or She Would "Tell The Truth" About Waco

Sen. Gregg: Agreement "Basically" Reached On Derivatives Language

Rep. Bachus: Feds "Looked The Other Way" On Financial Fraud

CNN Anchor Claims "N-Word" Tape Exists

Brit Hume On Not Taking Tea Partiers Seriously

Dem Congressman: Tea Partiers "Don't Know" Who They're Mad At

Dem Threatens Obama: Reform Immigration Or I'll Tell Latinos To "Stay Home"

Krauthammer: "No Check, No Balance" For Executive Branch In Finance Bill

Sen. Warner: Financial Reform Bill Is "Giant Step Forward"

Rep. Paul Ryan On Financial Reform

Michael Lewis: "Wall St. Can't Control Itself"

WH's Goolsbee: Obama Not Considering VAT

Eliot Spitzer On Wall Street Crackdown

Sen. Corker: Financial Reform Bill Is "Anything But Tough On Wall St."

Bill Kristol: If You Like Freddie And Fannie You Will Like Regulatory Bill

Rahm Emanuel Says He Wants To Be Mayor Of Chicago

Rep. Bachmann On Dissenting From Obama

Eliot Spitzer On The Goldman Sachs Suit

O'Reilly: Americans "Disillusioned" With Obama

Matthews: Republicans Aren't Being Truthful

*4/19-Karl Rove On Trust In Government

Hitchens To Perkins: "You Can Be Proud Of This Great Tradition Of Intolerance"

Rep. Conyers On "Teabaggers": Their Rational Abilities Are Compromised By "Anger"

Gates' White House Memo On Iran

Obama Tells DNC Audience "You're Welcome" For Tax Cuts

McCain On Immigration: "We Need To Have Troops On The Border"

Crist Will Make "Thoughtful" Decision Over Independent Bid

Sec. Napolitano On Line Between Free Speech And Terrorism

White House: Obama Is Not Considering Value-Added Tax

Ingraham Confronts Charles Blow For Calling Tea Party A "Minstrel Show"

Limbaugh: Goldman Sachs In "Bed" With Obama Administration

Jenna Bush Hager Takes On Bill Clinton

Update: Black Tea Partier Knew NBC News Would Approach Him

Sen. LeMieux: Crist Running As A Republican

Netanyahu on U.S., Israel Tensions

AP: Crist Mulling Independent Run For Senate

Accused SEALs Head To Court

Barney Frank On Goldman Fallout & Financial Reform

Harwood: Republican Case Against Financial Reform "Weak"

Rep. King: Debate Over 9/11 Trials Make US Look "Foolish"

Sen. Gregg On Goldman's Impact On Financial Reform

Sen. Boxer Begs Crowd To "Get Excited" Like Tea Partiers

TIME's Joe Klein: Beck, Palin Committing Sedition Against U.S.

Gibbs: The Media Plays Toward The Camera


Next bubble: $600 trillion?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'We're forcing the Israelis to react'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Transgender, 'gay' workers forced on employers?

How Evil Works | FrontPage Magazine

Biometrics a worry? They're already here ...

DOJ abandons warrantless attempt to read Yahoo e-mail | Politics and Law - CNET News

Court takes up public employees' privacy case

Parents plead for return of 7-year-old son

The NRA sits on sidelines of gun fight with feds - Crime & Courts - TheState.com

Children of Okla. bomb victims build new lives - Washington Times

Op-Ed Contributor - Lessons Learned From Oklahoma City - NYTimes.com

Time’s Klein: Beck, Palin Potentially Committing Sedition against U.S. Government; Heilemann Adds Limbaugh | NewsBusters.org

WaPo's Kathleen Parker on CBS: Tea Parties 'Dangerous;' Internet Journalism 'Like Terrorism' | NewsBusters.org

Pataki group claims MSNBC won't air its ads - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Gay rights protesters heckle Obama - Washington Times

Obama skips Polish funeral, heads to golf course - Washington Times

Brown: Obama is a good man - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Pope: I lead 'wounded, sinner' church

56% Support Repeal of Health Care Law - Yahoo! News

Is 2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

More seeds of confusion sown on eligibility

'Important question about Constitution'

Obama’s two biggest opponents, Rush Limbaugh and Andy Martin, at opposite ends of the same restaurant

Presidential 'birther bill' advances in state House

Arizona gives 'birthers' a dim flicker of hope | Opinion L.A. | Los Angeles Times

Obama's born-in-USA mandate

Tancredo urges Tea Partiers to send Obama back to Kenya - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Ariz. House OKs Birther Bill

Champaign, Illinois mayor doubts Obama's natural-born citizenship; local politicians divided on whether mayor should resign | The Boundary Sentinel

Justice Clarence Thomas: We're 'evading' eligibility


***the Birthers***


Psalm 94 - King James Version - BibleGateway.com


The New Front in the War on Wealth

Tyranny May Be Closer than We Think

The Grand Illusions of America's Liberals

Sink the Murtha: Outrage on the High Seas

Young and Old Voters Disagree on Obama Reelection, yet Agree on Major Political Issues

The British Obama?

Obama heckled by gays at Boxer fundraiser

'The Beholden State'

Latest IDB/TIPP poll reveals issues and voters swinging to GOP

Traveling is a human right?

'Anarchy plus a Constable'

Humble, pragmatic, Obama? Not.

A 'perfect storm' for socialism

The Walrus and Mr. Clinton

Mark Twain scores again

Silent signals

The Clinton-Llorens Tegucigalpa Tango Siniestra

The Jews of Silence

Plan B: Privatize ObamaCare

Bond-Buyers Voting against Obamanomics

Give Me Inequality or Give Me Death

George Soros's New Economy

Don't Fall for Simple Slogans

Was Jesus a Marxist?

Jihadism's War on Democracies

Cultural Marxism in Education: The Gathering Revolt

**Winston Churchill on free speech

Jake Towne's Speech at LiberTEA Party

Media & Lobbyist Control

The Problem with the Two-Party System

Domestic Terrorists

Why the Constitution Matters in Military Affairs

Uncommon knowledge

An Inevitable Conclusion

The 2nd Amendment=our Constitutional right to bear (own/possess) arms--"Historically"-- "Why?"...

Guess who's back to help with Supreme Court pick

Goldman bosses hid feds' probe - NYPOST.com

Poll: 4 of 5 Americans don't trust Washington | Washington Examiner

White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S. - NYTimes.com

First lady: Immigration still a priority for Obama, despite congressional kickback - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

PRUDEN: Surrendering an ally is no strategy at all - Washington Times

House arrest never looked better: Shamed director Roman Polanski enjoys a sunny lunch with friends | Mail Online

Coke kingpin Douglas Spink busted for running bestiality farm in Washington state








Congress may get fined by its own health-care law | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Envoy had business ties to Pelosi's hubby - Washington Times

US top military official says strike against Iran would halt nuclear programme - Telegraph

It may be too late to stop Iran getting nuclear bomb, says former US defence official - Times Online

Israel must repair rift with US, defence minister warns - Telegraph

David Miliband says the UK would not have invaded Iraq 'if we knew what we knew now' - Telegraph

Pakistan suspends officials named in UN report on Benazir Bhutto killing | World news | The Guardian

Bill Clinton's warning on extremist mood in US | World news | The Guardian

Militias and firearms lobby fear Barack Obama is trying to take their guns away - Times Online

Seattle chosen to lead LED street light study | World news | guardian.co.uk

Well-done red meat may 'significantly increase' cancer risk, says report | UK news | The Guardian

How olive oil helps 'switch off' genes which lead to conditions including heart disease and arthritis | Mail Online

Nicolas Sarkozy's political mentor on trial for corruption - Telegraph

Thailand's Red Shirts ready to 'wage war' against government | World news | guardian.co.uk

North Korea: rare photograph of Kim Jong-il's heir apparent emerges - Telegraph

Response: Raj Patel is not Maitreya, but the World Teacher is here – and needed | Comment is free | The Guardian

England 'least patriotic' country - Telegraph

Crime Prediction Software Is Here and It's a Very Bad Idea - Crime - Gizmodo

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: College gives files of climate change sceptics to police


The Michael Savage Show : Mon April 19, 2010

04/19 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-19, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-18, Sunday

April 19, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


MSNBC Anchor Spins for Obama after NBC Reporter Slams Him for NASA Cuts | NewsBusters.org

Bill Maher: Tea Partiers ‘Nostalgic For An Era When Blacks Were Invisible’ | Mediaite

Gaming The Health Insurance Mandate - IBD - Investors.com

Republicans Winning by Undermining Trust in Government. Again.

On HBO, Jesse Ventura Said Catholic Church Should Be Prosecuted Like Mobsters | NewsBusters.org

Voices Emerge Calling for Pope's Resignation - CBS Evening News - CBS News

charles hugh smith-Vampire Squid, Meet Ravenous Piranhas

Video: These F@#king Guys - Goldman Sachs | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Inhofe: Climate's no better for bill - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

YouTube - Charles Lindbergh's - September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech

YouTube - JFK - Exposing the New World Order

Campaign For Liberty — End the Mandate | by Ron Paul

Smoking Mirrors: Whatever May Happen. Everything's Under Control.

YouTube - New World Order


**The Obama Deception; HQ Full length version

**Fall of the Republic; HQ full length

**Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined


What’s the Meaning of Gates’s Iran Memo?

‘Dissolved’ ACORN Still Hitting Up Supporters For Funds

Google’s Former Lobbyist in the White House; Still Lobbying for Google

Photo Shows Horrified GOP Official After Savage Beating in New Orleans

Ohio State Students Only Pawns In SEIU’s Unionizing Game

Helping Thyself at Self-Help: The Paulson Connection

Exclusive: Second Hunger Striker, Cuban Journalist, Close to Death

AUDIO: Inside the Mind of a Tea Party Provocateur

Those Delusional ‘Coffee Party’ Lefties

Bullying A Wimpy Generation

Conservatives Coalescing In Opposition to Net Neutrality

White House Caught Altering Stimulus Baseline Projection by 7 Million Jobs

Tea Party Racism??

New US Strategic Nuclear Arms Policy: Is America Safer?

Geithner to Pressure Collins Today—Man the Battle Stations

Why I Support Legalizing Marijuana Now

YouTube - 3 Reasons to Legalize Pot Now!


Deanna Durbin and the Holocaust

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 1

‘Letters to God’ Deserves Our Support

The Making of the ‘Ballad of the Tea Party’

Daily Gut: Clinton on Our ‘Current Climate’ of Violence

Why We Clubbed ‘Glee’

God in Our Classrooms

INTERVIEW: With ‘Hey Watch This,’ Cheech & Chong Ready to Reclaim Comedy Throne

SUCKER PUNCH SQUAD: ‘Furry Vengeance’ Tells Your Kids Al Gore’s a Hero

A Citizen Encounters Professional ‘Journalism,’ Journalist Gets It All Wrong: Who Is Tee Zielsdors?

New Pew Study Shows Americans Growing More Conservative — Even the NY Times

Of Frank Rich, Bigfoot and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Overnight Thread: Crackpot Fringe Elements From Sandpoint, Idaho, Take Over NY Times!

Gullible Media, Panicking Over Climate Since the ‘Titanic’ Went Down, Sinks Still Further

Volcanoes? All Your Fault According To NPR

Mr. Blow and the ‘Minstrel Show’

CNN’s Roland Martin to Tea Party Haters: ‘Shut Up’

Exposing Rachel Maddow As a Fraud In 16 Seconds Flat


#The B-Cast Interview: ‘Leaving Islam’ Bus Ads Trigger Miami Showdown

The B-Cast: Will Comcast Air Kelsey Grammer’s ‘Right Network?’

‘What Did Freedom Get the American People?’: Blackburn on MTP Host’s Much Discussed Question

‘You Gave Him a Lap Dance’: Goldberg Slams Stewart Interview With Rich

Beck Answers Klein: ‘Regime’ Was Used to Describe Bush 6,500 Times

NYT’s Charles Blow Defends His Tea Party ‘Minstrel’ Smear

Limbaugh Blasts Clinton: Didn’t Waco Raid Inspire OKC Bombing?

Right Network: Comcast Teams Up to Launch Conservative-Friendly Programs

Bill Maher Defends Woman Who Sent Adopted Child Back to Russia

O’Reilly Asks Rev. Al: Why Did Crowd Boo Me at Sharpton Event?

Tea Party Leader Blasts Geraldo Rivera Over Anti-Tea Party ‘Hit Pieces’

CNBC Guest Gets Booted After Insulting Jim Cramer

Thieves Sever Man’s Finger During iPad Theft at CO Mall

Repo Man Grabs Limo on Prom Night

Obama on ‘Global Rebalancing’: American Consumers & Government Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon

Champion Boxer Found Dead in Jail Cell After Murder of Wife

‘Exploitive Left’: Palin, Beck & Fox Are Going to Cause Right-Wing ‘McVeigh-Like’ Domestic Terrorism

Seismologist: Global Warming Isn’t Causing Spate of Earthquakes

President LBJ’s Youngest Daughter Hospitalized in Neuro-intensive Care Unit

Fido’s Wet Kisses Could Hold Cancer Key

Rahm Wants to be Mayor of Chicago

White House Releases ‘Exclusive’ Video of Michelle Obama in Haiti

Report: More Than 9 Million Young Americans Are Unfit to Serve in Military

Icelander Sings Volcano’s Name

Gun Rights Advocates Rally in DC

Gay Rights Protesters Try to Shout Down Obama During LA Speech

Tragedy Strikes Impoverished Couple Left to Eat Dog Food

Rep. John Conyers on ‘Tea Baggers’: Their ‘Rational Abilities Are Compromised’ by Anger

Gibbs on Tancredo: I Won’t Respond to His ‘General Lunacy’

Issa: Probe of Alleged WH ‘Quid-Pro-Quo’ Won’t End After PA Senate Primary

CNN: Tea Party Provides ‘Breach’ for Radical Right to ‘Spill’ Into ‘Mainstream’

Video: Remains Of Missing Fort Collins Man Found

Smuggling Ring Busted Involving Merced Inmates

Teen Accused In Bullying Case Charged With DUI

China quake death toll passes 2,000

Rioters leave 5 dead in Kyrgyzstan

Travel Disruptions Strand People Overseas


Al-Qaeda Chief In Iraq: Captured, Killed, Never Actually Existed, Re-Captured, Now Killed Again

Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push “Extremist Threat” Propaganda

CFR Journalist Calls Tea Party Talk Seditious

Obama on ‘Global Rebalancing’: American Consumers & Government Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon

Willie Nelson talks 9/11 with Larry King on Larry King Live on CNN

*Will Obama Return $994,795 In Goldman Sachs Campaign Contributions?

Clinton Takes His Tea Party Criticism to the Pages of the New York Times

Obama Now Pushing Sneaky Wall Street Bailout - HUMAN EVENTS

Exercise allows accounting students to become honorary IRS special agents

Karl Rove meets ‘the malcontents’: a RAW STORY exclusive | Raw Story

Precrime in Florida: IBM Predictive Analytics

Ind. Lawyer Who Prosecuted Oklahoma City Bomber Reflects - Indiana News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

Red Dirt Report | RDR: Murrah bombing survivor says feds involved in blast that killed 168 in '95

Regulatory reform debate obscures key fact: Everybody’s getting money from Wall Street | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Geithner sees common ground with Tea Party on “Hard Choices”

Reuters AlertNet - Al Qaeda's two top Iraq leaders killed in raid

Concentration Camps in America: Alex Jones Calls on All Patriots to Expose Growing Evil

Tea Party Leader Sets Geraldo Straight

Black Rev. Calls Accusations the Tea Party is Racist an “Out-and-out Lie”

Police State 4: Resistance Is Not Futile

U.S. Troops Apologize For Wikileaks Massacre Video

Infowars Journalist Arrested, Held for Asking Karl Rove a Question During UT Appearance

Pro-Rove Attendant UT Shouts “Police get here” to Stifle First Amendment Exercise

Sherman: Dodd Bill Contains Unlimited Bailout Authority

Fresh riots in Kyrgyzstan, armoured vehicles enter capital

US to launch secret ’space warplane’

Terrorists Seek Next ‘Jihad Jane’ on English-Language Web Sites - Bloomberg.com

Kucinich: Obama’s drone attacks in Pakistan ‘inspire radicalism’

New Global Warming Alarmism from LA Times: ‘The World is Running Short on Air Pollution’

Southern Poverty Law Center: Liars Ca$hing in

Judge Appointed In Goldman Case, Barbara Jones, Is A Racketeering/Organized Crime Expert And A Bill Clinton Nominee

Elliot Spitzer: “There are no coincidences in this world. None.”

Goldman May Face U.K., German Inquiries After Suit

White House: Obama Not Proposing or Considering Value Added Tax

The Drug War’s Immorality and Abject Failure

Youth reject Facebook’s death of privacy claims

Royal Ash: Royal society jumps on magma driven worry express

A Seasoned Veteran’s View of the IPCC

NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have caused Iceland’s Volcano!!!


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 19th With Max Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 16th With Leslie Dutton