"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 April 2010

3 April '10


Cops & CPS Seize Child From Parents For Mistrusting Government

Obama Says Talk Radio is “Troublesome”

Precrimes, Hutaree, and Free Political Speech

Midas Resources: National Debt

YouTube - Midas Resources: National Debt

YouTube - TW Paul Krugman death panels a cost saver.mov

ABC, CBS Evening News Continue To Hemorrhage Viewers

YouTube - Phil Hare doesn't care.MP4

Illinois Congressman: “I Don’t Worry About The Constitution”

Will Feds Use Letter Sent by Sovereign Citizen Group to Stage False Flag?

Cabal Owns Regulatory Apparatus and Everybody is Afraid to Regulate Them

Global Economic Reform Racing Against The American Powder Keg

The Dangers of Nuclear War: U.S.-Russian Nuke Deal no Cure for Real Threat

The Future Technocracy of Digital Education and Governance Plan

The dawn of a new age of muckraking

Obama to Crush Economy with Massive CO2 Taxes as Early as Next Week

The Fed Admits To Breaking The Law - The Market Ticker

Dan Kovalik: U.S. and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass Graves

Laid-off workers threaten to blow up French plant | Raw Story

Shocking Admission on Killing Civilians by Top US General Almost Completely Ignored by Corporate Media | Media and Culture | AlterNet

Police: Teaching Kids to Mistrust Government Makes Couple ‘Unsuitable’ Parents - Stephen C. Webster - Brave New Hooks - True/Slant

Bacteria detection is anti-terror effort | Columbus Dispatch Politics

CIA can withhold Oklahoma City documents - UPI.com

Tribune Newspapers - latimes.com

The criminal NSA eavesdropping program - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warming Research - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Manufactured Menace From Michigan, Take Two by William Norman Grigg

Obama health care supporters: Florida doctor tells Obama health care supporters to go elsewhere - OrlandoSentinel.com

Obama Approval Drops 5 Percent to New Low Since Pro-Abortion Health Care Law

Daniel Henninger: Would the Founding Founders Love ObamaCare? - WSJ.com

Gunmen in Uniform Kill 25 Family Members in Iraq - NYTimes.com

U.S. Special Forces staying in Iraq - UPI.com

The Iraqi Pilgrimage to Iran :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]


Forensic experts to reexamine WTC rubble

YouTube - World Trade Center Disaster Fresh Kills Forensic Site 25 January 2002


Extremist group demands governors resign, FBI says

FOX News Junkie Shot Up “Liberal” Church. Where Was The SPLC? Inquire Within…

Ahmadinejad warns Israel against second Gaza war

The Fed’s Last Hurrah

Feds Prepare To Use Anarchists To Provoke Tea Party Violence

Why Do Conservatives Still Love the Drug War?

Tim Geithner And The Sovereign Debt That Dare Not Speak Its Name

What Do the New Unemployment Numbers Mean?

U.S. Recants Claims that Detainee Who Was One of the Main Sources for the 9/11 Report, and Repeatedly Tortured, Was Involved in 9/11 or Even Al Qaeda

UPDATE 3-Putin bolsters oil, defense ties with Venezuela | Business News | Regulatory News | Reuters

Putin bolsters oil, defense ties with Venezuela - Yahoo! News

Geithner Says He’s Confident China Will Move to Strengthen Yuan - Bloomberg.com

Rob Pegoraro - The latest Facebook fracas: Your privacy vs. its profit - washingtonpost.com

Official OKs ballot measure to fight health-care reform | Columbus Dispatch Politics

FBI uses ruse to lure Hutaree militia | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Revealed: the nasty secret in your kitchen cupboard - News, Food & Drink - The Independent

YouTube - 911 WTC nuclear demolition Dimitri Khalezov


*There Were 88 Media Companies...Now There Are 6


Obama health care supporters: Florida doctor tells Obama health care supporters to go elsewhere - OrlandoSentinel.com

More Similarities Between 1918 and 2009 Pandemic H1N1

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Holly Greig Revolution is On!

Canadian Jewish groups rankled by Pope preacher's anti-Semitism comparisons - Winnipeg Free Press

States fear that five words in Obama health law will open door to lawsuits | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment


The Foundry: Conservative Policy News. » Morning Bell: Don’t Fall For Obama’s Energy Shell Game » Print

Stall, Baby, Stall - Sarah Palin - The Corner on National Review Online

'Only global fascist tyranny can save us now' says nice old man – Telegraph Blogs

Two Arrested Six Years After Mallove Murder

Tent Slums Spring Up in America : Information Clearing House - ICH

Judge: Gene Patents Are Invalid | Techdirt

Eighteen Million, Out in the Road: Information Clearing House - ICH

Timothy Geithner is a Sniveling Scamster : Information Clearing House - ICH

The Criminal NSA Eavesdropping Program : Information Clearing House - ICH

University erupts over newspaper article blaming women for date rape | WHAS11.com | Louisville News, Breaking News | WHAS11.com | News for Louisville, Kentucky

Did Boy Scouts Keep "Perversion Files?" - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Hi-Tech Analysis Of Alleged Ancient Crystal Skull

FOX News Junkie Shot Up “Liberal” Church. Where Was The SPLC? Inquire Within… « Revolt of the Plebs

Targeting Academic And Speech Freedoms

It's the foreigners' fault! 'Unhinged' Karzai lashes out at international allies over election fraud | Mail Online

FAA to allow pilots to fly while on antidepressants - CNN.com

Shell gets ready to start Arctic drilling within weeks after Obama go-ahead - Times Online


Dead Man Musings: Maitreya, The Japanese and WWIII

Dead Man Musings: The Avatar, Maitreya and our "New Age" Illuminati Religion

Dead Man Musings: Maitreya and the coming Global Religion

Dead Man Musings: The Avatar, Maitreya and our "New Age" Illuminati Religion: Part 2

Dead Man Musings: The Illuminati and the Patriot Movement

Dead Man Musings: Gnostic Christianity and Plato

Dead Man Musings: Egyptian Mystery Religions and our "New Age" Illuminati Religion

Dead Man Musings: Alex Jones and 911 Truth: Part 1

Dead Man Musings: 911 Truth: MK-Ultra & 911 Hijackers

Dead Man Musings: More 911 by the Numb3rs

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1- The link to the New World Order


YouTube - Alex Reveals Democrats Caught in False Flag Race Attack on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Alex Reveals Democrats Caught in False Flag Race Attack on The Alex Jones Show 2/2


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 2nd With Barry Cooper


YouTube - Israeli Terrorism Against America

YouTube - Monty Python - Crackpot Religions Ltd.

Who’s Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories? « Aletho News

9/11 Reconstruction: Mental Before Physical : Information Clearing House - ICH

Washington's Blog:Prominent Catholics Say Problem is Homosexuality, Not Pedophelia ... Does that Mean Molesting GIRLS Is Okay?

EclippTV :: Video :: True News: How to Talk to People About Obama's Health Care Bill

Albert Einstein on ‘ethical behavior’ – | Sophrosyne Radical

Moscow Terror: CIA-Saudi-Mossad Operation?

Warning Signs: Destroying America with the EPA's Carbon Lies

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on MSNBC with Dylan Ratigan 04/01/10

From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought You The Inquisition!

What Do the New Unemployment Numbers Mean?

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama's Private Army

EclippTV :: Video :: What is Brzezinki whispering to Obama?


Real terrorists are rare and usually easily caught. Always ask, Who gains from this? -- Signs of the Times News

How Private Health Insurers Purchased Healthcare Reform -- Signs of the Times News

Job Prospects Grim For Youth, Especially Black Teens : NPR

COINTELPRO: COINTELPRO The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent(link page)

American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of money, monetary reform, public action. 1 of 6


Economist Tim Madden: U.S./Canadian consumer interest calculation method is a monstrous fraud. 1 of 3

Economist Tim Madden: U.S./Canadian consumer interest calculation method is a monstrous fraud. 2 of 3

Economist Tim Madden: U.S./Canadian consumer interest calculation method is a monstrous fraud. 3 of 3


Alex Jones interview blasts corporate media war lies that killed millions; explains patriots’ resistance

Jon Stewart, Dylan Ratigan: videos to understand financial & banking corruption, obvious structural solutions

Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated by US government agents: only trial ruling and family conclusion | Dailycensored.com

The Universal Seduction: Universal Seduction author passes away; Jerry Smith - His Last Chapter




*Full text of the declaration letter sent to all 50 state governors of the united STATES of AMERICA:Restore America Plan Declaration Pages


YouTube - David Icke Exposed


YouTube - William Cooper amazing lecture (1 of 6)

YouTube - William Cooper amazing lecture (2 of 6)

YouTube - William Cooper- amazing lecture (3 of 6)

YouTube - William Cooper- amazing lecture (4 of 6)

YouTube - William Cooper- amazing lecture (5 of 6)

YouTube - William Cooper- amazing lecture (6 of 6)


YouTube - William Cooper: Become dangerous!


YouTube - William Cooper - Church and Christianity


YouTube - William Cooper - JFK Assassin Unmasked (1 of 5)

YouTube - William Cooper - JFK Assassin Unmasked (2 of 5)

YouTube - William Cooper - JFK Assassin Unmasked (3 of 5)

YouTube - William Cooper - JFK Assassin Unmasked (4 of 5)

YouTube - William Cooper - JFK Assassin Unmasked (5 of 5)


YouTube - Alex Jones Dissects "The Watchmen" - Revelation of the Method 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones Dissects "The Watchmen" - Revelation of the Method 2/2


YouTube - Revelations of the Method - Episode 1 - How the Illuminati won the Hood


*The PhoeniX-Files


Obama Aims To Drive Gas Guzzlers Off The Road

04-02-2010: Guardians of the free Republics tied to Texas radio station

04-02-2010: Dan Quayle Urges Tea Party Not to "Go Perot"

Claim: Attacks on Pope over child abuse scandal are "akin to anti-semitism"

04-02-2010: FCC Calls on Congress to Spend More Money to Push PBS-Style Government-Sponsored Journalism Onto Internet to Compete With Privately Funded Internet Journalism

04-02-2010: FBI: 'Ruse' was created to arrest Hutaree members

04-02-2010: Bachmann says Pelosi wanted to 'incite' Tea Partiers

04-02-2010: Congressman: Over-population of Guam Will Tip the Island Over

FAA Allows Pilots on Some Antidepressant Drugs to Fly, After Mandatory Hiatus

04-02-2010: DoD Unveils The Gunslinger Package

04-02-2010: Obama to Crush Economy with Massive CO2 Taxes as Early as Next Week

Comcast Rolls Out Broadband Meters Coast to Coast

Not just opium: UN says Afghanistan now world’s largest hashish producer

Tighter Rules Fail to Stem Deaths of Innocent Afghans at Checkpoints

Personal traits will be used to screen U.S.-bound air passengers

Acorn Says It Continues Its Work

Our Government Is Planning to Stay at War for the Next 80 Years

MLK: A Call to Conscience

Largest Money Transfer in Recorded History: $4.6 Trillion Spent on the Bank Bailout to Date

Big Government, Budget Deficits, Entitlements and the “Centrist” Ploy

The Gold Market is a Ponzi Scheme

The Disintegration of Fractured Democracies

Is It Time for Law Abiding American Citizens to Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government?

Student Loans: The Government is Now Officially in the Banking Business

Mistrust between Russia and America: New START Seen Facing Political, Technical Challenges in Russia

Depleted Uranium Radiation resulting from NATO Bombings in Serbia : High Incidence of Cancer

The Emperor Has No Clothes: Schoolgirl unimpressed with Obama amid frenzied crowd

The K Street Hustlin’ of Obamacare

New Tally Focuses on Expansive Role of Federal Reserve in Wall Street Bailout

Obama Puts Pesticide Pusher in Charge of Agricultural Trade Relations

Mumbai Terrorist Was US Agent


YouTube - History of Iran- (a must see for any Ron Paul Supporter) WW3 Russia


The Health Care Reform Law Contains a Hidden Tax on Annuities

Former Socialist India Becomes Fascist

Sell-off in US Treasuries raises sovereign debt fears

Healthcare Freedom Act Passes Alabama Senate!

EPA Chief Says New Pollution Rules for Cars Only the Beginning of Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Fox News Calls For Obama To Be Killed While Framing Alex Jones For Instigating Violence

John Young on Brian Lehrer Live: "There is no such thing as privacy on the internet ... all ISP's privacy agreements are phony"

'Socialization' in Government Schools

De facto state

The Lobby vs. America: On Netanyahu’s lies and the spineless politicians

YouTube - FOX frames Alex Jones as instigator of 'violent' web comments

Superior Education-Blog: The Future Technocracy of Digital Education and Governance

Wall Street cabal seen derailing serious swap reform | Reuters

Washington's Blog:“We Are in a Cabal... Five or Six Players ... Own the Regulatory Apparatus. Everybody Is Afraid to Regulate Them"

FCC Adviser Advocates State-run Propaganda “Megaphone” to Counter Alternative Media

video:John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

video:IBM: The Internet of Things

IT Problems Will Put Census at Risk ‘Up to the Last Minute,’ Commerce Official Confirms

Counting Once, Counting Twice: U.S. Census Sending Millions of Americans A Second Form

Top Dems Call Companies 'Irresponsible' for Taking Write-Downs on Retiree Drug Benefits -- Even Though Federal Rules Require It

More Voters Than Ever View Obama as a ‘Partisan Democrat’; 70 percent of Voters 'Angry' with Government Policies

Obama Urges Patience As Health Care Law Kicks In

New Mileage Rules: Pay More for Cars, Less (Theoretically) at Pump

DEA Says Afghan Opium Seizures Soared in 2009

Obama’s Defining Lie

An Easter People: The Centrality of the Resurrection

archive:Obama: Think Smart Cards - Forbes.com

For the RNC, 'Office Supplies' and 'Meals' Take on a Whole New Meaning

The Vatican channels Bill Donohue and equates Criticism Over child abuse to Anti-Semitism

Alan Grayson: Urologist Who Put Anti-Obama Signs Up in Violation of Ethics Rules

KKK Leader Glenn Miller runs for Missouri Senate seat

"An Innocent Man: The Pope Is Being Libeled Slandered & Framed!" Bill Donohue

Pissed-off Florida urologist to Obama supporters: Go somewhere else

A Tale Of Two Candidates: 'Reform' Republican Vs. Progressive Democrat in PA-7

CNN pimps Great American Tea Party Express PR and Propaganda Tour

Pat Toomey thinks that the economic meltdown should have continued to the bitter end

Erick Erickson: I'll "[p]ull out my wife's shotgun" if they try to arrest me for not filling out the American Community Survey

A Tea Party activist unfiltered: Pam Stout on Letterman. Be afraid, be very afraid

CREW Files Ethics Complaint Against Congressmen Who Lived In C Street House

Fox's Eric Bolling Mad at Bill Maher for Using the Term 'Teabaggers'

Faux victim Bill Rice tells Neil Cavuto all about the horrors of liberal violence

Domestic Terrorist Sentenced To Life In Prison For Dr. Tiller's Murder

Media Matters: A Saturday on the Fringe: Scenes from the Right's Rallies in Nevada and Florida

Open Thread - Keith Olbermann's Special Comment


*Things They Refuse To Let You See On National News | Republic Broadcasting Network


YouTube - Alex Newman Reports: Mumbai Terrorist Was US Agent on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Alex Newman Reports: Mumbai Terrorist Was US Agent on The Alex Jones Show 2/2


YouTube - Alex Covers Latest Nanotech News & Death Panels on The Alex Jones Show 1/3

YouTube - Alex Covers Latest Nanotech News & Death Panels on The Alex Jones Show 2/3

YouTube - Alex Covers Latest Nanotech News & Death Panels on The Alex Jones Show 3/3


The Fed Admits To Breaking The Law - The Market Ticker

FOXNews.com - Mexican Drug Gangs Attack Army Bases Near the Border

China Set to Overtake the US in Green Technology Research - Renewable Energy

It Doesn't Have To Decline As You Age

The New Klingon;Avatar fans are learning how to speak Na'vi. - By Arika Okrent - Slate Magazine

There They Crucified Him by Laurence M. Vance

Jaime Escalante: Master Teacher, Envious System by Gary North

The Manufactured Menace From Michigan, Take Two by William Norman Grigg

The Fed’s Last Hurrah by Peter Schiff

The CIA: Dust, Fog, and Dusty Foggo by Bill Walker

Fried breakfast is healthiest start to day, say scientists - Telegraph

Castro’s secret archives: US Special Ops prepares to snatch five decades of damaging material

In the News - Coast to Coast AM

What Does the Easter Bunny Have To Do With Easter? : Discovery News

How your brain remembers the future - life - 02 April 2010 - New Scientist

Cars vs. cosmic rays - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com

Prehistoric hailstorm triggered a 1,000-year freeze on Earth that wiped out animal species | Mail Online

Cryptomundo » Hawaiian Weekly Calls Menehune: “First Hoax”

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - Terrifying Sea Critter Hauled from Ocean's Depths

Nightmarish tumor took her to brink | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

Turning a Hot Tub into a Time Machine : Discovery News

UF researchers create pill that reports when you've taken medication on time | Gainesville.com

EMP Risk: Washington, Military Warned on Nuclear Threat - TIME

BBC News - Rosslyn Chapel was haven for bees

Can't get rid of your memories? Call Death Bear - latimes.com

'Lough Ness Monster' devours ducks at popular lake - Telegraph

Virgin's 'Flying Submarine' | GDS Publishing

The Neurocritic: A Bayesian Brain is a Freudian Brain

Daily Gut: Hollywood Is Officially Out of Ideas

Sex-Selling Hypocrite: Madonna Protects Her Daughter After Decades of Selling Smut to Yours

Barack Obama’s Helter-Skelter, Insane Clown Posse, Alinsky Plans to ‘Deconstruct’ America

Anyone Else Tired of Self-Important Critics Complaining About the Death of Self-Important Criticism?

Connect the Dots on CAIR’s Foreign Funding and Lobbying at CAIRObservatory.org

Global Warming, the Next Chapter in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

A New Birth of Freedom

Saturday Open Thread: Phil Hare Edition


YouTube - Rep. Hare Responds to YouTube Video on Comments About Constitution

Rep . Phil Hare (D-IL) - I Dont Care About the ...


The Left Claims They Can’t Find Anyone Who Says Obamacare is Illegal

YouTube - Ilya Shapiro Accepts Challenge to Debate ObamaCare

It Was a Setup?… Did State-Run Media Conspire on Racist Tea Party Attack

Liberty in Action: First Private Lawsuit Challenging ObamaCare Filed in Mississippi

Barack Obama’s Helter-Skelter, Insane Clown Posse, Alinsky Plans to ‘Deconstruct’ America

Media Matters Criticizes Study Without Even Looking at It

Hedge Fund ‘Golden Boys’ Bet on Bailouts; Win Big

Soviet Socialism, American Leftists, and European PIGS

Frances Fox Piven Joins Board of Project Vote – What Could Go Wrong?

The United States of Deficits Forever

Did the Democratic Party Field Director Lie to Police?

ObamaCare Is Already Threatening the Economy

Red Line

NewsBusted: Why Did Fox Cancel “24″?

Constitution? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Constitution

Media Matters Criticizes Study Without Even Looking at It

Environmental Injustice: Attacking Industry In A Poor Community

Useful Idiots: Bitter Grounds

Media Mogul For a Night Thread: You Say Potatoe, I Say Guam Might Tip Over

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

Holy Thursday Thread: The Pope vs. the New York Times


For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 3

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 4

The Council on American-Islamic Relations: CAIR Unmasked | Homeland Security


*Transcripts:4-2/Obama's Remarks on Jobs in Charlotte

*4-1/Obama's Remarks in Portland, Maine

Panel on the Republicans' Midterm Prospects

Interview with Reps. Chaffetz & Bishop

Interview with National Security Adviser James Jones

Interview with Census Director Robert Groves


Not in Health Reform: "16,500 Armed Bureaucrats" | The White House


The Party's Over for Steele - HUMAN EVENTS

New drilling rules part of unclear energy plan | detnews.com | The Detroit News

National Journal Magazine - Dems' Governing Core Stays Intact

Run against Wall Street | Washington Examiner

Eight Ways Obama Can Sell His Economic Policies - Eleanor Clift - Newsweek.com

» Barack Obama’s Helter-Skelter, Insane Clown Posse, Alinsky Plans to ‘Deconstruct’ America - Big Journalism

Op-Ed Columnist - An Article of Faith - NYTimes.com

Fact And Comment - Forbes.com

Why was Hillary Clinton so hot under the collar? - The Globe and Mail

RealClearWorld - Obama Accepts a Nuclear Iran

Martin Luther King Jr.'s economic dream still unfulfilled, 42 years later - Race - Salon.com

Opinion: It Makes No Sense to Ban the Burqa - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Tinkering with U.S. global warming data? Say it ain’t so! - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Karzai throws a fit - BostonHerald.com

Courting Judges

Share pain? No way / Lawsuits against furloughs revealing of union mindset - SignOnSanDiego.com

A great boost for fuel economy - The Boston Globe

Senate challenges signal deep unrest - Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

With midterms approaching, GOP outmatched by Democrats on campaign funds - washingtonpost.com

More than 200,000 to lose jobless benefits Monday with Congress out - TheHill.com

Insurance Pool to Offer Reduced-Rate Coverage - NYTimes.com


*Politics Video/4-3/Obama Weekly Address On Holiday Greetings

Maddow: Republican Outrage Is "Bull"

O'Reilly: Conservative Critics Not To Blame For Obama's Struggles

Countdown: Republicans Peddling Lies In Battle Against Health Reform

*4-3/Jason Mattera On Young People Disappointed With Obama

Eugene Robinson On Obama Campaigning In Vulnerable Districts

Jon Stewart Criticizes CNN For Hiring Conservative Blogger

Rep. Cleaver Won't Comment On Spitting Incident

PA-Sen: AFL-CIO Endorses Senator Specter

Obama: "It's Been A Week Folks"

Shooting Hoops With Obama

White House: Minority Unemployment "Shocking" And "Unacceptably" High

Robert Reich's Advice On An Economic Fix

"Obama = Niggardly": Obscene Anti-Obama Sign Draws Ire

Democrat: Tea Party Members Are Racists Racists "Without Robes and Hoods"

Obama: White House Limo Won't Go Green

Rush Limbaugh: "We No Longer Have An Administration, We Have A Regime"

Dem Rep. Says He Was Speaking "Metaphorically" About Guam Capsizing

Obama On Jobs Numbers: "We Are Beginning To Turn The Corner"

Reps. Garrett, Andrews React To Jobs Report

Obama: "This Country Was Going To Go Bankrupt" Without Health Care Reform

Anti-Obama Billboards Appear On Atlanta Highways: "Stop Obama Socialism"

Democrat On Health Reform: "I Don't Worry About The Constitution On This"

Palin Distances Herself From GOP

Krauthammer: The Narrative Of The Obama Administration Will Propel The GOP

Obama Takes On Partisan Bickering

Maddow: Anti-Abortion Extremism One "Branch" Of Militant Anti-Gov't Movement

Countdown: Republicans Backing Away from Repeal

Krauthammer: GOP Can "Win Big" With "Coherent Case" Against Debt

O'Reilly: Westboro Baptist Church Doesn't Have A Right To Be "In Your Face"


Debbie Schlussel:John Forsythe, RIP: Great Actor Was Also American Patriot

Debbie SchlusselAlhamdillullah [Praise allah], Obama Lifts Scrutiny of Fliers From Muslim Nations

Debbie Schlussel1600 Falesteen-Silwan Ave: Obama Using “Fired” Officials to “Engage” HAMAS

Debbie SchlusselFINALLY: After Non-Stop HAMAS Rocket Attacks & Murders, Israel Strikes Gaza


From My Cold, Dead, Patriotic Hands!

911 First Responders Deserve Respect

What Intelligence?

The second amendment gun rights smoke screen

Ah, Slavery!

Imperial Overstretch


YouTube - Democrats' Rainbows and Unicorns

YouTube - Broken Promises


16,500 More Reasons to Vote Republican in November

Thurbert Baker, Attorney General for ACORN

ObamaCare's Economic Dominoes

The Fate of the Republican Party

Bureau Of Labor Statistics Dance of the Seven Veils

Henry Waxman's latest show trial

Support for Obamacare still tanking

'Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?'

Why does Obama disrespect our allies?

Dumb Dems to be Drummed Out

Obamacare preview: Massachusetts rejects premium hikes

Cleaver changes his 'I was spit on' story

Chinese enabling Iran nuke program?

25 murdered in apparent sectarian violence in Iraq

Despite hype, unemployment news is grim

Paying the Price for Obama

Aerobics and the Invisible Hand

Who Will Guarantee ObamaCare Rights When the Duty-Bound Refuse?

Jump Shots from the Left

Saving the Republic: Yes We Can

The Commerce Clause Trap

Breitbart.tv » Matthews Calls Limbaugh a ‘Walrus Underwater’ Over ‘Regime’ Quote

Iran Nuclear Ring Probed - WSJ.com

Independent voters turn angry - Washington Times

Navy: Photo shows warship destroying pirate mother skiff – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Judge orders militia members held in jail - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - Obama Set to Reject U.S. 'Nuclear Posture'

FOXNews.com - 'Jihad Jamie' Brought Back From Ireland to Face Terror Charges

KING: 100 percent repeal of Obamacare - Washington Times

Obama: US would go bankrupt without health changes - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - Mexicans Facing Drug War Violence Could Seek Political Asylum in U.S.

FOXNews.com - Border Patrol Agent Urges Calm as Fears in Texas Town Rise

S.F. Chief George Gascón apologizes to Muslims

Kindergarten teacher: Woods lied about school race incident

Breitbart.tv » Obama Mocks Journalists for Touting Polls Showing Nation Still Divided Over Healthcare

Daughter turns mom in for Ponzi scheme - TODAY People

Chronicle outdoors writer arrested in pot case

To Join the Met’s Board, Have a Checkbook Handy - NYTimes.com

Birthday bash for 'dying' Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi sickens crash victims' kin

FOXNews.com - Indiana School Not Canceling Graduation Prayer Without Judge Order

Young Trendsetters Streak Their Hair With Gray - On the Runway Blog - NYTimes.com

Coyote kills elderly woman's poodle in Rye - NYPOST.com

Barack Obama? Not bothered... Schoolboy left wondering what all fuss is all about after meeting president amid crowd frenzy | Mail Online

UPDATE 3-Putin bolsters oil, defense ties with Venezuela | Business News | Regulatory News | Reuters

U.S. changing the way air travelers are screened

Suspect Attempts To Rob 2 Bucks Co. Stores With A Needle - cbs3.com

Activists block whale meat carrying ship in Netherlands

George Jolicur: The 43 stone man too fat to lock up | Mail Online

"The Beef Jerky Got Me" - April 1, 2010

McConnell: Full health repeal 'probably' won't happen with Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

China buys air defense systems from Russia - Yahoo! News

Preacher compares attacks on pope to Jewish suffering | Reuters

The Associated Press: US Jewish leaders denounce Catholic sermon

Satan behind media attacks on the Pope, asserts Italian exorcist :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Peggy Noonan: The Catholic Church's Catastrophe - WSJ.com

Hi Karmann! Meet the orphaned waving wombat, rescued after his mother was run over | Mail Online

Erin Andrews to Keep On Dancing Despite Death Threats - Crime & Courts, Dancing With the Stars : People.com

The TV Watch - Palin Gives a Mainstream Performance - NYTimes.com

Janet Jackson Tells Oprah She Thinks Of Michael Jackson 'Every Day' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

The Associated Press: 5 dead, 2 hurt in blast, fire at Wash. refinery

Obama Sends Out Inclusive Easter Greeting | Christianpost.com

Guardians of the free Republics looked to Gandhi, King, and Mandela / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Oil and Gas Ads Target 'Energy Industry Taxes' - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - Obama Hails Job Report, Marks Easter, Passover in Weekly Address

YouTube - President Obama Easter Passover Holiday Message 2010

A Tour of the Census Form - Interactive - NYTimes.com

Tales from White House Easter Egg Roll - White House

Asked to Declare His Race, Obama Checks ‘Black’ - NYTimes.com

Rudy Giuliani Backing Marco Rubio « Liveshots

RNC's bridge to conservatives on shaky ground? - CNN.com

Hutaree leader loved war games | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Obama hits back at Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh during interview

Afghan upper house backs Karzai election decree - washingtonpost.com

Palestinians, Israeli soldiers clash in W. Bank

YouTube - Hamas bid to calm tensions with Israel

Anti-Government Red Shirt Rallies Step up Pressure on Thai Government | Asia | English

The Associated Press: Forest massacre may be linked to Moscow bombings

YouTube - Vatican Distances Itself From Comments on Jews

U.S. Delays Decision on China Yuan Manipulation - ABC News

Gunmen in Uniform Kill 25 Family Members in Iraq - NYTimes.com

Anglican Archbishop Rebukes Irish Church - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Irish Church has 'lost credibility' says Williams

South Korea suffers another tragedy in naval disaster - latimes.com

Russia Offers Venezuela Nuclear Help | Americas | English

BBC News - Chinese divers enter mine after flood traps 153 workers

BBC News - US bid to rescue Sudan elections after withdrawals

BBC News - How Sadrist vote could anoint new Iraq PM

Japan Indicts Anti-Whaling Activist - NYTimes.com

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: CNPP Urges Jonathan to Run for 2011 Presidential Polls

Hank Johnson: US Congressman claims Guam 'will capsize from military influx' - Telegraph

archive:The Reece Committee: Social Science as a Tool for Control

Lawmakers ripped over 9/11 mosque fundraiser


archive:SiliconRepublic.com: IBM to build smart grid for electric cars - R&D


*Who Killed The Electric Car / 1:28:40


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Liberal lawsuits to kill drilling?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Off-shore drilling plan masks bad agenda


New abortion plan: Doctor stays away!

Girl Scouts challenged to repudiate abortion leader

Obama ridicules health-care law critics

Obama: US would go bankrupt without health changes - Yahoo! News

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Obama jokes that pundits would make lousy farmers « - Blogs from CNN.com

FOXNews.com - Congressman Defends His 'Constitution' Comments on Health Care Law

N.Y. Times columnist: Death panels will save 'a lot of money'

Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party - CNN.com

10,000 flowers sent to Netanyahu after White House 'ambush'

Palm Sunday with Rev. Jeremiah Wright

The passion of the Christian

CNSNews.com - Saudi Conference Condemns Extremism, Embraces Shari’a

Teenage bride of Islamist militant named as 'Black Widow' suicide bomber - Times Online

U.N. putting press in hot seat

The miracle of the Bible

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalkers, Bloggers Launch Second Smear Attack On Sean Hannity

Obama addresses harsh criticism - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

Voters say they plan to pick Republican over Democratic party in congressional districts in Gallup Poll - NYPOST.com

Bad check charge dropped against Nevada candidate - myMotherLode.com

Poll: More economic blame for President Obama - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Sarah Palin blasts President Obama's oil drilling decision - Fred Barbash - POLITICO.com

White House finalizes strict fuel standards - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

Greenpeace Links Apple iPad to Global Warming - Mobile and Wireless from eWeek

Virginia Politics Blog - Cuccinelli to challenge new fuel standards as based on erroneous EPA global warming findings

FOXNews.com - More States Sue EPA as Agency Issues First Climate Change Regulations

Marine base can't censor criticism of Muhammad

US Jewish leaders denounce Catholic sermon

Vatican distances pope from personal preacher who compared abuse outrage to anti-Semitism | CJBK

An attack on liberty-loving colleges

The case against Romney

Girl Scouts challenged to repudiate abortion leader

New abortion plan: Doctor stays away!

Marine base can't censor criticism of Muhammad

Doctors perform C-section on non-pregnant woman - 4/01/10 - Raleigh News - abc11.com

Planned Parenthood Abortion Center Charged for Hiding Sexual Abuse Fires Staff

Anti-Choice Organizations Among Potential Beneficiaries of Lilith Fair's "Choose Your Charity" Campaign | The Blog | Chicago Reader

Sacramento-area districts deal with problem math books - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Protesters confront Poizner at San Jose book signing| PolitiCal | Los Angeles Times

Obama's census choice: simply African-American - Yahoo! News

Michael Steele's very bad week - Jonathan Martin and Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Kindergarten teacher: Woods lied about school race incident

Marietta man to spend life in jail for ‘08 murder | ajc.com

Ivanka Trump endured months of stalking by Nevada man Justin Massler - NYPOST.com

Tulsa County Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder In His Home - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |

Lottery pays $7.77 million after 7-7-7-7 hits - Wonderful World- msnbc.com

Tampa tries to curb dog poop with waste stations, reminders

Fiery Rollover Kills Mother; 2 Children Survive - News Story - KFOX El Paso

Eugene Allen, White House butler for 8 presidents, dies at 90 - washingtonpost.com

Homeless in Binghamton | FrontPage Magazine


‘Jesus of Nazareth’: Go and Sin No More

‘Jesus of Nazareth’: The Prodigal Son

video:Selling Easter to the highest bidder

Spreading the words: The King James Bible -Times Online

Photographer depicts 21st century Jesus to share lessons for today

Is this the face of Jesus Christ?

Go to Church on Easter, Win Fabulous Prizes | HULIQ

Sacramento-area churches add extra round of entertainment to Sunday's Easter basket

He’s not the Messiah, locals tell Lonely Planet ‘Jesus tomb’ tourists - Times Online

No room for Jesus at Easter Show - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Biblical plagues really happened say scientists - Telegraph

video:Why 9/11 faith falls short


*American Minute for April 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Army suggests brain scan for eligibility challenger


Hi Karmann! Meet the orphaned waving wombat, rescued after his mother was run over | Mail Online

Olivia Newton-John's former boyfriend 'found' - Telegraph

What happens when you remove all traffic signs? A German town finds out. / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Gallery: Outrageously Complicated Rube Goldberg Videos | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

New evidence emerges on fate of Raoul Wallenberg after WWII - Haaretz - Israel News

Mathematics of ancient carvings reveals lost language - life - 01 April 2010 - New Scientist

Will Hoffa mystery be buried with Giants Stadium? | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

March jobs jump could lift Obama - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

YouTube - CAIR must register as Foreign Agent of Saudi Arabia and Iran

The cheap grace of today's America

The assurance of Easter

Moments of peace in a world of strife

Death and dishonor in Cochise County

Forget Roosevelt – we need another Truman

An attack on liberty-loving colleges

Land of the free – or land of the bureaucrats?

Doing the Socialists' bidding

Only Thing GOPers Have to Fear Is the GOP Itself -- Politics Daily

Dan Quayle: Don't let the tea party go Perot - washingtonpost.com


The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 04/02/2010

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-02, Friday

April 2, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


YouTube - the pope smokes dope

News Video

#video:Update: Florida Doc Explains ObamaCare Warning to His Patients

Dallas Police Cite Singer With Disorderly Conduct for Naked Music Video

Rep. Cohen (D-TN): ‘The Tea Party People Are Kind of Without Robes and Hoods’

Caught on Tape: Student Shocks Himself After Attaching Two Clamps to Bare Chest

‘I Don’t Worry About the Constitution’: Illinois Democrat Explains What He Meant

Has the Internet Really Killed Pirate Radio?

Fish Falls From Sky and Lands on Windshield Outside Sushi Bar

Update: Service Monkey Attacks Owner for Second Time

Rep. Waters: ‘Loud, Vulgar’ Voices Drowning Out Tea Party

Filmmaker Phelim McAleer & Actress Kyra Sedgwick Discuss Plastic Bags

Hero NYC Policewoman Kills Suspect to Save Partners’ Lives

Jon Stewart Slams CNN for Hiring Red State’s Erick Erickson

Video Captures Gunfire as Chicago Cops Respond to Shootings

Florida Doctor: ‘If You Voted for Obama…Seek Care Elsewhere’

‘Not a Single Lady’: Atlanta Toddler’s Tears Trigger Avalanche of Viral Hits

Cause and Effect: Has the ObamaCare Job Killing Already Begun?

WSJ’s Henninger: Would the Founders Love ObamaCare?

Security Cam: NJ Man Attacks Clerk to Get Filet-o-Fish Sandwich

Unpaid Spanish Flight Attendents Undress for Protest Calender

Video: Lawyer Quits Job and Turns Lego Artist

Video: Win Elton John tickets on Channel 13's Facebook Page

Video: Victim's Family Disputes Disney Crash Findings

Video: OSHA Releases Pics From Fatal Monorail Crash

Video: Osceola Jail Prevents Inmate's 2nd Escape Attempt

Video: Supporting Troops Overseas Easy

Video: Jazz Legend Kirk Whalum Performs

Video: ALS Foundations Work To Raise Money

Video: The Love Dr.: How to Date Your Mate

Video: State Misses Out On Free Education Money

Video: People Found Driving Stolen Car

Video: Sharon Shelton's Southwest Mini Crescent Burritos

Video: Raw Video: Orthodox Celebrate Holy Fire Ritual

Catholic League Head: ‘Most of the Molesters Have Been Gay’

Mark Levin: ‘Right vs. Left is Right vs. Wrong’

Bad Grenade Toss Nearly Kills Chinese Army Recruit

Exploding Tires Make for Fiery Airbus Landing in Australia

Gaza Can’t Separate Conjoined Twins

Krauthammer on US Claims of UN ‘Unanimity’ for Iran Sanctions: ‘This Is All a Charade’

The B-Cast B-Side: Sen. Boxer Has a Warning for Her Democratic Colleagues

The B-Cast Interview: Conservative Leader Explains Call for RNC Donation Ban

‘It’s Troublesome’: Obama Slams Beck & Limbaugh for ‘This Kind of Vitriol’

Michelle Obama Plants W.H. Garden

Are We Suckers for ‘Junk Science?’

WH: Not ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ – More ‘Drill Where It’s Responsible’

Bush Admin Official: Offshore Drilling Plan an Attempt to Gain Votes for Massive Climate Bill

Top Scientist: Trying to Save the Planet ‘A Lot of Nonsense’

Drill, Baby, Drill: Obama to Allow Oil Drilling Off Virginia Coast

Gibbs: KSM Could Be Tried In Military Commission Or Federal Court

Geithner: Unemployment Will Stay ‘Unacceptably High’ for Some Time

Iran Nuclear Scientist Defects to U.S. in CIA ‘Intelligence Coup’

Leno: Conan and I Got ‘Screwed’

The B-Cast A-Side: Letterman Has Suprisingly Pleasant Talk With Tea Party Member

Complete Interview: Letterman Has Surprisingly Pleasant Time With Tea Party Member

Gangsta Mickey Tells Imus: ‘Da Easter Bunny’s Buggin’ Yo’

White Supremacist Radio Ads Put Kansas City Station in Tricky Position

MSNBC’s Olbermann Apologizes for Making Fun of TV News Anchor’s Fall

C-SPAN Issues Response to ‘Black Span’ Backlash

O’Reilly Wants Fallen Marine Suit Taken to Supreme Court