"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

09 November 2009

9 NOV '09


The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 6th With Greg Gordon

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – November 5th With Ron Paul


*Barack Obama -- Czars

**(theobamafile.com)Barack Obama Videos**


News Corp Boss Rupert Murdoch Suggests Online Newspaper Pages Will Be Invisible To Google Users | Business | Sky News

YouTube - 11/9/09 Ron Paul: Healthcare "Reform" Will Make a Flawed System Immeasurably Worse

Ron Paul: Health Care Bill Could Kill The Dollar

Why I Voted NO

Direct Democracy — Why the American People must disband Congress

Overpopulation Mantra Overheating as Copenhagen Approaches

The End of America happens in the middle of the night

Taliban Still Working for the CIA?

Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center

YouTube - World Trade Center on 9/11 - Sounds of Explosions

YouTube - John Gross denies existance of molten metal

Chavez Says Venezuela to Prepare for War as Deterrent - Bloomberg.com

Fort Hood Vendetta

Obama: Time for Senate to 'take the baton' on health care reform - CNN.com

Anti-gun ObamaCare bill Coming to the House Floor Very Soon

Obama’s New Bill of Rights

GOP senators claim ObamaCare legislation is DOA

1 dead, 3 injured in Vail bar shooting | VailDaily.com

Lieberman Suggests Army Shooter Was 'Home-Grown Terrorist' - WSJ.com

Fort Hood shooting suspect conscious, talking, hospital says - CNN.com

CNSNews.com - Mark Levin: Congressmen Who Want to Force Americans to Buy Health Insurance Are Saying ‘The Hell With the Constitution'

House Resolution Designates Venezuela a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Crime Central - Times Online - WBLG: Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect Fort Hood and Afghan attacks

Officials: U.S. Aware of Hasan Efforts to Contact al Qaeda

YouTube - FBI director gets schooled on marijuana legalization

YouTube - The White House War on Fox

Shooter advised Obama transition : Western Journalism.com

YouTube - Video Shows Ft. Hood Shooter Major Hasan At "Homeland Security" Event

Shooter advised Obama transition

Obama appoints Homosexual Propagandist to Education : Western Journalism.com

Who Funds the Radical Left In America? : Western Journalism.com

*Site:Strategic Principles ;Tides Foundation

CBS & NBC Fail to ID Hasan as Muslim; ABC's Raddatz Relays: 'I Wish His Name was Smith' | NewsBusters.org

Pajamas Media » Fort Hood Massacre: A Day of Courage and Cowardice

Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History : Western Journalism.com

Is Obama A Closet Racist? : Western Journalism.com

What is Obama’s Real Education Agenda? : Western Journalism.com


**ACORN People's Platform**

‘lil bit of “0”

YouTube - UNBELIEVABLE OBAMA GAFFES, Mistakes, Lies, and Confusion

YouTube - Obama's Ongoing Teleprompter Battle Continues at MIT

YouTube - SHOCKING Obama words: bombshell anti-white audio uncovered!

YouTube - Being a Leftist in the 21st Century

YouTube - Cornel West Introduces Barack Obama

YouTube - Steven Crowder talks Socialized Obamacare with Neil Cavuto

YouTube - Barack Obama's mentor Hillary aint never been called a .....

YouTube - White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need

YouTube - Barack Obama: Call to Service in Colorado Springs, CO

YouTube - Obama wants you to pledge loyalty to him and he is sending his Zombies to your front door

**Site map;Obama's Socialist Past**


video:(2:30:38)In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism - Official Release

*Site:Dr. Horowitz - Aids, Ebola, Vaccines, Tetrahedron.com

YouTube - Steve Quayle and Dr Len Horowitz "Genocide Flu" Sept 25 Part 1 of 6

YouTube - Steve Quayle and Dr Len Horowitz "Genocide Flu" Sept 25 Part 2 of 6

YouTube - Steve Quayle and Dr Len Horowitz "Genocide Flu" Sept 25 Part 3 of 6

YouTube - Steve Quayle and Dr Len Horowitz "Genocide Flu" Sept 25 Part 4 of 6

YouTube - Steve Quayle and Dr Len Horowitz "Genocide Flu" "Harmonic Tie to the Lord" Sept 25 Part 5 of 6

YouTube - Steve Quayle and Dr Len Horowitz "Genocide Flu" "Harmonic Tie to the Lord" Sept 25 Part 6 of 6


Citizens For Legitimate Government:Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'

Ft. Hood Files : Shooting Story Collapses - 12160.org

Fort Hood shooting suspect conscious, talking, hospital says - CNN.com

truthjihad.com blog: "Ft. Hood - 9/11 link" echoes DHS attempt to set up Muslim 9/11 truth activist

Report: Suspected Fort Hood shooter prayed at same mosque as 9/11 terrorists - Haaretz - Israel News

Hasan Computer Reveals No Terror Ties - CBS News

Fort Hood Shooter Tried to Contact al Qaeda Terrorists, Officials Say - ABC News

Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Fort Hood shootings: gunman used 'cop killer' weapon in massacre at US Army base - Telegraph

Fort Hood Mystery by Michael Gaddy

The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo « CCHR International

Dr. Peter Breggin: Antidepressants Cause Suicide and Violence in Soldiers

OpEdNews - Article: Fort Hood's Killer Shrink: Was He One of the Army Docs Pressured to Misdiagnose PTSD in Soldiers?

EclippTV :: Video :: CNBC - Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed, Global Currency, New World Order

EclippTV :: Video :: Sam Donaldson: Lets Get Rid Of The Fed Now Before They Do Further Damage

Remembrance Sunday: 'At least we knew what we were fighting for in 1944' - Home News, UK - The Independent

Nanoparticles could damage DNA at a distance | Science | guardian.co.uk

Pentagon Pouring Your Money Into Afghanistan: Are They Preparing for a Very Long War?


Washington's Blog:Big Bankers Say They're Doing God's Work ... Are They Right? P

AP IMPACT: Framed for child porn — by a PC virus by AP: Yahoo! Tech

A New System For The Privleged Is Not A Remedy For The Economy - The International Forecaster

House Health Bill Has Nowhere to Go in Senate - FOXNews.com

Schumer Calls for Review, as Millions in Stimulus Funds Aid Foreign Firms - FOXNews.com

U.S. troops' continental insignia bears U.N. colors

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Did the Democrats Hide a $283 Million Dollar Bribe in the Health Care Bill?

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Democrats Are Privatizing Wealth Redistribution

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Gorbachev urges US to withdraw from Afghanistan

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Bob Chapman: Empty Your Bank Accounts

YouTube - Ron Paul on Alex Jones Tv:Copenhagen Treaty & Cyber Security Act = Control Over The People!!

YouTube - Ron Paul on Alex Jones Tv:Collapse of The Dollar = A New Beginning for Gold!!

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » U.S. Citizens Are Joining Immigrants in Store Parking Lots Seeking Day Labor Jobs

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » ‘Saudi fighter jets using phosphorous bombs’

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Australian PM Rudd warns skeptics ‘are too ‘dangerous to ignore’ and are ‘holding the world to ransom’ — Climate Depot Responds(w/links)

The Raw Story | African-Americans slam Obama in White House protest

AFP: Colombia seeks UN help, Chavez readies for 'war'

Japan aims to build solar power station in space by 2030 | Raw Story

China Urges US to Control Deficit to Stabilize Dollar - China * Asia * News * Story - CNBC.com

We're doomed without a green religion | Andrew Brown | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Deadly Mutation Predicted - Ukraine Under Martial Law

Dave Daubenmire -- They Don’t Even Look Like Men

Democrat Treason - Clear In 1944...

savethemales.ca - Christians- Zionism's Useful Idiots

Hispanic Boycott Of White Businesses In TX Town

US Selfishness, Lack Of Solidarity Are Boundless

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan's Taliban dilemma

Pro-Israeli Canadian lawyer ejected from UN

Men Who Stare At Goats - The True Story Behind The Film

Can scientists make a space elevator? - CNN.com

Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists - Telegraph

Fort Hood shooting investigators appeal for help - CNN.com

Remember Daniel Pearl? | Sabbah Report

Obama acts as anti-Muslim anger threatens to engulf US | World news | The Observer

Why won't Obama give you a job?

Is man on course to cause the sixth extinction? | Environment | The Observer

Parents living in fear of their bullying children | UK news | The Observer

No evidence wounded hit by friendly fire at Fort Hood - CNN.com

What Do You Believe?

Real Matrix Common Purpose Consensus Creation Cognitive Dissonance Leading Ultra Vires

CIA was reportedly aware of Nidal Malik Hasan's attempts to contact al Qaeda terrorists

The Associated Press: Homeland chief warns against anti-Muslim backlash

Fort Hood shooting victims

America-hater in Qns. hails Hood massacre

Officer describes firefight that downed Hasan

Veterans Day parade marches on in S.F.

Berlin Wall blunder

Ft. Hood probers ponder missed signs

British spies help prevent al Qaeda-inspired attack on New York subway - Telegraph

Israel planning cell phone rocket alerts

HORROR: LI Mom Accused Of Turning Home Into 'Concentration Camp' For Animals - wcbstv.com

America Owned by Its Army

Lawmakers Detail Obama’s Pitch - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com

My Way News - Some predicted trouble from Fort Hood's Maj. Hasan

Communist consumer goods make comeback

My Way News - Landmark health bill passes House on close vote

Army Chief Concerned for Muslim Troops - NYTimes.com

Milton Friedman on Donahue 1979

Milton Friedman - PBS - Free to Choose 1980

Auto Execs Urge Government to Tax Fuel up to $8/Gallon to Increase Fuel Efficiency

U.S. Needs Hit Squads, ‘Manhunting Agency’: Spec Ops Report

*Fall of the Republic: America's Last Stand

Democrats' health care bill has mandates and penalties

Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye If Health Care Passes

Pelosi Breaks Pledge to Put Final Health Care Bill Online for 72 Hours Before Vote

House Passes $1 Trillion Measure to Overhaul U.S. Health Care

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams "Patsy"

Was Fort Hood Killer On Psychotropic Drugs?

Weston A Price Foundation - Educational Television

Sally Fallon: The Truth About Soy and Why it's Toxic

Sally Fallon: Nourishing Traditional Diets (Or What People Are REALLY Supposed to Eat)

Weston A. Price: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Council on Foreign Relations discusses artificial scarcity as vaccine propaganda strategy

Clinton Connects Overpopulation to Climate Change

Al Gore Encourages Civil Disobedience

Western Rifle Shooters Association: Truth From Across The Pond

Fort Hood shooter taught Koran when he was supposed to be giving a medical lecture - Jihad Watch

Frosty Wooldridge -- Muslims in 21st Century America: Violent Clashing Cultures

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut - Telegraph


DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THIRTY: Read It Before It Is [Further] Banned By The US Government

Republicans take aim at vulnerable Democrats in health war - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Gold price hits record high as dollar wanes

But for heroes, bloodbath could have been worse


Fighting in north Afghanistan kills 130 insurgents

US Supreme Court refuses to stop sniper execution

4 people found shot to death in rural Texas home

Health Care Reform: Don’t Copy Europe’s Mistakes

Who is Steve Max: Ward Churchill Meets Rahm Emanuel

More Union Violence: State Worker Beat Up At SEIU Meeting

Media Spin on Fort Hood: Catching Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at the Office

The Fall of the Wall Didn’t Kill the Left: They’re Back and Attacking Us Again

Remembering the Berlin Wall: Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Remembering the Victims of Communism

Obama’s Pet Goat Moment

Exclusive: Police Report on Gladney Beating by SEIU Thugs

EXCLUSIVE BOOK EXCERPT: ‘Still Standing: The Untold Story of My Fight Against Gossip, Hate, and Political Attacks’

Michelle Obama Politicizes the Food Network

Natalie Portman: Meat’s a Sin, Free Polanski

‘Sesame Street’: Habitat for Political Correctness

Senior Democrat 'confident' Stupak abortion amendment will be stripped - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Donna Edwards: Giving voice to the real need for health-care reform

30 Years Ago Today, Iran Took Americans Hostage; 30 Yrs Later, They Won, We Lost; Quiet Shi’ite Invasion of US Soil

“And I Was Like . . .”: NBC News Education Reporter / Teacher CAN’T Speak English

DumbAssity of the Week: U.S. Embassy Makes Al-Jazeera its Landlord?!

Shocker: Man Who Shot Up Ft. Hood Soldiers Was Muslim (and a “Loyal” Muslim U.S. Soldier); Islamic Terrorism & Jihad, Period; An Islamic Doctor Who Murdered; Palestinian

Questions on Nidal Malik Hassan: How Long Before . . .

It’s Islam, Stupid: Spare Us the “Sudden ‘Camel Jockey’ Allahu Akbar Derangement Syndrome” Excuses, Dr. Phil, Mark Cuban’s Bro, et al; MUST WATCH VIDEO: My New Hero, Tom Kenniff

Some of the Other “Stressed Out” Muslim US Soldiers Dr. Phil & Shoshanna Johnson Can Make Excuses For

E-Mail Exchange: Why I Didn’t Post My Take on ObamaCare Vote, But Here it is

Islamic Terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan & Cartoon of the Week

Carlton Banks, Racist: Alfonso Ribeiro Wants You To Know He “Bleeps” White Chicks

'The future is Cao' said GOP House Leader Boehner

Casey's 'concern'

Carl Menger on Societal 'Transformation'

Tim McGirk who concocted the Haditha massacre is back

Iraq Parliament passes landmark election law

Let Us Carry the Baton

US intel aware that Fort Hood shooter tried to contact al-Qaeda

Productivity rise masks the indentured servitude of workers

Raiders of the SEIU

Obama's 'conditions' to talk to Prime Minister Netanyahu

'Non-news channel' tops in Fort Hood coverage

Obama's Wall

Fatal Correctness

Bush or Obama: The Quiz

Fresh Faces Require Fresh Techniques

Jihad and America: The Land that Cried Sheep

American Medicine Through the Looking Glass

The New York Times Helped Build the Wall

Constitutional Chess

The left and terror

Religious extremism or traditional values?

The true cost of ObamaCare

National Health Care Reform

CNBC: A New Global Currency and a New World Order

China Urges US to Control Deficit to Stabilize Dollar

America's secret Pakistan nuke deal

Chavez has urged his armed forces to be prepared for possible war with Colombia

U.S. Senate Approves Billions For NASA

VIDEOS: War Crimes Multimedia

Netanyahu Heads to Washington for Brief Meeting With Obama

Brother of Afghan Leader Said to Be Paid by C.I.A.

"Make War a Crime": Bring these war criminals to trial

VIDEO: Swine Flu Government Data Scam

Fort Hood: A media orgy of rumors, speculation and falsehoods

The World Social Forum, A Sustainable Model?

The Annexation of Colombia to the US

Defending the Arsenal

U.S. Military Agenda: Destabilizing Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal?

VIDEO: Lies, War, and Empire

Crisis of America's Healthcare System

How to End Wars

Republic of Fools: The Evil Empire

Rising Military Expenditure: The Coming U.S. Budget Attack

11/9 and 9/11: And we thought we were free

The dangers of voting on civil rights

America: An evil empire ruled by corporations and powerful interest groups

Passing on the mantle of deep North American integration

Waxman Says ‘No Guarantee’ Amendment Prohibiting Abortion Funding Will Be Retained in Final Version of Health Care Bill

Democrat Who Voted No on Pelosi Health Bill Says It Will ‘Ultimately Lead to a Single-Payer System’

Government-Run ‘Public Option’ in Pelosi Health Bill Threatens to Kill Hospitals, Says Democrat Who Voted Against the Bill

Jon Voight: ‘We Better Step Up and Say A Few Things’ Against Democrats’ Health Care Plan

House Health Care Bill Unacceptable to Many in Senate

Republicans Say Democrats Are Putting Their Agenda Ahead of Their Country

Alleged Fort Hood Gunman a Hero, Says Islamic Cleric With Suspected 9/11 Links

Continued Deployments, Stigma, Add to Mental Health Issues of Military

Jon Voight: Democrats’ ‘Oppressive’ Health Care Bill Will ‘Decimate’ the U.S. Economy

Hillary Clinton: Berlin Wall Festivities Not Just A Party

U.S. Congressman Wants Probe of E. Coli Risk in School Lunches

Terror Training Camps Are Smaller, Harder to Target

Obama Calls New Election Law A Milestone for Iraq

Illinois Prosecutors Outrage University by Issuing Subpoena for Journalism Students' Grades

Cameras in Every Room on Capitol Hill Will Bring Transparency to the Federal Government, Congressman Says

Changing the Narrative

Energy ABCs: Playing Americans for Fools

Inside the Army’s Far-Out Acid Tests | Danger Room | Wired.com

Collapse Feared for Palestinian Authority if Abbas Resigns - NYTimes.com

Iran Accuses 3 American Hikers of Espionage - NYTimes.com

George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Global treaty could throw file-sharers off Internet after ‘three strikes’

Video: Implantable RFID advertisement

ACTA -- A Patriot Act For the Internet

Lieberman Says He'll Filibuster Health Care Bill That Includes a Public Option

The Fall Of Tea Bagging Conservatives In Tea Party Land

John Bohener wanks the night away

Rep. Ed Markey: G.O.P. Now Stands for Grandstand, Oppose and Pretend

Meet Obama's New Where-To-Go & What-To-Kiss CZAR

Relatives Describe Hasan As Deeply Upset Over Plight Of His Patients

In A Historic Moment, Democrats Pass House Version of Health Bill

General Warns Diversity May Be Casualty of Ft. Hood Shooting

New York Times Editorial: We Need More Stimulus Spending

FNS: Wallace Tells New VA Gov McDonnell He's On The "Short List" For Veep

SNL Spoofs Fox News: 2009 Elections -The End of an Era

John Boehner and Charlie Rangel Square Off Over Government Funding of Abortions in Health Care Bill

Lieberman wants probe of 'terrorist attack' at Ft. Hood

Rep. Steve King: All Americans Have Health Care and Health Care Bill Will "Steal Our Freedom"

Three unreal videos

Daily Kos: Jack Reed: Snowe trigger still under discussion in Senate

Where is our representation?


HR 3962 (Health Care) - on Balance a dangerous bill

**H.R. 3962 Summary « Emptysuit

**House Vote 887 - H.R.3962: On Passage - NYTimes.com

*H. R. 3962*


Chuck Norris 'pushes' Earth down!

Army shooter's mosque run by Muslim Mafia

Josh McDowell's advice to Palin on Oprah grilling

Hospital: Ft. Hood shooting suspect awake, talking

House Passes Health Care Bill - ABC News

Obama Ignores Terror Threat at His Own Peril - FOXNews.com

My Way News - Tough road ahead in Senate for health care bill

After the Berlin Wall: German unity proves elusive - Washington Times

Secret Obama deal for Palestinian state?

U.N. fails to act after Iran caught 'red-handed'

Iran charges three detained Americans with espionage | U.S. | Reuters

The military's blinders

MRC Video Treat: Ronald Reagan Celebrates Fall of Berlin Wall, November 9, 1989 | NewsBusters.org

Massacre survivor: 'I shoot to stay alive'

Enemies within

Ex-Planned Parenthood exec: Baby 'fighting for its life'

Judge orders return of 'Muslim Mafia' docs

Muslim Mafia Booster Rep. Myrick: I'm On The Hasan Case | TPMMuckraker

Army chaplain seeks prayers for Fort Hood shooter

The 'Muslim Mafia' hard at work

Muslims: 'America's chickens have come home to roost'

NYT: Muslims at Fort Hood voice outrage - The New York Times- msnbc.com

Advice for Obama: 'Start knocking heads' on health

Left-leaning magazine rips Fort Hood 'Islamophobia'

Hasan counseled Fort Hood Muslims

Cue the president, cue the prompter

Vibrancy at Fort Hood

PC sickness killed our soldiers

Reckoning With Ourselves: Malik Nadal Hasan | CommonDreams.org

Capitalism demands godly, moral practitioners

The people aren't buying it, Mr. President

Will of the puppets

Open letter to Sarah Palin and Oprah Winfrey

Government aid: Old Media's last grasp

An unsustainable American lifestyle

The Hole at the Heart of Our Strategy by Mark Steyn on National Review Online

*Famous Paintings Reproduced In Coffee - Coffee art by karen eland - Gizmodo

Cartoons 'should have movie-style ratings' to protect children from violence - Telegraph

Florida twin sisters to turn 100 soon -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

She's 108, and 'I had a good time all my life' - Local/State - NewsObserver.com

Out of the Blue: Islands Seen From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com

Our Planet Is an Extraordinarily Finely Tuned Machine | Columns | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

Evolution in the Deepest River in the World | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

How to Eat a Chicken Wing - video:An Eating Chicken Wings Breakthough!

Trust me, I'm a robotic surgeon - Times Online

Pick a number - but not just any number - Times Online

religion:video/I don't believe a word you're saying

religion:video/If Jesus is the image of the invisible God ...

Kellogg Removing Antioxidant Claims From Some Cereal Boxes - Advertising Age - News

G20 makes little progress on climate financing | Green Business | Reuters

Fury over three-year-old's retouched school photo - The Local

Ill. prosecutors seek journalism students' grades

Brazil student expelled after row over short dress | Lifestyle | Reuters

Polk County teacher suing state over fingerprinting - KLTV 7 News Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville |

Sosa’s skin undergoing noticeable color change - Baseball- nbcsports.msnbc.com

Every eighth German wants the Wall back - The Local

Grandma Obama: I must take care of the orphans

Couple's book tackles evangelicals' questions on climate change | McClatchy

A peek into Temple Mount excavations - Israel News, Ynetnews

Nick Smith cow dung sculpture sells for over $3000

*American Minute for November 9th:William J Federer's American Minute

“O” NO

*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

List of properties and social security numbers associate with Barack Obama and family : Western Journalism.com

Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility: An Intelligence Investigator’s June 10 Report : Western Journalism.com

Obama's Bogus Birth Certificate

Debbie Schlussel: Debbie Schlussel: EXCLUSIVE: Did Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service Registration? Never Actually Register? Obama's Draft Registration Raises Serious Questions

Born identity - Kokua Line - Starbulletin.com

Newsmax.com - Obama's Intelligence Adviser Involved in Security Breach

The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues : Western Journalism.com

archive:Key witness in passport fraud case fatally shot - Washington Times

All About the Draft (Selective Service System) in the United States

Analysts: Fuzzy Obama draft doc doesn't prove forgery

Barack Obama's COLB

**Barack Obama

YouTube - Obama Admits He Is A Muslim

Polarik's final report: Obama's 'Born' Conspiracy Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraud

*Saul Alinsky


Give Joe Biden MVP Award This Week on Obama Foreign Policy Team - The Washington Note

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - How we can restore trust in financial institutions

High Schools Struggle When Gender Bends the Dress Code - NYTimes.com

Westhead: India's new Bible wears a bindi - thestar.com

If Obama Is So Bad, Why Are the Markets Up? - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Nov 08, 2009 - Big question mark: Fate of health care in Senate

RealClearPolitics - Conservatives Poised to Repeat History

RealClearPolitics - Bad Climate for Global Worriers

Anthony R. Dolan: Four Little Words - WSJ.com

With this 'victory,' Dems might as well be whistlin' 'Dixie'

RealClearPolitics - Fort Hood: Let's Drop the Political Correctness

The Reinvention Of Robert Gates | The New Republic

Ronald Reagan's unyielding style won the Cold War

RealClearPolitics - Freewheeling Young Voters Scare Both Parties

The Berlin Wall fell and a new Europe rose - Telegraph

Obama after a year: Keep the faith | Comment is free | The Guardian

The President Whose Words Once Soared - NYTimes.com

Editorial: Narrowly passed House health care bill lacks broad support | detnews.com | The Detroit News

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Obama has lost sight of the centre

RealClearPolitics - Nothing Like House Bill Will Pass the Senate

Leading article: A revolution that reshaped our world - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

The United States in the New Asia - Council on Foreign Relations

*The United States in the New Asia


*Transcripts:Guests: Van Hollen, Pence; Lieberman; McDonnell

Guests: General Casey, Governors Rendell & Barbour

Guests: General Casey; Tim Kaine & Michael Steele

Guests: Senators Reed & Graham and Rep. Skelton

UK Will Not Walk Away From Afghanistan


*Markets Video:Kraft's Hostile Bid for Cadbury

Strategists: Best Sectors Now

Charlie Gasparino's Heroes and Villains

Goldman Sachs's Fred Hu on China's Recovery

Forbes on Capitalism

Selling Your Gold: Payoff or Rip-off?

*World Video:Interview with Victor Yushchenko

Goodbye, Lenin: Relics of the Berlin Wall Era

Commemorating the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Putin's Take on Berlin Wall

Iraq Security Walls Stand Firm

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner at CFR

Mahmoud Abbas on His Way Out?

Germans and the Berlin Wall

Investigating Terror Ties at Fort Hood

Indian PM Spells Out Reform Agenda

Iraq Passes Election Law

Dalai Lama Visits India

Suicide Bombing in Pakistan

*Politics Video:Officials: U.S. Aware of Hasan Efforts To Contact al Qaeda

McCaskill On HC: Moderate Dems Working On Cost Control

Grassley On Health Care, Public Option & House Bill

Rep. Weiner: Abortion Amendment Unnecessary, Divisive

Dem Congresswoman Schultz: GOP "Repulsed" By Women

Hatch: House Health Bill Won't Pass Senate

House Dem Hopes Health Vote Will "Galvanize" Senate

Armey: Health Care Reform Will Kill Innovation

Cao: GOP Treated His Yes-Vote "Professionally"

Gorbachev On Obama, Berlin Wall

SNL Mocks FOX News' Election Night Coverage

Lieberman To Filibuster House Bill, Calls Public Option "Unnecessary"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable Examines Impact Of Elections

"This Week" Roundtable On Economy, Elections & GOP

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Health Care Vote In The House

Steele, Kaine On Gov. Elections, Health Care

Graham: House Bill "D.O.A." in the Senate

Gov.-Elect McDonnell On VA, Health Care & 2012

Reps. Van Hollen, Pence On Health Care, Unemployment

Ft. Hood: Gen. Casey Doesn't Rule Out Terrorism

220-215: Health Care Reform Passes House

Lone GOPer Explains Vote For Health Care In House


Why Isn’t the H1N1 Pandemic Flu Being Investigated as a Designed Bioweapon? by Bill Sardi

YouTube - 205,000 sick in Ukraine Swine Flu Pneumonic Plague THEY DON T KNOW Latest news!

OpEdNews - Article: Guaranteed; Initial Senate Bill Will Not Have A Public Option

In Defense Of Larry David

President Barack Obama to announce extra 34,000 troops for Afghanistan before end of November - Telegraph

Allied forces ‘may abandon most of northern Helmand’ - Times Online

Orlando shooting: accused was 'mentally ill' - Telegraph

North Korea: Kim Jong-il and his 19 private train stations - Telegraph

Sarkozy at centre of yet another nepotism row as he's accused of trying to arrange a £75,000 grant for his rapper son | Mail Online

McClatchy: Stupak Amendment Written Because Catholic Bishops Wanted A Tougher Law

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Go-ahead for 10 nuclear stations

The Associated Press: Iran accuses 3 detained Americans of espionage

Vatican Says Rules on Anglican Priests Don’t Signify Change - NYTimes.com

VOA News - Afghans React To Possible US Troop Surge

YouTube - Pope signs constitution for Anglicans to join Catholic Church

YouTube - Fast-track nuclear power stations

The Associated Press: AIDS is leading cause of death, disease for women

Medical News: FDA Cracks Down on Web Sites Selling Flavored Cigarettes - in Primary Care, Smoking & Tobacco from MedPage Today

FDA Oyster Ban - KLFY TV 10 - Acadiana's Local News, Weather and Sports Leader |

Will Florida be next to allow medical marijuana? | Gainesville.com | The Gainesville Sun | Gainesville, FL

Suit Challenges Federal Ban on Compensation for Bone Marrow Donors

Late Change Drops Abortion Coverage - WSJ.com

Moderate exercise may lower prostate cancer risk | Health | Reuters

Living the Science Avoiding Light Cigarettes Better for Quitting | General News

Firefox: Five Years In The Open Source Hen House - Business Center - PC World

Microsoft Releases Exchange 2010 -- E-Mail Server -- InformationWeek

Microsoft releases Exchange 2010, acquires Teamprise | Microsoft - CNET News

Google says won't give Clearwire more financing | Technology | Internet | Reuters

Rupert Murdoch's threat unlikely to worry Google | Media | guardian.co.uk

Levi Johnston to Sue for Joint Custody of Son Tripp - Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin : People.com

Katt Williams Arrested For Burglary, Trespassing In Georgia - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Steven Tyler to Take a Permanent Vacation? - Aerosmith, Music News, Steven Tyler : People.com

'Curb Your Enthusiasm' to be cleaned up for the masses on TV Guide Network, TV Land

John Travolta & Family Healing Through Religious Counseling - John Travolta, Kelly Preston : People.com

British TV medium claims Michael Jackson is 'furious' that he's not buried next to Marilyn Monroe | Brand X | Los Angeles Times

Who's that girl? It's Lady Gaga without her make-up!

If I Only Had One Gun by David Calderwood

I Hate Doctors by Burt Blumert

Modern Day Protectionism by Vedad Krehic

Smokey the Bear Had It Right by Greg Perry

America the Betrayed by Richard C. Cook

Will Anyone in Their Right Mind Actually Buy Into These Three New Vaccines? by Joseph Mercola

*Site:(www.mercola.com/)Natural Health Information Articles and Health Newsletter by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Mercola's Article about The Hidden Dangers of Over-the-Counter Drugs

Marc Faber has short term concerns about commodities, says gold may drop to US$800 - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

Eat your way to happiness - Times Online

Truthdig - Reports - Happy Birthday, Pat Tillman

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » ADVICE FOR TAKING YOUR GUN APART

Health companies see relief in U.S. Senate bill | Industry Summits | Reuters

YouTube - Senator: House Health Bill Won't Pass Senate

Courts refuse to block D.C. sniper execution - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Officer Describes Fort Hood Firefight

Club for Growth Endorses Rubio - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

U.S. Supreme Court considers limiting life prison terms for youths -- latimes.com

YouTube - Juvenile Life Sentences

Clout St: Congressman Davis drops run for Cook County president

Trial Begins for Baltimore Mayor - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Trucker dies as big-rig plummets off SF bridge

Coakley: No on health care bill - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

The Associated Press: Clinton, Bush cancel LA, NY appearances

It's Not Debatable: Clinton, Bush Cancel Visit | NBC Los Angeles

Front Row Washington Prosecutors urge throwing the book at convicted ex-lawmaker |

Talk Radio

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-08, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2009-Nov-06, Friday

11/06 The Mark Levin Show

Bill Cunningham 11/8/09 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 11/8/09 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 11/8/09 Hour 3

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : The Michael Savage Show 11/06/09

Audio/Rense:Hour 1 - Jeffery Smith - GM Food Report

Audio/Rense:Hour 2 - Andrew Gause - Gold Rising

Audio/Rense:Hour 3 - From England - Tim Rifat - Cobalt 60...How Muslims Can Win WWIII

Audio/Rense:Hour 1 - Dr. Bill Deagle, - MD The Baxter H5N1 'Mistake'

Audio/Rense:Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - Geopolitical Military Analysis

Audio/Rense:Hour 3 - Tom Fife - Obama's Communist Ties

Nov. 6, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Nov. 5, 2009 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


US Officials Knew Fort Hood Shooter Tried to Contact al Qaeda Terrorists

Lauer Questions If It’s ‘Egocentric’ to View Fall of Berlin Wall as ‘American Victory?’

Murdoch: News Corp Sites May Be Removed From Google

Lone GOP Supporter of House Health Care Bill Defends Vote

British Prime Minister Misspells Fallen Soldier’s Name in Condolence Letter

Huckabee Interviews Planned Parenthood Worker Who Is Now Pro-Life

NYC Priest Sidelines as Designer of High-Priced Fashion

Domino Effect: Germany Celebrates Fall of the Berlin Wall

Flashback: The Fall of the Berlin Wall Twenty Years Ago Today

Brazilian University Expels Student for Wearing Short Mini-Dress to Class

Doomed Baby Deer Attempts Escape From Lions at National Zoo

Parents Busted After Tot Tests Positive for Pot and Meth

Neo-Nazis Rally Against Illegal Immigration in Phoenix

Sen. Graham Declares House Bill ‘Dead on Arrival’ in Senate

Radical NYC Muslim Group Praises Fort Hood Shooter

Sen. Lieberman Restates Vow to Fillibuster House Health Bill

President Obama Has CNN Reporter Doing a Double-Take

Did the Democrats Hide a $283 Million Dollar Bribe in the Health Care Bill?

California State Worker Claims SEIU Members Beat Him Bloody

Meet the Man Who Walked Into His Own Funeral

Legoland Unveils Vietnam War Memorial Wall

Report: 237 Millionaires Now in Congress

French Bank Heist Suspect Becomes Internet Star

Levi Johnston Says Tweets Shatner Read on ‘Tonight Show’ Penned by Imposter

Sharon Osbourne Trashes Susan Boyle on Opie & Anthony

Sesame Street Celebrates 40 Years

The B-Cast: ‘V’ Skewers Obama/More Kids Sing His Praises