"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 February 2010

10 Feb '10


Minor Earthquake Strikes Near Chicago - WSJ.com

3.8 magnitude earthquake hits Chicago's west suburbs


Pamela Icke severely injured

Marvel Comics: Captain America Says Tea Parties Are Dangerous and Racist « Publius Forum

Honda to Recall 437,763 Vehicles to Repair Air Bags (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

savethemales.ca - Readers Who Escaped From Amerika

The US ‘Recovery’ And Bernanke’s Jewish Lies | Real Zionist News

Canadian Prime Minister Delivers Global Governance Plan

Truth they are hiding: So how are disasters created by the zionists?

Daniel Alter Nominated For Federal Bench; Would Be First Openly Gay Male Judge

Fatal bat syndrome spreads in Vt. - Bennington Banner

Deception Racket Of The Sierra Club & Other Enviro Clubs

Dead Man Musings: 911 Truth: MK-Ultra & 911 Hijackers

Dead Man Musings: Jeff Rense: Taking America Back

French Government Queries US re 50s Secret LSD Experiment

Growing Hunger In America

French Government Queries U.S. State Dept. about LSD Attack, Prompted by New Book Release | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

Respected colonel charged with murder of two women - The Globe and Mail

Iran begins enriching higher-grade uranium, says state TV | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iran warns it will 'punch' the West on Islamic revolution anniversary - Telegraph

Veteran congressman's death adds to Barack Obama's woes | World news | The Guardian

Former Boeing engineer sentenced to 15 years for spying - Telegraph

US climate monitoring information service gets go-ahead in Washington | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Chinese police admit enormous number of spies - Telegraph

India awaits go-ahead on first GM crop despite scientists’ warnings - Times Online

China jails earthquake activist for five years - Telegraph

Middle class protestors march over World Expo threat to Shanghai homes - Telegraph

Tymoshenko 'to challenge Ukraine election result' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Millionaire gives away fortune which made him miserable - Telegraph

Spain sees sixfold increase in immigrants over decade | World news | guardian.co.uk

Mediterranean diet can lower risk of Alzheimer's - Telegraph

Brazil joins scramble for Africa's natural resources - Telegraph

We are living in broken Britain: Most voters are pessimistic about the state of the country | Mail Online

Blair attacks his critics' tendency to 'conspiracy theories' - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Police handed me a £150 bill after carjacker drove off with my daughter | Mail Online

Benefit informers could be given share of cash saved | Politics | The Guardian

Product placement ban on TV lifted - Telegraph

University admissions: students being 'abandoned' - Telegraph

YouTube - Audi 2010 Green Car Super Bowl Commercial

Christmas Day Crotch Bomber Tied to Israel, FBI | Criminal State

Dead Man Musings: Alex Jones and 911 Truth: Part 1

Time for an American Intifada? | Criminal State


*Ron Paul Warns Of Neo-Con Takeover Of Tea Party Movement

YouTube - Dr. Mercola Interviews Ron Paul (Part 1 of 4)

YouTube - Dr. Mercola Interviews Ron Paul (Part 2 of 4)

YouTube - Dr. Mercola Interviews Ron Paul (Part 3 of 4)

YouTube - Dr. Mercola Interviews Ron Paul (Part 4 of 4)


Ron Paul with Brian Sullivan on Cavuto: Fed Involved with Greece Bailout?


YouTube - Paul Watson on The Alex Jones Show 1/2: Airport Staffer Circulated Film Star's Naked Body Images!

YouTube - Paul Watson on The Alex Jones Show 2/2: Airport Staffer Circulated Film Star's Naked Body Images!



The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 8th With Michael Springmann


*Tea Party movement takes aim at Ron Paul


*Michael Savage – Sarah Palin Is Not Electable


Hansen colleague rejected IPCC AR4 ES as having “no scientific merit”, but what does IPCC do?

Does an Old Climate Critique Still Hold up? - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com

Exposed: More Lies Regarding Naked Body Scanners

Are airport full body scanners a danger?

Scannergate: Facts Contradict Heathrow Claim That Naked Images Can’t Be Printed

Henry Paulson: My close ties with Wall Street were ‘a huge help’

Bombs Away: Conservatives Embrace War

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – February 9th With Wayne Madsen

The Dumping Begins: Chinese Reserve Managers Notified That Any Non-USG Guaranteed Securities Must Be Divested

Airport Security Officials Caught in Most Obvious Lie Ever

Scan safeguards no match for sex, celebrity

New study: could the sun have warmed the world?

Barack Obama flags 'significant' sanctions against Iran - Telegraph

Bernanke Says Discount Rate May Rise ‘Before Long’ (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

gary shilling higher government pay will "likely lead to a tax revolt": Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

MI5 'knew Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed was being tortured' - Telegraph

'War on Terror' to last as long as Cold War - Telegraph

Labour threw open doors to mass migration in secret plot to make a multicultural UK | Mail Online

Stronger radiation from the Sun will cause 'sat-navs to fail', scientists warn - Telegraph


*Savage: Palin the “Dolly Patron” of the Republican Tea Party


*(w/Article Links)Internet Censorship Alert! Alex Jones exposes agenda to ‘blacklist’ dissenting sites and license users


*Rick Steves' Iran Document/ 55:52


YouTube - 9/11 Truth: The 9/11 Commission Was Set Up To Fail


*video:The future of... data encryption


The Robin Hood Tax » Page not found - a tiny tax on finacial transaction to tackle poverty and climate change here and abroad.

Nevada Budget Crisis: State Considers Medicaid Diaper Rations, No Gloves For Caretakers

BBC News - Banks facing commercial property meltdown

US Slaps New Sanctions On Iran Revolutionary Guard

CNSNews.com - First Lady Links Childhood Obesity to National Security in Launch of ‘Let’s Move’ Campaign

Simon Johnson: Obama Still Doesn't Get It

'No concrete evidence' against Harkat: Witness | Ottawa and Region | News | Ottawa Sun

China Selling U.S. Assets ~ Washington's Blog

Man wearing yamaka at UCI tells students "you are failing your exams" during political protest

Scotland’s first Islamic ‘terrorist’ walks free - Times Online

Obama Strikes Softer Note With Wall Street - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Calling ET: Your chance to send a message to alien life - Telegraph

Parents of five-year old sue health insurance company | Raw Story

legalienate: Must We Loathe David Irving?

Civil rights group says racial and religious profiling dogs people at border | CJAD

Breast cancer virtually "eradicated" with higher levels of vitamin D

The 'Nazi Extermination Camp' of Sobibor in the Context of the Demjanjuk Case | Rebel News - Independent News and Analysis

YouTube - 7 WTC Shortly before collapsing

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » An Insider’s View of the Real Estate Train Wreck

Kirtland AFB unit loses nuclear mission - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times

New World Trade Center 9/11 aerial images from ABC News | Mail Online

Bachmann: America ‘cursed’ by God ‘if we reject Israel’ « Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.

US offers to help Iran procure medical radioisotopes

Animal Antibiotic Overuse Hurting Humans? - CBS Evening News - CBS News

The Democrats, the Deficit, and Social Security

They think we're stupid | CapeCodOnline.com

Tritium hot zone expands.: Rutland Herald Online

U.S. laws present taxation nightmare - The Globe and Mail


EclippTV :: Video :: Keiser Report №15: Markets! Finance! Scandal!


EclippTV :: Video :: EU-US bank data deal: Attack on terror or privacy?


It Is Now Official: The U.S. Is a Police State by Paul Craig Roberts

New research into greenhouse effect challenges theory of man-made global warming - 12160.org

The US Military: A Mindset of Barbarism, Part 1 | Dahr Jamail - Independent Reporting from Iraq and the Middle East

The Spy Who Nudged Me - 12160.org

The Assassins of Langley

Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment on the American and Canadian public - 12160.org

TSA ‘Behavior detection’ officers covertly watch travelers’ conduct (Post 911 Big Brother Surveillance System) - 12160.org


1,000 Architects & Engineers Call for a Real 9/11 Investigation - 12160.org

Mossad murdered 530 Iraqi scientists. The Plight of Iraqi Academics. | Iraq |Axisoflogic.com

New federal climate change agency forming - Yahoo! News

World War « Dprogram.net

EclippTV :: Video :: Censorship: Internet Takeover Has Begun


EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber and Jim rogers Prague meeting 2010 part 1/5

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber and Jim rogers Prague meeting 2010 part 2/5

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber and Jim rogers Prague meeting 2010 part 3/5

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber and Jim rogers Prague meeting 2010 part 4/5

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber and Jim rogers Prague meeting 2010 part 5/5


EclippTV :: Video :: Story of Cap and Trade

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama year in review


You Want My Internet? Come And Take It! « Revolt of the Plebs

nrc.nl - International - Features - Life-saving isotopes running out in Iran

YouTube - Palin recommends launching war with Iran

Huckabee “Absolutely” Backs Drive to Bomb Iran

Johnson Space Center chief 'anxious' about future | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Wars Sending U.S. Into Ruin

Flight 253: Intelligence Agencies Nixed State Department Move to Revoke Bomber's Visa :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

CNSNews.com - The Bankrupt PIGS of Europe

Obama Administration: Critics Are Aiding Al Qaeda

Ping - Hiring Tweeters and Bloggers to Send Ads - NYTimes.com

Heathrow Denial Of Naked Scanner Controversy Doesn’t Add Up

Yes, America is Still in an Official State of Emergency

“More Empires Have Fallen Because Of Reckless Finances Than Invasion”

9/11 Hero Remembers WTC7

The Census and Despotism

The Horror of a Corporate Augmented Reality

When Hispanics Immigrate to the U.S., Their Cancer Rates Begin to Soar

No Tea Party for Ma Joad

Anti-Tea Party Web Site Part of Scheme to Funnel Funds

Clueless in Minnesota: Mystery Ad Calls for Return of George W. Bush

General Petraeus’ address preempted by student protest

Iran asks UN atomic body to oversee fuel production

Iran says CIA agents arrested ahead of Feb. 11 rally

EU President Seeking to Consolidate Economic Power (Dog Bites Man Alert) « naked capitalism

Ron Paul: ‘Neocon influence’ is infiltrating tea parties | Raw Story

A crisis of sovereignty as well as debt - WSJ.com

China PLA officers urge economic punch against U.S. | Reuters

China threatens world health by unleashing waves of superbugs - Telegraph

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Globalization Is Killing The Globe: Return to Local Economies

Treat for elite as Reserve Bank celebrates

AFP: US denies missile defenses aimed at Russia

Lawyers' fees could drain half of $4 billion 9/11 Ground Zero worker compensation funds - NYPOST.com

NRA, onetime ally feud over next big guns case to go before Supreme Court - washingtonpost.com

WH: Some Critics 'Serving the Goals of al Qaeda'* - Political Punch

This Might Hurt | The Texas Tribune

Chemicals Pass Through Breast Milk to Cause Testicular Cancer

Iraq to Allow Kurds to Resume Oil Exports; DNO Surges (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Obama Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Bonuses for Blankfein, Dimon (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Obama Hits Lowest Approval Mark - Hotline On Call


**Chicago Mayor Moves to Shut Down All Gun Stores in Illinois**

Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB0180

*Full Text of HB0180

*District/Official Search Results

*96th General Assembly - Representatives


Labor steams over Dem inaction

Pelosi resists Obama on jobs plan

Obama to GOP: Work with me

Reid pushes $80B jobs bill

Wilder: Obama needs to fire DNC Chairman Kaine, W.H. advisers

Senate blocks Labor Board nominee

Murtha death raises questions over preventable medical errors

Pa. seat is latest Democratic worry

States race to pre-empt health reform

No high hopes for health care summit

Gibbs mocks Palin's crib notes

How Dems can win health reform

Obama must resist 'deficit fetish'

Surprise guest: Obama joins gaggle

FLOTUS passes on Palin

Shelby plans more nomination blocks

Exclusive: Scott Brown plans memoir

Press room laughter dies down

Obama sanctions Iranian firms

GOP Beware of Obama's Bipartisan Healthcare Trap

GOP Can Dominate Healthcare Summit

Gov't Control of Economy a Bad Idea

Jailed Missionaries Result of Corruption in Haiti

Tea Partyers Should Take Over GOP

Civil Rights Group Touts Jihad

Palin on Top of Her Game

Fans Delighted by Degeneres' 'Idol' Debut

Louis Gossett Jr. Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

Google's E-Mail Gets Social in Facebook Face-Off

AOL Integrates Facebook Chat With AIM

Even Third-Hand Smoke Is Dangerous

Dark Chocolate Chases Wrinkles

Gross: Sovereign Default Fear Will Haunt Markets

Taiwan Drops Request for U.S. Submarines

Pakistan Confirms Taliban Chief is Dead

Lawmaker Releases Holds On Obama Nominees

'Choose Life' License Plate Trend Gaining

Target Stops Sales of Bear Toys Over Lead Concerns

FDA Aims to Rein in Radiation-Based Medical Scans

DHS: 7 Percent Fewer Illegals Living in U.S.

Iran Says Nuclear Fuel Swap Remains an Option

Obama Warns of Swift Sanctions against Iran

China Sees U.S. Debt as Lever in Taiwan Dispute

Bernanke Outlines Plan for Pulling in Stimulus Aid

Democrats Blaming Emanuel for Healthcare Defeat

Despite All the Nice Talk, Partisanship Reigns

White House Launches Mocking Attack on Palin

Obama: Both Parties Have to Give on Healthcare

Dick Morris: GOP Can Retake House and Senate; Palin Frontrunner for 2012

Obama Urges Setting Aside ‘Petty Politics’ - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Which Way, Not How Far - Yuval Levin - The Corner on National Review Online

Eric Holder's War | The American Prospect

GM stake compromises Obama in Toyota's recalls | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Dean Baker: The Budget Deficit Crisis Crisis

» Breitbart’s Keynote Address To The First National Tea Party Convention - Big Government

John Murtha: The Old Soldier Who Said "Bring the Troops Home"

Debate on war on terror — Our view: National security team fails to inspire confidence - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Holder's method: The U.S. is getting results by following due process

Obamanomics one year out

Obama and Republicans Vie for Bipartisan Ground - TIME

Noemie Emery: Democrats inflicting themselves with wedge issues | Washington Examiner

Is Obama Playing Poker With This Health Care Summit? -- Politics Daily

Bend It Like Obama - Reason Magazine

Poll: Obama, Economy Doubts Boost GOP

Doug Wilder: Obama needs a staff shakeup - L. Douglas Wilder - POLITICO.com

The one personnel change Obama most urgently needs | David Rothkopf

RealClearPolitics - Budget on the Path to Ruin

RealClearPolitics - Say No to Democracy

RealClearPolitics - Video - MSNBC's Matthews: Palin Has Nothing Going On "Mentally"

'Don't Ask' an easy fix - Richard Benedetto - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Increasing Government Power Threatens Freedom

Delay in Response Led to Rift Between Toyota and U.S. Regulators - WSJ.com

Gentle diplomacy with Iran will not work - The Boston Globe

The American Spectator : There's Something About Sarah

The Problem with Tax Credits - WSJ.com

Editorial - The Politics of Fear - NYTimes.com

Climate Götterdämmerung - The Editors - National Review Online

Debate on war on terror — Our view: National security team fails to inspire confidence - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Senate's Gridlock Fuels Frustration - WSJ.com

Kerry: 'Dead wrong' to write obituary on climate change bill - The Hill's E2-Wire

More tolerance for gay troops as end of 'don't ask, don't tell' is debated - washingtonpost.com


*Transcripts:2-9/Obama's News Conference


*2-8/Interview with Secretary Robert Gates

Reporters Discuss Obama's Health Care Summit

Roundtable on Obama's Health Care Summit

Interview with Jenny Sanford


*Politics Video:2-9/Flashback: Obama: "I Will Never Question The Patriotism Of Others"

Andrew Breitbart Gives Keynote At Tea Party Convention

Watch Live: President Obama Briefs The Press Corps

O'Reilly, VandeHei Spar Over MSM Slam

Flashback: Obama Advised Bush To Take Social Security Reform Off The Table

Obama Calls On Parties To Transcend "Petty Politics"

Boehner To WH: "Why Are We Going To Talk About A Bill That Can't Pass?"

WH's Gibbs Mocks Palin By Writing On His Hand

Sen. Specter: Christmas Bomber Shouldn't Have Been Read Miranda Rights

Rep. Price On Health Care: "Start From Ground Zero"

Paterson Denies Rumors That He'll Resign From Office

NBC's Todd: Fox News Trying To "Undermine" MSM

Bush "Miss Me Yet" Billboard Pops Up In MN

Democrat Blames Media For Halting Health Care

PA-12: Murtha's Death Puts District In Jeopardy

First Lady: President Obama Has Had A "Phenomenal First Year"

Brit Hume On MSM Reaction To Tea Party

NY-Gov: Paterson Fights Against Accusations

Jon Stewart Mocks Palin's Hand Notes, Tea Party Convention

Maddow: What If Health Reform Doesn't Pass?

Krauthammer: Dems "Need Hearing Aids" Over Rejection Of Health Care

Gov. Rendell Remembers Rep. John Murtha

Olbermann On Palin's Hand Controversy

O'Reilly: A War Breaks Out Over The Tea Party


*2-10/Obama's National Security Chief Of Staff Says "Nucular"

NY Gov. Paterson: Criticism Against Me Is "Racialized"

Rep. Hoekstra: Brennan's Comments Were "Totally Irresponsible"

Obama Sings For Civil Rights

Newt Gingrich On "The Daily Show"

Secretary LaHood On Toyota: "We're Not Going To Let Up"

Ed Schultz: Forget Bipartisanship On Health Care

Michelle Obama On Health Bill: "We Don't Have A Choice"

Rep. Cantor On Obama's Televised HC Meeting

Maddow: Taking Names On GOP Hypocrisy

O'Reilly On The Angry American

Olbermann: Hope Dwindles For Bipartisanship

Krauthammer Slams Obama For Unnecessary Concession To China


02-10-2010: Obama Doesn't Begrudge Bonuses For Blankfein And Dimon

02-10-2010: Google to launch turbo-speed Internet trials

02-10-2010: A crisis of sovereignty as well as debt

02-10-2010: China threatens world health by unleashing waves of superbugs

02-10-2010: Think the PIGS Are in Trouble? These 7 U.S. States Could Be Heading for Something Worse

02-10-2010: Australian govt websites face censorship protest

Bachmann: God Will Curse America If It Opposes Israel

02-09-2010: Your Future Morning View Will Make You Vomit

02-09-2010: Chinese Police Admit Enormous Number Of Spies

02-09-2010: Chinese Military: Sell U.S. Bonds To Punish Washington DC

02-09-2010: Disinformation Tactics: The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark

Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism: Criticism of Obama Regime Serves "The goals of Al-Qaeda"

02-09-2010: Justice Department seeking lawyers with "mental retardation"

02-09-2010: Sarah Palin Endorses Rand Paul For Kentucky Senate

02-09-2010: 75% Are Angry At Government Policies

02-08-2010: Stop selling unlicensed natural health remedies: pharmacy regulators

More Al-Qaeda Propaganda Courtesy of the Zionist Run SITE Intelligence

02-08-2010: Iran anniversary 'punch' will stun West: Khamenei

02-08-2010: Biggest Bubble in History Is Growing Every Day

02-08-2010: Video: Audi Superbowl Commercial Depicts Eco-Nazi Police

License to Kill? Intelligence Chief Says U.S. Can Take Out American Terrorists

White House: Some Critics 'Serving the Goals of al Qaeda'*

The Dumping Begins: Chinese Reserve Managers Notified That Any Non-USG Guaranteed Securities Must Be Divested

A New Generation of North American Citizens

8 Bloodthirsty Dictators Who Benefited From U.S. Aid

Every Occupation Fuels an Insurgency

Why was Dresden Destroyed

Senate Passes AIPAC's Iran Sanctions Bill in Five Minutes

Rep. Mike Pence: Israel Should Dictate U.S. Policy

*The New American Century/1:34:22

US Government Death Lists for USA Citizens

How to Invest for a Global-debt-bomb Explosion

Exclusive: New York Times Editor 'Stands Behind' Contested 'Pimp' Reporting on James O'Keefe

'Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us' in March Issue of Hustler (Now on Newsstands)

Newt Gingrich lies to Jon Stewart, claims shoe bomber Richard Reid was U.S. citizen

Pastor Wiley Drake prayed for the death of John Murtha

Oh really? Monica Crowley claims the Tea Parties are uber-popular. A new poll says otherwise

Rachel Maddow: They're Not Embarrassed -- Taking Names on GOP Hypocrisy

Mark Sanford now begs for stimulus money after he said it would lead to slavery

Pam Geller tries to tell Ron Reagan Jr. she knows better what his father would think of Palin

Gay Advocacy Group to NJ State Dems: No More Money, Honey

DeVore, Fiorina fight it out for the Populist Prize by joining Beck in blaming everything on progressives

John Brennan calls out Republicans for helping al-Qaeda by making national security a political football

Colbert: "Sarah Palin Is A F--king Retard"

Look out below! Meghan McCain disses the Tea Parties as a bunch of racist old people, Palin as a hypocrite

Bush is Baaack in a Billboard

EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Palin's debut as a motivational speaker: Houston attendees rate her a 'Fail'

Why does the Washington Post hate liberals so much?

GOP Whines About Health-Care Summit, NY Times Says 'There, There!'

Mark Halperin Lists Reasons Why Sarah Palin Will Never Be President

For Republicans, No Means No

Deficit Hawks love them some jingoism

Poll: Majority of Americans Support Cutting Size of Government Workforce

Obama Advocates Green Energy Transition: Can’t ‘Convert to All Solar, All Wind Economy’ Overnight

House GOP Leadership Wants Obama to Redraft Health Care Reforms from Scratch

Republicans Seek to ‘Start Over’ on Health Care Legislation

Russian Envoy’s Objections to Missile Defense Plans Contradict Earlier Stance

Administration Again Cuts Funding for Scholarship Program That Helps Low-Income D.C. Kids

Sen. Inhofe’s Family Builds Igloo for Global Warming Spokesman Al Gore in Snow-laden D.C.

Obama Makes Plea for Bipartisanship in Attempt to Spur Job Creation

Police Debate Use of Family DNA to ID Suspects

Abortion Doctor's Killer Says He Has No Regrets

Pro-Chavez Lawmakers Plan to Punish Dissidents

U.S. Army Closes In on Southern Afghan Town

‘Stop Sending Your Spies Here,’ Judge Tells China

Rep. Issa: Was Obama ‘Just Lying to Congress’ on Tort Reform Pledge?

Porkulus II: Return of the Phony Jobs Boondoggle

archive:Hoyer Says Obama, Congressional Leaders United in Push for ‘Pathway to Citizenship’ for Illegal Aliens—Wants Action as Early as This Fall

Student Sues after Being Held, Questioned at Airport about Arabic Language Flash Cards

Utah Might Open Second Radioactive Waste Site

Dutch Critic of Islam Wants Extremist Killer to Testify at His Trial

Super Bowl Is Most Watched TV Show Ever

Orwell Captures America’s Deadly Culture Perfectly

1-2 Punch: Bernanke and the Debt Ceiling by Charles Goyette

Raising the Bar for Nullification by Michael Boldin

Charlie Don’t Surf by Jim Quinn

Get Your Own House In Order by Chris Clancy

Commodity prices to shoot up: Jim Rogers

Chinese Depression: Will Its Massive Foreign Reserve Hoard Save the Country's Economy? -- Seeking Alpha

Cuomo takes on the Money Party

Jack Abramoff’s old friend now South African envoy to Argentina

Tel Aviv’s hydra-headed monster

Lifting the veil on US troops in Pakistan

To tea or not to tea

Oil, gas, gold, copper, etc., in Haiti equals US occupation

Blood lust and bragging rights

Fixing a bad Supreme Court decision

The source of the economic crisis: A Chicago state of mind

Markets fail when humans are unregulated


***Steve Quayle News Alerts:Military Communications Alert


OpEdNews - Article: Globalization Is Killing The Globe: Return to Local Economies



Video: Mike Hanson Exercises His Rights And Puts A Thug Cop In His Place

The lynch-mob mentality

Video: FEMA Training Police "Founding Fathers Were Terrorists"

ObamaNet: The coming online censorship

The Myth of the Good War: America in World War II

Canada's Copy and Paste NED: Foundation for "Political Warfare" Takes Cue from U.S. Strategy

Attempted bombing of Flight 253: Terror Suspect Kept Visa to Avoid Tipping off Larger Investigation

Militarization of the Indian Ocean: China Spurs Navy Fortification in Andaman

U.S. may be Interested in “Blitzkrieg” in Nagorno-Karabakh

20 Years Ago This Week: The Story Behind Nelson Mandela’s Release In South Africa

Canada's Supreme Court : Torture as Foreign Policy: the Omar Khadr Decision


*Food: New Bill Repeals Key Sections of Dietary Supplement Health


The 700 Military Bases of Afghanistan

Why the Oscars are a Con

VIDEO: War and the Economy: We Must Take our Countries Back

Law Suit against 4 US Presidents & 4 UK Prime Ministers for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity & Genocide in Iraq

FEAR DAVOS 2010, Into The Bomb Shelter :: The Market Oracle

Surrogates and Caprica: Splendid Sci Fi Warnings Against Transhumanism » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

In The Future Of Eating, Could We Put Ourselves On The Menu? - Architecture - io9

3 Seattle bus tunnel guards watch brutal beating

It's Only Temporary | NBC Los Angeles

Britain faces 'oil crunch' within five years, Richard Branson warns - Telegraph

Obama Says Bipartisanship, But What He Wants Is GOP Surrender - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

My Way News - NY governor says he'll step aside only 'in a box'

Paterson says criticism is racially motivated - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - China confirmed as world’s top exporter

Low intelligence among top heart health risks | Top News | Reuters

Iraq oil pipeline sabotaged

Reuters AlertNet - India to test new 5000-km nuclear missile within year

Press room laughter dies down - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK


#Video: Vegas Down But Not Out

Video: Businesses With Pricing Problems Exposed

Video: Calif. Man Has 7-year Case of the Hiccups

Video: Rental Car Tax Increase Proposed

Video: 25-Year-Old Donates Kidney To Woman

Video: Suspected Kidnapper Talks

Video: Valentine's Fun for Parents & Kids

Video: 6-Month-Old Girl Hit By Truck

Video: Pakistan's Taliban Chief Reported Killed

Video: Tech Test: Archos 9 Tablet a Slow Disappointment

Video: Devout Hindu wins funeral pyre fight

Video: Police: Man Shot After Trying To Ram Officers

Passengers Left Waiting for Hours on Plane, Airliner Blames Saints Parade

Al Jazeera Video: Did Nigerian Forces Execute ‘Unarmed Civilians?’

Obama Now Says He Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Big Bonuses for ‘Savvy’ Bankers

Michelle Obama Avoids Larry King’s Question About Palin

Antarctic Crew Discovers Century-Old Cases of Whiskey Left by Shackleton

Chris Matthews: Sarah Palin Is ‘Frightening’

The B-Cast: Why Would Gibbs Join in the Palin ‘Hand Notes’ Mockery?

Monica Crowley Explains the Real Message of Palin’s ‘Hi Mom’

‘Date With Destiny’: US Forces Prepare for Offensive Against Taliban Stronghold

Rep. Grayson: GOP Bad at Government But Good at Stalling

Ohio Girl Suffocates While Playing in Snow Bank

Enzi Tries – and Fails – to Correctly Pronounce ‘Blagojevich’

Proposed Bill Would Allow Ads Inside, Outside Mississippi School Buses

Obama: Public’s Sour View of Process ‘Contaminates’ Their View of Health Bill Content

Robert Gibbs Mocks Palin ‘Hand Notes’ From White House Podium

Bush ‘Miss Me Yet?’ Billboard Mystery Solved – Sort Of

Gulp! Saints Fan Accidentally Swallows Lucky Fleur-de-Lis Earring

O’Reilly Defends Fox News VP Who Slammed MSM Reporting on Tea Party Movment


Regarding Roger: Ebert Doubles Down Twitter-Trashing His ‘Teabagging’ Fans

Captain Un-American: Marvel Comics’ Idea of Heroism — Fighting ‘Teabaggers’

Mortal Enemies

Burnt Offering: Haiti Shows the World’s Humanity Has Come a Long Way Since the Holocaust

Lonewolf Diaries: SNL Uses Rahm Emanuel Sketch as Excuse to Launch Obscenity-Laced Tirade at Sarah Palin

Daily Gut: Asian-American Activists Upset Over ‘Yellow’ Train Line

‘Teabaggers’: Roger Ebert Trashes His Own Fans (and Palin) on Twitter

Breitbart’s Keynote Address To The First National Tea Party Convention

Colbert the Palace Guard: ‘Sarah Palin Is a F–King Retard’

Federal Reserve Bank of New York Subpoenaed in AIG Fraud Case

Obama’s Big Plans for Justice Department Nominee Johnsen

A New Tea Party Resource – The Ensuring Liberty PAC

The Fascist Green Police Super Bowl Ad Is Stuck In My Head

Palm Reader

Frances Fox Piven: ACORN-style Mass Movement May Deepen Foreclosure Crisis, Forcing Government & Banks to Address Homeownership Rights

Obama Radical Big Labor Nominee Loses Vote – Sen. Brown Votes No

Think Progress: ‘Let’s Not Pay Back China’

Terrorism Critics Admonished by Obama Security Advisor

Obama NLRB Nominee Craig Becker’s Smoking Gun?

Steering Clear of Obama’s Bermuda Triangulation

Viva la Causa: MSM Dupes Celebrate the Racist Roots of the Castro/Che Revolution

Is the MSM Missing a Problem With Toyota Prius Airbags?

By Dawn’s Early Light: How the MSM Fawns over Johnsen

Early Morning Open Thread: What Liberal Media?

Down Memory Lane: Has Haiti Fallen Victim to the MSM’s Short Attention Span?

Columbia Journalism Review to Salon and Max Blumenthal: You Can’t Just Make Stuff Up

It’s the Constitution, Stupid: What the Tea-Partiers Really Want

The Torch Has Been Passed to a New Generation — and It Doesn’t Include Racism

Outsourcing The USEPA: An Open Letter To Congress

Breitbart’s Keynote Address To The First National Tea Party Convention

Teachers Unions: The Child Molester’s Best Friend

Morning Thread: Why Don’t Liberals Take Conservatives Seriously?

Nation & World | Despite millions in tax credits, wind-energy firms aren't hiring | Seattle Times Newspaper

Foreign energy firms getting windfall of U.S. stimulus funds - SignOnSanDiego.com


The B-Cast B-Side: Is Haitian 27th-Day Rescue an Example of ‘The Third Man?’

Wendy Williams: Katie Couric is No Cougar

Press Corps Moans After Obama Calls on MSNBC’s Chuck Todd

Blogger Blasts Ron Reagan: ‘Do You Think You’re Making Your Father Proud?’

NBC’s Chuck Todd: Fox News Is Trying to ‘Undermine’ Serious Journalists

Leno on Letterman Promo: ‘A Good Joke Is a Good Joke’

Rush to Obama: ‘Come on the Program and Debate Health Care Reform With Me’

Chris Matthews Attacks Palin: ‘Can a Palm Reader Be President?’

Rush to Republicans on Health Care: ‘Be Very, Very Careful Here’

CNN Political Editor Equates Palin’s ‘Handgate’ Notes to Obama’s Teleprompter

Does Chris Wallace Roll His Eyes at End of Palin Interview?

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Writes on Hand to Mock Palin

Rapper Lil’ Wayne to Start Serving Year-Long Jail Sentence Today

La Toya Jackson: ‘They Murdered My Brother’

Secret Super Bowl Ad Featuring Letterman, Leno & Oprah Was Dave’s Idea

Prius Recall Weighs Over Toyota

Passenger High on Pot ‘Messed With Wrong Flight Attendant’

‘We Weren’t Told’: Hoekstra Fires Back at Claim GOP Knew Christmas Bomber Was Mirandized

Flashback Clips: Snow Levels Cause Democrats to Demand Urgent Action

Obama Sings for Civil Rights

NY Gov Tells Imus: ‘I’m Black, I’m Blind, and Still Alive’

Hoekstra Urges Obama to Fire Brennan: He Is ‘Poisoning The Well’

NY Governor: I’ll Step Aside Only ‘In a Box’

Rep. Hoekstra: Obama Should Fire ‘Mini-Czar’ Counterterrorism Adviser

27 Days Later: Haitian Man May Have Survived Four Weeks in Rubble

New Aerial NYPD Photos of 9/11 Attack Released

First Lady: Change ‘Certainly Doesn’t Happen in a Year’


WND RADIO 'Iran nuclear crisis is already here

WND RADIO Suicide bombers heading to U.S.?

*Satire:WND RADIO 'Buy, Buy An American Pie'

WND RADIO 'Ideological pet project of the left'

WND RADIO Will Murtha's seat fall to GOP?


archive:Texas ruling restores 'genetic privacy'

Ethics debate over blood from newborn safety tests - washingtonpost.com


Obama: Bonuses earned by some: The Swamp

Arsonists on rampage as 11 churches burn

FOXNews.com - U.S. Slaps New Sanctions on Iran Revolutionary Guard

Defiant Iran accelerates nuclear program

Extremists gone wild on 'green' energy bill

New stealth jet tipping strategic balance

Labor nominee blocked in Senate - Washington Times

Dems seek quick fix on campaign finance - Washington Times

Government silences, deports thousands

Christian speech targeted as 'hate'

ACLU: Instructor Improperly Teaching Religion, Abortion Views as Fact - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Senate votes to add sexual orientation to anti-bias policies | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Felony Snowball Tossing Charges Lodged - February 9, 2010

Michelle Obama Responds to Sarah Palin's Pokes at President Obama - Good Morning America Exclusive - ABC News

Congressional Democrats point finger of blame at Rahm Emanuel on healthcare - TheHill.com

FOXNews.com - Feds Admit They Wrongly Tracked Wisconsin Abortion Groups

Jail imam released in razor-blade case - NYPOST.com

Army warned about jihadist threat in '08 - Washington Times

Social networks tread on Google's turf

NYT: McCain takes on GOP foe by tilting right - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Steele hints critics motivated by race - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Clinton asked to intervene in Haiti kidnap case

Hurtling down 'The Road to Serfdom'

Obama is Americanizing Stalinism

Wednesday-morning quarterbacking the Tebow ad

Recovery solution: Credit amnesty

How schools destroy black opportunity

Why the Saints prevailed

Obama panders to the feminists

The fallacy of 'fairness'

The American Conservative -- Busting the Safety Net

Jail imam released in razor-blade case - NYPOST.com

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

African Immigrants Accuse Wal-Mart of Discrimination - NYTimes.com

Congressional Democrats point finger of blame at Rahm Emanuel on healthcare - TheHill.com

American Thinker: Climategate: Is It Criminal?

Obama rejects starting over on health care - Washington Times

SFGate: Politics Blog : Latinos could play key roles in California Senate, governor's races

Savage outranks O'Reilly among 'top conservatives'

JACK NICHOLSON DEATH WISH - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Brooklyn dog mugged for his jacket outside grocery store in Park Slope - NYPOST.com


*Watch All the Super Bowl XLIV Spots - Advertising Age - Special Report: Super Bowl 2010

*Top 20 Super Bowl Ads Ever - AdCritic - Creativity Online


I'm a Marine, get me out of here! Military men take part in extreme jungle survival training | Mail Online

ITV fined £1,600 for animal cruelty over I'm a Celebrity rat stunt - Telegraph

Color Career Counselor | Career Tests | CareerPath.com

Capt. Phil Harris, star of Discovery Channel's 'Deadliest Catch,' dies at 53

Macedonian whiz kid becomes PC star | Video | Reuters.com

Couple who had gnome stolen get replacement and apology 13 years later - Telegraph

Czechs sell time -- in a can | Video | Reuters.com

How many Facebook friends is too many? - Times Online

Daily Herald | 'Family Truckster' lives, thanks to Wheaton man

Why the classic New York accent is fading away - NYPOST.com

Digital doomsday: the end of knowledge - tech - 02 February 2010 - New Scientist

Social Media: Consumers Trust Their Friends Less - Advertising Age - News

Snow traps Indiana driver for days in Rio Grande National Forest - The Denver Post

Daughter blames mother for global warming - STLtoday.com

Local News | Student crashes car through Shorecrest High School | Seattle Times Newspaper

President Obama the scold - Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Obama administration works to ban junk food in schools - The Denver Post

More than 2,000 claim that they are too fat to work - Telegraph

FOXNews.com - Disney Child Star's Clothing Line Deemed Too Racy By Some

Girl, 12, fighting to divorce 80-year-old husband in Saudi Arabia - Telegraph

GM and NASA build new robot astronaut, a 'robonaut' - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive - USATODAY.com

Is blogging a slog? Some young people think so - Yahoo! News

BBC - Newsbeat - Hair extensions 'should be banned'

WWII vet recalls harrowing moment over Nazi Germany | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Suit over secondhand smoke targets real estate broker - The Boston Globe


*American Minute for February 10th:William J Federer's American Minute*


**ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Oklahoma firecracker takes on Obama eligibility

The real conspiracy theorists

Palin headlines birther conference; press pretends not to notice | Media Matters for America

The Right Side of Life » #TeaParty: Palin the Presidential Hopeful; Farah and the “Birther” Brouhaha


American Thinker: Another Look at Obama's Origins


*Hillary's eligibility challenged in Supreme Court


*Hillary the Movie/1:30:16


The end of the IPCC

Paranoia Strikes Deep in Obama's America

Green Police Aren't Just in Super Bowl Ads

Multiplier Effect Defect

A Tragic Use of Language

Supreme Arrogance

An Obamageddon Snow Job

Democrats, Meet Your Biggest Nightmare

Party of 'No'...and Proud

Barack Obama and Corpse Man

Federal Overreach and the New States' Rights Movement

Liberal Conceit

Who'll Call the Blue Dogs Out?

Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Zeitgeist

Cooling The Kennedy Mystique

Information War: TheTeaPartyIsOver.org

The Goracle deserves a Nobel for humor

Obama expanding the war into Pakistan

Crist crony in GOP slush fund scandal

Obama's class warfare rhetoric costing jobs

Cheap shots from Meghan McCain

DADT deserves a fair assesment before discarding it

The 'Everyone else is doing it' canard

Nanny state digging into kid's lunch boxes

They were warned

Another bogus prosecution of our soldiers nixed

Bad news for Dems: Here comes another special election

Electricity emergency in oil rich Venezuela

Blue dogs running for cover over NLRB nominee


*American Thinker Blog: Anti-Tea Party website linked to union funds

The Party is Far From Over(www.theteapartyisover.com/)

*SITE:The Tea Party Is Over


RELIGION/VIDEO:Thou shalt not make my law so complicated


Don't Piss Off Your Banker

UNObserver & International Report:Felicity Arbuthnot: Haiti; 'Support of U.S. National Interests'

UNObserver & International Report:Lesley Docksey: “Why we are in Afghanistan” – David Miliband rewrites history

BBC News - Sat-nav devices face big errors as solar activity rises

Stunningly Preserved 165-Million-Year-Old Spider Fossil Found | Wired Science | Wired.com

Nick Redfern's 'Contactees and the Absurdities of Ufology' 02/2010 Guest Editorial.

Professor: We have a 'moral obligation' to seed universe with life

'Ghosts' do not alarm Frankfort firefighters :: Herald News :: Local News

Electric Planes Could Transform How We Fly | LiveScience

Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal ‘Synthetic Organisms,’ Molecular Kill-Switch Included | Danger Room | Wired.com

How Botox May Really Keep Us From Feeling Sad - Sharon Begley - Newsweek.com

Thousands of dinosaur footprints uncovered in China - Yahoo! News

Marvel Comics: Captain America Says Tea Parties Are Dangerous and Racist « Publius Forum

savethemales.ca - Readers Who Escaped From Amerika

The US ‘Recovery’ And Bernanke’s Jewish Lies | Real Zionist News

Truth they are hiding: So how are disasters created by the zionists?

Fars News Agency :: Ahmadinejad Urges Dismantlement of N. Armaments

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

Barack Obama accuses Iran of attempt to build a nuclear bomb - Times Online

What Israel gets away with :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

YouTube - NeoCon Palin's tea party takeover will facilitate Obama reelection

Inside the Ring - Washington Times

Croat scientist warns ice age could start in five years - General News - Croatian Times Online News - English Newspaper

Ten Year Treasuries Nose Dive At Auction

Film studio firm wants tax credits - Hawaii News - Starbulletin.com

No Business Like Shoah Business–The Golden Goose Of Holocau$tianity and The Real Reasons For Irana-phobia « The Ugly Truth

I don’t mean to say I told you so, but… « Aletho News

Pitchfork-brandishing Norwegians in scuba gear chase down Google Street View car - Posted

BBC News - US frees Iraqi photographer held for 17 months

SHTF411.com • US Government creates Nazi homeland program for K-12 graders to sniff out right-wing extremists and gun owners

Unlawful war on Iran is treason; it levies war against the US, our military, and our Constitution

Dead Man Musings: More Disinfo from Alex Jones Website


Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-09, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Feb-08, Monday

Feb. 9, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Feb. 8, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

02/09 The Mark Levin Show

02/08 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/09/2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 02/08/2010

"Tobin Tax" and UN Global Taxman Making A Comeback


#Raw Video: Snow Stuck Cabbie Hits Camera

More troops head to Afghanistan

Peaches' new lingerie

Raw Video: Jolie Visits Haitian Quake Victims

Death of Kerrigan's Father Ruled a Homicide

Hybrid Ferry Aims to Reduce Hong Kong Emissions

Obama Promotes Bipartisan Spirit

1 Dead After Truck Full of Farm Animals Crashes

Raw Video: Saints March Through New Orleans

Cops Search Texas Landfill for Missing Baby

Toyota Seeks Damage Control in Public, Private

Newark Airport Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

L.A.-area Foothills Under Mudslide Threat

Doctor Says Man May Have Been in Rubble 27 Days

Peterson Ex-wife Says He Threatened to Kill Her

Oscars feast

No sour grapes for Lebanon's wine-making monks

Raw Video: Shuttle Docks With Space Station

Andews' Stalker May Have Taped Others

Oil crisis 'could be as bad as financial crisis'

Economy bumping along

ShowBiz Minute: Jolie, DeGeneres, Cruise

Drugs testing team busy as Olympics nears

'Death tax' row in PMQs

Raw Video: Car Bomb Kills 10 in Pakistan

Honda airbag fault fuels Japan's auto woes

Mandela, S.Africa's icon of freedom and forgiveness

New Images of 9/11 Released

Big brands crowd out luxury boutiques in New York

Raw Video: Helicopter Crash Caught on Tape

Family Claims Scammed Out of Olympic Tickets

Pompey handed stay of execution

Greek prime minister in France for debt talks

Is This the White House for a Party?

Torture allegations published

Archaeologists find 1,500-year-old Jerusalem street

The healthy pie

Anger at Cadbury closure

Carry a knife- go to jail

Devout Hindu wins funeral pyre fight

Tech Test: Archos 9 Tablet a Slow Disappointment

Pakistan's Taliban Chief Reported Killed

Brainbox Cleverly wants own legacy

Curry murderer guilty

Calif. Man Has 7-year Case of the Hiccups

3 Seattle Bus Tunnel Guards Watch Brutal Beating

Scorsese, DiCaprio Journey to 'Shutter Island'

Scorsese and Leo talk Shutter Island

How About the Waffle House for Valentines Day?

Kenya rounds up prey for starving lions

Financial analyst speaks about Greek debt crisis

Angelina Jolie visits quake-stricken Haiti


**E BOOK:The Book of the Damned


(57:29)Does the Government Love You?

*Fabled Enemies/1:42:17


*The Real Story RFID with Katherine Albrecht/33:10

*CTDM: America Restoring A Heritage - Katherine Albrecht/1:00:42




Audio:0209102/GCN-Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show


"Shadow Government": trailer


Investigative Journal » Vatican-Led NWO Won’t Allow Alamo Kids To Read Bible; Judge Rules Parental Rights Terminated

Investigative Journal » FDR and Ike: Two Big Vatican-led NWO Traitors

Investigative Journal » Lost History of Vatican-led NWO

Investigative Journal » The Pope’s Secrets

Investigative Journal » Pius XII Puts Hitler In Power

Investigative Journal » Why Does a Pagan Goddess Represent America?

Investigative Journal » Pope Burns His Fingers While Picking Up Bible

Investigative Journal » Another Vatican-Jesuit Genocide

Investigative Journal » Who Is Your Final Authority?

Investigative Journal » The Jesuits Killed Lincoln

Investigative Journal » The Great Vatican Inquisition

(www.arcticbeacon.com)Index of /articles

108 pgs/Lehmann-Behind_the_Dictators-Relationship_of_Nazi-Fascism_and_Roman_Catholicism(1945).pdf (application/pdf Object)


427 pgs/Treason's Peace

14 pgs/Whore of Babylon Documented

500 pgs/William Cooper ;Behold a Pale Horse

196 pgs/THE THOUSAND -YEAR CONSPIRACY Secret Gemzany Behittd the Mask; PAUL WINKLER

9 pgs./UN Weather Weapons Treaty

The Devil’s Chemists – the International Farben Cartel by Joseph E DuBois 1952 P1

The Devil’s Chemists – the International Farben Cartel by Joseph E DuBois 1952 P2

192 pgs./E.C.Knuth -m The Empire Of The City

Articles of Agreement of the IMF,2007


Modern "Commercial Law" Is based on Ancient Babylonian Codes

51 pgs./The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (1734)

255 pgs./Alexander Hislop ; The Two Babylons

82 pgs/- Procopius of Caesarea - The Secret History [Anecdota] 6th Century Byzantine Roman History- written c586AD

66 pgs./LWGranger;Wide Awake Romanism - Its Aims & Tendencies

875 pgs./The History of Protestantism

110 pgs./Samuel Morse; A FOREIGN CONSPIRACY


e book:George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography « TARPLEY.net

The Lucifer Project

The Oath of the Knights of Columbus

Extreme Oath of the Jesuits


197 pgs./Paris;The Secret History of Jesuits(1975)

159 pgs./Almanac of Evil

57 pgs./King James ;VI DAEMONOLOGIE(1597)

731 pgs./1611 King James Version

***Geneva Bible (1560/1599) With Original Geneva Footnotes


The Hacker's *Dictionary of Computer Jargon/274 pg

Jargon File Resources

The Original Hacker's Dictionary

The New Hacker's Dictionary

The Hacker Dictionary

How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once

Henry Spencer's 10 Commandments for C Programmers