"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

09 July 2009

Thursday / 9 July

9 JULY 09

Fox to Guard Henhouse? Former Monsanto VP May Be Named To Head FDA Safety Working Group | Crooks and Liars

Qigong Master Boils Water With His Hands Pyrokinesis - Video

Hysteria is the real threat, not global warming | Mail Online

Uncovered: 350-year-old picture of dodo before it was extinct - Telegraph

Is the state guilty of child kidnap? - Telegraph

I've just seen hell on earth: Four years after 7/7, a never before seen picture of the horror that confronted police on the Tube ripped apart by terrorists

Human sperm created from stem cells in world first, claims British university - Telegraph

Decline and fall of the BBC empire - Telegraph

Barack Obama criticises Kremlin during Moscow visit - Telegraph

Video: Al Gore likens fight against climate change to battle with Nazis - Times Online

Earth's 'Fever' Breaks! Global temperatures 'have plunged .74°F since Gore released An Inconvenient Truth' | Climate Depot

Comment Central - Times Online - WBLG: When Osama went to Los Angeles

Barack Obama offers to scrap missile shield in return for help from Russia with Iran - Times Online

The Secret Holocaust


Obama, The Second Coming of Moses, Exodus Preparations « heshamtillawi

Stan Cox: Biofuel's Drug Problem

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

Defining nano: Size does matter

Buzz Aldrin: the dark times that followed that historic flight - Telegraph

Deadliest day for suicides: Wednesday - Mental health- msnbc.com

CIA Drone Targeting Tech Revealed, Qaeda Claims | Danger Room | Wired.com

APOD: 2009 July 8 - The Dark River to Antares

Did an Ancient Volcano Freeze Earth? -- Berardelli 2009 (707): 2 -- ScienceNOW

The Mystery of the Shrinking Red Star

Obama's Carbon Climate Bill - Stealth Pollution And Fraud

Celente - Biden Admission: Obama Plan Doomed

McNamara - From Tokyo Firestorm To World Bank

Holder Video Floods Senate

Times Spreads Disinformation On Saudi Policy


*Site - The National Prayer Network's Homepage


***YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for fraud

Preparing for civil unrest By Claire Wolfe 118

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Proof of the New World Order in under 11 minutes

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Kurt Nimmo on Alex Jones Tv:California Checkpoints & Domestic Terrorism

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Pickens' Pulls Plug on Major Windmill Project: Turns Out to Be All Hot Air

**VIDEO /1:15:56 -The Great Global Warming Swindle

Oh Bummer: Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fraud

NASA To Take Photos Of Lunar Landing Sites, End Conspiracy Theories | Gizmodo Australia

New 7/7 Bombing Photo Contradicts Official Story

Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore to Expose Global Warming Fraud | NewsBusters.org

Washington's Blog - Ron Paul: "The American People Are Going to Demand ... Honest Money – It’s Happened Many Times in History"

Thinking cap that can help the brain learn moves a step closer - Telegraph

NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11

YouTube - 9/11 FLIR Infrared Camera proves NIST and 9/11 Commission Lies

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Dr. Francis A. Boyle on Alex Jones Tv:State Sponsored Terrorsim

Less is more: The Evaporation of Privacy and Freedom

The Secret Plan for Citigroup - The Daily Beast

This Is Your War on Drugs | Mother Jones

Where in the World Are the Federal Trade Commissioners? | CommonDreams.org

Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » July 8th, 2009 - Senator DeMint on Glenn Beck with Napolitano

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Wednesday, July 8th - Rand Paul on Glenn Beck


Michael J. Panzner: How Long Before the Fed's Days Are Numbered?

CIA director admitted lying to Congress, say Democrats | World news | guardian.co.uk

*Embedding a YouTube Video May Cost You a Bundle in ASCAP Bills - ascap - Gawker

YouTube - 911 Conspiracy predicted in X-Files

Reflections in a Petri Dish: The Coming State of Chaos and Disorder.

SFGate: Politics Blog : New ad says pot smokers "happy to be taxed'' -- can they help with CA's budget crunch?

07-08-2009: G-8 Leaders To Receive EuroDollar Coins

07-08-2009: Greenpeace Activists Arrested For Banner On Mount Rushmore

07-08-2009: Q+A - Replacing the dollar as reserve currency

07-08-2009: Robert McNamara deceived LBJ on Gulf of Tonkin, documents show

07-08-2009: G-8 Nations Fail To Agree On Climate Change

07-08-2009: Catholic Church Offers $100,000 Grant For Research Into Stem Cells

Sustainable Development: Less Is More for the Modern Day Wage Slave

China to Switch Off Bubble-Blowing Machine?

Fox to Guard Henhouse? Former Monsanto VP May Be Named To Head FDA Safety Working Group

Scientists discover Easter Island 'fountain of youth' drug

FDIC Gearing Up for Large Number of Bank Failures

US Funded Mexican Army Accused Of Using Torture In Drug War

US selects 9 firms for 'toxic asset' plan

U.S. consumers fall behind on loans at record pace

Modified invisibility cloak could make the ultimate illusion

Scientists create 'artificial brain cell'

New 7/7 Bombing Photo Contradicts Official Story

Revealed – the Secret Torture Evidence MI5 Tried to Suppress

Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order

The Man Who Crashed the World

Old 60 Minutes Exposé On 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda, Debilitating Vaccines

Flashback: Emissions trading can be used to establish a new world order, become world reserve currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman

Smokers face $20 cigarette packs

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Colours Ominous in Full Spectrum Dominance

Cyber-Scare: The exaggerated fears over digital warfare

Lawsuit now accuses Xe (a.k.a. Blackwater) contractors of murder, kidnapping

U.S.-built bridge is windfall — for illegal Afghan drug trade

The Global Warming Scam

Monsanto & Dole Team Up to Force-Feed Consumers Genetically Engineered Fruits & Veggies

Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show - July 1, 2009

The Emperor's Seven Signing Statements

The two-state solution, Israeli-style

Obama's Visit to Moscow as a Step in the “Grand Game”

VIDEO: Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary

Reading the Rules of Disengagement

Evolving Economic Crisis: Review of Market Trends

Are Markets being Manipulated by "Rogue Traders"?

The Great Baby-Boomers Economic Stagnation of 2007-2017

Big Brother is Watching You: Pervasive Surveillance Under Obama

VIDEO: Money Creation. The Role of the Rothchilds

Russia lashes out at Biden remarks on Iran

David Kelly: UK weapons expert's death back in spotlight

The Sun Has Spots, Finally

Clinton-Ally Carville Helps Afghan Rival of Karzai

'Shocking' Security Breaches at Federal Bldgs

Spinal Cord Stimulation Need Not Keep Soldiers From Action

The real reason we don’t have single-payer, universal health care

America’s ‘disappeared’: The homeless of the big cities

AUDIO - Tom Horn discusses the "Secret Destiny of America"

Flashback: Emissions trading can be used to establish a new world order, become world reserve currency - Rothschild Vice Chairman

video - Future City: Smart Dust

Alexis de Tocqueville's Observations on American Society

Will Obama's "Clean Energy Corps" Perform Mandatory Home Inspections?

"Reality Mining" Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

Big brother is watching: The technologies that keep track of you

Environment Agency sets up green police

track the world's wealthiest

Hope for blindness cure with laser breakthrough

Video: Nano, the next dimension

FCC Commissioner Circulates Document on ‘The State of Media Journalism’

Congressmen Who Vote for Government-Run Health Care Agency Should Be Its First Customers, Legislation Says

Ford Motor Company--Never Bailed Out by Government--Beats Government-Owned General Motors in June Sales

GE Plans to Use Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Not Lab Rats, to Test Drug Toxicity

Dump Cap-And-Trade, Experts Advise World Leaders

Democratic Leader Laughs at Idea That House Members Would Actually Read Health-Care Bill Before Voting On It

Former Surgeon General Elders Gets Standing Ovation from Religious Group after Advocating Sex Ed for Kindergarteners

Biden Says National Health Care Plan Is on Track to Pass Congress by End of August

Federal Agents Trace Guns Used by Mexican Drug Cartels Back to U.S. Buyers—But Won’t Say if They Obtain Warrants Before Visiting Buyers' Homes

Catholic Bishops Urge Congress to Maintain Ban on Using Tax Dollars to Pay for Abortions in D.C.

Federal Government Was Culprit in Housing and Economic Crisis, Says Congressional Report

Creating Sperm From Stem Cells Raises Ethical Concerns: Making Males Redundant?

White House ‘Arrogantly’ Ignored Will of Congress in IG Firing, Top Republican on House Oversight Committee Says

Obama Broadens Push for Climate Change Pact

Congress Must Consider What to Do with Rest of Bank Bailout Money

Study: Sotomayor Tough on White-Collar Criminals

House Intel Chair Says CIA Has Misled Congress for Years

Blagojevich Aide Pleads Guilty in Corruption Case

Commercial Real Estate Woes Grow

New Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Level Since January, but It’s ‘Not As Positive As It Looks’

Obama Phones Flu Summit to Urge ‘Vigilance and Preparation’

U.S. Demand for Handguns Driving World Gun Trade, Report Says

Massive Bomb Blast Kills 25 in Central Afghanistan

British Tabloid Reportedly Hacked Into Voicemails of Politicians, Celebrities

Netanyahu Aide Says There Is No Palestinian Leadership

Bombings in Mosul, Baghdad Kill at Least 41

The Light Bulb Liars

Let’s Mourn the Real American Heroes

Senate Slavery Apology

News Executives in the Tank

Obama's Stimulus Rewards Democratic Strongholds

Hoekstra Calls Democrats' CIA Letter Bizarre

DeMint Border Barrier Plan Wins Senate Approval

Nick Clegg: 'This vulnerable man has been hung out to dry by a government desperate to appease America' | Mail Online

Buzz Aldrin: the dark times that followed that historic flight - Telegraph

Mayan 'apocalypse' crop circle appears at Silbury Hill - Telegraph

Barack Obama tells Africa to stop blaming colonialism for problems - Telegraph

Newsmax.com - Kim Jong Il Appearance Spurs Fresh Health Concerns

Newsmax.com - Tehran Governor: New Protests Will Be Smashed

Newsmax.com - Improve Nearsightedness While Sleeping

Newsmax.com - Pope Will Have 'Frank' Talk with Obama

Newsmax.com - Schumer: Amnesty Bill for Illegals by Labor Day

Newsmax.com - Inhofe: Cap and Trade Worthless Without India, China

Newsmax.com - NY Rep. Peter King Stands by Michael Jackson 'Pervert' Video

Newsmax.com - Pelosi Nixes Idea of Jackson House Tribute

Newsmax.com - Obama Aide Speaks to Terrorist-Linked Group

Newsmax.com - Anti-Foreclosure Money Leaves Renters Out in Cold

Newsmax.com - Jury Sees Videos of La. Rep. Jefferson Accepting Cash

Newsmax.com - Language Skills May Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay

Newsmax.com - Bottled Water Taps People's Gullibility, Report Says

Newsmax.com - Media Coverage of Fallen Soldiers Lacking

Newsmax.com - Ill. Atty Gen. Madigan Won't Run for Gov., Senate

Newsmax.com - Abortion Pill Used in a Quarter of U.S. Abortions

Newsmax.com - Drug Czar Says Jackson's Death a Wake-Up Call

Newsmax.com - Ron Paul's Effort to Clip Fed's Wings Gains Support

Panetta: CIA Misled Congress 'For a Number of Years." We Are Shocked!

Sen. Al Franken backs EFCA

Kilmeade does eugenics: Americans marry 'other species' so we don't have Swedes' 'pure genes'

Countdown: House Democrats on Intelligence Committee Say They Were Misled by CIA

Federal Regulators Considering A Smackdown on Oil Speculators

Sarah Palin's not just a quitter -- she's a professional quitter. And taxpayers get the tab

The Pap Attack- The Rise of Right Wing Hate

Politico Says Rove Deposed Yesterday by Judiciary Committee in U.S. Attorneys Firing

NM Police Chief Tasers 14 Yr Old Girl With Epilepsy In The Head

Hannity says Palin faced a double standard: 'Obama never got asked tough questions about his radical friends'

Blue America Alert: Blanche Lincoln now supports a quality, affordable public plan!

Obama's Poll Numbers Drop by 13 Points in Ohio. Is It A Trend?

O'Reilly defends his pal Peter King by whitewashing his verbal assault on Michael Jackson

NAACP to governor: Declare martial law

Ginsburg: I thought Roe was to rid undesirables

Ohio.com - Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

U.S.-trained forces in 'greatest' terrorist attacks

Egypt Says it Nabbed Al-Qaeda Plot Against Suez Canal - News Briefs - Israel National News

China threatens death penalty for Xinjiang rioters - Telegraph

Update Alert! Rasmussen Confirms Obama Drop in Polls

Polls Show Obama's Approval Rate Slipping - Forex TV

***Rasmussen Report: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere***

Obama Approval Drops by Double Digits in Ohio Poll - Bloomberg.com

Jeb Bush: Obama's Less Popular than my Brother - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Americans are getting cold feet over Democratic proposals | Washington Examiner

Obama grilled about Honduran prez drug links

Democrats stuck in stimulus jam - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com

Obama Administration Grant Program De-Emphasizing Job Creation - The Note

Waxman: GOP ‘rooting against’ USA

NEA leader: 'Conservative b@$+@%&s picking on us'

White House mum on North America summit

FBI asked to investigate Muslim group

Protesters, officers clash violently in Iran's streets

Communist leaders vow stability after China riots

G-8 Will Not Call for New Sanctions Against Iran - Political Punch

Obama 'Red Lights' Israeli Attack on Iran - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Forgetting Sarah Palin

Palin out but not down

Palin's critics runnin' scared

YouTube - illuminatitv's Channel

YouTube - The Embassy : Molotov Mitchell at VA TEA Party

Why is Obama avoiding Kenya?

Free 'gay'-rape victim Steven Nary!

The myth of homosexual oppression

American Thinker: 40 Acres and a President

Obamanomics: Cracks in the dike

The pitfalls of electronic publishing

Pro-Existence: Barack Obama and Michael Jackson: Certificates of Birth and Death

Klossner: Is "smart mob" an oxymoron? -- Federal Computer Week

When Newspapers Peddle Influence - WSJ.com

A LOOK AT cyber-security in the United States….

Sotomayor Hearing Witness List:

Bleg--Wages, Unions, and Productivity:

Murdoch Paper Reporters Eavesdropped On Celebrities' Voicemail

Duncan Quirk: Important Things You May Have Missed Because of MJ Coverage

Frances Beinecke: The Climate Bill and Your Bills: Getting Clean Energy at Low Cost

TIRES made from orange peel oil.

Environmentalists Signal Support for Sotomayor

Obama Revives Bush Plan To Seek Out Illegal Workers

STEVE CHAPMAN: The Secret of Palin’s Staying Power: Why Sex Appeal Matters in Politics….

Independents begin to edge away from President Obama - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Will Corruption Cross the Line? | Mother Jones

Sean Hannity's Selective Editing History Documented (VIDEO)

Rep. John Fleming Asks His Colleagues To 'Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is' On Health Care

GM's path to leave Chapter 11 apparently cleared

Obama urges poorer nations to fight global warming

Orchestra plays live soundtrack to horse race

World leaders want deal in trade talks

Homeless numbers include more families

Amtrak Train, Car Collide In MI; 5 Dead

Survey Shows Gap Between Scientists and the Public

World leaders greet Obama with applause

News Corp. Will Hold Onto Its Cash Until Economic Recovery, Murdoch Says

Human Remains Found in Fla. Plane Crash Wreckage

Cops: Divorce Kidnapper On Suicide Mission

Cemetery Workers Charged With Dismembering Bodies

86 Deaths Blamed on Toxic Indian Moonshine

Dad Saves Daughter From Webcam Suicide

New Anthrax Drug Shows Promise

Kraft, International Paper Seek Bigger Trucks in U.S. Amid Safety Concerns

Documents on Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Posted Online

Ill. sheriff: Graves dug up to resell plots

HOLMES: Deja vu on dictators, double standards

Antibiotic Delayed Aging in Experiments With Mice

New allegations in Sen. John Ensign sex scandal

Genome project leader is selected to head NIH

Proecutors review phone-hacking claims

Boldness of Qaeda Affiliate in Africa Raises Fears in West

Need for exit strategy sure to trouble G20

G8 carbon pledge disappoints

Test tube sperm an insight to fertility

Despite rumors Paul McCartney not devastated by Michael Jackson's will, what he says

President Bill Clinton set to join Phi Beta Sigma

Starbucks now offers healthier food choices

Vegetable protein lowers blood pressure

U.S. Postal Service to Receive Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Former Clinton Economic Adviser Concludes That Homeowners' Defense Act Is an Effective Vehicle To Help Protect U.S. Homeowners and American Economy From Natural Catastrophes

Obama Administration Reluctantly Adopts Rule Requiring Federal Contractors to Use E-Verify

Newly Obtained Information Shows That Ousted Union Leaders Plotted and Covered Up Wrongdoing

Foreclosures Everywhere - Now What?

IRS tells pro-lifers to give up 1st Amendment

News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic

Hawaii upgrades 'certification of live birth'

Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital

2 more sign on to demand birth certificates

Eligibility bill wins more co-sponsors

Start your own eligibility billboard campaign

Check out latest eligibility billboard location

The ad campaign that revived eligibility debate

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

What's the difference?

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents

**article links / Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Short-sighted stimulus spending - Jul. 8, 2009

Business & Technology | Head of SEC inspections office leaving in August | Seattle Times Newspaper

Ron Paul’s bipartisan attack on the Fed - U.S. business- msnbc.com

Southwest Air Won’t Extend $30 Fare Sale After Web Site Lockup - Bloomberg.com

The new Billy Mays infomercial, and the deaths of other salesmen

Henry Hudson Murder - Was Famed Explorer Murdered?

Solution to a Longtime Mystery in Utah Is Questioned - NYTimes.com

Ancient Temple Mount quarry found in Jerusalem

Fast Food Chains Steam Up Ads

Scientists discover Easter Island 'fountain of youth' drug that can extend life by ten years

Massachusetts sues feds over definition of marriage - San Jose Mercury News


Poverty tours travel a fine line | csmonitor.com

Documents on Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Posted Online - washingtonpost.com

Obsessed about birth certificate?

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » More spelling errors plague Obama releases

Reuters AlertNet - Netanyahu adviser raises "MAD" nuclear scenario

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » White House spells Obama’s name wrong

350 dogs seized in dogfighting raids in 5 states - Yahoo! News

Up To 10,000 Illinois Prisoners May Be Released

USDA to oversee school snack food: Senate ag chair | Health | Reuters

In health bill, billions for parks, paths - The Boston Globe

Hundreds protest in Iran, defying crackdown vow

Billions in aid go to areas that backed Obama in '08 - USATODAY.com

Mysterious tremors detected on San Andreas Fault

**Rasmussen Reports: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere

'Hillary Clinton supports us,' says head of Venezuela's Globovision | McClatchy

British Tabloids Face Scrutiny By Government on Privacy Issues - WSJ.com

Obama not talking about second stimulus: official | Politics | Reuters

LAPD's public database omits nearly 40% of this year's crimes - Los Angeles Times

The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Firefighters to testify about Sotomayor

China passes US auto market in first-half sales - Yahoo! Finance

Video: G8 leaders claim historic breakthrough on new deal to tackle global warming - Times Online

G-8 Climate-Change Agreement Falls Short - WSJ.com

The Beltway Blitz

"The Wreck of the Hesperus" and the Meltdown of the Global Monetary System

J'accuse England! J'accuse America!

Dr. Michael Savage: Prometheus in England

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US releases five Iranians in Iraq

Miss Obama's peacenik T-shirt sends a message to G8 leaders | Mail Online

EPA Admits Cap-and-Trade Won’t Work » The Foundry

From a 63-year-old author, a provocative declaration: I tried dating men my own age but I'd rather stick to toyboys! | Mail Online

bt: NYS Legislators Fire Nearly 200 Workers Over Race

Obama plummets to minus 8 Presidential Approval Index

Truth in labeling doesn't apply to Congress

Obama uses his kid to make disarmament statement at G-8 Summit

Surprise! Guess where most of the stim money is going

Healthy doses of pork in Health care bill

House Foreign Affairs Committee has its priorities skewed

Queen-like staff support for First Lady

Democrats Double Down on the Sotomayor Race Card

In Search of an Intelligent Energy Policy

A True Iranian Reformer, and His Movement?

In Solidarity with the Iranian People

Palin and Sanford: A Tale of Two Governors

When will White America be off the Hook for Sins of the Past?

Extreme Makeover, Conservative Edition

Will Netanyahu Change Israel Forever?

Has decency become passé?

Cap Taxes, Trade Congress

Liberals: Learning Nothing and Forgetting Nothing

The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care

Channeling the Soviet Union: How U.S. Federal Criminal Law Has Reincarnated Beria by William L. Anderson

Oh No! by Glenn Jacobs

The Long Road to Ruin by Bill Bonner

Quagmire Exchange by Charley Reese

Peter Schiff: Gold and gold stocks are the best bets - Precious Metals - Resource Investor

The Take: Obama Stands to Be Judged on Economic Recovery - washingtonpost.com

Health Care's True Price | The American Prospect

The Triumph of Crony Capitalism

Republicans: A Threat to the Republic? -- In These Times

American Thinker Blog: Good news for the GOP

RealClearWorld - Obama's Democracy Problem

Op-Ed Contributor - Obama’s Big Missile Test - NYTimes.com

Small Steps Toward a Nuke-Free World | The American Prospect

Barack Obama should not forget North Africa - Telegraph

Afghanistan: We're asking our troops to do the impossible - Telegraph

RealClearWorld - Chinese Nationalism Begets Chinese Racism

The New Democrats

Anne Applebaum - Obama Puts Medvedev Ahead of Putin - washingtonpost.com

It is not just democracy that is illegal in Iran | Cherie Blair - Times Online

moscowtimes.ru - Russia No Match for NATO

What does a rising India symbolise for the world?: Rediff.com news

RealClearWorld - Don't Count on Missile Defense for Asia

Outposts for blocs - Haaretz - Israel News

Court hinders, not helps, peace in Sudan - The National Newspaper

Leading article: Europe's democratic deficit - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

AEI - The Button and the Bear

RealClearWorld - Critical Questions: Honduras Update

The G8: From Trieste to L’Aquila - Brookings Institution

*pdf - Sustainable U.S. Policy Options to Address Climate Change: Highlights of the Debate

When recovery comes, it won't feel like one - Telegraph

Reagan Recipe on Fed, Taxes Spells Path From Funk: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg.com

Will Treasury's Toxic-Asset Plan Unlock Prices? - BusinessWeek

The American Spectator : Saving Liberty

Five golden rules for regulating the banks | Anatole Kaletsky - Times Online

China on the march, again

RealClearMarkets - Obama, Title IX, and Academics?

State of the Art - Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better - News Analysis - NYTimes.com

Luxe Redux: As in the ’30s, high-end brands are playing down bling and playing up value. | The Big Money

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Innovation can give America back its greatness

Wal-Mart, Healthcare and Large Cap Outperformance « (in)efficient frontiers

Scrambling for a macroeconomic message | KeithHennessey.com

CHART OF THE DAY: We've Wiped Out All The New Jobs Of The 21st Century

*pdf - Leadership Imperatives for a Post-Crisis World

Upper-Income Consumers Most Inclined to Trim Their Debt

A Staggering Federal Deficit That Many Expect to Grow - NYTimes.com

Credit card firms try end run around new federal rules - Los Angeles Times

Harvard cuts 275 jobs, cites drop in endowment | U.S. | Reuters

Could this shoe save you from a knee operation? | Mail Online

Iceland's Banking Crisis: The Meltdown of an Interventionist Financial System - Philipp Bagus - Mises Institute

Shipping flashes early warning signals again - Telegraph Blogs

VP Biden: “We misread the economy” and other lies

Broken Links in in a Chain Letter on Illegal Immigration. On This Divisive Issue, Trust No One. Verify Everything.

Real ID: A Real Warning on the Danger of Government | Tenth Amendment Center

Ron Paul On Fed Audit: We Will Not Be Stopped

The Life and Times of ObamaBush: Even acquitted detainees will be held indefinitely

No One Could Have Planted Bombs in the World Trade Center Without Being Detected, Could They?

Panel Says ALL Teens Should be Screened for “Depression”

How Long Before the Fed’s Days Are Numbered?

Magnetize Your Brain

Obama Administration Resumes Funding of China’s Eugenics Programs

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Eugenicist

Dr. Rebecca Carley: Effects of vaccines on the immune system

Conservatives Circulate Picture Of Obama With Bone Through His Nose

Panetta: CIA Misled Congress 'For a Number of Years." We Are Shocked!

John Boehner: Joe Biden's lying about stimulus - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Cyber attacks may not have come from North Korea - Yahoo! News UK

Truthdig - Reports - So This Is What Victory Looks Like?

Obama's Support Eroding Everywhere

FT.com / US & Canada - Senators attack carbon tax proposals on US imports

Did nano-thermite take down the WTC? | Politics from 2009-07-09 | RT

Warren Buffett says second stimulus might be needed | U.S. | Reuters

Nick Clegg: 'This vulnerable man has been hung out to dry by a government desperate to appease America' | Mail Online


*Transcripts : Biden's Remarks on Health Care and Hospitals

White House Press Gaggle En Route to Rome

Obama's Speech at the New Economic School

Secretary Clinton Takes Questions on Honduras & China

Majority Leader Reid Takes Questions

Senate GOP Leadership Takes Questions

Interview with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour

Analysts Discuss Riots in China

Historians Debate McNamara's Legacy

July 6 State Department Briefing

Roundtable on Palin's Political Future

Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Guests: Lt. Gov. Parnell; Leaders Hoyer & Boehner

Guests: Adm. Mullen, Senators Schumer and Grassley

Interview with Colin Powell


*Video :Art Cashin: What's Ahead for the Stock Market

US & European Equity Markets To Decline Further

Cramer: Oil Futures Market Is a 'Farce'

Consumers Credit Card Woes

Barclays: A Slow and Hesitant Recovery

The End of Dollar Hegemony?

Treasury Unveils Toxic-Asset Plan

Supply Glut Hits Energy Stocks

The Perfect Q2 Portfolio

Obama Heads for Africa Visit

Guinea's 'Hut Glut'

The Burqa Debate in France

Clinton Announces Mediator in Honduras Crisis

Conversations with History: Robert S. McNamara

Sen. Martinez on Honduras

In the Spotlight: Mir Hossein Mousavi

Rachel Maddow on Robert McNamara

Election in Indonesia Faces Problems

Beijing Spins the Media as Clampdown Continues

G8 Trumpets Climate Consensus as Developing Nations Balk

Interview with Hillary Clinton

Sen. Jim DeMint on Honduras

World Cup Stadium Construction Halted

Security Remains High in Xinjiang

Riz Khan on Obama in Africa

G8 Leaves Greens Disappointed

Inside Look at G8 Summit

Is the G8 still relevant?

Refugees in Sri Lanka Camps

GOP Speaks Up for Democracy in Honduras

Rep. Murphy on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Sen. McConnell on a Second Stimulus

Berlusconi Attends G8 Amid Sex Scandal

O'Reilly, Sharpton Debate Jackson Legacy

Riots Force Chinese President To Leave G8

Sen. Bond: Obama's Trip To Russia Like A "Pile Of Manure"

O'Reilly on Oil Speculators

Sen. Kyl: Obama Not Concerned With Protecting United States

Reid: Second Stimulus Not "Needed"

DNC Ad: Boehner Using "Baseless Facts" To Attack Stimulus

Letterman's Latest Attack On Palin: She Hopes To Be Next "Octomom"

Sen. Schumer: Sotomayor Not An Activist Judge

Gov. Pawlenty On Transparency Of Stimulus, Health Care

Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin Has "Gone Fishin'"

Secretary Of Labor Solis On Economy: "It Is Bad Right Now"

Palin: Attacks Against Me Are "Bull Crap"

Rep. Cummings On Impact Of the Stimulus

Obama: U.S. Proud To Have A Friend In Italy

NRSC Targets Franken In New Ad "60"

Carville Compares Gov't Liquor To Gov't Health Care

Pelosi: Dems' Success Is "Driving Republicans To Distraction"

GOPer: Members Who Vote For Govt Run Health Care Plan Should Enroll In It

RNC Knocks Obama For "Failed Stimulus Plan"

DSCC Links Moderate GOP Senate Candidate To Bush

Rep. Waxman Apologizes For Claiming GOP Roots "Against" US

GOP Ad Hits Obama For Claiming Stimulus Has "Done Its Job"

Maddow: CIA Officials Have Misled Congress Since 2001

Rep. Kingston On Requiring Czars To Be Confirmed

Rep. Hoekstra On Claim That CIA Misleads Congress

Buffett Backs Second Stimulus, Calls First One "Viagra And Candy"

Rep. King Stands By Michael Jackson Criticism

more news

About 300 graves tampered with near Chicago

Firefighter to Testify Against Sotomayor

GOP Counting On Espada To Push Reforms

Democrats Say CIA Deceived Congress

Pelosi: Resolution on Michael Jackson unnecessary

Ethics complaints still dog Palin

David Letterman, Conan O'Brien's last (and best) digs at Sarah Palin

Biden on the stimulus: Be patient, but be demanding.

SCENARIOS-US Congress's hands full with Obama agenda

As Clouds Gather at Home, Obama Administration Buckles Down

Obama Can't Be Trusted With Numbers

Senate Democrats Suggest Progress Made on Health-Care Bill

Democrats Divide Over a Proposal to Tax Health Benefits

Train hits vehicle near Detroit; all 5 in car die

Gov. Crist raising big bucks for 2010 Senate race

Poll: Obama inspires, but some question toughness

Obama approval high; confidence slips

Police arrest 26 AIDS activists at Capitol protest

National roundup nets more than 35000 fugitives

Contractors Must Check For Immigrant Status

Barry Refuses to Address Ex-Girlfriend's Work

Los Angeles' 'Coal Free' Vow Scuttles Utah Power-Plant Expansion

Pick to Lead Health Agency Draws Praise and Some Concern

Industrialized, Developing Countries Agree on Global Warming

Clashes at Protests Reported in Iran

China's leaders vow to punish Xinjiang rioters

Q+A: The dispute that led to a coup in Honduras

South Korea again hit by cyber-attacks, as search for hackers intensifies | csmonitor.com

Scores killed in Iraqi bombings

Re-election raises hope of bold Indonesian govt

Swat valley refugees allowed home

Fewer Regulations for Bottled Water Than Tap, GAO Says

Afghan blast kills 25, half of them children

Ghana to Deploy 10000 Police for Obama Visit

Police Open, Then Drop, News Corp. Inquiry

Vatican replaces cardinal in Holocaust controversy

US releases five Iranians in Iraq

Surrendering Nigerian Militants Seek Payoffs

Supreme Court takes up petition against gay sex

EU retracts statement critical of settlements

Pakistan must take action over terror, says India

Iran urges OIC to probe into Marwa murder

As Death Toll Rises, Marines Stay Focused in Afghanistan

Will Google's OS Make the Desktop Safe?

40% Chance For NASA's Saturday Shuttle Launch

Metro Toughens Policy Against Texting

Americans favor science, but less than before

The Long And Winding Road To A Web Radio Settlement

AT&T Defends Exclusive Wireless Deals

Report: demand for Macs, iphones on the rise

A glimpse of ancient dying stars

Most Distant Supernovae Found

Google Continues To Increase US Search Share; Bing Grows

Is Microsoft Bing Really Better Than Google?

How Social-Networking Sites Can Reveal Your Social Security Number

EPA Racing to Replace Tossed Bush-Era Emissions Rules -- Air Chief

Are you 'app-noxious'?

US District court denies request to delay GM deal

For lease: Office with river views, Madoff stigma

Madoff Won't Appeal 150-Year Sentence, Lawyer Says

AIG May Have Zero Value After Rescue, Citigroup Says

Jobless claims drop, data skewed by auto jobs

Why Shouldn't PPIP Participants Face Scrutiny?

Treasuries Decline After $11 Billion Auction of 30-Year Bonds

DOT says more flights were on time in May

Michael Jackson memorial cost LA $1.4 million

Paris Jackson's Speech Was Not Planned

Mystery Solved: Jackson's Body at Prominent Cemetery

Burying Michael at Neverland a Never-Ending Story

Oscar Mayer dies: What other products were named for real people?

Remembering Oscar Mayer

Lindsay Lohan sued for stealing formula for Sevin Nyne tanning spray

Rumors about Jackson, Beatles catalog untrue, McCartney says

Michael Moore names his new economy themed film

Obama Warns of Swine Flu Resurgence in Fall

Can Stem Cells Become Sperm Cells?

In Retooled Health-Care System, Who Will Say No?

Actress: Michael Jackson's glove was to hide skin problem

Antibiotics, oral route cut "abortion pill" risks

Language Skills May Ward Off Alzheimer's, Dementia

Human Genome Sciences stock jumps after anthrax drug results

Health-Care Overhaul Goals Prove Challenging

Hundreds Tested for Hepatitis C as Surgery Tech Heads to Court

Talk Radio

*AUDIO : The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 7th With John Rhys-Davies

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – July 8th With Robert M. Bowman

07/08 The Mark Levin Show

07/07 The Mark Levin Show

07/06 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

*Video : Mike Rivero on Alex Jones Tv 1/3: Media Blackout on Real News!

American Minute

American Minute for July 9th:William J Federer's American Minute

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Vaccines - The True Weapons of Mass Destruction Part 15 of 15

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YouTube - Newspaper phone tap row: David Cameron backs Andy Coulson

YouTube - G-8 Italy: Group Photo Thursday

YouTube - People & Power - Iran: inside the protests - 08 June 09

YouTube - Fear on Urumqi's streets - 09 Jul 09

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YouTube - AP Newsmaker: Schumer on Health Care, Sotomayor

YouTube - CIA Mislead Congress - Panetta - Bloomberg

YouTube - Thousands of fugitives arrested

YouTube - Stalking Charges Against Ex-DC Mayor Dropped


World Net Daily Player - Planned Parenthood's 'abortion-1st' mentality exposed

World Net Daily Player - Hospital cost-cutting irrelevant

World Net Daily Player - Rasmussen poll: 2 of 3 see no benefit from stimulus

World Net Daily Player - Administration claims stimulus creating jobs rejected

World Net Daily Player - Stimulus 'not geared toward creating jobs'