"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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16 January 2008



Chertoff 'worried' over terror from Europe
Right-wing party leaves Olmert's coalition - UPI.com
Stiffer charges in Fort Dix attack plot
Watch what you put on trailer hitches - Yahoo! News
Supreme Court Lets Stand Experimental-Drug Ruling - washingtonpost.com
Minister Sees Need for U.S. Help in Iraq Until 2018 - New York Times
The Associated Press: Troubled Actor Brad Renfro Dies at 25
US Restricts Staff After Lebanon Blast
Exclusive: The Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientology Tried To Suppress
Giuliani turns to scripture for help in Fla. - USATODAY.com
et's play What's Wrong With This Picture!
What Attracts the Racists to Ron Paul?
The Enquirer - Smiling Bob ads called lie
Democrats sweetly sheathe their knives -- chicagotribune.com
Romney wins Mich. primary - Decision '08- msnbc.com
U.S. sending 3,200 Marines to Afghanistan | Top News | Reuters.com
My Way News - Romney Wins Convincing Michigan Victory
Mich. GOP Congratulates Wrong Candidate
Political Play of the Day: Huckabee says crying toddler must be for Romney - International Herald Tribune
Castro Says He's Too Unhealthy to Speak
My Way News - Police: Teen Gang Ran Prostitution Ring
Chertoff says Europe poses terrorism threat | U.S. | Reuters
ike Nifong Bankrupt - Januaary 15, 2008
Oscars on, one way or another - Entertainment News, Oscar News, Media - Variety
ACLU: Sex in Restroom Stalls Is Private - Yahoo! Singapore News
Against the Trend, U.S. Births Way Up
Problems Mount As New Trump Tower Grows: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Studio audience commentary - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Avoiding scientists' protests, pope cancels university speech
Giant rat that once roamed the earth - Times Online
Rolling Stones to rock Berlin - Entertainment News, Gotham, Media - Variety
GM buys stake in ethanol made from waste - International Herald Tribune
Bush oil price 'begging' is 'pathetic' : Clinton
We Are Change UK, Brian Haw Beaten & Arrested
First Responder Confronts Kucinich on 9/11 Aid
Ron Paul Could Capitalize on Michigan Primary Gaffes
The New Al-Qaeda: Blonde Haired, Blue Eyed Westerners
Iraqi sees need for U.S. military until 2018: report
U.S. Carrier Battle Group in Standoff with China
Voter Fraud in New Hampshire? — Let’s Not Jump To Conclusions
President Bush Accepts "Peacemaker" Memento from Greek Orthodox Christians.
Exaggerated Bird Flu Fears Finally Admitted
Pending Resolution in South Carolina calls for Constitutional Convention to Fix Illegal Immigration
Homeland Security Dictates Driver's License Requirements to States
Hal Turner: FBI Agent Provocateur?
Orlov: Russia Was Better Prepared for Collapse than the U.S.
9/11’s second round of slaughter
2008 election charade: White House bought by big money
How the Pentagon Planted a False Hormuz Story
Pandemic Martial Law
Pentagon’s PSYOPs: Information Warfare Using Aggressive Psychological Operations
Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida
No Email Safe from Mike McConnell and the Neocons
Wholesale Prices Up in 2007 by 6.3%
Computer Hacking for Hillary
UK and US Consider Global Terrorist Database
Military Industrial Complex Biometric Surveillance Control Grid Revealing Itself
Ron Paul ‘Homophobic’ Newsletter Claim Is Actually True
The Coming Oil Price Decline by Michael S. Rozeff
Don’t Think, Just Say the Slogan by Vedran Vuk
Side Effects by William S. Lind
Springtime for Trotsky by Daniel McCarthy
Credit Expansion, Economic Inequality, and Stagnant Wages - Mises Institute
Why a Primary Vote for John McCain is a General Election Vote for Hillary by John Keller
Dennis Perrin: The Liberal's Ron Paul Problem - Politics on The Huffington Post
Getting To Know Ron Paul by James Glaser
Luis Guzmán's bizarre Cabot cheese ad. - By John Swansburg - Slate Magazine
Ron Paul Enthusiasm and the Traditional Republican by Glen Chancy
WorldNetDaily: Textbook: Islamic 'jihad' means doing good works
Rules, regs to be integrated without congressional review
Thompson hopes it's his turn after 3 different winners
3rd Republican victor in 1st 4 states to vote; McCain 2nd, Huckabee 3rd
Clinton, Obama, Edwards reject disagreement in Nevada meeting
'Nothing could be further from the truth. I know because I was there'
'I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form'
But asserts intel report makes American attack more likely
'There are implications not only in California, but also nationwide'
Announcing 'The Sky's Not Falling' video/essay competition
'Society hasn't learned from the AIDS pandemic'
State 'audit' declares petition effort short even though signatures 'verified'
What kids read, discipline they need, church attendance could be decided by state
Rome calls teenage boy wizard 'the wrong kind of hero'
'Current way to elect president no longer serves America well'
Privacy advocates protest as half of Ohio birthing centers turn to tracking technology
'Everywhere I looked there was just guns, pointed at me, pointed at my head'
Big Brother system can remotely monitor productivity, competence
'It's a complete waste of money. We have no idea what to do now'
'Might as well just shut down Hooter's then'
'There's no doubt that a mistake like this will cost you your job'
'The officer who pulled me over said I was going too fast'
35-year-old faces up to 30 years in prison when sentenced next month
To avoid deportation as border states like Texas, Arizona crack down
Watch CBS anchor in raw, unedited footage (note: some graphic language)
Chelsea helps young lady off stage after she got weak in knees
'We can bring peace and unite cultures'
9-1-1 audiotape of tiger attack released
Police, Amish at odds over buggy lights
Officials call out haz-mat teams to clean up 'pee bottles' from highway
Practice of patrons viewing explicit Internet material commonplace
Where human smugglers hold customers until they pay up
'I've looked through all the Oregon statutes. This is not a crime'
14-year-old shoots air-conditioning technician in back for no apparent reason
Abducted teen, forced him to perform oral sex at gunpoint
'The bunny is just a logo. There's nothing objectionable about that'
Man accidentally pulls trigger while placing gun in waistband of pants
Bill looks to prohibit display of objects resembling male genitalia
'All the light that goes in is basically absorbed'
Page set for Barrymore's directorial debut
'Phraselateor' lets police communicate
Bush full of thanks to Egypt's Mubarak - UPI.com
Gates: NATO troops in Afghanistan green - UPI.com
Study: Dinosaurs had early pregnancies - UPI.com
Protest prompts pope to cancel speech - UPI.com
GAO denies Iraqi reconstruction figures - UPI.com
NASA to televise Columbia remembrance - UPI.com
Justice Department sues over border fence - UPI.com
Media Matters - Limbaugh twice used word "spade" during discussion of Obama
Media Matters - NY Times cited anonymous "critics" claiming Obama camp "raising the specter of violence ... to raise Senator Obama to mythic stature"
Media Matters - Carlson: "many black churches are basically political organizations"
Media Matters - Matthews falsely asserted the Clinton campaign made "three mentions of Obama's cocaine use"
Media Matters - On MSNBC, Corke and Cillizza falsely claimed NV paper quoted Obama admitting he lacks "experience" to "run a bureaucracy" and "be a CEO"
Media Matters - AP article latest to mischaracterize Clinton comment on civil rights
Media Matters - Newsweek mischaracterized Bill Clinton to claim he "called Obama's appeal a 'fairy tale' "
Media Matters - CNN's Snow falsely suggested McCain wants to preserve only Bush's middle-class tax cuts
Media Matters - NewsBusters' Motley: Ineligibility for presidency "could reasonably be extended to Obama"
Media Matters - LA Times , Wash. Post truncated Clinton's civil rights comments
Media Matters - Wash. Times' new executive editor, John Solomon, has history of distortion
Media Matters - Gibson misquoted Clinton on civil rights
Media Matters - New Hampshire, the press, and incompetence
Media Matters - NY Times falsely suggested that Hagel and Clinton took different votes on Iraq war resolution
Media Matters - The Nation's Hayes on Matthews: "[H]e's ascended to the level of kind of icon of the frustration that people have with the media"
Media Matters - Upcoming debate moderator Russert added to record of distortions on Sunday's Meet the Press
Media Matters - Monica Crowley compares Clinton to "Glenn Close at the end of Fatal Attraction ": "You think she's dead and then she sits bolt-upright in the bathtub"
Media Matters - Gibson on Matthews' "mind-blowing" comment: "[Y]ou listen to this and you tell me who the sexist is"
Media Matters - Kurtz misrepresented Obama's 2004 remark on Iraq war stance
Media Matters - Matthews: "I personally don't see how" Clinton "loses at all running as the woman candidate"
Media Matters - Media outlets continued to mislead on the Clintons' "fairy tale" and civil rights quotes
Media Matters - Russert falsely claimed to show "exactly what President Clinton said," aired truncated quotes from both Clintons
Media Matters - Why did Wash. Post claim that Clinton said people "in college towns" "don't need a president"?
Media Matters - NY Times repeatedly truncated Clinton civil rights comments
Media Matters - Fox News' Powers: Media Matters' criticism of Matthews "very fair"
Search Results: - Media Matters
Because of rapid rise in depth, maturity of markets in Europe
Exclusive: Joel Hesch announces start of new program for those who turn in tax cheats
To shore up balance sheets devastated by subprime mortgage crisis
'We've had everybody else get practically a free ride'
Claiming Riyadh has been more enemy than ally in war on terror
Featuring white roofs, low-flow bathroom faucets, power-saving lights
Largest quarterly deficit in bank's 196-year history
Increase in 2007 was largest in 26 years
Medicare, Social Security threaten U.S. debt rating
Dave Ramsey tackles reader questions on parenting, saving for Junior's college
In effort to combat effects of credit crisis
Apple makes laptop small enough to fit in manila envelope
'I always felt my show was just the beginning of what the future could hold'
'The minute we walk in, the manager says, 'Turn around, go right back outside''
Study: In-office employees take less satisfaction in their jobs
Will even become criminal offense for McDonald's to sell 'Quarterpounders'
But Branson's airline declines to identify specific energy source
Sources include wood chips, scrap plastic, rubber, municipal garbage
Exclusive: Donald Hank hammers media for failure to report perpetrators of church burnings were Islamic
Ben Shapiro blasts Bush for kowtowing to 'radicals in robes' – Saudi Arabia
Exclusive: Joseph Farah drubs public-policy 'high priests' seeking absolute control of us
Walter E. Williams predicts what California will do beyond controlling thermostats
Exclusive: Jill Stanek dissects Barack's opposition to Born Alive Infant Protection Act
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky looks askance at race-based philosophy of Obama's church
Exclusive: Andrew Longman says senator would make great nominee for Democrats
David Limbaugh hits Clinton for fabricating Obama attacks so she can respond to them
Ralph Nader lists issues you won't hear potential presidents address in campaign
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak sings tale of financial woes – even kitty has lien against him
Candidate jousts with talk-show host over Iraq, gold standard, trade
Exclusive: Tom DeWeese offers plan for protecting U.S. without giving up privacy
Richard Poe sees health-care plan rationing services for aging baby boomers
N.Y. stocks fall sharply in morning deals on recession worries+
O.J. Simpson Due in Court for Bail Case
UK Says Russia Harassing Its Officials
A Look at the 2008 Presidential Race
N.Y. oil drops to $89 level per barrel+
Scientists find 2,000 pound rodent - luckily it's a fossil
US Embassy Vehicle Hit by Car Bomb
Violence Flares Again in Kenya, 1 Dead
GOP Candidates Scramble for SC Win
Attention Shifts to S.C., Nevada
Dems Battle in Court, Debate and Vote
Obama and Clinton tied in poll
Romney's win scrambles Republicans
Update from Riyadh: Bitter Cold, Rain, Wind and Cloudy Skies Accompanied President Bush's 'Red Carpet' Ceremonies in the Middle East - Bill Koenig
The revealing Torah and Haftarah readings during President Bush’s Israel and Middle East visits – Bill Koenig -
US agency chief: Iran speeding up development of missiles, which could reach Europe - Ynet
Israel evacuates two W. Bank outposts - Jerusalem Post
Explosion at Haifa Naval Base wounds 7 - Ynet
IDF soldiers kill Islamic Jihad's top commander in West Bank - Haaretz
Yisrael Beiteinu resigns coalition, Olmert majority down to 67 - Ynet
Crude oil below $90 on inventory surge - USA Today
U.S. Restricts Movements of Embassy Staff in Lebanon After Beirut Blast - Fox
Police: Woman bomber kills 8 civilians in Iraq - AP
Sri Lanka blast kills 26 - CNN
Markets this morning: Asian, other stocks plunge - USA Today
Armed Militants Overrun Pakistani Military Base; Up to 25 Troops Missing - Fox
Big powers set for talks next week on Iran - Reuters
2007 was the warmest on record for Earth's land areas - USA Today
New Strain of MRSA Spreads Among Gay Men - San Francisco at Epicenter - Fox
Hillary likens Obama to 'pathetic' Bush - Washington Times
Watching Tuesday's parallel campaign dramas - MSNBC
Romney, Clinton Win Michigan Presidential Primary - Fox
4 hurt in Sderot rocket barrage - Ynet
Can government turn the economy around? - John W. Schoen
Ms. mag and facts about the Middle East - Andrew Silow Carroll
Trade's fleeting high tide - J.T. Young
Yeah, It's The Economy - Washington Times
Iran Continues to Provoke - James Lyon
Talking Turkey - Crucial Turning Point In Country's History - Tulin Daloglu
Religion, spirituality impact patients' healing, scientists say - Rebecca Rosen Lum
Misplaced Faith - Cal Thomas
My Way News - Bush Talks to Saudi King Over Oil Prices
Bush seeks stronger ties with arms deal - Yahoo! News
Saudi prince may come to Citigroup's rescue - U.S. business- msnbc.com
Japan poised to rescue Wall Street banks - Times Online
Christian News Reported from White House Focusing on Israel
The Great Conspiracy
THE LIGHTBRINGERS: The Emissaries of Jahbulon (History of Freemasonry)
Clinton on Bloomberg Television
The Democratic Debate in Las Vegas
Mitt Romney's Victory Speech
Thompson, Morris, Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel on Michigan; Economic Stimulus
3 Winners, but No Anchor for Republicans - New York Times
Power Line: Mitt Romney, Ronald Reagan, and the Election of 2008
Ruth Marcus - Parsing Tsunami Tuesday - washingtonpost.com
Barack & Hillary, it's white men you ought to worry about
RealClearPolitics - Articles - On to South Carolina: An Opening for Fred?
Death of the Bush Doctrine - The Boston Globe
Drezner: Improving U.S. Image | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com
Analysis: For Romney, 3rd Time's A Charm, CBSNews.com's Vaughn Ververs: Michigan Win Gets Romney A Seat For Wild Ride Ahead - CBS News
Romney's Michigan victory muddles the GOP race. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
Byron York on Michigan Primary on National Review Online
On the Michigan Results
The GOP's Beautiful Chaos
Dems Double Down on Iraq
RealClearPolitics - Articles - In Contrast to Obama, Hillary Plays the Race Card
Commentary » Blog Archive » McCain’s Failure in Michigan
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Stimulus Will Be Unneeded or Too Little
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bill Kristol: Enemy of the People
He May Be Unwelcome, but We’ll Survive - New York Times
Terror suspects are waging 'lawfare' on U.S. | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/16/2008
The Unbearable Inanity of Tim Russert - Yglesias
Editorial: Romney's economic optimism prevails in Michigan primary
Romney's one-state strategy is tenuous
ReviewJournal.com - Opinion - EDITORIAL: Obama best choice for Democrats
EDITORIAL: Obama best choice for Democrats
No Standard Bearer - WSJ.com
Romney victory scrambles GOP field - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Bill Clinton paints Obama as 'establishment' candidate | Nevada Appeal | Serving Carson City, Nevada
Romney did well in most GOP demographic categories
Democrats Downplay the Race Card - TIME
Democratic Presidential Rivals Discuss Race in Debate - WSJ.com
Live Coverage of the Michigan Primary
Complete debate transcript
The State of the Stimulus Debate - WSJ.com
The Education of Ben Bernanke - New York Times
Fed's Communications Effort Blew Up in Its Face: John M. Berry
A More Flexible Work Contract in the Offing
Bloomberg News Video
Wall Street Journal Video
Economics Blog : Fiscal Stimulus: The Menu
Michigan Primary: A Graveyard for Reaganomics? - Capital Commerce (usnews.com)
Boeing 787 May Be Delayed Again - News & Analysis - Transportation - GLS - BA
Quadrangle to Manage Bloombergs Wealth - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
High-tax Britain booted from club of 'free' economies
Robert J. Samuelson - Lollipop Economics - washingtonpost.com
Tax cuts vs. tax rebates - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
A Slowdown Won't Slay Inflation Dragon
Recession Theorists Confront Recession Reality: Caroline Baum
What to Expect When You’re Free Trading - New York Times
The Revolution (May Take a While)
Questions for Citigroup's Former Chief
Too Big to Succeed? - WSJ.com
Bush's Big Boo-Boo - Forbes.com
Smooth New Europe’s entry to the euro
Economics Blog : Summers Testimony on Fiscal Stimulus
Up and Down Wall Street Daily - Barron's Online
From "2-and-20" to 2.50%: How the Investment World Has Changed
Dismal Science Sees Upbeat Future - Forbes.com
TheHill.com - Rove previews strategies against Clinton, Obama
Clinton Plays Flight Attendant
James Hibberd - Update: Fox Pleased Despite 'Idol' Ratings Dip - TVWeek - Blogs
Gas, Food Spur Inflation Jump in 2007: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Mich. GOP Congratulates Wrong Candidate
YouTube - Romney: I Read Drudge Several Times A Day
TheHill.com - Huckabee about-face on smoking
My Way News - Attention Shifts to S.C., Nevada
Bradenton.com | 01/16/2008 | Clinton, Obama spar over Florida
wbztv.com - N.H. Primary Democratic Re-Count Under Way
Angry Judge Doubles O.J. Simpson's Bail
Microsoft seeks patent for office 'spy' software - Times Online
Bill Clinton paints Obama as 'establishment' candidate - USATODAY.com
Martin Luther King Jr.'s son says Clinton erred with statement - The Boston Globe
Scientists develop computer that can 'translate' a dog's bark | the Daily Mail
Obama Pledges Support for Animal Rights
Ex-Lawmaker Charged in Terror Conspiracy
British Muslim computer geek, son of diplomat, revealed as al Qaeda's top cyber terrorist | the Daily Mail
Tom Cruise: Church of Scientology Claims Copyright Infringement
Oral history: The Monica Lewinsky scandal ten years on - Times Online
Japanese robot walks like a monkey
What Obama Likes About Reagan
Clinton Talks About the Economy
Giuliani: "Jumpstart"
Huckabee on "Morning Joe"
Edwards on KRNV
Romney on "Morning Joe"
McCain: "Tied Up"
Two Obama Nevada Ads
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Thompson on "Hannity & Colmes"
Nevada SEIU Members for Obama
Dick Morris on Race and the Democrats
Clinton Debate Highlights
Obama Debate Highlights
Edwards Debate Highlights
Romney's Victory Speech
Latino Leaders in CA Endorse Obama
Gallup's General Election Matchups
Campaign Stop: Giuliani in Fort Myers
Edwards Advisers on MSNBC
Obama: "Hope" and "Something is Happening" En Espanol
McCaskill on Endorsing Obama
Thompson Says McCain Betrays the Reagan Coalition
Rep. Clyburn on Charlie Rose
Thompson in Aiken, SC
Banks Losses Exceed Assets
Doctor Alleges Plan To Microchip Babies
NH Republican Recount Is On
Ex-Lawmaker Charged With Funding Al-Qaeda
GAO Questions Report On Iraq
White House Recycled E-Mail Tapes
Al-Qaeda's Top Cyber Terrrorist
Steroid Tests For High School Students
Russian Media Covers Ron Paul
Republican NH Recount Still Possible
Chertoff: Europe Poses Terrorism Threat
Recount Albeit Limited Goes Ahead
Experts Challenge DHS Strategy
Ron Paul's Strong 4th Place In Michigan
UK: ID Cards For Foreigners In Three Years
Transit Panel Urges Gas Tax Hike
Hospitals Tagging Babies With RFID Chips
Merrill Lynch Under SEC Investigation
7-Year Plan Aligns Europe With U.S. Economy
Facebook: The New Look of Surveillance
A Growing Foreign Stake in U.S. Banks
USDA Recommends That Food From Clones Stay Off the Market
Microsoft Seeks Patent For Office Spy Software
Bogus Iran story was product of Pentagon spokesman
VIDEO: Monkey Mind-Controlled Robot
Do U.S. pandemic plans threaten rights, ACLU asks
Our Rulers Are Compiling Digital Evidence Against You
Greenspan Hired By Hedge Fund That Made Billions Shorting the Subprime Market
Recreational Drugs Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed Drugs
2007 Wholesale Inflation Takes Worst Jump In 26 Years
Neocon Gun Grabbers: Second Amendment Allows Restrictions
VIDEO: Olbermann accuses U.S of trying to FAKE new Gulf of Tonkin
FDA says clones are safe for food
US drafting plan for government access to any email or Web search
"LifePrint" Unveiled
The man who knew too much? The truth about the death of Hillary Clinton's close friend Vince Foster | the Daily Mail
WorldNetDaily: 7-year plan aligns U.S. with Europe's economy
U.S. To Study Morgellons Disease
Somber Fed Says Economy Has Lost Punch
Did Ron Paul Break Faux News?
The Future of Coitus: Life-Long Loving with a Sexbot - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Navy exempted from California sonar curbs
Republican candidates look to South Carolina
Islamic charity indicted for ties to terrorist
White House e-mails 'may be lost'
Clinton, Obama battle for upper hand in Nevada
Friend of Marine on the run: 'He's like MacGyver'
Pentagon Moves to Blunt Gates' Rebuke of NATO Allies
Gates faults NATO forces in southern Afghanistan
Court upholds New York's judicial nominee system
Report: CIA lawyer says tapes were destroyed without approval
Ga.: Perdue Pushes Tax Cuts
Police hunt suspects after two officers gunned down
Draft Dobbs group emerges
Police: Evidence links Georgia murder suspect to NC slayings
DC Employee Arrested for Illegally Selling Drivers' Licenses
Search for More Avalanche Victims Halted
Legal fight continues for access to cell phones, car owned by ...
300 in New York's Fighting 69th headed for Afghanistan
US Concerned About Possible Terrorist Threat From Europe
Bill Clinton Visits Bay Area, Stumps For Wife
Fresh protests as Kenya crisis grinds on
Bad Reviews for Bush in the Mideast
Google News - World
Australia Steps Up Pressure on Japan Over Detained Anti-Whalers
Bombing Marks End of Sri Lankan Cease-Fire
Sri Lankan Bus Hit by Mine Blast, 26 People Killed (Update6)
Pakistan Fort Overrun by Militants
British Council caught in a real life 'absurd episode'
Israel's Olmert hit by coalition blow
Israeli Troops Kill Islamic Jihad Commander in West Bank
Qassams pound Sderot; IDF kills 5 in Gaza
Queen worried about Dodi-Diana union, butler says
Diana's 'rock' prodded and mocked
Female Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 8 North of Baghdad
Blast kills 3 on Beirut road next to US Embassy vehicle
Cuba's Castro says too weak to speak in public
Total found guilty in 1999 French oil spill case
British prostitutes slain in killing spree: court
Pope cancels trip to Rome university amid ire over remarks
Bhutto's Husband Says Campaigning Has Become Dangerous
France gains military presence in Persian Gulf
French make serious move into Gulf
South Korean President-Elect Seeks to Scrap Unification Ministry
UN says had asked Algeria for more security
Losing Kabul: A Bombing's Legacy
Clinton vs Obama: Management Style
Truce had little impact on black vote
Democratic Candidates Target Economy in Nevada
Forget the White House, Clinton eyes America’s Next Top Model
Rudy's Florida strategy
Thompson goes on the attack
Huckabee, Thompson debate over who's more conservative
Clinton battles 'uncommitted' in Michigan
Clinton, Obama cast their feud aside
McCain Stands by Rebel Flag Stance
SC will test Obama's crossover appeal
Ad Hawk: John Edwards 'Challenges Media Frame of Two-Person Race'
Okla. senator endorses McCain
McCain wins Montcalm but it's Romney in Ionia
McCain camp challenges mailer's claims